
PowerPoint Presentation

Social Media 101Enda Flynn Microsoft Ireland [email protected] @endaflynnparimal deshpande 11Jumping into social media is more than blogging, commenting and tweetingits a culture shift. Its real time, all the time. So, learning customs and lingo is more than half the battle. Because of this its hard to learn what someone means by I got poked or shes a contact, not a friend and I posted on their wall, but I didnt tweet him. Lets go through some definitions one social media site at a time.

What is Social Media & Web 2.0?

Social Media Revolution

Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation, Generation Next, Gamer Generation or Net Generation,[1][2][3] describes the demographic cohort following Generation X.

This generation generally represents an increase in births from the 1980s and 90s

increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and digital technologies3 6

Why Use Social MediaLow cost to enter Listening tool Manage and monitor your brandFree competitive researchBuild brand loyaltyMake your customers advocatesDirect & fastConvenientPersonalTraffic to your company websiteMake Connections & generate leadsMake Connections & generate leads and better develop your business


LinkedIn is focused on being your professional network. Therefore, the main terms they use are contacts and recommendations. Ive received emails from people thanking me for the recommendations and requests to be a contact- but what does that mean?

Recommendation: An online- public- reference from an identified peer, coworker, supervisor or students that validates, confirms and even sometimes supports the work, attitude or skills of an individual. Why would you do this? This is a great opportunity to display to current and potential employers how other people feel and see your work.

Contacts: This can get tricky. Think about this tool like a job networking tool- online. I probably wont add my little brothers best friend from junior infants that likes to talk about how we all used to go to Funderland together. We can be friends (Facebook) but not contacts- unless he has a professional side to share.

*Upgrading your account

*Perception: when you are looking for a new job true that is a powerful recruitment tool, but also is great for connecting people, sahring knowledge and managing a community + communications.

*How I use it:BizSpark GroupConnect Group


2. Twitter is a micro-blogging site. Whats a micro-blog you ask? On this particular one, you can write anything- in 140 characters or less, and that includes spaces. On Twitter you have tweets, followers, people you follow, hashtags, direct messages (DMs) and retweets (RT).

Tweets- This is a verb. This is what you do. Tweeting- is the action of posting your 140 character response to Twitters Whats happening? question.

Followers- these are people that want to get your posts and responses to Twitters perpetual question Whats happening?. When they follow you, they want an interaction and connection.

Following- This is the list of people that you are wanting to see answer Twitters question Whats happening?. This is a great time to ask yourself who or what industry you want to receive feeds from. Personally, I follow bloggers, local businesses and even some friends from college.

Hashtags - When you put the # symbol in front of a word, or consecutive words connected without a space; this will connect all the other hashtags with the same label . Example: working in education and technology? How about putting the #edtech hashtag at the end of your posts to connect to other edtech topics? Or if you are a social media addict (like me ) or have industry information try #socialmedia.

Direct Message (DM) This is a message that you can send on twitter that only the recipient can see. Youre still limited to 140 characters though.Retweets (RTs)- This is an amazing thing actually. If you see a tweet that you like, find relevant to your followers, or would just like to share- you retweet. This can be done by selecting the RT option on the actual tweet, or you can copy it into your Whats happening? space type out RT in front of the tweet and add an @ in front of the person that originally posted the content. Its like giving credit. Click here for a sample.


Apps and clients for Twitter..

DesktopMobileSharing picturesShortening linksTracking clicks13

3. Facebook. This network was created in a Harvard dorm room. This is where people can have a fun space to friend one another, share pictures and more. Some common Facebook lingo includes friended/friending/defriending/defriended, poke, message, status and tag(ged).

Friend- Previously I said that I wouldnt have my little brothers best friend from junior infants that likes to talk about how we all used to go to Funderland together for a LinkedIn contact. On Facebook, its different. The goal here is to connect with people on a more personal, fun level. So, if someone friends me they want to be connected to me. They can see my profile information, photos, posts that people make and more (unless I alter privacy settings, but thats another blog post entirely). When it comes to defriending/defriended- that means that youve been dropped. So, depending on their settings, you wont have access to their information anymore (Facebook can be a little dramatic).

Poke- All this means is that someone virtually poked you and it will appear on your home screen. This isnt a bad or derogatory thing, its just for fun. Personally, I have poking wars and a few have lasted about 5 years now.

Message- This is another way to contact a person, a group or a group of people directly. If you only want a certain group, person or fan base to receive a message, this is the option for you.

Status- This is a box that is next to your name. Like twitter, it asks you to answer a question: whats on your mind?. People can read:

Tag(ged)- This is can be one of two things. 1) Someone posted a picture and connected it to you, so you better make sure it is you, and you dont mind being connected, or 2) youve been tagged in a status update! You can only be tagged in either case by your friends

14Social Media in Msft ProductsSharePoint OutlookWindows Live AggregatorMicrosoft TagXbox Live

15Considerations..OwnershipStrategyDefining & measuring successOpen forum lack of controlMegaphone approach alienating your audience Time InvestmentBuilding TrustBlatant PimpingCorporate vs. Personal BrandWhere does Social Media Sit in the Organisation?Marketing?IT?Create a Social Media Committee16Where to Learn more DeAnthony Quigley (Digital Marketing Institute)Irish Internet Association Get on Twitter!Microsoft Updates (@simchabe) 18

It may have launched to college students just a few short years ago but now the average age of Facebook users is 38 with 61 per cent of its users 35 or older. The team at Flowtown, a social media marketing company, have created a fascinating info-graphic that shows the demographics of the most popular social networking sites.


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