
2305 Chicago Avenue Riverside, CA 92507

Phone 951.680.0440 Fax 951.680.0490



[email protected]

Corporate Offi ce:

“Architects and engineers are among the most fortunate of men since they build their own monuments with public consent, public approval and oft en public money.”

- John Prebble

“Delivering the complete soluti on for a bett er quality project....”

“Infrastructure is the foundati on upon which both our quality of life and our economic future rests. TKE was established with the mission of delivering the infrastructure for our future by providing high value professional Architectural, Engineering, and Constructi on industry services, with a personal touch. By fulfi lling this mission, we will always be remembered by the contributi ons we made to our community and we can be proud of our legacy of being a lasti ng benefi t to society.”

Michael P. Thornton, P.E., P.L.S., M.S.President of TKE Engineering

Corporate Offi ce

2305 Chicago Avenue, Riverside, CA 92507Phone 951.680.0440 Fax 951.680.0490

are a highly motivated, dynamic firm with the goal of being the preferred consultant for Southern California.”

- Jeffrey Scott, Principal of Planning


Company History

TKE Engineering and Planning was established in 2000, and since our founding has developed into one of Southern California’s premier full service, multi-disciplinary Architectural, Engineering and Construction industry consulting firms. Our firm was established with the goal of providing high value, turnkey professional services with a personal touch in order to be a lasting benefit to society.

One thing that differentiates our firm is that we approach our mission with a belief that understanding and meeting the needs of the community is vital to completion of a successful project.

This approach, instilled by TKE’s management team and personified by TKE’s staff, ensures that our clients receive highly personal service on each and every project. As a result of the focus of the firm on our mission, we have earned a reputation for thoroughness, rapid turnaround, cost efficiency and overall outstanding quality of work.

At TKE, we are committed to creating value and taking ownership in each task that we perform. As such, we have created a professional culture wherein each member of our staff constantly strives for increased efficiency, ultimately allowing us to provide highly professional services at competitive rates.

Our culture of community building and constant value creation ensures that the services provided by TKE will always mean good stewardship of public and private resources. It is this commitment to service and diverse array of offerings that make us unique and drives our long-standing relationships with our clients, and it is these same qualities that make us the right fit for you.


Civil EngineeringTraffi c EngineeringSurveying, Mapping, and

Right-Of-Way EngineeringConstructi on Management

and Inspecti onsPlanningConstructi on/Design Build



TKE Engineering and Planning’s team provides the following services:

ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureEnvironmental Planning and SciencesGrant Writi ng, Funds Acquisiti on and

ManagementProject and Program ManagementMunicipal Consulti ng Services



multi -disciplinary team allows us to provide comprehensive soluti ons for all your needs.”

- Terry Renner, Vice President of TKE


At TKE, we believe that the highest value for our clients is created when a single team moves a project or program from concepti on to completi on. As such, we have created a sole source fi rm for project completi on, whose comprehensive experience with all phases of project development and delivery allows you the ability to approach us with a problem, and working together, we are able to create a working and sustainable soluti on.

Our multi -disciplinary team of professionals can work from your initi al needs, determine soluti on alternati ves, locate and acquire funding sources for implementati on, design the preferred soluti on, manage its constructi on and ulti mately deliver a fi nished product that exceeds your expectati ons.

Civil Engineering

TKE provides the highest quality in civil engineering project development, planning, and implementati on. We take pride in the knowledge that our projects will serve to enhance the quality of life for the communiti es in which we live and work on a daily basis. We are committ ed to thorough and sustainable designs that allow for expedient and cost eff ecti ve constructi on, ensuring that your resources are uti lized in the most effi cient manner.

Our approach has resulted in recogniti on through several awards, including ASCE’s Public Improvement Project of the Year Awards in 2007 and 2009 for our work on Allesandro Boulevard in the City of Riverside and the San Bernardino Avenue Trunk Sewer for the Inland Empire Uti lity Agency.

TKE’s founder, Michael Thornton, has been recognized by ASCE in 2007 as Civil Engineer of the Year for the State of California.


Constructi on plans, specifi cati ons, and esti mates

Street and highway designProject study reportsProject reportsIntersecti on geometricsSigning and striping plansConstructi on detour plansWork area traffi c control

plansTraffi c management plans

(TMP)On-site circulati on designTraffi c calming designDrainage design




Planning and zoning enti tlement

Site designGrading, street, sewer,

water and storm drain pipe plan preparati on

Final site and precise grading plan preparati on

Wall and retaining wall plan preparati on

Uti lity coordinati onCost esti mati ng



Services Include:

“Without a strong and vibrant infrastructure, our nati on will fall behind our competi tors in producti vity — and lose the high quality of life Americans have enjoyed for decades.”

- Governor Ed Rendell and Senator Jim Inhofe

Water resources management

Feasibility and rate studies

Master planning and computer modeling

Constructi on plans, specifi cati ons and esti mates

Hydrology and hydraulic analysis

Energy management services

Water quality management program (WQMP)

Storm water polluti on preventi on plan (SWPPP)

Energy management services

Feasibility and rate studiesMaster planning and

computer modelingConstructi on plans,

specifi cati ons and esti matesProject budgeti ng




Regional and sub-regional master drainage plans

Area drainage plan updatesStream bank revetment and

protecti onLandscape multi -use faciliti esConstructi on plans,

specifi cati ons, and esti matesHydrologic modelingHydraulic fl oodplain analysisFloodplain modifi cati on designFEMA CLOMR updatesFEMA LOMR updatesWater quality management plan






“Civil Engineering is a great profession. There is the sati sfacti on of watching a fi gment of the imaginati on emerge through the aid of science to a plan on paper. Then it moves to realizati on in stone or metal or energy. Then it brings jobs and homes to men. Then it elevates the standards of living and adds to the comforts of life. That is the engineer’s high privelege.”

- Herbert Hoover

Records researchFeasibility StudiesDry Uti lity DesignAgency Coordinati onCost Esti mati ng


Traffi c Engineering

California conti nues to att ract the business, industries and workforce needed to support and maintain its economic expansion. As a result citi es, counti es and local communiti es are increasingly forced to keep pace with the mounti ng demands and stresses created by added congesti on on roadways, highways and neighborhood streets.

TKE’s traffi c engineers blend practi cal approaches with technical innovati on to create soluti ons that will alleviate the demands caused by the additi onal growth of our community. Our focus is on improving system performance to provide our clients with the best value for enhancing capacity and solving simple and complex operati onal problems, ulti mately decreasing the stress on our community’s residents and economies.

