

VOL : 7 ISSUE: 1

Pg 2, 3 MIND SPEAKOngoing journey of shepherding a child.Positive Parenting


Pg 5 - 9VOICES


Pg 16, 17EVENTS



Pg 27, 28SPORTS


G. SelvarajSecretary & Correspondent

Role of Teachers in Imparting Value EducationA Peep into Criticism

A Teacher's ObligationA Candid TeacherA Thank you Note...& more...

Outreach ProgrammesThematic Observances& more...

Dear Teachers,

It gives me great pleasure to meet you

through the newsletter and to UNIQUE

share my thoughts. I appreciate the high

academic standards set by our schools. Realizing

the diverse needs of our students, you provide a

wealth of learning opportunities to them, to help

them discover their innate talents.

Children learn through a myriad ways. They learn a lot from everything

they see and experience. These learning experiences should inspire our

students to be creative and innovative. As teachers, encourage students to

be independent and proactive. They need to take initiatives and

contribute to the world.

Teach them to organize their ideas and to put them into practice. Allow

them to experiment and to innovate. Even if they don't succeed the first

time, it does not matter. Let students not be afraid of failures. Give them

the freedom to make mistakes. Education isn't how much you have

committed to memory or even how much you know. 'It's being able to

differentiate between what you know and what you don't'.

My appeal to you is to make your classroom atmosphere interesting.

Instill a love of learning in children as they are gifted with rich

imagination. Continue to encourage them to develop their innate skills as

well as teach them how to apply them creatively and purposefully. I

congratulate all the teachers who have shared their valuable thoughts and

ideas in this issue. Peer knowledge sharing is a powerful tool. This

sharing of knowledge will help you to find new resources for teaching.

May the New Year provide you with abundance of amazing

opportunities, beautiful moments and joyful experiences!

Environmental Conservation ProgrammesOutreach Programmes& more...

Royal Shit & Other Science Storiesby Dr. A.P. Jayaraman

Painting CompetitionTalents Aplenty & more

Pg 31, 32TAMIL CORNERAasiriyar, Sothu, Veruku Neer & more



UNIQUE 2018 | 02

Ongoing Journey of Shepherding a Child!

‘Our Children are our Inheritance'

The journey of parenting is a tender journey that demands much care and

commitment. Our lives would have been ego-centric before marriage. But

this journey can have a meaningful beginning only if we move forward with

the willingness to lead pair-centered and then child-centered lives. Let me just

put forth 2 questions:

1. How old am I as a Parent?

2. How old am I as a Healed Parent?Definitely, our biological age is different from our age as a Parent and here I specifically insist on being a 'Healed Parent'. It is indeed a pre-requisite for shepherding a child or being worthy of fulfilling our responsibilities genuinely for our kids.'Is not everything fine with me?' or 'Do I need healing?' may be the questions arising in our minds. Here is a checklist that helps us decide if we need healing.

1. Inner rawness and Irritability: it's easy to become irritable with others, even if they aren't doing anything


2. Little or no tolerance: there is a low tolerance issue with others, where you expect and demand from them.

3. Feelings always rising up: feelings of anger, hate, resentment, etc. seem to "rise up" within you at the

slightest offence from others.

4. Overly sensitive about an event in your past.

5. Hard to forgive and to feel loved: it becomes very difficult, if not impossible to love and therefore forgive

others. It can also be hard to forgive and love yourself.

6. Easily frustrated: because an inner turmoil that an inner wound causes, it is easy to become easily frustrated

with everyday chores and responsibilities.

7. Escapism: as a result of inner turmoil, it is easy to desire to escape or suppress reality. This can be in the form

of overeating, drinking, smoking etc.

8. Perfectionism and Irrational expectations of others: somebody who has been wounded may set high

expectations for themselves and those around them. In a nut-shell they may be performance driven.

If we experience any of the above mentioned tendency, it is evident that we need healing. The following are few

strategies of healing:

ü Being honest with ourselves

ü Sharing our painful experiences with someone who is trustworthy and non-judgemental

ü Humbling and accepting ourselves with limitations

ü Making genuine efforts to forgive others and our own-selves

ü Being at reality

ü Choosing to use positive thoughts, words and deeds

ü Imagining a healthy natural scenery

'How we respond to the painful situations of life is a BIG deal'Once we are healed, our journey with our child/children can be very meaningful and fulfilling! Healing is also an ongoing process. Let us not take parenting for granted. It is the noblest calling of shepherding our tender inheritance who is dependent on us for a considerable number of years. Let's Control, Coach, Counsel and Care for them with commitment.“Healing doesn't mean that there is no damage in our lives; It means that the damage no longer controls our lives”!

Mrs. J. JuanitaSBOA School CBSE Based, Madurai

UNIQUE 2018 | 03


A charcoaled black board where

spaces are created by contrast

white strokes;

A hi-tech board that processes

and reproduces humongous


With exceptional visuals and graphics,

Are just the base metals that couldn't change into


Without the touch of an alchemist who have


The 'art of transmuting metals'.

They are like the butterflies that

flapped its wings

At the right time and space,

I n i t i a t i n g a

hurricane called


The word parent means a father or mother. Then it is obvious that the act of being a

mother or father is known as parenting. However parenting is always evolving as

time changes. As cultural practices and social norms keep changing there should be

a change in our parenting style also.

To teach about positive parenting let me make use of the word as an LEARN

acronym. The first letter . Love should be unconditional, that is L LOVEstands for

we should build strong bond with our child. We must show our unconditional love to our children.

The second letter stands for . Children are not designed to be used. We must be in a position to E EMPATHY

execute whatever we say. That is remote parenting will never work out. Instead it should be hands on. There is a

difference between sympathy and empathy. Empathy is to understand and to be with them.

The third letter of the word refers to Accept with Affection. When you know that there is a disappointed child , it is A

important to pour in your affection. It could be through a simple touch, a hug or even just sitting with them.

The fourth letter of the word represents Role not the Rule. The role refers to the role of the child at home, as a son or R

daughter to the parents, as a brother or sister to the siblings, as a grandchild to the grandparents, etc.

The last letter of the word N refers to No Negatives. That does not mean we should say only 'Yes' to

whatever the child is saying or asking for. It means saying ‘No’ for valuable reason.

Sometimes we can act as a role model and talk to them about how we dealt such issue during our

childhood. The moment they realize that they are capable of handling crucial situations, we are

creating empowered children. So the next time, your child faces a problem, don't take that problem

as yours, and instead let them handle it. Let them come up with their own coping mechanisms and

coping skills to handle the problem; just be there around them to help or support if they are

really in need of it.Mrs. V. Ambujam,

Principal,S.B.I.O.A. Matric, Trichy


Mrs. Shanthi Rajendran,Dept. of Chemistry

SBIOA Matric, Trichy

Teacher's Pen

For classes III to V, homework can be given for 3

subjects per day. Home Assignments can be based

on fun activities such as puzzles, colouring,

creative writing, on their hobbies and family. For

classes VI to VIII, homework can be sent for 4

subjects (Maths is compulsory on all days). Data

recordings based on daily life activities such as

Temperature details of their districts from daily

newspaper, carrying out simple science

experiments at home and consolidating the results etc.

Dr. M. PorkodiSBOA CBSE, Madurai


To promote language skills, get kids reading. Reading promotes

vocabulary growth, higher order thinking skills,

exposes kids to new concepts and culture, heightens

communication skills and raises the quality of life.

Assignments in Math should reflect real life.

Going to shops, counting money, folding towels

into shapes, dividing eatables among the members

at home etc. To learn Science and Social, hands-on

experiments, exploring new places, surveying and

collecting data and interpreting them can be their tasks.

Mrs. Srividya Kannan

SBOA CBSE, Madurai

Making cardboard life-size images of plants or animals for a science

class homework provides the least understanding

of the chapter. Such activities are a waste of both

parent's and child's time, resources, and efforts.

Students love to have their choices open even when

it comes to homework assignments. For example,

any analysis could be submitted either by scripted

role-play in a classroom session or a brief

PowerPoint presentation. Lastly, avoid adding the

same creative magic to all the home assignments of various subjects.

Remember, repetition of ideas is the ultimate killer.

Mrs. K. Amutha Rani

SBOA CBSE, Madurai

To understand the topic 'Mensuration' in Math, ask students to find the dimension of each room in your house. Find the total area of each room and then the total built area of the house. To learn the ratio, ask the child to find the ratio of the ingredients used in the main dish of the dinner served to them in that particular day.To learn arithmetic, let the child make the purchase of the items from the departmental store or nearby shop and make the bill on their own and verify with the bill provided by the shopkeeper. High School students can be trained to find the cost of the items in the shop after the discount.To learn sentence making. students can be asked to write down a few sentences to thank God for the blessings they have received throughout the day. It will groom them with good habits.

Mrs. X.Sumathy Margaret,

SBOA Matric, Madurai

Home assignments should develop child's

explorative skills, enhance communication with

the family and inculcate library reference. Some

assignments could be planned as a pre-reading

activity or sharing information, which facilitates

in the introduction of the topic. Data collection and

newspaper reference would serve as a great tool.

Prior guidance and motivation will fetch better

response from the students.

