Page 1: stories and poems for children (learning English)


Wind. Oh, how strong I am! I am stronger than the sun! Sun. Oh, no, Mr. Wind. I am stronger than you. Wind. Let us see. Look at that man. He is in a black coat. Sun. I see him. Wind. Let us see who can take off his coat. Sun. All right. Wind. I'll begin. (He begins to blow.) Whooooo! I want that coat! Man. Oh, how cold it is! Wind. Whooooo! I want that coat! Man: Oh, what a strong wind! Wind. Whooooo! I want that coat! Man. I am so cold! I am glad that I have a warm coat! Wind. Whooooo! I cannot take off his coat. Sun. Well, Mr. Wind, you are not so strong. I'll try to take off his coat. (Sun shines on the man.) Man. Now I am not so cold. What a funny day! First it was cold.

Now it is hot. (Sun shines and shines.) Now I am too hot. I'll take off my coat. (The-man takes off his coat.) Wind. Well, Mr. Sun. The man took off his coat for you. Now I see that you are strong, too.

to begin - начинать to blow - дуть I am so cold - Мне так холодно. to try - пытаться, стараться I'll try to take off his coat: —Я попытаюсь снять с него пальто. to shine -светить Now I am too hot. -Теперь мне очень жарко.


Quickly, quickly Hop, hop, hop,

Up he goes To the tree top!

Quickly, quickly – Round and round,

Down he jumps To the ground.

squirrel – белка hop – прыг tree top – верхушка дерева round and round – кругом, кругом

Page 2: stories and poems for children (learning English)


Lion (looking at the dog, the monkey and the fox).

You are all my good friends. I want you to tell me how my den smells.

Dog. Oh Lion, I am your good friend, and I am not afraid to tell you. Your den smells badly. Lion (angrily). GRRRRR! You are not a very good friend. How can you say that my den smells badly? Get out — and don't come back, or I'll eat you up! Monkey. What a fool! I am your friend, King Lion, and I'll tell you how your den smells. It smells like flowers. Lion (angrily). GRRRRR! You bad monkey! You are a fool too! Get out—and don't come back, or I'll eat you up! Lion (looking at the fox). And how do you think my den smells? Fox. Well, King Lion, I can't tell. I have a bad cold, and I can't smell anything. Lion. You are very clever, my friend. You have saved both my feelings and your own skin. den —пещера I want you to tell me how my den smells — Я хочу, чтобы вы сказали мне, как пахнет в моей пещере. Get out—Убирайся King Lion—Царь Лев I have a bad cold – я сильно простужен You have saved both my feelings and your own skin t—Ты пощадила мои чувства и спасла собственную шкуру.

MICE I think mice

Are very nice. Their tails are long, Their faces small, They haven't any

Chins at all. Their ears are pink,

Their teeth are white, They run about

The house at night. They eat things

They must not touch And no one seems To like them much.

But I think mice Are nice.

mice — мыши tail — хвост They haven't any chins at ail. - У них совсем нет подбородков. Pink - розовый They run about the house at night. - Ночью они бегают по дому. no one - никто And no one seems to like them much. - И никто, кажется, их не любит.

Page 3: stories and poems for children (learning English)


The cat and the rabbit are good friends. One day in the wood they find a big piece of cheese. They like cheese very much.

Cat. You cut the cheese into two pieces. Then we'll each have a piece. Rabbit. I'll make the pieces the same size. (He cuts the cheese into two pieces. But one piece is a little bigger than the other.) Cat (taking the bigger piece). I'll take this piece. Rabbit. Don't take it. I want this piece. (The Fox' walks by.) Rabbit. Dear Fox, we have two pieces of cheese. I want the bigger piece. The cat wants the bigger piece too. Which piece is mine? Fox. I'll help you. I'll bite the bigger piece so they will be the same size. (She bites the cheese, but she bites off too much.) Cat. Now the other piece is bigger! Fox. That's all right. I'll bite it too. (But she bites off too much again.)

