
PROCEDURE1- Classify your building as per the System Class sheet,2- Enter the data required from the building in the given data (entering data) table in Class A System sheet only, 3- You will get the result for all classes (class A, B, C, D & E),4- Just take only the result as per your building class as classified in the system class (A, B, C, D or E).


Enter the data required from the building in the given data (entering data) table in Class A System sheet only,

Just take only the result as per your building class as classified in the system class (A, B, C, D or E).


النظام هذا على أمثلة(Examples)


)System class)

السكنية الشقق من عدد على تحتوى أبنية لمجموعة التصميمية (blocks of flats) الظروفطابقين ذات الناس (maisonettes) أوشقق بها الموجود األماكن إفتراضأن على مبنية

(dwellings) لهذه الحريق بسبب مباشر تهديد حدث إذا الناسإال من األماكن هذه إجالء يتم لنالحريق , مصدر به حدث الذى المكان التصميمية القاعدة هذه اليشمل وبالطبع fire) األماكن


رقم 1ملحوظة : أ النظام إستخدام يتم مبانى (Class A system( لن من جزء تJكون الشقق أن لو

مختلفة نشاطات بها .جديدة

حريق مناطق إلى المبنى تقسيم مستوى التى (fire compartmentation( يكون باألبنيةالسكنية الشقق من عدد على طابقين (blocks of flats( تحتوى ذات (maisonettes( أوشقق

" " مناطق عن عبارة Lعادة هى التصميم مرحلة عند أ النظام تحت تJدرج التى األنظمة أى . هو أ للنظام الرئيسى الهدف ويكون الحريق أثناء الخاصة بأماكنهم للبقاء لألشخاص آمنةبه مكان أى فى حريق هناك يكون عندما الدخان من خالى بالمبنى سلم أى على الحفاظ

أ .(dwelling( أشخاص النظام أن الدخان (class A system( أى إلخراج مكافئة حماية يقدمالسلم بير . (staircase( من النظام فإن هنا ومن منها أفضل أو الطبيعية التهوية طريق عن

األمامى (class A system( أ المدخل باب إلى الدخان إنتشار فى للتحكم نموذج اليقدمالناس به الموجود المكان أو .(dwelling( للشقة

رقم 1ملحوظة :الدخان لهروب مانع تركيب األمامى (smoke seal( يجب المدخل front entrance( ألبواب

doors) شقة .أليرقم 2ملحوظة :

للشقق األمامى المدخل ألبواب الدخان فى للتحكم نظام عمل تتطلب التى المشاريع فىالناس بها التى لألماكن وبهذا , , (dwellings( أو أ النظام نطاق خارج يكون الوضع هذا فإن

الحريق بخصوص هندسى حل إلى األمر هذا يرجع أن .(fire engineering solutions( يجبرقم 3ملحوظة :

وذلك والمؤهل المخول الشخص مع يستشير أن النظام لهذا مصمم أى على إلزامىالصحيحة النظام تصميم أهداف .لتحديد

الدخان من المحمى المكان على يطل واحد باب من أكثر يكون أن مستبعد أمر إنه)protected space) بيرالسلم بين كان طرقة (staircase( سواء بير (corridor( وأى بين أو

ردهة وأى واحد (lobby( السلم آن فى Lمفتوحا .(simultaneously( سيكون

رقم 4ملحوظة :الهواء ( ضغط الدخان من المحمى السلم بير بين مفتوحة أبواب ثالثة هناك يكون عندما

) وبين إليه الدخان دخول لمنع يكفى بما المجاورة المناطق من أعلى السلم بير بداخلأجزاء إلى المJقسمة السكن التوصية , (compartmented accommodation( منطقة فإن

الحالة هذه فى تطبيقها يتم لن ذكرها .التالى

السكنية ( ( Residentialاألبنية

أ النظام) Class A


( Sheltered housingالمالجئ (

لحماية أنظمتها تصميم يتم التى المبانى) أبواب buildingثالثة

designed for 3 door protection)

التى الساللم أو المناور حمايةأثناء المدنى الدفاع رجال سيستخدمها

اإلطفاء Protection of firefighting) عمليةshafts).

ب النظام) Class B system)

أ النظام من أى مع تJستخدم ال التى األنظمة التصنيفعلى هذا تطبيق Class A) يتمSystem) النظامب النظامث (Class B System) أو تستخدم (Class D System) أو والتى

إجالء ) (Evacuation) إجالء واحد وقت بالمبنىفى األشخاصالموجودين لجميع ) التالية األشياء من واحد توفر مع واحد jآن -:جماعىفى

ردهات- به المبنى ( (Lobbies) أ‌ المبنى ) إرتفاع على قيود اليJجد كان jإرتفاع .وبأىردهات- ليسبه المبنى عن (Lobbies) ب‌ اليزيد وإرتفاعه فقط واحد سلم 11وبه

.مترردهات- ليسبه المبنى عن (Lobbies) ت‌ اليزيد وإرتفاعه سلم من أكثر متر 18وبه .

