Page 1: Skipping Streams with XHints

Skipping Streams with XHints

Akhil Gupta Sudarshan S. Chawathe

Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742



When streaming semi-structured data is processed bya well-designed query processor, parsing constitutesa significant portion of the running time. Furtherimprovements in performance therefore require somemethod to overcome the high cost of parsing. Wehave designed a general-purpose mechanism by whicha producer of streaming data may augment the datastream with hints that permit a downstream proces-sor to skip parsing parts of the stream. Insertingsuch hints requires additional processing by the pro-ducer of data; however, the resulting stream is morevaluable to consumers (since they have to performless processing) , making such processing worthwhile.We present a set of hint schemes and describe howthey are used by query engines. We demonstrate thebenefits of our approach using an experimental studybased on a hints-aware XPath query engine. Our re-sults show that XHints can improve the performanceof XPath query engines by as much as 100%.

1 Introduction

Streaming semi-structured data processing has re-cently gained immense importance, particularly inthe area of publishing and subscription services. Inmost of these applications, the data is generated andsent by a server to a large number of subscribedclients in form of a stream. The clients may be inter-ested in different portions of the data which can berepresented in form of a query (e.g. XPath expres-sion) and has to be evaluated on the data stream toobtain the desired portions of data.

A simple architecture for such an application isa centralized system where the clients submit theirqueries to a central data server. The server performsthe necessary query evaluation and sends the appro-priate portions of the data to each client. Althoughthis scheme has a low overhead in terms of amount ofdata sent across network, it requires a large overlay

of resources at the server side and is not scalable.

An alternative method is to send the data stream toeach client using either unicast or multicast networkmethods and leave it to each client to pick the data itneeds. The advantage of this approach is its simplic-ity, low processing cost at the server and scalabilityto a large number of clients. However, it suffers fromthe disadvantage of requiring each client to performpotentially large amount of redundant work. Thisproblem is exacerbated by the presence of low-powerclients such as PDAs and Web-enabled phones andrequires a mechanism to reduce the computationalload on the client query processors.

It has been observed that even well-implementedstream processors [2, 20] spend a large fraction (typi-cally well over 50%) of their CPU resources on parsingthe input stream. As a result, any post-processing op-timization technique can only provide limited gain insystem performance. Further improvement can onlybe attained by reducing the cost of parsing the data.One possible way of achieving it is by restricting theparsing to those portions of data stream that containthe query result. We refer to such data as relevantdata with respect to the query. Clearly, skipping ir-relevant data does not result in any loss in terms ofthe correctness of the output, but does help reducethe workload of the query processor.

For example, consider the XPath query/book[discount]/title on the sample XMLdata shown in Figure 1. For this particular query, abook element without a discount child element doesnot contain the query result and is irrelevant. Thus,such elements, e.g. the second book element (lines21–30), can be skipped by a query engine. Similarly,within the book element, elements other than thetitle element do not affect the query result and canbe skipped by the query engine.

Skipping data requires some form of direct accessto relevant data. Traditionally, this access is usu-ally provided with the help of indexes. Unfortu-nately, methods for indexing semi-structured data(e.g., [6, 7, 10, 19]) are not easily adapted to a stream-


Page 2: Skipping Streams with XHints


2. <mag>

3. <name>Times</name>

4. </mag>

5. <book>

6. <title>

7. Modern Information Retrieval

8. </title>

9. <discount> 10 </discount>

10. <price> 15 </price>

11. <year> 1972 </year>

12. <edition> 3 </edition>

13. <pub>

14. <name>Addison Wesley</name>

15. <address>

16. 34 Broadway, N.Y. U.S.A

17. </address>

18. </pub>

19. <author> Ricardo Baeza-Yates </author>



22. <title>

23. Database Systems:The Complete Book

24. </title>

25. <price> 60 </price>

26. <edition> 2 </edition>

27. <author> Hector Garcia-Molina </author>

28. <author> Jeffrey D. Ullman </author>

29. <author> Jennifer Widom </author>



Figure 1: Example XML data

ing environment in which indexing information is re-quired before the entire stream (which may be un-bounded) is available. Further, unless the streamdata is available a priori, indexes for streaming appli-cations must be generated on the fly.

An early example of an index for streaming datais the stream index (SIX) for XML [11]. This indexaugments a stream with pointers to the beginning andend of each element. These pointers are stored in acompact binary form and may be used by a query pro-cessor to skip to the end of elements that are deemedirrelevant. SIX has a very low overhead and can sig-nificantly increase the throughput of streaming XMLquery processors for simple queries. However, SIX isof only limited use for more complex queries, suchas those containing closures and predicates. The SIXindex provides offsets to XML elements that matchesa query label. However, the index does not contain

sufficient information to infer if the element satisfiesa predicate or contains a descendant specified in thequery. As a result, the query processor may have toparse additional data resulting in an overhead.

For example, even in the case of moderately com-plex query such as //book[price<10]//address,the query processor may use the SIX index to jumpto the first book element at line 5 in Figure 1. Butas the index does not contain any additional informa-tion about the data, it has to parse the entire elementeven though it does not satisfy the predicate.

Furthermore, SIX has been designed for XML datathat is available off-line for pre-processing. The indexgeneration requires both the start and the end offsetsof all elements, but in case of streaming data, someXML elements may not be completely available tocompute these offsets.

We propose a flexible scheme for placing indexinginformation in a stream, in the form of annotations orhints. These hints, called XHints, store informationabout the stream data such as the offsets to dataelements and summaries of data values. They can beinserted in the stream as special elements in the sameformat as the data.

XHints are generated at the server end and sentalong with the data stream to the clients. The gener-ation of XHints does not require access to the entiredata stream. They may be generated using only par-tially buffered streams, allowing near-real-time pro-cessing of the data.

Since XHints constitute additional data that mustbe sent to clients, they do not result in any savingsin network transmission costs in a unicast network.In a multicast network, savings may result from thefact that clients that would otherwise receive distinctstreams now receive the same one. Further, XHintsalso imply some additional computation at the server(albeit simple, as described later). However, theseadditional costs at the server may be worthwhile be-cause not only do they improve the efficiency of thesystem as a whole (server and many clients), theyalso increase the value of the data provided by theserver to a client (because it is easier for the client touse it).

Our methods are applicable to any data streamrepresenting tree-structured data that is serializedin pre-order. However, for concreteness, we focuson processing XPath queries on XML in this paper.Since our methods are based on the idea of skippinginput data without parsing, a downstream query en-gine (at the client site) may not be able to check thewell-formedness of the portions of stream that areskipped. However, we assume a trust relationship


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between the producer and the consumer of the datain this regard because in any case, the consumer hasto rely on the correctness and validity of the XHintsinserted by the producer. The system also does notdepend on the character encoding used in the datastream since the offsets to the elements are defined interms of number of characters instead of raw bytes.We may summarize the main contributions of this

paper as follows:

1. To the best of our knowledge, the methods wepresent here are the first that permit a streamprocessor to systematically and flexibly skipparsing parts of semistructured data streams.Since parsing frequently accounts a large frac-tion of processing time, methods such as theseare important if throughput is to be improvedbeyond the maximum throughput of a parser.

2. We describe a generic framework for XHints thatallows any query engine to process streamingsemistructured data more efficiently. We de-scribe the application of XHints for an auto-mated XPath query processor and an iteratorbased query engine.

3. We present an experimental study of our meth-ods, quantifying the costs and benefits of insert-ing hints in data streams.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-tion 2 describes the architecture of the XHint sys-tem and the API provided to the query engine. Adetailed description of XHints is presented in sec-tion 3. The processing and generation of XHints aredescribed in section 4 and 5 respectively. The appli-cation of XHints on two query engines is presented insection 6. Section 7 presents the performance eval-uation of XHints. The related work is described insection 8. Finally, the conclusion is presented in sec-tion 9.

2. System Architecture

Figure 2 depicts the system architecture of a XHint-enabled query processor. The system consists of threemodules, 1) the XPath query processor, 2) an XHintprocessing unit called XHManager and 3) a SAXXML parser. The solid lines in the diagram repre-sent the flow of control between the three modulesand the flow of data is shown by dashed lines.The parser generates SAX events for the input

data, which are sent to the XHManager. The XH-Manager acts as a proxy between the query processor

and the XML parser. It may handle the SAX eventinternally (if it is an XHint) or forward it to the queryengine (if it is a data element) for processing. It isalso responsible for computing the offsets to variouselements in the stream which are used by the parserto skip data.

XHManager determines the portion of the datathat has to be processed by the parser with the helpof XHints and the query engine. The XHManager as-sumes that the query engine has a mechanism to iden-tify the elements specified by the XPath query (in-cluding any conditions such as predicates) that haveto processed. The query engine also has the responsi-bility of registering these events with the XHManagerin a list referred as the EventList. The EventListacts as a medium through which the query engineprovides a list of labels of elements that should notbe skipped in order to maintain the correctness of theoutput. As described more in section 3, XHints pro-vide information such as offsets to various elements tothe XHManager. The XHManager uses this informa-tion to skip as much data as possible while guarantee-ing that no SAX event corresponding to the elementsin the EventList is skipped.

The list of essential events changes as the streamis processed and must be updated accordingly bythe query engine. For example, in case of the query/book/discount, when the query processor is at thestart of the stream of Figure 1, all SAX events corre-sponding to the book elements have to be processed.Thus, the query engine registers this event in theEventList. After parsing the start tag of the bookelement in line 5, the query engine should not skipany discount element. However, it can skip anyother element including a book element. Thus, thebook SAX event is replaced by the discount SAXevent in the EventList. The book event replaces thediscount event to the EventList when the end tagof the book element is processed at line 20.

The XHint-enabled query engine process only se-lective SAX events, called essential SAX events. Anessential SAX event corresponds to an element aboutwhich the XHints do not provide sufficient informa-tion to infer if it does not contain any of the elementsof the EventList. Thus, an essential event cannotbe skipped by the query engine. All relevant por-tions of the data stream are essential events thoughthe converse is not true. Ideally, we would like XHintsto contain sufficient information to restrict essentialSAX events to relevant portions of the stream butit is not possible due to large data overhead costs.As a result, the processor might also have to processirrelevant elements.


