Page 1: SCREENING KIT1. If the conversation doesn’t start easily, you can get the conversation going by sharing your own feelings and/or offering a few dialogue questions. You could also


Page 2: SCREENING KIT1. If the conversation doesn’t start easily, you can get the conversation going by sharing your own feelings and/or offering a few dialogue questions. You could also

THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes is a beautiful and hopeful movie, and at the same time is a true story about our lives, and we have some deep work to do. If you are sharing this with your children, please provide them with the support they need to participate in solutions, including to explore their purpose and engage in accordance with their unique passions and capacities.

We’ve produced this kit understanding that due to Covid-19 related restrictions, some people will choose to or be required to avoid in-person screenings. That said, most of what we recommend can be utilized either in-person or in virtual screenings. We’ve also delineated specific recommendations depending upon which type of gathering best fits your circumstance.

Letter From the Filmmakers 3

Before the Screening 4

Program Overview 4 What You’ll Need 4 Getting Ready 5

At the Screening 6

Introductions 6 Watching the Film 6 Talking About It 7 Taking Action 9 Closing 10

Resources 11

Recommended Top 10 Actions 11 Links 11

Table of Contents 2

Page 3: SCREENING KIT1. If the conversation doesn’t start easily, you can get the conversation going by sharing your own feelings and/or offering a few dialogue questions. You could also

A Letter from THRIVE II Filmmakers, Foster and Kimberly Carter Gamble

Thank you for hosting a THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes screening! We’re delighted to have you as a partner in helping to mobilize people everywhere to create a world where everyone has an opportunity to thrive. It is our hope that viewing the film with others will spark vibrant conversations about what it means to thrive, the truth about what’s in the way, and the actions each of us can take to make a real difference.

THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes is a film about the core patterns that engender and sustain life. It is a wake-up call to the extent to which power has been consolidated and abused by an elite few, and it is an invitation to join in the brightest possibilities that can be liberated when we think critically and take a stand for liberty. In short, THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes is about real ways in which we can each actively shift the power structures blocking the free flow of energy that enables all of life to Thrive.

It is not important for you or your guests to agree with everything in the film. We do hope it motivates you to check out the facts for yourselves, engage in rich dialogue with others, and take the actions that are right for you. To support you we’ve packed our website with resources. In fact, we like to think of our films as trailers for a global, self-organizing movement.

If you would like to host a screening and charge your attendees, whether it be for donation or a set ticket price, we support you. We request that 25% of the gross revenue be paid to ThriveOn. This is all based on the honor system. Payments can be made here:

Screenings can help empower that movement. To help you make your screening as rich and fruitful as possible, we’re providing you with resources for answering questions and inspiring and sustaining engagement.

Thank you for being part of this exciting movement and for all that you’re doing to create a thriving world.

Foster Gamble, Kimberly Carter Gamble, and ThriveOn Team 3

Page 4: SCREENING KIT1. If the conversation doesn’t start easily, you can get the conversation going by sharing your own feelings and/or offering a few dialogue questions. You could also


If you are unfamiliar with hosting a screening, this step by step guide is intended to help you feel confident that you have covered your bases. It is offered as a helpful suggestion. Of course, we welcome you to design and host whatever kind of screening best serves you and your community.

Screenings will vary, ranging from small gatherings in private homes, to large public events in communal spaces, to virtual events held with any number of geographically dispersed attendees. This kit provides a range of options and resources that you can adapt for your own screening.


Here’s a basic program that you can modify however you like. This schedule takes about three and a half hours.

• Welcome and introductions - 15 min. • Watch the film - 151 min.

· We recommend planning a 15 minute intermission at 1:31:50 into the film, between the Energy and Freedom segments. You will know the time for an intermission is coming close when you have traveled with us to Africa.

• Talk about it - 30 min. • Take action - 30 min.


• A copy of THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes, either digital or DVD. • For virtual screenings, you’ll need video conferencing software and each of your guests

will need to rent or own their own copy of the film. • For in-person groups you might need a projector to show the movie on a big screen or a

big blank wall. If so, make sure you have the right adapters ahead of time for connecting your computer to the projector.

• Resources – These are all links to resources and support materials on the ThriveOn website. You can bookmark them on your computer so they’re readily available.

