Page 1: SAVINGS · TORRANCTB T-TTIRATJX Torraneo. California— THURSDAY, JUNE i). PAINTING PAPERHANC1NC "Bob" Richhart ITF1 ————"th Tbrrnricer Since 1517



————"th Tbrrnricer Since 1517 _• Artistic Workmanship• Best Quality Materials• Reasonable Prices

| Estimates Cheerfully Given"1811 GRA'MERCY AVENUE

Phone Torrance 71

Sixth Graders

School HomeCoiilinuM; Fair May Marry

_ _—rLeagtuTTennis

In I lml »l-en-jthe—t-ase—prpnVpted-C'lty JudROT*1" 1'" !••* " f Robert Lc.ssinE to release Victor!."1 "' 1 '

'radi -youngs tors at tho| Extonuatins! Eknii-ntary—miliool

.- uf tin- bit; thrill

€-——PistolClub * Holds Annuaf


Townsend Club" """"ActivttiesBy BETH PAIGE ;

lobert LcssinR to release Victor'. 1 "" 1 v " ' u '"" ° 1.11 ol lom Mr and Mrs T.M , , „., -,--,; , , „ . mnlches plave.l durlm.' the past ' " '' ' '" acheco, >„, of l^dondo Loach SM ,(,n The' Tartars lost to San nntl daughter Erlln,

itocly :ol friends after ivtln.'s Pii-ales who walked off | terday or

--hat ls;, 7.v,,,,..,:,|,| MnnPl.f ti lrl ''

a | with top h c. n 1. trri'lncrtl'~lliii'(1, h .. Ton-nncp_iiiul Sa

Ted Slnmnson left yes-

motor trip to the-s. Narbonne ! Cripple Ci•ing lost to T1 ,,,v ,, VI ,I'edro. Car

id El .Sogund

Ninety-thrro !,„•:,I n tended the .annual dn hip of the Tun-am,

cTthePraw PokerjGames at the

last Friday ,,.,:.., »..,-"| Th,. Krioiselers^eft for Detroit I loll was elected vice,.... -us Cn'l mbi rnm-i~i by "'"'" •Sl""1 ' live wcck-s airor.-the—pfcrtoh—group, su

«• -y whi- AI- \L'i»itoi AI' tl ' 1 ' l""'l' h "--ii »K they Percy Hemiett, and Ton - , '^a|J- 0 drove-leisurely to KanHas- City, was named svcrclary-tt iu polite re- | M|ssour|) whc. lv -they

with—Mrs, -Kneisoler's

fallinrAlhPeoptel~€alliirg At People!


:c~lr~oehiptos through the building hile spectators .stand and -nsely watch the playing f a hand of jreker, and

Open 1 P. M. Daily Close 2 A. M.

15331 So. Vermont Phone Gardena 5B11

.listrlct.-eoloradorfelub -Tuesday They exiiecl to go on to tl"> I Auditorium and Black Hills in South Dakota b< fore returning home.

Two stun,.- told by members"—--=-^-u- lentsal-' last -wook pleasingly illustrated —

wot- of a Townsend merit- j eard. *!l .station attond-

I'rincipal Mi-rl i-ullimenleil.

Seen Near j Agapito Residence

Mr. and Mrs. (). VVTHmlson,I75:i Anuroo avenue, were Sun- Jay visitors ajl Sherwood Lake.


the Civiteam pros»ntod with the Ur. i but iin| Aldon W. Smith trophy for scor-1 belated d ing the most points during thyear and t'apt. John ~3i olr.cted president of th the third term,

_ _!The-—Civiliied of William H. Staim<

d tlmt-tlii'.v- thelr places IMinsilHlily— iieir fathers

illy jjnmin.-; up uni ; liii|M.rl:inl!"-——~"~

ii'i-.s HI thi.s sixth .1-0 Miv, Jiilint Youn

Lomitan Files to Settle-Estate

Youth's Case Givenl>''tition-ecl Los f Juvenile Coiirt

ttiorlOl 1

M. Cljency, 2117 L'-l2nd | imitii. •mi nly

from there. they_.Avcnt to Colo-—for lfis~:'vu7aT~3oios which" were ,\,, ':',,,'„ i>,<-Ton-amv •IWiiHi-nd- rado .Sprlngsrtotho Grand pin-| accompanied by Tom Ulrieb and : ,-,-,'ier Hi '"::'.. who i-.yon, then to Bould

Llovd. =»t»rm

ot_admim_U^A—1-7-yoar-old Walteria boy fe—of—hei''J who - wan- 'arrested by Officers I. Worden,.! Haslam and Tolson early Sun- j Cash and! day morning for Vioinr: dnink-.m.l


LHarbor Chambers _S^..^ rGardena Tonig-ht—I—

othnotified. -Monday morning- hoi. plead guilty to the charge before i '____

—— ~-- •••-——-———-"-' City .Iud;;e Robert Lossing and:' lludoiriluliHTrsorToTlvir. and ^•E^V AKK1VALS | hi.s cusi- was turned over to ju- j Mrs. 1{. A. llulx-r, 14-14 Post

