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    Chapter 3

    Sense behind Symbols

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    Q 45: What is meant by Purnakumbha?

    A: Purnakumbha literally means a 'full pitcher' ('purna' = full,

    'kumbha' = pot). The pot symbolizes mother earth, the water life-

    giver, the leaves life and the coconut divine consciousness.

    An earthen pot or pitcher - called 'Purnakumbha' -

    full of water, and with fresh mango leaves and a

    coconut atop it, is generally placed as the chief

    deity or by the side of the deity before starting a


    The kumbha or kalasa, a pot filled with water and

    decorated with coconut and leaves forms the body

    as it were, of the deity invoked for worship. Apart

    from being considered as a sign of auspiciousness, it is also used as

    a symbol of the divine mother. One of the important methods of

    conferring great honor on a guest is to receive him with a


    Q 45: What is the significance of Hindus sporting a dot

    at the centre of their forehead?

    A:Bindu is a Sanskrit term meaning "point"

    or "dot". The feminine case ending is Bindiwhich denotes a small ornamental,

    devotional and/or mystical dot that is

    cosmetically applied or affixed to the

    forehead by Hindu women.The dot ( or the

    bindu) signifies the focalized energy and its intense concentration. It

    can be envisaged as a kind of energy deposit which can in turn

    radiate energy under other forms. In the tantriciconography, the dot
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    is named bindu; in tantra bindu is symbolically considered to be

    Shiva himself, the source of the whole creation.

    The Binduis near the end of the subtlest aspect of mind itself, after

    which one travels beyond or transcends the mind and its contents. It

    is near the end of time, space, and causation, and is the doorway to

    the Absolute. Mystically, it represents the "third eye," or the "mind's

    eye," which sees things that the physical eyes cannot see.

    The forehead dot is a reminder to use and cultivate one's spiritual

    vision, to perceive and understand life's inner workings, as well as to

    look into the past to see the future.

    The dot is usually surrounded by different surfaces, either a triangle,

    a hexagon, a circle etc. These forms depend on the characteristic of

    the deity or aspect represented by the Yantra.

    In the Shakta tantra school of philosophy, there is said to exist a

    Binduchakra, at the back of the head, in the part where Brahminsgrow their small tuft of hair, although it is often not mentioned in

    traditional chakra descriptions. This centre is said to be where the

    Bindu fluid is produced, a fluid that can become either the nectar of

    immortality, or the poison of death. It is intimately connected to the

    Vishuddha chakra and awakening the Vishuddha chakra is said to

    awaken the Bindu chakra

    Q 46: What is a mudra?

    A: The human body is made up

    of five basic elements - the Pancha Tatvas.

    The five fingers of the hand are regarded as

    representative symbols of these vital

    elements in the body. Specific folds, mutual

    positioning or postures called mudras of the
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    fingers in one or both hands were discovered by the Vedicseers for

    maintaining the natural order and healthy distribution of the pancha

    tatvas. Any disturbance, disorder or deficiency in these elements or

    the consequent disease or imbalance could be rectified and cured by

    appropriate practice of suitable mudras. Regular practice of these

    mudras is affirmed by the experts as an excellent method of ensuring

    a radiantly healthy and vigorous life.

    Mudras have several physiological and psychological as well as

    spiritual benefits. When a finger representing an element is brought

    into contact with the thumb, that element is brought into balance.

    Therefore the disease caused by the imbalance is cured. Mudras

    start electromagnetic currents within the body which balance various

    constituting elements and restore health. The joining of fingers

    creates an effect on the human body

    Q 47: Is the daily namaskar that we do folding both

    hands also a mudra?

    A: Yes. It is theAnjali Mudra.

    Anjali Mudra has been practiced since time

    immemorial in not only meditation, but as a

    respectful greeting, Namaste throughout India

    and Asia. This mudra is closely connected with

    meditation on the heart centre or chakra

    located in the centre of the chest. When oneprays and meditates with folded hands, at that

    time attention gets totally focused on the object of worship or


    The greeting the NAMASTE said with palms together,

    signifies I bow to the divine within you. It is to serve as a

    reminder of the divine aspect within each of us. The best thought

    for excellent interpersonal relationships.
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    Q 48: Does the practice of Abhaya Mudra

    remove fear?

    A: Abhaya Mudra is practiced by joining the

    forefinger of the right hand to the tip of the thumb of

    the right hand.