Traffi c signal systems designTraffi c control plansIntelligent transportati on

systems (ITS)Traffi c signal coordinati onSignal interconnect designCCTV system designFiber opti c systems



Communicati on systemsSigning and striping plansSignal warrant analysisHighway lighti ngElectrical designCost esti mati ngConstructi on plans,

specifi cati ons, and esti mates

Full specifi cati ons


Services Include:

“In this business there are very few problems that can’t be solved with some yellow paint and a litt le bit of common sense.”

- Henry Barnes

Surveying, Mapping, andRight-Of-Way-Engineering

Boundary, topographic, route, constructi on, as-built and legal surveys

Constructi on stakingGIS data acquisiti onGPS surveys and aerial

mapping surveysLegal descripti ons for

easements and real property


Sub-division and land planning

Survey maps, right-of- way engineering, topographic and plan and profi le drawings

Accurate and detailed data collecti on and thorough establishment of property boundaries, ownership and restricti ons are the fi rst step to any successful project. Knowing this, our professional staff established a methodic and thorough approach to data collecti on and records research, ensuring that TKE collects the right data and the right amount of data, each and every ti me.

During constructi on, our expert survey personnel take ownership of the project, supplying additi onal “eyes on the ground” and providing fi eld level constructability review, adjusti ng constructi on in the fi eld as required to match existi ng conditi ons, ulti mately ensuring more expedient constructi on and reducing potenti al for future claims.

Services Include:

“Surveying has been an essenti al element in the development of the human environment since the beginning of recorded history. It is required in the planning and executi on of nearly every form of constructi on. I’ve been and conti nue to be proud of our team’s ability to provide incredible service to our clients, ulti mately conti nuing the fi ne traditi on of our profession.”

- Ron Musser, Director of Surveying

Constructi on Managementand Inspecti ons

Constructi on managementConstructi on contract

administrati onDesign constructability

review and plan checkingPublic fi nancing

reimbursement documentati on preparati on and auditi ng

Coordinati on with goverment and regulatory agencies

Constructi on schedulingConstructi on inspecti on



Roadways and highwaysTraffi c signalsStorm drains and fl ood

control channelsDetenti on/retenti on basinsSanitary sewer collecti onWastewater treatment plants Potable, irrigati on,

and recycled water systemsDistributi on and transmission

pipelinesReservoirsBooster, lift and pressure

stati onsParks and streetscapesDry uti liti es





The constructi on phase of a project is where the visions, concepts and designs become reality. At TKE, our constructi on management and inspecti on staff is proud of our ability to ensure that the product designed for our clients is built as intended and to the highest level of quality. We accomplish this through early involvement during the design phase, throughout the bidding and contract award phase, then conti nuing through the constructi on phase to project completi on and fi nalizati on.

At TKE, we have developed a set of contract management and inspecti on procedures that ensure each constructi on project is both effi ciently run and ulti mately successful. Our proven, systemati c methods furnish our clients with comprehensive tracking and detailed accounti ng for each constructi on project. Additi onally, our thorough approach and att enti on to detail allows TKE to supply our clients with extensive documentati on related to the project administrati on and inspecti on, ulti mately defusing potenti al problems during constructi on and alleviati ng post-constructi on disputes that can arise with contractors.

Services Include: Project Types Include:

“At our company, our Design and Constructi on Consulti ng Team not only helps eliminate the risks inherent in the constructi on process, they typically save our clients 5%-10% on overall constructi on costs. They also help make sure projects come in on ti me.”

- Terry Renner, Vice President of TKE

Constructi on / Design Build

Constructi on managementConstructi on contract

administrati onDesign constructability

reviewCoordinati on with

government and regulatory agencies

Constructi on schedulingConstructi on inspecti on



Tenant ImprovementsNew Constructi onAdditi onsRemodelsInteriorsParks and streetscapesRetailCommercialCivil EngineeringRestaurants


Our approach in the design build process is to off er to our clients a comprehensive project delivery system which reduces the risk to the owner. Built into this process is a streamlined endeavour which intertwines the design and constructi on process. The end result is a delivery schedule which is reduced.

Our Constructi on team is well versed in the industry and has a vast background of projects under their belts. Providing our clientele with a streamlined process, and a single individual which carries through the project from start to fi nish, TKE off ers a comprehensive constructi on model which eliminates confusion in the fi eld and in the plans. The single point contract person will ease the project from start to fi nish.

Services Include: Project Types Include:

Municipal Consulti ng Services

Successfully serving as extension of staff requires a specifi c mindset, that being service to community, ownership of directi on and dedicated teamwork with existi ng staff . Municipal Consulti ng Services require a true partnership between us and our clients, a symbioti c relati onship where we are able to directly achieve your goals and provide direct representati on to our shared community. At TKE, we recognize the trust inherent in this relati onship and we pride ourselves on expanding this trust and successfully serving our shared community.

Our broad array of services and in-house team provide you a trusted consultant to turn to in any challenge, no matt er how simple or complex. It is this commitment to service and diverse array of off erings that makes us unique and drives our conti nuing, long-standing relati onship with our municipal service client base and it is these same qualiti es that make us the right fi t for you.

Capital Improvement program project development and implementati on

Contract city and departmental management

Staff augmentati onEngineering plan

reviewStandards and

procedures development

Fee structure analysis and development


Services Include:

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

- Henry Ford


Innovati ve planning practi ce is focused on balancing community needs with limited resources, be it the need for increased transportati on capability against open space, or the need for additi onal housing against an Environmentally Sensiti ve Area. TKE’s planning staff is committ ed to community outreach in order to determine the allocati on of these resources, ensuring that the end result of the planning process is a comprehensive writt en path fully backed by the community it aff ects.

Our dedicati on to this practi ce is consistent and thorough, whether we are assisti ng you with a new General Plan, a Specifi c Plan, or a comprehensive Park and Recreati on Master Plan.

Comprehensive plan development

Community planningEconomic and fi scal impact

analysisEnvironmental planning and

documentati onGrowth management

planningLand use permits and

approvalsPark, recreati on, and open

space planning


Policy and regulatory analysis

Public involvement strategies

Site and development feasibility studies

Site and facility master planning

Transportati on planningZoning and subdivision

ordinance developmentUrban planning


Services Include:

“For every site there is an ideal use. For every use there is an ideal site...”

- John Ormsbee Simonds


Great architecture sti rs the human spirit, leaving an impression that lasts. TKE’s architects provide elegant design soluti ons for both simple and complex projects. These soluti ons balance our client’s needs with project opportuniti es, resulti ng in meaningful and appropriate design. Responsive service is the core philosophy of TKE’s architects.

At TKE, great architecture is simply the process of listening carefully to our clients and responding with focused soluti ons, creati ng a design that is refl ecti ve of our client’s vision.