Mrs. T. Kalyani,

Model Matric, Chennai

The need is to ensure that the concept is reinforced in a way

that it excites the students. For example, while discussing

the struggle during independence, the students

could be encouraged to bring stories of various

freedom fighters and share it in the class. They

could be guided to see documentaries based on that

time period decided by the teachers after extensive

research. They could use the knowledge to prepare

a short play for the Independence Day

celebrations. Until and unless they immerse

themselves in the activity, true learning doesn't

happen. Mrs. Shaifali Anup Krishnan


Home Assignment should be related to the content

taught in the class. The current events should be

connected to the content of the lesson. It may be

collection of data, specific news from Newspapers,

controversial news of the state or country or

society. The question should be framed in such a

way that the content which is taught in the class

kindles his interest towards the assignment topic or

questions to refer more sources and complete the

assignment. This kind of learning will help the students to

master the lesson.


SBOA Matric, Chennai

As a teacher of English, I feel a Home Assignment would serve its purpose best if the child is challenged to develop his/her creative skills by using the language and penning it to express his feelings. It could be in the form of a parallel poem based on what was done in class or an article dealing with the burning issues in society. It could also be a project based on the need to improve our surroundings or a book review of the book recently read. The teacher could highlight the value taught in every lesson and encourage children to present a PowerPoint Presentation based on those values thus reinforcing the values taught.

Mrs. Rashmi Kuruvilla

SBOA Matric, Chennai

UNIQUE 2018 | 04

UNIQUE 2018 | 05


When and where can this ‘Value Education’ take place in the life of a person? It should begin from home,

be buttressed by community and positively entrenched by one's school. The kingpin in the schooling

process is the teacher. If the teacher is personally committed to values and practices them in her life, it is a

foregone conclusion that her students will imbibe the qualities their teacher stands for. It

is for these reasons only, that these teachers who have a deep impact on their students are

remembered and revered. Therefore if values are to be nurtured in children, it is crucial

for teachers to become role models. Also, our country needs teachers with a vision – good

teachers make good schools and a good nation. Teachers are the real masons who lay the

foundation of a nation. They have to be competent and committed to their task of

building future citizens.

Teachers are often perceived as critics by children. So the thoughts on

criticism are expressed here with a hope of bringing a constructive

change. Criticism is not merely 'finding fault'. It is a corrective exercise

with a specific, good purpose. But often, criticism is presented in an unpleasant, sharp way that has many

hidden consequences. Many children of this generation are of high emotional vulnerability. Some of the

consequences faced are:

Hurting memories for many years |Self-Doubt and lack of self-confidence

Feelings of worthlessness | Isolation | Losing the joy of learning | Being rebellious

Loss of self-esteem etc.

Destructive Criticism has no justification. So, let's pledge to be a constructive critic aiming just at

the modification of the faulty behaviour or thought, with genuine respect for the purpose and the

person. Words used during criticism have to be firm, fair and friendly. This will enable the child to

be the recipient of beneficial outcome. Being a balanced critic is a real challenge. It is possible only

when the critics are personally healed from the effects of the destructive criticisms faced in their

lives. Wish you all a meaningful journey in the teaching process!Mrs. J. Juanita

SBOA School CBSE Based, Madurai

Teachers and parents have different views in allowing the children to access different gadgets. It could be

television, computer, internet or electronic medium for games etc., Some think it as a boon while for others it

is a bane that wastes time, energy and deviates children from education. Parents should

keep a close supervision and a tab on children. Children should be inspired to access

informative channels and programmes on T.V. more than the entertaining ones. Internet

surfing is a very useful tool in accessing online information within a few seconds to

upgrade one's knowledge. It also helps to keep pace with the latest news and information. It

is the duty of teachers and parents to direct the children to use modern gadgets wisely.

Streamlining the w i z a r d s

Mrs. G. SumathySBOA CBSE Based, Madurai


Mrs. Sujatha . R SBOA Matric, Coimbatore

Mr. Vincent. A SBOA Matric, Coimbatore

Interesting Facts That You Had No Idea About

1. Once Charlie Chaplin entered a contest for "Charlie Chaplin look-alikes" and he came in third.

2. Goats have rectangular pupils.

3. There is a species of jellyfish that is immortal (Turritopsis Nutricula).

4. Horseshoe crabs have eyes on their tail.

5. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

6. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

8. A duck's quack doesn't echo and no one knows why.

9. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue prints are different.

10. Hot water is heavier than cold water.

UNIQUE 2018 | 06

motionally, any form of Eseparation is like a surgery

being performed without

anaesthesia. The only way to cope is

by realizing, “Even when a person

leaves you in the physical realm, he

continues to remain yours in the

mental realm.” So, replay and relive

those memories. Life is full of

incidents, pleasant and unpleasant,

One such incident happened in my

life when I started my career as a

Geography teacher in 1994 at Park

M.H.S.School, Tirupur. The school is

located a little far away from Tirupur

– P a l l a d a m M a i n R o a d a t

Chinnakarai. Most of the higher class

students used to ride two-wheelers to

school. I used to wonder how parents,

school and the police officials allowed

the students to ride. One evening, I

was walking towards the bus stop,

after school. Two students, named

Arun and Sathyamoorthi of standard

7 and 8 respectively were returning

home on their two-wheeler. They

both waved their hands to me. At the

junction, a speeding truck hit them

“I hide my tears when I say your name,But the pain in my heart, still the same.”

and sped away. I ran towards them.

Both were severely bleeding and were

unconscious. I ran towards the

moving vehicles begging for help

with tears rolling from my eyes.

People gathered around, many

vehicles did not stop but I kept

shouting for help. One car stopped

and the person looking at the

condition of the children helped us in

taking them to Tirupur Government

H o s p i t a l . I t h a n k e d h i m

wholeheartedly. On reaching the

hospital, Doctors attended on them

immediately. Arun had severe head

injury while Sathyamoorthi had

severe leg injury. I was in the hospital

until 9.00 pm. Their parents and

relatives asked me to go home. My

dress was full of blood stains, though

washed.. I managed to reach home

and narrated the incident to my

family and cried the whole night. The

next day when I reached school, I was

informed about the demise of Arun

and the funeral to be held that

afternoon. But I did not have the

strength to attend that.

Days rolled on. Sathyamoorthi was

admitted in the P.S.G Hospital. He

had to undergo a major surgery on his

right leg. I visited him and consoled

his parents. After his recovery, he

started coming to school.

Years passed by. I joined SBOA JC in

1997 at Chennai. I used to receive calls

from my old students. Once I

enquired about Sathyamoorthi's

health condition and came to know

that he was no more. He had again

met with an accident near Tirupur

bus stand while riding a scooter. I was

speechless. I could only believe in the

D e s t i n y D e s i g n i n g o f t h e

Almighty…..This incident led to a

plethora of doubts in my mind.

Which society are we living in? Who

is to be blamed? ( Students / Parents/

Officials/ Institutions )

These memories are the only things

that remain the same, even when

feelings fade, places change and

e v e r y o n e w a l k


Mrs. JeevaSenthil,

SBOA Matric,


UNIQUE 2018 | 07

Emotional Quotient ( )E.Q.

Every student cries out for our attention

affection and approval during the

process of growing up. The moment the

child feels that he/she is loved and

accepted they turn their attention

to more construct ive and

productive work. But the child

who has not received it wallows in

emotional turbulence always.

We, teachers, take pains in raising

the IQ of students but forget to strengthen their

EQ. An emotionally strong child will be the best

gift we can give to the world. Here are a few tips

to increase the E.Q of the students.

Showering affection, showing kindness and concern, a smile, an encouraging

word, costs us nothing at all. It would not only make them confident but also

make a world of difference to every student.Mrs.Sharadha Ramamurthy


Ì Accept children with their strength and weakness.

Ì Smile at every student you see

Ì Address them by their name

Ì Enquire about them (Hi! / How are you?

How did the examination /competition


Ì Listen to their answers

Ì Pass positive comments as to how they

could improve themselves.

Ì Use words of encouragement and not mere

words of praise

Ì Instill confidence in them(You can do it, I

have faith in you, Believe, Try it out)

Mathematics rules the world in our daily life as the basis of all

sciences, technology, social sciences, medical services,

communication networks, financial systems, entertainment,

and leisure activities. Life without digital computers and algorithms

used in social media, maps, and weather forecast is unimaginable. The value of mathematics is undisputable that even

Napoleon said that there could not be a 'great nation' without 'great mathematics'.

Mathematic education inculcates values in students like accuracy, being systematic, rationalism, analytical thinking,

problem-solving, and subtly social and personal values. That is why Deepak Chopra said, "Mathematics expresses

values that reflect the cosmos, including orderliness, balance, harmony, logic, and abstract beauty".

On the other hand, the term ' Values ' is an integral part of Mathematics representing numbers signifying the result of

a calculation or a function. Have you ever thought of values, that elementary mathematics' operators (denoting the

symbol of a mathematical operation ) teach us on everyday basis?

Ranging from basic counting to advanced technologies, Mathematics enhances problem-solving

techniques, improves mental calculation, reasoning skills and life values, which can lead to life-long

success. “Valuing Mathematics will multiply values in your Life.”Mrs.Joicy Jose

SBOA, Ernakulam



+ ( Plus )

- ( Minus )

X ( Multiply )

÷ ( Division )

= ( Equal )






Keep adding worth to your life.

Delete negative things from Life.

Multiply your blessings.

United we stand, divided we fall.

All are created equal.

Hard work + Dreams + Dedication = Success

Daily Life - Bad habits = Happy life

Gratitude X Love = Contentment

Happiness = Reality ÷ Expectations

Men = Women

Value of Mathematics

When I started thinking of writing an article, my mind and

heart were involved in a debate and I kept wondering which

side to lean on. Then I realized that in our daily lives none of

us stick to our words nor do we have any set rules that we follow and if the

rules are set by others then we seldom follow them.