    Of the five fingers, spiritually speaking, the

    forefinger represents the jivatma and the thumb

    theparamatma. When these two touch it means the jivatma has

    merged with the paramatma, the two have become one. Where

    there is two, there is fear. In one, since there is none other, there

    can never be fear. This spiritual truth is depicted by abhaya


    Where there is gyana, the knowledge of the indivisible oneness

    of the supreme, there is no fear. This mudra is therefore also

    referred to as the gyana mudra.

    This mudra normally practiced afterGayatri Mantra recitation.

    Q 49: What are the different mudras and what are the


    A: The following table depicts different mudras and the benefits.
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    Mudra Join thetips of the index finger

    and thumb and keep the

    other 3 fingers stretched

    and joined.

    Effective in cases

    of mental ailment, imparts

    happiness, the intellect

    develops, memory is




    Press the

    middle finger on the

    base of the thumb and

    keep the thumb on

    middle finger. Keep the

    other three fingers


    Relief in diseases

    and pains relating to the



    MudraJoin the

    tip of the thumb with the

    tip of middle and ringfinger, keeping the other

    finger straight

    Helps in clearing

    the body by

    elimination of waste

    matter from the mouth,

    eyes, ears, nose etc. Helps

    when urine is obstructed,

    reduces constipation.

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    Join thetip of the thumb with tip

    of little and ring finger.

    Keeping other two

    fingers straight.

    Helps in pumping

    the life force into

    your body.

    Beneficial for all

    types of diseases.

    Imparts special

    power to the eyes.


    . Pressthe index finger on the

    base of thumb and keep

    the thumb on the index

    finger. Let the other

    fingers be straight.

    Helps in diseases

    like arthritis, trembling in

    Parkinson's disease. Better

    results obtained if practices

    afterPrana mudra


    MudraJoin the

    tip of the thumb and ring

    fingerMakes body sturdy.

    One experiences



    Mudra Join

    the tip of the thumb and

    little finger

    Improves the

    deteriorated quality

    of blood due to

    shortage of water & gives

    freshness to the body.

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    Mudra Put thetip of ring finger at the

    base of thumb, with

    thumb gently pressing on


    Reduces weight

    of your body.



    Interlock the fingers of

    both hands together.

    Keeping the left thumb

    up (encircled by right

    thumb and index finger)

    i.e. left thumb should be

    vertically straight and

    right thumb around it.

    Produces heat in

    the body and helps in

    curing cold and cough

    Q 50:What is the significance of Swastika and why is it

    decorating almost all homes?

    A: Swastika is an auspicious symbol. Its name is a

    combination ofsu(well) asti(is) ka (a noun ending)

    i.e., 'It is well.' Swastika is believed to be derived

    either from the wheel, symbolically reduced to four

    spokes and set at right angles to indicate the

    cardinal points, or from the two fire sticks of the

    Vedic sacrificial fire which were always set down in the form of a

    cross. As a fire and sun symbol it was also called the fire cross orsolar cross. It is a symbol of good luck and hence is often found

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    stamped on various objects or used as motif for border designs on


    What the Swastika visually depicts, is the solar cycle, be it during the

    day or during the year. It shows the circular movement at the four

    cardinal points: sunrise, sunset, midnight; or spring equinox, summer

    solstice, autumn equinox, winter solstice. As such it is shorthand for

    the Zodiac as well as for all macrocosmic and microcosmic cycles. It

    signifies the completeness as well as the dynamics of the Whole.

    Being primarily a solar symbol, it is normally painted in solar colors,

    like red, saffron or gold; while the Nazi swastika was black.

    Q 51: What are Chakras?

    A: Chakras are energy vortexes in our emotional, mental

    and spiritual bodies. The physical body is a series of separate, yet

    related systems of energy. This system is referred to in the ancienttexts as the Chakras. A Chakra is the interface point between the

    physical and non-physical form. They lie along a linear pathway

    (along the spine) from the Crown Chakra, located at the top of the

    cranium, to the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine. There

    are over 72 Chakras on the body of which 22 work with our inner

    self, including the 7 primary Chakras (six emotional and one spiritual)

    with colors representing the 7 Rays. Activation and balance of

    energy flow in Chakras allow the body system to be at optimal withthe higher self.Tantra describes eight primary inner chakras. They

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    Location At the base of the spinal column. It lies

    between the origin of the reproductory

    organ and the anus. It is just below the

    Kanda and the junction where Ida,

    Pingala and Sushumna Nadis meet

    Sanskrit Name MULADHARA

    Element (tattva) Solid (prithvi) sense of smell

    This Chakra corresponds with BhuLoka

    orBhu-Mandal, physical plane (region of


    Color Deep red

    Symbol/petals Crimson lotus with 4 petals. The letters

    on the petals are in gold.