Page 4: Skipping Streams with XHints

SAX XML Parser


XPath Query Engine

SAX EventHandler

Data StreamXML with XHints

Control Flow

Data Flow

Figure 2: System Architecture

For example, a query engine with the query /book/discount on the data of Figure 1 must necessarilyprocess every book element with a discount childelement. Thus, the SAX event corresponding to thebook element at line 5 in Figure 1 is an essential eventfor this query. On the other hand, the book elementat line 21 is not an essential event if the XHints letthe query engine infer that it does contain a discountelement and can be skipped safely.If the query contains a predicate, as in

/book[price<20]/pub//name, an element containsquery result if only if satisfies the predicate. If anXHint provides information that the element doesnot satisfy the predicate, it is not an essential ele-ment and can be skipped. In case of the examplequery, the book element is not essential if the XHintprovides the information that it does not contain aprice element with value less than 20. If the queryexpression has an element label following a closureaxes, the query engine may restrict its attention toelements containing a descendant with that label. Forexample, any child element of the book element is anessential SAX event for the query /book//name un-less XHints explicitly provide information that it doesnot contain a name element as its descendant.The XHManager does not depend on the partic-

ulars of the query engine. It only requires that thequery engine correctly update the EventList. The in-terface for this purpose is composed of the functionssummarized below.

1. int addSAXEvent(String uri, String local-Name, String PredicateElementLabel, String Op-erator, String ConstantValue, int AxisType)

This function registers a SAX event with theXHManager. It returns a unique identifier forthe SAX event. The SAX event is identified byits URI and the tag label of the element local-

Name. In addition to these identifiers, informa-tion about the event such as predicate and axestype is also provided.

2. void removeSAXEvent(int EventID)

This function removes the event correspondingto the EventID from the EventList.

As mentioned before, in order to update theEventList using this API, the query engine shouldbe capable of identifying the essential SAX events asit processes the data. We later show how it can beachieved with the help of some actual query engines.

3. XHints

XHints are special XML elements that are used tostore a brief structural summary of a data stream.This summary is encoded using XML attributes. Al-though the attributes of an XHint can store a varietyof information, in this paper we focus on only fourkinds of attributes or hints. These four types of hintsare End Hint, Child Hint, Sibling Hint and Descen-dant Hint. Figure 3 depicts a sample hints-enhanceddata stream, with the XHints marked with ∗.Each XHint stores information about a portion of

the stream known as its scope. Although the scopeof an XHint can be any arbitrary portion of the data,we restrict it to the data between the end of the XHintto the end of its parent element or the start of a sib-ling data element. This restriction ensures that anXHint does not contain information about any ele-ment outside its parent element. As a result, thesystem cannot obtain offsets to elements outside theparent element and skip directly to them. It guar-antees that either the complete element is skipped orboth its start and end tag are parsed to maintain thevalidity of the processed data. Further, the restric-tion results in nested scopes i.e. the scope of a XHintof a descendant lies completely within the scope of anXHint of the ancestor. As we shall see later in sec-tion 4, this property is crucial for efficient processingof XHints.If the scope of the XHint ends at the start of a

sibling data element, a sibling XHint is inserted afterthe end of the sibling element to store informationabout the remaining portion of the parent element.Note that none of these two XHints contain informa-tion about the sibling element present between them.Thus, it may have to be parsed even though it mightnot contain the query result. However, allowing thescope to end at an sibling element instead of the endof the parent element permits on-the-fly generation ofXHints for incomplete elements in the data stream.


Page 5: Skipping Streams with XHints

The XHints store some of the information (suchas descendant information) encoded in order to re-duce the data overhead. The meta-information aboutthe encoding is provided to the client in a specialXHint element called META. Like normal XHints,the META element stores the meta-information asXML attributes and is inserted at the start of itsscope. However, unlike normal XHints, the scope isnot restricted to the end of its parent element and canextend to an arbitrary length until the next METAelement. The restriction is not needed for this ele-ment since the information in the META element isnot used to skip data. Its scope is usually determinedby the resources available at the server end to gener-ate the hints.

The end hint of a node contains the offset from theend of the XHint to the end of its scope. It is storedas the value of attribute ‘‘end.’’ This hint allowsthe parser to directly skip to the end if the node orany of its part does not contain an essential event.The value of the end attribute of the XHint at line3 in Figure 3 gives the offset to the end of the rootelement.

The child hint stores the offsets to different childelements of a node. The offsets to child elementswith label l are stored as the value of an attributenamed l, in the form of a colon-separated list. Theattribute author of the XHint in line 24 in Figure 3is an example of a child hint. It stores the offsets andthe data digest (described later) of the three authorchild elements in a colon-separated list. These offsetscan be used by the query processor to jump directlyto the child elements which may contain the queryresult.

Since there is no predetermined bound on the num-ber of children of an element, the storage of such childoffsets may cause an XHint to become very large.This situation is undesirable because a downstreamprocessor needs to parse the entire hint before usingany information (not necessarily the information re-lated to the numerous children).

Sibling Hints are used to limit the size of an XHint.A sibling hint of a node contains offsets to siblingnodes with the same label and is stored as the valueof attribute ‘‘sib.’’ The XHint of a parent node isused to store only the offsets to first c (a parameter)children with any label. The offsets to the next say nnodes are stored in the cth child node. The (c+ n)th

node contains the offset to the next n nodes and soon. In this manner, sibling hints allow storing theoffsets to a large number of children nodes withoutmaking any one particular XHint very large.

XHints can also be used to store information about

the text contained in an element. We store a sum-mary of the text node in form of a data digest alongwith the offset as part of the child and sibling hints.This additional information is useful for queries withpredicates. A query engine can use the data digestto pre-evaluate predicates and skip elements that donot satisfy the predicates. If the text is an alpha-numeric string, we store the first s characters of thestring. (Typically, s is small, say 3.) If the constantspecified in the predicate does not match the first scharacters of the element, the query processor canskip the element since it definitely does not satisfythe predicate.We use a different scheme to generate the data di-

gest for text nodes with numeric values. The range ofnumerical constants occurring for each label in a por-tion of the data stream is stored in the appropriateMETA element in the Hash attribute. The attributestores the range as a series of (element label, min-imum value, maximum-value). An example of theHash attribute appears in line 2 in Figure 3. Therange is then divided into a fixed number of equal-sized intervals and the interval index of the numerictext of an element is stored as its data digest.The Descendant Hint provides information about

the descendants of an element in a concise form us-ing a bitmap. Each label occurring in the data isassigned a unique index. If a particular label occursas a descendant of the node, the bit at the index cor-responding to the label is set. The bitmap is storedas integer-valued attribute desc in an XHint element.The mapping from labels to indexes is stored as thevalue of the attribute LIndex of the META element,as a list of label-index pairs as suggested by line 2 ofFigure 3.The descendant bitmap is useful for processing

queries with closure axes. For such queries, an el-ement may contain the label specified after the de-scendant axis in the query as a child of any of thedescendant of the element. The bitmap allows theXHManager to infer which elements do not containthe label as the descendant and avoid parsing its childelements.

4. XHint Processing

In this section, we describe how XHints are used forprocessing data more efficiently. In the following dis-cussion, we assume that the query engine updates thelist of essential events correctly for the XHManagerand focus on the operation of the XHManager. Asnoted earlier, the parser generates SAX events basedon the input stream. The XHManager handles such


Page 6: Skipping Streams with XHints


2.∗<META LIndex=’’address 0 name 1 pub 2

edition 3 discount 4 price 5 year 6

title 7 author 8 mag 9 book 10’’

Hash=’’price:15-60 discount:10-10’’/>

3.∗<Hint end=’’768’’ desc=’’255’’ mag=’’2’’


4. <mag>

5. <title> Times </times>

6. </mag>

7. <book>

8.∗ <Hint end=’’320’’ desc=’’3’’ sib=’’327’’

title=’’2’’ discount=’’46-0’’

price’’92-0’’ edition=’’129-thi’’

pub=’’149’’ author=’’235-Ric’’/>

9. <title>

10. Modern Information Retrieval

11. </title>

12. <discount> 10 </discount>

13. <price> 15 </price>

14. <edition> third </edition>

15. <pub>

16. <name>Addison Wesley</name>

17. <address>

18. 34 Broadway, N.Y. U.S.A

19. </address>

20. </pub>

21. <author> Ricardo Baeza-Yates </author>



24.∗ <Hint end=’’213’’ desc=’’0’’ title=’’2’’

price=’’34-1’’ edition=’’96-sec’’


25. <title>

26. Database Systems: The Complete Book

27. </title>

28. <price> 60 </price>

29. <edition>second </edition>

30. <author> Hector Garcia-Molina </author>

31. <author> Jeffrey D. Ullman </author>

32. <author> Jennifer Widom </author>



Figure 3: XML data with XHints

events in two ways. If the event represents a data ele-ment, it is forwarded to the query engine. Otherwise,the event represents an XHint, and it is processedby the XHManager itself. Algorithm 1 provides thepseudo-code for the XHint processing algorithm.

If the XHint element is a META element, the XH-Manager uses the processMETA procedure to processthe two attributes, Lindex and Hash to obtain thelabel-to-index mapping and the range of the numer-ical values of elements. Otherwise, the XHManageruses the EventList to process the XHint. The eventsregistered in the EventList can be broadly classi-fied into three types: (1) events corresponding tochild elements without any predicates; (2) events cor-responding to elements associated with predicates;and (3) events corresponding to descendant elements.The XHManager uses these three types of events todetermine the offsets to the relevant portions of data.