Rabbit. Now the first piece is bigger again. Fox. I'll bite it again. Then they will be the same size. (This time she eats up the first piece.) Cat. I don't see the first piece. Fox. Now I'll eat the other piece too. Then they will be the same size. (She eats up the other piece, and she runs away.) Rabbit. Now we have no cheese at all. Cat. It's a lesson for us to be clever in future.

rabbit — кролик each—- каждый Then we'll each have a piece—Затем каждый из нас возьмёт по куску. I'll make the pieces the same size Я сделаю куски одинакового размера. a little bigger—немного больше to bite —кусать, кусаться I'll bite the bigger piece.—Я откушу от большего, куска. Now we have no cheese at all.—Теперь у нас совсем нет сыра. it's a lesson for us to be clever in future .—Это для нас урок быть умнее в будущее


The cow eats grass, and the grass is green,

But the milk of the cow is white.

If the grass were white, would the milk be green? I must ask my dad tonight.

cow — корова If the grass were white, would the milk be green. – Если бы трава была белой, было бы молоко зелёным? dad — папа tonight сегодня вечером

Page 4: stories and poems for children (learning English)



Red Bird. Where are you going, Green Bird? Green Bird. The lion is looking for a clever bird in the wood. I am that bird! Red Bird. Oh, no! You are not clever. I am clever. I'll come with you to see the lion. Little Brown Bird. May I come, too? Green Bird. Funny bird! Come if you want to, but you will not win. (They all go to the lion.) Lion. Hello, birds! I can't find a clever bird in the wood. Maybe one of you is clever. Green Bird. I am clever! What do you want me to do? Lion. Do you see that jar? There is some water in it. You must drink the water. Green Bird. Is that all? Lion. Yes. Green Bird. (She flies to the jar. The jar is very tall and thin. It is half full of water.) Oh, oh! The jar is too tall! I can't drink the water! Red Bird. Too bad Green Bird. Look at me! I'll drink the water. (She flies to the jar, but she can't drink the water too.) The jar is too big! Lion. Funny bird! You can't drink the water. Red Bird. I do not like your jar. Lion. I see a little bird here too. Little Brown Bird, can you drink the water?

Little Brown Bird. Let me see. I think I know what to do. I'll do this. (She takes a stone and puts it in the jar.) Red Bird. What is she doing? (Little Brown Bird puts many stones in the jar.) Green Bird. Look! The water is at the top of the jar! Now Little Brown Bird can drink it! Lion. Oh, Little Brown Bird. Now I see you are very clever. You are the cleverest bird in the wood. to look for -- искать to win — победить; одержать победу It is half full [full of water—Она (банка) наполовину наполнена водой. Let me see.—Дайте мне подумать. stone - камень, камешек


I wanted a tree

For shade and rest, I wanted a tree

Where a bird could nest. So I planted a green

Friendly tree For myself, and a bird,

And a honey-bee! friendly — дружеский for shade and rest —для тени и отдыха where a bird could nest —где птичка могла бы свить гнездо. So I planted - Поэтому я посадил for myself—для себя honey-bee - пчёлка

Page 5: stories and poems for children (learning English)


Wolf. Help! Help! Rabbit. Who is crying? Where is he? I want to help him. (He finds a wolf on the ground under a big stone.) Wolf. Please help me. Take this stone off my back. Rabbit. The stone is very big, but I'll try. (He pulls and pulls. At last he pulls off the stone. The wolf jumps up and catches him.) Wolf. Now I'll eat you! Rabbit Please don't eat me. I helped you, and now you want to eat me. That's not fair! Wolf: But I am very hungry, and I eat rabbits when I am hungry. Rabbit: Please. Let’s ask the duck. She is fat and she is very clever. Wolf: All right, but we must hurry. I am very hungry! (They find the duck and tell her their story) Duck: Show me what happened. Then I can help you. Wolf: Yes, come along. But hurry, or I’ll eat you too. Rabbit: the wolf was on the ground, with the stone on his back. Duck: That big stone? And you pulled it off? How did you do it? Show me! (The wolf lies down. The rabbit pulls and pulls. At last the stone is on the wolfs back again.) Wolf. The stone was on my back. Now, rabbit, take it off again. Duck. Wait a minute. Let me think. The rabbit helped you, and then you wanted to eat him? That's not fair! Rabbit. Shall I take the stone off his back? Duck. No. 'We'll see who helps him now. And the next time, Mr. Wolf, be kind to those who help you. (The duck and the rabbit ran away,) Wolf. Help! Help!

