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Pause button so you can pause the video.

Change the volume make it louder or quite.

You can skip parts of the movie or video or you an go back you can go back to any minute or second and watch that part again.

Skip alot of parts of the video or films, like a fast forwarding.

Press done when finished with film or video.

Start the film from the beginning or rewind back a lot.

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Definition of Interactive

Allowing a flow of information between the computer user and the computer that responds to the computer users inputs. It’s kind of like controlling something or using something. Interactive features also means interacting with something like an IPad, for example when you read a e-brochure and you click some of the links which means your interacting with it.

Interactive can also mean a connection like an internet connection. You use cables or wife to get internet so you can interact with programs such as reading e-magazines.

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Interactive features with Audio

Audio is sound that is transmitted using sound waves so you can hear the sound. We use sound to communicate with others, and at educational ways like learning. An example of audio would be e-newspapers when you can click a certain text and a robot like voice would read it out for you. This is good because not everyone can see very well or if they have bad eye site or maybe they learn better when someone reads something to them.

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Advantages and Disadvantages with Interactive Audio

Some people may not have the best eye site so they would have to listen other than reading a e-newspaper.

Some people may find listening an easier way of reading or just learning maybe when they read they won’t remember everything.

Listening other than reading might be a less of a fuss since you have to zoom in and out on the newspapers text.

Some people might not use audio correctly for example when on the bus and someone doesn’t have the headphones on and plays it out loud.

The connection speed on the site isn’t the best when you want to listen to the audio since it can take a while for it to load.

They voice of the robot might not read it properly like mispronounce words and read it verbally not in a tune. Which might bore you.


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Interactive features with Graphics

Graphics is something to do with pictures, designs and art work. If graphics wasn’t use in texts or digital texts it would be really boring reading a magazine and it had no pictures it would be boring. E-comics is an example of graphics since they put pictures in the comic and sometimes they put gif pictures into comic which makes the comic stand out a lot more and keep the reader intimated to read a lot more. These images can show cool little scenes like a moving punch which is really nice!

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Advantages and disadvantages with Interactive Graphics

Disadvantages Advantages

Some people may say that digital graphics take a while to make since you have to make decisions for the colours, layouts and materials and make gifs which take time and a lot of work and maybe money.

It may cost more money to make because to make a good comic that stands out digitally which you would need to pay a good comic maker a decent amount of money.

Their may be error when you try to print out your finished master piece.

You can make pictures stand out a lot more and add gifs which are moving pictures which you can’t do on a normal comic and add more features to it.

It wouldn’t take up physical space in your house.

You can make comics have moving pages like texts popping up at the right time and mouths syncing in with the text like their saying it but a gif.

You can draw it on the computer and then print it out which is easier than doing the drawing physically.

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Interactive features with Video

Video is something you see and hear if the video has sound. Video is also used in different things like films and videos. Pretty much a visual image we see that moves. An example of this would be a digital poster that advertises different things like McDonalds which makes the person viewing the digital poster like it more since it can light up and be colourful. This example is a straight outta Compton poster which you click and it takes you to a trailer of the movie.

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Advantages and Disadvantages with interactive Video

Some people may be blind so they won’t be able to see the film. Pretty much visual aid.

Adds an extra dimension to the info and some people might not have the best imagination so theyd rather watch a video.

Allows readers to see what is being described like extra evidence that it actually happened.

Maybe your watching a film and you want to go back or forward or pause it or stop it you can do that.

Some videos may be poor quality since you would need Wi-Fi or very good internet connection to watch videos HD.



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Interactive features with Links

Links are something that you click and it opens up another article or website, Links are also use to advertise. Links are e-texts because you can’t have them on print based texts and also sometimes if you read an e-magazine you will find them advertising something like clothes if you click the picture it take to their website and you can find out about their website. In this example you can see a magazine that has a picture of Adidas you can click to it and it takes you to JD Sports.

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Advantages and Disadvantages with Interactive Links.

Irrelevant material like the wrong links that send you to something you weren’t interested in the first place. Like false advertisement just posting links to advertise different things.

Sometimes your browsing website and you get pop-ups which take you to different websites or sometimes harmful links.

Some links you click could contain malware and viruses for example the site might site “Download the file, it’s safe!” but if you do you might get a virus.

Additional sources of info for example if the reader wants to find more about the text the writer said he can post a link so maybe back up their point or just make the reader get more info about the text like a footwear company Nike.

It’s easy to navigate to different websites since you don’t have to type the link up or waste time finding the website the link straightaway sends you there.

Links are easy to make since every website you make it comes with a link and it’s easy to advertise your website.



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Interactive features with Navigation tools

Navigations tools means like controlling something for example an e-book. In this example I am showing that navigation tools are used in e-books you can go forward and back, go full screen before maybe buying the book reading the preview. Navigation tools are used in electronic products mainly in like e-newspapers, e-comics , e-books etc. Navigation tools are vey helpful because it helps you to navigate a lot easier.

Go back a page.

Go forward a page.

Go full screen.

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Combined Interactive features.

AudioGraphics Page NavigationVideoLinks

Combined features are all the features we use for the interactive features. They were made to make it a lot easier if we didn’t have Interactive features we would rather use print based texts. Some people need these interactive features when travelling since it’s smaller and more efficient than having the print based texts because they take up more space. On a small device like a phone you can store a lot of e-books, e-comics, e-newspapers etc. Interactive features were also made for some people with different abilities like some may learn better while reading, watching videos or just listening. Which is very helpful for the people with different abilities.

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