Design and constructi on documentati on for new constructi on, expansion and renovati on projects

Master planning and programming

Feasibility studies and reports

Constructi on plans, specifi cati ons, and esti mates

Sustainable designHistoric preservati onAdapti ve reuseInterior design 3D visualizati on and

animati onADA compliance

evaluati onsSite design


Services Include:

“Design is directed toward human beings. To design is to solve human problems by identi fying them, examining alternate soluti ons to them, choosing and executi ng the best soluti ons.”

- Ivan Chermayeff

Landscape Architecture

Green spaces have long been lauded for their ability to inspire and to provide increased livability and comfort to communiti es. Regulatory boards have increased their mandates over the years, seeking more sustainable and practi cal soluti ons to beauti fy their communiti es and jurisdicti ons. As a result, increased focus has come to green space for its added benefi ts of environmental protecti on and its role in sustainable design practi ces.

At TKE, our experienced and committ ed landscape architecture staff provides the full scope of landscape architectural services. Because our staff has vast experience in landscape constructi on as well as design, TKE can develop plans that are aestheti cally pleasing, technically sound and economically feasible. Our staff truly believes that “Green spaces are like people; each one is unique and has a purpose. Our challenge is being able to delineate and use that space to its full potenti al so that it can last a lifeti me.”

Constructi on plans, specifi cati ons, and esti mates

Erosion control and revegetati on design

Master planning and site planning

Park and trail planning and design

Planti ng and irrigati on design

Roadside landscape design

Site analysis, assessment and development

Sports facility designStreambank restorati on

designFuel modifi cati on plans


Services Include:

“The smallest patch of green to arrest the monotony of asphalt and concrete is as important to the value of real estate as streets, sewers and convenient shopping.”

- James Felt, Chairman, NYC Planning Commission

Environmental Planning and Sciences

Successful environmental planning and permitti ng is about the balance between the natural and built environments relati ve to the values, desires and needs of the community, while remaining in compliance with a regulatory process that can be overwhelming in its complexity. At TKE, we work in partnership with our clients to gain a complete understanding of each project and develop innovati ve and feasible environmental soluti ons.

Relying upon our extensive experience and knowledge of current CEQA/NEPA requirements and processes, we produce thorough and defensible environmental documents necessary for the success of our clients and community. This commitment to excellence benefi ts the project applicant as well as the lead agency.

Our team also provides a broad range of services that includes technical study preparati on and regulatory permitti ng. Our considerable knowledge of the permitti ng process and our extensive relati onships built over the years with the regulatory agencies provide us unrivaled opportunity to expedite the process, while ensuring compliance with all regulatory statutes.

Biological studies, including assessments and evaluati ons for sensiti ve, threatened, and endangered species

Coastal resource plansErosion control plansFisheries studiesForest Service special use

permitsHabitat conservati on plansMiti gati on and monitoring

plansNati onal Pollutant Discharge

Eliminati on System (NPDES) permits



NEPA/SEPA/CEQA documents, including EAs, EISs, and EIRs

Resource agency consultati on

Stormwater polluti on control plans

Vegetati on and revegetati on management studies

Water quality studies

Services Include:

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”

- Nati ve American Proverb

Grant Writi ng,Funds Acquisiti on and Management

District formati on and administrati on

GASB 34 and 35 compliance

Management and organizati on audits

Special tax assessment and administrati on

Increasing pressures on both public and private fi nancial resources has necessitated creati ve new ways to fi nance much needed community improvements. Recognizing this simple truth, our team has taken a proacti ve approach to funding acquisiti on and grant writi ng. The key to being successful in the grant writi ng, funds acquisiti on and management industry is specialized knowledge of funding opportuniti es and the ability to handcraft a message that is an ideal fi t for that opportunity.

We have successfully acquired millions of dollars for our clients for a wide range of project types through grants, loans, bond fi nancing, special district formati on, as well as special legislati on at both the State and Federal level. Our funds acquisiti on services are enhanced by integrati on with our design services to facilitate integrated project delivery, expediti ng project start up and completi on and ensuring compliance with funding requirements. Our extensive experience in the acquisiti on of infrastructure funding allows us to provide our clients with the unique soluti ons they require.

GrantsmanshipCommunity OutreachFee and rate studiesFunding

administrati on


Services Include:

“People who write winning proposals do two things: they fi rst, as a refresher and a discipline, read the guidelines. They make certain their proposal answers every questi on, implicit and explicit, they fi nd embedded there. Then they build their argument from the four cornerstones of good grantwriti ng: tone, content, readability, and credibility.”

- Anonymous

Project and Program Management

Ownership of the end result of a project or program is the defi ning characteristi c of TKE’s Project and Program Managers. Our results oriented focus and proacti ve management approach, coupled with our vast knowledge of challenge areas for project and program delivery, provides us matchless opportuniti es to effi ciently deliver projects and carry out eff ecti ve programs for our clients.

We have created methodical and sustainable procedures for project and program executi on, guaranteeing that each phase of each item managed by TKE is accomplished at exactly the right ti me to move the project or program forward. Simply put, at TKE, we succeed only if your project or program succeeds.

Program and project development and implementati on

Cost control and schedule management

Design and constructi on management

Project controls and documentati on

Funding administrati on

Certi fi cati on

Services Include:

“Project Management is like juggling three balls - ti me, cost and quality. Program management is like a troupe of circus performers standing in a circle, each jugglie - three balls and swapping balls from ti me to ti me.”

- Steven R. Covey

TKE Project Staff

TKE has assembled an elite team of professionals that have a depth and range of experience that make them unsurpassed. While we take pride in our history, our focus is on how we are performing on our current project, and how we might improve on our next one.

Our team interfaces on a daily basis with top government offi cials, builders, and contractors, ensuring that we have the most current informati on at our disposal. We are experts at speeding designs through all the necessary channels, while ensuring that every detail is in order and every requirement met.

Our senior staff has over two decades of experience in dealing with everything from intricate designs, tricky sites to bureaucrati c red tape and we handle every challenge quickly, eff ecti vely and effi ciently. It is the depth, breadth and experiences of our team members that have contributed to our reputati on and our conti nued success.

TKE has sought out those professionals that want to work in a creati ve, industrious, and team-oriented environment, and agree that quality service to clients is an abiding principal. Aft er exhausti ve background checks, extensive interviews, and oft en fi rst hand knowledge of their abiliti es, over 20 professionals with extensive engineering and planning experience have come on-board with TKE.

employees and employers, even co-workers, have a committ ment to one another, everyone benefi ts. We have people who have been in business with us for decades. We reward their loyalty to the organizati on and to our mission. We know that they’ll always be dedicated to what we’re trying to accomplish; excellent client service.”

- Michael Thornton, President and Founder of TKE


Mr. Terry Renner, P.E.Mr. Michael P. Thornton, P.E., L.S.

