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    Chapter-4: Fear of Allah & AbstinencePart-17 1 | P a g e

    136. Who is the most honoured one


    Prophet (p.b.u.h) was asked: who is the most respected

    person? He (p.b.u.h) replied the one who is most righteous

    and God fearing

    Narrated by: Abu Huraira(r.a) Recorded in: Sahih Bukhari

    Explanation: The person regarded as dignified and

    esteemed in this world is he who has hoards of worldly

    wealth and treasures even though he might be atrocious,

    shameless, a liar, not trust worthy and a thief.

    On the other hand in an Islamic societyonly that person is

    regarded as worthy of respect and honour, who saves himself

    from wrong, who fears Allah in all matters, and measures

    each step he takes, though he may lead a life of an ordinary

    labourer or farmer.


    The reality of God Consciousness


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    Chapter-4: Fear of Allah & AbstinencePart-17 2 | P a g e

    Narrated Abdulla ibn Umar (r.a), Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Man

    cannot attain righteousness unless he leaves all that which

    instigates his heart.

    Narrated by: Ibn Umar(r.a) Recorded in: Sahih Bukhari

    Explanation: God consciousness refers to that word or those

    deeds which when said or done prick mans conscious and

    make him refrain from it. This is in reality abstinence. Some

    people have assumed that God consciousness is adopting aparticular way of appearance and way of life, a different way

    of dressing like a beggar, which shows that man has

    become God conscious, but in reality God consciousness is

    that in all matters of life man protects himself (his clothes)

    from the thorny bushes he passes by. Be cautious at every

    step so that the thorn of disobedience of Allah does not prickand hurt his pure and clean soul.

    138.Sin - Two indications



    Narrated Nawaz bin Samaan (r.a.), I inquired the meaning of

    virtue and vice from prophet (p.b.u.h). He replied, Virtue

    is good conduct and vice is that which pricks your conscious

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    and makes it restless, and that you do not prefer that it be

    made public.

    Narrated by: Nawaz bin Samaan (r.a)

    Recorded in: Sahih Muslim, Tirmidhi

    Explanation: Though righteousness may have several

    meanings, in this hadith it is referring to dealing in a good

    manner with the creations of God. Righteousness is that man

    should deal with everyone (be he regarded as a common

    man or an important person in the society) with equality,

    speak in a dignified and considerate manner, speak the truth,

    be straight forward and have control over anger. Deal with

    parents in the best manner and attempt by all means to keep

    them happy. One whose morals are not good and whose

    character is doubtful can never be a righteous person.

    Though Quran and Hadith have listed all that which is

    regarded as sin, in order to explicitly expose an act of sin

    prophet (p.b.u.h) has pointed out two very important

    indicators by which a person would not be in any confusion

    as to its identification.

    First indicator is that, his heart does not feel content in doing

    it rather he feels uncomfortable to do it and his conscious


    Second indicator is that, he does not dare to make public his

    act and desires that this is not in the knowledge of the


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    139.The path to reward and punishment


    Prophet (p.b.u.h) was asked, what is that the pursuit of which

    would admit a person to paradise? He (p.b.u.h) replied, Fear

    of Allah and good conduct. Then he was asked, what is that

    indulgence which would push a person into fire? He (p.b.u.h)

    replied, The mouth and the genitals.

    Narrated by: Abu Hurairah (r.a) Recorded in: Tirmidhi.


    1.Fear of Allah - Refers to fulfilling the rights due to Allah.

    The only way of fulfilling the rights due to Allah is by

    worshipping Allah alone and not associating partners to

    Him and enjoin all that which Allah has commanded him to

    do and refrain from all those mistakes and sins which Allah

    has forbidden.

    2.Good Morals means to deal in a good manner with the

    creations of God, the minimum that should be done in this

    regard is none should be given trouble and the maximum

    is that you deal good with those who deal badly with you.

    The one who fulfills the rights of the creator and of the

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    creations will definitely go to paradise by the grace of



    Mouth is the door for food to reach the stomach and in itis the tongue, with which man converses. One whose

    tongue is not in control and whose nourishment and

    growth is from forbidden means

    4.Who has no control over his private parts will definitely be

    the fuel of the hell fire.

