
Student Eye

Summer 2010 Issue 22


Interview with band

Dr WhoThe Geek Files

Gap year


Student Eye Content

Student Eye Team:Student Editor: Kay McGroryStudent Design: Alison Moore, Paul David TheobaldWriters team: Adam Scovell, Jenny Lamont, Kay McGrory, Joe Laverty, Jordine Lam, Robert, David Rowlands, Paul Theobald, Paul McCombs, Anton Irving, James Andrews

Pg 3 - Bye bye LCC...

Pg 4/5 - ‘Heights’ review

Pg 6 - Oxfam and Volunteering

Pg 7 - Sustainable Technology

Pg 8/9 - ‘vtalentyear’

Pg 10/11 - Short story part 3

Pg 12 - Football Tournament

Pg 13 - The Geek Files - Dr Who

Pg 14 - Teddy’s Bear

Pg 15 - Just to say...

Pg 16/17 - The Attraction of Analogue

Pg 18 - Student Services

Pg 19 - Amazingly useless facts

Back pg - Bucket Hed

Want to write for the student magazine or help us to develop the layout? Simply get in touch with the college Student Editor Kay McGrory:

Email: [email protected] or Call the Enrichment Team: 0151 252 4071


Well, this is the last - but in no means least – issue of the Student Eye for 2009/10. As per usual, we’ve got something for everyone from gadgets to cartoons and music to vampires. However on a personal note, I’d like to add that this year truly has been amazing! And I would like to thank everyone who made that true, especially those who have helped with putting the magazine together - it’s been a great laugh! So thank you!

I’d also like to say to fellow AS and all other students, that I will hopefully see you next year having as much fun (and working as hard, of course!) and to those students who are leaving us, best of luck for whatever you go on to do! I hope you have all enjoyed this college year (and I’m sure our magazines have brightened your college experience!). Hope you all have a fantastic summer, you all deserve it!

My name is Matthew Blackmore I go to this college with four girls, two from my own school Childwall Sports College and two from Broadgreen International School. We come to college as part of the Society Health and Development Diploma, a new course that has been designed for 14-18 year olds. We come to college for our additional learning aspect of the course, which means that we earn two extra qualifications as part of the course, both of them equivalent to grade B at GCSE.

My first day at the college was very interesting and exciting, we were introduced to our new teacher Jackie Foster who was very nice and helpful to us. We discovered that we would be studying NCFE Level 2 Nutrition. That first day for me proved very eventful as half an hour after we left the lesson, I was run over by a car! This left me with a broken leg for six months and unable to attend school or college. Thankfully Jackie was kind enough to post work and instructions to me so I was able to catch up upon my return in April.

This year we started a new course in NCFE Level 2 Occupational Health and Safety in the Workplace, linking to our work experience. Our work experience settings cover hospitals, nurseries and hairdressing salons. As a reward for our hard work and good behaviour Jackie arranged for us to go to the Duke Street Centre to have manicures and pedicures courtesy of the college. This also helped with the work we had to cover on equipment used and how

it is maintained and kept safe. We have also learned about the role of how first aiders work and we have taken part in an activity where we helped to officially audit the college’s first aid boxes.

I can hardly believe that our two years at the college are nearly up as it has been an eye opening and very enjoyable experience. I will be very sorry to leave the college to start the Level 3 version of the Diploma back in school. I would highly recommend the college to anyone who is thinking of taking a course at the end of year 11. This college has been very supportive and it has tutors who are always happy to help in any way they can.

Bye bye college story

Good Citizenship Award Every year staff in the college are asked to nominate students for the JMU Citizenship Award. This is to

celebrate the hardwork and dedication of those students who go above and beyond in their communities to help others.

This year’s winner: Adam Sullivan Awarded for his work both inside college and externally. Well done and good luck as you leave us to go onto university.