فإنه , بالمبنى األشخاصالمتواجدين لكل واحد وقت فى اإلجالء حالة وفىاإلخالء زمن واليتجاوز محدود لوقت بالمبنى الساللم كل إشغال يتم يJفترضأن

كل , من خالية الساللم كل تكون ذلك بعد ثم LسبقاJم عليه المدروسوالمJتفق. (evacuees) المبعدين المراحل أثناء ستقع اإلخالء عملية فإن وبالتالى المبنى من

السلم , لبير يهرب أن الممكن من الدخان وبعضمن الحريق لنشوب األولية . التضغيط نظام يقوم أن يجب ولكن عنه التغاضى (Pressurization System) ويمكن

السلم بير مثل المحمية األماكن من الدخان هذا بإبعاد تشغيله .بعددراية وعندهم بالمبنى األشخاصالمتواجدين تنبيه يتم أن النظام هذا ويJفترضمع

واحد jآن الجماعىفى اإلخالء عملية تفاصيل (Simultaneous Evacuation) علىباألشياء Lتماما مدركين يكونوا أن يجب كما هذه اإلخالء بخطة Lتماما ومدركيناألشخاص , لتواجد الزمنى الوقت تقليل يتم وبالتالى بهم المحيطة واألماكن

ممكن وقت أقل إلى الحريق حدوث لحظة من .بالمبنى

والتىسوف التجارية العقارات أو األبنيةواحد آن فى جماعى إجالء تستخدم

Commercial premises "using) للجميعsimultaneous evacuation")

ت النظام) Class C system)

بها (Class D System) والنظامث يكون أن المJحتمل من التى مJخصصللمبانى

الفنادق مثل نائمون فيها (hotels) مJستخدمين يبيتون التى الشبات دور (hostels) أو

التعليمى أو المؤسساتى الطابع ذات والتى (Institutional-type buildings) أوالمبانى

لألشخاصالمتواجدين ) الالزم الوقت الشباب ودور للفنادق مJشابه نهج لها

من الخروج قبيل المحمية المناطق إلى الوصول فى أطول وقت يأخذون بالمبنى

بأسرع المبنى إخالء عملية على أناسمJدربون بها التى باألبنية بالمقارنة المبنى

أو , المبنى بتفاصيل مدركين غير يكونوا الناسربما أن باإلضافة هذا ممكن وقت

المناطق إلى الوصول أو بالمبنى النهائي المخرج إلى للوصول مساعدة يحتاجون

) بها يحتموا لكى .المحميةالنظامث إستخدام Lأيضا L (Class D System) ويكون مناسبا الدخان إنتشار من للحماية

الهواء ضغط فارق بواسطة الدخان إنتشار من الحماية نظام وجود يكون عندما

(Pressure Differential System) سلم إستخدام لعدم تبرير عدم (Stairway) هو أو

ردهات حسب , (Lobbies) إستخدام إستخدامهما الطبيعى من والتى كالهما أو

للمبانى العالمية التوصيات

(hotelsالفنادق (

ث النظام) Class D system)

يبيتون التى الشابات أو الشباب بيوت( hostelsفيها (

/ المؤسساتية التعليمية األبنية(institutional-type buildings) ذلك واليشمل

ومتطلبات لتتوافق المJصممة األبنيةأ النظام

بها (Class D System) والنظامث يكون أن المJحتمل من التى مJخصصللمبانى

الفنادق مثل نائمون فيها (hotels) مJستخدمين يبيتون التى الشبات دور (hostels) أو

التعليمى أو المؤسساتى الطابع ذات والتى (Institutional-type buildings) أوالمبانى

لألشخاصالمتواجدين ) الالزم الوقت الشباب ودور للفنادق مJشابه نهج لها

من الخروج قبيل المحمية المناطق إلى الوصول فى أطول وقت يأخذون بالمبنى

بأسرع المبنى إخالء عملية على أناسمJدربون بها التى باألبنية بالمقارنة المبنى

أو , المبنى بتفاصيل مدركين غير يكونوا الناسربما أن باإلضافة هذا ممكن وقت

المناطق إلى الوصول أو بالمبنى النهائي المخرج إلى للوصول مساعدة يحتاجون

) بها يحتموا لكى .المحميةالنظامث إستخدام Lأيضا L (Class D System) ويكون مناسبا الدخان إنتشار من للحماية

الهواء ضغط فارق بواسطة الدخان إنتشار من الحماية نظام وجود يكون عندما

(Pressure Differential System) سلم إستخدام لعدم تبرير عدم (Stairway) هو أو

ردهات حسب , (Lobbies) إستخدام إستخدامهما الطبيعى من والتى كالهما أو

للمبانى العالمية التوصيات

ث النظام) Class D system)

سلم به اليJوجد مبنى وذلك (stairway) أىأماكن حماية نظام إستخدام على Lإعتمادا

هذه ضغط طريق عن بالمبنى معينةبالهواء (Pressurization System) األماكن

عن إرتفاعه يزيد مبنى حيث 18أى مترببعض الهواء ضغط طريقة إستخدام يتم

لكى (Pressurization System) األماكنالردهات عن اإلستغناء من يJمكننا

(Lobbies) األبنية ذلك واليشمل بالمبنىأى (Residential-type buildings) السكنية أوإطفاء (Shaft) بير ألغراض إستخدامه يتم