Who is crying ? — Кто кричит? That's not fair!—Это нечестно! duck — утка to happen—случаться, происходить Show me what happened. — Покажите мне, что произошло. The wolf lies down. — Волк ложится at last —наконец kind —добрый be kind to those who help yon—будьте добры к тем, кто помогает вам


When windows are frosty And icy in places,

I like to write letters, And draw, funny faces, Or flowers or houses Or maybe a cat—-

I really wish windows Were always like that!

frosty — морозный and icy in places —кое-где покрыты льдом maybe —может быть

I really wish windows were always like that! — Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы окна всегда были такими!

Page 6: stories and poems for children (learning English)


Fisherman. This is a good day to fish. I want to catch a big fish. I have something!

(He pulls out a bottle.) Oh, it's just a bottle. Elf. Let me out! Let me out! Fisherman. Who are you? Where are you? Elf. I am in the bottle! Let me out! (The fisherman opens the bottle and out jumps an elf.) Elf. Thank you!" Thank you! At last I am free. Fisherman. Who are you? Elf. A am an elf. I was put- in the bottle many years ago. But now I am free and I can do many things. Fisherman. What can you do? Elf. (He laughs.) I am a bad elf. I will do bad things. Ha, ha, ha! Fisherman. Is that why you were put in the bottle? Elf. That's right! And now that I am free, I will do bad things. Fisherman (to himself). He is a bad elf. I must put him , in the bottle again. I think I know what to do. (To the elf.) What can' you do? Elf. I can do many things. Fisherman. Maybe you can maybe you can't. Elf. I can become bigger. Look! (The Elf becomes big.) Fisherman. Anyone can become bigger, but can you become smaller? Elf. Of course, I can. Fisherman. You must show me. Can you become smaller than this bottle? Elf. Of course! Look at this! (He becomes smaller than the bottle. The fisherman quickly puts him into the bottle.) Fisherman. How funny. Now you are smaller than the bottle. Elf. What did I tell you? Now you can let me out again. Fisherman. Oh, no! You are too bad. You must stay in that bottle for ever. (He throws the bottle back in the water.) Good-bye, Mr. Elf. I want to catch only fish.

fisherman— рыбак, elf [elf]—эльф (здесь злой дух) something — что-то, кое-что, что-нибудь Let me out!—Выпусти меня! many years, ago — много лет назад That's right! —Правильно! to himself - про себя to become - делаться, становиться for ever - навсегда


There are four little worlds

That can help you a lot When you hurt your friend

On purpose or not.

So say the four words, Don’t wait too long!

If you’ve hurt your friend Say “I’m sorry. I’m wrong”

When your hurt friend on purpose or no – когда ты обидишь друга нарочно или нечаянно If you’ve hurt your friend – Если ты обидел своего друга I’m wrong – Я неправ

Page 7: stories and poems for children (learning English)


The Indians tell a

story about the birds. They say long, long ago all the birds were the same colour.