So, our college is literally overloaded with overly talented students, right? Right! Indeed! I actually now have proof. On Friday 14th May, ‘ B a d F o r m a t ’ opened their stage to some of the best up-coming artists of Liverpool. Among the varied collection of bands and singers, was a band which I soon discovered originated from our very own college!

Headlining the event were ‘Heights’, they’ve spent the past few months performing in bars all around Liverpool City Centre, finally they were invited to headline at the BadFormat event. I always thought the term “headlining” was a saying that bands said to boost their ego, but it was clear to everyone this band had more than earned the title, eight bands performed before them, yet as soon as the boys appeared, the place really did come to life. I’d been sitting down all night

(yes, I know – boring!) until the crowd

surrounding the stage absolutely

e x p l o d e d , after going to see what all the hype was about, I noticed the band who had taken the

stage were from our one

and only Liverpool Community College.

The lead singer – Lewis Cromby, wowed the (extremely

large and now hyperactive audience) with his unique and powerful vocals, Luke Lawler playing bass, and Jake Larsen on lead guitar, each impressed the audience with their incredible musical talent, and topping off the band was CalumLauder on drums who filled the stage with an enormous amount of energy and passion.

I’d been to gigs like this before, set up to allow the new talent of Liverpool to show



off their fancy talent, but I’d never known an atmosphere like it, when Heights took the stage, the atmosphere in BadFormat was amazing.

So, what is this band all about? I managed to get an inside scoop and use my connections (okay, so I recognised the lead singer from my I.T. class). Here’s how it went:

How would you describe your music to fans new to this style?Lewis : I’d say we’re Alternative, Progressive Rock

What was your favourite track that you and the band performed tonight?Jake - Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor.Calum - No, Let It Out was the best by farLewis - Let It Out was when I cut my finger! There was blood everywhere!Luke – No, Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor was the best, the crowd were amazing in that

Where you nervous?Jake - Yes, SlighlyLuke - I wasn’t at all, it’s OK when you’re up thereLewis - Yer, once you’re up there, I suppose the nerves go, but I was a bit nervous at first

How do you feel now that you’ve done it?Luke – I’m so happy it went well considering we had to cut the set because it was running late Lewis - Very tired, we were meant to be on at 10:30 and ended up going on at 12

So, where else have you played?Jake – We’ve played a few places but this was by far the bestCalum - Yer, we have quite a few lined up for the next few weeks or so as well, and hopefully they will be as good as tonight

Where do you see yourselves in five years time?Calum - EP Out MaybeJake - SignedLuke - On Tour! Get some van and go around the towns getting gigs, we could live off pot noodles and cerealLewis – You could cook us everything now ‘cause of that boss job you’ve got in Jamie Oliver’s placeLuke - Funny Lad

So, there we have it, four Liverpool Community College students, on the way up in their career path. Personally, I think they’ll go far and I wish them all the best! (and not to be forgotten! Haha!)

Kay McGrory




Sustainable Technology?

So the summer is looming and we just can’t wait. We’ve planned it all out - to go out with friends, to have BBQs in the sun and to party all night long. But your friend cancels at the last minute, what are you going to do with your new free time? Are you going to go back to sleep or sit on facebook ‘liking’ everything? Yes that is exactly what I’ll do, I hear you say. As glorious and productive as that sounds I have a better idea. You all may not like

this idea, but it’s an idea that will make a change.

Now you may ask yourself...How can I change the world? Tidy up your room. Yes, that’s right. It’s so simple and easy to do! Go through all of your old things that you don’t want any more and take them down to your local Oxfam shop or any other charity shop. They will sell your unwanted items and the money will go towards improving people’s lives in the developing world. For example it funds children to be sent to school and for new schools to be built.

If you take your old possessions down to Oxfam now you can ask to see where the money you have helped raise is going to. Look out for the posters they have up around the shop, to see who and how they have helped. You can help make more people’s lives better today helping them realise that there are good people in the world who do care about them and they are not on their own.