المدنى الدفاع رجال بواسطة الحريق

إجالء خطة تستخدم التى بالمبانى المستخدمة األنظمة التصنيف هذا يJغطىمراحل عدsة على تJنفذ لكى هذه (phased evacuation) مدروسة تأخذ أن يJتوقع والتى . هذا فإن وألغراضالتصميم لتنفيذها دقائق عشرة من أكثر كلى زمن الخطة

بكل دورين إجالء يتم أن وعلى مراحل ثالث من أكثر على المبنى إجالء حالة يJمثل.مرحلة

على اإلجالء عملية أثناء كبيرة زمنية أشخاصلمدة به المبنى يظل ويJفترضأن . حماية يتم أن ويجب مستمر تطور فى النار إضرام عملية تكون بينما مراحل عدsة

للناسبالهروب السماح يتم لكى وذلك الدخان من خالية وجعلها المبنى ساللمإجالء لعملية الحقة مرحلة فى الحريق دور غير األدوار من بأمان المبنى من

L أوال الحريق بدور .األشخاصالمتواجدين

بطريقة إجالء تستخدم التى األبنيةمراحل ( وعلى Lمسبقا لها Phasedمخطط


ج النظام) Class E


Project no: Date: Sheet no.: 1 of 2Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation Class Class A System

Class A System: Protection of Escape Only staircasesGiven Data (Entering Data)

Allowance of duct work % age

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening OutwardsWidth of Single leaf doors in frame Opening OutwardsNumber of Double leaf doors with or without central rebateBuilding Total Height Each Floor HeightEach accommodation floor lengthEach accommodation floor widthFloor Area for Each Story (except stairwell)

Stairwell walls length per floorStairwell walls width per floor

Reference Data


Single-leaf opening into a pressurized spaceSingle-leaf opening outwards from a pressurized spaceDouble Leaf DoorLift landing door

TightAverageLooseVery LooseTightAverageLooseTight

Number of Floors ( بالمبنى األدوار (عددNumber of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case) عدد

المضغوطة المنطقة على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبوابالسلم بير على أى بالهواء

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case), mWidth of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case), m

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards خارج على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبواب عدد المبنى

Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction cracks, and cracks around windows & doors) (A / Aw), A = Leakage area & Aw = wall areaStairwell Walls Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction cracks but not cracks around doors) (A / Aw), A = Leakage area & Aw = wall areaFloors Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction cracks and gaps around


Preliminary Calculated DataExterior walls area for Each Story (except stairwell)

Each Story Leakage Area (except stairwell)

Stairwell Walls area per floor

Pressure Level : 25 Pa



is the total identified leakage rate from the pressurized space (m3 / s).


= 0.23

P = Pressure Differential = 25 Pa

0.83 x 0.23 x 5

Although the effective leakage area is known, there are other leaks we are not aware of.To account for these leaks, Q is increased by 50%, hence:

0.9545 +50%

construction cracks and gaps around penetrations) (A / Af), A = Leakage area & Af = floor area

Stairwell Walls Leakage Area (except cracks around windows or doors) per floor

Air volume required when all doors are closed & maintain 50 )or 25) Pa inside the stairwell )Q = 0.83 x A E x 50 1/2 or 25 1/2 = 5.869A E or 2.9345A E):-

QS = 1.5 QL

QS is the total air supply rate required (m3 / s);


QL = QD + QW + QLD + QT + QO

QD is the air leakage rate via gaps around closed doors (m3 / s)

QW is the air leakage rate via cracks around closed windows (m3 / s)

QLD is the air leakage rate via lift landing doors (m3 / s)

QT is the air leakage rate via mechanical extraction from toilet or other areas (m3 / s)

QO is the air leakage rate via other paths that may exist (m3 / s)

Q1P = Volume of Air Required (m3/s)

AE = Staircase leakage Area, (m2)


Q1P =

Q1P =

1.43175Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork 0



Door Area = 2 x 0.8 =Air Velocity Across Door = 2 m/s

1.6 x 0.75


Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork 0



Fan External Static Pressure

Exhaust air flow rate =

Net area of the pressure relief damper =

Total Pressurization Fan Air Volume flow rate to maintain pressure criterion

QTP = Q1P => QTP =


Air volume required to maintain 0.75 m/s through open door on Fire floor:-

Q1V = A x V => Q1V =





QTF = Total air volume flow rate of fan required to maintain a proper smoke control

1 of 2 Computed by: يحيى مصطفى الله إلى الفقير العبد

Checked by: Approved by:

Given Data (Entering Data)4







18 m5.5 m96 m64 m

70006 m4 m

Reference Data





Leakage Area, m2


Preliminary Calculated Data


1.344110 m


is the total identified leakage rate from the pressurized space (m3 / s).

n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

n = Leakage Factor = 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

: 0.9545

Although the effective leakage area is known, there are other leaks we are not aware of.