• It may also be helpful to suggest your guests join the THRIVE Solutions Hub for future coordination and action.

Technology 4

Page 5: SCREENING KIT1. If the conversation doesn’t start easily, you can get the conversation going by sharing your own feelings and/or offering a few dialogue questions. You could also

Materials Suggestions For In-Person Screenings

Consider if you want to include any of these:

• Name tags for larger groups if guests don’t already know each other. • A sign-in sheet to get names and contact information so you can stay in touch with each other. • Paper and pens handy for people who want to take notes. • Snacks - you can always share the load by asking your guests to contribute some food. • DVDs or Blu-ray Discs to sell to your guests - wholesale bundles of 30 and 100 are available on


• You can purchase or rent the film through our website at The quality of the Digital HD version depends on your internet connection. When it’s possible to host large groups, we recommend watching the DVD to get the best quality without unpredictable interruption. • When hosting a virtual screening, ensure your guests each have their own copy of the film ready to play. Please do not attempt to show the movie via a shared link with one purchase. It makes for poor viewing quality and undermines our ability to support the movement.• It’s ideal to be connected directly to your router via ethernet while streaming. Wifi connections are slower and can cause delays and pauses. • To view fullscreen, click the square icon in the lower right of the video player. To go back to the smaller viewing window, hit Escape on your keyboard.

Get Informed

• Consider if you want to watch the film before your screening. Doing so is likely to help you feel more prepared to host a fruitful conversation since you won’t yourself be dealing with your own reactions for the first time. • Get to know the website. Not only will you get answers to a variety of questions, you’ll also be able to point your guests to the resources they need. • Also familiarize yourself with the THRIVE Solutions Hub and be prepared to give your guests a quick walkthrough.


Page 6: SCREENING KIT1. If the conversation doesn’t start easily, you can get the conversation going by sharing your own feelings and/or offering a few dialogue questions. You could also



You might want to help your guests settle in by having them introduce themselves. For large groups, people can turn to their neighbors on both sides and share what inspired them to attend the screening. When hosting a large virtual screening, you can separate into ‘breakout rooms’ if your video conferencing software permits. For smaller groups, whether in-person or virtual, invite each person to say their name to the whole group and share what brought them there.


If hosting a virtual screening, you may want to allow guests to exit the conference for the duration of the film to conserve bandwidth and focus on the film. As the host, you should leave your video conference open so that your guests can rejoin using the same invitation link when the documentary ends.


When the film ends, it might be helpful to wait until the titles finish before turning up the lights and starting the dialogue. Letting the credits roll with the theme song playing all the way through gives people a little time to reflect before engaging. It also gives a feel for the number of people it took to create this offering, and why it costs money to provide it.

For virtual screenings, It’s also a good idea to allot a little extra time after the film to account for any restroom breaks or delays your guests experience. 6

Page 7: SCREENING KIT1. If the conversation doesn’t start easily, you can get the conversation going by sharing your own feelings and/or offering a few dialogue questions. You could also

1. If the conversation doesn’t start easily, you can get the conversation going by sharing your own feelings and/or offering a few dialogue questions. You could also suggest a guest share what overall impact the film has had on them.

2. Remember, the purpose of the film isn’t to get people to adopt new beliefs but to generate critical thinking. There’s no need to convince anybody of anything. Instead, allow them to express their perspective, whatever it may be, and invite them to try on another perspective for a short time to see if it has value.

3. If someone starts dominating the conversation, ask them politely to make room for more comments and experiences.

4. If people have questions about what was actually in the film, remind them that they can watch the film again. It took Foster and Kimberly years to research its contents and it is likely to take more than one viewing to benefit from the full offering. Also the subscription to ThriveOn Seven Levels Deep will include you in a rich dialogue for those who want to engage directly...

5. After sharing the initial impact of the film you can invite people to talk about what inspired them, what challenged them, and what questions they now have, if any.

6. You can choose dialogue questions from the list on the next page and post them in front of the room to help keep the conversation going, or hand out a printed page with the dialogue questions on them to each group.