Then one by one they found colours. Some birds took red from the flowers. Some birds took green from the grass. Some

birds took white from the snow and gray from the stones. At last only the bluebird had no colour. Bird, All the birds have colours, but I have no colour. I'll ask the old owl how to get it. (She flies to the owl's tree.) Owl. What is it? What is it? Why do you want to see me? Bird. All the birds have a colour, but I have no colour. How can I get a colour? Owl. Now you can have only one colour. This colour is very beautiful. You can take this blue colour from the magic lake. Bird. Oh, dear Owl, how can I take it? Owl. Go to the magic lake. There is a big stone in the lake. It is magic, too. Sit on the stone, and drink some blue water. Bird. Is that all? Owl. No. On that magic stone you'll see a white fox. If you sit on the stone, she will eat you up!. That is why no bird has this colour. ' Bird. I'll see what I- can do.

(She flies to the magic lake.) Fox. Good day, dear Bird! Do you like this magic lake? Bird. Yes, I do Fox. Do you want to be blue? Bird. Yes, I do.

Fox. Then come and sit on the stone with me. Bird. I am afraid. If I sit with you, you will eat me up. Fox. Oh, Bird! I am not so bad. Bird. How did you get on the stone? Fox. I swam here. Bird. Oh, no, you didn't. Foxes can't swim. Fox. But I can swim. Bird. No, you can't. You can't even swim to that little stone! Fox. Oh, yes, I can! Look!

(She jumps in the water and swims to the little stone.) Bird. I must be quick! (She flies to the magic stone and drinks some blue water.) Bird. You can swim, dear Fox. And thank you for my blue colour!

(She flies away.) Fox. Oh, that Bird! Now she is all blue, and I am all wet!

(The Fox is very angry. She swims to land and rolls in the sand to dry off.)

And from that day the Fox took her colour from the sand. magic —волшебный the Indians— индейцы long ago — давным-давно one by one — одна за другой bluebird - голубая птичка That is why — Вот почему How did you get on the stone? —Как ты попала на этот камень? I swam here.—Я приплыла сюда. even —даже and I am all wet —-а я совсем мокрая The Fox is very angry .— Лиса очень рассердилась. She swims to land and rolls in the sand to dry off.—Она плывёт к берегу и катается в песке, чтобы обсохнуть. from that day — с того дня

Page 8: stories and poems for children (learning English)


CAT Long, long ago there lived

many mice in an old house. There lived a cat in that house too. The cat killed many mice every day.

The mice were afraid of the cat, but they did not know what to do.

So one day they all came to the old clever mouse and began to talk about the cat.

"What can we do?" they said. "The cat will kill us all." "I know what to do," said one little mouse. "The cat kills us,

because we don't hear her. Let's put a bell round her neck. Then we'll hear her before she comes into the room." "That's a very good idea," said all the mice. "Now the bad cat will not kill us."

They were all very glad, and they began to laugh and dance. Suddenly the clever old mouse said, "I want to ask one question.

Who will put the bell round the cat's neck?"

to hear —слышать Let's put a bell round her neck.—Давайте наденем ей звонок на шею. Suddenly – вдруг


Come to the woods On a sunny day

Coma to the woods On a day of May

Look at the grass, At the busy bees, Look at the birds

In the green , green tree

Wood -лес busy - занятый bee – пчела


Benjamin has a pencil Benjamin has a pen Benjamin is drawing

Funny little men

Benjamin has a paper Benjamin has a book

Benjamin shouts as he run “Come an have s look”

“Come an have s look” – иди , посмотри!

Page 9: stories and poems for children (learning English)


Kenny's uncle saw

a monkey in a shop. He took it home for Kenny.

He was a big brown monkey. He liked to run. He liked to jump from tree to tree to tree.

Kenny made a house for the monkey. But the monkey did not live in the house. He liked the tree in the yard. And so he lived in the tree.

Kenny's friends came to see the monkey. The monkey was running. The children laughed. The monkey was jumping from tree to tree to tree. And the children laughed again.

One day Kenny's sister and her friends were jumping rope. Kenny and the monkey looked at them. The monkey looked and looked. Then the monkey was jumping rope too.

"Hey," said Kenny's sister and her friends. "Monkeys can't jump rope."

