
St. Claret School Creative News LetterDiscipline Discipline is the only virtue that distinguishes a human being from the other mammals. This discipline has allowed society to evolve from what we were to what we now are. Many a time we tend to forget the importance of discipline and etiquette and in turn lose our morality. A disciplined child determines the disciplined future of our country. Lets all challenge our limitations, push against false convictions and reach towards a glorious future. - By Mrs. Glacy Robert, Captain Red Racers

SuccessSuccess is our main role. We aim at it and move forward to achieve it. We exert ourselves vigorously to make strenuous efforts towards our success.By striving to do the impossible, man had always achieved what is possible. Be it jewel or a toy, not the prize gives joy but striving to win the prizes, gives the immense happiness. So we are always prepared to strive hard for that is what makes life so wonderful.“High thinking, Selfless service and Achieving Success is the SURFERS GOAL”. - By Mrs. Shwetha Shankar, Captain Blue Surfer

The 25th Silver Jubilee celebrations of our school was under-taken at a grand and massive scale. To make this momen-tous event a feast for the eye, our staff and students left no stone unturned. This momentous journey on the Grand Jubilee express, saw our students travel through several sta-tions which marked the milestones of human life on earth. The stations were aptly named as God Station, Early life station, Community station, Civilization station, Monarchy station, Renaissance station,Industrial revolution station, Media station, Freedom station & finally St. Claret station. Each stations was a labour of love by our teachers, students and talented choreographers. The hectic practice sessions, reorganization of time tables, costume trials and active par-ticipation of everyone, ensured that the event was a roaring success. The huge crowed at our grounds was a testimony to this fact. This silver Jubilee express has indeed been marked forever in the history of St. Claret School and lets all endeav-or to make this journey successful and meaningful through all our small contributions. - by Mrs. Glacy Robert

The Grand Jubilee ExpressThe republic day was celebrated with much joy and aplomb on 26th Jan 2013. To mark the day, the national flag was hoisted by Rev. Fr. Joshi, principal St. Claret School and other distinguished teachers. A colourful cultural event was presented by our student to add colour and glory to the day. - by Mrs. Shwetha Shankar

Republic Day

“Success is 1 % inspiration and 99% perspiration” - Thomas Alva Edison

Times NIE Teachers’ meet held in Bangalore on Tues-day 26th Feb 2013. About 400 teachers from 250 different schools took part in it. Mrs. Premalatha St. Claret School Jalahalli was facilitated for being the longest serving Times NIE Teacher coordinator. - by Mrs. Shwetha Shankar

The Times of india nie Teachers’ meeT

Silver bells ringing in the Silver Jubilee

Mera Bharat Mahan!

Mrs. Premalatha - our Inspiration

Hindustan Unilever Limited in co-ordination with an NGO by name SHARP (School Health Annual Report Programme) had organized Free Dental Health and Hygiene Camp in our School premises on 3rd October 2012. The main purpose of this camp was to educate children about Health and Hygiene which is very essential in today’s daily life especially in school children. They also presented a small Power Point Presentation on cleanliness. Chil-dren in the morning will be in a hurry to get ready for school and they don’t give much importance to their hygiene which may lead to various infections. Mrs. Sudha Shankar, CSR Head- South of Unilever, shared with us that this camp will help children to understand the importance to be healthy. HLL have covered 14 schools across South India in organizing similar program emphasizing mainly on Oral care, Hand Washing and hygiene.It was a day long camp and students from 6th Grade to 9th Grade attended this program. - by Mrs. Rupa.


Feb 7th 2013 was a memorable day for our school as we were part of Times NIE. The student edition of Times of India was ex-clusively edited by our principal Rev. Fr. Joshi KX cmf and the edito-rial team comprising of three teachers and 10 students. The entire

school contributed articles enthusiastically and the best ones were selected for publication. A lot of hard work was put into this. The evening before the edition was out we arrived at the Times of India of-fice at 4 p.m. We were extremely happy to be with the faculty of TOI. Mrs. Santrupti, Senior Assistant Editor of NIE and her team welcomed us. We were told about various stages of reporting, writing, editing, and verifying. We spent around 4 to 5 hours in the Times office reading, editing and correcting our articles.The students enjoyed every bit of editing and learnt and understood the entire process of publication of a day’s paper. It was great being in the shoes of a journalist. We awaited with eager hearts to see our paper on the next day. And behold it was, the fruit of our hard work of over a month lying at our door step. It was filled with articles written and edited by us. From the front page to the back it was all full of Claretine journalism. Bringing out the student’s edition of Times of India was a dream come true and definitely it was invigorating and exciting. - by Mrs. Shashi, Mrs. Rupa

