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Journalism 1

Sean McMann: From Sports to Government

Sean McMann, a former sports journalist who has covered events from the Yankees

World Series locker room to NCAA championships, found that his experiences in journalism led

him to his current position, where he uses his previously learned skills in an attempt to help


Last Thursday, McMann spoke to students pursuing journalism at his alma mater, SUNY

New Paltz, and the ways that public relations and journalism go hand in hand. McMann, now a

Communication Specialist for the Dutchess County Government, connected the ways that

writing for sports advanced his career into writing and representing for public relations in the


He advised students to, “Find something you’re passionate about it, take any job that can

take you to the next step and do whatever it takes to get to that point, but, getting to that point

may not be the route you think so you have to be persistent. Don’t take no for an answer.”

A former Oracle writer and editor at SUNY New Paltz, McMann also told students to

take advantage of the campus newspaper, and to make their mistakes now. “If you make

mistakes at a job, you might not have that job too long. College is where you learn and grow

along the way.” He spoke about his first job at the Rutland Herald in Vermont and how it paved

the way for the rest of his career, where he learned everything from taking photos, to writing

headlines, to reporting.

As for his current job, he believes he has taken a step in the right direction, working more

“for the people” and the greater good of his community. “I can affect lives in my current job, so

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when people need help, I can let them know everyday that their lives could be saved and they

might not know about it had I not put out these press releases.”

One of his most memorable experiences working for the Dutchess County Government

was the launching of Wheels to Work, an initiative to give families in need their own cars. On

the experience of giving out the vehicles, McMann said, “The looks in their eyes when they saw

their cars were so memorable. To them, this is the key to a new life, and a way to get to a better

life. Its things like this that make an impact. I see people whose lives have changed for the better,

and as exciting as it was to be in the Yankees locker room, I didn’t get the same satisfaction I get

from this job, where I want to be able to help and get messages out, and overall feel more


Comparing his past career with his current, he explained the adjustment from sports to

government, as he uses similar skills, with the application of those skills being altered. “Now, I

create press releases, social media, and participate in field visits. It was time to make a change,

and with each day I love it even more.”

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