The biggest example is declaring a ‘PLASTIC FREE ZONE.’ It's better we

agree and accept that some TERMS can be defined in books but cannot be

followed or can be summed up to being hypocritical

Why do I say this? Because it's a feat that cannot be achieved on the first hand. Perhaps people can't even strain to

move a finger to make a ‘PLASTIC LESS ZONE.’

Little efforts can bring at least small changes and now I am including all the readers of this article with 'MY EFFORT'.

What are the changes required to eliminate the use of plastics or at least use less of plastics?

Let's get our statistics right. We start from a morning routine of an average Indian woman (be it a

mother, a working lady, housewife or an elderly lady).

1. Got up early morning, squeezed out toothpaste from plastic tubes and brushed with plastic brushes.

2. Washed face with plastic dispenser face wash.

3. Went into kitchen took out the plastic sieve for tea , boiled water in a vessel , opened up a cupboard full of plastic

storage containers some 25 of them with spices , cereals etc . that had been transferred from small packets from an

average 40 polythenes and also some 4-5 pouches cut and thrown away each day, that can bring the whole figure to 50

packets in 5 days, also add the bigger carry bags that come to hold these. If one person used 70 packets in 5 days, how

many would be used by a class of 50 children? Some 350 packets in 5 days. Now find the figure used by the total strength

of one school, multiply it by the total schools in a corporation limit and also calculate it by 365 days of a year?

Now that, we are too amazed at this calculation, let's remember it's just the figure that's calculated of one lady of the

house, if calculated as of each member of the family then we can just define it to be infinite. I decided to do away with


Day1Found out how many storage items in the kitchen are plastic, can't afford to throw away all at once. I picked

out 2-3 glass bottles though small in size of jams, honey, pickles.

Day 2 Transferred salt, sugar and tamarind to good old porcelain jars. (Barany).

Day 3When the honey, jam and pickle bottles are empty, they can be saved and gathered up to 12 bottles in 3


Day 4Put the glass jars for sterilization which is not possible with plastic ones. The labels easily came out with an

abrasive washing sponge. Now the spices are stored in them.

My little steps to a worldplastic-less

Once started, within a year, I could restore my kitchen with wooden, glass, porcelain, and metal objects. I practised

controlling my urge or craving to buy plastic materials to kitchen and even knives had wooden

handles. That may help the poor old blacksmith and old artisans too.

Never buy plastic lunch boxes either, even if those are of high-end companies advertising to be skin,

nature, eco-friendly.Last but not the least carry a cloth shopping bag neatly folded into the purse for

all times. These are the little steps that I have incorporated into my habits now. If ten more people

can make the 0.1% of difference, then that would make my effort look meaningful as I've done my

part of karma to not harm the beautiful earth and its atmosphere created by the supreme power


UNIQUE 2018 | 08

Mrs .SaritaSBOA, Ernakulum


Recently none of the Coimbatoreans would have failed to read this six into eight advertisement

in all the Tamil dailies. The sweet man of Coimbatore, thanking his 98-year-old teacher, and

remembering his teacher who might have taught him some 50 years ago. In this world where

people don't find time even to have a meal in a peaceful manner, being a very busy businessman, who is

one of the icons of Coimbatore, thanking a teacher who taught him some 60 years ago, is simply

remarkable. “Give your thanks to the needle that stuck in your finger, to wooden beam that you hit your

head, to the bee that stung you on your hand, because they taught you something!” , goes the quote and

that is how we learn and grow and nobody without a teacher can flourish. Can you think of a doctor,

engineer or anybody for that matter who has grown to that height without a teacher. A, B, C, D if you can read

this, please thank your LKG teacher. Even if you are a scientist, or a doctor you were not grown without a teacher.

Even Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam had a very good regard for all his teachers. That gratitude and

humbleness took him to the country's highest position. Great Philosopher Aristotle said, “I am

indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.” This implies the importance

of teacher in every walk of our life. When eating a fruit, think of the person who planted the tree.

Hence after reaching great heights, we ought to think of all the people who helped us to reach the

zenith, especially the teacher. Let's take a vow that at least from this year, we shall recall and

remember our teachers who taught us and to greet them not only on Teacher's Day but

also on every possible occasion.

Mr. T.SivaramLibrarian, SBOA, CBE

UNIQUE 2018 | 09

Ask the group to stand up and to form a circle. Everyone takes turns saying a number starting with 1, 2, 3

and so on. Of course, there is a catch. At every number with a 4 in it or a multiple of 4, that person needs

to say BUZZ instead of the number. The next person just continues the series as normal.

For example: 1 - 2 - 3 - buzz - 5 - 6 - 7 - buzz - 9 - 10 - 11 - buzz - 13 - buzz - 15 - buzz - 17 - … You can choose any

number that might be relevant and replace the buzz with another word. This game is great when

teaching time tables, or teaching how hard it is to do two things at the same time (thinking while listening for your


Classroom Activities


Assign several short written assignments in the first week, and then practice names (“Well done, Sasha”)

as you personally return papers.

Take photos of students wearing name tags. Review the photos before class. Attach student photos to

interest inventories so that you can relate faces with experiences and affinities.

Identify a unique physical feature and then think of a funny sentence involving that feature and the

student's name: Tim has a tiny tooth.

Create rhymes to aid your auditory and visual memory: Fred eats monkey bread.

Prioritize talking to a different group of five students every day for the first few weeks of school. Use their

names frequently during your conversation.

Greet students by name as they enter the classroom. Ask for help from learners whose names you cannot


When a student tells you their name, say it back to them and confirm that your pronunciation is correct.

Indescribable warmth spreads like a rainbow-

When a chorus of greeting, welcome me in the morning.

Children crowd me, all at once;

Eager to share the day's happenings.

Wait for your turn, when I say-

One by one they begin.

Stories go on and on,

Two ears aren't enough-to listen.

From bad dreams to a punctured tyre,

Quarrel with a friend and a lost eraser.

Visit to the Mall and about a toy,

So much to talk in a short span.

Tringgg!!!!!…….. there goes the bell-

Time to make a pause and to read well.

Alas! Their faces become gloomy, which makes me feel sorry.

'Will listen later' - My words bring back the lost cheer.

To listen, to watch, to ask and to


To teach, to play and to foster care,

I learn every day-

Children make my day - a happy day.

Oh! Little angels trust me to take them to the future,

Little do they realise, they nurture this TEACHER!


Fairness and Justice – two important componentsTo pick up on their strengths and eliminate their weaknesses.

Accessibility and Approachability – vital for a good teacherTo create a learning environment and thrive well.

Organisational skills along with stability and predictabilityTo run a classroom smoothly and productively.

Empathy – a valuable asset of a quality educatorTo guide the students when sensitive and vulnerable.

Curiosity – showing genuine passion and love for the careerTo induce and fascinate conceptual learning.

Expectations – promoting healthy sense of accomplishmentTo encourage them to reach for the stars and nothing less than their capabilities.

Communication – crucial for being an excellent educator and intense listenerTo articulate our expectations and to be able to examine situation and give solutions.

TEACHING is one of the most valuable occupationsFor, we shape young minds in their formative years.

Mrs. P.B.Kavitha SBIOA International


Mrs. Georgina PremkumarSBIOA Model Matric

Teacher inspiresStudents aspire

Teacher initiates Students imitate

Teacher motivatesStudents dedicate

Teacher encouragesStudents manage

Teachers teach, preach and practice their actionStudents learn and yearn for their teacher's attention

Teachers are magicians with magic wand Working on students through their loving bond

Motivating and Captivating Challenging and Channelizing Young minds to focusSo that they attain success

Sowing seeds of hope Making children copeNurturing their talents with careEncouraging them to share

Children become fearless and flawless And teachers enjoy the fruit of their success



A� �ObligationTeacher'sA teacher is the one whoWishes her students successWithout the slightest selfish motiveInstead with mere affection in abundance

When they are in pangsOf pure innocence and ignoranceA teacher's soft spoken words Comfort those tender hearts

Children do succumb to faults so trivialOften caused by their age of misguidanceA teacher does correct themWith a heart that deeply cares

Their love throbbing heartsInspire them to strive for goals And these are the reasons They adore them so fondly. Mrs. Sindhu Rajikumar


UNIQUE 2018 | 10 ExpressionsExpressions


THE�CRY�OF� ��When humanity dies,

Heaven becomes hell on earth,

Men are then sadists,

They relish in the pain of others,

Democrats become Dictators

Leaders transform to tyrants

Politician changes to beasts

Man succumbs to selfishness

They are but pests on the flesh

And Angels are interred in their souls,

Satan rules the heart

And men are but machines on earth,

Devoid of any humility,

For pretence remains in him,

He fails to see the suffering phase

Rejects the thought of humility,

Words are but sermons of the serpents

They are but embodiments of evil.

Man dies and Satan reigns

And when it tries to persuade us,

Human consciousness is but an illusion.

Wake up O! soul to see--

Thy reflection in the mirror

That reveals thy thoughts,

Arise Oh! Soul and not yield

To temptations of Hell

Let not the glory of men die,

Resurrect to gain the lost world

For you have walked too far,

Away from the world of bliss-- Let

Efforts regain that Paradise—That's

Become a myth on earth

For man is the creator

And the destroyer of HumanityMrs. K. MahalakshmiSBOA Matric, Chennai

Mrs. Beena JosephSBOA, Ernakulam

?In a neglected pond, a water lily slowly opened up its

white petals.