XHManager uses a stack called OffsetStack tostore and maintain offsets to the data elements. Theoffsets are stored in the same order the elements occurin the stream, with the offset to the element occur-ring first at the top of the stack. The nested scopeof XHints helps maintain this order implicitly. Whenthe parser reaches an XHint of an element, the valuesalready present in the stack have been obtained fromits ancestors and point to positions in the stream be-yond the scope of the XHint. Thus, the offsets fromthe XHint refer to elements that occur before the el-ements pointed by the offsets in the stack. So, noneof the offsets obtained from the XHint have to be in-serted in the middle of the stack. Instead, they canbe added to the stack in the increasing order of theiroffset value maintaining the proper order.

The initial offset values to various elements are rel-ative from the end of the XHint they are obtainedfrom. These have to be updated as the stream is pro-cessed. Each offset has to be reduced by the numberof characters from the end of the XHint to the po-sition in stream where the offset is used. A naivesolution to perform this operation is to traverse thestack after every SAX event and reduce the numberof characters skipped or read from each value. Obvi-ously such an approach is highly inefficient and canseverely degrade the throughput of the query proces-sor.

We use a more efficient way of maintaining the cor-rect offset values by observing that the parser guaran-tees that the parser reaches all the positions pointedby the offsets in the OffsetStack. So, the XHManagerrequires an offset only after the parser reaches theposition pointed by the offset stored at the top of itin the OffsetStack. Thus, we only need the difference


Page 7: Skipping Streams with XHints

between the two consecutive offsets in the OffsetStackinstead of their absolute values.

We modify the push operator of the OffsetStackto perform this operation. Every time an offset ispushed into the OffsetStack, the previous head of thestack is reduced by its value. It ensures that an en-try in the stack contains the offset relative to theposition pointed by the value stored above it. Forexample, if the OffsetStack is {345} and we haveto insert {213}, the modified push operation resultsin {132,213}. On inserting another value, {23}, thestack contains {132,190,23}.

However, the updated offsets values from the Off-setStack are not sufficient to jump to the desired posi-tions in the stream. The modified push operator onlyensures that the offset value is relative to the last po-sition pointed by an XHint. It does not take intoaccount the characters the parser might read afterreaching that position. For example, in the exampledata in Figure 3, the end hint from line 8 gives thenumber of characters in line 9–21 as 320. The childhint for the pub element gives the offset from line9 to line 15 as 149. If the XHManager insert thesetwo offsets in the OffsetStack, the top of the stack is{. . .,171,149}. At the end of the XHint, the parseruses the first offset to jump to line 15. Since the pubelement does not contain an XHint, the parser hasto parse the entire element. At the end of the pubelement, the offset stored at the top of OffsetStackis 171 which is the offset from line 15 to line 21 butthe parser is currently at the end of line 20. Thus,additional information is required by the XHint pro-cessor to correctly estimate the offset to line 21 fromcurrent position.

This information is made available in the form ofnumber of characters processed by the parser for eachelement. We only require this information for ele-ments which have not been completely parsed yet.Since there can be at most one such element at eachdepth, we use a separate stack called the CharStackto store the number of characters in the decreasingorder of the depth of the element they correspond to.

At the start of each element, the XHManager in-serts a 0 at the top of CharStack, which is updatedas its child elements are processed. After processingthe last essential child element, the XHManager usesthis value along with the offset stored at the top ofOffsetStack to jump to the end of the element. In theexample mentioned above, the offset from line 20 tothe start of the end tag of book at line 21 can be ob-tained by subtracting the number of characters readinside the book element from the value at the top ofthe OffsetStack.

Algorithm 1 XHint Processing

procedure startElement(SAXEvent e)

1: if e is an XHint then2: processXHint(e);3: else4: QueryEngine.startElement(e);5: end if

procedure endElement (SAXEvent e)

1: if e is an XHint then2: processXHint(e);3: else4: QueryEngine.endElement(e);5: end if6: parser.skipData(OffsetStack.pop()-CharStack.pop());

procedure processXHint(SAXEvent e)

1: if e is a META element then2: processMETAElement(e);3: return;4: end if5: OffsetStack.add(e.getEndHint());6: for all Events E in EventList do7: if E is a child Event with label L then8: if E does not have a predicate then9: OffsetStack.add(e.getChildHint(L));

10: else if E has an existential predicate with label L′

then11: if XHint has a child hint for label L


12: OffsetStack.add(e.getChildHint(L));13: end if14: else if E has a comparison predicate with label L

then15: if the data digest of label L

′satisfies the predicate

then16: OffsetStack.add(e.getChildHint(L));17: end if18: end if19: else if E is a descendant Event with label L then20: if The bit for L is set in the descendant bitmap then21: OffsetStack.add(e.getComplexChild());22: end if23: end if24: end for

During the processing of an XHint, if an event inthe EventList is of type 1, the relevant elements whichneed to be processed by the query engine are the childelements corresponding to the label. The offset tothese elements can be obtained from the child hintof the XHint. These offsets allow the parser to jumpdirectly to these child elements, skipping the rest.In addition to the offsets to the child elements, theXHint manager uses the end hint of the XHint toprovide the offset from the last relevant child elementto the end of current element.

Example 1 Consider the query /book/title on thestream of Figure 3. The result of the query consistsof the title elements in lines 6–8 and 22–24 of theoriginal XML stream (Figure 1).


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0 761 6




(b) (c) (d) (e)












434 434




line 8line 3 line 7 line 11 line 22

Figure 4: State of OffsetStack (OS) and CharStack(CS) at (a) line 3 (b) line 7 (c) line 8 (d) line 11 (e) line22 for query /book/title

Initially, both the OffsetStack and CharStack areempty. At the beginning of the stream, the query en-gine registers the SAX event corresponding to a bookchild element with the XHManager. When the XH-Manager processes the XHint in line 3, the book labelin the EventList indicates that it is the next essen-tial element that should be processed by the parser.As a result, the offsets related to the book child fromthe XHint are stored in the OffsetStack. The XH-Manager also stores the offset to the end of the bookfor future use. At this point, the state of two stacksis shown in Figure 4(a). Note that the offset valueshave been modified by the special push operator be-fore inserting.

At the end of the XHint, the XHManager pops theoffset at the top of the stack and uses it to jump di-rectly to the book element at line 7. The processingof the SAX event for the book element is delegatedto the query engine. Since the essential element in-side an book element is a title element, the queryengine on processing the start tag of book element atline 7 replaces book from the event list of the XH-Manager with title. An additional entry is addedfor the book element to CharStack after updating theprevious value. The state of the stacks is shown inFigure 4(b).

The next XML element to be parsed is the XHint atline 8, which is handled by the XHManager internally.As the event list now contains the title event, themanager uses the child hint for title to obtain theoffset and store it in the OffsetStack along with theoffset in the end hint and sibling hint. Figure 4(c)shows the state of the stacks.

At the end of the XHint, the parser uses the offsetat the top of the stack to skip directly to line 9. Af-ter the query processor outputs the title element,the CharStack is updated (shown in Figure 4(d)) toinclude the number of characters in the element. TheXHManager requests the parser to jump to the end

of the book element at line 22 since there are no moreessential SAX events (title elements). In this case,the offset at the top of the stack is 318. The offsetto the end of the book tag from the end of title iscalculated by subtracting the length of all childrenof the element processed by the parser (line 9–11)available from CharStack from this offset and jumpstraight to line 22. The state of the stacks is depictedin Figure 4.When the query engine parses the end tag of book

element, it again updates the XHManager’s event listby removing the title and adding the book event toit. Next, it uses the value at the top of the stack tojump to next book element. The XHManager pro-cesses the second book element in a similar fashionusing the EventList to skip all child elements of thebook element except the title at line 25− 26.This scheme allows the parser to process only 6 el-

ements compared to 20 elements processed by a nor-mal query engine saving the parsing cost involved.

Note that although XHints do not provide directoffsets to the result elements, they provide offset in-formation for all children nodes instead of just oneparticular type and can be used to skip data forother similar queries like /book/author and /book/

discount without requiring any additional process-ing of the data.In case of more complex queries with predicates

and queries, the basic algorithm remains the same.The values in the OffsetStack and the CharStack aremaintained in exactly the same fashion as explainedin Example 1. The only difference arises in the logicthe XHManager uses to decide which offsets are rel-evant and should be inserted in the OffsetStack. Inthe following discussion, we assume that the offsetsobtained from the XHints are updated using the Off-setStack and CharStack and do not provide the exact


Page 9: Skipping Streams with XHints

details on how is a particular offset stored by the sys-tem. Instead, we concentrate on how does XHMan-ager use the descendant bitmap and data digest toidentify the irrelevant portions in the stream.

In case an event is associated with predicates, therelevant elements can be identified only after evaluat-ing the predicate. The XHint Manager uses the datadigest to pre-evaluate the predicate to select the rel-evant offsets. If a particular element does not satisfythe predicate, the XHManager can avoid parsing it.

If the predicate is an existential predicate such asin /book[discount]/title/text(), the presence ofa child hint with the label of the predicate is sufficientto pre-evaluate the predicate. An element can satisfyan existential predicate for an element with particularlabel l if and only if the XHint of the element containsa child hint with label l.

Example 2 Consider the query /book[ discount ]/ti-tle/text() on the data in Figure 3. The first book ele-ment satisfies the predicate and its title element be-longs to the result. However, the second book elementdoes not satisfy the predicate and can be skipped bythe query processor.

However, a normal query processor is not aware ofthis fact and will parse all 20 elements. But XHintsprovide information about all the child elements inform of child hints. This fact can be used by a queryengine to pre-evaluate the existential predicate. If theXHint of a book element does not contain a child hintfor a discount element, the parser can skip parsingthe remaining element.

The query engine registers an essential event withthe XHint Manager with the tag label title and anexistential predicate with label discount on reachingthe start of the first book element. When the parserreaches line 8 of the example data, the XHManagerprocesses the child hints present in the XHint of thefirst book element. Since it contains the child hint forthe SAX event in the predicate (discount), the XH-Manager infers that this element satisfies the predi-cate, and thus has to be parsed by the query engine.It uses the offsets from the child hint for the titleelement to skip parsing other elements.

