Page 1: SCIENCE Glossary Elementary level Karen · Elementary School Level Science Glossary English / Karen Translation of Science Terms Based on the Coursework for Science Grades 3 to 5



y Elementary School Level

Science Glossary

English / Karen

Translation of Science Terms Based on the Coursework for Science Grades 3 to 5.

Last Updated: October 2018


This glossary is to PROVIDE PERMITTED TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS of ELL/MLL students. It should also be used for INSTRUCTION during the

school year. The glossary may be downloaded, printed and disseminated to educators, parents and ELLs/MLLs.

Please click here for the New York State Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages Webpage on "Assessment and Testing Accommodations"

Page 2: SCIENCE Glossary Elementary level Karen · Elementary School Level Science Glossary English / Karen Translation of Science Terms Based on the Coursework for Science Grades 3 to 5




P‐16 Office of Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Continuing Education and Office of Higher Education 

Office of Bilingual Education and Foreign Language Studies 




BETTY A. ROSA, Chancellor, B.A., M.S. in Ed., M.S. in Ed., M.Ed., Ed.D. ............ Bronx T. ANDREW BROWN, Vice Chancellor, B.A., J.D. ………………......................................... Syracuse NAN EILEEN MEAD, B.A. ………….................................................................................. Manhattan JOSEPHINE VICTORIA FINN, B.A., J.D. ……………………................................................... Albany BEVERLY L. OUDERKIRK, B.S., M.S. ............................................................................. Saratoga ELIZABETH. S. HAKANSON ……………........................................................................ Onondaga CATHERINE COLLINS, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. ....................................................................... West New York JAMES R. TALLON, R., B.A., M.A. ................................................................................. Binghamton ROGER TILLES, B.A., J.D.................................................................................................. Great Neck JUDITH JOHNSON, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. ............................................................................ Mid-Hudson

LUIS O. REYES, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. ................................................................................. New York LESTER W. YOUNG, JR., B.S., M.S., Ed. D. ..................................................................... Oakland Gardens CHRISTINE D. CEA, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. .......................................................................... Staten Island WADE S. NORWOOD, B.A. .............................................................................................. Rochester JUDITH CHIN, B.S., M.S., ............................................................................................... Queens KATHLEEN M. CASHIN, B.S., M.S., Ed.D...................................................................... Brooklyn JAMES E. COTTRELL, B.S., M.D....................................................................................... New York

Commissioner of Education President of The University of the State of New York MARYELLEN ELIA

Executive Deputy Commissioner ELIZABETH BERLIN

The State Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, gender, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, services and activities. Portions of this publication can be made available in a variety of formats, including Braille, large print or audio tape, upon request. Inquiries concerning this policy of nondiscrimination should be directed to the Department’s Office for Diversity, Ethics, and Access, Room 530, Education Building, Albany, NY 12234. Requests for additional copies of this publication may be made by contacting the Publications Sales Desk, Room 319, Education Building, Albany, NY 12234.

Page 3: SCIENCE Glossary Elementary level Karen · Elementary School Level Science Glossary English / Karen Translation of Science Terms Based on the Coursework for Science Grades 3 to 5


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Absorb  plIoH;wI< ql;o0H;xDOwI

Acceleration  wIr:cs>xDOwI

acid rain  *PqHOwIpl:xH

Adapt  wIr:bObsd;bO'guh:wI

Adaptation  wIr:wI'fod; ubObsd;bO'guh:wI 

Adjust  usJ:vd:< usJ:bO< r:vD:wHPuh:wI 

Air  uvH:

air pressure  uvH:qDOwHIto[DO

air resistance  uvH:wIcDOqU< uvH:wIBwD:vD:uh:wI 

Alto  wIuvkIuyU:(tJvfxdOuvkkI)

Amount  wIyPzSdOwI< wIxJtH:xJEk:

Amphibian  qOzduDIzdvU ttdOrlvUxH'D;cdoh

Analyze  yJPxHeD:z;wI

Anemometer  eDOxdOvUtyPzsguvH:tlwItcs>

Animal  qOzduDIzd

Apply  pl;ugwI< r:bOC ;wI

Around  0;w7H ;< vUtCU:0;0;

Arrange  uwJPuwD:< 7JOusJ:

Artery  oGHOvJ:usd:

Arthropod  qOzduDIzdvU ttdO'D;pkurJPcDOurJPtqU 

Asteroid  rlzsUONyH

Atmosphere  uvH:vUttdO;w7H;[DOcdOzsUO

Atom  wIrdIySItqH;uwUI

Axis  [DOcdOusHO< [DOcdO0O7d


Balance  'k;uJxDOwIcHcDtCUxJod;od;

balanced forces  wIto[DOvUt'k;uJxDOwIcHcDtCUxJod;od; 

bar graph  wIwhwI*D:t'dvUttdO'D;yedwzO 

Barometer  eDOxdOvUtyPzsguvH:twIqDOoeH; 

Battery  vD:qO'U< vDthO

Behavior  touJ;y0P< twIzH;wIr:

Beneficial  vUtuJbsL;uJzSdO< vUt'k;uJxDOwIbsL;wIzSdOoh 

Best  wIt*h:uwUI< wItywDI wk:xDOxDOb;tuwDI 

Bird  xdO

Blink  uyD:yHPvhyHPvh

Block  BwDwHPwI< r:wHPwU:CPwI

blood tissue  oGHOt,JwzOvUtyPzSdOto;'D; uJxDO0JnOxlO,zH;,CH,olO,oGHO

blood vessel  oGHOusd:

body heat  eDIupItwIudI

Bone  wICHwIuGJ

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bone tissue  wItCHt,JwzOvUtyPzSdOto;'D; uJxDO0JnOxlO,zH;,CH,olO,oGHO 

Brain  cdOEkP

Breathe  ogxDOogvD:

Bronchi  uvH:usd:

buoyant force  wIto[DOvUt'k;tdOxDOzDvUxHusg 


Calculator  wI*HIwI'G;wItyD;vD

Camera  wI'dwI*D:'U

Camouflage  wIr:vD:*PvD:bUwI

Capillary  oGHOusd:NyH (xJod;od;'D;cdOolqlO)

Carnivore  qOzduDIzdvUttDOwInO

Caterpillar  oHrdIyD:

cause‐and‐effect  wI'k;uJxDOwI'D;wIr:to;

Cell  wIt,J:qH;uwUI

cell membrane  wIt,J:qH;uwUItovD

cell wall  wIt,J:qH;uwUItwI'lOCP

Celsius (C˚)  wIxdOwIudIwIckOteDO*HIxH; (C˚) 

centimeter (cm)  wIxdOwItvJItxDteDI*HIxH; (cm) 

central nervous system  eUPtwIqDvD:o;tusd:tusJtrdIySI 

Change  wIqDwvJ< wIvJvdP

change of direction  wIqDwvJwItusd:vd:

change of motion  wIqDwvJwI[l;wI*J:

change of speed  wIqDwvJwItcs>

Characteristic  wItyeDOtuhIt*D: rhwrhI tuHItpDtdOvUwIwrH:rH:

Chemical  *PwIzdwIvH< vUtbOC;'D; *PtoHOtusd:tusJ 

chemical change  wIvJvdPxDOto;wrH:rH:vUtbOC;'D;*PwIzdwIvHvUtuJxDOuh:to;'fvUtvDIwoh 

chemical property  wIwrH:rH:vUt[JuJxDOto;vU *PtwIcDqUtyl:

chemical weathering  rlcdOuvH:oDO*D:vUtuJxDOvU*PtwIcDqUwzOtCd

Chlorophyll  wIvUr:vg[hxDOohOvO

Chloroplast  uhI*D:'UvUtr:vg[hxDOohOvOvUttdOvUohOwxlOtyl:

Choose  CkxUxDOwI

cinder cone volcano  upUOrhOtl trhOtlthOtzsUOcdOpl 

Circuit  wItusd:< yedw7H;u0D:

circulatory system  vUtbOC;'D;eDIcdoGHOxHtwIvJ:w7H;0h:0D:to; 

cirro‐  wItUOvUttdOvUwItbUOpU:

cirrus cloud  wItUOvUttdO'D;tvGJIt0g'D;bl0J 

Classification  wIeD:z;wItuvkPtqU

Classify  eD:z;vD:twItuvkPtqU

Claws  qOzduDIzdxdOzdvHOzdtpkrhOcDOrhO

Climate  bOC;'D; wIpl:< wI*dI< wIudI< wIolwICh< uvH:oDO*D:

Cloud  wItUO

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Collect  yPzSdO< xUzSdO

Color  tvGJI

Column  usd:xDOxlO

Comet  qOrJIxDO

Common  vUtr:nDEkIto;< vUtr:o;cJtH:cJtH: 

Community  yS:tw0U< yS:vUttdOCkPqd;CkPvUvDIwyl:CD 

Compare  xdOoBwD:< yPoBwD:

Compass  'DvhI*D: (wItyd;vDwcgvU CkxHOe>IwItusd:vd:) 

Competition  wIjyUvdPto;

composite volcano  upUIrhOtlvUtyPzSdOyPwH:to;'D;wItgrH: 

compost pile  wIylOttkOtusOvUtr:*h:xDO[DOcdO 

Compound  yPzSdOwI< CgCkPwI< usJOusDCkP< 'k;uJxDOwIvUwIyPzSdOwIwrH:rH:tyl: 

compound microscope  wIyD;wIvD:vUtr:zsg'dOxDOwIqH;qH;zdvUwzOvUtusJOusDCkPo;

Computer  cDOzaLxUO

Conclusion  wIusUIwHIuh:wI

Condensation  wIo0HysdPvJqlxH

Condition  wItdOto;< wI*hIwIusd:

Conduction  wIqSUvD:wItxHwItedcDzsdusdbdyD:bdwzO 

Conductivity  vUtohqSUvD:'k;vJ:cDzsdvDo[DO< wIudI< 'D;*k:*: 

Conductors  wItyD;tvDohOwzOvUtoh'k;vJ:cDzsd vDo[DO< wIudI< 'D;*k:*:

Conservation  wIuGI'Dw'Ue>qUOtwItdOto;vUycdOyCU:0;0; 

Consumer  yS: rhwrhI wI vUttDOwI'D;pl;ugwI 

Contain  wIyPCkP

Container  wIyl:wIvDI< wI'U

Content  wItdOvUwIwcgcgtyl:

Convection  wI[Joud;wyl:CD:vUwIyPzSdOvD:vD:qDqDt*DI 

Crest  qD rhwrhI xdO tcdOoGHO

Crust  [DOcdOtzDcdOtuxU

Crystal  vUIzsguv:< vUI0gqSH

cubic centimeter  vUtbOwIoltD:'fod;tuyPzsgvU wIxdOwIwJ:tH:rhI0J'OwIwrH:rh:twIBwDI 

Cycle  uGD:< wIr:to;w0D0H:w0D

Cytoplasm  wItdOvUwIt,J:tqH;uwUItyll: 


Dam  xHwrUO< wIbSDxDOwIvUtcDxHusd vD:qD'OwIvUt'k;uJxDOedO'fod;ur:e>IxHt*DI 

Data  wI*hIwIusd:yPzSdO

data table  wI*hIwIusd:tvHPwd:zsg

Decomposer  wIvUtr:tkOoHusOoHwI

Decrease  wIvD:qSH;vD:pS:

Define  'k;eJOzsgxDOwItcDynD

Definite  wIvD:wHIvD:qJ;< vUttdO'D;tqUvD:wHIvD:qJ; 

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Density  wItdOwHItdOxDvdPto;

Deposition  wIyPvD: rhwrhI wIyPwhIwItoH;tuP 

Derived  wI[JvD:pU:< wIr:e>IwItoH;tuPwrH:rH:vU wIwrH:

Describe  r:zsgxDO< wJzsgxDO< uGJ;zsgxDO

Design  whwItuhIt*D:

Development  wI*k:xDOyoDxDO

Diagram  wItuhIt*D:touGDI

Die  oH< vJ:yl:uGHP[DOcdO

Difference  wIvD:qDvdPo;

digestive system  wIvUtbOxGJ'D;wI*HPbsJ;wItDO Direction  wItusd:vd:< wIeJOusJ

Directly  vd:vd:bsUbsU< wbsDCD

Discuss  uwd:wUOyDOoud;

Disperse  wIvD:z;NyHNyg

Distance  wI'hOpU:< wIpD:pk:

Distribute  [hOeD:vD:7:vD:

Draw  xk;wI< wGHIwI< whwI*D:


Earth  [DOcdO

Earthquake  [DOcdO[l;

Earthworm  xd;uvJP

Eat  tDOwI

Echo  wIoDOBoD< wIuvkIoDOu'guh:< oDOqUuh: 

Ecosystem  wIrlw0U

Effect  wIuJxDOvU wIr:to;wrH:rH:tCd 

Efficient  vUtohwIvh:wkPvh:wD:

Egg  wI'HO (qD'HO< xdO'hO'HO)

electric  vDrhOtl

electric current  vDrhOtl,G:vD:tusd:

electrical energy  wIt*HItbgvUtbOwIxk;xDOe>ItD:vUvDrhOtl 

electromagnet  vDrhOxH;eg< vDrhOx;udOvdOvUwIbHCPtD:'D;vDoGJysH:'D;uJxDOx;eg

electromagnetism  vDrhOx;udOvdOuJxDOx;egcDzsd vD:o[DOvJ:w7H;tD:tCd

electron  wIw[DOtqH;uwUIwrH:vUttdOvUtJ;xDtyl: 

elements  wItoH;tuP*PpDohOwzO

elevation  wIupD:xDOxD

eliminate  'k;[;xDOuGHP< wIwr:CkPwIvU:

emit  qSUxDO rhwrhI 'k;[;xDO wIwrH:rH: energy  wI*HIwIbg< *HIo[DO

energy resources  wIvUt'k;uJxDO*HIo[DOwzO

environment  e>qUOcdOCU:

equal  'fod;od;< xJod;od;

erosion  wItDOuvd:< wIr:vh:uGHPwI

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error  wIurO< wIr:bO'dbOwIwrH:rH: 

eruption  wIydIz;xDO< wIozSdxDO< wIzsd;xDO 

esophagus  udP,lIbd< wItDOusd:

establish  r:uJxDOwI< 'k;tdOxDOwI

estimate  wI'G;w,P

estimation  'k;tdOxDOwIqdurdOwIw,PwIwrH:rH: 

evaluate  qUwJPtvkItyS>:< orHxHwItvkItyS>: 

evaporate  o0HxDOuGHP

evaporation  o0HxDOuGHPvJvdPto;qlwIo0H

evidence  wItkOto;

example  wIt'dtwJP

exercise  wIr:eDOcdtwI[l;wI*J:< wI*J:vd 

exoskeleton  CHwuGDOvUt'Do'UwIbO'dbOxH; 

experiment  pJthOwIr:uGI

explain  wJeIyUI< wJzsgxDOwI

external  vUtcsU< vUcdwcD

eyes  rJPcsH


fact  wI*hIvUtrhItwD< wI*hIvUtr:to;eDIeDI 

factor  wI*hIvUt'k;tdOxDOwI*hIwrH:rH: 