To see a backyard filled with

colour ; of Tulips, Orchids,

Dahlias, and Bleeding hearts

A visual grandeur in contrast to her

unappealing figure and colour

Bloomed by none and ignored by all, stood the lily aloof

but serene.

A swarming butterfly scorned the lily, “I loathe to

pollinate* such plain and stupid flowers.

But being beautiful I have to show some charity to

impress the world”

The lily stood as silent as ever, aloof but serene!

Prompt came a sparrow who gulped the fly and said

while perching on a nearby plant.

“Yes, I do agree, you are so silly but I spare you!”.

The lily stood as silent as ever, aloof but serene!

A snake uncoiled itself on the branch and swallowed the

sparrow in a swift move and boasted.“Could you imagine

the swiftness of my body and its power?

But you little lily, I also spare you!”

The lily stood as silent as ever, aloof but serene!

A group of humans pounced from nowhere, vandalized

the snake, the Tulips, the Orchids

And all the Dahlias and Bleeding hearts!!

The serene lily was also not spared as they

plucked it and tore it apart petal by petal!

The pond lay waste in dumb silence, as it

could not comprehend the newly emerged

rules of the game!

Or isn't there any rule at all?Mrs. Reshmi S Menon

SBOA, Ernakulam

All the way from the magical chamber of love,

The cozy room inside a wonderful woman I owe,

Respect, love, and love.

I call her maa, for identifying the unborn glee,

Which she felt supposing it's me.

While I threw my own pink flesh out

Of her mystery wall;

"Placenta broke !" , the doctors told.

Her beautiful eyes curled up, fingers tightened,

as I lead the way to a stream of hope.

She exhaled the pain and hours of cope ;

With the scary bright torches, scissors and


"It's a girl, " said the doc with green sleeves,

Holding me upside down swinging,

In his arms like Chinese chimes.....


UNIQUE 2018 | 11

This classroom game is more suited for the little kids.

Ask everyone to imagine two birds. One named “prrr”

and the other named “Pukutu”. If you call out “prrr”,

the students need to stand on their toes and move their

elbows out sideways. When you call out “Pukutu”, the

students have to stay still and may not move. If a

student moves, he is disqualified. This student may

distract the other students.

‘Prrr' and 'Pukutu'

Classroom Activities

“A is a compassteacher

that activates the magnetsof curiosity, knowledge, & wisdom.”

UNIQUE 2018 | 12


In the International Olympiad examination, Sanjay Surendran

of STD II of SBOA Ernakulam, secured Zonal Award and first rank in the

school level for General Knowledge Olympiad, Gold Medal in English

Olympiad and Maths Olympiad and Silver Medal in Informatics

World's Brand Award

In the special research based listing of 'The World's Greatest Brands &

Leaders 2017-18 - Process Reviewers Price Water House Coopers PL'.

SBOA School & Junior College won the Brand Award and this was featured in

Brand Asia One magazine and Leader coffee table issue in a summit on 9th May 2018

in Dubai. The selection was based on primary and secondary research across 15

industries in India, with scores from jury members, United Research Services

International and PwC.

Special Award

Principal of Mrs.Geetha Gopinath

SBOA Schools, Coimbatore was

presented with Vocational Service

Award by Rotary

Club of Aakruthi, Coimbatore.

Mr. A .KrishnanPresident

Dr. D. Thomas Franco Rajendra Dev

Secretary & Correspondent

Mr. M. ShanmughamTreasurer

Mr. T. SenthikumarCorrespondent


Mr. Joseph StalinCorrespondent

SBOA School, Madurai

A Prodigy

on your retirement

UNIQUE 2018 | 13

Stone Soup is a classic fable that

illustrates the value of community and

sharing: A poor, hungry man enters a

village and asks its inhabitants food,

but they do not give him any. He finds

a rock and tells the stingy villagers that

he will use it to brew up a pot of

delicious stone soup and that he will be

more than happy to share it with

anyone who contributes to it. Villagers

donate pots, vegetables, and spices for

the concoction, which the whole town

shares. Recreate this fable by asking

each student to bring in a particular

vegetable or other food items that can

be used to cook up a large soup for the

entire class. Note that this is also an

excellent way to weave in a lesson or

two about kitchen safety and nutrition.

Classroom Activities


Mr.Anwar Batcha , Dept.of

Tamil, CBE was honoured with

Thirukkural Ratna Award by

Saams Trust, Bangalore

Sangamam at CRI Auditorium,








Mr. G. Selvaraj

Dr. M. Indra, SHARPEN

, SBOA JCMrs. Nirmala Anand

, SBOA Matric, ChennaiMrs. Rashmi Kuruvilla

SBIOA Model MatricMrs. Georgina Premkumar,

, SBOA GlobalMrs. Linda Premkumar

SBIOA InternationalMrs. T. Subashiny,

SBOA Matric, CoimbatoreMrs. Mahalakshmi Vittal,

, SBOA Matric, MaduraiMrs. Sumathy Margaret

SBOA CBSE, MaduraiMrs. Juanita,

SBOA Matric, TrichyMr. Vijaykumar,

SBOA CBSE, TrichyMrs. Sukanya,

SBOA, ErnakulamMrs. Mary Tina,

Hearty welcome to our newly elected team of Office Bearers

Thirukkural Ratna


A widely cited 2007 study claimed that teachers greeting

students at the classroom door led to a 27 percentage point

increase in academic engagement. Greeting students at the

door sets a positive tone and can increase engagement and reduce

disruptive behavior. Spending a few moments welcoming students

promotes a sense of belonging, giving them social and emotional support

that helps them feel invested in their learning.

The first few minutes of class are often the most chaotic, as students transition from busy areas such as the hallway or

playground. Left unchecked, disruptions can become difficult to manage, but a proactive approach to classroom

management can help students get focused and ready to learn. Rather than address disruptive behavior as it happens,

proactive techniques—like greeting students at the door and modeling good behavior—reduce the occurrence of such

behavior as teachers and students build a positive classroom culture together.

Why do positive greetings work? When teachers use strategies like this, they help “establish a positive classroom

climate in which students feel a sense of connection and belonging,” the study authors write. In other words, when

students feel welcome in the classroom, they're more willing to put time and effort into learning.

Nonverbal interpersonal interactions, such as a friendly handshake or a thumbs-up, can help make greetings feel

authentic and build trust—as long as students feel comfortable with physical contact.

When greeting students at your door:

Ÿ Say the student's name

Ÿ Make eye contact

Ÿ Use a friendly nonverbal greeting, such as a handshake, high five, or thumbs-up

Ÿ Give a few words of encouragement

Ÿ Ask how their day is going

A welcoming classroom environment doesn't benefit students alone—it can improve the teacher's mental health as

well. All too often, teachers spend time and energy responding to misbehavior with corrective discipline, such as

telling students to stop talking or giving them a time-out. These may work in the short term, but they can damage

teacher-student relationships while doing little to prevent future misbehavior. Research shows that it can be beneficial

for student and teacher well-being to instead focus on creating a positive classroom environment.

The takeaway: Starting class by greeting your students at the door helps set a positive tone for the rest of the day,

promoting their sense of belonging, boosting their academic engagement, and reducing disruptive behavior.

Welcoming with a SmileStudents UNIQUE 2018 | 14











UNIQUE 2018 | 15

No one’s too old for compliments! This energizer lets students feel

better about themselves by sharing compliments. Each student gets a

paper on their back. Every student has to write down a compliment

on the paper on the back of every other student. They cannot miss a

single one. Afterwards the students can read their paper and all the

compliments they have been given.

, needs no introduction to our S.B.O.A family. He is the proud recipient of the prestigious Dr. A.P Jayaraman

Bhima Award for Children's literature. His book ' ’ is a fascinating fact-fiction Royal Shit and Other Science Stories

fusion story. The stories are crafted in a lucid style with an exceptional scientific touch and apt illustrations. They

are sure to stimulate imagination and investigation skills in a scientific manner among children. Science-based

fiction usually creates an illusion where the possibilities are limitless. But the stories in this book are more realistic,

laced with scientific news. The principle of osmosis and reverse osmosis is beautifully crafted in the story ‘Roman’.

The first story ‘Royal shit’ clearly brings out the scientific method of problem-solving, with evidence-based

conclusion with just a shit as the central theme. The story 'World Animal Tool Show' documents the tool using

ability of animals in an exceptional way. Teachers can use these stories to make their class lively.

Enacting the stories with proper modulation and narration will make the stories look more

appealing. The stories also give an idea that a science story can be woven without adding superlative

spices. They should be recommended for the students in order to break the customary style of

fiction in science. The book is the touchstone of author's passion for science and his creative

approach in propagating the scientific literature in children. It is published by the Indian

Development Foundation and will surely take its due place in our school library. Mrs. Padmapriya S.S.B.O.A Matric, Coimbatore.

Book ReviewBook Review

About The Author Dr. A.P. Jayaraman is a nuclear scientist-engineer who uses his passion for science to drive

path-breaking science communication initiatives in India. During his career as a scientist, Dr.

Jayaraman noticed the gap between science and the public and decided to propagate the cause of

making science more engaging for the non-scientific community. He founded the Academy

for the Advancement of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics)

stories, which focuses on creating awareness of the concept of using stories to communicate

scientific concepts. Dr. Jayaraman shares his views on science communication. Science

abounds in stories, Dr. Jayaraman says, and it’s up to us to make the most of them. He also talks

about the need to reform science education in India as well as the future of science communication

using alternative communication formats.

