task unit 7

orgona Island, ecologic paradise of Colombia Gorgon is a beautiful island located in the Colombian Pacific is known as one of the most paradisiacal nature reserves of our country By: Jesica, Alejandra and Yensy

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Task unit 7

Gorgona Island, ecological paradise of Colombia

Gorgon is a beautiful island located in the Colombian Pacific is known as one of the most paradisiacal nature reserves of our country

By: Jesica, Alejandra and Yensy

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how to get?Location: Isla Gorgona National ParkLocation: Pacific Ocean at 56 Kms from the Colombian coast.Height (m): 0Temperature: 32 degrees Celsius.Getting there: by sea from Buenaventura (12 hours) or Guapi (90 minutes).

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Gorgona World Heritage

we can find animals likedolphins, porpoises,sperm whales, blue lizard, humpback whales and many more

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ActivitiesAshoreYou can walk

around the island.you can visit the

ruins of the old prision.

You can arrive to « la camaronera» where you enjoy the sea and the ten freshwater streams

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In the seaYou can

practice scuba diving in places like «el Remanso, La Tiburonera, Montañitas 1 and 2»

You can see around 200 species

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To travel …You need a

vaccine in « fiebre amarilla»

You should take a lot of sunscreen

You need to wear light clothes

You should take a hat

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You need to buy a bathing suit and towel

You should to have a flashlight and batteries

You need to buy a first-aid kit and insect repellent

You need to have a waterproof jacket

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Fauna and FloraIsland

gorgona characterize by tropical forest where you find and different kinds of animals and differents flowers and trees

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Hotel Rio Guapi

This hotel open their doors in 1993, It’s a nice and simple hotel in guapi.

Guapi is a village more near a gorgona island is around 90 minutes in boat

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This hotel have 40 rooms, 20 simple and 20 double.

Each room have T.V, toilet, ventilator and phone.

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It’s hotel have a great restaurant where you can eat by breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.

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This hotel have rooms with T.V, you can watch different programs with the other people.

Also have a terrace, where you can do an event and hotel have a service of laudry.

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