Page 1: Successful Safety Management A Short Course for Managers & Supervisors Safety is Good Business

Successful Safety Successful Safety ManagementManagement

A Short Course for Managers & A Short Course for Managers & SupervisorsSupervisors

Safety is Good BusinessSafety is Good Business

Page 2: Successful Safety Management A Short Course for Managers & Supervisors Safety is Good Business


Recent Legislation & HSA GuidanceRecent Legislation & HSA Guidance Strategic Aspects of Successful Safety ManagementStrategic Aspects of Successful Safety Management Manager/Supervisor Role in Safety LeadershipManager/Supervisor Role in Safety Leadership

Objective:Objective: Raise awareness of Management and Supervisors vital role in Raise awareness of Management and Supervisors vital role in

safety leadership and managementsafety leadership and management Develop a culture of safety thinkingDevelop a culture of safety thinking

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Successful Safety Successful Safety ManagementManagement

A Short Course for Managers & A Short Course for Managers & SupervisorsSupervisors

Recent Legislation & HSA Recent Legislation & HSA GuidanceGuidance

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HSA GuidanceHSA Guidance

Guidance for Directors and Senior Managers on their Responsibilities for Workplace Safety and Health 2007

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Why manage safety and health at work?

The liabilities of directors and officers of undertakings

Protecting your undertaking’s reputation and assets

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Why manage safety and health at work? The liabilities of directors

and officers of undertakings Responsibility for safety and health is placed directly on those in

charge in the workplace. Directors and managers who control the work being done must take on this responsibility - Section 80 of the SHWW Act 2005.

Directors may be prosecuted under the 2005 Act for failing to manage safety and health in the undertaking.

Section 80 of the 2005 Act provides that a director, manager or other similar officer of the undertaking may be deemed to be guilty of the same offence as the undertaking if the doing of the acts that constituted the offence has been authorised, or consented to by, or is attributable to connivance or neglect on the part of the director. In such instances, for example, ignoring a safety and health issue could constitute neglect.

Section 80(2) states that if a person is proceeded against under that section then it is presumed, until the contrary is proved, that the breach or neglect was authorised by him/her.

It is for the director or the manager to show that he/she did all that could be reasonably expected under the 2005 Act and was not negligent.

Anyone convicted of a serious breach of safety and health law could be fined up to €3m or face going to prison for up to two years.

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Why manage safety and health at work? The liabilities of directors and officers of

undertakings Case studies: when leadership falls shortCase studies: when leadership falls short Competent advice, training and supervision Competent advice, training and supervision

– Following the fatal injury of an employee maintaining machinery at a recycling firm employing Following the fatal injury of an employee maintaining machinery at a recycling firm employing approximately 30 people, a company director received a 12-month custodial sentence for approximately 30 people, a company director received a 12-month custodial sentence for manslaughter. The machinery was not properly isolated and started up unexpectedly. manslaughter. The machinery was not properly isolated and started up unexpectedly.

– An HSE and police investigation revealed there was no safe system of work for maintenance; An HSE and police investigation revealed there was no safe system of work for maintenance; instruction, training and supervision were inadequate. HSE’s investigating principal inspector said: instruction, training and supervision were inadequate. HSE’s investigating principal inspector said: 'Evidence showed that the director chose not to follow the advice of his health and safety advisor 'Evidence showed that the director chose not to follow the advice of his health and safety advisor and instead adopted a complacent attitude, allowing the standards in his business to fall.'and instead adopted a complacent attitude, allowing the standards in his business to fall.'

Monitoring Monitoring – The managing director of a manufacturing company with around 100 workers was sentenced to 12 The managing director of a manufacturing company with around 100 workers was sentenced to 12

months' imprisonment for manslaughter following the death of an employee who became caught in months' imprisonment for manslaughter following the death of an employee who became caught in unguarded machinery. The investigation revealed that, had the company adequately maintained unguarded machinery. The investigation revealed that, had the company adequately maintained guarding around a conveyor, the death would have been avoided. guarding around a conveyor, the death would have been avoided.

– The judge made clear that whether the managing director was aware of the situation was not the The judge made clear that whether the managing director was aware of the situation was not the issue: he should have known as this was a long-standing problem. An area manager also received issue: he should have known as this was a long-standing problem. An area manager also received a custodial sentence. The company received a substantial fine and had to pay the prosecution's a custodial sentence. The company received a substantial fine and had to pay the prosecution's costs. costs.

