Page 1: Song Activity-3rd Grade

Listen to the song and match:

1.Fill in (Completati):

This is the way we clap our hands, Clap our hands, clap our hands, This the way we clap our hands, All day long!

This is the way we walk with our legs, Walk with our legs, walk with our legs,This the way we walk with our legs, All day long!

This is the way we talk with our mouth, Talk with our mouth, talk with our mouth, This the way we talk with our mouth, All day long!

This is the way we bite with our teeth, Bite with our teeth, bite with our teeth, This the way we bite with our teeth, All day long!

This is the way we wash our face, Wash our face, wash our face, This the way we wash our face, All day long!

This is the way we nod our head, Nod our head, nod our head, This the way we nod our head, All day long!

This is the way we comb our hair, Comb our hair, comb our hair, This the way we comb our hair, All day long!

This is the way we point with our fingers, Point with our fingers, point with our fingers,This the way we point with our fingers, All day long!

This is the way we kiss with our lips, Kiss with our lips, kiss with our lips, This the way we kiss with our lips, All day long!

This is the way we smell with our nose, Smell with our nose, smell with our nose This the way we smell with our nose, All day long!

This is the way we hear with our ears, Hear with our ears, hear with our ears, This the way we hear with our ears, All day long!

This is the way we see with our eyes, See with our eyes, see with our eyes, This the way we see with our eyes, All day long!

This is the way we bend our knees, Bend our knees, bend our knees,This the way we bend our knees, All day long!

This is the way we stomp our feet, Stomp our feet, stomp our feet, This the way we stomp our feet, All day long!

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

am is are






Page 2: Song Activity-3rd Grade

2.Write the short form of “ to be” (Scrieti forma scurta):

3.Write the long form (Scrieti forma lunga):

4.Write the sentences in the negative, long form

(Scrieti propozitiile la negativ forma lunga):

1. Paul …………………..a student.2. We …………………friends.3. Mia ………………absent.4. Bobby ………………ill.5. Jane and Pam …………………….in the classroom.6. Tim …………….short and fat.7. They ……………… school.8. Ronald ……………………seven years old.9. Mother and father ……………………young.10.She …………………my sister, Diana.

1. It is my cat, Fluffy.2. She is my cousin, Jane.3. They are our mother and father.4. We are Tony and Bob.5. What is your name?6. I am Paul.7. Who is this?8. They are seven years old. 9. You are my best friend.10.It is on the desk.


1. Mary’s twelve years old.…………………………………………………..

2. What’s this?…………………………………………………..

3. We’re boys.…………………………………………………..

4. Where’s the pen?…………………………………………………..

5. He’s tall and thin.…………………………………………………..

6. They’re girls.…………………………………………………..

7. She’s tall and beautiful.…………………………………………………..

8. You’re a naughty boy.…………………………………………………..

9. They’re sad.…………………………………………………..

10.Who’s he?…………………………………………………..

1. She is happy.2. They are good friends.3. This is a school4. That is a boy.

Page 3: Song Activity-3rd Grade

5.Write the sentences in the short form

(Scrieti propozitiile la forma scurta):

This is the way songFill in the correct actions:

1. She is happy.2. They are good friends.3. This is a school4. That is a boy.







1. They are not in the classroom.……………………………………………………….

2. She is not tall and fat.……………………………………………………….

3. It is not my dog.……………………………………………………….

4. We are not friends.……………………………………………………….

5. They are desk mates.……………………………………………………….

6. Tina is not my sister.……………………………………………………….

7. Jade is not hungry.……………………………………………………….

8. I am not thirsty.……………………………………………………….

9. It is not red……………………………………………………….

10.You are not happy.……………………………………………………….

Page 4: Song Activity-3rd Grade

This is the way we…………………………………..………………………………,…………………………………..This is the way we…………………………………..So early in the morning!

This is the way we………………………………..………………………………,………………………………..This is the way we………………………………..So early in the morning!

This is the way we…………………………………..………………………………,…………………………………..This is the way we…………………………………..So early in the morning!

This is the way we………………………………..………………………………,………………………………..This is the way we………………………………..So early in the morning!

This is the way we…………………………………..………………………………,…………………………………..This is the way we…………………………………..So early in the morning!

This is the way we………………………………..………………………………,………………………………..This is the way we………………………………..So early in the morning!

This is the way we…………………………………..………………………………,…………………………………..This is the way we…………………………………..So early in the morning!

This is the way we………………………………..………………………………,………………………………..This is the way we………………………………..So early in the morning!

This is the way we…………………………………..………………………………,…………………………………..This is the way we…………………………………..So early in the morning!

This is the way we………………………………..………………………………,………………………………..This is the way we………………………………..So early in the morning!

This is the way we…………………………………..………………………………,…………………………………..This is the way we…………………………………..So early in the morning!

This is the way we………………………………..………………………………,………………………………..This is the way we………………………………..So early in the morning!

This is the way we…………………………………..………………………………,…………………………………..This is the way we…………………………………..

This is the way we………………………………..………………………………,………………………………..This is the way we………………………………..

Page 5: Song Activity-3rd Grade

So early in the morning! So early in the morning!

This is the way we…………………………………..………………………………,…………………………………..This is the way we…………………………………..So early in the morning!

This is the way we………………………………..………………………………,………………………………..This is the way we………………………………..So early in the morning!

The houseExercises

1.Name the parts of the house:

What’s this?…………………………..

What’s this?…………………………..

What’s this?…………………………..

What’s this?…………………………..

What’s this?…………………………..

What’s this?…………………………..

2.Write the missing letters:

1) hall__a __2) be__r__om3) ba__ __roo__4) ki__c__e__5) __ar__6) ho__s__7) st__ir__

8) li__in__ r__ __ m’9) ba__em__nt10)ga__a__e11)di__in__ r__o__12)la__nd__ ___ room13)of__ic__14)cl__s__t

3.Find the hidden words:

1) uohes- …………………………… 2) geraga- ……………………………

sing a song cook our lunch ride the bike go to school comb our hair smell the flowers skip a rope ride the bus

brush our teeth do our homework read a book bake a pie have a shower eat our lunch wash our hands sweep the floor

Page 6: Song Activity-3rd Grade

3) drya- ……………………………4) tickenhc- ……………………………5) robamoth- ……………………………6) rolaumondyr-


7) ficeof- ……………………………8) dengar- ……………………………9) edbomro- ……………………………10)rolingmovi- ……………………………

4.Describe your house. Start like this.

My house has got ………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………

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