Air volume required when all doors are closed & maintain 50 )or 25) Pa inside the stairwell )Q = 0.83 x A E x 50 1/2 or 25 1/2 = 5.869A E or 2.9345A E):-

is the air leakage rate via mechanical extraction from toilet or other areas (m3 / s)

Q1P= 0.83 x AE x P1/n

Q1P = m3 / sec

Q1P = m3 / sec


= 3,033.88 cfm

1.6393.700787 fpm




= 2542.8 cfm

= 5,576.68 cfm

25 Plus Duct Pressure Drop Pa

1.2 2,542.66 cfm

Net area of the pressure relief damper = 0.289156626506

Total Pressurization Fan Air Volume flow rate to maintain pressure criterion:-

m3 / s

Air volume required to maintain 0.75 m/s through open door on Fire floor:-


m3 / sec

Q1V = m3 / sec

m3 / sec

m3 / s

m3 / s

m3 / Sec


= Total air volume flow rate of fan required to maintain a proper smoke control

Project no: Date: Sheet no.: 1 of 2Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation Class Class B System

Class B System: Protection of Escape Only staircasesGiven Data (Entering Data)

Allowance of duct work % age

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening OutwardsWidth of Single leaf doors in frame Opening OutwardsNumber of Double leaf doors with or without central rebateBuilding Total Height Each Floor HeightEach accommodation floor lengthEach accommodation floor widthFloor Area for Each Story (except stairwell)

Stairwell walls length per floorStairwell walls width per floor

Reference Data


Single-leaf opening into a pressurized spaceSingle-leaf opening outwards from a pressurized spaceDouble Leaf DoorLift landing door

TightAverageLooseVery LooseTightAverageLoose

Number of Floors ( بالمبنى األدوار (عددNumber of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case) عدد

المضغوطة المنطقة على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبوابالسلم بير على أى بالهواء

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case)Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space

(stairwell in our case)

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards المبنى خارج على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبواب عدد

Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction cracks, and cracks around windows & doors) (A / Aw), A = Leakage area & Aw = wall areaStairwell Walls Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction cracks but not cracks around doors) (A / Aw), A = Leakage area & Aw = wall area


Preliminary Calculated DataExterior walls area for Each Story (except stairwell)Each Story Leakage Area (except stairwell)

Stairwell Walls area per floor

Pressure Level : 25 Pa


= 0.23

P = Pressure Differential = 25 Pa

Q1 = 0.83 x 0.23 x 25

Although the effective leakage area is known, there are other leaks we are not aware of.To account for these leaks, Q is increased by 50%, hence:

Q1 = 0.9545 +50%

Project no: Date: Sheet no.: 2 of 2Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation


Door Area = 2 x 0.8 =Air Velocity Across Door = 2 m/s

Floors Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction cracks and gaps around penetrations) (A / Af), A = Leakage area & Af = floor area

Stairwell Walls Leakage Area (except cracks around windows or doors)

per floor

Air volume required when all doors are closed & maintain 50 )or 25) Pa inside the stairwell )Q = 0.83 x A E x 50 1/2 or 25 1/2 = 5.869A E or 2.9345A E):-

Q1P = Volume of Air Required (m3/s)

AE = Staircase leakage Area, (m2)


Air volume required to maintain 2 m/s through open door on Fire floor for fire fighting purposes

1.6 x 2


Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork 0



A1 = Area of the Door above the Fire Floor A2 = Area of Exhaust Vent

A1 = 1.6 A2 = 1.28


=> P = 14.878792278 Pa





P = Pressure required to exhaust the exhausted air to atmosphere = 14.8787922775



n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows


Q1V = A x V => Q1V =



Air volume Through One Open Door into un-pressurized Space above Fire Floor

Pressure to Exhaust Q1V to atmosphere Via Fire Floor = [Q1V /)0.83 x A3 )]2


A3 = [)1/)A1)2 + )1/A2)2)]-1/2

A3 = m2

P=[Q1V /)0.83 x A3 )]2

A4 = Leakage Area For Each Floor = m2

AE = [)1/)A1)2 + )1/A2)2)]-1/2 =

Q2V= 0.83 x AE x P1/n

Q2V= m3 / s

Air volume through open door to outside at the calculated adequate pressure to release flow rate from the above step )Q = 0.83 x A E x P 1/2):-

AE = Area of Door Opening Outward

AE = m2

AE = m2

Q= 0.83 x AE x P1/n

Q3V= m3 / s

QT = #REF!

Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork Pa


QTV = Q1 + Q2+Q3 + Q4 =>


1 of 2 Computed by: يحيى مصطفى الله إلى الفقير العبد

Checked by: Approved by:

Given Data (Entering Data)4







18 m5.5 m96 m64 m

70006 m4 m

Reference Data




Leakage Area, m2


Preliminary Calculated Data1760

1.344110 m


n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

n = Leakage Factor = 2 for doors

: 0.9545

Although the effective leakage area is known, there are other leaks we are not aware of.