Royal Shit & Other Science Stories - Dr. A. P. Jayaraman

Greening Activities

In connection with the World Forest Day and World Water Day, the

Eco club of SBOA , Ernakulam initiated a graffiti competition, under

the guidance of Mrs. Reny Daniel, on the walls of the School Herbal

Forest on 24th March 2018, to promote environmental sensitivity

among youth. Students of class IX and XI participated in the event.

The competition was judged by popular freelance Artist and

Cartoonist Mr. Manoj Mathasseril and a cash prize of Rs.1000/- was

given to the winners. In commemoration of Chipkko Movement 50

tree saplings were planted by the teachers and students .

Seed Ball Preparation

Students of Std VII to IX of SBIOA CBSE,Trichy were

involved in preparing seed balls on 11th April'18. Members

of Kudumbam Farm House (Organic Farm near

Pudukkottai) guided the students in the preparation.

Students were divided into groups of 10 members each.

Then they were asked to make seed balls with the help of

the soil brought by the farmers. At the end of the session all

the seed balls were collected and were made to dry in a

shady place and later they was given to the students for

dispersal. The whole process was made into a short film by

three Swedish students (doing their internship) who were

also present on the day.

Awareness Drive

An Environmental Awareness Programme was conducted for the students of Std IX of SBOA Matric, Madurai on

16th April'18. Mr. AdhiNarayanan, Environmentalist, addressed the students on Preserving Nature. Students

pledged to save the environment. Students also planted palm seeds on the bunds of the Mailanenthal pond.

Farmer's Market

Students of Grade III to V of SBIOA CBSE,Trichy were taken to

Farmer's Market (Uzhavar Sandhai) on 13th April '18 and 18th April'18.

Though it was a hot summer day, the children were happy to explore the

busy market scenario. They were enriched with knowledge of different

types of fruits and vegetables. They were also informed about the

fluctuating cost of fruits and vegetables due to seasonal changes.

Beat Plastic

5th June is celebrated as World Environment Day. The UN gives

targeted specific themes every year for sharing common interests. The

theme for the year 2018 is BPP or “ .” Students of Beat Plastic Pollution

SBOA JC sang a song urging everybody to heal the world. Students of

class VIII planted saplings to practically demonstrate the idea of “Go

Green”. Students presented an Informative skit in their class room about

a safe and green planet. The day concluded with a lot of ideas, oaths and

promises for saving our planet and sharing our resources with the future



UNIQUE 2018 | 16

UNIQUE 2018 | 17

Nature’s Day World Environment Day was

observed on 5th June at Matric, Chennai. SBOA

Students spoke in the assembly on conserving our


Conserve Nature

At SBOA Global school. Various activities were

organised to create awareness on the theme "Beat

plastic pollution."

An Oath to Protect

At SBOA Ernakulam, on World Environment Day the Eco

Club was inaugurated. Students spoke about the importance

of World Environment Day, and the UN theme of this year

'Beat Plastic Waste' in the assembly. Students of standard

VIII took an oath to keep the nation clean and to combat

against single use plastic waste. The Principal also planted a

neem sapling to mark the day.

World Environment Day

World Environment Day was observed on 5th June, 2018 at SBOA

Matric, Madurai on the theme 'Beat Plastic Pollution'. Students took

out a rally which was flagged off by Correspondent Mr. A. Senthil

Ramesh, with a special green flag. The day began with the tree

plantation drive. A cultural progamme was presented by the students of

Class IX in the form of songs, speech and quiz on how to avoid plastic

pollution in the assembly. Students came out with various new ideas.

Finally teachers and students took an oath to save environment.

SBOA CBSE Madurai organized a rally on World

Environment Day on 'Eradication of Plastics'.

Grow Plants

Students of SBOA Coimbatore planted saplings on World

Environment Day. Correspondent Mr.G.Selvaraj also planted

a Mahagony tree in the School campus and created awareness

among children on the importance of green cover. Students

organized tree plantation campaign in the school premises.

Essay writing and drawing

competitions were also

c o n d u c t e d . P r i n c i p a l

Mrs.Geetha Gopinath

addressed the importance of

growing plants and urged

students to plant or donate

sapling on their birthdays.

Go Green

At SBIOA Matric, Trichy, students of Std.

XI and XII planted saplings in the School

campus along with their Correspondent

Mr. M. Asok and the Principal. To create

an awareness on Environmental Pollution,

students from Std. VI to IX formed the

word GO GREEN in the school campus.

Greening Effect

At SBIOA International

School, Mambakkam,

Mr. V. Palani,

Superintendent of Sub-

Jail, Madurantakam

presided over the

programme. Children

attired in green spoke

about the importance of

protecting our Earth.

They also sported placards about the harmful effects of plastics.

The Chief Guest applauded the initiative of the school to enlighten

the children about preserving the environment. Saplings were

planted in and around the school campus to mark the occasion.

Various competitions like painting, colouring, collage etc., were

conducted to create awareness among the students.

Swacch Bharat Abhiyan

Youth Exnora Innovators International conducted a pilot project on the

largest Swacch Bharat Abhiyan of 100 hours non-stop awareness,

cleanliness, and smart slum drive in the constituencies of

Virugambakkam, Maduravoyal, Anna Nagar, Villivakam, Kolathur,

Ambattur and Avadi by thousands of students and volunteers from 23rd

June,2018 9.00a.m to 27th June,2018 1.00pm. Students of SBOA JC,

Matric Chennai and Model Matric, participated. 65 NCC cadets of

SBOA Matric, Chennai , participated .

Combat Drought

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought was

observed at SBOA Coimbatore on 18th June '18, to create

awareness among children about global warming,

deforestation and conserving wild animals. Drawing

competition, essay writing and oratorical competitions

were conducted.

World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day was observed in SBOA Global on

8th July'18. Special talk on the five Oceans was given

by class V students to create awareness on plastic

pollution and to encourage a healthy ocean .

The Tiny Tots of SBOA Ernakulam along with their teachers

visited old age homes and donated necessary requirements like

bedsheets, towels, soaps, brushes, pastes etc to the inmates on the

26th of March 2018. They spent some memorable moments with

the elderly inmates. They also visited General Hospital where

they donated nearly 50kg of Oats, Horlicks and Boost to the

Dietician Department of the Hospital.


Help the Aged

UNIQUE 2018 | 18

As a part of 'Vision 30' programme ,

S o c i a l R e s p o n s i b i l i t y a n d

Citizenship Committee, and

Environment Committee of

SBOA Ernakulam including KG

Dept. extended a helping hand to

the residents of Ernakulam, Udaya

and PT colony who were affected

by heavy rain.

Interact ClubNearly 112 students of Class V of

SBOA CBSE, Madurai participated

in the outreach programme on 23rd

July'18.Volunteers of Class V

taught the basic alphabets, colours, 3

letter words using vowels in

English, measurements and fun

games in Maths for the students of

Panchayath Union School at

Melakuilkudi, Nagamalai. They

used flashcards and worksheets for

colouring and solving problems. It

was a meaningful experience for


EnlightenmentThe 'Integrity

C l u b ' o f


M a d u r a i

visited 'St .

Joseph's Blind

School' at Paravai. They shared their

valuable time and healthy snacks with

students there. They also got an

opportunity to observe the usage of

computers with ear-phones and key-

board by blind students. This was a part

of inculcating the value of 'Caring and

Sharing' in children.

Integrity Club

The Department of Computer

Science of SBIOA Model Matric,

offered Free Computer Training to

selected students of Villivakkam

Panchayat school and Course

Completion Certificates were

given during the ECA Valediction.

Computer Course

Students of SBOA

CBSE, Madurai

interacted with

P o t t e r s a t

Villacherri and

learnt two methods of pot making.

Students learnt the process of making

clay paste, mixing it to be fine and

smooth, moulding it to a desired shape

using the pot-making machine or die-

cast and drying it. They were encouraged

to bring their own small pots, paint and

exhibit them.

Meet the Potters


Interaction with Drivers

Students of SBIOA International School

interacted with Mr. Manikandan, a Driver

by profession and owner of Sabarirajan

Travels. In his interaction, Mr.

Manikandan narrated the reasons that

made him take up the job just after his

schooling. He motivated students to make

use of the opportunity to educate

themselves so as to become successful in

life. He advised the children on the ways to conduct themselves during their

travel to school by van or bus. He touched upon the traffic signals and rules

and requested the students to adhere to the road safety norms.

Mrs. Uma Maheswari, Dept. of.

Science of SBIOA International

School, took a session for the

students of Panchayat Union

Primary School, Sonalur. She

discussed the topic 'Personal


On Hygiene

Mr. Raghunathan, Department of

Tamil of SBIOA International School,

extendedhis services to the Panchayat

Union Middle School, Kolathur,

Mambakkam as part of Out- reach

Programme. He shared a few learning

t e c h n i q u e s i n

T a m i l . T h e

children of the

s c h o o l w e r e

excited to learn

new conepts.

Desire to Learn

UNIQUE 2018 | 19

Save Kerala

Students of SBOA

Matric, Coimbatore

contributed essential

commodities for

the Kerala Flood

victims through the

Indian Express on 20th Aug'18.