Risk assessmentRisk assessment – A company and its officers were fined a total of £245,000 and ordered to pay costs of £75,500 at A company and its officers were fined a total of £245,000 and ordered to pay costs of £75,500 at

Crown Court in relation to the removal of asbestos. The company employed ten, mostly young, Crown Court in relation to the removal of asbestos. The company employed ten, mostly young, temporary workers; they were not trained or equipped to safely remove the asbestos, nor warned temporary workers; they were not trained or equipped to safely remove the asbestos, nor warned of its risk. The directors were also disqualified from holding any company directorship for two years of its risk. The directors were also disqualified from holding any company directorship for two years and one year respectively.and one year respectively.

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Why manage safety and health at work? Protecting your undertaking’s reputation and assets

Adverse Publicity from serious accident Safety and health management strategy is a

central component of an organisation’s corporate social responsibilities

Financial incentives of effective safety management– Increased productivity when using safe operating

procedures– Reduced insurance premiums– Less sickness-related absences and training costs

for replacement staff– Better staff retention and morale

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HSA GuidanceHSA Guidance

The employees’ commitment to safety and health is influenced by their perception of ‘your commitment to safety and health’.

Visible and active support, strong leadership and commitment from all directors and senior managers are essential for successful safety and health management.

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HSA Guidance – HSA Guidance – Setting Setting the Best Standardthe Best Standard

Key questions the board must ask its senior management when setting the best standards include:

Does this organisation have the right levels of safety and health expertise and competence?

Is safety and health always considered before any new work is started or new work equipment is brought into use?

Do you carry out risk assessments for all new work and for existing operations? Do you involve the safety committee and the safety representative(s) in these

assessments? Have you identified what work needs to be assessed? Have we reviewed our safety critical processes? How do you know our safety and health protection is good enough? Have you facilitated the selection of safety representatives? Do our safety consultation programmes and safety committee work effectively? Are our employees properly trained and do they attend the safety and health

training provided by us? Do we evaluate the effectiveness of our training? Do we have adequate emergency plans for dealing with serious or imminent

danger, for example for fires, process deviations, accidents? Do we have adequate safety and health procedures in place?

Do we review/audit our safety and health management systems on a periodic basis?

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HSA Guidance – HSA Guidance – Assessing safety and health performance

The following list of questions will help the management team to judge the level of safety and health monitoring and auditing being carried out:

Do we reward excellence in safety and health? When did we last review our safety statement and our

safety and health policy? Are we committed to continuously improving our safety and

health performance? Do we monitor the performance, maintenance and integrity

of safety critical plant, equipment and processes? Do we know how well we perform on safety and health

issues? Are we as directors kept informed by our senior

management team of our safety and health performance? Do we comment on safety and health performance in our

annual report, where relevant?

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HSA Guidance – HSA Guidance – Assessing safety and health performance

How do we know if we are meeting our own objectives and standards for safety and health?

Are our risk controls good enough? Do we have an active monitoring system in place for safety and

health critical issues? How do we know we are complying with the safety and health

legislation that applies to our business? Do our accident or incident investigations uncover all the underlying

causes – or do they stop when we find the first person that has made a mistake?

Do we have accurate records of injuries, ill health, bullying complaints, accidental loss etc.?

Do we as directors get reports on our safety and health failures? How do we learn from our mistakes and our successes? Do we carry out safety and health audits regularly, as necessary? If

we do, what action do we take on audit findings? Do these audits involve staff at all levels? Do we involve our safety

representative and safety committee, where it exists, in the audits?

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Successful Safety Successful Safety ManagementManagement

A Short Course for Managers A Short Course for Managers & Supervisors& Supervisors

Strategic Aspects of Strategic Aspects of Successful Safety Successful Safety


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Safety - Safety - Changing Changing ApproachApproach

Traditional approach to safetyTraditional approach to safety Improve safety performance by focusing on Improve safety performance by focusing on

operator erroroperator error Modern approach to safetyModern approach to safety Improve safety performance by focusing on Improve safety performance by focusing on

the cultural and management system that the cultural and management system that influence safety behaviorinfluence safety behavior

Use the position of leadership to empower Use the position of leadership to empower employees at all levels to take responsibility employees at all levels to take responsibility for safetyfor safety

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All accidents are preventable. No job is worth getting hurt for.No job is worth getting hurt for. Every job will be done safely.Every job will be done safely. Incidents can be managed.Incidents can be managed. Safety is everyone’s responsibility.Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Continuous improvement. Safety as a “way of life” for 24 hours/day All individuals have the responsibility and accountability to

identify eliminate or manage risks associated with their workplace

Legal obligations will be the minimum requirements fro our health & safety standards

Individual will be trained and equipped to have the skills and facilities to ensure an accident free workplace

What’s your company approach to safety?What’s your company approach to safety?