Mr. Thornton, TKE’s President, is in charge of all TKE projects. He has over 25 years of experience in engineering planning, design, land surveying and constructi on management for public works projects. He has worked on a variety of public works engineering projects such as street improvements, park improvements, bike trail improvements and many others.

Role: Principal - Civil Engineer

Educati onal Experience:

MS, Civil Engineering, California State University, Long Beach, CA

BS, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA

Mr. Thornton has been responsible for managing including funding administrati on, planning, evaluati ng, and designing these projects and has provided constructi on engineering and surveying services for many of these same projects.


Educati onal Experience:

Mr. Renner is the Vice President of TKE and has considerable experience in civil engineering infrastructure projects, including sewer and water improvements, transportati on improvements, drainage improvements, faciliti es improvements and recreati on improvements. He has managed numerous projects and has delivered projects for the citi es of Fontana, Upland, Riverside, Redlands, Corona, and Rialto.

Principal - in - Charge

BS, Civil Engineering, California State

Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA

As a project manager, Mr. Renner has been responsible for design producti on, supervising a staff of engineers and draft ers, coordinati ng work between the producti on team and the client, and submitti ng all deliverables in a ti mely manner. Mr. Renner ensures that plans produced by TKE conti nue to exceed industry standards.

Mr. Ron Musser, L.S.Role:

Educati onal Experience:

Mr. Musser has over 45 years of experience in performing fi eld and offi ce surveying services for public and private projects including roadway and highway projects. Prior to joining TKE Engineering Inc., Mr. Musser worked as a Partner in an engineering and surveying fi rm and supervised the mapping department providing mapping and calculati ons support for the fi rm’s projects.

He has prepared records of survey, parcel maps and tract maps in San Bernardino County, Riverside County, San Diego County, Orange County and Los Angeles County. He has performed boundary, topographic, ALTA, and precise level surveys as well as Global Positi oning Surveys.

Director of Survey

Professional Land Surveyor

Mr. Steven Ledbett er, E.I.T.Role:

Educati onal Experience:

BS, Civil Engineering(Environmental)California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA

Mr. Ledbett er has gained vast professional experience over seven years in the civil engineering industry. He has handled various criti cal and challenging projects from the planning, design to implementati on stages; all while ensuring that projects get executed as per specifi cati on in sti pulated ti me with quality.

He has a well rounded background in the preparati on and analysis of street improvements, potable and non-potable water improvements, sewer master planning and improvements, drainage master planning and improvements, including computerized system modeling, grading plans, erosion and sediment control and feasibility studies.

Associate Engineer

Ms. Monika L. Robinson

Ms. Robinson brings a rich background in the fi eld of fi ne arts to her work in Landscape Architecture. She has a background of over twenty years in graphics, drawing and design. With over ten years devoted to the fi eld of Landscape Architecture, she incorporates her knowledge of design and aestheti cs into creati ng spaces that enrich the human experience.

Ms. Robinson has completed a wide range of design and planning projects including parks and recreati on master plans, public park design, streetscapes, insti tuti onal campus design, residenti al community master plans and model home designs. She thrives on taking a team approach to achieving project goals.

Educati onal Experience:

BS, Landscape ArchitectureCalifornia State Polytechnic, Pomona, CA


Mr. Jeff rey F. Scott , ASLA

Mr. Scott is a Vice President and partnering principal in TKE Engineering and Planning and is responsible for business development, project management on high profi le projects, as well as land planning, landscape architectural and architectural design on numerous projects, including design and planning for parks, streetscapes, sports faciliti es, schools, commercial, residenti al, and industrial developments.

He has over 21 years of experience in land, park planning, landscape architectural, architectural design, and project management and constructi on management.

Role: Principal of Planning, Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Educati onal Experience:

BS, Landscape ArchitectureCalifornia State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA

Director of Planning

Role: Principal - Director of Architecture

Mr. Matt Evans, LEED AP

Educati onal Experience:

Mr. Evans, a licensed Architect in the State of California, has over 25 years of experience in the architecture fi eld. His background includes work from the public realm including Civic and City Park Projects to private, including, offi ce, commercial and religious faciliti es. Mr. Evans has extensive knowledge and experience in Code Compliance, City/Governing Authority Approval Process, Design and Constructi on Documentati on as well as Constructi on Administrati on. Mr. Evans serves as TKE’s Senior Architectural Designer.

AA, Architecture/Product DesignChaff ey CollegeAlta Loma, CA


Educati onal Experience:

Mr. Todd Holmes, ASLADirector of Landscape Architecture

BS, Landscape Architecture

California State Polytechnic University,

Pomona, CA

Mr. Holmes, a licensed Landscape Architect in the State of California, has over 23 years of experience in planning, landscape architecture, and project management in a variety of diverse setti ngs.

Mr. Holmes was a division-level manager responsible for the budgeti ng, design and constructi on of park, trail, and landscape related capital improvement projects in the citi es of Chino Hills, Temecula and Pasadena and in the counti es of San Bernardino and Sonoma. Mr. Holmes has also been responsible for project planning at all levels, from neighborhood parks to city wide parks, and

Mr. Ron Hagan

Mr. Ron Hagan is a Senior Associate for TKE Engineering and Planning. He provides services to prepare Park and Recreati on Master Plans by acti ng as Project Manager.

Mr. Hagan has been a Community Services professional for over 33 years, serving as Director of Community Services for the citi es of Claremont, Fullerton and Hunti ngton Beach, California.

Ron provides the bridge between your City staff and the various disciplines at TKE by using his knowledge of how municipaliti es work and what is needed by staff in a Parks and Recreati on Master Plan to make the Master Plan a truly working document.

Senior Associate of Planning

BS, California State University, Los Angeles, CA


Educati onal Experience:

Ms. Michelle Arellano

Ms. Arellano is a licensed Civil Engineer in the State of California with over 20 years of experence in the Engineering fi eld. She has worked on a variety of public works and land development engineering projects including street improvements, drainage improvements, water system improvements, and wastewater system improvements. This knowledge base along with her extensive background in constructi on projects off ers a strong foundati on for her ability and thoroughness in the plan checking process.

Educati onal Experience:

BS, Civil EngineeringCalifornia State Polytechnic, Pomona, CA

Role: Plan Check Services

Mr. Shawn Ryan

Mr. Ryan, has over 21 years of experience in the constructi on fi eld. With fourteen years experience with The Bergman Companies specializing in New Constructi on, Big Box, Design Build, and Tenant Improvements nati onwide, Mr. Ryan brings a wealth of experience and leadership abiliti es to the table. Shawn specializes in complete client service from project review in the design phase through bidding, supervising constructi on and project ground breaking. He has been acknowledged for his abiliti es to consistently meet deadlines, exceed quality and stay within budget.

Vice President of Constructi on

BS, Constructi on Management California State University, Chino, CA


Educati onal Experience:

Project Portf olios

recognize that our reputati on is built on maintaining high standards on every project every day.”

