Page 1: \\Stmary Bsffp01\Users$\Students-2$\96 Md02\Media\Upload To Blog\Location And Scene Selection

Realism: To make our teaser appear more realistic we thought it best that we filmed with in a school environment. By doing so it allows us accessibility to props such as text books, classrooms and even the library. Further more it is an ideal location as there are communal area’s such as the park or the high street, which meant if any scenes we felt weren’t working or realistic enough we had choice and the ability to change.

This location is also convenient as I will have access to most area’s of the building, both in and out of school hours.

Page 2: \\Stmary Bsffp01\Users$\Students-2$\96 Md02\Media\Upload To Blog\Location And Scene Selection

Once again to make our teaser more naturalistic we have chosen to shoot footage in communal areas such as the common room and canteen in order to get a true to life view of teenage behaviour. It’s perfect for some of our scene’s where we wish to create a crowded and congested atmosphere. In this we can then place our actors/actresses in their assigned costumes to create the stereotypes and social groupings that are always present in schools. However these are area’s regularly used and can often be to over crowded, so picking the prime time to film is a main concern.

Page 3: \\Stmary Bsffp01\Users$\Students-2$\96 Md02\Media\Upload To Blog\Location And Scene Selection

This setting is particularly important as its the crossing on the staircase and in the hallway where they first establish their feelings for one another. Also these are important settings as it is the where we briefly learn more about the individuals and how they are perceived by the rest of the school.The two sites contribute to the realistic school environment we are trying to create.

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