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Safety is Good Safety is Good BusinessBusiness

Successful CompaniesSuccessful Companies have: have: Consistent leadership whereby the whole Consistent leadership whereby the whole

management structure proactively and visibly management structure proactively and visibly demonstrates its commitment to safety on a daily demonstrates its commitment to safety on a daily basisbasis

Walk the talk on safety; deal with safety issues on the Walk the talk on safety; deal with safety issues on the spotspot

Assigned responsibility and accountability for safety; Assigned responsibility and accountability for safety; safety a condition of employment, part of performance safety a condition of employment, part of performance evaluationevaluation

Focus on success not failure; positive performance Focus on success not failure; positive performance measures (no. of safety talks/inspections/risk measures (no. of safety talks/inspections/risk assessments/training)assessments/training)

Good two-way communication lines on safetyGood two-way communication lines on safety Periodic Safety AuditsPeriodic Safety Audits

Does your safety system exhibit these Does your safety system exhibit these characteristics?characteristics?

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The Culture IcebergThe Culture Iceberg

Iceberg has 90% of its Iceberg has 90% of its weight below the weight below the surface, out of sight. surface, out of sight. This huge lump below This huge lump below the surface carries far the surface carries far more weight than the more weight than the 110% you see above110% you see above

Culture is below the Culture is below the waterline, its simply waterline, its simply how we do things how we do things around here !around here !

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Successful Safety Successful Safety ManagementManagement

Psychological Aspects

How people feel

Behavioural Aspects

What people do

Situational Aspects

What the organisation has

Safety CultureSafety Culture

‘The safety culture of an organisation is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behaviour that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organisation’s health and safety management’ (HSC, 1993).

‘Organisations with a positive safety culture are characterised by communications founded on mutual trust, by shared perceptions of the importance of safety and by confidence in the efficacy of preventive measures’ (HSC, 1993).

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Safety CultureSafety Culture

Good Safety is more than just slogans, Good Safety is more than just slogans, safety boots, ear plugs and posterssafety boots, ear plugs and posters

The extent to which they are taken The extent to which they are taken seriously depends on the Health & Safety seriously depends on the Health & Safety culture in the workplaceculture in the workplace


ACHIEVEACHIEVE Establish accountability for safetyEstablish accountability for safety

Define safety responsibilitiesDefine safety responsibilities

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The Four C’s of a The Four C’s of a Health & Safety CultureHealth & Safety Culture CONTROLCONTROL – through commitment of all employees to clear health – through commitment of all employees to clear health

& safety responsibilities and objectives& safety responsibilities and objectives

CO-OPERATION CO-OPERATION – through encouraging participation and – through encouraging participation and involvement of employees and their representatives in planning, involvement of employees and their representatives in planning, writing procedures, solving problems and reviewing writing procedures, solving problems and reviewing performanceperformance

COMMUNICATIONCOMMUNICATION - of information about health & safety to - of information about health & safety to employees – verbal, written, visibleemployees – verbal, written, visible

COMPETENCE COMPETENCE – of all employees through recruitment, training – of all employees through recruitment, training and support to make sure that they make the maximum and support to make sure that they make the maximum contribution to health & safetycontribution to health & safety

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t ra



and standards






• Engineering improvements• Hardware improvements• Safety emphasis• E&H Compliance

• Integrated HSE-MS

• Reporting• Assurance• Competence• Risk


• Behaviour• Visible leadership /

personal accountability• Shared purpose &

belief• Aligned performance

commitment & external view

• HSE delivers business value

Successful Safety ManagementSuccessful Safety Management

HSE Performance over timeHSE Performance over time

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PATHOLOGICALwho cares as long as we’re not


REACTIVESafety is important, we do a lot every time we have an accident

CALCULATIVEwe have systems in place to

manage all hazards

PROACTIVEwe work on the problems that

we still find

GENERATIVEHSE is how we do business

round here

Increasing Trust/Accountability


Culture LadderCulture Ladder

Successful Safety ManagementSuccessful Safety Management

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Management Management CommitmentCommitment