    Function This lowest chakra represents both the

    instinctive level of life which supports our

    basic existence as well as our spiritual

    potential -- the strength to overcome

    spiritual obstacles. Mula means "root" or

    "foundation" and thus this center is

    concerned with physical and egoic

    survival, basic life requirements and


    Inner state Home of kundalini,

    Dormant transformative power.

    Represents strength and solidity.





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    Body parts All that is solid in the body such as the

    bones, teeth and nails.

    Associated gland Adrenal Glands



    Blockage of this center causes fear of

    bodily injury, death or abandonment. This

    area is said to be the seat of a great

    amount of tamas (inertia, lethargy)

    including guilt, passions, unresolved


    Mantra LAM

    The wise Yogi, who concentrates and

    meditates on the Muladhara Chakra,

    acquires the full knowledge of Kundalini

    and the means to awaken it. When

    Kundalini is awakened, he gets Darduri

    Siddhi, the power to rise from the ground.

    His Prana enters the middle Brahma

    Nadi. He acquires knowledge of the past,

    present and future. He enjoys the natural

    Bliss. Activation of this results in riddance

    from tensions, true happiness, beauty,

    perfect health and physical strength,

    magnetic persona.

    Yoga posture A yoga posture that helps to open the

    first Chakra is SETU BANDHASANA



    The Sacral Centre
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    Location The sacral centre is at the level of the sacrum

    on the spine

    Sanskrit Name SVADHISTHANA: Swa means "one's own",

    adisthana means "dwelling place or abode",

    thus "one's own abode".

    Element (tattva) Water / Apa Tattva. This corresponds to Bhuvar

    Loka. Sense of Taste. It is the watery element

    which produces the saliva which makes this

    possible. The sense of taste is therefore only

    possible because of the element of water.

    Color Vermillion

    Symbol/petals Vermillion colored lotus with 6 petals

    representing cruelty, suspicion, disdain,

    delusion, false knowledge, mercilessness The

    letters on the petals are the color of lightning.

    The inward facing petals represent the un-

    conscious, the outward facing ones represent

    the conscious.

    Function This has control over the lower abdomen,

    kidneys, etc., in the physical body

    Inner state This center is concerned with pleasure and

    the gratification of desires

    Body parts The sacral centre is connected with the fluid

    functions of the system such as the urine and

    the semen. (Kidneys and testicles).The area

    -lower abdomen and womb area

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    The Gonads



    An insufficiency of the fluid element leads to

    aridity. This can cause hardening or drying out

    diseases such as arthritis. In the latter case the

    cartilaginous tissue which acts as a natural

    lubricant between the bones at the joints dries

    up and painful friction takes place.

    Mantra VAM : Meditation on this center confers

    intuitional knowledge, annihilates impure

    qualities and provides control over lust, anger,

    greed, jealousy and other subconscious urges.

    Activation of this results in freedom from

    stomach ailments, increase in sex power, and

    cure of sexual debility, increase in courage and

    fearlessness and magnetism.

    Yoga posture A yoga posture that helps to open the second

    Chakra is BHUJANGASANA



    The SOLAR Centre
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    Location Within the Sushumna Nadi, in the Nabhi

    Sthana (region of navel).

    Sanskrit Name MANIPURA Mani means "jewel",pura means "city" referring to the spiritual

    treasures possible with meditation on this


    Element (tattva) Fire (tejas) This Chakra corresponds to

    Svah or Svarga Loka and to Solar Plexus

    in the physical body. The sense of sight

    is derived from the activity of this chakra.

    We can recognize how this comes aboutwhen we consider that sight is dependent

    upon light.

    Color Red with a downward pointing triangle.

    Symbol/petals A grey lotus -- the color of rain clouds.

    The 10 petals represent the vrittis :

    shame, fickleness, jealousy, desire,

    laziness, sadness dullness, ignorance,

    disgust, fear. The letters are in blue

    Function Much like the sun radiates energy out to

    all planets, this center is said to radiate

    praana to all parts of the body, regulating

    and energizing organs, systems and


    The assimilation of food through

    combustion is governed by the activity of

    this chakra. The person who has strong

    vibrations at the level of the solar chakra

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    will absorb great benefit from food he


    Inner state This chakra is concerned with

    power over others: personal power,

    gratification of power instincts etc.

    Body parts This has its corresponding centre in the

    physical body and has control over the

    liver, stomach, etc The glands and body

    systems it affects are the pancreas,

    adrenals, digestive system, and muscles.

