Page 1: St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South ... · 08/09/2019  · the Catholic way of life. Faith, conversion, repentance, cel-ebration and community – five basic elements

St. Boniface Catholic Church

1952 GA Hwy. 21 South

September 8, 2019

The Twenty Third Sunday in

Ordinary Time





PARISH STAFF EMAIL [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected].


BAPTISMS/WEDDINGS Please contact Fr. Martino for an appointment.

WEDDINGS Please contact Fr. Martino for an appointment a minimum of four months before wedding date.

PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION Office: (912) 754-7473 Fax: (912) 754-1201

WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

CONFESSIONS Saturday, 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.


Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. Thursday, 8:30 a.m.

Friday 7:00 p.m. Religious Education

Sunday Mornings 9:45-10:45 a.m. When school is in session

ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact Fr. Martino at

706-825-3032 Bulletin Deadline

We welcome your contributions to the bulletin. Deadline for submission is Wednesday, by 12:00 noon

Page 2: St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South ... · 08/09/2019  · the Catholic way of life. Faith, conversion, repentance, cel-ebration and community – five basic elements

8 de septiembre de 2019 23º domingo de Tiempo Ordinario "Cualquiera de ustedes que no renuncie a todas sus pos-esiones no puede ser mi discípulo". -LUCAS 14:33 Cuando escuchamos esta declaración por primera vez, parece que Jesús está haciendo una demanda poco realista sobre nosotros. ¿Cómo podemos renunciar a todas nuestras posesiones? Las necesitamos para vivir. Sin embargo, debemos renunciar a la creencia de que nos pertenecen. To-do lo que tenemos pertenece solo a Dios. Todos nuestros recursos nos son confiados no solo para nuestro propio uso, sino también para que podamos ayudar a otros. Una vez que renunciamos a la idea de que poseemos o tenemos derecho a algo, es mucho más fácil compartir los muchos regalos que Dios nos ha dado.

Mass Intentions For the Week

Sunday 09/08 +Maria Vu & Joseph Trin +Maria Kim Ngan Tuesday 09/10 ♥Peace in Family

Wednesday 09/11 +Souls in Purgatory

Thursday 09/12 ♥Dawn Maes

Friday 09/13 +Hurricane Victims

Saturday 09/14 ♥Gerald Morgan

Weekly Collection with YTD figures June 30-Aug. 30

Weekly Offertory Collection: $5,373.30 Year to Date Collection: $52,676.55 Bills Paid this week: $6,478.00 Bills Paid to Date: $42,301.65 Building Fund Collection: $1,589.28 Building Fund YTD: $13,110.21 Bishop Annual Appeal Goal: $29,281.00 Bishop Annual Appeal Given: $24,202.00

September 8, 2019 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Everyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.” - Luke 14:33 When we first hear this statement, it seems that Jesus is making an unrealistic demand upon us. How can we renounce all of our possessions? We need them to live. However, what we must renounce is the belief that they belong to us. Everything that we have be-longs to God alone. All of our resources are entrusted to us not only for our own use, but also so that we can help others. Once we renounce the idea that we pos-sess or are entitled to anything, it is much easier to share the many gifts that God has given us. Then we truly are His Disciples.

Please pray for our sick For all those homebound, in the hospital or nursing homes and especially those who