"This monkey is jumping," said Kenny. "" The next day Kenny and his friends were playing ball.

Kenny's mother came into the yard. "Here are some .cakes," she said. Kenny and all his friends ran-to get |he cakes. " Soon they

came back. And what did they see? The monkey was playing ball. "Hey," said Kenny's friends. "Monkeys don't play ball." "This monkey is playing ball," said Kenny. "This monkey can do

everything we do." Kenny and his friends began to sing. "La,4 la, la," they sang. "La, la, la," sang the monkey.

One day Kenny and his friends played Indians. They jumped. They ran. The monkey ran and jumped too. Kenny's mother came and looked at them. "Where are my Indians?" she asked. "Can the monkey play

Indians?" "This monkey can play," said Kenny. "This monkey can do

everything we do." One day Kenny and his friends were reading some books. They -

sat under a tree. The monkey sat down too. He took a book. He looked and looked

at the book. "Hey!" said Kenny. "Look! My monkey reads books too." Kenny's friends looked at the monkey. "Oh no, Kenny," they said. "Monkeys can do many things, but

they can't read books. Look at that funny monkey." Kenny's friends' laughed at the monkey. Kenny looked at the monkey again. He looked and looked. Then

he laughed too, because the monkey was reading the book upside down!

were jumping rope —прыгали через верёвочку upside down - вверх ногами


Spring is green Summer is bright Autumn is yellow Winter is white

Page 10: stories and poems for children (learning English)


Long, long ago in a small town lived a man. He sold caps. He had a lot of caps for sale. The caps were brown and white, gray and red. His own cap was black.

So he had a lot of caps for sale, and he carried them on his head.

First he had on his own black cap, then the brown caps, then the white caps, then the gray caps, and then the red .caps.

He walked up and down the streets, and he called, "Caps! Caps for sale! Ten pennies a cap!"

One day he walked up the street and he walked down the street, and he called, "Caps! Caps for sale! Ten pennies a cap!"

But nobody wanted his caps that day. Nobody wanted even a red cap.

The man was very hungry, but he had no money for dinner. "I'll go for a walk," said he. And he walked out of town. He walked for a long time. He walked and walked and came to a big tree. "That's a nice place for a rest," said he. And he sat down under the tree. All his caps were on his head—his own black cap, then the brown caps, then the white caps, then the gray caps, and then the red caps, They were all there. So he went to sleep. He slept for a long time. When he woke up, he touched his head with his hand. All he touched was his own black cap. He looked to the right of him. No caps. He looked to the left of him. No caps. He looked behind the tree. No caps. Then he looked up into the tree. And what do you think he saw? He saw a lot of monkeys in the tree. The monkeys sat there. On every monkey was a brown, or a white, or a gray, or a red cap! The man looked at the monkeys. The monkeys looked at the man. He didn't know what to do.

Then he said, "You monkeys! You must give me back my caps."

And he shook a finger at them. But the monkeys only shook their fingers back at him and said, "Tsz, tsz, tsz."

The man got angry, so he shook both hands at them and said, "You monkeys, you! You must give me back my caps!"

But the monkeys only shook their hands back at him and said, "Tsz, tsz, tsz."

At last he got very, very angry. He took off his own cap and threw it on the ground.

Then each monkey took off his cap and threw it on the ground, too.

The man was very glad when he saw all his caps on the ground.

So he picked up his caps and put them back on his head—first his own black cap, then the brown caps, then the white caps, then the gray caps, and then the red caps.

The nhe walked back to town, and he called, "Caps! Caps for sale! Ten pennies a cap!"

cap - кепка sale -продажа Caps for sale! - Продаются кепки! He sold caps. -Он продавал кепки, own -собственная and he called - и он выкрикивал for a iong time - в течение долгого времени When he woke up - Когда он проснулся And he shook a finger at them.—И он погрозил им пальцем. and threw it on the ground — и бросил её на землю

Page 11: stories and poems for children (learning English)

THE PAPER-BAG MYSTERY One day Billy and his mother went for a ride on a bus. They were going to visit Grandmother. They sat on a long seat where they could watch all the people in the bus. Billy looked at the people.