    Associated gland Pancreas



    When it malfunctions, the resulting

    problems are ulcers, diabetes, and/or


    Mantra RAM Meditation on this center gives

    freedom from disease and knowledge of

    the entire physical body. The body is said

    to become luminous. Activation of this

    results in perfect digestion, riddance from

    ailments like kidney stones, diabetes,

    liver problems etc.

    Yoga posture The yoga posture that helps to open and

    focus the energy ofthe third chakra is




    The HEART Centre
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    Location Is situated in the Sushumna Nadi

    (Sukshma centre) Heart

    Sanskrit Name ANAHATA Anahata means "un-struck"

    -- that is, a sound generated purely in

    consciousness without the vibration of a

    physical object.

    Element (tattva) Air (vayu)-- Sense of Touch

    The sense of touch is derived from the

    element of air. Touch is basically the

    experience of relationship. We speak of

    being `in touch' or `out of touch'. This is

    really to say that we have more or less of

    the heart quality manifesting at that time.

    It is the air element which gives the

    relationship experience.

    Color Green

    Symbol/petals 12 red petals representing hope, anxiety,

    endeavor, possession, arrogance,

    languor, conceit, discrimination,

    covetousness, duplicity, indecision and

    regret. The letters on the petals are


    Function It represents the bondage of emotional

    attachment -- making decisions on the

    basis of emotions, feelings and instinct

    rather than in terms of furthering the

    spiritual quest.

    Inner state

    Anahata is also concerned with wishfulfillment -- thoughts are said to

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    become reality when Kundakini is in


    Body parts the lungs, heart, arms, and hands

    Associated gland Thymus Gland



    physical problems such as asthma, high

    blood pressure, heart disease, and lung

    disease can result.

    Blockage is said to cause lack of self-

    expression and inability to communicate



    YAM : Activation of this results in peaceof mind, boundless divine joy, total

    freedom from tensions, power to look into

    future, power of hypnosis, entering into

    Samadhi (divine trance), riddance from

    problems related to heart, increase in soft

    emotions like love, affection and


    Yoga posture A yoga posture that is excellent for opening the 4th chakra is




    The THROAT Centre
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    Location Vishuddha Chakra is situated within the

    Sushumna Nadi at the base of the throat

    Kantha-Mula Sthana. The throat centre is

    seated on the spine at the level of the


    Sanskrit Name VISUDDDHA. Visuddha means


    Element (tattva) Space / Ether (akaasa). This Chakra

    belong to Manas Tattva. Sense of

    Hearing The sense of sound is derived

    from the element of ether. If one goes to

    a place where complete and absolute

    silence reigns and then listens intently,

    one will eventually become aware of a

    certain something which is still there

    behind the silence: a subtle

    pervasiveness which has been described

    as the 'noiseless sound'.

    Color Pure blue

    Symbol/petals White circle -- like the full moon.

    16 smoky purple petals with letters on

    them in pure blue

    Function The throat chakra is a vital bridge

    between the principle of thought at the

    brow chakra and the elements. Its

    function is related to communication and


    Inner state This chakra is concerned with the

    integration of internal and external

    realities, communication and

    consciousness. Purifying andharmonizing of all opposites takes

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    place here. Yet this chakra also

    symbolizes a greater acceptance

    (and transcendence) of thesedualities.

    Body parts The neck, shoulders, arms, and hands.

    Associated gland Thyroid Gland



    Physical problems include sore throat,

    stiff neck, colds, thyroid problems, and

    hearing problems.

    Mantra HAM When awakened, this center is

    said to allow us to discriminate betweenrealizations coming from higher

    consciousness versus the mere

    babblings of wishful thinking and the

    unconscious mind. The concentration on

    the Tattva of this Chakra is called Akasa

    Dharana. He attains the highest success.

    He gets the full knowledge of the four

    Vedas by meditating on this Chakra. Hebecomes a Trikala Jnani(who knows the

    past, the present and the future).

    Yoga posture A yoga posture that is excellent for

    opening the 5th chakra is MATSYASANA

    To summarize the main points:

    Chakra Element Sense Symbol

    Muladhara One.

    Root / Base


    Earth: Is content to

    remain where it is

    and does not want

    to move or change

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    to any other state.


    The Sacral Centre.

    Water: Wants toflow downwards

    and therefore to



    Manipura Three:

    The Solar Centre.

    Fire: Wants to

    expand itself and

    therefore to



    Anahata Four.

    The Heart Centre.

    Air: Wants to

    move to a different

    place from where

    it is and therefore

    to relate with

    something else.


    Visuddha Five.

    The Throat Centre.