care for them. We also ask prayers for those not listed

Bob Ahlfeldt, Donald Allen, Janet Anderson, Kaye Wolfe Babot, Fr. Isador Baky, Margaret & Rick Beland, Tami Brant, Marlee Brantley, Chuck Brown, Beth Buchsbaum, Nadine Chapman, Andy & Kathy Chester, Jacob Connelly, Nancy Corley, Grady Course, Loretta Dahlweiner, Linda Davis, Peter DI Lella, Rindy Denmark, Susan Dehyle, Isabell Duffy, Celina Eddy, Clyde Erley, Tracey Edenfield, Wendy Fears, Becky Fields, Mike Flynn family, Izzy Flynn, Cindy Forte, Felipe & Manuela Garza, Dan Gonzales, Fred Griffin, Eric Guge, Gerry & Kim Harrell, Greg Hlavac, Muriel Healy, Ruthann Hein, Collen Higgs, Jim Hester, Cindy Howard, Aiden Hulsey, Diane Hunter, Tracy Keiffer, Brantyne Knight, Nicholas Knight, Sandy Kowalski, Michelle Kronen, Josette Lafond , Karen Lowrey, Linda Liebl, Rosa Lewis, Vince & Sandra Mackey, Frances Maher, John & Mi-chael Maher, Tom and Bridget Maher, Marie & Bob Martel, Michael Martin, David & Henry Matzdorf, Mary McGrath, Justin McGregor, Nancy Miller, Ralph Miller, Halario Miranda, Porfirio & Elizabeth Miran-da, Tracey Hickox Mulligan, Kahan O’Carroll, Ron & Kathy O’Sako, Phil Pastrano, Steve and Mary Pizzino, Olga Ramirez, Lynn Richardson, Lora Riner, Joel Ri-vera, Gloria Ruiz, Kathy Singley, Eva Shelley, Tara Shelley, Tim & Jill Shumacher, Elijah Sims, Abby Smith, Angel Smith, Tim Strickland, Alan Swartz, Ed & Delores Talick, Boris Tang, Burr & Helen Tolles, Gene Tyre, Rosemary Usher, Bryan Van Buren, Rita Visconti, Dwight Ward, Darwin Webb, Bernie Weber, Julie & Larry Weddle, Morgan West, Theresa Wichert, Paul Wiedemann, Gary Wilkes, Keith Yawn, Irving Zoller

A time of war, and a time of peace: We pray for those that serve in our military.

COL Brian Healy, MSGT Brian A. Lafond, SSGT Steven Liebl, A1C Cameron Rahn, E3 Steven Talick Jr., CW4 Scott Durrer Protect and guide our men and women in uniform, strengthen them in their trials. Give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Page 3: St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South ... · 08/09/2019  · the Catholic way of life. Faith, conversion, repentance, cel-ebration and community – five basic elements

Liturgical Ministry Schedule

Sept. 14 5:00 p.m. AS M Mondziel, R Mondziel & Volunteer EM P Tanguay, N McEvoy, D Avard, J Kessler & L Duncan L C Gish U J Branham, Donna Smith & Volunteer Sept. 15 8:30 a.m. AS R Burton, T DePace, & D Matzdorf EM A & J Baker, L Santos & T Richtman L S Gobrogge U M Vinson, B Milne Jr. & Volunteer 11:00 a.m. AS A McIntosh, R Clark & T Oxfor EM Monteleone, J & J McIntosh & P Rodriguez L J Williamson U Y Carr, J & L Davis & Volunteer Children’s Liturgy Volunteer 1: M Felipe Volunteer 2: C Felipe Youth Helper: J Klock

This Week at St. Boniface - Sept. 08-Sept. 14 Sunday: Mass -8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Faith Formation begins-9:45 a.m. 6th grade Safe Touch Catholic Focus-9:45 a.m. Bingo Nursing Home-6:30 p.m. Monday: Counting Team 1-10:00 a.m. RCIA- 7:00 p.m. Tuesday: Mass- 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Choir Practice- 4:00 p.m. Discipleship Mtg.-7:00 p.m. Wednesday: Mass - 8:30 a.m. Adoration following Mass Rosary Group-9:30 a.m. Outreach Office -11:00 a.m. Sunday Choir Practice-5:30 p.m. Youth Group-7:00 p.m. Thursday: Mass-8:30 a.m. Yoga-9:30 a.m. Study Grp-The Mass-7:00p.m. K of C Officers Mtg.-7:00 p.m. Friday: Mass-7:00 p.m. Followed by Adoration Saturday: VFW National Guard Family Day Use of Grounds and Building -9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Reconcilliation-4:00 p.m. Rosary-4:30 p.m. Mass-5:00p.m.

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — You sent your holy spirit from on high and thus were the paths of those on earth made straight (Wisdom 9:13-18b).

Psalm — In every age, O Lord, you have been our ref-uge (Psalm 90).