Q1 = 1.43175 m3 / s

2 of 2 Computed by: يحيى مصطفى الله إلى الفقير العبد

Checked by: Approved by:

1.6393.700787 fpm




Air volume required when all doors are closed & maintain 50 )or 25) Pa inside the stairwell )Q = 0.83 x A E x 50 1/2 or 25 1/2 = 5.869A E or 2.9345A E):-

Q1P= 0.83 x AE x P1/n

Q1V = m3 / sec

Air volume required to maintain 2 m/s through open door on Fire floor for fire fighting purposes:-





= 6780.8 cfm




m3 / sec

Q1V = m3 / sec

m3 / sec

m3 / s

Air volume Through One Open Door into un-pressurized Space above Fire Floor:-


Q2V = m3 / s

Air volume through open door to outside at the calculated adequate pressure to release flow rate from the above step )Q = 0.83 x A E x P 1/2):-

Q3V = m3 / s

= #REF! cfm


= #VALUE! cfm

m3 / s

m3 / s

Project no: Date: Sheet no.: 1 of 2Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation Class Class C System

Class C System: Protection of Escape Only staircasesGiven Data (Entering Data)

Allowance of duct work % age

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening OutwardsWidth of Single leaf doors in frame Opening OutwardsNumber of Double leaf doors with or without central rebateBuilding Total Height Each Floor HeightEach accommodation floor lengthEach accommodation floor widthFloor Area for Each Story (except stairwell)

Stairwell walls length per floorStairwell walls width per floor

Reference Data


Single-leaf opening into a pressurized spaceSingle-leaf opening outwards from a pressurized spaceDouble Leaf DoorLift landing door

TightAverageLooseVery LooseTightAverageLoose

Number of Floors ( بالمبنى األدوار (عددNumber of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case) عدد

المضغوطة المنطقة على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبوابالسلم بير على أى بالهواء

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space

(stairwell in our case)Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space

(stairwell in our case)

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards المبنى خارج على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبواب عدد

Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction cracks, and cracks around windows & doors) (A / Aw), A = Leakage area & Aw = wall areaStairwell Walls Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction cracks but not cracks around doors) (A / Aw), A = Leakage area & Aw = wall area


Preliminary Calculated DataExterior walls area for Each Story (except stairwell)

Each Story Leakage Area (except stairwell)

Stairwell Walls area per floor

Floors Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction cracks and gaps around penetrations) (A / Af), A = Leakage area & Af = floor area

Stairwell Walls Leakage Area (except cracks around windows or doors) per floor

1 of 2 Computed by: يحيى مصطفى الله إلى الفقير العبد

Checked by: Approved by:

Given Data (Entering Data)4







18 m5.5 m96 m64 m

70006 m4 m

Reference Data




Leakage Area, m2


Preliminary Calculated Data1760

1.344110 m





Project no: Date: Sheet no.:Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation Class Class D System

Class D System: Protection of Escape Only staircasesGiven Data (Entering Data)

Allowance of duct work % age

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening OutwardsWidth of Single leaf doors in frame Opening OutwardsNumber of Double leaf doors with or without central rebateBuilding Total Height Each Floor HeightEach accommodation floor length

Each accommodation floor width

Floor Area for Each Story (except stairwell)

Stairwell walls length per floor

Stairwell walls width per floor

Reference Data


Single-leaf opening into a pressurized space

Single-leaf opening outwards from a pressurized space

Double Leaf Door

Lift landing door



Number of Floors ( بالمبنى األدوار (عددNumber of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case) عدد

المضغوطة المنطقة على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبوابالسلم بير على أى بالهواء

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case)Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case)

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards خارج على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبواب عدد المبنى

Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Ratio

(includes construction cracks, and cracks

around windows & doors) (A / Aw), A =

Leakage area & Aw = wall area


Very Loose






Preliminary Calculated DataExterior walls area for Each Story (except stairwell)Each Story Leakage Area (except stairwell)

Stairwell Walls area per floor

Pressure Level : 25 Pa


Volume of Air Required (m3/s)

Staircase leakage Area, (m2)

= 0.23

P = Pressure Differential = 25

0.83 x 0.23 x

Although the effective leakage area is known, there are other leaks we are not aware of.To account for these leaks, Q is increased by 50%, hence:



Door Area = 2 x 0.8

1.6Pressure P in Stairwell = 10 Pa

Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Ratio

(includes construction cracks, and cracks

around windows & doors) (A / Aw), A =

Leakage area & Aw = wall areaStairwell Walls Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction cracks but not

cracks around doors) (A / Aw), A =

Leakage area & Aw = wall areaFloors Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction cracks and gaps around penetrations) (A / Af), A = Leakage area & Af = floor area

Stairwell Walls Leakage Area (except cracks around windows or doors) per floor

Air volume required when all doors are closed & maintain 50 )or 25) Pa inside the stairwell )Q = 0.83 x A E x 50 1/2 or 25 1/2 = 5.869A E or 2.9345A E):-

Q1P =

AE =


Q1P =

Q1P =

Air volume Through Open Door to Outside & maintaining 10 Pa inside staircase )Q =0.83 x A E x 101/2 = 2.6247 A E):-