Sneak PeakSneak Peak

National Science Day was observed at SBIOA Model, Matric on 28th Feb'18. The theme of the programme was

'Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future'. The two-day long programme

began with a special talk on the significance of science and a skit on the life of Thomas

Alva Edison. Students participated in the drawing, poster making and quiz

competitions that were conducted as a part of the event. An exhibition was organised

to encourage students display their projects based on the topic. On day two, students

presented a speech on Water Conservation and shared their ideas on sustainable

energy. Students of the primary section displayed their drawings on the topic 'Water-

the elixir of life'. The winners of the competitions and Science Olympiad were

National Science Day

An awareness programme on wasteless lunch was conducted by all the class

teachers during the lunch break from 10th April to 20th April 2018 at SBIOA

CBSE Trichy. The importance and need of food and water was taught to

them. The nutritional values present were highlighted to them. The struggle

of people all over the world and the consequences of malnutrition were

explained to them. The process of harvesting rice, wheat etc….. was also


Lunch without Waste

Importance of hand washing was insisted and

demonstrated by the School Nurse in the

assembly on Hand Washing Day held on 8th

June'18 at SBOA CBSE, Madurai.

Hand Washing Day

‘International Day Against Drug

Abuse and Illicit Trafficking' was

observed on 26th June '18 in SBOA

Matric, Madurai . Raja Srinitha K

of Std IX delivered a speech on

'Causes and Effects of Drug

Abuse' and a display education

was done. JRC, Scouts and Guides

visited Melakuilkudi Village and

interacted with the villagers.

At SBOA Matric, Chennai, 88

Students from classes IX to XII

participated in Essay Writing,

Drawing and Slogan Writing

competition conducted by the

Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt.

of India on 26th June 2018 in

connection with International

Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit

Trafficking on the topic 'THINK


Against Drug Abuse

Helen Keller's birthday was celebrated by

Std. VII students of SBOA Global in the

assembly on 27th June'18. Her life history

was enacted by the Students.

At SBOA Matric, Chennai, 88 Students

from classes IX to XII participated in Essay

Writing, Drawing and Slogan Writing

competition conducted by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India on

26th June 2018 in connection with International Day against Drug Abuse and

Illicit Trafficking on the topic 'THINK HEALTH, NOT DRUGS'

Remembering Keller

Festival for National IntegrationTo instill patriotism and teach about the diverse culture of India, a food

festival was organized for Std V ahead of Independence Day at SBIOA

International School. Children

prepared traditional food from

various regions and shared it with

their c lassmates. Children

addressed their peers about the

geographical features and culture

of different states in a lively


UNIQUE 2018 | 20

Intraschool Science Expo-2018 was

conducted on 21st July’18 at

SBIOA Matric, Trichy. Students

from Std. VI to XII displayed

the i r innovat ive pro j ec t s .

Specimens of Human parts were

displayed to the students.

Science Expo -18

Think Health

No Drugs

International Friendship Day The students of SBIOA Model, Matric strengthened their bond of friendship

by celebrating International Friendship Day on 30th July, 2018. In a special

gathering, students of the Higher Secondary presented a special song. The

Principal Mr. V.V. Anand addressed the students. The students of the

Primary displayed their enthusiasm in growing the 'Friendship Tree' through

colourful palm prints and expressed their love for their friends in a postcard

and by exchanging friendship bands and greeting cards. Volunteers from

'VASANTHAM', Special School for Mentally Challenged, displayed and put

for sale the friendship bands, cards, etc. made by the special children.

SBOA JC prepared the students to be aware of the problems faced because of

the exponentially growing population and how to use the available resources

more efficiently and to sustain the environment on 11 th July'18. Students

delivered speeches on the present world population and also on the main

theme of World Population Day 2018 with the theme ,“family planning is a

human right”. The day was initiated to combat the issue of growing

population and to raise awareness among the public about the same.

World Population Day

The French department of SBOA Matric, Chennai celebrated 'The

French Week - FETE – O – FRANCE' from 10th to 13th July 2018 .

Various competitions like T-Shirt Art , Painting ,Collage and Singing

were conducted . The Chief Guest Mr. Immanuel Samson from the

French Embassy gave the special address and distributed the prizes .

Fete – O – France

Maths Week was observed in

SBOA Matric, Madurai from 19th

July to 25th July'18. During the week

a variety of events and competitions

like Speed Math, Math Rangoli,

Dumb charades, Poster making,

Logical reasoning were conducted

on the theme “Everywhere Maths”

to the students of standard VI to IX

Math WeekKalvi Valarchi

Naal and Sanga

T a m i l v i z h a

were celebrated

on 21st July at

SBOA Matric,

Chennai. Mrs.Mayuri, grand daughter of

Kamaraj, former Chief Minister of Tamil

Nadu and Dr.K.Kalyana Sundaram,

Professor in Switzerland were the

distinguished guests of honour. Mr.Tamizh

Vendan , the Associate Secretary SBIOA

Educational Trust and Mr.A.Ravichandran,

Correspondent presided over the function .

Sangha Tamilvizha

UNIQUE 2018 | 21

Students of Std III and IV and teachers of Science and

Social Science of Compartment V

of SBOA CBE organized a project

on the “Importance of learning

Science and Social Science in day

to day life” with a display of

models, objects and charts on 13th


W o r l d T i g e r d a y w a s

celebrated by SBOA Matric,

Chennai on 30th July 2018 .

Students participated in Essay

Writing Competition on

'Save Animals.'

World Tiger Day Science For All

A project on Mathematical concepts was organized for students of Std III and IV of SBOA Matric, Coimbatore on the topic “BasicMathematical Concepts ” on 7th Aug'18. Many models and colourful charts were displayed on the concepts such as Shapes, Numbers, Measurements and Fundamental operations, Time, Money and Fractions.

Project Maths

Painting CompetitionK. M. Vinisha of class X J of SBOA JC won the first place in the painting competition conducted by the Tamilnadu Kalaipanpattu Kazhagam, at the Chennai District level and won the second place in the State level held at Tanjavur on 26th May,2018. She received a cash award of Rs.7500/- and Certificate.

Poster Making Roshni K.R. of Std XI F of

SBOA JC won the first prize in

the National Online Poster

making contest conducted by

Ministry of Ayush, Govt of

India in connection with

International Yoga Day. The topic was

‘Yoga - For All Round Development’. She

was awarded Rs 20,000/- from the Ministry.

World Scholar's CupTwenty Nine students of

SBOA JC accompanied by

three teachers participated

in the World Scholar's

Cup, Global Round at

Kuala Lumpur Convention

Centre, Malaysia from 17th

June '18 to 24th June'18. Thirty eight countries- 700 schools

and 4079 students participated. Students of SBOA JC

bagged 35 Gold medals and 47 Silver medals. Out of the ten

teams, six teams have been qualified for the final

Tournament of Champions at Yale University, USA.

They were given syllabus covering History, Commerce,

Science, Literature and Arts under the broad heading- ‘The

Entangled World.’ Children had to debate, write

persuasive essays during collaborative writing and do

analytical quizzing. They were tested in their spoken,

written and application of ideas. The competition gave a

global level exposure and enriched their experience on the

current scholarly attitude and aptitude.

Talent ShowStudents of Matric, Madurai participated in

‘ThiramaiSaral-2018’ , and bagged the first

prize in Classical dance, Folk dance,

Thappattam, As you like it, Mime, Fancy

dress. They secured the second prize in

Model Making, Singing, Rangoli and

Medley dance. The school also won the

overall shield. The school has been winning

this shield consecutively for five years, now.

Folk Dance6 students of SBOA Global School

won the first prize in Group dance

in the Tamil Elakiya Mandram

Competition conducted on 7th July

2018 on the topic “Kurinji Paadal”at

SBOA Matric, Chennai.

IllusionsRotaract Club of Coimbatore West conducted

‘ILLUSIONS'18’ - a cultural and Literary

Extravaganza for the schools at Bishop Appasamy

College of Education,Coimbatore. SBOA Matric,

Coimbatore won the Overall Trophy.

UNIQUE 2018 | 22

Roshni K.R. of std XI - F of SBOA JC , also

won the online art contest conducted by

GAIL INDIA at national level. The

competition named ‘Hawa Badlo - School

warrior contest’ was conducted online to

spread awareness about pollution and

climate change. She received a Micromax

Canvas Tab for being the first prize winner. She also participated

in Poetry writing contest in the Tata Young Expressions 2018

Global level contest. She participated in ‘ The Write Stuff’

category 13-16 years and won the Second Prize.She received several

prizes like a gift card from Amazon worth Rs. 5000 INR , gift

vouchers worth Rs.1500 and gift hampers worth Rs.2000 along with

a sponsored travel to Mumbai .

Talents Aplenty

ACHIEVEMENTS News Round UpNews Round Up


Unity in DiversityEssay Writing, Elocution and Short Film competition was organized by SBIOA Educational

Trust as part of AISBOF Conference at Chennai. Students of SBOA Matric, Coimbatore

won many prizes.

Save Public SectorStudents of SBOA Matric Madurai won many prizes in various competitions on the theme 'Save Public Sector'

and 'Unity in Diversity' organized by SBIOA Educational Trust on 23rd June'18. J.Adarsiya of XI B1 won first

prize in Essay Writing competition, and won a cash award of Rs. 2000. The short film on Unity in Diversity won

the first and the second place and the cash award Rs. 10000/- and Rs.5000/- respectively.

Spell Bee WizardsPriyadarshini .S of

VIII-E and Sreesanth .

S of VIII – F of SBOA

Matric, Chennai won a

medal and a certificate

in the National Level

Spell Bee competition .