Safety and HealthSafety and HealthSite LeadershipSite Leadership

Employee Employee InvolvementInvolvement

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Ways to involve employeesWays to involve employees

Regular communication with Regular communication with employees on the subject of safety, employees on the subject of safety, risk, and hazardsrisk, and hazards

Provide access to information Provide access to information Provide ways to participate in the Provide ways to participate in the

programprogram e.g., worksite self inspections, safety and e.g., worksite self inspections, safety and

health annual evaluation process, incident health annual evaluation process, incident investigationinvestigation

Provide ways to report hazards, Provide ways to report hazards, injuries and make recommendations injuries and make recommendations to control hazardsto control hazards

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Benefits of a positive Benefits of a positive health & safety culturehealth & safety culture

Greater co-operation between departments Greater co-operation between departments individuals and levels within the organisation on individuals and levels within the organisation on what is perceived as an issue of common concern what is perceived as an issue of common concern and mutual interestand mutual interest

Empowerment of all staff that raises morale Empowerment of all staff that raises morale motivation and commitment to the organisation as motivation and commitment to the organisation as people feel encouraged to contribute to their own people feel encouraged to contribute to their own and their colleagues successand their colleagues success

Enhanced communication systems and outcomes Enhanced communication systems and outcomes with everyone feeling more able to speak up and with everyone feeling more able to speak up and listen, fewer accidents near misses and incidents listen, fewer accidents near misses and incidents and reduced levels of occupational ill health, saving and reduced levels of occupational ill health, saving costs and enhancing the constructive climate in the costs and enhancing the constructive climate in the workplaceworkplace

More problems being solved quickly, quietly and More problems being solved quickly, quietly and without a lot of fuss as the ownership of the issue without a lot of fuss as the ownership of the issue spreadsspreads

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Giving H & S due priority:Giving H & S due priority:

Give overall co-ordinating responsibility to someone Give overall co-ordinating responsibility to someone senior whose other management role is at the heart senior whose other management role is at the heart of corporate planning – someone in the management of corporate planning – someone in the management team for exampleteam for example

Put in place a structure for planning, implementing Put in place a structure for planning, implementing and reviewing and auditing the health & safety policyand reviewing and auditing the health & safety policy

Introduce a policy for turning policy into strategic Introduce a policy for turning policy into strategic plansplans

Put in place a strategy for developing and reviewing Put in place a strategy for developing and reviewing heath and safety targetsheath and safety targets

Encourage senior managers to take individual Encourage senior managers to take individual responsibility for health & safety use a carrot not a responsibility for health & safety use a carrot not a stickstick

Build it into the accountabilities in managers job Build it into the accountabilities in managers job descriptions so it turns up each year as a measurable descriptions so it turns up each year as a measurable activity during appraisalsactivity during appraisals

Make it number one agenda item at all safety Make it number one agenda item at all safety meetings and not part of AOB or the last itemmeetings and not part of AOB or the last item

Fund adequate publicity for heath & safetyFund adequate publicity for heath & safety

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Successful Safety ManagementSuccessful Safety ManagementProactive V’s Reactive Safety CultureProactive V’s Reactive Safety Culture


ProactiveProactive ReactiveReactive

Primary measure of Primary measure of safety performancesafety performance

Safety of systemSafety of system System outputSystem output

Incident investigation Incident investigation focusfocus

Root causes & Root causes & management systemmanagement system

Unsafe conditions & Unsafe conditions & unsafe actsunsafe acts

Management safety Management safety evaluation based onevaluation based on

Improving safety Improving safety systemssystems

Absence of injuriesAbsence of injuries

Activites oriented Activites oriented towardstowards

Improving key system Improving key system elements & behaviourelements & behaviour

Physical hazards, Physical hazards, contests & gimmickscontests & gimmicks

Employee safety Employee safety meetingsmeetings

Planned and educationalPlanned and educational Not well preparedNot well prepared

Safety trainingSafety training Planned & linked to Planned & linked to improved understanding improved understanding of systemof system

Conducted in response Conducted in response to regualtory to regualtory requirementsrequirements

Group recognition based on Group recognition based on Improving safety & healthImproving safety & health Safe work hours without Safe work hours without accidentaccident

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MonitoringReports Meetings

InspectionsRoutine testing



Periodic examination of documents

Monitoring Health &Monitoring Health & Safety Performance Safety Performance

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Successful Safety Successful Safety ManagementManagement

A Short Course for A Short Course for Managers & SupervisorsManagers & Supervisors

Manager/Supervisor Role in Manager/Supervisor Role in Safety LeadershipSafety Leadership

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Major Disaster – Major Disaster – Leadership RoleLeadership Role

Many major disaster inquiries such as Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, the Clapham Junction rail crash, the sinking of the Herald of Free Enterprise, Piper Alpha, the Kings Cross fire and the Esso Longford gas plant explosion have found that that failures at managerial levels were at least as important as technical failure and human error, in causing the accidents.