AE = Door area

AE =

4.199504733 m3 / s


A1 = Area of Fire Floor Door A2=Leakage Area Per Floor

A1 = 1.6 A2 =


2.701088211 x 1 =

Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork

Project no: Date: Sheet no.:Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation

Velocity Criterion:-


Door Area = 2 x 0.8Air Velocity Across Door = 0.75

1.6 x

Q2P= 0.83 x A1 x P1/n

Q2P =

Air volume Through One Open Doors into un-pressurized Space & maintaining 10 Pa inside staircase )Q= 0.83 x A E x 101/2 = 2.6247 A E):-


AE = [)1/)A1)2 + )1/A2)2)]-1/2

AE = m2

Q= 0.83 x AE x P1/n

Q3P= m3 / sec

Total Pressurization Fan Air Volume flow rate to maintain pressure criterion )Q TP):-

QTP = Q1P + Q2P+Q3P => QTP =

QTP =Where:-

QTP = Total air volume flow rate required to maintain the pressure criterion

Air volume required to maintain 0.75 m/s through open door on Fire floor )Q = AE . V)

AE = Fire Floor Door Area

Q1V = A x V => Q1V =



1.2 to atmosphere Via Fire Floor

A1 = Area of the Fire Floor Door A2 = Area of Exhaust Vent From Fire Floor

A1 = 1.6 A2 =


=> P = 9.888953

P = Pressure required to exhaust the exhausted air to atmosphere =


AE = 1.6

n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows


Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork

ConclusionVelocity Criterion is Dominant

Fan External Static Pressu

Exhaust air flow rate =

Q1V should be exhausted to atmosphere to maintain 0.75 m/s thru the fire floor door

Air volume through open door to outside at the calculated adequate pressure to release flow rate from the above step )Q = 0.83 x A E x P 1/2):-

Pressure to Exhaust Q1V = m3 / sec


AE = [)1/)A1)2 + )1/A2)2)]-1/2

AE = m2

P=[Q1V /)0.83 x AE )]2

AE = Area of Door Opening Outward

AE = m2


Q= 0.83 x AE x P1/n

Q2V= m3 / sec

QTV = Q1V + Q2V => QTV =



Net area of the pressure relief damper =Where:-

QTF = Total air volume flow rate of fan required to maintain a proper smoke control

1 of 2 Computed by: يحيى مصطفى الله إلى الفقير العبد

Checked by: Approved by:

Given Data (Entering Data)4




Allowance of duct work % age0


Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards 2Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards 0.8Number of Double leaf doors with or without central rebate 0Building Total Height 18 mEach Floor Height 5.5 mEach accommodation floor length 96 m

Each accommodation floor width 64 mFloor Area for Each Story (except stairwell) 7000Stairwell walls length per floor 6 m

Stairwell walls width per floor 4 m

Reference Data


Single-leaf opening into a pressurized space 0.01

Single-leaf opening outwards from a pressurized space 0.02

Double Leaf Door 0.03

Lift landing door 0.06

Tight 0.00005


Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case) عدد

المضغوطة المنطقة على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبواب

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space

Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards خارج على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبواب عدد


Leakage Area, m2


Very Loose 0.0012Tight 0.000014

Average 0.00011Loose 0.00035

Tight 0.0000066Average 0.000052Loose 0.00017

Preliminary Calculated DataExterior walls area for Each Story (except stairwell) 1760Each Story Leakage Area (except stairwell) 1.344

Stairwell Walls area per floor 110 m


n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

Pa n = Leakage Factor = 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

5 : 0.9545

Although the effective leakage area is known, there are other leaks we are not aware of.

+50% 1.43175

= 1.6



Stairwell Walls Leakage Area (except cracks around windows or m2

Air volume required when all doors are closed & maintain 50 )or 25) Pa inside the stairwell )Q = 0.83 x A E x 50 1/2 or 25 1/2 = 5.869A E or 2.9345A E):-

Q1P= 0.83 x AE x P1/n

Q1P = m3 / sec

Q1P = m3 / sec

Air volume Through Open Door to Outside & maintaining 10 Pa inside staircase )Q =0.83 x A E x 101/2 = 2.6247 A E):-



A2=Leakage Area Per Floor




8.332342944 = 17656.235 cfm

0 %

8.332342944 = 17656.235 cfm

2 of 2 Computed by: يحيى مصطفى الله إلى الفقير العبد

Checked by: Approved by:

= 1.6m/s 394 fpm

0.75 1.2

Q2P = m3 / sec

Air volume Through One Open Doors into un-pressurized Space & maintaining 10 Pa inside staircase )Q= 0.83 x A E x 101/2 = 2.6247 A E):-


m3 / sec

Q3P = m3 / sec

Total Pressurization Fan Air Volume flow rate to maintain pressure criterion )Q TP):-

m3 / sec

m3 / sec

= Total air volume flow rate required to maintain the pressure criterion

Air volume required to maintain 0.75 m/s through open door on Fire floor )Q = AE . V):-


m3 / sec


to atmosphere Via Fire Floor

A2 = Area of Exhaust Vent From Fire Floor



9.888953404 Pa


5.376122604 = 11392 cfm

0 %

5.376122604 = 11392 cfm

8.332342944 = 17,656.23 cfm

Fan External Static Pressu 25 Plus Duct Pressure Drop Pa

Exhaust air flow rate = 6.9005929437 14,621.53 cfm

should be exhausted to atmosphere to maintain 0.75 m/s thru the fire floor door Q1V = m3 / sec