    Having no control over the private parts, the tongue and

    adopting forbidden means for nourishment and growth leads

    to individual and collective detriment, chaos and spreading of

    evil. What else can be the expected consequence of this

    other than becoming the dweller of hell? In reality atrocity,

    rejection, transgression, disobedience and sins in this world

    bud from the evil tree; which is the uncontrolled use of the

    tongue and the private parts.

    The truth is that if the fear of God (fear of being accounted

    for the deeds in the court of Allah) be upon man at all times

    and in all actions he shall refrain from all sins and atrocities.

    An uncaring attitude towards the Fear of Allah and uncaringattitude is the root cause for all evil and atrocities.

    Progress and victory of a society depends on its excellent

    morals. On an individual basis a God fearing and well-

    mannered person is a living example of peace, contentment

    and good. Who can be doubtful of that society being

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    successful whose system was based on fear of God and good



    Asceticism Against Sunnah


    Narrated Anas bin Malik (r.a), a group of three men came to

    the houses of the wives of the Prophet asking how the

    Prophet (p.b.u.h) worshipped (Allah), and when they were

    informed about that, they considered their worship

    insufficient and said, "Where are we from the Prophet(p.b.u.h) as his past and future sins have been forgiven." Then

    one of them said, "I will offer the prayer throughout the night

    forever." The other said, "I will fast throughout the year and

    will not break my fast." The third said, "I will keep away from

    women and will not marry forever." Allah's Apostle came to

    them and said, "Are you the same people who said so-and-

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    so? By Allah, I am more submissive to Allah and more afraid

    of Him than you; yet I fast and break my fast, I do sleep and I

    also marry women. So he, who does not follow my way

    (sunnah) in religion, is not from me (not one of my


    Narrated by: Anas bin Malik (r.a) Recorded in: Sahih Bukhari

    Explanation: In another narration it has been mentioned that

    from among the questioners the first one said, that I shall noteat meat, the second said, that I shall not sleep on the bed,

    and the third said, that I shall not marry.

    This was an inclination towards asceticism which the prophet

    (p.b.u.h) crushed immediately. The way of life in Islam is not

    based on complete materialism or complete asceticism

    rather it is a system which has the best combination for the

    needs of body and soul. This is what prophet (p.b.u.h) has

    declared as his way of life (sunnah). There is no room for

    asceticism in Islam. Sleeping on a bed, eating good food,

    taking women in wedlock is not against righteousness and


    141.The reality of Repentance


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    Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, Seeking repentance for sins

    committed means that man should refrain from repeating the

    same sin again.

    Narrated by: Ibn Masood (r.a) Recorded in: Musnad Ahmad

    Explanation: It is impossible that a human being shall not

    commit sins but persistently on committing sins is

    transgression. A believer can be a sinner but cannot be a

    transgressor. Committing sins deprives human being fromthe status of being a slave of Allah hence upon committing a

    sin man has to immediately turn to Allah to seek forgiveness.

    Repentance (Taubah)means to turn to and incline to Allah.

    Seeking repentance for sins means that man

    acknowledges his mistake and refrains from the

    disobedience of his Lord. His head humbles down in humility

    and now he promises not to repeat this sin and affirms that

    he shall remain grateful to God as he used to be before.

    Just a verbal proclamation of forgiveness does not fulfill our

    obligation rather forgiveness is an act by which the one who

    seeks forgiveness for his sin refrains totally from such act,

    feels sorry for it by all his heart and makes a firm resolution

    not to do it ever again. And if the sin committed is of the

    nature of oppression then it is not forgiven unless it is

    compensated for. Compensation has several ways, for

    example the oppressed be compensated with exactly that

    which he had been deprived of; or recompensed in

    equivalence of its value or that he seeks pardon from the

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    oppressed and that he pardons the oppressor whole



    Islam and Wrong doing



    A companion by the name Marsad (r.a) used to free Muslim

    captives from Mecca and take them to Medina. (In the days

    of ignorance) he had friendship with an adulteress named

    Inaq. Once he had promised a captive in Mecca that he

    would free him and take him to Medina. Marsad (r.a) says

    one moonlit night I went and stood by the shade of a wall in

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    Mecca. Noticing me at the wall, she stopped and identified

    me and asked, are you Marsad? I replied, Yes, I am Marsad.