In the report of the Public Inquiry into the Piper Alpha disaster, Lord Cullen stated: “I am convinced from the evidence…that the quality of safety management by operators is fundamental to offshore safety. No amount of detailed regulations for safety improvements could make up for deficiencies in the way that safety is managed by operators

Similarly, Mr. Justice Sheen investigating the sinking of the Herald of Free Enterprise concluded, “..a full investigation into the circumstances of the disaster leads inexorably to the conclusion that the underlying or cardinal faults lay higher up in the company…From top to bottom the body corporate was infected with the disease of sloppiness”

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Safety Studies -Safety Studies -Leadership RoleLeadership Role

Found that management involvement in a number of safety activities was associated with good safety performance. Such activities included : Personal inspections of work areas Open and informal communications between

management and workers Frequent contacts between workers,

management and supervisors.

They concluded that the active involvement of management acts as a motivational force for both management and for employees.

The highest level of performance a manager/supervisor can expect from the people he/she supervises is determined largely by his/her minimum acceptable standards.

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Safety LeadershipSafety Leadership

““The people are fashioned The people are fashioned according to the example of according to the example of their king and edicts are less their king and edicts are less powerful than the life powerful than the life (example) of the king”(example) of the king”Claudian, c. 365, Egyptian epic poetClaudian, c. 365, Egyptian epic poet

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Manager/Supervisor Manager/Supervisor Role in Successful Role in Successful Safety LeadershipSafety Leadership

“The supervisor or foreman is the key man in industrial accident prevention. His application of

the art of supervision to thecontrol of worker performance is the factor of

greatest influence in successful accidentprevention.” Heinrich (1959 )

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Managerial Factors for Managerial Factors for Successful Safety ManagementSuccessful Safety Management

Commitment to Safety: resources given to safety, resources given to safety, safety program, policies and proceduressafety program, policies and procedures

Involvement in Safety:Involvement in Safety: visibility at the worksite, visibility at the worksite, informal communications with workers, retaining personal informal communications with workers, retaining personal responsibility for safetyresponsibility for safety

Priority of Safety:Priority of Safety: work planning and scheduling, safety work planning and scheduling, safety practices intrinsic to productionpractices intrinsic to production

Leadership Style:Leadership Style: decentralisation of power, decentralisation of power, decisiveness, transformational leadershipdecisiveness, transformational leadership

Interactions :Interactions : co-operation between workers and co-operation between workers and management, informal contact between workers and management, informal contact between workers and management, multiple communication vehiclesmanagement, multiple communication vehicles

Communication:Communication: open door policy by management, open door policy by management, feedback to employeesfeedback to employees

Humanistic Management Practices:Humanistic Management Practices: appreciating appreciating employees, demonstrating concern for employees, health employees, demonstrating concern for employees, health promotion policies and practicespromotion policies and practices

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Supervisory Factors for Supervisory Factors for Successful Safety Successful Safety

ManagementManagement Supportive Supervision:Supportive Supervision: openness on safety openness on safety

issues, initiating safety discussions, providing issues, initiating safety discussions, providing feedback, fairnessfeedback, fairness

Supervisor Involvement:Supervisor Involvement: regular safety meetings regular safety meetings with workers, involvement in safety programs with workers, involvement in safety programs and training, involvement in inspections and and training, involvement in inspections and investigationsinvestigations

Supervisor Autonomy:Supervisor Autonomy: supervisory influence in supervisory influence in decision making, supervisory controldecision making, supervisory control

Participative Supervision:Participative Supervision: participative style, participative style, emphasis on the importance of teamwork, emphasis on the importance of teamwork, valuing the workgroup, recognition of safety as a valuing the workgroup, recognition of safety as a major part of the job, trust in subordinatesmajor part of the job, trust in subordinates

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Accidents and Supervision Accidents and Supervision FailuresFailures

The following accidents have been identified where supervision may have had an influence: Explosion and Fire at Texaco Refinery, Milford Haven 1994 - During the major

plant upset that preceded the explosion, personnel with supervisory roles became too involved in helping the operating team to deal with the symptoms of the problem. They failed to develop a strategic overview of what was happening, the causes of the observed problems were not analysed and the response was poorly co-ordinated (HSE 1997).