- Michael Thornton, President of TKE

TKE’s services have helped to guide the dramati c growth in Southern California. Our achievements are evident in innovati ve regional infrastructure systems, planning programs and development projects of all types throughout Southern California. This broad range of successful services is best illustrated through the results we have achieved throughout the years.

We are pleased to present representati ve samples of our work and hope that you will take the ti me to review projects that will convey a sense of how we will approach fulfi lling the requirements of your project to your sati sfacti on.



Brawley Library Tenant ImprovementsBrawley, California

The Brawley Public Library is an existi ng 10,000 square foot library that serves the Brawley community. This existi ng library is an excepti onal example of California Mission Architecture planned in a Greek Cross shape, providing beauti ful courtyards for the users of the library to view during their visit. The interior of the library is benefi tt ed by well shaped exposed roof trusses, making for a spacious and inviti ng interior.

This is an interior upgrade project and when constructi on is complete, it will provide enhanced lighti ng, circulati on, fl ooring, as well as providing specifi c uses such as computer stati ons that are more prevalent in today’s educati on. In additi on to the interior remodel, we are correcti ng defi ciencies in ADA circulati on, ensuring that all of Brawley’s citi zens will enjoy this enhanced community treasure.

Materials boardConstructi on designCost esti mates and takeoff sTenant improvements


ADA retrofi tsInterior designLighti ng retrofi t


Client Contact:

Project Cost:

Completi on Date:

Client Manager:

Project Details

Project Services

Mr. Jeff rey F. Scott

City of Brawley

$310 Thousand


Mead Valley Community CenterPerris, Ca

Riverside County Economic Development Agency is the owner of the Mead Valley Community Center which is located on Rider Street in the Mead Valley area of Riverside. The project consists of a multi -disciplinary eff ort that includes surveyors, engineers, planning, landscape architects and architects. TKE worked closely to assist the County in developing site concepts, plans, specifi cati ons and constructi on cost esti mates for the Mead Valley Community Center. Following fi nal design and constructi on this new site will provide over 35,000 sf in new architectural ameniti es which will include: a new Community Center as well as an onsite Childcare, Food Services, Senior Center and Medical Faciliti es as well as an adjacent parking lot. Site ameniti es will include a new Baseball fi eld, soccer fi eld overlay, open space, outdoor amphitheater, perimeter walkway, community garden, tot lots with shade structures, security fencing and maintenance storage. Coordinati on eff orts related to uti lity undergrounding and relocati on as well as engineering related to streets, drainage and site design were a major component of this project too. The primary intenti on of the design was to mesh with the history of the area as well as provide a LEED compliant design.

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager:

Project Details

New Constructi onSite planningSchemati c Design


Project ServicesConstructi on Documentati onAgency Coordinati onStakingConstructi on Management


Mr. Matt Evans & MR. Jeff rey Scott

Riverside EDA2013$16 Million

LEED Certi fi cati on: Certi fi ed

Renck Community Center and Gymnasium

City of Riverside, California

Mr. Scott worked with the City of Riverside to provide a conceptual master plan and constructi on documents for the Renck community center and Gymnasium. This project consisted of a new 15,000+ square foot community center building, as well as site improvements at Hunt Park.

The design includes a new gymnasium, multi -purpose room, computer lab, youth room, and support offi ces. The facility is currently under constructi on, and is expected to be complete by November 2010.

LEED Certi fi cati on:

Architectural designConstructi on of new

Community Center and Gym

Site planning and design


Multi disciplinary projectConceptual overall site

masterplanConstructi on documentati on


Client Contact:

Project Cost:

Completi on Date:

Client Manager:

Project Details

Project Services

Mr. Jeff rey F. Scott

Ms. Ewina Lau, City of Riverside 951.826.20122009 design currently under constructi on$5 Million

Designed for Silver

Sycamore Canyon Restroom and Maintenance Staff Offi cesCity of Diamond Bar, California

Mr. Scott worked closely to assist the City of Diamond Bar in developing plans, specifi cati ons and constructi on cost esti mates for the Sycamore Canyon Restrooms and Maintenance Staff Offi ces Project. This project consisted of a complete interior remodel of this 1,400 square foot park building including staff offi ce, public restrooms, and a maintenance work room.

The project required expanding the existi ng offi ce and maintenance room and ‘gutti ng’ the public restrooms to provide new fi nishes and fi xtures on a limited budget for the City’s Parks and Recreati on Department.

Multi disciplinaryCost esti mates and take-

off sConceptual designSurvey



Architectural design and building expansion

Constructi on documentati onInterior designLandscapeIrrigati on


Client Contact:

Project Cost:

Completi on Date:

Client Manager:

Project Details

Project Services

Mr. Jeff rey F. Scott

Mr. Bob Rose, City of Diamond Bar 909.839.7061

2009 design currently under constructi on$300 Thousand

Civil Engineering

Upland Basin Expansion

The Upland Basin Project is located in the City of Upland, at the corner of Monte Vista Avenue and Arrow Route, north of the Interstate 10 Freeway.

Prior to project design, TKE prepared a parcel map to divide the existi ng City-owned parcel and reconstruct parcel lines to accommodate the basin constructi on. The 40-acre, 1,300 acre-foot basin was constructed in two phases, expanding an existi ng fl ood control basin. Uti lizing State grant and local funding, the project provides for 100-year fl ood protecti on and 200 acre-feet of water recharge storage, ensuring the safety of the residents and producing increased water supply for the City’s residents.

City of Upland, California

Retenti on Basin ExpansionPhase 1 and Phase 2 Improvements

Pre-project planningParcel map preparati onState grant applicati on

submission and coordinati onAerial target layout and



Specifi cati ons preparati onConstructi on management

servicesConstructi on stakingQuanti ty surveying for volume

verifi cati onAs-built verifi cati on



Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Project Details

Project Services

Client Manager: Mr. Michael ThorntonMr. Bob Critchfi eld, Principal Engineer 909.291.29462008

$25 Million

San Bernardino Avenue Trunk Sewer

City of Fontana, California

Sewer System Improvements Mulberry Avenue to Cypress Avenue

This project consisted of approximately 19,500 linear feet of 48-inch and smaller vitrifi ed clay and reinforced concrete pipe sewer, including bore and jacked pipe and casings, two siphons and numerous diversion gates for fl ow diversion.

The trunk sewer was constructed on San Bernardino Avenue between Cypress Avenue and Mulberry Avenue. The facility was constructed to convey 25 million gallons of wastewater to a proposed lift stati on, which will convey the water to Inland Empire Uti lity Agency’s regional plant number 4.

This project was recognized by the Riverside and San Bernardino Counti es Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers as Public Improvement Project of the Year in 2009.