On the other hand, on processing the XHint of thesecond book element at line 24, the absence of a childhint for the discount label indicates that this bookelement does not satisfy the predicate and thus, isskipped.

The query processor only parses 8 elements to pro-cess the entire data by using XHints saving more than50% in terms of number of SAX events generated.

If the predicate involves a comparison operator, theXHManager uses the data digest and the range valuestored in the Hash attribute to evaluate the predi-cate. The XHManager computes the data digest ofthe constant value in the predicate and compares itwith the data digest from appropriate child hints toidentify the elements that do not satisfy the predi-cate.

An element does not satisfy the comparison predi-cate if the data digest of the constant value does notmatch the data digest of the element. If no child el-ement satisfies the comparison in the pre-evaluation,the element does not contain the query result and isskipped by the parser.

Example 3 Consider the query /book[author=”R.Baeza-Yates”]/title/text() on the example data inFigure 3. The query contains a predicate with astring comparison operator. If the query engine doesnot have prior information about the text of the au-thor elements, it has to parse the entire book elementin order to evaluate the predicate.

The XHManager helps avoid the overhead of pars-ing elements that do not satisfy the predicate by us-ing the descendant digest present in the XHints. Atthe start of the second book element on line 23, thequery engine registers the predicate with the XHMan-ager. The XHint of the element contains the firstthree characters of the text in addition to the offsetsto the three author elements. The XHManager usesthis digest to evaluate the predicate a priori. In thiscase, since the descendant digest of none of the threeelements does not match the first three character ofthe constant in the predicate, XHManager requeststhe parser to skip all the child elements and directlygo to the end tag of book element at line 33.

Note that although a difference in the data digestguarantees that the element does not satisfy the pred-icate, a match does not necessarily mean that the el-ement will satisfy the predicate. The processor stillhas to parse the element and the element may notsatisfy the predicate. For example, if the constant inthe predicate in the query in the example was “JeffUllman” instead of “R. Baeza–Yates,” the descen-dant digest for the second author element at line 31matches with the descendant digest of the constantalthough the predicate is not satisfied.

Ideally we would like to provide as much infor-mation possible in the data digest to minimize thechances of such false pre-evaluations but there is atrade-off involved between the benefit obtained from


Page 10: Skipping Streams with XHints

avoiding false evaluations and the overhead of pro-cessing it. Although we have not conducted a thor-ough experimental study to obtain an optimal datadigest scheme, preliminary results lead us to believethat the current scheme provides a good cost-to-benefit ratio.

If an essential event in EventList corresponds toa label (say l) associated with a closure axis, it canoccur as a deeply nested descendant of the currentelement. The XHManager cannot skip any part of thecurrent element unless it has the information that itdoes not contain l as its descendant. The XHManageruses the descendant hint of the XHint to determine it.If it does, the element can occur as a child of any ofthe complex child elements (elements with their ownchild elements). As a result, the XHManager storesthe offset to all such child elements so that the queryengine can process them.

Example 4 Consider the query //address on thedata shown in Figure 3. The address label is mappedto index 0 by the LIndex attribute of the META el-ement at line 2. Thus, if an element contains a de-scendant with label address, the 0th bit of the bitmapin the descendant hint is set to 1.

The first bit in the descendant bitmap is set forthe XHint of the root tag indicating that it containsat least one address element as its descendant. As aresult, the query engine leaves all atomic child nodes(since they cannot have an address element as theirchild or descendant) and processes the complex childnodes (with non-text child nodes). In this case, allthe three child elements of root are complex.

When the processor reaches the first book elementat line 7, it again checks the descendant bitmap ofthe XHint at line 8. As the appropriate bit is set onindicating that this book element contains an addresselement, the XHManager skips to the complex childelements. In this case, the only complex child elementis the pub at line 15 which is parsed to obtain theaddress element.

In case of the second book element at line 23, thesedescendant hint of the second book element has thevalue 0 indicating that it does not contain any de-scendant. As it also does not have a child hint for aaddress label, the query processor jumps directly tothe end of the element at line 33.

The total number of elements parse by the queryengine using XHints are 11 compared to 20 elementsparsed by a normal query processor.

5. XHint Generation

As with traditional indexes, the benefit of an XHintvaries based on the kind of XHint, the characteristicsof the input stream (e.g., relative sizes of elements),and the intended use of the stream (query mix, accesspatterns, etc.). In general, we may use such informa-tion to guide the selection of XHints to be inserted.This task is analogous to the index selection task fortraditional indexes. However, when such informationis not available or, equivalently, when the expecteduses of a stream vary widely, a reasonable policy isto insert hints that are likely to benefit a large classof applications. Again, this policy is analogous tothe commonly used policy of building indexes on pri-mary key attributes for traditional databases. In ourcurrent implementation, we use the following policy:We insert XHints for only elements that have at leasttwo children. Intuitively, this policy is motivated bythe observation that an XHint for an element fewerthan two children does not reduce the number of SAXevents generated by the parser.

The offsets stored in the XHint for an element areaffected by the lengths of the XHints of that ele-ment’s descendants. For example, the offset of anelement’s end tag is changed by every XHint insertedin the subtree rooted at that element. If the entirethe data stream is available, a simple solution is toconstruct a DOM tree for the stream and generateXHints in a bottom-up manner. However, this ap-proach is not suitable for streaming data when onlya limited amount of the data is available (limited by,say, buffer capacity and timing constraints).

In such a streaming environment, we split thestream into chunks and generate the XHints onechunk at a time. When the hint generator encoun-ters the end of an element, it uses the informationabout that element’s descendant’s (which have beenencountered earlier) to generate its XHint. TheseXHints are buffered along with the element itself.When the buffer is filled, its contents (original dataalong with the inserted XHints) is output to down-stream components. The META element containingmeta-information about the XHints is added at thestart of each data chunk. The information from theMETA element such as the label to bitmap indexmapping is relevant only for processing of that par-ticular data chunk and may change from one datachunk to the next.

Since the buffer size is fixed, the end tag of some el-ements may not be reached before the buffer is filled.Similarly, some of the elements in the beginning ofthe buffer may not have start tags. The XHints for


Page 11: Skipping Streams with XHints

such elements contain only partial information aboutits contents and descendants.

The end hint of an element e whose end tag is notpresent in the buffer holds the offset to the start ofthe last child element encountered instead of the end(which has not yet been encountered). In turn, if theend tag of the last child element too has not beenreached, the end hint of the child element points toits last child element. If e has no child elements andonly contains text, the end hint stores the offset tothe end of text. The other types of hints for e containinformation about only the subtree rooted at e thatwas encountered before the buffer was filled.

Additional XHints are also inserted for elementswhose start tags are not present in the current buffer.The position where the XHint is inserted depends onwhether the element has an incomplete child element(whose start tag is also absent) or not. If it containsan incomplete child element, the XHint is added im-mediately after the end of it, otherwise the XHint isadded at the top of the part of the element in thebuffer.

XHints with partial information about the elementresult in multiple XHints for a single element. Theend hint of a partial XHint provides the offset to oneof the child elements instead of the end of the ele-ment. The scope of the each partial XHint is definedfrom the end of the XHint to the start of the childhint. In that case, the partial XHint does not provideinformation about the child element (since it is outof its scope) and as a result, has to be processed eventhough it might not contain query result. However,the XHint inserted at the end of the child elementprovides information about the remaining portion ofthe element.

6. Using XHints

In order to use XHints efficiently, the query enginemust identify essential SAX events at each stage inquery processing and update the EventList accord-ingly. We use two query engines to illustrate thismechanism. Our focus is on XSQ [20], an automaton-based streaming XPath query processor. We haveimplemented the mechanisms described here to gen-erate a hints-aware version of XSQ, called XSQ-H.However, in order to better illustrate the mechanismfor using Xhints, we also describe how XHints maybe used by an XQuery engine that is based on thestandard iterator model: Tukwila [14].

6.1 XHints and XSQ

XSQ evaluates an XPath query on streaming data bygenerating an automaton called a Hierarchical Push-down Transducer (HPDT) from a query. A HPDTis a collection of smaller finite state machines calledBuffered Push-Down Transducers (BPDT) that arearranged in a hierarchical manner. Each BPDT hasits own buffer, which is used to store potential queryresults. Figure 5 depicts the HPDT for the query/book[price<20]//author.The transitions, represented by arcs, are associated

with a SAX event and an action. The action ma-nipulates the buffer associated with the BPDT byuploading its content to the parent BPDT (UPLOAD),add (ENQUEUE) data, clear (FLUSH) the content or out-put it as query result (OUTPUT). If the SAX eventgenerated by the XML parser matches a SAX eventdefined on an arc from the current state, the HPDTmakes the transition to the new state and executesthe action defined with it.Note that if a SAX event does not match any arc

from the set of current states, the HPDT does notperform any transition or action and maintains thesame configuration it was in before processing theevent. In other words, the absence of such SAX eventwould not affect the query processing and thus, canbe ignored safely by the XML parser.This observation provides us with a simple mecha-

nism to identify the essential events using the currentstates of HPDT. The essential events are those eventsthat result in a transition in the HPDT and are easilyidentified by the SAX events defined of the arcs fromthe current state.XSQ-H is an XHint compatible version of XSQ that

performs the additional task of identifying the essen-tial SAX events and updating the EventList of theXHManager.Although the HPDT contains sufficient informa-

tion to identify the essential events, the informationmay not be immediately available to XSQ-H fromthe current state. For example, in Figure 5, the arcfrom state {201} with the price does not contain theconstant value of the predicate. This information isinstead present on the arc from state {202}. How-ever, this information is required to pre-evaluate thepredicate and identify the essential price elementswhen the system is in state {201}.In addition to the constant value, the system also

requires information about the operator of the pred-icate. The HPDT contains two arcs for every pred-icate (e.g. arcs from the state {202} for the predi-cate [price<20] from Figure 5), one correspondingto the transition when the predicate is true and the


Page 12: Skipping Streams with XHints

BPDT 0.0

BPDT 1.1

BPDT 2.2 BPDT 2.3


<book> </book>{CLEAR}

<author:text()>{OUTPUT value text}












<price:text()>! [text<20]













{ENQUEUE value text}<author:text()>


Figure 5: HPDT for /book[price<20]//author

other when it is false. As a result, the arcs in theHPDT are unchanged even if a predicate is replacedby its negation. However, the system has to makedistinction between the case when the query containsa predicate and when it contains its negation insteadin order to correctly identify the essential events.