Fahrenheit (°F)  wIxdOwIudIteDI*HIxH; (zJ7HO[J;) (°F) 

fault  wIurO

feather  xdOqlO< wItqlOt'H;

feature  'k;tdOzsgwItuhIt*D:vUtvD:qD

features  wItuhIt*D:vUtvD:qDwzO

fins  nOt7>< nOt'H;wzO

fish  nO

fixed pulley  yO7H;oOvUtbOwIr:tD:usU:usU: 

float  xDOzD< vD:xGH< 'HuGHP

flood  xH'dObUwI< wIvkIbUwI

flowers  zDwzO

food chain  wItDOx;oGJ

food web  wItDOySP

force  wIr:qlO<wIto[DO

form  r:tuhIt*D:< [H;e>ItuhIt*D:

former  vUng< vUysU:vUoD

formula  wIbsUtusJvUyS:upl ;ug0Jt*DI

fossil  wIvUysU:vUupU:ttdOvD:wJPvU[DOcdOzDvP 

fossil fuel  e>qUOtrhOqO< e>qUO*Po0H

frequency  uGJ:vHvd:tvyDtxDOtvD:t,lP< wIr:to;cJtH:cJtH:teDO*HIeDO'G;

friction  wIbOMwLIvdPto;

fruit  wIolw:oO

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fulcrum  wIwclxDOwI< eDOwcl

function  wIr:vUtvD:bOwI< wIzH;wIr:tusd:tusJ 

fur  wItqlOuykPvkP


galaxy  qOu7lIwzO< qObkrkI

gas  *Po0H< wIo0H

generation  pd:< yS:wpd:

generator  pJ;zDu[OvUt'k;uJxDOvDrhOtl

germinate  vdOxDOz;xDO

germination  wIvdOxDOz;xDO'D;rJxDOwI

glacier  xHvD:ou:usd< xHou:udIvdOz;'dO 

graduated cylinder  zsUOyD:vUtxdOtxHtedwItBwDI

gram (g)  wIxdOwIcHuGIpDuGIteDI*HIxH; (g) graph  wIwhwI*D:t'dvUttdO'D;tyedwzO graphic  vUbOwI[JzsgxDO'fwI*D:tod;

gravity  wIxk;CU

greatest  wIt*h:< t'dO< txDuwUI

green plant  wIrkIwIbdvg[h

ground  [DOcdOnO

groundwater  xHvUtbOwIclOe>Ir:e>ItD:vU[DOcdO 

grow  'dOxDO< rJxDO

growth  wI'dOxDO


habitat  wIvDIvUwIrlwIrJtdOnDEkItvDI 

hail  xHvD:ou:tzsUOt[JvD:'fwIpl:tod;< olO 

hair  wItqlO

hand lens  rJPxHuv:vUtxk;zSdOwIuyD:t,J: 

hardness  wIvUtud:

harmful  vUtr:[l;*lP[;*dD:wIoh< vUtr:bO'dbOxH;bOqgwIoh

health  wItdOqlOtdOcs>

healthy habit  vkIvI*h:vUwItdOqlOtdOcs>t*DI 

hearth  zOuGPxH;< o;zsUO

heart muscle  o;zsUOnOxlO

heat   wIudI

heat energy  wIudIt*HIto[DO

herbivore  qOzduDIzdvUttDO'OxJwIrkIwIbd 

hibernation  qOzduDIzdtdO'k;zJwI*dIuwDI

host  wIvUtwlIvdPcDOqUwI

human  yS:unD< yS:[DOcdOzd

humidity  wIpkOpDO< xHtwItdOxJtH:xJEk:vUuvH:usg 

hurricane  uvH:o0H;vUtqlO [JCkP'D;wIpl:< vD0I'H;< 'D;vDydIvDoJvD:

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hygrometer  wIxdOxHtwItdOxJtH:xJEk:vUuvH:usgteDI*HIxH;


wIvUwIw,P'D; qdurdOyPpU:vUtbO 


identify  'k;eJOzsgxDO

identical  vUt'fod;od;< vD:*PcJvUPcJqh

igneous rock  vUIuvkPz;'dOwrH:

illuminate  r:uyD:xDOwI< 'k;vD:bOwIuyD:vUwIwrH:rH:tvd:

illustrate  yPzsgxDOwIvUwI'dwIwJPtyl:

inclined plane  wItvD:wpG:vUtoeUOwcD

increase  wIr:tgxDOwI

Independent variable  wIvJvdPto;vUtw'd;oe>:to;vUwIt*: 

indicate  'k;eJOzsgwI

inference  wIqdurdO'k;bOxGJuh:wI

information  wIupDO

inherit  [hOogwIe>Iog

inherited adaption  wIr:bObsd;bO'guh:[hOogwIe>Iog 

inherited trait  [hOogwIe>IogvkIvIouJPy0;vD:qD inquiry  wIoHuGIoH'd;< wICkohOng

insect  wIzdCOqH;qH;wzOvUttdO'D; tcDOCkcD'D;teDIcdbOwIeD:z;tD:oUwD:

insulator  wItyd;vDwrH:vUtbOwIoltD:vUuwBwDCPwIudI< wIoDO< vD:o[DO'D;*k:*: 

interact  wIbOxGJvdPo;,PcD,PcD

internal  vUtngyl:< vUttdyl:

interpret  wJzsgxDOwIwrH:rH:tcDynD

interval  wItuwDIvUwIr:to;cHrH:tbUOpU: 

invertebrate  qOzduDIzdvUtysdICHwtddO

investigate  orHord;wI< CdxHohOngwI


jaw  cO< cOCH

jellyfish  clO< yDOvJOnOwuvkPvUtbOwIuGIzsdtD:ohtdO'D;trJIcHvUqH;< xD< pl'D;qJ;wI 

joint  wItqU< wIturJP

journal  wIuGJ;eDOuGJ;CgweH:bOweH: (wIvUer:< exHO) 