Gardena will be host to the! Two babies were born at Tor-j Veuile authorities. | Avenue, who lias been, attending ' a 'e-Harbor District Chambers ofjranee Memorial' hospital Tuos-1 •- —•—-———:——— j Turner's . Diplomatic school at Among the special guests pr< Commerce tonight at the dinner-;day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rid-j SCHOOL HEAD LEAVING Washington^ D. C. arrived home sent wen- Mayor and Mrs. Wil session beginning- at 0:30 o'clock Vy, 22201 Main street, claimed j FYcdcriclc K, Marlinr Rodondo ' Tupsdayr: IT"—r-^---• •---- " 1 fjam H. Tolson, at- the VV'ednosday'-Progressive 1 !-' i!;iiighter~and Mr."and Mrs.'i"fi'each suporintondont'of schools,! " ' clubhouse,. Orchaul and IGlst-Vorn Diiiin, 837 220th street, I will take that position at Chit- street. . i i Keystone, :«" 220th street, Key-j next fall._

resident. Ii-vlng-P." Austin-of [Stone, pjon will . preside and thepal spuaJcer will ho Ed'1 BEST YJiSK.MITK ItOUTE I R

Fletcher, who will bring his par-' Mgtorists from the Southland j schools will gradual aphcrnalla for "testini; human'•ilanning trips to Yosemito Na- !

h .elemejitary

Mr. and Mrs. 6. A. Krrtwe. I C j. ' A 1553 El Prado, celebrated their ! Mt.;.., H silver wedding anniversary by : taking a trip tu the Grand Can-yon. They returned In•day:-—————— Ti:


5c Large orSmall

Flashlight .Batteries

deficiencies." A numbefof localjtional Park are 'advised that the residents are planning to attend, | best present route is through according to: the Chamber of I ?resno' and-Wawonar —

----- •-—--- .._.-_. J Attending the cliarter presen- t lltntloh dinner of the newly or- I'

lized Scutlr.\T:-;i "Los Angeles


j 1511 Acacia a 1632 219th , nouso j,,,,

" Safeway Ban^ Proclucf

•ations. We wore .very pleased _ Colden w-as

n guest at tile''gigantic meeting hold recently in the .Brel Hnrto school. An amusing report was

. lloadi|Uar- hall but tbo

the day be-

Uot-.i SIIOliT AM) SN'Ari'V

er Birda.Uikiug

C. \\hyt II; irry M. Ah- ,|e and Tor- !

J ads in The Herald! undergo treatment for lot .of punch. Head I trouble that has

__That Hius" t'hat'n' ly odorloi

• • EASTMAN • Verichvome FILMS

uNo.. 120 — 8 -Exposure .- No. 127^8 Exposure

116—8 Exposure. No. 118 — 8 Exposure. .

616 — 8 Exposure ..

.2Jc .23c


..41 c

. 32c


Were You Pleased_,_. .With Your Last Shoe Repair JFob?

* There's a world of difference between ancient cob­ bling methods and our modern, factory-like way of re-

-building shoes. NoLcontent are we to remain plodding old cobblers. Every day we seek to give you a better looking and wearing job than ever before. We do a neat factoxy^like—job—wUhotit-marrlTTf"yb"ur shoes orleaving big, ugly tacks showing. _ ___ __


it For the best shoe repairing in this or any other city bring your sh6os to ...

KEWNEY'S SHOE REPAIRING '• * 1308 SARTORI . . . Across from Sam Levy's

Patricia (ieiileco, 15 - year - old daughter of Mr. C. Dour

lliidi last

! Univenni. \Vi

I the cla

Pound Tin—Tobacco VELVET..................... .. 73'Large Tin—Tobacco UNION LEADER.

Pound Tin—Tobacco GRANGER ........ 69Pound Tin—Tobacco PRINCE ALBERT ..-'.. 73'

90 Proof Whiskey Bourbon KENTUCKY M*PRIDE..... ............. .."..Pt. i 3

Humbolt Brand BEER..Coronado Brand BEER

Comrad 80 Proof GIN........ .... .....Pint

59'Rye or Bourbon Whiskey OLD $ fi 00QUAKER Pint A

'/2 pt. Whiskey 80 Proof i MORNING GLORY

The HAND That GRASPS ItMedicine is a potent weapon against disease but the hand that grasps it must be trained to respect its power. Only your physician should prescribe and his medicine should be com­ pounded by a skilled pharmacist whose integrity assures highest

_.„._.. ... standard drugs. Because of our es­ tablished reputation, many people prefer to entrust pre­ scriptions to the RB Cut Rate.