Rare TalentMaster. D. Narendhran, IX-C of

SBIOA Matric, Trichy has been

blessed with a unique talent of

identifying the colours and time, blind

folded. He was honoured by EXNORA

and he has been provided with the

format to apply for Jetley Book of


UNIQUE 2018 | 23

SBOA. Matric, Chennai launched its indigenous Weather Station on the 17th of July 2018 . It was inaugurated by

our Secretary & Correspondent, Mr. G. Selvaraj, on the occasion of his maiden visit to the school.Students of

Class XI explained the functioning of the device and its significance for

experimental learning. The programme is a part of the Sustainable

Development goal theme, ‘Climate Care’. The Weather station is solar

powered and consists of outdoor Weather Sensor, that transmits weather

data to a display unit indoors. The device would enable students of today,

who are internet savvy, to learn about Weather analysis with hands-on-

experience. Average atmospheric temperature, air pressure, rainfall,

humidity, wind direction and velocity are sensed by the Meteorological

station and displayed continually in the form of tabulation and graph.

The sophisticated device is the first of its kind to be launched in a

school, as it provides Sensor-Based Smart Solutions for environmental

sensing, that would impact not only the students, but across the

neighborhood and Community.

Weather Station at SBOA Matric, Chennai

News Round UpNews Round Up





Group Students with Similar Learning StylesClassroom Activities

In the same competition, in English elocution Rishabh N. of IX A of SBOA Matric, Chennai bagged the first prize

in the Junior level, and Heena Farheen of XII J and Ameena Thul Mumtaz of XII H also of SBOA Matric,

Chennai secured the first and third prize respectively..

Matric, Chennai Excels

The proud recipients of the Teacher of the Year Award 2018-19 conferred by the Management of SBIOA

Educational Trust are posted below. The award carries with it a cash prize of Rs.6000 and a citation.


Mrs. A. Chithra Manivannan SBIOA Matric, Trichy

Mrs. Mabel Charles SBIOA Matric, Trichy

Mrs.Linda Premkumar SBOA Global School

Mrs.P.B.Kavitha SBIOA International School

Mr.S.A.Saravanan SBOA Matric, Coimbatore

Mrs.J.Krishnaveni SBOA Matric, Coimbatore

Mrs.M.K.Vanaja SBOA Matric, Coimbatore

Mrs.Mary Magdalene SBOA Matric, Coimbatore

Mrs.Prabhavathy SBOA Matric, Coimbatore

Mrs.R.Chandra SBOA Matric, Coimbatore

Mrs.S.Chitrakala SBOA Matric, Coimbatore

UNIQUE 2018 | 24

Mrs. T. Malika SBIOA CBSE, Trichy

Mrs. A.K. Charulatha SBOA Matric, Chennai

Mrs. Nalini ChandramohanSBOA Matric, Chennai

Mrs. R. Sangeetha SBOA Matric, Chennai

Dr. S. Sundararaman SBOA Matric, Chennai

Mr. Dhinesh KumarSBOA Matric, Chennai

Mrs. Shantha Devi kumar SBOA Matric, Chennai

Mrs..V.A Suraja SBOA JC

Mrs.Geetha Vinu SBOA JC

Mrs.T.C.Lakshmi SBOA JC

Mrs. S. Sowmya SBOA JC

Mrs. Kalpana R SBOA JC

Mrs. Bibiana SBOA JC

Ms. P.P.Rehana SBOA JC

Mrs.Jayagandi RameshSBOA JC

Mrs.Reny Daniel SBOA Ernakulam

UNIQUE 2018 | 25

Ms. Josephine T.X. Gabrielle SBOA CBSE, Madurai

Mrs. O.M. Indrani Cruz SBIOA Model Matric

Mrs. Subhashree Suresh SBIOA Model Matric

Mr. S. Joseph Packiarajan SBIOA Model Matric

Mr. K. SakthivelSBOA Matric, Madurai

Mrs. X. Sumathy MargaretSBOA Matric, Madurai

Mrs. K. Siva SankariSBOA Matric, Madurai

Mrs. S. NagarathinamSBOA Matric, Madurai

Mrs. T. RadhaSBOA Matric, Madurai

Mr. L. SenthilkumarSBOA Matric, Madurai

UNIQUE 2018 | 26

“Good teachers know how to bring out the best in students.”

THANK YOU MA'AMTHANK YOU MA'AMPursuing excellence is not a one time job.

It is a way of life.

Our sincere gratitude to Administrators and Mrs.P.C Selvarani

who retired in June, this year. Mrs.W.Daya Shyamala

May the next phase of your life bring you all that you seek and more.

We wish you the very best in your endeavours!

Sp o r t s

Open Table Tennis R. Trisha of X O of SBOA JC participated in the 'Year of Zayed' 'Open Table Tennis

Tournament' at Dubai, organized by U.A.E Table Tennis Association on the 24th and the

25th May 2018. She received a Silver Medal in the Girls' Single Event and won a cash prize

of Rs. 20,000/-

Nishil B. Binu of VII-N of

SBOA JC got selected in the

Football scouting conducted

by Tiki Taka in association

with Pro Direct Academy,

P o r t u g a l . H e w a s t h e

youngest one among the eight

boys selected from India. He

successfully completed one

month football training under

the Pro Direct Academy

coaches in the month of May

2018 in Aveiro, Portugal.

Aquatic Championship35th Sub Junior

National Aquatic

Championship was

held in Pune from

24th June to 29th

June 2018. H. Nithik

of VII B of SBOA

JC clinched the

Silver in 100 mts

back stroke, bronze

in 50 mts backstroke, silver in 200 mts Individual

medley, Gold in 4x50 mts freestyle Relay and Silver

in 100 mts freestyle.

FistballP.A.Devadharsan of VIII B and

S.Nalinakshan of Std VIII E of

SBOA Matric, Coimbatore

represented Tamilnadu and won

a Gold Medal in the 6th Sub

J u n i o r N a t i o n a l F i s t b a l l

Championship 2018 conducted by Fistball Federation of

India at Ludiana, Punjab.

Yoga Aram Asokan of Std.XII of SBOA Matric,

Coimbatore won the First Prize in the 7th Asian

Yoga Championship held in the month of May

2018 at Malaysia.

Skating K.R.Arvind of XIIC of

SBIOA Model Matric,

bagged the IV Place in

the National Level Skating

Competition at Belgaum.

Foot Ball

Rural Federation GamesThe Football team of SBOA CBSE, Trichy in the U-14

category participated in the National Football Match

organized by the RGFI (Rural Federation Games of India)

in Anna Stadium at Cuddalore. All the team members

were from class VIII .The team won the Gold Medal in the

UNIQUE 2018 | 27

Aadhi Foundation International Sports Festival-

Usain Bolt Champonship-2018 was held in

Chennai on 4th July’18.R. Pooja of Std. V of

SBIOA Matric, Trichy bagged the first place in

200 meters and the third place in 100 meters.

Young Star

Jayasurya V . R of VIII - A of SBOA Matric, Chennai

won the Third Place in Asoka the Great International

Chess Tournament organised by Taanya International

School on 20th July 2018. He also won a cash award of



Lawn Tennis Saran Aneesh of XII – E of SBOA Matric, Chennai

secured a Silver Medal in the U- 18 category Singles and

Doubles in Lawn Tennis Tournament organized by All

India Tennis Association at Anna University.


Abacus CompetitionAnirudh of III C of SBOA CBSE,

Madurai secured the First Place in

National Level Abacus competition.

Table Tennis Tamilnadu Table Tennis Association felicitated

M.R. Balamurugan, of SBOA JC on 10th March

2018, for winning the Gold and Bronze Medal in the

National Table Tennis Championship. He was

honoured with a cash prize of Rs. 5000/-

Abhijeeth Kumar Tiwary of XI D of

SBOA Matric, Coimbatore, a National

Level Football player, was selected for

Indian League and was honoured as the

Best Goal Keeper.

Best Goal Keeper

FootballThe U-14 and the U-17 Boys' Football team of SBOA Matric Coimbatore won Gold and Silver medals respectively at the Nat iona l l eve l meet conducted by Rural Games Federation of India.

UNIQUE 2018 | 28

Top'18, a 5-day orientation programme for teachers was held

from 23rd April to 27th April'18, at the SBOA School and Junior

College premises. The underlying theme of the programme was

Unity in Diversity. The education conclave was inaugurated by

Ms.Mathu Shalini, I.A.S, Indian Strategist, Khan Academy on

23rd April'18. A CD on Rhymes prepared by teachers of SBOA

was released on 23rd April. Plenary sessions were held on 23rd

April and 26th April,'18. Parallel sessions were held on 24th

April and 25th April'18. Subject experts were invited to share

their views. The programme concluded with a valediction on

27th April'18. Mr.Ashok Vardhan Shetty, IAS, delivered the

valedictory address. A compilation of the SBIOA Vision'30 document was released. The first issue of the

magazine on parenting 'Bon Ami' was also released. The compilation of events of the first 4 days were presented

through the newsletter GLIMPSES.


Dr. D. Thomas Franco Rajendra Dev, Secretary & Correspondent

and Fr. Jegath Gasper, Founder Palmyra Nation Movement

initiated the concept by planting Palmyra Trees in SBOA JC,

Matric, Chennai, Global School and the International School on

20th June '18.

Palmyra Nation : 1 Crore Palmyra Trees To Tamil Nadu


A one–day seminar on 'Capacity Development' was

conducted for our drivers and conductors on 24th

M a r c h ' 1 8 . T h e s e m i n a r i n a u g u r a t e d b y

Mr.A.Ravichandran, Correspondent SBOA Matric,

Chennai aimed at updating the knowledge of drivers

and conductors on traffic rules and the safety rules to be

observed. A session on 'First Aid' enlightened the

audience on the do's and don'ts of emergency treatment.

