Page 1: St. Patrick’s School St Patrick’s School€¦ · Term Dates Class Times Administration Office Hours Term 1 8:55am29 Jan * to 29 Mar Class time Term 2 16 Apr to 29 Jun 11am Recess



Detailed calendar can be viewed at or on the FlexiBuzz app

SEPTEMBER Fr 21 Cultural Day Last Day Term 3 - Dismissal 2:15pm OCTOBER MONTH Mo 8 First Day Term 4 Th 18 Public Holiday—Nhill Show Sa 27 SAC Fundraising Event Tu 30 School Advisory Council Meeting


Dear Parents and Members of St. Patrick’s School Community,

It’s amazing to think we are at the end of another term already! What a busy term we’ve had with Meals on Wheels, Pyjama Day, Responsible Pets visit, Meerkat Production of BOY, Father’s Day breakfast, Book Week, Athletics sports (for some), Kinder visit, Years 3-6 camp, as well as our normal, everyday learning. PHEW! No wonder we are all feeling so exhausted! I hope everyone has a peaceful and relaxing holiday break and gets the opportunity to recharge their batteries for Term Four. A reminder that school finishes at 2:15pm on Friday.

24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME—Mark 8: 27—35—Last Sunday’s gospel contains the verses from Mark where Jesus asks his disciples “Who do people say I am?” The disciples respond with a variety of answers; John the Baptist, Elijah, one of the prophets. Jesus then asks “But you, who do you say I am?” Peter speaks for them all and offers “You are the Christ”. Correct answer of course, but it is important to realise that this is the first time that any person has correctly identified who Jesus is. The Jews were waiting for a saviour but probably one who will save them from the tyranny of the Roman empire. Jesus is not going to be this type of saviour and when he starts to teach the disciples about his future suffering at the hands of the elders and the chief priests and scribes, including his death on a cross, Peter opposes him. Whether Peter wanted to protect Jesus from a life of pain and suffering, or whether he thought he could shine in the glory of a saviour who rescues the Jewish people from the Romans is unclear. What is clear is that Jesus rebukes Peter and calls him “Satan - the Tempter”. Peter is reminded that his role is that of a disciple, not a leader. As a disciple we are called to listen attentively and remain always as a follower, even when the path is difficult, and fraught with challenges. We pray that God always gives us the strength we need to be his disciples and to advocate for those who constantly suffer injustices in their lives.

CONGRATULATIONS to Lucas’ family who welcomed the arrival of Elijah last Thursday. We hope that you will join with us as we pray for Elijah who is currently receiving medical treatment in Melbourne and for the team of doctors and nurses who are caring for Elijah. We pray also that God will provide Bianca, Daniel, Lucas, Clara, Hester and John with the strength they need at this time.

READING AWARDS – Congratulations to Jody, Arville II and Lucas who have all read 30 books at home this year. These students are all making great progress with their reading due to the support they are receiving at home.

SPEECH APPOINTMENTS – Sarah Macdonald’s next visit to St. Pat’s is on Friday 12 October. Speech appointment times for the students Sarah sees are attached to today’s newsletter.

WALK TO SCHOOL MONTH—Every October, Walk to School encourages Victorian primary school students to walk, ride or scoot to and from school. It’s a great way to help students learn healthy habits

As partners in Catholic Education and open to God’s presence, we pursue the fullness of life for all. St. Patrick’s School is a Child-safe school.

Our Vision





Parent Representatives Lisa Braybrook Helen Cannell (Chairperson) Michelle Dickinson Jamie Donnell Kimberley Philip Melissa Polkinghorne Ex Officio Fr. Peter Hudson Kathryn Bendall Ann Munro Karen Rintoule


Walk to School fact


School Fees Statement

St. Patrick’s Church Times

Sundays at 10 a.m.

23 September Mass

30 September LLA

7 October Mass

This week’s winner is Cooper who

was caught using our school rules by being respect.

Nominated by Harry

St Patrick’s School

is a child safe school St. Patrick’s School

29 Leahy Street, PO Box 113, Nhill 3418

Phone 03 5391 1575

Mobile 0419 929 271

Fax 03 5391 1506

Email [email protected]


Term Dates Class Times Administration Office Hours

Term 1 29 Jan * to 29 Mar 8:55am Class time

Term 2 16 Apr to 29 Jun 11am Recess Monday 9am-3:30pm

Term 3 16 Jul to 21 Sep 11:30am Class time Tuesday 9am

3:50pm Term 4 8 Oct to 21 Dec 1:00pm Lunch Wednesday

1:45pm Class time Thursday

3:15pm Dismissal Friday 9am1pm

Newsletter No. 2018/28 Thursday, 20 September 2018

Page 2: St. Patrick’s School St Patrick’s School€¦ · Term Dates Class Times Administration Office Hours Term 1 8:55am29 Jan * to 29 Mar Class time Term 2 16 Apr to 29 Jun 11am Recess

JUNIOR CLASS It is hard to believe it is the last week of Term 3. The students are developing their strategies for addition including counting on, finding a ten, and using our number chart and counting strategies to count larger numbers. We are all looking forward to the break, however, as many have expressed to me, Maths is my favourite subject, we can't wait to improve our knowledge on returning.