Air volume through open door to outside at the calculated adequate pressure to release flow rate from the above step )Q = 0.83 x A E x P 1/2):-


Q2V = m3 / sec

m3 / sec

m3 / sec

m3 / sec

m3 / Sec

Net area of the pressure relief damper = 1.662793480404 m2

= Total air volume flow rate of fan required to maintain a proper smoke control

Project no: Date: Sheet no.:Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation Class Class E System

Class E System: Protection of Escape Only staircasesGiven Data (Entering Data)

Allowance of duct work % age

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening OutwardsWidth of Single leaf doors in frame Opening OutwardsNumber of Double leaf doors with or without central rebate

Building Total Height Each Floor HeightEach accommodation floor length

Each accommodation floor widthFloor Area for Each Story (except stairwell)

Stairwell walls length per floorStairwell walls width per floor

Reference Data


Single-leaf opening into a pressurized space

Single-leaf opening outwards from a pressurized space

Double Leaf Door

Lift landing door



Number of Floors ( بالمبنى األدوار (عددNumber of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case)

المضغوطة المنطقة على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبواب عددالسلم بير على أى بالهواء

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case)Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case)

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards المبنى خارج على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبواب عدد

Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Ratio

(includes construction cracks, and cracks around

windows & doors) (A / Aw), A = Leakage area

& Aw = wall area

LooseVery Loose







Preliminary Calculated DataExterior walls area for Each Story (except stairwell)

Each Story Leakage Area (except stairwell)

Stairwell Walls area per floor

Pressure Level : 25 Pa


= 0.23

P = Pressure Differential = 25

0.83 x 0.23 x

Although the effective leakage area is known, there are other leaks we are not aware of.To account for these leaks, Q is increased by 50%, hence:



Door Area = 2 x 0.8

Building Exterior Walls Leakage Area Ratio

(includes construction cracks, and cracks around

windows & doors) (A / Aw), A = Leakage area

& Aw = wall areaStairwell Walls Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction cracks but not cracks around doors) (A / Aw), A = Leakage area & Aw =

wall areaFloors Leakage Area Ratio (includes construction

cracks and gaps around penetrations) (A / Af), A

= Leakage area & Af = floor area

Stairwell Walls Leakage Area (except cracks around windows or doors) per


Air volume required when all doors are closed & maintain 50 )or 25) Pa inside the stairwell )Q = 0.83 x A E x 50 1/2 or 25 1/2 = 5.869A E or 2.9345A E):-

Q1P = Volume of Air Required (m3/s)

AE = Staircase leakage Area, (m2)


Q1P =

Q1P =

Air volume Through Open Door to Outside & maintaining 10 Pa inside staircase )Q =0.83 x A E x 10 1/2 = 2.6247 A E) :-

AE = Door area

1.6Pressure P in Stairwell = 10 Pa



A1 = Area of Fire Floor Door A2=Leakage Area Per Floor

A1 = 1.6 A2 =


2.263862155849 x 2 =

Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork

Project no: Date: Sheet no.:Subject: Stairwell Pressurisation


Door Area = 2 x 0.8

AE = m2

Q2P= 0.83 x A1 x P1/n

Q2P = m3 / s

Air volume Through Two Open Doors into un-pressurized Space & maintaining 10 Pa inside staircase )Q= 0.83 x A E x 10 1/2 = 2.6247 A E):-


AE = [)1/)A1)2 + )1/A2)2)]-1/2

AE = m2

Q= 0.83 x AE x P1/n

Q3P= m3 / s

Total Pressurization Fan Air Volume flow rate to maintain pressure criterion

QTP = Q1P + Q2P+Q3P => QTP =

QTP =Where:-

QTP = Total air volume flow rate required to maintain the pressure criterion

Velocity Criterion:-

Air volume required to maintain 0.75 m/s through open door on Fire floor )Q = A E . V):-

AE = Fire Floor Door Area

Air Velocity Across Door = 0.75

Q2 = 1.6 xNote:-


A1 = Area of the Door above the Fire Floor A2 = Area of Exhaust Vent

A1 = 1.6 A2 =


=> P = 9.8889534





P = Pressure required to exhaust the exhausted air to atmosphere =



n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows


QT =

Allowance for Leakage in Sheet Metal Ductwork

Q1V = A x V =>

Q1V should be exhausted to atmosphere in order to maintain 0.75 m/s thru the fire floor door