Drivers Meet


Teachers handling

class IV of Junior

Co l l ege , Matr i c

C h e n n a i ,

I n t e r n a t i o n a l

S c h o o l , S B O A

Schools Trichy and

Madurai and all the

subject teachers of

Global School were given training in 21st Century

Skills by Logic Mills Group, Singapore. Dr.Mark

Nowacki and his team offered the training. The

training which commenced on 27th April concluded on

30th April'18. Teachers were presented with certificates

at the end.

st21 Century Skills

UNIQUE 2018 | 29

16 new recruits of our SBOA Schools attended an

orientation programme for two days on 28th and 29th

M a y ' 1 8 . M r . A . R a v i c h a n d r a n ,

Correspondent of SBOA Matric, Chennai

and SBIOA International School

delivered the inaugural address. Teachers

were introduced to our Management and

the School climate by Mrs.Daya

S h y a m a l a , A d m i n i s t r a t o r .

Mr.V.V.Anand , Principal, SBIOA Model

Matric briefed the teachers on the

Expectations of the Management. Mrs.Radha Suresh,

Academic Supervisor, Computer Science, SBIOA

Model Matric, educated the teachers on the Smart

Freshers Orientation Programme

Board features. Mr.Shanmugasundaram, of Chennai

Story Tellers Association guided teachers on Mind

Mapping techniques. On Day 2, Secretary

and Correspondent Dr.Thomas Franco and

Mr.G.Selvaraj, Correspondent of SBOA

Coimbatore addressed our teachers on the

Management expectations and how to

make the career successful. Later that day,

teachers were also guided on writing lesson

plans by Mrs.Radhika Unni, Principal of

SBOA School and Junior College.

Mrs.Anu, Director, Helen O Brady team demonstrated

how to use drama across the curriculum to make teaching

interesting. The programme came to a close with a

feedback session.

Dr.Mark Nowacki, Ms. Tippy Nowacki and Mr.Jowin Lee visited all the SBOA

Schools that embraced the 21st Century Skills programme to launch the 21st

Century Skills Curriculum to our students. Starting from 18th June to 29th, the

team visited SBOA School and Junior College, SBOA Global School , SBOA

Matric, Chennai , SBIOA International school, SBOA Schools, Madurai and

SBIOA Schools ,Trichy. Apart from training the students, teachers were guided to

download an app that contained the text, workbook and activity sheets for each

lesson. Dr.Mark addressed the students in the assembly, met the parents in all

these schools and enlightened them on the techniques to be followed. All the

schools were provided with the necessary kits.

Roll Out of the Programme

In the fourth chapter of

Meet the Community

p r o g r a m m e ,


from the Chennai Story

Tellers Association,

interacted with the

students of class VI and

VII of Matric, Chennai, Junior College and Global

schools. He narrated stories and also guided a few

students to narrate the stories. He is also associated with

the Times of India.

Meet the Story Teller

SHARPEN commenced the first batch of Spoken

English –Beginner's Programme with 3 months

duration, for our teachers. 16 teachers from SBOA

Matric, Chennai, SBOA JC, SBOA Global and SBIOA

Model Matric belonging to the Department of Tamil,

Art & Craft, Kindergarten and, Humanities have

enrolled in the course. The classes were held on

Mondays and Wednesdays from 3.30p.m to 5.00 p.m

and on 1st and 3rd Saturdays from 1.30 p.m to 3.00 p.m.

Spoken English Course

Students of our Chennai Schools, of class VII had the opportunity of

interacting with Miss. Thirupurasundari Sevvel, an Architect planner.

During her talk, she introduced students to several historic places and

structures in Chennai. Students found the session very interesting and

posed several questions to her.

Meet the Architect

UNIQUE 2018 | 30

Teachers of English came together for a model teaching

session on 21st July'18. Teachers handling English for

classes I to V of SBOA Schools, Chennai, attended the

meet. Teachers employed flash cards, charts, video

clippings, songs and activities to make classroom

teaching interesting and interactive. Mrs.Esther of

SBOA Matric, Mrs.Sharmila of SBOA JC and

Mrs.Joyce Julee of Global School demonstrated the


Model Class Model Teaching in Tamil Teachers teaching Tamil in

SBOA Schools, Chennai for

classes I to V attended the

Model Teaching session in 5 G

room on 4th Aug'18. Dr.Bina of

SBOA JC, Mrs.Deepa of

M a t r i c C h e n n a i a n d

Mr.Joshua of Global School

demonstrated the techniques

to be employed in the teaching

of prose, poetry and grammar. Teachers employed songs,

action, charts, flash cards, video clippings and activities.

The classes were filled with fun and humour which are

very essential for language learning at the primary level.

A Meeting of Principals and Correspondents A meeting of the Principals and the Correspondents

was held on 16th June'18. The agenda centred around the

results of the examinations and the new admissions.

Secretary and Correspondent Dr. D. Thomas Franco

honoured the Principals and Correspondents with

mementoes for producing good results.

Make Time for Journaling A journal can be a tool for students to reflect on the lessons you’ve taught and activities

you’ve run, helping them process new information. When possible at the end of class,

give students a chance to make a journal entry by: | Summarizing key points they’ve learned Attempting to

answer or make sense of lingering questions Explaining how they can use the lessons in real-life scenarios | |

Illustrating new concepts, which can be especially helpful for data-focused math lessons. As they continue to

make entries, they should figure out which ones effectively allow them to process fresh content.

Classroom Activities

UNIQUE 2018 | 31

,d;W tpisahl;L

tPuu;fisg; ghLNthk;....

Vndd;why; ,tu;fs; jhd;

nfsut fhtpaj;jpd; fjhehafu;fs;

rupj;jpuk; njupahky; rupj;jpuk;

gilf;f epidf;ff;$lhJ Mdhy;

rupj;jpuj;ijNa rhjidahf gilf;ff;

$batu;fs; 'tpisahl;L tPuh;fs;"

tpisahl;Lf; fy;tpiag; ghLNthk;...

ikjhdj;jpy; vjpu;g;gjkha; tPuh;fs;


tpisahl;L Nghl;biag; ghLNthk;...

Kj;jnkd;Wk; Nkhfnkd;Wk;

rj;jkpl;L rj;jkpl;L

uj;jk; nfl;Lg; NghdgpwF

te;jJ ,e;j 'tpisahl;L vd;Dk; Qhdk;"


Be Unique : This classroom game is about

being unique and about getting to know each

other better. Everyone stands in a circle.

Every student has to say something unique about

himself/herself. For example: “I have four brothers.” If

another student also has four brothers, the students who

shared the 'not-so-unique' aspect has to sit down. The goal

is to stand as long as possible and therefore to share very

special things about yourself that no one else typifies.

“ don’t careStudents

how much you know until

they know how much you care.”

Tamil CornerTamil CornerØÄVÝm

Mr. N. Bharath ArunSBOA School, Madurai

,Uspy; jPgk; gpbj;jJ fy;tp!

md;Gk; mwDk; nrhd;dJ fy;tp!

tpz;zpy; gwf;f itj;jJ fy;tp!

jj;Jtnky;yhk; je;jJ fy;tp!

fy;tp vd;gJ fw;wyh? fw;gpj;jyh?

ePh; vd;gJ Jspah? miyah?

fw;wypd;wp fw;gj;jpy; rhj;jpakpy;iy!

fw;gpj;jypd;wp fw;wy; rhj;jpakpy;iy!

ehzaj;jpd; ,Ugf;fk; Nghy

fw;wYk; fw;gpj;jYk;

fy;tp vd;gJ jtkh? tukh?

fw;wy;jtk;> fw;gj;jy;tuk;!

khzth;fs; jtkpUf;fpwhh;fs;!

Mrphpah;fs; tuk; nfhLf;fpwhh;fs;!

mg;gbnadpy; ePq;fs; ,iwtdh?

Mk;! vOj;jwptpj;jtd; ,iwtdhthd;!

ஆசிரியர்fkyehjd; - Nfhfpyh

jk;gjpah; mth;fSf;F

xNu kfd; KFe;jd;.

KFe;jd; ed;F gbj;J

nghpa Mshf Ntz;Lk;

vd;W jk;gjpah; Mirg;gl;ldh;. mjd;gbNa

mtidg; nghpa gs;spf;$lj;jpy; Nrh;j;jdh;.

mtd; Nfl ;lijnay ;yhk ; thq ;f pf ;

nfhLj;jhy;jhd; jhk; ey;y ngw;Nwhh; vd;W

ngah; thq;f KbAk; vd;W epidj;jdh;.

fztd; - kidtp ,UtUk; Xb Xb Ntiy

nra;Jg; gzk; rk;ghjpj;jdh;. KFe;jNdh

Ntiyf;fhuh;fspd; guhkhpg;gpy;. mtd;

Nfl;lJ> Nfl;fhjJ midj;Jk; mtDf;Ff;

f p i l j ; j J . k f D f ; F m j p f k h d

nrhj ;Jf ;fisr ; Nrh ; j ;J itj ;jg ;

ngw;Nwhh;fSf;Fj; njhpatpy;iy; ey;y

gz;GfNs kdpjDf;F kpfg;nghpa nrhj;J

vd;W njhpe;jNghNjh fhyk; fle;jpUe;jJ.

jiyKiwf;Fr; Nrh;j;J itj;j nrhj;J

xOf;fk; jtwpa kfdhy; ghohdJ.

vJ nrhj;J? rpe;jpAq;fs;!

jpUkjp. R.nrsk;ahjkpo;j;Jiw


jpU.rp.rq;fh;.jkpo;j;Jiwv];;dhl;L gs;sp> NrhdY}h;

UNIQUE 2018 | 32


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