our TrysT wiTh Journalism

As children, a celebration holds great meaning and brings tremendous joy to us. We all love to celebrate! Keeping this is mind, the teachers of St. Claret School, put is all their efforts and time to make children’s day extra special on Nov 14th 2012. Brightly coloured, attractive stalls were put up, with mouth watering and enticing dish which would tempt the taste buds of anyone, let alone children. This was obvious, when colourfully dressed and enthusiastic children of our school thronged all the stalls and whet their appetite. The sanctity of the environment was preserved and this could be seen is the clean school grounds after such a massive eating event. Children also developed their virtue of charity through the event as the sum collected was pledge to ______________________. Patron’s day was also celebrated on the same day and a skit was performed by the students of class to commemorate the birthday of our Patron saint St. Antony Marie Claret. Rajayotsava was celebrated on the same day with a colour ful extravagan-sa. Dance performance by students made the day a joy to behold. - by Mrs. Glacy Robert

Children’s day, Patron’s day, Rajyotsava

Christmas 2012 was a joyous and merry occasion. Students of 6th std performed a quaint and visually appealing nativity skit to spread the message of hope, love and brotherhood. Dance performances and fe-licitations made the occasion more joyful. Classrooms also flashed their Christ-mas cheer by their beautifully decorated walls and roofs. Each class outdid each other and the whole school was draped in Christmas spirit. - Mrs. Shwetha Shankar

Christmas Celebrations

National Science day was celebrated on Feb 28th to mark the birthday of Dr. C V Raman, Nobel Prize physicist who has made India proud through his work of giving the world the theory called ‘Raman effect’. An assembly program dedicated to science by 3rd and 8th std students made the day more meaningful. - by Mrs. Glacy Robert

National Science day

Our Glorious teams, who dream and achieve

C V Raman

healthy teeth for healthy childhood

Joy to the world

Brainstorming at NIE

JokesPappu returns a book to the library, bangs it on the table and says, “What a waste, I read the whole

book , too many char-acters, no story at all !!”Librarian – So you are the one who took the telephone directory. - by Koushika – 8th B (Red Racers)

Doctor : Mr. Rajan, I think you have rabbies. Patient: Quick, give me a pencil & paper Doctor : to make your will.Patient: No, to make list of people I want to bite. - by Naveen, X ‘A’ (Blue Surfers)

RIDDLESTake off my skin – “I won’t cry, You will cry, What am I? -An Onion - Greeshma S, VIII B (Red Racers)A book which you can face? - Facebook - Vismaya B V, VI C (Blue Surfer)Who is the strongest man in the world? -Traffic policeman. He can hold many cars with one hand. - Roni J, VIII A (Red Racers)What do you call the place where hungry ants go?-Restaur-ant - Pooja Bonsley, VIII ‘D’ (Blue Surfer)



Most shivering author – SHAKESPEARE Richest author – GOLDSMITHMost longest author – LONGFELLOW Most stylish author – JAMES JEANSSportsman poet – TENNY SONMost talkative poet – CHATTERONAnimal’s poet – WILLIAM COWPER WATTE DE LAMBRAE Most worthy author – WORDSWORTH Most thirsty author – JOHN DRYDEN Most romantic poet – LOVELACE Coldest author – ROBERT FROST - by Rachana C, VI ‘C’ (Blue Surfer)

Fun with Poet’s and Authors’ Name«zÁåyðAiÀÄ ªÀÄÆgÀÄ «ÄvÀægÀÄ - ¥Àj¸ÀgÀ, ¥ÀĸÀÛPÀ, G¥ÀzsÁåAiÀÄ

«zÁåyðAiÀÄ ªÀÄÆgÀÄ ±ÀvÀÄæUÀ¼ÀÄ – D®¸Àå , C«zsÉÃAiÀÄvÀ, C¸ÀÆAiÉÄ

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«zÁåyðAiÀÄ ªÀÄÆgÀÄ gÀPÀëPÀgÀÄ – zsÉÊAiÀÄð, ªÁPï ZÁvÀÄAiÀÄð, eÁuÉä

«zÁåyðAiÀÄ ªÀÄÆgÀÄ CA±ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ - ¸ÀvÀå, £ÀA©PÉ, ¥ÁæªÀiÁtÂPÀvÉ

«zÁåyðAiÀÄ ªÀÄÆgÀÄ ®PÀëtUÀ¼ÀÄ - ²¸ÀÄÛ, KPÁUÀævÉ, ¥Àj±ÀæªÀÄ.