Conventi onal surveyingProject managementConstructi on managementConstructi on staking


Inspecti onAs-built verifi cati onFunding administrati onInter-agency coordinati on


Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. Michael ThorntonMr. Chuck Hays, Public Works Director909.350.65302008

$11 Million

Foothill Boulevard Street Improvements

City of Fontana, California

Street, Sewer and Storm Drain Improvements Ilex Avenue to Redwood Avenue

The Foothill Boulevard street, sewer and storm drain improvements project is located in the City of Fontana, north of Interstate 10 Freeway and East of the Interstate 15 Freeway from Ilex Avenue to Redwood Avenue. Street widening and sidewalk improvements provided for increased vehicular capacity, corridor beauti fi cati on, a bike lane extension and improved traffi c and pedestrian safety.

Turnkey design services were provided by TKE for approximately 11,800 linear feet of street widening, sewer and storm drain improvements, bike lane extension and median improvements. TKE prepared all legal descripti ons, right-of-way acquisiti on plats, temporary constructi on easement plats and grant and easement deeds for 33 separate parcels, as well as providing constructi on staking.

Conventi onal ground design surveying

Right-of-way documentati on preparati on

Temporary constructi on easement preparati on

Street, sewer, storm drain and on-site improvements plans, specifi cati ons and esti mates

Bidding assistanceConstructi on stakingAs-built verifi cati on


Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. Terry RennerMr. Felipe Molinos, Principal Engineer909.350.65712007

$8 Million

Mission Springs Water District

The Dos Palmas Water Replacement Project is located in the City of Desert Hot Springs, north of Dillon Road. TKE provided aerial target layouts and constructi on document preparati on for approximately 36,100 linear feet of water system replacement improvements including pipeline, valves, fi re hydrants, meters and appurtenances.

System improvements provided replacement for leaky pipelines and services and uti liti es State grant funding. TKE prepared legal descripti ons, right-of-way acquisiti on plats, temporary constructi on easement plats and grant and easement deeds for 5 separate parcels. During constructi on, TKE provided constructi on staking and as-built verifi cati on.

City of Desert Hot Springs, California

Dos Palmas Water System Replacement ProjectPhase 1 and Phase 2

State grant applicati on submission and coordinati on

Aerial target layout and mappingRight-of-way documentati on

preparati on


Temporary constructi on easement preparati on

Water system replacement improvement plans, specifi cati ons and esti mates

Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. Michael ThorntonMr. Brent Gray, Engineer ManagerMission Springs Water District760.329.6448 Ext. 151


$8 Million

Stuart Avenue Storm Drain

City of Redlands, California

Drainage Improvements Pearl Avenue to Redlands Boulevard

The Stuart Avenue Storm Drain Improvements Project is located in the City of Redlands, south of the Interstate 10 Freeway, between Texas Street and Orange Street.

Drainage improvements provided for 100-year fl ood protecti on for downtown businesses. Conventi onal ground survey, constructi on documents and constructi on staking were provided by TKE for approximately 4,400 linear feet of storm drain improvements. TKE prepared legal descripti ons, right-of-way acquisiti on plats, temporary constructi on easement plats and grant and easement deeds for 2 several parcels.

Conventi onal ground design surveying

Right-of-way documentati on preparati on

Temporary constructi on easement preparati on

Storm drain improvement plans, specifi cati ons and esti mates

Constructi on stakingAs-built verifi cati on


Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. Terry RennerMs. Rosemary Hoerning, Director of Municipal StudiesCity of Redlands, 760.329.6448 Ext. 151


$2.5 Million

Landscape Architecture

San Bernardino Avenue Medianand Parkway Enhancement

The San Bernardino Avenue Streetscape project is located between the streets of Commerce Drive to Cherry Avenue, in the city of Fontana. Median planti ng and the southern parkway were designed, incorporati ng both hard and soft scape. Existi ng landscaping at Commerce, was criti cal and the new streetscape was closely modeled to ti e the two areas together.

The irrigati on system has been designed to maintain all watering within the planter areas and to alleviate overspray and minimize water usage. We are proud that the completi on of this project will beauti fy this primarily industrial area and bring pride to the residents of Fontana.

City of Fontana, California

Multi disciplinary projectSurveyCivil engineeringLandscape architecture


Constructi on managementCost esti mates and take off sConceptual design and layoutConstructi on documentati on


Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Ms. Monika RobinsonTitle AgencyCurrently under design

$1.2 Million

Tyler Streetscape Median EnhancementCity of Riverside, California

The Tyler Streetscape project is located between the streets of Hole Avenue to Wells Avenue. This project addressed the beauti fi cati on of a street which was also being widened. Medians were designed with alternati ng planti ng and pavers, providing a scenic view for the enti re 2.0 mile length of the project.

The palett e was selected to match current standards within the surrounding area and to provide conti nuity and appealing aestheti cs. Close att enti on to the overall maintenance demand of the medians was taken into considerati on and a 12” maintenance band was incorporated into the design to alleviate access constraints. The end result is a streetscape which blends well with surrounding neighborhoods and restores a sense of community pride in a socio-economically depressed area.

Constructi on documentati onHardscapeLandscapeIrrigati on


Conceptual designCost esti mates and take off sConstructi on administrati on


Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Ms. Monika RobinsonMr. Philip Hannawi, Principal EngineerCity of Riverside951.826.5706

Currently under design

$700 Thousand

Fullerton Bike Trail

The Fullerton Bike Trail Expansion project is located in the area behind St. Jude Medical Center.

The new connecti on to the existi ng bike trail was to traverse through existi ng natural landscape areas as well as a steep slope. Working with the City, the Army Corp of Engineers, as well as the Project team, plant miti gati on and landscape design were approached with careful planning. Irrigati on was designed to be a temporary water source to establish new planti ng and to later be abandoned for a natural landscape as plant growth progressed.

City of Fullerton, California

Cost esti mates and take off sSite analysisConstructi on documentati onProject managementPlant miti gati on


Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. Jeff rey F. Scott and Ms. Monika RobinsonMr. Richard WilsonBureau Veritas North America, Inc.714.431.4122

Currently under design

$3 Million

Ruben S. Ayala Park Expansion ProjectChino, California

Mr. Scott was responsible for the management and delivery of this 68-acre expansion of Ruben S. Ayala Park in Chino. The project was delivered by a multi -disciplinary team that provided conceptual and fi nal design, as well as constructi on observati on services for this community gem in Chino.

The park features four tennis courts, four basketball half courts, and nine soccer fi elds. Additi onally, a syntheti c turf fi eld for soccer and football was provided, boasti ng covered stadium seati ng for over 300 spectators. Colorful ti le mosaics and water misters are just some of the ameniti es incorporated into the 68-acre park development. A 100’ diameter circular play area with an adjacent brick seat wall was custom designed, with areas for children ages 2-5 and a separate area for ages 5-12.