    Ether: Is the

    space within

    which these four

    elements operate.Sound


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    Location Middle of the forehead.

    Ajna Chakra is situated within the

    Sushumna Nadi and its corresponding

    centre in the physical body is at the

    space between the two eye-brows.

    Sanskrit Name AJNA

    Ajna means to know, to perceive, to


    Element (tattva) There are no associated elements

    This is the seat of the mind

    Color White circle

    Symbol/petals White petals representing solar/left brain

    (pingala nadi) and lunar/right brain (ida

    nadi) energies.

    The letters on the petals are also white.

    Function This center represents wisdom, intuition

    and higher intellectual functions.

    Inner state Ajna chakra is associated with the

    "third eye" -- looking inward for

    knowledge. One sees the hidden

    essence underlying visible

    appearances and has greater

    intuitive knowledge

    Body parts The eyes

    Associated gland Pituitary gland



    Can manifest in blindness, headaches,

    nightmares, eyestrain, and blurred

    vision.Blockage of this center is said to

    cause absence of intuitive perception

    and an inability to focus

    Mantra OM Meditation on this center opens

    the possibility for transformation of

    consciousness and is said to enhance

    the ability to receive knowledge without

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    using the normal (exterior) senses.He

    who concentrates at this centre destroys

    all the Karmas of the past lives. The

    benefits that are derived by meditation on

    this Chakra cannot be described in

    words. The practitioner becomes a

    Jivanmukta (liberated man while living).

    Yoga posture This posture is one for both the6th and

    7th chakra. SEATED YOGA MUDRA



    The Centre

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    Location Crown of head

    Sanskrit Name Sahasrara, literally meaning 'thousand

    fold' but actually countless numbers.

    Element (tattva) None applicable

    Color All colors

    Symbol/petals One thousand. The petals have

    inscribed upon them all 50 letters of the

    Sanskrit alphabet repeated 20 times.

    Function Union.This thousand petaled lotus

    represents the absolute -- an experienceof reality beyond form or description.

    When the consciousness is retained at

    this center the goal of yoga, the super-

    conscious state of samadhi, is attained.

    Inner state Eternal Bliss

    Body parts Cerebral cortex, brain, the whole body

    Associated gland Pineal body (epiphysis) The influence of

    the epiphysis has not been conclusivelydetermined by science. Most probably it

    effects our entire organism.



    On the entire system

    Mantra This chakra doesn't have a specific bija

    (seed) mantra associated with it. If

    you're doing mantra meditation with your

    awareness in this chakra, you can alsouse OM, the mantra for the Ajna chakra,

    at this location. Or let go of the mantra

    work, keep your awareness here and

    watch yourself move inside even more


    Chakras and Endocrine system (Glands)

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    The primary importance and level of existence of chakras is in the

    psyche. However, there are those who believe that chakras have a

    physical manifestation as well. Some think that there is a relationship

    between the positions and functions of the chakras, and of thevarious organs of the endocrine system. However there is a marked

    similarity between the positions and roles described for chakras, and

    the positions and roles of the glands in the endocrine system, and

    also by the positions of the nerve ganglia (also known as "plexuses")

    along the spinal cord , opening the possibility that two vastly different

    systems of conceptualization have been brought to bear to

    systemize insights about the same phenomenon. By some, chakras

    are thought of as having their physical manifestation in the body asthese glands, and their subjective manifestation as the associated

    emotional, mental and spiritual experiences. However, as there are

    important organs located at virtually any point in the body, the

    correspondence of certain biological systems or organs with the

    traditional locations of chakras is unsurprising and may be

    considered inevitable.

    Q 52: What is Sri Chakra?



    Thyroid Gland





    Adrenal Glands
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    A: Sri Chakra is the mystical construction of the Cosmos. The

    secrets of Cosmic unity held by the inter-penetration of nine

    triangles. the product of three phases of cosmic process - creation,

    preservation, dissolution is depicted.

    The Srichakra consist of a dot (bindu) at

    the centre surrounded by nine triangles

    (trikona). Four of these triangles are

    orientated upright representing Shiva or

    the Masculine. Five of these triangles are

    inverted triangles represent Shakti or the

    Feminine.The mutual intersection of these

    nine triangles forms forty-three triangles in

    all. This is surrounded by concentric

    circles with eight lotus petals and sixteen

    lotus petals. This again surrounded by three more concentric circles.

    Finally on the outskirts, there is a square (chaturasra) or three lines,

    the lines one inside the other, opening out in the middle of each side

    as four portals.

    Sri Chakra represents all Divinities. This is the most celebrated and

    potent Yantra in the Tantra Shastra.

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