The HPDT has to be pre-processed in order toprovide the required information to XSQ-H. The in-formation about the constant value in the predicate(e.g. price) is provided to the appropriate state (e.g.{201}) by simply traversing the automaton and prop-agating the constant values back. The informationrequired to identify the arc that corresponds to thetransition when the predicate is true can be obtainedby observing that a true evaluation of a predicate im-plies that the data may contain the query result with-out any additional evaluations of the predicate. Thus,the state reachable from the arc corresponding to atrue evaluation of the predicate has an acyclic path toan arc with the action OUTPUT. The arc correspondingto the false evaluation would have no such path sincethat would imply the automaton can produce queryresult by reaching the arc with the OUTPUT actionwithout satisfying the predicate. A simple breadth-first search can be employed to determine the arc withthis path in the automaton.

Example 5 Consider the query /book[price<20]

//author/text() on the XML data of Figure 3. The

HPDT for the query is shown in Figure 5. Initially,the set of current states is {001}. The arcs from thisset of states correspond to the end tag of the rootelement and the start tag of book element. Thus, theessential events are the end of the root element andthe start of book element, and they are added to theEventList. The XHManager processes the XHint inline 2 to obtain the offsets to these two SAX events.At the end of the XHint, the offset to the first bookelement is used to skip directly to line 7. WhenXSQ-H processes the start tag of the book element,the HPDT makes a transition from state 001 to 201.The state 201 has outgoing arcs with labels author,price, and book. The closure axes of the author la-bel is identified by the arc labeled // from the state201. The predicate constant and the operator associ-ated with price element are stored in the arcs fromstate 202. XSQ-H uses this information stored in theHPDT to add an event corresponding to an author

element and a predicate for the price to the eventlist. When the XHManager processes the XHintin line 8, the EventList consists of two events cor-responding to author and price element. As thesystem can infer that the element does not containany descendant with label author (from the descen-dant hint), it does not require to parse complex childelements. The offsets to the two essential elements,price and author, are provided by their respectivechild hints. The XHManager uses the first offset tojump to the price element. As this element satis-fies the predicate, the set of current states changes to{201, 203}. The XHManager skips to the next essen-tial element, author element on line 21. The actionsdefined on the state 603 output the text of the authorelement as the query result. In case of the secondbook element, the XHManager uses the XHint in line24 to determine that the price element does not sat-isfy the predicate, and to infer that the book elementdoes not contain any essential events. It thereforejumps directly to the end of that element, to line 33.

XSQ-H generates only 9 SAX events for processingthe entire data as compared to 20 SAX events thatwould be generated by XSQ, resulting in a saving ofmore than 50%.

6.2 XHints and Tukwila

Tukwila [14] is an iterator-based streaming XQueryengine that processes XQuery expressions in a man-ner similar to standard relational query processing.The query optimizer uses basic operators to buildand optimize a query plan for the query, which is


Page 13: Skipping Streams with XHints

FOR $b IN datastream/root/book,$p IN $b/pub

$d IN $b/disc

$a IN $b//author

$n IN $p/name

WHERE $d < 20

RETURN <publisher>

<name> { $n } </name>

<author> { $a } </name>


Figure 6: Example XQuery

passed on to the execution engine. Figure 7 depictsthe query plan for the XQuery of Figure 6. It alsoshows the output subtree at different stages.

The execution plan uses a special operator calledX-scan which is responsible for reading, parsing, andmatching XML data with the regular expressions inthe query. It assigns appropriate bindings to eachXQuery variable and forwards them to remaining op-erators, where they are combined and restructured.The predicates declared in the WHERE clause are eval-uated using a selection operator. The element op-erator constructs an element tag around a specifiednumber of XML elements. The output operator isresponsible for replicating the subtree value of thecurrent binding to the query’s output. The X-scanoperator consists of a series of finite state machinesthat are driven by the input stream to produce thebindings for the XQuery variables. It converts all theXPath expressions (which are restricted forms of reg-ular expressions) in the XQuery into state machines.Figure 8 depicts the state machines for the XPathexpressions for the XQuery of Figure 6. Initially, themachine corresponding to the document root (M0)is in the active mode. Whenever a machine reachesits accept state, it produces a binding for the vari-able associated with it. The machine then activatesthe dependent machines, which remain active whileX-scan is scanning the value of this binding.

In absence of any prior information about the inputdata, the X-scan operator must parse every elementin the stream. XHints can be used to reduce thisparsing cost by replacing an X-scan operator withan XHint-compatible operator called XH-scan. TheXH-scan operator uses the state machines to iden-tify the essential SAX events while parsing the data.These events are identified using the labels of the arcsfrom the current states of the active state machines.When an active state machine makes a transition to anew state, labels on that state’s outgoing arcs are the

b p d n a

b p d n ab p d n a

b p d n a

b p d n a

b p d n a


$d < 20


Element <name>,1





Element <book>, 2


$n=Addison Wesley

$b=/root/book$p = $b/pub$d = $b/disc$n = $p/name$a = $b//author

XML Data Stream

$d = 10


<book> <name>.....


name author

name author


Figure 7: Query Plan for the Example XQuery

4 5



6 7



8 9author


10 11



1 2 3



Figure 8: State Machines for the Example XQuery

labels (element names) of the essential SAX events.Some of the transitions defined by the state machinesmay correspond to an predicate evaluation, which isperformed by a selection operator in the query plan.In order to allow the XHManager to pre-evaluate sucha predicate, the XH-scan operator is enhanced withinformation from the predicate’s selection operatorusing simple query plan rewriting rules. The essen-tial SAX events are registered with the XHManagerwhich uses XHints to skip other irrelevant elements.

Example 6 Consider the execution of the XQuery ofFigure 6 on the streaming XML data of Figure 3. Thestate machines representing the XPath expression aredepicted in Figure 8. The processing of XHints bythese state machines is very similar to the processingdone by XSQ-H. The essential SAX events are de-fined by the labels on the arcs from the current state.Additional information about these SAX events, such


Page 14: Skipping Streams with XHints

Database Size Text Number of Average Max. Average Xerces ExpatName (MB) Size Elements Depth Depth Tag Parsing Parsing

(MB) (K) Length Time (s) Time (s)SwissProt 109 37.1 2,977 3.56 5 6.58 23.7 5.81DBLP 119 56.7 3,332 2.90 6 5.81 27.6 7.53PSD 716 105.2 21,305 5.15 7 6.33 170.2 66.40

Table 1: Test Datasets

as the type of axes (child or descendant), along withpredicates, can be stored with the label on the arcs.

The essential events correspond to the labels onthe arcs from the current states of the activated ma-chines. Initially, the state machineM0 correspondingto the /root/book is activated. At the start of thedocument processing, the machine M0 is in state 1.After parsing the topmost root element, it reachesstate 2. This state has an arc with the label book,which is the essential SAX event at this point. TheXHint at line 3 provides the offset (67) to the firstbook element in the data which can be used to avoidparsing the mag element. When the first book elementis parsed at line 7, the machineM0 reaches its acceptstate 3. At this stage, it binds the variable $b withthe book element and activates the three dependentmachinesM1,M2 andM3 for the expressions $b/pub,$b/discount, and $b//author$ respectively. Now,the essential events correspond to the pub, discountand author labels. The arc of M2 also contains theinformation (due to query plan rewriting) that theSAX event for the discount is required for a predi-cate evaluation and XH-scan accordingly registers theevent by using the XHManager API function with ap-propriate parameters.

The XHManager obtains offsets to these elementsfrom the XHint at line 8 and avoids parsing non-essential elements such as title and price.

7. Experimental Evaluation

We studied the throughput of XSQ-H using differentkinds of hints and compared it with that of othersystems, which do not use hints for query processing.We also studied the effect of query characteristics onthroughput. Further, we investigated the effect of thebuffer capacity in the XHint-generation phase on thethroughput in the query-evaluation phase. Finally,we study the trade-off between the cost of generatinghints and the throughput gain.

7.1 Experimental Setup

Our implementation of XSQ-H uses Java 1.4 andXerces 2.4.0 (as the XML parser). We made a minormodification to Xerces to allow XSQ-H to instructXerces to skip a specified amount of data while pars-ing. We conducted the experiments on a PC-classmachine with an Intel Pentium III processor and 1GB of main memory, running the Red Hat 7.2 distri-bution of GNU/Linux (kernel 2.4.9). The maximumamount of memory available to Java Virtual Machinewas set to 512 MB. The characteristics of the threereal datasets used for our experiments are summa-rized in Table 1.

