Page 1: Sample Position Paper - Somalia SOCHUM 2012

Isis Tse, Member of the Somali Delegation, SOCHUM 2012

General Disposition

Since the leadership of President Mohammed Siad Barre in 1969, Somalia has based its foreign policy on scientific socialism and has aligned with China and the Soviet Union. The Somali government also receives financial and military support from several Arab countries.

Somalia’s foreign policy has centered on gaining international recognition, winning international support for national reconciliation, and obtaining international economic assistance. The state will continue to strive for the upholding of peace and sovereignty by pursuing an active foreign policy.

Dealing with women's rights violations

Though women’s rights are not technically violated in Somalia’s legislation, not enough protection for women is given based on the societal beliefs in the country. Under the civil system, men who wish to take more than one wife must obtain authorisation from a district court of justice. Authorisation is granted if the first wife is ill or sterile, has been imprisoned for more than two years or has been “unjustifiably absent” from the marital home, as well as in the case of “social necessity”, which is not defined.

There are laws prohibiting rape; traditional approaches to dealing with rape typically involve making “arrangements” between the clans of the victim and the rapist. Such arrangements rarely take into account the situation of the victim. This leaves women in a precarious position as rape victims are considered to be “impure” and are subjected to social discrimination. Moreover, women living in camps for displaced persons continue to be particularly vulnerable to sexual violence. There has been a recorded increase in the number of gang rapes, primarily in poor neighbourhoods and among immigrant populations.

Female genital mutilation is common in Somalia and infibulation, the most dangerous form of the mutilation, is still practised, despite the policy established by the government in 1972 to eradicate it. However, this action prompted strong social resistance.

The Somali delegation will continue to strive for the empowerment of women and the protection of their rights when debating this issue. The state hopes to uphold the equal the legal status of women and discourage societal prejudice. Somalia is working towards female advancement in all its institutions, especially in its social policy. By reducing societal discrimination against women, their rights can be better protected, allowing for positive effects for the affected population and all citizens of Somalia.

Safeguarding human rights in prosecuting counter-terrorism policies

Since 2003, an independent jihadi network with links to al-Qaeda has risen in Somalia. The group murdered four foreign aid workers in a relatively secure area of Somalia, between October 2003 and April 2004. Western governments, led by the U.S., responded to the threat of terrorism by building up Somali counter-terrorist networks headed by faction leaders and former military or police officers, and by cooperating with the security services in Somalia. The strategy has netted at least one key al-Qaeda figure, and as many as a dozen members of the new jihadi group are either dead or behind bars.

Page 2: Sample Position Paper - Somalia SOCHUM 2012

Despite these successes, counter-terrorism efforts are producing growing unease within the broader public. Few Somalis accept the threat of terrorism in their country, and many regard the American-led war on terrorism as an assault on Islam. There has been a lack of public support for the counter-terrorism policies and instead, growing cynicism and resentment at the intervention of foreign powers.

Militants have responded by assassinating at least a dozen Somalis working for Mogadishu’s Western-backed counter-terrorism networks. Meanwhile, an Ethiopian intelligence network hunts Islamist militants and insurgents among Somalia’s small, fearful community of Oromo migrants and refugees. .

A successful counter-terrorism campaign requires more engagement with the broader public, including civil society organisations and more moderate Islamist groups. Somalis must be persuaded not only that some individuals guilty of terrorism are indeed in their country but also that the counter-terrorism agenda does not involve subjugation by factional or foreign interests. The resolutions passed in SOCHUM must keep in mind the possible backlash of the Somali citizens and try to reduce the violent responses associated with counter-terrorism. This delegation hopes to be able to safeguard all human rights and create a more peaceful state.

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