kilogram (kg)  uHvdOBuJO< wItw,UOeDO*HIxH; (kg) 

kiloliter (kl)  wIxdOtxHtedtw,UOeDO*HIxH; (uHvdOvHxUO) (kl) 

kilometer (km)  wIxdOwIpSD:pk:eDI*HIxH; (uHvdOrHxUO) (km) 

kinetic energy  wI[l ;wI*J :*HIo[DO

kingdom  bDrkI

kitten  oOrH,D:zd

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knowledge  wIohOngeIyUI


label  uGJ;eDOwItrH:toO'D;'k;pJ;bl;xDCPvUtvd: land  [DocdOvDI

landslide  [DOcdOvD:vP< upUIvD:vP

large intestine  ySHPz;'dO

larva  wIzdvH :zdCIxD7D:t'HOr:to;'fvUOtod;'D;[l;0JwzO

latitude  [DOuGD:'g< wI'hOpU:tvDIwwD:vUtHOcG>xUO uvH:pd; rhwrhI uvH:xH;

lava  vUIxHudIoG;vUt[JxDOvU upUIrhOtltyl: 

leaf  ohOvO< wItvO

learned  vUttdO'D;wIohOngeIyUI

learned adaptation  vkIvIouJ;y0PvD:qDvUttdO'D;wIohOngeIyUI 

least  tpS:uwUI

leaves  ohOvOohOwzO

leg  cDO

length  wItxD

levee  wI'lOzkOzkOvUbOwIbSDtD:vUxHusduy:vUuBwDqUxH'dOed,G:t*DI

lever  eDOwuU< pk[H;vUtbOwIoltD:

life cycle  o;orlwIvJ:u0D:

life span  o;orlwIqUuwDIt,lP

light  wIuyD:

lighting  wI7JOusJ:[hOwIuyD:< vDrhOtltyD;tvD 

line graph  wuGDO'dvUttdO'D;yedwzO

lines of force  wIr:qlOwItusd:tusJ

liquid  wItxHted

list  wIuGJ;7JOvD:

liter (L)  wIxdOwIxHwIedteDO*HIxH; (vH ;xUO) (L) 

live  tdOrl? tdOqd;

living  wItdOrltdO*J:

living thing  wIvUttdOrlohOwzO

location  wIvDIwIusJ

lunar eclipse  wI,lIvg

lungs  tyodO

luster  wIuMw>OuMwdO


magma  vUIxHvUtudIvUttdOvU[DOcdOvP 

magnet  x;eg

magnetic field  x;egtvDIu0D:

magnetic force  x;egt*HIo[DO

magnetism  x;egto[DO

magnifier  wItyd;tvDwrH:vUt'k;tdOzsgwIwzO'dOe>OtrhIwI

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maintain  tH;uh:uGIuh:< 7JOoJuwD:

major  vUtrhIwItrdIySI< vUt'dOwuhI 

mammal  qOzduDIzdvUt'k;tDOEkItzd

mass  wIuUudIvdOxDOo;< wIudIvdO

mates  qOzduDIzd'DrdIzg

matter  wItoH;tuP< wI*hIwIyDI< wI*hIwIusd: 

measure  eDOCDO< eDOxdO< eDOwJP

mechanical  vUtbOxGJ'D;pJ;zDu[O

mechanical energy  pJ;zDu[O*HIo[DO

metamorphic rock  vUIvUtuhIt*D:vJvdPto;wqDbOwqD 

metamorphosis  wIvJvdPtuhIt*D:wqDbOwqD

meter (m)  eDOxDO< rHxUO (m) 

meter stick  wItyd;tvDvUtxdO'G;'D;uGJ;eDOuGJ;CgvD:wI 

method  wIr:tusJ

metric ruler  wIxdO'G;rHxUO'fwIt,lOeH;cdOohO 

microscope  wIyD;wIvDvUtr:zsg'dOxDOwIqH;qH;zd 

migration  wIol;tvDItusJqlwIvDIt*:

milligram (mg)  rHvHOBuJI (mg) 

millimeter (mm)  rHvHOrHxUO (mm) 

mineral  e>qUOwItoH;tuPvUttdOvU[DOcdOvP 

mitochondria  rhIwIvUttdO0Jt,J:qH;uwUIyPzSdOxDOto;tyl:'D;r:wIvUwIogxDOogvD:wI*DI 

mixture  wIusJOusDCkPto;

models  'k;tdOuJxDOwItuhIt*D:< wIt'dtwJP 

moisture  wIbOpDOw'dOwqH;

molecule  *PpDvUtqH;uwUIwuvkP< wItrdIySItqH;uwUIwuvkP

mollusk  wIrdIySItySPvUt'Dw'Ue>OqOzdudIzdvUtysdICHwtdO

motion  wI[l;wI*J:

motor  pJ;< rDxdOvhO< wIpdwIurD:vUt'k;vJwI 

mouth  udPyl:< x;cdO

movable pulley  yO7H;oOvUtok;xDOok;vD:oh

muscle tissue  nOxlOxH;7SL

muscular system  nOxlOtwI[l;wI*J:wIr:usd:uGP 


nail  pkrhO< cDOrhO

natural events  e>qUOwIr:to;ohOwzO

negative  vUttU< vUw*h:< vUtwtUOvD:tDvD:bO 

nervous system  xlOysIeUPwIzH;wIr:

neuron  wIvUtbOC;'D;eUPwzO

niche  wIvD:qUOvD:[dvUwI'lOuy:

nimbus  wIuyD:tuGD:vUttdO0;w7H;rkI'D;vg< wItUOcH;olz;'dO

nonliving thing  wIvUto;orlwtdO

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nonrenewable  wIvUuJxDOuh:toDu'D;woh

nonrenewable energy resource  *HIo[DOwIpkvDIcDOcdOvUuJxDOuh:toDu'D;woh 

nose  eg'h

nucleus  wIrlpJ(v)tcdOohO

number  eDO*HI

nutrient  wItDOe>I*HIe>Ibg


object  wIvUyxHOtD:< zDOtD:oh

objective lens  rJPxHuv:vUtr:zsg'dOxDO< qSSHxDO wIrdIySI 

observable   wIvUyuGIxHuGIq ;tD:oh

observation  wIuGIeDIuGICgwIwrH:rH:

observe  wIuGIxHuGIq;

obtained  r:e>IbO

occur  uJxDO< tdOxDOto;

odor  wIeUwIEGg

offspring  qOzduDIzd rhwrhI wIrkIwIbdwzO tcsHtpU: 

omnivore  vUttDOwItDOud;uvkP'J;

opinion  wIqdurdOqdur;

orbit  rlzsUIvJ:w7H;wItusd:tusJ

order  wI7JOvD:usJ:vD:wIwqDbOwqD

organ  eDIcduhI*D:wcgvUttdO'D;twIr:vD:qD'O0Jtod; 

organ system  eDIcduhI*D:'GJwzOtwIzH;wIr:

organism  wIvUto;orltdO

organize  u7Uu7dxDO< eDIcdtcDwzOr:pU:vdPto;vUtusJ'O0JpkPpkP

original  wIt*HIcDOxH;

ovary  ydPrkOtcsHtoOvDI

overabundance  wIteDO*HIvUttgwvUuJOqd;

ozone  tdOpd< tD;pHOua>O*Po0HwuvkP


parallel circuit  wItusd: rhwrhI yedw7H ;u0D:vU toCJ:vdPo; 

parasite  wIvUtrlvUwI*:tvd:

path  tusd:tusJ

pattern  wIt'd< wIulwIu:t'd

percent, percentage  rs;u,:< wu,:tzDcdOqH;tgqH;tg 

period  wItqUuwDI

permanent magnet  x;egvUttdOpHPtdOusU:

phases  tuhIt*D:vUttdOzsg0J< wIywDIvUwIr:tyl: 

phenomena  wIt'dOtrkIvD:qD

photosynthesis  wIzH;wIr:tywDIvUohOrkI0Obdtvd: 

physical  bOC;'D;eDIcdeDIcD

physical change  eDIcdeDIcDtwIqDwvJ

physical environment  eDIcdeDIcD'D;e>qUOwIbOxGJ

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physical property  eDIcdeDIcD'D; pkvDIcDOcdOwIbOxGJ

physical weathering  eDIcdeDIcD'D; rlcdOuvH:oDO*D:wIbOxGJ 

pie graph  wu;wuGDO'd

pistil  zDtbdvUtcsHtdOvUtyl:tcDOxH;wcD 

pitch  wIoDO'dOoDOqH;tywDI

planet  rlzsUO

plant  wIrkIwIbd

polar  vUtbOC;'D;[DOpd;vDIu0D:

pollen  zDurlO< zDtjyL;

pollinate  pdPcDzDurlOzDtjyL;

pollution  wIr:bOtU[DOcdOuvH:< xH'D;*k:*: 

position  wItvDI< tvDItusJ

positive  vUtvUxDOySJ:xDO< vUt*h:wcD

potential energy  *HIo[DOvUt*k:xDOyoDxDOqlwIwrH:rH:oh0J 

precipitation  wIo0HvUt[JvD:'fwIpl:xH< rlcdOzD< bS>Otod; 

predator  yS:vUt*kPqlOysdqlOwI

predict  w,PqdyPwI

prediction  wIxHOqdyPpU:< w,PqdyPpU:wI 

presence  wI[JyPzsgxDOto;< wItcDOxH;trJPng 

previous  vUngwbsD< vUtyl:uGHP

prey  qOzduDIzdvUtbOwIzDOtDOtD:

primary  tcdOusUI< vUtug'dOuwUI

probable  vUtuJxDOoh< r:to;oh

procedure  wIzH;wIr:tusd:tuGP

process  wItusd:tusJ

produce  wIrJxDOoOxDO< wI'k;tdOxDOwI 

producer  wIvUtr:uJxDO'k;tdOxDOwI

properties  wIpkvDIcDOcdOohOwzO

protect  'Do'UwI

proton  z7dOwdO(e)< wItoH;tuPNyHu'HzdvUttdO'D;ElusHPto[DO

provide  r:e>IyPpU:< [hOeD:vD:r:pU:

pull  xJ;wI< xk;wI

pulley  wIxk;wI< wIxJ;wI

pupa  wIqDwvJtbUOpU:tqUuwDIvU zdcOxD7D:t'HOql wIzdCI

puppies  xGHOzdwzO

push  wIqDOwI< wIqDOzsd;wI


rabbit  y'J

radiation  wIuyD:qJ;vD:< e,lcsH,gt*HIo[DO 

rain  wI[Jpl:vD:

rearrange  7JOusJ:u'guh:wI

reason  uGIxHqdurdOwI< *hIvdPbSDvdPwI 

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receive  wlIvdP< 'd;e>IwI

record  r:eDOr:Cg

rectum  thOusd:

recycle  bSD'D;olu'guh:

reduce  r:pS:vD:

refer  r:e>IwI'd;oe>:

reflect  uyD:qJ;u'g< cDqUu'guh:wI

refract  r:uhOvD:wIuyD:t,J:

relationship  wIbOxGJvdPo;

relative humidity  wIpkOpDOtbl;twHI

relevant  vUtMuU;< vUtbOC;'D;wI*hI

remain the same  tdOwhI'fod;vUng

renewable  wIvUtuJxDOuh:toDoh

renewable energy resource  *HIo[DOwIpkvDIcDOcdOvUtuJxDOuh:toDoh 

repair  wIbSD*h:xDOuh:wI

repel  zsd;uGHP

represent  r:cUOp;wIvUtvDI

reproduce  xk;tdOxDOu'D;wI

reproduction  wIr:xDOuh:u'D;wI< wIxk;xDOu'D;wI 

reptile  qOzduDIzdvUtoGHOckOtpGg'D;[kt'HO 

required  wIvdObO

respiratory system  wIzH;wIr:vUtbOC;'D;wIogxDOogvD: 

respond  cDqU< r:wI'fwIr:tD:tod;

response  wIcDqUuh:wI

responsible  vUttdO'D;trlt'gvUtbOxGJ

result  wItpU< wIvUtuJxDOto;

rest  tdObSH;< qduwDI< tdO*UIwyUI

reuse  pl;ugu'guh:

revolution  wIyUIqU< wIvJvdPto;

revolve  vJ:w7H;to;

riding a bicycle  wI'd;vhO,DOcDO

rock  vUI{d:vh{d:

rock cycle  vUI{d:vh{d:wIr:to;w0D0H:w0D

role  wIzH;wIr:vUtvD:bO< rl'g

root  ohO*HI< wIt*HIcDOxH;

rotate  w7H;

rotation  wIw7H;to;

rubbing  MwLIwI

ruler (metric)  yedbsU

runoff  vUPuGHP0J


saliva  xl;ys>:xH

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salivate  xl;ys>:xHxDO< cOxH,G:

scale  xdOwIuy:

scientific inquiry  wICkohOngwIbOxGJ'D;pJthO

scientific investigation  wICdxHwIbOxGJ'D;pJthO

scientific thinking  wIqdurdOqdur;vUtbOxGJ'D;pJthO 

screw  0HPEkP< 0HPyuH;wI

seasonal  tqUuwDI

seasonally  vUtuJxDOto;vUtqUuwDI'O0J 

seasons  wItchtcg< wItuwDI (wIudI< wIpl< wI*dP) 

secondary  cHrHwrH:

sediment  wItoH;tuPvUtvD:';vUxHcH'; 

sedimentary rock  vUItoH;tuPvUtvD:';vUxHcH';oh 

seed  wItcsH

seedling  wIrkIwIbdvUtpd;yhIxDO

select  CkxU

senses  (eg)phOwzO(xHO< uvUI< eI[l< vhO< eU) 

sense organ  eDIcduhI*D:'GJohOwzOvUttdO'D;phO(eg)wzO sequences  wI7JOvD:usJ:vD:wIwqDbOwqD

series circuit  yedw7H;u0D:twI7JOwIusJ:

sewage  wIthOwIqHO< xHbOtUvUwI'k;,G:uGHP 

shadows  wItu'k

shape  wItuhIt*D:

shells  tuk

shelter  wItdOo'UtvDI

shield volcano  wI'Do'UrhOtlupUI

shiver  ued;upkP

significant  vUtcDynDtdOvD:qD

similarity  wIvD:*P< wI'fod;vdPo;

simple machine  pJ;zDu[OvU,d,dzd'D;ypl ;ugtD:nD 

sink  vD:bsU< vD:bsUO

situation  wItcU;< wItdOto;

size  t'dOtvJI< tuhIt*D:

skeletal muscle  nOxlOvUtbOC;'D;tCH

skeletal system  tCHtuGJwIzH;wIr:

skin  tzH;bhO

sky  rluydPvd:

sleet  olO< rlcdOzDCgCkPo;'D;rlcdOxHpl:vD: 

small intestine  ySHPusd:tqH;

smooth muscle  nOxlObs>

snow  rlcdOzD

soil  [DOcdOnOxhO

soil texture  [DOcdOnOxhOtzH;bhOtbs>

solar cell  yD;vDwcgvUtysdPvJrkIt*HIo[DOqlvDrhO*HIo[DO 

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solar system  rkI'D;rlzsUOohOwzOvUvJ:w7H;rkIcJvUP 

solid  wIudOvdO< vUttdO'D;toH;tuP 

solidification  wIr:udOvdOxDOwI

solubility  vUtySHIvD:uGHPvUxHusg

solute  wIusJxH< ySHIvD:

solution  wItpU< xHvUwI*:ySHIvD:[grIvUtusg 

sound  wItuvkI

sound recorder  pJ;zDu[OvUtzDOwIuvkI

source  wItcDOxH;< wIt*HIxH;