- by Vismaya B V, VI C (Blue Surfer)




oÉåsÉÉ AÉæU aÉÑsÉÉoÉ, aÉÑsÉqÉÉåWûU WðûxÉiÉå aÉÉiÉå xÉÉUå TÔüsÉ

ÌMüliÉ, iÉÉåÄQûiÉå ClÉMüÉå rÉÌS iÉÏ qÉÑUfÉÉiÉå oÉåcÉÉUå ÄTÔüsÉ

-by Sharadhi V, IX D (Blue Surfer)

Exam hall – pitch Invigilator – umpire Candidate – BatsmanQuestion Paper – BowlerQuestions – Ball Pen – Bat Difficult Questions – BouncersMarks – Runs scored Good questions – good bowling Distinction - Century Case of cheating – Caught out Blank answer sheet – Clean bowled Talking in exam hall – Run out

- by Sunil – 8th B (Red Racers)

Exams all like cricket matches.

The whistling postman swings along His bag is deep and wide.And messages from all over the world Are bundled up inside The postman’s walking up our streets Soon now he’ll ring my bellPerhaps there’ll be a letter stamped In Asia, who can tell? -by Ajith Kumar T, VIII ‘C’ (Red Racers)

The post man

A furry cat Sleeps on a mat It runs so fast

And never to be last Its name is cuty

And it has so much of beautyIt plays with tiny balls

And often slips and falls It is so meek But not at all weak As it is a cat It loves to eat rat. - by Simran F, VIII ‘B’ (Blue Surfer)

My pet – cat

- By Madhura R, IX ‘D’ (Red Racers)

Plants watered with warm water grow larger and more quickly than plants watered with cold water.

- by Roni J, VIII ‘A’ (Red Racers)

Do you Know?

H - How are you?E - Everything all right? L - Like to hear from u L - Love to see you soon O - Obviously, I miss you ! - by Koushika V, VIII B (Red Racers)


¤dªÁV PÉÆlÖzÀÄÝ dªÀÄð¤ß£À Qmɯï



¹j¸ÀA¥ÀvÀÄÛ PÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ ¨Á½UÉ CzÀĪÉÃ. - Anoop, X A (Blue Surfer)

The word HELLO means?


- by Mac Bevin, VII D (Blue Surfer)

- by Reinu Sam, IX D (Blue Surfer)

- by Amol Krishna, IX B (Red Racers)

The inter School VOLLEY BALL Competition for under 17 years

boys was held at Vidyaranyapura, Hosted by MES KISHOR KENDRA. Our school students got “WINNER” Award and Chi. G N VIKSHITH

got the “Best Attacker” award. - Mrs. Shashikala (Blue Surfer). Mr. Devraj (Red Racers)

Inter School tournament

Under 17 Inter School Volley Ball Winners The Inter School “VOLLEY BALL” Competition for under 17 year boys was held at Malleshwaram and Hosted by “SRI VIDYAMANDIR” School Our School Students got ‘WINNER’ Award and Chi. G N VIKSHITH got “BEST PLAYER” Award. - Mrs. Shashikala (Blue Surfer). Mr. Devraj (Red Racers)

Under 17 Inter School Volley Ball Winners The Inter School “Basket Ball” Competition was organized by “PRESIDENCY SCHOOL” at Ramamurthy Nagar for Under 16 boys. Our Students were placed at 3rd place and Chi. G Manoj got the ‘Best Player’ award. - Mrs. Shashikala (Blue Surfer). Mr. Devraj (Red Racers)

Under 16 Inter school Basket Ball

Be enthusiastic Don’t be lazy Be Patient don’t be hasty Be safe don’t be a slave Be Economical don’t be a miserBe courteous don’t be a de-ceivedbe generous don’t be a pauper Be Brave don’t be a coward - Divya G V, IX B (Red Racers)

Editorial DeskRed Racers and Blue surfers have combined our efforts, with the im-mense co – operation of the staff and students of St. Claret School to create this information newsletter, to update you of the events, cel-ebrations and activities the school. We express our sincere thanks to all the group teachers, from both these talented groups, for having spent their time and effort to create this inspirational edition. Only creative and inquisitive mind can inspire and motivate. We wish all of you readers the very best in the coming exams, both in school and life. ‘All the Best’ “Our Glorious teams, who dreamt and achieved”.- Mrs. Glacy Robert (Red Racers Captain)- Mrs. Shwetha Shankar (Blue surfer Captain)


ven form

ula of life

-By Simran, VIII B (Blue Surfer)

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