JUNE 23""-"-• -"-- -.--————-. ^^^^



n of Torrance .boulevard, products as ••joss leaders," am •d hpino-todiiy from -Tor-' ihjs practice has 'been contraryMcmonal hospital where ' to Sa lev. ay 's policy, deru-ejit u.-. appendectonjx. .. _T,,,. | llt ,,s( d..^,,,,,,,,.,,, jn ,„,,- J( ' k - . ...LI _____ l-fucting actual operations undo • and Mrs C \ Benzel 1 tllis P"Hcy is contained in the Anil.^.....':^-....'.^^^ : :.J following bulletin issued to divi-uosts Air. and Mrs. H. M. : slon »'»»»Bers ol gateway t.y „„ „ ,,.,.,.,„ „,,, ,!L. A. Warren, president of the

• Dam.

mil Mrs. Torranc.- Cand their nine-vear-oli

, 'I'orrain-o lloxio Ham will leave Tuesday o

laven, Conn., and othe cities. They will atteni

ntial festivities of Yal •ity graduates and alum •lels was a member o ss of I'Jl.'l.



L "•JG^- —— - \BOUT

i company:

. -. a pe.licy of m.t using, farm pro- 1' ducts as loss leaders. In the

future will you see that no farm • ', products are sold at less than •; 20 percent over your landed

1 warehouse cost, except to meet competition.

"When it becomes necessary to meet a lower price than that

• quoti-d by you, please get doc­ umentary evidence to support the meeting of competitive price-. It the lower pi-ire appears in -a newspaper advertisement, please get copies of it and mail it to me. if the price is made by the use of window posters or price cards, please have photo­ graphs taken by a local pho­ tographer and mail copies of those to me.

"This is of vital importance in carrying, out the policies which we adopted in good " faith" and. as a matter of fact, I see no reason why we should ever sell this type of merchandise on .my oilier basis as H'mattcr of goodbusiness." — •"

Ferry School Play Draws Big Crowd ;

A capacity audience enjoyed j the presentation of "Such a Night," mystery comedy given , by the Perry school graduating class this week. Principal Jit-own • di.rocted the production which used a number of girls in boys' narts because of the small num­ ber of boys in the class of 1038.

_lhe_sehool — orchestra— nddod — tm- the enjoyment of the program ; by. playing several numbers.

The cast of the play included: Margaret Chamber, Ixmise Whi.-- ler, Dorothv Ward, rharli.ttr 101- liott. Kaorn Hmada. Hevorloy Mitchell, Udi Imnianura, Shiio Nagaoka, Mildred Lambert, Mai -

their eastern Townsend clubs bygoing In il,,--l,«ri — rigidly in ————— llolel Ko.sslvil. —————

'1 her,' will l,,--a pjirtv-.-inrt- -rmr • ——— —— - li-.-l.mi-nts a! on: ball tonight.

The birthday pan.v will bo held " "'''•'

m,-mber ot the ".Inno .fiati;!Jilty^__._ ...

here will be a gift for vol.Mrs. Lulu Kent is taking a tri to Colorado, and t'heiefore wi i" 1 '^ tin- ("invotitlnn. - |.'rnm he state w<' hear of four tralnliuid of dolegati-s being mad,- up an three from Pennsylvania.

l!i.(.ISri-:ii LOCATIONKesidenls of Precim-ts No.

and 2. on the west -,i,l,- of T,n ranco, may i-iri.-t,-r i,, vote a -IIUI Ton-am-,- boulevaid. Mrs 11. I. liorors, depmy logislrai





Coliunbia Sheets Used Exclusively

Torrance Sheet Metal Shop

Kobt. T. AIcCiilluiu 1418 MARCELINA

j 1•




_. - 1 our pattt property

"n»fnt liM—— -your-- nan

"TTfal In--••Uicke re

he and hi• ranee wi

Little Rot

• Loekes. n fornia to\ along.

Thai lihandy pi

" 1-elVI'S, Wtlit-vival t -BIB To| next dpoi mouth-Do'

That .Irthe onlx_

, He has- ShrlnersV*" over his d

Tlmt T<the Torra

»,ng a wr, gold fish.

—— ttvr^tmrlr store & he can-4 that gold placed in

small bo\\

- That Mof the pr makes he sale and finest coi my 'potat has cvoi too, it l».

That l-'l — announccc

the proud

Don adop

" Tlmt T«of the Cl Store on supply ol sticks wh asking, ̂ a.

Although we do not have a complete stock of hardware and supplies as yet, our store Is open for business. Perhaps we can supply a few of your needs until our big opening on June 23. Watch for the announcement,

• GRADUATION SPECIAL •25% OFF oh all Genuine

ROOS CEDAR CHESTSWALNUT FINISH ... All Equipped with Lock~and Key $19.95 CHEST, $14.96 SAVE $4 99 $24.95 * CHEST $18.71 SAVE $624 $26.95 * CHEST $20.21 SAVE ^74* Equipped with Cuarclex Liner ami Moth Proof

Insurance Policy.


you got -II ice for si) Kastern u same pat


That Cl having hii modeled ;i

the platu live.


The To all the mi slder"- -Si

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