In Shared Reading the book is 'Side by Side' and we have been focusing on the words 'especially', 'offered' and 'lived' on the Vocab Chart. The Foundation students have learnt new high frequency words 'put', 'do' and 'as'. Level 2 Spelling group have been working on (-ast) words such as blast, fast and cast.

During Integrated Studies we have been making posters on each country we have studied for the Cultural Day.

We also completed some water colour painting art pieces to put in the Nhill Show for our Art/Technology hour last week.

SENIOR CLASS During the reading block the senior students have been investigating a 'Horrible History' novel. The students have been developing their skills to recall and summarise what they have read. They have been focusing on apostrophes within their writing; exploring when are they used and why.

During Numeracy we have been learning about Nets. This unit enables students to physically create shapes, explore their various properties and how they are used in everyday life.

In Religious Education the seniors have been focusing on the unit 'God’s Holy Word’. This unit has focused on investigating Scripture and the meaning behind the story. To conclude this unit the students have been exploring a parable of their own choice, using various methods (role play, poster and PowerPoint) to display their understanding.

During Art the students have been designing a collage using various colours, paper and textures. The students sketched their ideas onto paper and decided what coloured paper to use within their creation, to make their art 'pop' out.

and achieve the recommended 60 minutes of activity, every day. October begins in the second week of the Term 3 holidays so we’re encouraging students to get outside and do lots of physical activity during the holidays. There is a Fact Sheet about Walk to School month attached to this week’s newsletter. You can gain more information about this initiative online at

HATS—These will be sent home tomorrow. We ask that parents please wash their child’s hat and ensure it is returned to school on the first day of next term; NO HAT, NO PLAY.

NEW LUNCH ORDER MENU—Oliver’s have provided a new lunch orders menu which will be in effect next term (attached). This will be available on our website and FlexiBuzz also.

STUDENT ABSENCES—Our School Policy (based on legal requirements) states that it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the school of the reason for a student’s absence (on the day of the absence, or in advance) by using the proforma Absent Note, a phone call to the school office or the school’s communication app FlexiBuzz. In the event of absence from class during term time for the purposes of leisure or non-school related activities, permission must be sought in writing in advance from the Principal. It is not acceptable or appropriate to write student non-attendance information in your child’s diary or give verbal advice to your child’s teacher. Please be aware that we have procedures in place at school to efficiently manage student absences. It is a legal requirement that the whereabouts of all students must be known by the school at all times. The safety and wellbeing of your children is always the school’s highest priority. Please visit the school’s website to read the Student Attendance Policy.

UNIFORM—Please check that your child/ren has/have appropriate uniform for Term 4. Does what they wore in Term 1 still fit them? Also remember that shoes need to be black. Sports shoes are only allowed on Tuesday when students have PE.

CULTURAL DAY— Don’t forget that tomorrow students are invited to dress in the costume of another country/culture. Students must wear covered-toe shoes and a shirt or dress with sleeves so they meet OH&S requirements. Also please remember that there are NO lunch orders from Oliver’s tomorrow (they are undergoing renovations and so won’t be able to provide their usual service). Students will have the opportunity to taste the food from a number of different cultures—Karen, New Zealand, Germany, Philippines, as well as different types of scones. If your child is unlikely to try different foods then please provide something for them to eat at both recess and lunch.

SCHOOL FEES STATEMENTS—Fees Statements are attached today. If you are having difficulties meeting your fee responsibilities please do not hesitate to contact me early next term to discuss suitable payment arrangements.

TERM 4 BEGINS— Term 4 begins at 8:55am on Monday 8 October. Please make sure that your child/ren is at school ready to start class at 8.55am.

NHILL SHOW—This year’s Show is scheduled for Thursday 17 October and this year we are encouraging families to allow their children to represent St. Patrick’s School in the Grand Parade. Details of the time will be in next term’s newsletter but please consider factoring this into your plans for Show Day. Attached is a Colouring Competition which we encourage all students to participate in. A fun activity to complete during the holidays. Please return entries to the Show Office (139 Macpherson Street, Nhill) by Friday 12 October.

As always, please contact the school if you have any questions about what is happening at St. Patrick’s School.

Kathryn Bendall, Principal.

Full colour version of newsletter is on our website and FlexiBuzz

Page 3: St. Patrick’s School St Patrick’s School€¦ · Term Dates Class Times Administration Office Hours Term 1 8:55am29 Jan * to 29 Mar Class time Term 2 16 Apr to 29 Jun 11am Recess

Art activities


Go to Perth to visit family

What can you share about

yourself that no-one or not

many people know?

2 cats called Tom and Willow.

Books by Holly Webb

If you could go anywhere /

do anything right now,

what would you do?

Who are they and what do you

enjoy doing with them?

Best thing about St. Patrick’s

School / favourite subject

Mum and Dad. I like to help them do things around the house.


Everything, especially Maths.

Ballarat when I went bowling and saw Mum



Blue and Purple

Page 4: St. Patrick’s School St Patrick’s School€¦ · Term Dates Class Times Administration Office Hours Term 1 8:55am29 Jan * to 29 Mar Class time Term 2 16 Apr to 29 Jun 11am Recess

Don’t forget to register your child for Aussie Hoops

Ages 5 to pre-primary competition age Tuesdays 3.30-4.10pm for 10 weeks

starting in Term 4 Register online at Contact Emma Dickinson 0408911664

or check the website

Registrations are due by 2nd October

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