7.2 Throughput

The throughput gain provided by XHints depends onthe stored hints as well as its scope. A XHint withricher information about the data allows the XHMan-ager to skip more data and improve the throughputgain. Similarly, an XHint with a larger scope shouldprovide a higher throughput since it allows the XH-Manager to skip more data.In the first set of experiments, we measured the

throughput gain achieved by XSQ-H on data withdifferent kinds of XHints along these two axes. Theeffect of additional information provided by the de-scendant hints and XHints with partial scopes is eval-uated using four kinds of XHints : (1) XHints gen-erated offline without descendant hints (XHint-NS);(2) XHints generated in a streaming manner withend, child, and sibling hints (XHint-S); (3) XHintsgenerated offline with descendant hints (XHint-NSB);and (4) XHints with descendant hints generated in astreaming manner (XHint-SB).We compared XSQ-H with XSQ 1.0 [20] and

XMLTK 1.0.1 [2], a streaming query engine imple-mented in C++. However, for queries with pred-icates, we compare only XSQ-H and XSQ becauseXMLTK 1.0.1 does not support such queries.The throughput of an XPath query engine depends

greatly on the parser. Engines such as XMLTK havea higher throughput than XSQ and XSQ-H since the


Page 15: Skipping Streams with XHints











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Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7







Queries on SwissProt




Q1: //AuthorQ2: /Entry/FeaturesQ3: /Entry[Org=Muridae]/Ref[Medline=9225337]/Cite/text()Q4: /Entry/Ref[MedlineID=9225337]/Cite/text()Q5: /Entry/Ref/Cite/text()Q6: //Entry/Features//DOMAIN//Descr/text()Q7: /Entry/Mod

Figure 9: Throughput on SwissProt (1)

parser of XMLTK is faster than the parser of XSQand XSQ-H. Thus, the difference in the parser perfor-mance effects the comparison between the through-put of these systems. In order to remove this effect,we normalize the throughput of a system with thethroughput of its parser. The throughput of a systemis divided by the throughput of the parser used bythe system to obtain Normalized Throughput. Thismetric is used to evaluate the performance of all thesystems.

We measured throughput for 14 sample queries oneach of the three test datasets. The queries were se-lected to represent the wide range of XPath queriesincluding complex queries with both predicates andclosures. The sample queries for the SwissProt areshown in Figures 9 and 10. The queries used on othertwo datasets are shown in Figures 11, 12 and Fig-ures 13, 14 respectively. The buffer capacity used forstreaming hint generation (for XHint-S and XHint-SB) was set to 50 KB.

We ran each query ten times and calculated the95% confidence interval to evaluate the statistical sig-nificance of the results obtained. In all the measure-ments, the interval width was less than 1% of themeasurement implying a high confidence in the ex-periment results. However we do not show the con-fidence interval in the result plots due to its smallvalue. In addition to the small value, the confidenceintervals of the throughput measurement of differentsystems do not overlap indicating that the compari-son between different systems is statistically valid.

The results for the SwissProt dataset are summa-rized in Figures 9 and 10. For simple queries, such asQ2 and Q5 in Figure 9, XSQ-H performs better thanXSQ for all four types of XHints by as much as 100%.



















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q�qq�qr�rr�r s�ss�ss�s










Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7







Queries on SwissProt




Q1: /EntryQ2: /Entry[Org]/Ref[MedlineID]/Cite/text()Q3: /Entry/Ref[MedlineID]/Cite/text()Q4: //CARBOHYD/text()Q5: //Entry[Org=Eukaryota]//MUTAGENQ6: /Entry[Org=DISULFID]//Author/text()Q7: //Noresult

Figure 10: Throughput on SwissProt (2)

However, XHint-NS and XHint-S perform marginallybetter than their counterparts that include the de-scendant hint. This difference in the gain is expectedsince XSQ-H does not use the descendant hint for pro-cessing such queries and the overhead of processingadditional data in case of XHint-NSB and XHint-SBresults in the slight performance degradation. Thebenefit of the descendant bitmaps can be observedfor closure-containing queries such as Q1 and Q6 inFigure 9. For such queries, XHint-NS and XHint-S donot provide sufficient information for XSQ-H to skipsubstantial amounts of data, and the additional costof parsing XHints lowers throughput. This informa-tion is provided in form of the descendant bitmap byXHint-NSB and XHint-SB, allowing the query pro-cessor to reduce the parsing cost. In case of Q6,the throughput of XSQ-H increases approximately2.5 times compared to XSQ.

The benefit of the descendant bitmap is particu-larly large for queries that include labels that do notoccur in the stream, as exemplified by Q7 in Fig-ure 10. In case of XHint-NSB and XHint-SB, thedescendant hint at the top level is used by XSQ-Hto infer that the tag label NoResult does not occurat all in the data stream and skip the entire dataresulting in a very high throughput not possible incase of XHint-NS, XHint-S or XSQ with no XHints.The other extreme, of a query that returns the entirestream, is exemplified by Q1 in Figure 10. (Entry isthe top-level element.) In such a case, no data canbe skipped and XHints do not provide any benefitsto overcome their overheads.

The data digests used in XHint-SB and XHint-NSBimprove the throughput of XSQ-H for queries withpredicates, such as Q3 in Figure 9 and Q2 in Fig-


Page 16: Skipping Streams with XHints



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Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7







Queries on dblp




Q1: //ee/text()Q2: //editor/text()Q3: /inproceedings[author]/title/text()Q4: //article[year=1997]//cdrom/text()Q5: /article/title/text()Q6: /phdthesis/school/text()Q7: /mastersthesis[url]/title/text()

Figure 11: Throughput on DBLP (1)












































Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7







Queries on dblp




Q1: //url/text()Q2: /inproceedings[url]/title/text()Q3: /inproceedings/booktitle/text()Q4: /proceedings/title/text()Q5: /phdthesis[year=1993]/title/text()Q6: /phdthesis/title/text()Q7: /mastersthesis/title/text()

Figure 12: Throughput on DBLP (2)

ure 10. The pre-evaluation of the predicate allowsparser to skip more data in case of XHint-SB andXHint-NSB, resulting in higher throughput.The throughput results for the DBLP dataset are

summarized in Figures 11 and 12. As with the Swis-sProt dataset, XSQ-H outperforms XSQ by a signif-icant margin for the sample queries. However, weobserve relatively smaller differences in the perfor-mance of XSQ-H for different kinds of hints in caseof simple queries, such as Q6 and Q7 in Figure 12.XHint-NS has the highest throughput, followed byXHint-S, XHint-NSB, and XHint-SB, in that order.The higher throughputs of hints generated offline isexpected as for the SwissProt dataset. Further, aswas the case with the SwissProt dataset, the perfor-mance degradation due to the limited buffer used forstreaming generation of hints is small. The descen-dant hints in XHint-NSB and XHint-SB result in ad-




















�������� ���������������������






�������������������������      ¡�¡¡�¡¡�¡¡�¡¡�¡¡�¡¢¢¢¢¢¢























Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7







Queries on psd7003




Q1: /Database/text()Q2: /ProteinEntry/header/text()Q3: /ProteinEntry/sequence/text()Q4: //protein/name/text()Q5: //organism/formal/text()Q6: //author/text()Q7: //title/text()

Figure 13: Throughput on PSD (1)



»»»»¼¼¼¼ ½�½½�½½�½½�½½�½½�½½�½½�½½�½½�½½�½½�½½�½


































Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7







Queries on psd7003





Q1: //header[accession=I55192]/uid/text()Q2: //feature[seq-spec=2]/status/text()Q3: /ProteinEntry/summary[type=’’complete’’]/length/text()Q4: //reference[contents=annotation]/refinfo//author/text()Q5: //organism/common/text()Q6: /ProteinEntry/reference/accinfo/accession/text()Q7: //feature[seq-spec=1]/status/text()

Figure 14: Throughput on PSD (2)


Page 17: Skipping Streams with XHints









���� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �










��������������������� � � �


























Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7



of S







Queries on SwissProt




Q1: //AuthorQ2: /Entry/FeaturesQ3: /Entry[Org=Muridae]/Ref[Medline=9225337]/Cite/text()Q4: /Entry/Ref[MedlineID=9225337]/Cite/text()Q5: /Entry/Ref/Cite/text()Q6: //Entry/Features//DOMAIN//Descr/text()Q7: /Entry/Mod

Figure 15: SAX Events processed on SwissProt (1)


4 (XHint−NSB)














































Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6



of S







Queries on SwissProt





Q1: /EntryQ2: /Entry[Org]/Ref[MedlineID]/Cite/text()Q3: /Entry/Ref[MedlineID]/Cite/text()Q4: //CARBOHYD/text()Q5: //Entry[Org=Eukaryota]//MUTAGENQ6: /Entry[Org=DISULFID]//Author/text()Q7: //Noresult

Figure 16: SAX Events processed on SwissProt (2)

ditional computation for XSQ-H, but do not provideany additional benefit for simple queries. Howeverthe slight degradation in the performance of XSQ-H in case of XHint-NSB and XHint-SB is justifiedby the performance gain provided by the descendanthints for queries containing closure, as exemplifiedby Q1 and Q4 in Figure 11. The results for the PSDdataset, which is much larger than the other two testdatasets, are qualitatively similar for the results onthe SwissProt and DBLP datasets, as summarized byFigures 13 and 14.

SAX Event Processing Above, we quantifiedthe benefits of XHints by measuring the through-put improvements resulting from hints. However, thetwo base systems used in the comparison, XSQ andXMLTK, differ considerably in their design. In par-ticular, XSQ uses an automaton to manage complex

interactions with buffered data, while XMLTK usesa simpler design that does not use buffers. Thesesystem design choices are based on different goals:XMLTK supports a smaller subset of XPath (queriesthat can be answered without buffering) than XSQ,but is able to do so more efficiently due to the simplerdesign. The additional logic for processing complexqueries in XSQ results in a lower throughput. In or-der to better isolate the benefits of XHints from thedifferences due to system design, we studied the num-ber of SAX events processed by the XHint-enabledsystem, as a fraction of the total number of SAXevents. (Systems that do not use hints must pro-cess all SAX events.) SAX events are known to bea significant part of query processing overhead forstreaming systems [13, 20].

The results on the SAX events processed for theSwissProt database are summarized in Figures 15and 16. We note that XHints result in a significantreduction in the number of SAX events that must beprocessed. As expected, for queries with closures,XHint-SB and XHint-NSB provide a larger reduc-tion than XHint-NS and XHint-S, due to the descen-dant hints in the former pair. Due to the extremelysmall value, the number of SAX events processed forquery Q7 in Figure 16 by XSQ-H for XHint-NSB andXHint-SB (4 and 73 respectively) are shown sepa-rately. The data digest also reduces the number ofSAX events processed, as can be observed for Q3 inFigure 15.