To find your nearest Oxfam you can visit their website at You can also find out about their latest projects for finding lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice in 100 countries. And remember, you can be part of that as well.

Jordine Lam

If you’re looking for volunteering opportunities over the summer then check out the student designed website the college is a partner of


The word technology and the environment don’t always go in hand in hand. More than 4.6 million tonnes of computer ‘waste’ ended up in U.S.

landfills in 2000, and these numbers are only rising. So what can be done about it? Well why not have a shot at repairing your broken items? Saving them from the landfills, saving you time shopping for a new replacement and most importantly saving you money!

Now the idea of opening up a computer or iPod can seem like a scary task, but it really isn’t. There are a huge amount of resources on the internet such as which provide free HD walk through repair guides for many common faults found on broken iPod’s or Apple Macs in plain English! These guides were made for novices in mind, so if you have nothing to lose why not give it a go? You never know you might save yourself a huge amount of money and learn something new on the way. also deal with repairing many other items such as game consoles, cameras, mobile phones and even some vehicle repair guides. This could help to

keep great items off the landfills and back in your pockets.

There is a whole world on the web outside

of Facebook and MSN, so why not check out a YouTube video on how simple it is to ‘upgrade computer RAM’. A ‘RAM’ upgrade is extremely simple to do and can hugely improve a computers speed. If you’re looking for something to ‘wow’ yourself then why not Google ‘Water-cooled computers’ or why not even try a bit of ‘programming’. Google can provide endless hours of lessons, E-books and much more that could put you on the path to creating maybe the next Windows or programming the next call of duty!! Find out what the world of computers really has to offer....and it’s a lot more than a status update.

I am an experienced computer and laptop repair technician with many years in the field. If you have any questions or want some advice please feel free to send me an email to:[email protected]

Robert Phillips

Sustainable Technology?


Case Study 1




Name: Paul David TheobaldAge: 19Role: Student Involvement Assistant

Prior to starting the course I worked as a barman. I had been a student of Liverpool Community College, but due to stupidity I dropped my A-levels and looked for any job providing easy money.

My friend Leanne had started the vtalent Programme 3 weeks before me and had told me it was a gap year in the sense where you could do so many new things and find something that you may want to do as a career; plus the £400 expenses a month was a bit of a selling point.

During the programme I have gained so many new skills and improved my communication skills immensely. I have learned how to work with young people which seemed to be a huge barrier initially. At first I worked alongside my colleagues to form the first LGBT community within the college. Then organised an event called Talent! This was a show which raised over £400 for the Alzheimer’s Society and showcased the talent of none other than our Editor Kay McGrory.

Before the course I had no idea realistically what I wanted to do. I now know though, that I want to go into teaching and I’m starting my Access Course in September.

This truly is the best course or programme I have done so far. It gives young people a taste of working in a professional environment and gives them a chance to learn so many valuable skills that will inevitably help them later in life once they have decided what they want to do.

Name: David RowlandsAge: 22Role: Student Involvement Assistant

Prior to becoming a fulltime volunteer in the Liverpool Community College, I spent many months working in rubbish jobs and failing to get anywhere in life. I remedied this by applying to become a full-time volunteer within the Enrichment Team and getting the chance to work in a professional environment. Working in the college meant rapidly developing skills that I never had before and working with some extremely rare and interesting people to say the least.

The Enrichment Team offered me a chance to fulfil several ambitions. Since starting, I have worked on many projects, including film, music production and stand-up comedy. My main area of work has been on promoting college events. This has enabled me to meet literally hundreds of students, who have proven themselves to be very, very nice people indeed. On top of that, I have helped the Student Union grow and become a more independent system, with time it will become embedded into the heart of the college itself. On occasions I have been sent to different parts of the country to get involved in student activities, acting as an ambassador for Liverpool Community College and meeting new and exciting people on the way. Hopefully the skills I’ve developed from vtalentyear will distinguish me from others when applying for jobs and university in the future. It will give me the confidence to apply for employment in youth work where before I’ve had no relevant experience. I would recommend vtalentyear to anyone who doesn’t know their next step in life and is looking for a challenge.