Fire at Hickson and Welch, Castleford 1992 - Removal of supervisory roles in the organisation meant that work planning was spread across a number of personnel. There was insufficient experience of the task and inadequate checks. The result was that an unsuitable work method was developed, which concentrated on avoiding delays not ensuring safety (HSE 1994).

Piper Alpha Disaster 1988 - The operating company failed to ensure the contract company’s supervisor was sufficiently competent in the operation of the permit-to-work system, and did not do enough to maintain sufficient knowledge of the status of work being carried out on the platform. This lack of co-ordination and communication meant that the operating teams did not know which equipment was in a safe state to start (Cullen 1990).

Explosion at Nobels, Penrhyndeudraeth 1988 - Individuals had been known to be violating procedures on a regular basis. Failure to control and discipline meant that two people were killed because they were somewhere they should not have been when the explosion occurred (Harris 2003).

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Whenever I am managing or Whenever I am managing or supervising others:supervising others:

Safety of everyone is my responsibilitySafety of everyone is my responsibility Provide leadership by example and set a high standard to those I Provide leadership by example and set a high standard to those I

manage or supervise by demonstrating safe behaviorsmanage or supervise by demonstrating safe behaviors Abiding by all rules and proceduresAbiding by all rules and procedures Actively promoting safety and healthActively promoting safety and health Acting with integrity when dealing with othersActing with integrity when dealing with others Communicating clearly the required expectation for safety Communicating clearly the required expectation for safety

performance and the need to always work safelyperformance and the need to always work safely Ensure that all standards rules and procedures are followedEnsure that all standards rules and procedures are followed Ensure that personnel are adequately trained for their work and Ensure that personnel are adequately trained for their work and

are provided with safe plant and equipment and information are provided with safe plant and equipment and information which might impact their health & safetywhich might impact their health & safety

Acknowledge and act upon reported eventsAcknowledge and act upon reported events Ensure that all incidents and hazards are reported promptly Ensure that all incidents and hazards are reported promptly

thoroughly investigated and preventative actions implemented thoroughly investigated and preventative actions implemented in a timely fashionin a timely fashion

Recognise good performanceRecognise good performance Participate actively in all health & safety activities associated Participate actively in all health & safety activities associated

with my positionwith my position Continually challenge myself by asking have I done enough to Continually challenge myself by asking have I done enough to

ensure the safety and health of my peopleensure the safety and health of my people

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Safety LeadershipSafety Leadership

Lead By Example and Be ConsistentLead By Example and Be Consistent Always intervene when you see unsafe behavioursAlways intervene when you see unsafe behaviours Provide constructive feedback on un-safe behavioursProvide constructive feedback on un-safe behaviours Demonstrate you are able to positively receive an intervention Demonstrate you are able to positively receive an intervention

yourselfyourself Take the time to actively listen and learnTake the time to actively listen and learn Never turn a blind eye – your silence is your consentNever turn a blind eye – your silence is your consent Make the right decisions, not the easy decisionsMake the right decisions, not the easy decisions Don’t let others compromise your safetyDon’t let others compromise your safety Make the effort to know and always follow policies and Make the effort to know and always follow policies and

proceduresprocedures Have the courage to do the right thingHave the courage to do the right thing Do not tolerate unsafe behaviours from anyoneDo not tolerate unsafe behaviours from anyone Take The Time to Interact On Safety MattersTake The Time to Interact On Safety Matters

““A leader takes people where they want to A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be.”be.” Rosalynn Carter (Wife of Jimmy Carter former US President)Rosalynn Carter (Wife of Jimmy Carter former US President)

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Safety Leadership PrinciplesSafety Leadership Principles

Accidents are preventable

Up-front planning is essential to success

Leadership must promote active participation, communication, and coaching

Roles and responsibilities must be clear

All personnel are held accountable for actions

No “miracle” solutions exist

Safety is a key component of business success

Leaders “walk the talk”

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Edmund Burke, British politician (1729-1797)

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There is no work so There is no work so important or so urgent that it important or so urgent that it

cannot be done safelycannot be done safely


You will achieve the level of You will achieve the level of Safety Excellence…Safety Excellence…

that YOU demonstrate you want that YOU demonstrate you want to achieve...

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“We must be the change we wish to see in the world.”


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