Discussion Tips For Groups of Any Size, In-Person or Virtual: TALK ABOUT IT

Gauge the Group Response With a Show of Hands

You and your guests can see the wide range of responses people might be having to different content covered in the film by doing the following exercise. You can tell them:

I’m going to name some of the topics covered in the film. Raise your hand to the height that best represents your level of agreement with the perspective represented in the film. That means all the way up if you’re fully aligned or on your lap if you’re not aligned at all. Hold it up anywhere in the middle to reflect your feelings.


Page 8: SCREENING KIT1. If the conversation doesn’t start easily, you can get the conversation going by sharing your own feelings and/or offering a few dialogue questions. You could also

Here are some questions that might help spark conversation. You can highlight questions that particularly interest you so they’re easy to find once people arrive.

Dialogue Questions

Initial Impressions

• How do you feel having watched the film? • What’s the hardest information for you to take in or believe? • What’s the easiest information for you to take in or believe? • What beliefs and assumptions did the film confirm? • What beliefs and assumptions did the film challenge? • What did you see in the film that you also see happening in the world? • Where do you see evidence of some of the claims of the film? Do you see evidence to the contrary? • What in the film is most helpful to you on your own path to thriving?

Going Deeper

• What was the most interesting part of the film for you? • What do you want to know more about? • What do you imagine would be different if we could tap into a source of free, infinite energy? • What makes it easy or hard to consider that so few could become so powerful? • What makes it easy or hard to believe that so few could be so cruel? • Can we create meaningful change within the political system? What are the limitations? • What do you think are effective strategies for creating a thriving world? • How does the non-Aggression principle apply to the current Covid-19 vaccine strategy?


Page 9: SCREENING KIT1. If the conversation doesn’t start easily, you can get the conversation going by sharing your own feelings and/or offering a few dialogue questions. You could also

Some people might be ready to join right in with the Solutions Hub and get going. Others might need time to sit with it all, do more research, talk to friends, or watch the film again. All of these are valid responses. One thing to consider is there’s no such thing as not taking action. Every dollar you spend supports something. What is the world your money is creating? Every day you tolerate the status quo is a day that you participate in violating someone against their will. Here are some ways your guests might be moved to engage:

1. Introduce the Solutions Hub - Start by suggesting everyone sign up and join the THRIVE Solutions Hub. We’ve built this platform to offer it as an empowering tool, giving you the infrastructure to collaborate for global transformation. It’s up to each participant to make use of it to its fullest potential. Once your guests are signed up, give them a quick overview of what’s possible on the platform.

2. Connect the Dots - Once you’ve seen the film, you might start to connect your own dots as you notice news reports and global events fitting the pattern. You might also want to read Kimberly’s tips on How to Follow the Money.

3. Learn More - We hope you’ll do lots of your own research. You can start by going to the ThriveOn website. We also list other sources of independent journalism that we believe are valuable.

4. Our Recommended Top 10 Actions - These are some of the most highly leveraged actions you can take. You can learn more about the details in the Top 10 Actions Page on the website, and at the end of this kit.


Page 10: SCREENING KIT1. If the conversation doesn’t start easily, you can get the conversation going by sharing your own feelings and/or offering a few dialogue questions. You could also

Self Organizing

Invite people to share areas of engagement that interest them most. You can then ask for a show of hands to see if others are interested. Once everyone has had a chance to announce their interests and recognize others who share them, let the interest groups connect for future discussion and planning.

Here are a few ideas for possible public offerings, but feel free to brainstorm your own:

• Form a local action group to go through each of the Top 10 Action steps together.

• Start a THRIVE study group using Enlist your school to provide academic credit for studying THRIVE solution strategies and resources.

• Start a group around each action, using Telegram or a platform you all like..

We suggest that those planning to meet in interest groups be sure to exchange contact information, establish a point person, and establish a next step they want to take. You can remind them of this a few minutes before you reconvene as a large group. Invite people who aren’t part of interest groups to shop around and listen-in on other groups to see if they are inspired or want to join.


CLOSINGRemember to have people sign a guest list if they want to stay connected. 10

Page 11: SCREENING KIT1. If the conversation doesn’t start easily, you can get the conversation going by sharing your own feelings and/or offering a few dialogue questions. You could also

The Movie FAQs Recommended Top 10 Actions Conversation Starters Success Stories Media Page

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the content at each of these links and have the links ready/bookmarked in case they come in handy during your screening.



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