Case Study 1 Case Study 2



Claudia and Timothy a Night Forever More. Cont... Short Story - part 3





Everyone turned to stare as a fountain of blood erupted high into the air. “Claudia be silent, I don’t have much time left “ her father whispered. Suddenly another terrifying shriek rang from behind them and she spun around in a blaze of black curls fearing the worst. When she did she saw that Timothy had regained the ability to move during her father’s death, had wrestled Henry’s own stake from him, driven it through his heart and was standing over the evil vampire his face twisted in hate and anger, one foot on the man’s chest staring down at him. She smiled but then she noticed that an evil smile still played on the dying mans face. “ Oh you really shouldn’t of done that, “ snarled Henry looking up at Timothy. “ The prophecy begins with death, you have sealed your own fate “ he whispered as he died. Slowly a look of terror spread across Timothy’s face as he lifted his hand to his face and saw to his horror that it was beginning to disintegrate. Claudia leapt from the floor and shrieked a final warning but it was too late. Icy waves of terror crashed over her as she stood helpless and watched the man she loved disintegrate before her very eyes, finally disappearing in a flash of blinding light, transported many miles away to the palace of the French

vampire king to a fate worse than death. The French vampire army followed flashing away

in flares of blinding light as Claudia stood frozen and memories filled her head

of all the times she and Timothy had spent together and all the words she’d never said. Helpless they had limped back to the town and Claudia had carried Robert back up to the palace and had to tell Elizabeth

what had happened, while Robert recovered in his quarters.



Elizabeth screamed in anguish when she told her and tore at her long red hair sobbing. At the funeral the next day Elizabeth and Claudia stood together side-by-side for the cremation and the queen stayed as Robert was crowned king of the English Vampires and a huge gold crown was placed upon his head.

His eyes met Elizabeth’s as he took his rightful place and after both brother and sister swore to her that they would get Timothy home and avenge their

father’s death by slaying the French vampire king. They, with Elizabeth’s help, gathered every willing vampire in Scotland and England and after a

teary goodbye to the queen the group set off to search for Timothy. The palace in France was empty when they reached it, the vampire king had fled

and so they’d tracked him ever since all around the world. Elizabeth had written every day until the day she died and stayed forever faithful to their

father. In her last letter she had said:

“ My dear Claudia and Robert

I am on my deathbed now but I am not afraid. I know that at least in heaven I’ll see your father again. These last few years have been so lonely without him by my side but everything’s all right now it’ll be the same again. Find the king Claudia and kill him because I can no longer try. Avenge your father’s death. Farewell dear friends Forever yours Forever faithfulElizabeth” .


On Wednesday 19th May 2010, AFC Liverpool proudly sponsored the ‘Anthony Walker Memorial Shield’ football tournament at Liverpool Community College. This annual 6 a side tournament was played at the Peter Lloyd Sports Centre, Liverpool, with all 10 teams comprising of 16 – 18 year old students of the college.

You may recall that AFC Liverpool was recently awarded £188 from the Echo Wish Campaign for collecting nearly 16000 tokens. It was decided that the club would invest this money into community projects; the first being the above football tournament.

AFC Liverpool, represented by Paul Moore, Paul McCombs, Tommy Cook, John Walters and Catherine McCombs, provided a supply of bottled water, football shirts, ‘player of the tournament’ trophy, referees (thanks to John Walters and colleague Stuart who gave up their time to participate) and a supply of footballs.