SurveyCivil EngineeringArchitecture designLandscape architectureSite planning


Lighti ngConstructi on management and

observati onCost esti mates and take-off sConstructi on documentati on



Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. Jeff rey F. Scott Mr. Mike Kolling, DirectorCity of Chino909.464.0768


$14 Million

Windsong, Heritage Regency, Marna O’Brien and Perret Park

Mr. Scott served as the lead designer for the renovati on of four park sites in Riverside County. The multi -disciplinary design team of engineers, surveyors and landscape architects provided conceptual designs and plans, specifi cati ons as well as constructi on cost esti mates for each of the renovated parks.

The park sites ranged from 2.1-acres to 9-acres. Ameniti es included children’s playground, a basketball court, restroom faciliti es, decomposed granite walkways, baseball fi elds, historical art features, tot-lots, arbor structures, a custom gazebo and pier with view area seati ng, and picnic areas.

Riverside County EDA, California

Children’s playgroundsBasketball courtsRestroom faciliti esDecomposed granite



Baseball fi eldsHistorical art featuresArbor structuresCustom gazeboPier with viewing area


Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. Jeff rey F. Scott Mr. Aurelio Aguirre, Regional Manager DirectorRiverside Community EDA951.955.6682



Perris Morgan Street Park, Phase 2

The City of Perris is a rapidly growing community in Southern California. When fully constructed, the 48-acre Morgan Park will provide the community with a major recreati on facility with an emphasis on Soccer.

The design concept for the park was sensiti ve to needs of families visiti ng the park. Restrooms are centrally located, while childrens play areas are positi oned to allow independent play within the watchful eyes of parents observing events on the fi eld.

Phase 2 ameniti es will complete the western edge of the park and increase parking on the south side of Morgan Street. Each phase has been designed to provide the community with a fully appointed neighborhood park project prior to the completi on of the enti re master plan.

Perris, California

Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Ms. Monika RobinsonMr. Darren Madkin, Assistant City ManagerCity of Perris


$5 Million

Cost esti mates, and take off sSite analysisPark master plan for Ph. 11


Constructi on documentsLandscape miti gati onFlood zone coordinati onSLE coordinati on


Constructi on &Design Build

Mead Valley Community Center

Perris CaliforniaRiverside County Economic Development Agency is the owner of the Mead Valley Community Center which is located on Rider Street in the Mead Valley area of Riverside. The project consists of a multi -disciplinary eff ort that includes surveyors, engineers, planning, landscape architects and architects. TKE worked closely to assist the County in the constructi on process. Comprehensive constructi on management on site is currently being performed. This new site will provide over 35,000 sf in new architectural ameniti es as an adjacent parking lot. Site ameniti es will include a new Baseball fi eld, soccer fi eld overlay, open space, outdoor amphitheater, perimeter walkway, community garden, tot lots with shade structures, security fencing and maintenance storage.

LEED Certi fi cati on:

Weekly Constructi on Meeti ngsAgency Coordinati onIn-House Design Team Coordinati onSite Survey


Constructi on ManagementRFI ReviewSubmitt al ReviewSite Documentati onChange Order Review


Client Contact:

Project Cost:

Completi on Date:

Client Manager:

Project Details

Project Services

Mr. Shawn Ryan

Riverside County EDA

In progress

$2.5 Million

Certi fi ed

Best BuyLong Beach, Ca

This 45,000 square foot Best Buy was located in Long Beach and was a negoti ated project based on past constructi on performance. Following completi on of constructi on the overall project achieved LEED Silver certi fi cati on. Mr. Shawn Ryan headed up coordinati on eff orts with contractors, local agencies and inspectors. In all projects Mr. Ryan is involved in his approach is that of a team environment. Creati ng an ease of communicati on and providing his vast knowledge base related to Big Box constructi on allows for quick resolve of existi ng issues in the fi eld. This store was able to open early due to constructi on being completed ahead of schedule.

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager:

Project Details

Project SchedulingCost Esti mati ngSub-Contractor Negoti ati on


Project Services45,000 sq. ft . build outEarly grand opening1009 Best Buy Store


Mr. Shawn RyanBest Buy 2007$1.1 Million

LEED Certi fi cati on: Silver

Prime Contractor: BergmanConstructi on Manager: Shawn Ryan

Lakewood Collecti onLakewood, California

This 3.1 acre development consisted of 3 buildings, parking lot, switch back ADA ramp and landscaping. The buildings totalled 22,000 square feet of retail space, and included the following clients: Rubios, Corner Bakery, Its a Grind, T-Mobile, Dry Cleaner, Pick up Sti x and Hawian BBQ.

Mr. Shawn Ryan performed comprehensive constructi on management services on site. Design team & agency coordinati on was an on going daily eff ort which provided an ease of constructability and communicati on. on-site inspecti ons were coordinated through Mr. Ryan. Value engineering was a conti nuous process to allow for the most cost savings benefi ts for the owner. This project was completed on ti me and under budget.

Project SchedulingSub-Contractor Negoti ati onGround Up Constructi onSite Uti liti es


TI for various clientsNew Edison TransformerCost Esti mati ng


Client Contact:

Project Cost:

Completi on Date:

Client Manager:

Project Details

Project Services

Mr. Shawn Ryan

Silvercreek Properti es

$5.4 Million


Prime Contractor: BergmanConstructi on Manager: Shawn Ryan


Mr. Scott served as the lead designer and Project Manager and worked in conjuncti on with the City of Fontana and San Bernardino County Special Districts Department to provide a conceptual master plan for the joint renovati on and expansion of the existi ng neighborhood park and equestrian center.

Placing an emphasis upon both acti ve and passive recreati on that may be accessed by a broad spectrum of ages and abiliti es, the master plan proposes the renovati on of litt le league and soccer fi elds, an equestrian center, tot lot, picni areas, parking, and accessibility to the community center. The proposed expansion incorporates the adjacent capped landfi ll to provide new soccer and football fi elds on syntheti c turf, parking, additi onal tot lots, picnic areas, enhanced trail systems, as well as an expanded maintenance and concessions facility.

Kessler Park Master PlanSan Bernardino County Special Districts, California

Sports park master planningSite analysisCost esti mates and take off sConceptual exhibits


Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. Jeff rey F. Scott Mr. Greg BaconCounty of San Bernardino909.387.6076


$60 Thousand

Mr. Scott was responsible for the development of this Comprehensive Parks and Recreati on Master Plan for the City of Diamond Bar.

The scope of the project consisted of inventory of the city parks, school, and joint use faciliti es. Public outreach and interviews, stati sti cally valid community phone survey, web based survey, community workshops, recreati onal programming inventory, as well as demographic analysis and projecti ons were evaluated.