Air volume Through One Open Door into un-pressurized Space above Fire Floor

Pressure to Exhaust Q1V to atmosphere Via Fire Floor = [Q1V /)0.83 x A3 )]2


A3 = [)1/)A1)2 + )1/A2)2)]-1/2

A3 = m2

P=[Q1V /)0.83 x A3 )]2

A4 = Leakage Area For Each Floor = m2

AE = [)1/)A1)2 + )1/A2)2)]-1/2 =

Q2V= 0.83 x AE x P1/n

Q2V= m3 / s

Air volume through open door to outside at the calculated adequate pressure to release flow rate from the above step )Q = 0.83 x A E x P 1/2):-

AE = Area of Door Opening Outward

AE = m2

AE = m2

Q= 0.83 x AE x P1/n

Q3V= m3 / s

QTV = Q1 + Q2+Q3 + Q4 =>


Conclusion: Velocity Criterion is Dominant

Fan External Static Pressur

Exhaust air flow rate =

Net area of the pressure relief damper =Where:-


QTF = Total air volume flow rate of fan required to maintain a proper smoke control

1 of 2 Computed by: يحيى مصطفى الله إلى الفقير العبد

Checked by: Approved by:

Given Data (Entering Data)4




Allowance of duct work % age0


Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards 2Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards 0.8Number of Double leaf doors with or without central rebate 0Building Total Height 18 mEach Floor Height 5.5 mEach accommodation floor length 96 mEach accommodation floor width 64 mFloor Area for Each Story (except stairwell) 7000Stairwell walls length per floor 6 mStairwell walls width per floor 4 m

Reference Data


Single-leaf opening into a pressurized space 0.01

Single-leaf opening outwards from a pressurized space 0.02

Double Leaf Door 0.03

Lift landing door 0.06

Tight 0.00005

Average 0.00017

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space (stairwell in our case)

المضغوطة المنطقة على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبواب عدد

Height of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space

Width of Single leaf doors in frame Opening into pressurized Space

Number of Single leaf doors in frame Opening Outwards المبنى خارج على تفتح والتى الواحدة الضلفة ذات األبواب عدد


Leakage Area, m2

Loose 0.00035Very Loose 0.0012Tight 0.000014Average 0.00011Loose 0.00035

Tight 0.0000066Average 0.000052Loose 0.00017

Preliminary Calculated DataExterior walls area for Each Story (except stairwell) 1760Each Story Leakage Area (except stairwell) 1.344

Stairwell Walls area per floor 110 m


n= 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

Pa n = Leakage Factor = 2 for doors & 1.6 for windows

25 : 0.9545

Although the effective leakage area is known, there are other leaks we are not aware of.

+50% 1.43175

= 1.6



Stairwell Walls Leakage Area (except cracks around windows or doors) per m2

Air volume required when all doors are closed & maintain 50 )or 25) Pa inside the stairwell )Q = 0.83 x A E x 50 1/2 or 25 1/2 = 5.869A E or 2.9345A E):-

Q1P= 0.83 x AE x P1/n

Q1P = m3 / sec

Q1P = m3 / s

Air volume Through Open Door to Outside & maintaining 10 Pa inside staircase )Q =0.83 x A E x 10 1/2 = 2.6247 A E) :-



A2=Leakage Area Per Floor




10.15897904 = 21526.877 cfm

0 %

10.15897904 = 21526.877 cfm

2 of 2 Computed by: يحيى مصطفى الله إلى الفقير العبد

Checked by: Approved by:

= 1.6

Q2P = m3 / s

Air volume Through Two Open Doors into un-pressurized Space & maintaining 10 Pa inside staircase )Q= 0.83 x A E x 10 1/2 = 2.6247 A E):-


m3 / s

Q3P = m3 / s

Total Pressurization Fan Air Volume flow rate to maintain pressure criterion:-

m3 / s

m3 / s

= Total air volume flow rate required to maintain the pressure criterion

Air volume required to maintain 0.75 m/s through open door on Fire floor )Q = A E . V):-


m/s 394 fpm

0.75 1.2


A2 = Area of Exhaust Vent




9.888953404 Pa


9.493921614 = 20117.62 cfm

0 %

9.493921614 = 20117.62 cfm

m3 / s

should be exhausted to atmosphere in order to maintain 0.75 m/s thru the fire floor door Q1V = m3 / s

Air volume Through One Open Door into un-pressurized Space above Fire Floor:-

to atmosphere Via Fire Floor = [Q1V /)0.83 x A3 )]2


Q2V = m3 / s

Air volume through open door to outside at the calculated adequate pressure to release flow rate from the above step )Q = 0.83 x A E x P 1/2):-

Q3V = m3 / s

m3 / s

m3 / s

10.15897904 = 21,526.88 cfm

Fan External Static Pressur 25 Plus Duct Pressure Drop Pa

Exhaust air flow rate = 8.7272290444 18,491.95 cfm

Net area of the pressure relief damper = 2.10294675769

m3 / s

m3 / Sec


= Total air volume flow rate of fan required to maintain a proper smoke control



1 A 2.631750 5,577 1.200000 2,5432 B3 C4 D 8.332343 17,656 6.900593 14,6225 E 10.158979 21,527 8.727229 18,492

m3 / Sec m3 / Sec




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