This was the ideal opportunity for our club to support such a deserving project, which was using the ‘Kick Racism out of Football’ banner as its focus. A diverse group of students took part in the tournament, including many different nationalities, which proved yet again that football can bring communities together. Howard Gayle, Liverpool’s first black footballer was to be the guest of honour; however he was unable to attend so step forward your very own Vice Chairman to make the opening welcome speeches and open the tournament which began after we were entertained by ‘Silky Skills’; one of the best

football skills acts you are likely to see. Moorsey was very keen to ask if they were able to display these skills during a real football match; watch this space...

Well supported by other students and staff, a very interesting hard fought football tournament took place which was played in the true spirit of its name. Obviously some teams were better than others as you would expect, due to the experience of playing together as teams, with the eventual winners coming from the Liverpool Community College Academy Team.

Each of the four semi finalists, who were dressed in the colours of red and blue AFC Liverpool shirts, received a certificate signed by the other guest of honour, Paul Moore, who relished this important role.

A big thanks to those who attended from AFC Liverpool but a very special thanks to the students who participated and the Enrichment Staff (particularly Amina) of Liverpool Community College who arranged the event – well done to you all.

Paul McCombs

LCC United

Annual Football Tournament

The Geek Files part 2. Dr WhoOh dear. If I didn’t seem sad enough with my last effort to convince you that magic was brilliant, I’m now digging myself an even bigger social hole. The true reason why being alive was invented (ok that’s a bit much…) is Doctor Who. Had I been writing this 5 years ago this would have seemed a hundred times sadder than it does now. Rather brilliantly it’s been back on TV since 2005 and has found a whole new fan base (even girls - shock of the century).

For those who believe it’s only been going for five years, you should have a look around as it’s been around for close to fifty. Though I doubt many of the fans of the new series will enjoy the old, I still like to think of them as fans in general. I mean you’re talking to a boy with a full-size Tardis in his room. Now that is sad.I have a lot to thank David Tennant for really. Though he does split the opinion of the hardcore fans (people who sit on internet forums all day arguing) he has made life so much easier.

I no longer have to explain why there are lots of Daleks around my room or why there is a large blue police box

where my airing cupboard should be. People know how amazing it is and I don’t need to defend its awful effects or dated camera work because it no longer has them. It has a lead actor that people fancy, effects better than Hollywood and stories written by the best writers in TV. It sweeps away other programmes at awards shows and is wheeled out by the BBC whenever it feels necessary to justify the licence fee.

What is scaring me at the moment though is this silly talk of people not watching it anymore now David Tennant has left. What is this silly nonsense? His replacement is brilliant and the series is being taking over by Steven “I’m the best writer in current television” Moffat. Don’t you DARE switch off. You’ll regret it, I guarantee. And for those who don’t like it and think it’s lame, watch the New Years Day episode and if you don’t cry then you have no heart.

Adam Scovell

Annual Football TournamentYour say


How Did the Teddy Bear Get Its Name?Theodore Roosevelt was born in 1858 and died in 1919. During the time of the Spanish-American war in 1898, he commanded a cavalry force known as the Rough-Riders. He was the president of the USA from 1901-1909. One ordinary day, he went on a day out into the wild to hunt bears. To his surprise, he came across an adorable bear cub. It was extremely cuddly, small and tender. Roosevelt paid a great deal of affection towards it and he became completely attached to it. This results to him not even thinking of killing it. Instead he allowed it to wander happily in peace.

Further to his discovery an American newspaper was informed. They published a cartoon showing Roosevelt with this little bear. Time travelled by and a toy maker was very interested in creating a cuddly soft bear. So much so he even wrote to the president asking if he could make one and name it after him. Theodore Roosevelt’s nickname was Teddy Roosevelt. Therefore, the toymaker got the idea to call it the ‘teddy’ bear.Since that occasion, throughout the world the teddy bear has been one of the most famous and favourite toys for all ages.

Jordine Lam



A scary thing happened to me the other night. Being a music student I try to get myself to as many gigs and concerts as I can. My latest obsession is seeing orchestras so when I heard the Classical Spectacular was coming to the Echo Arena, I jumped at the chance to see it. Now lets get things clear, it was brilliant. Beyond brilliant, life changing. The music was out of this world and of the highest standard possible.

