  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants


    Selection methods in selectionand employment of


  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants



    Consultancy refers to service of a firm,company, corporation, organization,partnership or individual engaged in or able

    to be engaged in the business of providingservices in architecture, economics,engineering, surveying or any field of

    professional activity.

  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants


    Methods of Selection International Competitive Selection Reg. 32

    National Competitive Selection Reg. 33.

    Restricted Competitive Selection Reg. 34

    Single source Selection Reg. 35.

    Method of Procurement Limits

    International Competitive Selection No Limit

    National Competitive Selection Up to Tshs 1,000,000,000

    Restricted Competitive Selection Up to Tshs 500,000,000

    Single-Source Selection Up to Tshs 300,000,000

    Individual Selection Up to 150,000,000/-

    Minor Value Procurement Up to Tshs 7,500,000

  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants


    Leading CPSP questions

    With reference to public procurement Act,explain the procedure to be applied for selectingconsultants (CPSP, Nov 2006 (Q.6 (d))

    Explain how you can select a consultant throughapplying the Tanzania Public procurement Actand its Regulations (CPSP, May 2008 (Q.6)

    Discuss the basic principle stages of theselection process in employment of consultants(CPSP, Nov 2011 (Q.2)

  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants


    Selection Procedures andConditions for Application

    Selection procedure based solely on technicalquality Reg. 37;

    Selection procedure based on technical quality

    with price consideration- Reg. 38; Selection procedure based on the compatibility of

    technical proposal and least cost considerationReg. 39; and

    Selection procedure based on quality andfixed budget Reg.40. Selection based on Consultants

    Qualifications Reg 41;

  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants


    Selection Process

    Preparation of the terms of reference Reg. 43; Take note of the PEs contribution, Counterpart staff,

    training and local firms participation Use Individual Consultant if the PE lacks internal

    capacity Preparation of cost estimate and the budget

    Reg. 48; Advertising the acquisition of services- Reg. 49;

    Preparation of the short list of consultants - Reg.50 and 51; Determination of the selection procedures and

    criteria for selection;

  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants


    Selection Process (2)

    Preparation and issuance of the request forproposal

    Inviting the consultants to submit proposals Receipt of proposals Reg. 56;

    Allow adequate time for Consultant to submitproposal as per allowed time in the Third Schedule;

    Clarification to quarries by Consultant to be givenwithin 3 days

    Submission as specified in the Information toConsultants Late submissions to be rejected and be returned

    unopened Signed minutes of opening may be provided to

    participating firms on request.

  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants


    Selection Process (3)

    Evaluation of technical proposals Reg. 58; Evaluation of quality minimum five members of evaluation

    team working independently;

    Use weights given in the RFP as per Sixth Schedule;

    Notify consultants of the outcome of the evaluation oftechnical proposal

    Evaluation of financial proposal Reg. 60, 61& 62; Opening of FP for only firms who have qualified in the TP

    should be invited in the opening ceremony

    Evaluation team to consist minimum 3 members.

    Ensure that the FP is complete I.e. all items of TP havebeen adequately costed.

    Comparison should exclude tax obligations

    Take into account of margin of preferences included.

  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants


    Selection Process (4)

    Evaluation of financial proposal Reg. 60, 61 and62;

    Opening of FP for only firms who have qualified in the


    should be invited in the opening ceremony Evaluation team to consist minimum 3 members.

    Ensure that the FP is completeI.e. all items of TP havebeen adequately costed.

    Comparison should exclude tax obligations Take into account of margin of preferences included.

    Final evaluation of quality and cost

    Will depend on the method of selection used;

  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants


    Selection Process (5)

    Negotiations and award of the contract to theselected consultant Reg. 66;

    Note on the areas of negotiation,

    Formation of negotiation team;

    Approval of negotiation plan;

    How to proceed with negotiations

    Award of Contract

    Award must be approved by the Tender Board; Notify unsuccessful consultants within a period of one


    Send copy of award to Authority for publication.

  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants


    Selection Process (6)

    Signing the contract Between the procuring entity (PE) and the


    Copy of the award to Authority; Controller andAuditor General;Attorney General andTechnical Audit Unit of MOF

  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants


    Questions review Explain how you can select a consultant through applying the Tanzania Public

    procurement Act and its Regulations (CPSP, May 2008 (Q.6) Discuss the basic principle stages of the selection process in employment of

    consultants(CPSP, Nov 2011 (Q.2) Answer:

    The principle stages of the selection of consultancy involve: Preparation of the terms of reference

    Preparation of cost estimate and the budget Advertising the acquisition of service Preparation of the shortlist of consultants Determination of the selection procedure and criteria for selection Preparation and issuance of the request for proposal Inviting the consultants to submit proposals

    Receipt of proposals Evaluation of technical proposal Evaluation of financial proposal Final evaluation of quality and cost Negotiations and award of contract to the selected consultant and Signing the contract

  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants


    Questions review (2)

    With reference to public procurement Act, explain theprocedure/methods to be applied for selectingconsultants (CPSP, Nov 2006 (Q.6 (d))


    1. Selection procedure based solely on technical quality.

    This is the procedure whereby the firm which submitted thebest technically acceptable proposal be the first to be invitedfor negotiation. Where no agreement is reached the secondranked firm will be invited for negotiation, the exercise willcontinue until agreement is reached:

    The financial envelop containing proposals of firms notsounded for negotiations will be returned un-open to theofferers.

    This method can be used for complex and highly specializedassignment

  • 8/2/2019 Selection and Employment of Consultants


    Selection procedurestarts with evaluation oftechnical proposal,

    whereby classified byorder of merit, with theirrespective financialproposals

    The technical and

    financial proposals beweighted and combinedvalue to be calculated,negotiations will beinitiated with the highestcombined score

    Firms whose technical proposalsare retained will be those whoscored equal or above thespecified threshold, only financialproposal unclasp of consultantswho scored equal or above theminimum shall be opened, forcomparative purpose, financialoffer which is considered to be

    the lowest shall be invited fornegotiation.

    This method is used forassignment of a standard orroutine nature where wellestablished practices andstandard exist

    2. Selection based oncombined technical quality

    and price consideration

    3. Selection based oncompatibility of technicalproposals and least cost


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    4. Selection based on quality andfixed budget:

    Under this method the request for proposalsshall indicate the available budget andrequest the consultants to provide their

    technical and financial proposals within thebudget.

    Technical proposal shall be carried first and priceenvelopes of those scoring above the minimum

    shall be opened in public The method may be used when assignment

    is simple and can be precisely defined andwhen the budget is fixed

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