space  rlysD< wIvDIvD:[d

species  pU:< upU:< pU:oGJO

specific  vD:wHIvD:qJ;< vD:vD:qDqD

speed  wItcs>

spine  ysdICH

spinal cord  eUIbdvUttdOvUysdICHtuql;

sponge  uk:yDOvJO

spore  zD rhwrhI wIrkIwIbdtcsHNyHu'HvUt'k;tdOxDOwIrkItoD

spring scale  wIyD;vDwrHvUtxdO'G;wI

sprout  wIpd;yhIxDO

stages  wItywDI

stamen  zDtzgtcsHvUtxk;xDOwItcsH

stalks  txlO< wItrkIusUI

star  qO

state  wItdOto;

static charge  wIoDGvD*HIqlvDrhOtlto[DOvUtw,G:

static electricity  vDrhOtlto[DOvUtw,G:

stem  xHo0H< xHcsDo0H

stigma  zDtrdIbdtcsH

stimulus  wIvUtxdO[l;xdO*J:xDOwI

stomach  uzk

storms  uvH:rkIwG:

stopwatch  eO7HOzDOwIqUuwDI

strategy  wIr:7JOusJ:cdOohO

strato  uvH:vUttdOupD:,H:'D;[DOcdOrJPzH;cdOEGHrH:vP 

stratus cloud  wItUOvUttdObk;'D;[DOcdOuxU 

streak  tvGJIuwd:< wIuyD:t,J:wbd

structural adaptation  wIr:bObsd;bO'guh:wIvUtbOC;'D;usd:usJvUbOwIbSDtD:< u7Uu7dxDOtD: 

structure  qDvD:yPvD:< 7JOvD:usJ:vD:

subsoil  [DOcdOtzH;bhOvUttdOvU[DOcdOnOxhOtzDvPwuMxU

substance  wItoH;tuP< wItrdItySI

summarize  usUIwHI

sun  rkI

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sunny  rlcdOuqSD

support  yUICP< wIqDOxGJr:pU:

surface  wItrJPzH;cdO

survive, survival  tdOrlvD:wJP

surviving  wItdOrl'H;< tdOrlvD:wJP'H;

sweat  uyU:

switch  vJvdPto; (wItd;xDO wIr:oHvDrhOtltyD;vD) 

system  wI7JOwIusJ:twIr:usJ


tadpole  bUObD< bUOcO

tape measure  eDOxdOysH:

teeth  rJ

temperate  vUttdO'D;wIudIwIckOvUtwqlO 

temperature  wIudIwIckOteDO*HI

temporary magnet  wpdIwvDIx;eg

theory  wIqdurdO'D;wIePvU wIMuU;r:wI'fvJO'fvJOwIbsU

thermometer  eDOxdOwI*dIwIckO

thrive  tgxDO*DIxDO< *k:xDOyoDxDO

thunderstorm  vDuvH:rkI

tissue  rhI0J'OwIt,J:wzOvUtyPzSdOxDOto;'D;uJxDO0JnOxlO

tongue  ys>:

tool  wIyD;wIvDvUyS:oltD:

topsoil  [DOcdOnOxhOvUtzDcdOwuxU

tornado  uvH:rkIvUttlo0H;wIwysKPwysD: 

trachea  uvH:usd:vUudP,lIyl:

trait  vkIvIouJPy0;vD:qD

transfer  wIqSUcDpdPcDwI

transport  wIqSUxDOqSUvD:wI

trial  wIusJ:bUusJ:uGDI< wIr:uGI

tropical  bOxGJwIudIvDIu0D:

troposphere  wIudIvDIuvH:u0D:

trough  vyDtuql;< xHrd:usd

trunks  ohOtxlOrdIySI

turbine  pJ;zDu[O rhwrhI pJ;vUt'd;e>Itw[DOvUtyOw7H;vUtw7H;to;vUxH 

type  tuvkP


unbalanced forces  wIo[DOqlOvUwbOvdPbOp;

unequal  vUtw'fod;xJod;vdPo;

under  tzDvP

universe  rl[DOu,U

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vacuole  wIvDIvUttdO'D ;txHtedvUpJvftyl : 

variable  vUtvJvdPto;oh

vegetable  wI'd;wIvO

vein  oGHOuh:usd:

vertebrate  wIo;orlvUttdO'D;tysdICH

visible  vUtbOwIxHOtD:oh< vUtzsg

volcano  upUIrhOtl

voltmeter  eDOxdOvDrhOtlo[DO

volume  wItoDO'dOoDOqH;


waste  r:vUP*D:uvDwI

water  xH

water cycle  xHwIr:to;w0D0H:w0D (xHtwIvJ:w7H;o;) 

water vapor  xHo0H

wavelength  uGJ:vhvd:vyDtusd:twI'hOpU:

weather  rlcdOuvH:oDO*D:

weathering  rlcdOuvH:oDO*D:vUtqSH

wedge  usJ;< qGHEkPwI< qGHwHIvD:wI

week  EGH< wEGHe>OtdO0JEGHoD

weight  wItCU< wItw,UI

wheel and axle  yO7H;

width  wItvJI< wIt'DOCD:

wind  uvH:

wind vane  wIyD;wIvD'k;eJOuvH:tlwItusd: 

wings  t'H;qh



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