I also came away from it feeling a little disgusted though the reason why is so annoyingly complicated, I think I’m going to struggle to put it into 300 words. At this concert we were given little union flags to wave. These were for songs such as James Thompson’s “Rule Britannia”. Now I’m up for patriotism but I hate the way the British National Party have managed to somehow make the union flag (it’s not a boat so it’s not the union jack) their unofficial logo.

While the OAP’s (apparently the only generation that seem to like classical music, prove me wrong please) seemed quite happy waving their flags to the music, I felt beyond uncomfortable. Looking around, people had even brought along their own flags and I swear I saw a NDL flag being proudly held high to Elgar’s “Pomp and Circumstance” (the National Defence League are an anti-Islamic group that claim to be peaceful! Now what’s happened here? I’m proud to be British but I can’t wave my nations own flag without embarrassment and fear

of being labelled as a BNP supporter. There’s this horrible blur that the BNP have made between patriotism and nationalism that make people feel racist if they wave their own flag and supporters of the BNP seem patriotic. This makes me so angry I can’t express myself properly in the confines of a student magazine.

We need to, as a country, rally against fascist groups and be able to fly our flag high associating it with Democracy and Britain again, maybe even mod sub-culture, instead of a bunch of BNP supporters who raise hate and fear in modern society. As a student magazine also we cannot officially tell you not to vote for a party, so I have to say it’s entirely up to you (if you are old enough to vote that is, look up vote16 on the internet if you can’t vote and want to change this), but please do your research before you cross any ballot paper.

...This is not an exit.

Adam Scovell

Just to Say....How Did the Teddy Bear Get Its Name?Theodore Roosevelt was born in 1858 and died in 1919. During the time of the Spanish-American war in 1898, he commanded a cavalry force known as the Rough-Riders. He was the president of the USA from 1901-1909. One ordinary day, he went on a day out into the wild to hunt bears. To his surprise, he came across an adorable bear cub. It was extremely cuddly, small and tender. Roosevelt paid a great deal of affection towards it and he became completely attached to it. This results to him not even thinking of killing it. Instead he allowed it to wander happily in peace.

Further to his discovery an American newspaper was informed. They published a cartoon showing Roosevelt with this little bear. Time travelled by and a toy maker was very interested in creating a cuddly soft bear. So much so he even wrote to the president asking if he could make one and name it after him. Theodore Roosevelt’s nickname was Teddy Roosevelt. Therefore, the toymaker got the idea to call it the ‘teddy’ bear.Since that occasion, throughout the world the teddy bear has been one of the most famous and favourite toys for all ages.

Jordine Lam

Your say

The argument of film vs. digital in regards of photography is a question that has been asked since the introduction of the digital camera. In my opinion this is not a fair comparison. An oil painting would not be compared to a water colour, both would just be commended for their individual merits, both having distinct strengths and weaknesses in certain scenarios or aspects of the medium.

I have taken photography seriously for about 3 years now. Experimenting every chance I get trying to learn new things and replicate commercial looks. Up until this year I have shot almost exclusively digitally. The thought of the added complications and risk surrounding film was always unappealing to me. It took a visit to a local charity shop which had recently inherited a collection of cameras from a photographer to reconsider this.


purchased a Yashica Mat TLR Camera (which took medium format film producing 6x6 images onto the negative). I wasted no time in using my new camera which was fully manual. All exposure decisions had to be done by me with no aid from an onboard light meter.

I liked how the camera worked, the 100% manual approach to photography was a lot more rewarding than the usual point, expose, view which was the norm with digital.

I had used 35mm several times before, developing and printing myself with limited success. This was my first time using a fully manual camera and also my first time shooting with medium format. With this in mind I did not expect much from the shoot and headed to the darkroom to develop my film with little expectation.