Second Reading — Paul asks Philemon to accept back his slave Onesimus as a brother (Philemon 9-10, 12-17). Gospel — Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for its completion? (Luke 14:25-33). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corpora-tion. All rights reserved.


Monday: Col 1:24 — 2:3; Ps 62:6-7, 9; Lk 6:6-11

Tuesday: Col 2:6-15; Ps 145:1b-2, 8-11; Lk 6:12-19

Wednesday: Col 3:1-11; Ps 145:2-3, 10-13ab; Lk 6:20-26

Thursday: Col 3:12-17; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 6:27-38

Friday: 1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-8, 11; Lk 6:39-42

Saturday: Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-38;

Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17

Sunday: Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19;

1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 [1-10]


Sunday: Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time;

Grandparents Day

Monday: St. Peter Claver

Wednesday: Patriot Day

Thursday: The Most Holy Name of Mary

Friday: St. John Chrysostom

Saturday: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

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We would like to welcome any new Parishioner and

encourage you to register with the Parish. Registration

Forms are located in the church on the stand in front of

the Confessional, or you may stop by the Parish Office

and register Monday-Friday8:30 am - 4:00 pm.

St. Boniface Baptism Class Wednesday, September 18

6:30-9:00PM A baptism class will be held on Wednesday, September 18, 6:30-9:00 PM. This class is required for parent(s) having their child baptized in the Catholic Church. Before taking this class you must be registered in the parish and have met with Fr. Martino to discuss the baptism of your child(ren). This will be the last scheduled class for the year. Please sign up for the class by Sunday, September 8, by contacting Cindy Felipe, 912-596-4251.

St. Boniface Chicken Dinners

Coming October 19, 2019

Pick up between 10:30 am and 2:00 pm

$8.00 per dinner

Tickets on sale now

Deadline to return money or tickets October 6th

Which includes: 1/2 Chicken

with BBQ sauce

Baked Potato w/sour cream

Roll with butter

Green Beans

Piece of Pound Cake

All Profit goes toward new

Sanctuary Fund

10% of Sales goes to the Needy

We need lots of volunteers to help make this a success-

ful fundraiser. Please prayerfully consider where your

talent can be used to help make this a success.

Questions? Contact our Co-chairs:

Rick Rafter-912-661-2410

Joe Colanero-912-210-2096

Joe Bahm-912-856-0372




of Christian Initiation of Adults is ori-

ented towards those who are thirsting

for God, want a relationship with Jesus,

and are searching and inquiring about

the Catholic way of life. Faith, conversion, repentance, cel-

ebration and community – five basic elements that are pre-

sent in RCIA. The RCIA provides a setting where the jour-

ney of faith and moments of conversion can be celebrated

within the local Church community. Join us on the journey,

Mondays 7-8:30PM in the Hope Meeting Room. The first

class was Aug. 26, but you can still register by contacting

the parish office at 754-7473. For more information call

Carolynn Leonard at 754-6841.


If you like to bake and can contribute one or more

homemade pound cakes to our annual chicken dinner

fundraiser scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 19, please

contact Marguerite Gilstrap via email

at [email protected] or call her 912-826-

4949. Last year our cake baking campaign was a fab-

ulous success, and we also had some cakes we were

able to sell at the bake sale. The cakes looked abso-

lutely beautiful and we had a lot of fun slicing the

cakes and packing them. Pound cakes freeze well

so you can bake some in advance of that week-

end. We would like all cakes delivered to the church

on Thursday, October 17th, so that our volunteers can

slice them on Friday, the 18th. A sign-up sheet will

be available in the narthex. Two recipes will be pro-

vided in the narthex for you to use or if you have a

favorite recipe, you can use that. Thank you for shar-

ing your baking talents! in the narthex for you

to use or if you have a favorite recipe, you can use

that. Thank you for sharing your baking talents!

CCW News

Due to the potential of storms last Wednesday, the CCW meeting was rescheduled for this Wednesday, September 11, 2019. We meet in the Office Meeting Building in the Hope Room. We are a very active ministry and we will have an ice cream social following the business meeting on Sept 4, where we talk and get to know each other. We look forward to seeing you there!!