Results for the DBLP (and PSD) datasets are qual-itatively similar, and are summarized by Figures 17and 18 (respectively, Figures 19 and 20). The numberof SAX events generated by XSQ-H for different typesof XHints is approximately same for queries with onlychild axes as it can be seen for Q5 and Q3 in Figure 17and Figure 18, respectively. Similar observation canbe made for queries like Q2 and Q3 in Figure 19 onthe PSD database. In case of queries with closureslike Q4 in Figure 17 and Q6 in Figure 19, the descen-dant hint (in XHint-NSB and XHint-SB) reduces thenumber of SAX elements processed significantly. Thenumber of SAX events for such queries are so smallthat they cannot be represented graphically. We haveinstead shown the value itself along with the XHintit corresponds to.

7.3 Query Characteristics

We now outline the results of our experiments study-ing the effects of various query characteristics on thegain provided by XHints. We have used XMLTK1.0.1 and XSQ 1.0 for the comparing the performance


Page 18: Skipping Streams with XHints

169 (S)73 (NS)

169 (SB)73(NSB)


12 (NS)








������ � � ����



�������� ��


���������� ��� �


























Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7



of S







Queries on dblp




Q1: //ee/text()Q2: //editor/text()Q3: /inproceedings[author]/title/text()Q4: //article[year=1997]//cdrom/text()Q5: /article/title/text()Q6: /phdthesis/school/text()Q7: /mastersthesis[url]/title/text()

Figure 17: SAX Events processed on DBLP (1)






6062(S)6038(NS) 217(NS)












????@@@@ AA



























Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7



of S







Queries on dblp




Q1: //url/text()Q2: /inproceedings[url]/title/text()Q3: /inproceedings/booktitle/text()Q4: /proceedings/title/text()Q5: /phdthesis[year=1993]/title/text()Q6: /phdthesis/title/text()Q7: /mastersthesis/title/text()

Figure 18: SAX Events processed on DBLP (2)




W�WW�WXX YYZZ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[










f�ff�fgg hhii jjkk l�lm n�nn�nn�nn�nn�nn�nn�nn�nn�nn�nn�n


























Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7



of S







Queries on psd7003




Q1: /Database/text()Q2: /ProteinEntry/header/text()Q3: /ProteinEntry/sequence/text()Q4: //protein/name/text()Q5: //organism/formal/text()Q6: //author/text()Q7: //title/text()

Figure 19: SAX Events processed on PSD (1)






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���� �������� ���� ���� �������� ��������

 � � ¡�¡
























Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7



of S







Queries on psd7003




Q1: //header[accession=I55192]/uid/text()Q2: //feature[seq-spec=2]/status/text()Q3: /ProteinEntry/summary[type=’’complete’’]/length/text()Q4: //reference/refinfo//author/text()Q5: //organism/common/text()Q6: /ProteinEntry/reference/accinfo/accession/text()Q7: //feature[seq-spec=1]/status/text()

Figure 20: SAX Events processed on PSD (2)





































Þ�ÞÞ�Þß�ßß�ß ààà



















Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6







Queries on SwissProt




Q1: /EntryQ2: /Entry/text()Q3: /Entry/FeaturesQ4: /Entry/Features/DOMAINQ5: /Entry/Features/DOMAIN/Descr/text()

Figure 21: Effect of query length on throughput

of XSQ-H.

Query Length We define the length of an XPathquery to be the number of location steps in the query.The effect of increasing query length on throughputfor the SwissProt dataset is summarized by Figure 21.We observe that the throughput of XSQ-H increaseswith query length. This result is intuitive becauselonger queries usually typically produce smaller queryresults and allow XSQ-H skip larger amount of dataresulting in a higher throughput. XHint-NS andXHint-S provide a slightly better throughput com-pared to XHints with descendant hints (XHint-NSBand XHint-SB) since the queries do not contain clo-sure and the descendant hints constitute an extra pro-cessing overhead.

Descendant Axes Since evaluating the descen-dant axis entails a subtree traversal, it is reasonableto expect a lower throughput as the number of loca-


Page 19: Skipping Streams with XHints










� � � � � � � �


















� � � � �






































Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7







Queries on SwissProt




Q1: //Entry/Features/DOMAIN/Descr/text()Q2: /Entry//Features/DOMAIN/Descr/text()Q3: /Entry/Features//DOMAIN/Descr/text()Q4: /Entry/Features/DOMAIN//Descr/text()Q5: //Entry//Features//DOMAIN//Descr/text()Q6: //Entry/Features//DOMAIN//Descr/text()Q7: //Entry/Features/DOMAIN//Descr/text()

Figure 22: Effect of descendant axes on throughput
















































Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6







Queries on SwissProt




Q1: /Entry[DISULFID]/Ref/Author/text()Q2: /Entry[Org=Eurkaryota]/Features/MUTAGENQ3: /Entry[REPEAT]/PROPEPQ4: /Entry[Org]/Ref[MedlineID]/Cite/text()Q5: /Entry[Org=Muridae]/Ref[MedlineID=9225337]/Cite/text()Q6: /Entry/Ref[MedlineID]/Cite/text()

Figure 23: Effect of predicates on throughput

tion steps using the axes rises. The effect of vary-ing the number and position of descendant axes forqueries on the SwissProt dataset is summarized byFigure 22. As expected, the throughput of XHint-S and XHint-NS is low for queries with descendantaxes. Exceptions are the results for queries Q3 andQ4. This result is explained by noting that the de-scendant axes in these queries are deep (to the right)in the query, entailing traversals of smaller subtreesthan those necessary when the descendant axis ishigher (to the left) in the query. In contrast to XHint-S and XHint-NS, the XHint-SB and XHint-NSB pro-vide consistently high throughput. The throughput isslightly higher for queries with a closure axis deeperin the expression (such as Q4). A deeper descen-dant axis allows XSQ-H to ignore a larger number ofelements as compared to queries containing the de-scendant axis closer to the first location step (such asQ1 and Q5).








0 20 40 60 80 100



Buffer Size (KB)


Q1: /Entry/Features/DOMAIN/Descr/text()Q2: /Entry[Org]/Ref[MedlineID]/Cite/text()Q3: /Entry//Descr/text()Q4: //Entry[Org]/Descr//text()

Figure 24: Throughput gain for different buffer sizes

Multiple Predicates Figure 23 summarizes theresults of some experiments studying the effect ofpredicates on throughput. As expected, the data di-gests used by XHint-SB and XHint-NSB allow XSQ-H to pre-evaluate predicates and reduce the numberof SAX events that must be processed. As a re-sult, these two XHint schemes yield a higher through-put than XHint-S and XHint-NS. However, XHint-SB and XHint-NSB do not outperform the other twoschemes for query Q1. This result is explained bynoting that the labels in the predicate of Q1 doesnot occur frequently in the dataset. Therefore, thenumber of SAX events skipped using the data digestis small and does not yield enough benefits to over-come the overhead of processing the additional hintinformation.

Buffer size The range of information in an XHintdepends on the size of the buffer used during XHint-generation at the data source. In general, a largerbuffer permits XHints that range over larger amountsof data, allowing the XHManager to potentially skipmore data. Thus, it is natural to expect perfor-mance to degrade as the buffer size is reduced. Forany buffer size, it is easy to construct synthetic sce-narios in which XHints perform poorly. From apractical standpoint, the important question here isthe relation between upstream buffer size and down-stream throughput for realistic datasets and queries.In particular, we are interested in determining thebuffer sizes that determine a good performance point.For this purpose we generated XHints for SwissProtdataset with different buffer sizes and measured thethroughput on the resulting streams. We have usedXHint-SB in the experiment instead of XHint-S since


Page 20: Skipping Streams with XHints

Q1: //redQ2: /scheme/color/redQ3: /scheme[code=2]/color/redQ4: /scheme[code=2]//color/red

Table 2: Queries used on Synthetic Datasets










0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1



put G


Selectivity (SAX Events)




Figure 25: Effect of Query Selectivity

the previous experiments have demonstrated thatXHint-SB perform well for all queries with little over-head as compared to XHint-S which do not performwell for queries with closures. The results are sum-marized by Figure 24. The main conclusion we drawfrom this experiment is that a very small buffer suf-fices to provide significant benefits for XHints for thisdataset. We obtained similar results for the otherdatasets.

Selectivity It is natural to expect XHints to yieldgreater benefit for queries that are highly selectivefor the input data stream. We define selectivity inthe usual manner, as the ratio of the number ofSAX events in the query result to the total num-ber of SAX events. In order to measure the effectof query selectivity on throughput, we generated tensynthetic datasets containing elements with red andblue as labels. All the datasets were similar in theircharacteristics except in the proportion of the ele-ments with the label red. We ran the four queriesdepicted in Table 2 on each dataset and measuredthe throughput for different values of the selectivity.Figure 25 displays the throughput gain of XHint-HBcompared to XSQ and XMTLK for different valuesof selectivity. Throughput gain of XHint-HB com-pared to another system is defined as the ratio of thethroughput of XHint-HB to the throughput of thatsystem. As XMLTK does not support predicates,XHint-HB is compared with XMLTK for only thefirst two queries. As expected, XHint-HB providesa high throughput gain for low selectivity comparedto XSQ and XMLTK, with a graceful degradationin performance as selectivity increases. Although we

have not shown any results for other XHint schemes,they also follow the same behavior with change inselectivity. Although the actual gain differs depend-ing on the scheme, the gain decays gracefully withincrease in selectivity.

7.4 XHint Generation

Hint-Generation Throughput We measurehint-generation throughout as the number of el-ements processed per second. We studied hint-generation throughput for the test datasets usingbuffers of different sizes. The results are summarizedin Figure 26. We observe that as the buffer size isincreased, throughput increases initially, but gradu-ally falls after reaching a peak at around buffer sizeof 60 KB. When the buffer used during hint gener-ation is small, the data stream is split into a largernumber of chunks, resulting in the insertion of a largenumber of XHints, which in turn could lead to a lowthroughput. On the other hand, large buffer sizessuffer from the overhead of storing more informationin XHints which require additional computation ofoffsets to various elements.