The Attraction of AnalogueBy James Andrews


I developed the film in a similar way to 35mm, doubling the chemical amounts to cover the larger film service. Once the development process was complete I was relieved and surprised to see my 100% manual work on the shoot had resulted in 12 beautiful 6x6 analogue negatives.

I then began to print from the negatives, something that had been one of the major drawbacks that had kept me from using film in the past. Printing paper is expensive; around £30 for a box of 100 10x8 sheets. A lot of which would be wasted in the pursuit of the perfect print. After viewing my images as positives on a contact sheet I selected a couple that I would print. After several prints, fine tuning by means of selective exposure and printing filters, I was eventually rewarded with a black and white print with rich blacks, white whites and stunning grain, something that was far superior to my initial test prints.

At this point I was converted, not to put down my digital camera but to the fact that the traditional silver based approach to photography had its own uses and merits.

I instantly began researching different cameras, looking for a medium format camera that I could not only learn with but one that would allow me to express my creativity without limits. I knew Hasselblad was that camera of choice for many top professionals but that was out of my budget. I went for a Mamiya RB67 Pro S described as the workhorse of the pros. I listed my Yashica mat which had been the reason for my sudden love of film on Ebay and made an £130 profit and along with several other vintage cameras from

my collection funded my purchase of the Mamiya.

So now I have a rose tinted view of film does that mean I’ll no longer be using my digital camera? No. Digital still has the upper hand. Whilst film has its certain aesthetic quality and “one off” originality, digital is safe, proven and incomparably manageable. If I was commissioned to do a wedding or anything for that matter I wouldn’t even consider using film. Taking a risk with other people’s memories or projects in which I had been entrusted to envision and capture the for sake of personal preference isn’t logical.

So for now digital wins, but film certainly put up a fight. Something of which I would never have expected myself to have said only a year ago.

Valley Community TheatreBeyond Belle Vale Shopping Centre, even further then Netherley police station is a small theatre called the Valley Community Theatre. Any form of art you’re interested in:- Drama, dance, music, DJ-ing and loads more can be found here. I myself found this second home of mine to be very helpful. Allowing me to make a bid for the funding. I needed to put my ideas in front of an audience, and you can do it too!

If you’re interested, come down on a Wednesday evening and see if it’s for you. Contact director Martin Ball on [email protected]

By Joe Laverty


Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.1. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive 2. from each salad in first class.Toxic house plants poison more children than household chemicals.3. In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the 4. world's nuclear weapons combined.A snail can sleep for three years.5. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a 6. million descendants.Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.7. The ten most generous countries are all in Europe.8. The top 8 most ‘developed’ countries all speak Germanic languages. 9. Every such country is in the top 20.Giraffes cannot cough.10. Lice can jump over a distance 350 times longer than their 11. bodies, equivalent to a human jumping over the length of a football stadium.Starfish do not have brains.12.

z zz

Amazingly Useless Facts!


Bucket HedThe main hero. The only one who can use power orbs. There are 10 power orbs each with their own powers, when bucket uses them all at once, he becomes ‘Super Bucket’.Ian Wong

Ian is a friend of bucket, he is very good at mechanics.His species is ‘Conepup’. Snitchle Wagflow

Snitchle is a 7 year old Kaboomy, he likes to travel with Bucket Hed and is very good with maps.

JackThe evil mutated human dictator. He took over the planet ‘Weg’. He hates Bucket Hed for ruining his plans.He uses a machine called the cyborginator to change people into cyborg slaves.

Jack’s RobotJack made millions of robots, some who work for him and some to kill Bucket Hed. Some robots guard Jack’s city of Jackopolis.

To begin in the next issue of Student Eye.

The ‘Escapades of Bucket Hed’ begin in Autumn term 2010/11

By Anton Irving

Genisis Mellon Head aged 10,friends with Bucket Hed, Ian and Snitchle.She is the team

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