    She said, welcome, come and stay with me tonight. I (in reply

    to her invitation) said, Inaq! Allah has forbidden adultery.

    She called out. O People (of the tents) this man takes your

    captives from here (arrest him so that he may not go) and

    them eight people confronted me. I crossed qandama (a

    mountain in Mecca) and hid in a cave. Those who followed

    me came up to the mouth of the cave and also urinated

    which fell on my head. Allah blinded them so they could not

    see me and they returned there off. (After they left) I reached

    my friend and took him to Asqar (a place near Mecca). (The

    friend was heavy) I freed him of his handcuffs and carried

    him until I reached Medina. He had tired me on this.

    Narrated by: Marsad(r.a)

    Recorded in: Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Nasai.

    Explanation: Marsad (r.a) used to free the Muslim captives

    of Mecca from the disbelievers and take them to Medina. In

    the pre-Islamic period he had acquaintance with an

    adulteress in Mecca. After he accepted Islam things changedand it was the result of this Islamic character that even in the

    darkness of the night it was the fear of Allah which did not

    let him to succumb to passion.

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    143.Character of a Believer


    Prophet (p.b.u.h) said: Iam surprised at the decision of Allah

    about the believers; the believer praises Allah when he

    attains happiness and he is grateful to Allah. At times of

    distress also he praises Allah and bears with patience (does

    not panic). A believer is rewarded (by Allah) in every situation

    so much so that he is rewarded for every morsel he feeds his

    wife with.

    Narrated by: Saad bin Abi Waqas (r.a)

    Recorded in: Musnad Ahmad

    Explanation: This promise and reward is for that believer

    who submits to Allah openly and in secrecy. In matters of

    worship, dealings, relationships, morals and collective life heis obedient only to Allah and endeavors to seek Allahs


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    144.Character of a Believer


    Suhaib narrated that Allah's Messenger (p.b.u.h) said:

    Wonderful is the case of a believer. There is good in

    everything and it is for him alone. If he experiences a

    blessing, he is grateful to Allah and that is good for him. If he

    experiences an adversity, he is patient and that is also good

    for him.

    Narrated by: Shuaib (r.a) Recorded in: Sahih Muslim.

    Explanation: A believeris one who trusts only in Allah in all

    his affairs and fears Allah alone. His hopes and wishes are all

    pinned upon Allah. On attaining happiness, joy and

    satisfaction he becomes totally grateful and has certainty

    that all these abundance of blessings and bounties are a

    Mercy from The Most Merciful God. Hence he does not prideover the blessings and while using these blessings he strives

    to ensure that the One Who has blessed him with these

    blessings does not get angry with him.

    Hardships and Loss of life & material does not demotivate

    him. He does not panic upon any difficulty rather he remains

    steadfast at every step in times of trials. He is particular

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    about justice and truth. Assault of evil and the threats of

    Satan do not suppress his faith in any way. He never

    advertises his troubles and helplessness in conditions of

    sickness, poverty, and losses rather with courage he tries to

    change the situations of turmoil to ease, turns to Allah and

    prays to Him seeking help. Hence he gets rewarded for being

    thankful at times of happiness and being patient at times of



    Criterion for Good and Evil


    A man asked prophet (p.b.u.h), how can I know whether the

    deed that I have done is good or bad? Prophet (p.b.u.h)

    replied, If your neighbors acknowledge that you have done a

    good deed be certain that you have committed a good deed

    and if your neighbors regard your deed as bad then you

    should realize with certainty that you have done a bad deed.

    Narrated by: Ibn Masood (r.a)

    Recorded in: Musnad Ahmad, Mishkath.

    Explanation: Common man can be deceived by outward

    appearance, style and impressive speech and at times due to

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    misconception man becomes a victim to such deceptions.

    That is why prophet (p.b.u.h) has declared neighbor to be a

    criterion to judge anyone as good or bad. For it is the

    neighbor who can give an unprejudiced opinion as to one

    being a good person or a bad person. The neighbor can

    express how the morals of so and so are? How he is in

    matters of dealings? Is he merciful or of bad nature and hard

    hearted? How does he deal with the poor neighbors? The

    biggest indicator of piety is that man should not consider his

    poor relatives and the deprived and downtrodden neighbors

    with heedlessness and not consider them very meager and


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