Size Overhead The insertion of XHints into adata stream increases the size of the stream that mustbe read by downstream processors. We measured thisoverhead in terms of the percentage increase in thedata due to addition of XHints for datasets of differ-ent sizes. We used one real dataset (PSD) and tworandomly generated dataset (RAND1 and RAND2)for our evaluation. We generated XHints with de-scendant bitmaps in a streaming fashion for differentdataset sizes. The size of the buffer used to generatethe XHints was fixed at 50 KB. We chose XHint-SBto demonstrate the upper bound on the data over-head since it contains the maximum information outof the four types of XHints and thus, incurs the high-est data overhead.

As Figure 27 indicates, the percentage overhead inthe data decreases with increase in the dataset size.Small sized datasets have a low number of elementsand the XHint constitute a significant portion of thedata in terms of size. As the size of the data increases,the number of XHints needed to store offset summaryof the data does not increase in the same proportionas the data elements since the atomic and text nodesof the data do not contain XHints. As a result, thepercentage overhead of inserting XHints decreases asthe data size increases.


Page 21: Skipping Streams with XHints












0 50 100 150 200


es P








Buffer Size (KB)



Figure 26: Throughput of XHint Generation










0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900






Database Size (MB)



Figure 27: Increase in data size

8. Related Work

The idea of augmenting a data stream to assist queryprocessing was first proposed as punctuations [21].Punctuations are designed to assist blocking oper-ators read the entire data before emitting an out-put. The punctuations are in the form of predicatesthat are not seen in the stream following the punctu-ation. It allow a query processor to infer the absenceof certain elements in the data and output the re-sult early. A binary-encoded index called SIX [11]stores the offsets to the beginning and end of elementsin the stream. A query processor can use these off-sets to skip processing data in much the same way asour XHint-NS scheme. The main difference betweenXHints and SIX is that XHints store a much greatervariety of information, permitting skipping data in agreater number of situations.

The MatchMaker system [16] addresses a similarproblem of matching an incoming data stream to alarge number of queries. Unlike conventional queryprocessing problem where the number of queries issmall compared to the size of data, the system pro-cesses a large repository of queries on relatively smalldata. The system stores the query patterns in anindex that supports efficient lookup for queries satis-fying a particular pattern. It uses this index to tageach XML node with the queries that it satisfies.

Several query engines have been presented forstreaming XML data. The XML Streaming Machine(XSM) system [18] translates an XQuery expressioninto a network of transducers that correspond to basicsubexpressions of XQuery and reduces the networkto a single XSM by repeatedly merging transduc-ers. The final XSM is optimized with respect to timeand space using both data and query characteristics.XSQ [20] and XPush [13] use an automaton-based ap-proach to process streaming XML data. XSQ buildsa hierarchal automaton called HPDT from a givenXQuery expression and returns the portions of a largestreaming XML document that match the query. Onthe other hand, XPush processes a given set of XPathfilters with predicates on a stream of XML documentsto compute which filters are satisfied by each docu-ment. It builds a lazy deterministic finite automatonwith each state representing a set of predicates. Thisstate machine stimulates the execution of the work-load of the XPath filters on a XML document andreturns a set of XPath ids satisfied by the document.

There are several methods for indexing semistruc-tured data in a non-streaming environment.Dataguides [10] provide a concise structural sum-mary of semistructured database by storing all


Page 22: Skipping Streams with XHints

label-paths occurring in the database. The datastructure can be incrementally updated and providesa dynamic schema of the underlying database.A Template Index or T-Index [19] consists of anautomaton corresponding to a data-path templateand list of nodes in the database that satisfy thepath expression. The automaton accepts data pathsbelonging to the set defined by the template andreturns pointers to the relevant nodes. Index Fab-ric [7] uses a similar principle by storing data pathsin indexes encoded as strings. The index is highlyoptimized for string search and provides offsets tothe data nodes stored in a relational database.

The XML Indexing and Storage System(XISS ) [17] indexes and stores XML data usinga numbering scheme. Each element is identifiedby a tuple that can be used to determine theancestor-descendant relationship between two nodesefficiently. The system also stores indexes (imple-mented as B+-trees) for searching documents witha given name or attribute. The indexes along withthe numbering allow efficient processing of regularpath expressions on an XML database. A complexquery is decomposed into simpler expressions andjoining algorithms are employed to merge the results.An A(k)-index [15] is based on the concept ofk-bisimilarity and maintains, for each node, a recordof incoming paths to a node of length at most k

(local structure). The system assumes that longcomplex path queries are rare and reduces the indexsize by grouping nodes into equivalence classes basedon local structure.

An adaptive indexing scheme for non-streamingXML data is presented in APEX [6]. The index con-sists of two structures. A graph is used to store thestructural summary of the data and a hash tree storeslabel-paths. Each node in the hash tree is a hash tablewith entries pointing to a node of either the graph orthe hash tree. The hash tree is useful for determiningthe nodes in the graph for a given label path and forupdating the index. APEX stores indexes for only themost frequently used paths, which can be updated in-crementally depending on changes in the query work-load. It would be interesting to use this idea andstudy how query workload can be used to estimatethe utility of an XHint in terms of the speedup it pro-vides and insert only the most useful XHints basedon this estimate. More recently, another dynamicindex called ViST was proposed [22]. It representsXML databases and queries as structure-encoded se-quences, reducing the query-evaluation problem tothe problem of matching subsequences. Unlike otherindexes like XISS, ViST processes the query as whole

without decomposing it into sub-queries, saving onexpensive join operations required to merge the sub-query results. An adaptive version of A(k)-indexes,called D(k)-indexes [5], provides an updating mech-anism storing only the most useful path indexes de-pending on the query workload. The D(k)-Index isalso based on k-bisimilarity and constructs equiva-lence classes of nodes based on local structural infor-mation. Instead of a global value for the similarityparameter k, a D(k)-index uses different values fordifferent equivalence classes, depending on the queryworkload.

The XPath accelerator [12] provides an index thathandles all XPath axes, in contrast to the methodsmentioned above, which use regular expressions. Ituses four major axes, ancestor, descendant, following,and preceding, to divide the XML document into fourregions. The pre-order and push-order rank of a nodeis used to encode the information about the region towhich it belongs. Standard database indexes such asB-Trees and R-Trees are used to index the positionof the node.

A number of systems have been developed to ad-dress the closely related problem of filtering XMLdocuments based on XPath queries. An index-filters [3] uses an idea very similar to XHints to skipirrelevant data. It constructs an inverted index on theXML data tagging each element with a unique iden-tifier. The identifier contains information that canbe used to efficiently infer ancestor and descendantrelationships between elements. The union of multi-ple XML queries is represented as a prefix tree. Eachnode of the tree contains a list of indexed positionsof elements that match the node label. The index-filter algorithm uses the prefix tree with the indexto identify elements that may not satisfy any queryexpression and skips them, thus avoiding the cost ofparsing. The index-Filter requires access to the com-plete XML dataset in order to generate identifiersand cannot be used in a streaming environment. Italso needs a sorting phase which may prove expensivefor large XML databases. The information stored inthese indexes is more restricted than that in XHints.For example, it excludes information about the datastored in elements that can be used to avoid unnec-essary processing in case of queries with predicates.

XFilter [1] and YFilter [8, 9] process multiplequeries on XML documents using finite automatons.XFilter uses finite-state automata and an invertedindex to match XML documents with queries. TheXFilter engine translates each XPath expression intoa separate finite-state automaton. An inverted in-dex is built over the states of these automata, essen-


Page 23: Skipping Streams with XHints

tially producing a hash table over the element labels.This index allows the system to simultaneously exe-cute all the automata and identify the set of queriesrelevant to a data element. YFilter improves on thisscheme by exploiting the commonality among XPathexpressions. It combines all the XPath query expres-sions into a single non-deterministic automaton andmerges common query prefixes into a single state,thus avoiding redundant processing. An XTrie [4]indexes substrings of XPath expressions that containonly the parent-child operator. The index consistsof a table and a trie. The indexing scheme is usedto filter the documents by first detecting the occur-rence of matching substrings using the trie and thenobtaining the matched queries from the table. Someadditional run-time information is used to avoid re-dundant matching of the query with the document.

9. Conclusion

Semistructured data is often serialized as text andpresented in a streaming form (e.g., news feeds pre-sented as streaming XML). In many situations, it isimpracticable or undesirable to instantiate this data(e.g., due to high data rates of the source or resourceconstraints at the client, which may be a small, mo-bile device). In these situations, query processing re-quires that the stream of serialized data be parsed on-the-fly, and parsing consumes a large fraction of theprocessing time. Therefore, further improvements inquery-processing efficiency require methods that re-duce the parsing costs. We proposed an a indexingframework in which an XML stream is augmentedwith indexing information (XHints) at or near thesource. Although this task requires additional pro-cessing at the source of the stream, it results in lowerprocessing costs at the stream’s consumers, or otherdownstream processors. This transfer of processingcosts is beneficial because not only may the sourcehave access to significantly greater computing re-sources than the consumer (server vs. handheld) buta large number of consumers can benefit from theindexing at the server (e.g., one server that streamsdata to hundreds of handheld units).XHints may be regarded as indexes that are in-

terspersed with the data in the stream. Specifically,XHints store four kinds of hints (offsets): end, child,sibling, and descendant. We described how queryprocessors may take advantage of these hints, usingXSQ (which uses an automaton-based approach) andTukwila (which uses the standard iterator-based ap-proach) as specific examples. We quantified the costsand benefits of XHints using an experimental study

on real and synthetic datasets using our implementa-tion of a XHint-enabled version of XSQ. Our resultsindicate that XHints that are generated on-the-fly bythe data source using very little buffer space providesignificant benefits to downstream query processors.The hints described in this paper are inserted in

a manner oblivious of the query load. Although ourexperiments indicate that such hints are beneficial,even greater benefits may be realized by tuning thehints to the query load (when such information isavailable). In continuing work, we are studying thishint-selection problem, which is essentially the index-selection problem for streaming data.


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