On one seat a man was sitting. He was reading a book. On another seat a woman was sitting. She had a lot of things

in her hands: a big bag, three boxes, two books and some red flowers. Billy couldn't even see her face. He saw only two flowers on her hat.

Suddenly Billy saw an old lady in front of him. She had a white paper-bag in her hands.

"A paper-bag?" you ask. "That's not so interesting, after all."

But it was very interesting to Billy, because this paper-bag was not sitting still. This paper-bag was dancing! "What can it be?" thought' Billy. Here was a big question, a big mystery. "Who? Why? What?" thought Billy. He sat very still all the time watching the paper-bag. Suddenly the bus stopped, and Billy heard a very loud

MEW! Then he-saw two little black ears, and a

little pink nose, and two green eyes. "Oh, it's a kitten!" cried Billy, and he laughed.

Dear children, if you want to see this kitten too, look at the picture.

mystery - тайна went for a ride on a bus — поехали на автобусе seat - сиденье lady - дама in front of him—перед собой after ail — в конце концов still —тихо thought —подумал, думал a very loud mew — очень громкое мяу kitten —котёнок


The south wind brings wet weather

The north wind wet and cold together The west wind always brings us rain The east wind blows it back again

Южный ветер приносит мокрую погоду

Серенный ветер – мокрую и холодную вместе Западный ветер всегда приносит дождь

Восточный ветер уносит дождь снова


Rain , rain go away Come again another day

Page 12: stories and poems for children (learning English)


Long, long ago there lived a

Frog in a pond with two Ducks, They were very good friends. The Frog liked to talk very much, and she-liked the Ducks, because she could talk with them.

So they lived there for a long time, and they were very happy. But one summer it was very hot, so hot that the pond became

dry. The two Ducks could not live there. "Let's fly to another pond," said one Duck. They went to the Frog to say good-bye to her. "Oh, I don't want to live here alone!" cried the Frog. "Take me

with you! I am afraid to stay here alone. "But you cannot fly!" said the Ducks. "How can we take you

with us?" "Take me with you! Take me with you!" cried the frog The Frog was so unhappy that at last the Ducks said, "All right,

we'll take you with us." Then they said, "You cannot fly, but we have an idea how to

help you. We'll take the ends of a big stick, and you must-take the middle of the stick in your mouth. Then we'll fly to another pond and carry you, with us. But you must not talk! If you open your mouth, you are lost."

"Oh, thank you very much, dear Ducks," said the Frog. "Take me with you! I'll not say a word." - So the Ducks brought a big stick. Then they took the ends of

the stick, and the Frog took the middle of the stick in her mouth, and the Ducks carried the Frog with them.

The Frog wanted to say, "How high we are!" But she thought: "I must not talk! If I open my mouth, I am lost." So she did not say a word.

Then they came over a village, and the people looked up and saw them.

"Look at the Ducks! They are carrying a Frog! How funny!" they cried,

And everyone ran out to look. The Frog wanted to say,

"That's not funny!" But she didn't say a word.

Then the people cried again, "How funny! Look at it! Look!"

The Frog got angry. She wanted to say, "That's not funny, you fools!" She opened her mouth—and fell to the ground. And that was the end of the Frog.

It is a very good thing when you can hold your tongue! talkative — болтливая frog —лягушка pond пруд that the pond became dry —что пруд высох unhappy— несчастный, несчастная the ends of a big stick—концы большой палки the middle of the stick — середина палки you are lost —ты пропала I'll not say a word. —Я не скажу ни слова. I am lost. —Я пропала. they came over a village—они появились над деревней tongue — язык It is a very good thing when you can hold your tongue! - Хорошее дело — уметь держать язык за зубами!

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