The St. Boniface Council of Catholic

Women (CCW) will have a yard sale on

Saturday, October 5th from 7am to

2pm. We are looking for items that are

in clean and usable condition to

sell. Clean out your garage!! All proceeds of this yard

sale are used for the operating expenses and charitable

activities of the CCW for the year.

THE VALUE OF EDUCATION What greater or better gift can we offer the re-public than to teach and instruct our youth?

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VIRTUS “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” Training-will be held at St. Peter the Apostle Church– Savannah on Tuesday September 10, 2019 from 5:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m. Contact Joan Altmyer at 912-201-4074. This training is required for all volunteer and paid

adults 18 and over who in the course of their minis-

try come into contact with minors: Choir, Ushers,

EM’s, Altar Servers, Faith Formation, Youth Group,

etc. We welcome all adults to attend as we are all

called to be Good Stewards to All God’s Children!

Registration is required prior to attending via online

at to receive credit for the session. No

one under the age of 18 is allowed due to the sensi-

tive subject matter. Please arrive early, there will be

no admittance once the session begins and latecom-

ers will be asked to reschedule.

From the Office for the Protection of Children and Young People, Toll free reporting hotline:

(888) 357-5530.

First Communion set for May 3 First Communion will be celebrated at the 11 am Mass on Sunday, May 3, 2020. Please watch the Bulletin for in-formation about Saturday retreats in February and April 2020. If you have a third-grade or older child who has not received First Communion, please contact the DRE. If your First Communion candidate was baptized in a non-Catholic denomination, please contact Fr. Martino before December 1, 2019. Still time to register Faith Formation is now accepting registrations. Forms are available in the hall outside the DRE’s office in the edu-cation building. Please try to arrive 15 minutes before class begins if you need to register or pay tuition. Service opportunities galore! Parents, please encourage your eighth and ninth graders to fulfill their Confirmation service obligations by helping with our annual chicken dinner on October 19. We need lots of volunteers to:

• wash, wrap and bake potatoes

• bake pound cakes

• assemble dinners

• set up and clean up. This is a wonderful opportunity to log service hours and have fun as a parish. Watch the Bulletin for sign-up infor-mation.

Excused absence policy Absence from Faith Formation is considered “excused” in the case of illness, family emergency, funeral or previ-ously-scheduled family occasion (such as a wedding). Students in sacramental classes (grades 2, 8 and 9) are per-mitted only two excused absences. To qualify for perfect attendance awards, students must attend every class with no excused absences. Please notify the DRE by phone or email, including the child’s grade, with any excused absence. With 165 kids in the program, it’s impossible to keep up with verbal notifications. Thanks for understanding. For more information about Faith Formation contact Celeste at [email protected] or 912.754.1432.

POST-SUMMER CHALLENGES With any luck, summer delights will continue a while past last weekend’s Labor Day: refreshing recreation (with maybe an occasional swim) or enjoyable relaxa-tion on the deck (with tasty outdoor grilling). Truth is, for some of us, this year’s Labor Day came way too early. With many schools back in session for a while already, mealtimes and driving schedules needed read-justment to coordinate youth sports with adult commit-ments. Some religious education and parish programs resumed, too. No surprise, then, that this weekend’s scriptures sound a little like post-summer challenges. For instance, Wisdom reminds us that believers in God can never be content with “timid deliberations” and “unsure plans.” Paul challenges longtime friend and follower Philemon to “let the good you do be volun-tary.” Jesus instructs “great crowds” traveling with him—including us—on three things necessary for all true disciples to accomplish. On this early autumn weekend, our scriptures describe disciples’ lifelong labors. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

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Ave Maria Shop

St. Boniface Catholic Gift Shop

Open after Saturday and Sunday

Masses. Bibles, Catholic Children

Books, Gifts, Rosaries,

Medals, and much more!

Register your Kroger

Rewards card to help bene-

fit the Outreach Assistance

program. Need help? See Pattie in the

Parish Office.

Harland Howard


Painting Services

No Job too Big or too

Small !

Phone: 912-429-9383



P.O Box 3822, Bluff-

ton, SC 29910

Office-(843) 987-0500

* Fax (843) 987-0600



11am Mass



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