Demand and needs analysis, cost and fi nancial analysis, funding analysis, prioriti es for capital improvements and review of park department ordinances and developments were presented for considerati on as well.

Diamond Bar Parks and Recreati on Master PlanDiamond Bar, California

Community outreach and input

Park standardsSite planningTrail planning


ADA accessPark designMaster plan documentati onSurvey of public


Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. Jeff rey F. Scott and Mr. Ron HaganMr. Bob RoseCity of Diamond Bar



Moreno Valley Parks, Recreati on and Open Space Comprehensive Master Plan

The Moreno Valley Parks, Recreati on and Open Space Comprehensive Plan is the initi al comprehensive park planning document for the City. The plan provides a vision for park planning, parks maintenance, operati on standards, recreati on, open space and an acti on plan for implementi ng the vision.

The plan includes research and recommendati ons for short term and long term park planning, park acquisti on, recreati onal programming and funding. Throughout the process, the team was involved in numerous community outreach interviews, presentati ons to the community and workshops with special interest groups.

Moreno Valley, California

Community outreachDesign charett es and

open spacePark inventory


Master plan documentati on and preparati on

Park, recreati on, and maintenance standards

Funding opportuniti es

Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Ms. Monika Robinson and Mr. Ron HaganMr. Mike McCarty, Parks and Comm. Serv. Director, City of Moreno Valley951.413.3701


$130 Thousand


Upland Basin

The Upland Basin Project is located in the City of Upland at the corner of Monte Vista Avenue and Arrow Route north of the Interstate 10 Freeway.

Prior to project design TKE prepared a parcel map to divide the parcel and reconstruct parcel lines to accommodate the basin constructi on. The 40-acre, 1,050 acre-foot basin was constructed in two phases expanding an existi ng fl ood control basin. Uti lizing State grant and local funding, the project provides for 100-year fl ood protecti on and 200 acre-feet of water recharge storage. TKE provided aerial target layouts and mapping services by Aero Tech Surveys, constructi on staking, quanti ty surveys to verify earthwork volumes moved by the contractor and fi nal as-built verifi cati on to ensure basin was constructed to grade.

Upland, California

Pre-project planningParcel map preparati onState grant applicati on

submission and coordinati onConstructi on management



Constructi on stakingQuanti ty surveying for

volume verifi cati onAs-built verifi cati onAerial target layout and




Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. Ron MusserMr. Bob Critchfi eld, Principal EngineerCity of Upland909.291.2946



Upland Metrolink Depot

The Metrolink Stati on Depot Rehabilitati on and ‘A’ Street Improvement Project is located in the City of Upland along ‘A’ Street and Campus Avenue and included constructi on of historic depot building renovati ons and street, drainage, and water system improvements. The exterior of the building was completely renovated including removal of lead base paint and restorati on of outdoor lighti ng, ADA access, constructi on of a pati o area and other site improvements to permit commercial reuse of the building.

Off site improvements including constructi on of 48” diameter storm drain (a porti on being bored under the railroad system), 12” replacement waterline, and street improvements. The street improvements included decorati ve streetlights and enhance concrete sidewalks to beauti fy the corridor and enhance economic

Upland, California

Project managementConstructi on stakingProgram management including

processing with local Assistance for Federal TEA Funds


Design revisions as required by fi eld inspecti on

As-built verifi cati on

Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. Ron MusserMr. Jeff Zwack, Redevelopment DirectorCity of Upland909.931.4148



San Antonio Community Park

The San Antonio Community Park Project is located in the City of Upland at the northwest corner of Mountain Avenue and 24th Street. Prior to project design TKE performed an aerial target layout survey and supplemental conventi onal survey to collect appropriate informati on for street and parking lot design. TKE prepared constructi on drawings and specifi cati ons for the constructi on of the street improvements, including retaining walls, sewer improvements, electrical lighti ng improvements, parking lot, playground, sidewalk and overfl ow lot grading plans.

Park design was prepared uti lizing all generated material onsite within a landscape mound feature at the center of the parking lot to avoid any cost for material export. During constructi on TKE performed constructi on staking for the approximately 4-acre park site.

Upland, California

Aerial target layoutSupplemental conventi onal

design surveyingConstructi on staking


Grading, street, sewer, electrical, playground and parking lot plan preparati on

Specifi cati on preparati on

Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. Ron MusserMr. Bob Critchfi eld, Principal EngineerCity of Upland909.291.2946



San Bernardino Avenue Street Improvements

The San Bernardino Avenue street and storm drain improvements project is located in the City of Fontana north of Interstate 10 Freeway and East of the Interstate 15 Freeway from Commerce Drive to Cherry Avenue.

Proposed median and sidewalk improvements minimize turning movements providing for increased vehicular capacity, corridor beauti fi cati on, and improved traffi c and pedestrian safety. Conventi onal ground survey and constructi on staking was provided by TKE for approximately 8,800 linear feet of street median, sidewalk and storm drain improvements. TKE provided uti lity and railroad coordinati on for the relocati on and adjustment of various uti lity improvements (i.e., power poles, meters, vaults, etc.) and the railroad crossing upgrade. TKE prepared all legal descripti ons, right-of-way acquisiti on plats, temporary constructi on easement plats and negoti ated with property owners for 5 separate parcels.

Fontana, California

Conventi onal ground design surveying

Railroad crossing upgrade improvements and coordinati on

Project Details

Project Services

Edison, water, gas and Telephone uti lity relocati ons and coordinati on

Right-of-way documentati on Preparati on

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. Ron MusserMr. Brendon Biggs, Chief Transportati on Planning Divison, County of San Bernardino909.387.8166



Tyler Street Widening ProjectRiverside, California

The Tyler Street widening project is located in the Southwest Riverside area between Wells Avenue and Hole Avenue.

Improvements will provide for corridor beauti fi cati on and improved traffi c and pedestrian safety. Conventi onal ground survey was provided by TKE for approximately 6,200 linear feet of street widening, bike lane extension and median improvements. TKE prepared all legal descripti ons, right-of-way acquisiti on plats, temporary constructi on easement plats and grant and easement deeds for 49 separate parcels. TKE is providing conventi onal survey or public and private improvement areas, street improvement and on-site improvement plans, environmental document preparati on, right-of-way documentati on preparati on, and specifi cati on and esti mate preparati on.

Conventi onal ground design surveying

Environmental initi al study preparati on

Right-of-way documentati on preparati on

Temporary constructi on easement preparati on

Street and on-site improvement plans, specifi cati ons and esti mates

Project Details

Project Services

Client Contact:

Project Cost:Completi on Date:

Client Manager: Mr. J. Scott PetersenMr. Philip Hannawi, Principal EngineerCity of Riverside951.826.5341



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