

Te a y s Va l l e y P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h The Valley Viewer

Blood Drive at TVPC June 22nd

! TVPC had a very successful blood drive for the

American Red Cross on Tuesday, June 22nd. Twenty-

six people participated but four were turned away for

various reasons. Twenty-five pints of life saving

blood were collected. Twenty-two people gave but

three of those, including our own Ben Vest, gave a

double. Seven from TVPC gave: Laura Boggess,

Janet Sims, Terry Hill, Luther Cope, Cathy Conaway,

Kim Sowards, and Ben Vest. Bill Hensley coordinated

the drive and his helpers were Jeffrey Conaway

(greeting and checking in donors), and Betty White,

Ann Miller and Rose Hensley operating the Canteen.

Donors must relax at the canteen for 15 minutes after

giving and before leaving.


If you know someone who is looking for a church, recently moved, or would just like to come to sing a few songs with us, please feel free to invite them! We are always looking for more smiling faces to join us at TVPC and you never know, they could be the next New Member Shout Out!


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 26

9:00 AM Sunday School

9:15 AM Praise Team Practice

9:40 AM Prayer Time

10:00 AM Worship Service

2:00 PM Sunday FUNday


6:30 PM Boy Scouts


7:00 PM Member Care Ministry Team


6:30 PM Chancel Choir



6:30 PM Girl Scouts 1 2

3 COMMUNION Narthex Coffee 9:15 AM Praise Team Practice 9:40 AM Prayer Time 10:00 AM Worship Service

4 6:30 PM Boy Scouts

5 7:00 PM Hannah Circle

6 6:30 PM Chancel Choir


7 6:30 PM Girl Scouts 6:30 PM Scout

Leadership 6:30 PM Scouts Council

8 9

10 9:15 AM Praise Team Practice 9:40 AM Prayer Time 10:00 AM Worship Service

11 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 6:30 PM Mission Outreach

Ministry Team

12 6:30 PM Evangelism Ministry


13 6:30 PM Chancel Choir


14 6:30 PM Girl Scouts

15 16

17 Bucket Brigade 9:15 AM Praise Team Practice 9:40 AM Prayer Time 10:00 AM Worship Service

18 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 6:30 PM Worship Ministry


19 11:30 AM Owls

20 6:30 PM Chancel Choir


21 6:30 PM Girl Scouts

22 23

24 9:15 AM Praise Team Practice 9:40 AM Prayer Time 10:00 AM Worship Service

25 6:30 PM Boy Scouts


27 6:30 PM Chancel Choir


28 6:30 PM Girl Scouts 6:30 PM Scouts Order of

the Arrow 6:30 PM Session

29 30

31 9:15 AM Praise Team Practice 9:40 AM Prayer Time 10:00 AM Worship Service

1 6:30 PM Boy Scouts

2 7:00 PM Hannah Circle

3 6:30 PM Chancel Choir


4 6:30 PM Girl Scouts 6:30 PM Scout

Leadership 6:30 PM Scouts Council

5 6



Christian Community


Hot Dogs & Buns

Thank you for the spaghetti noodles donated to

the Christian Community Cupboard in June.

As always, your contributions were greatly


During the month of July, we will collect

money to purchase hot dogs and buns for the

Cupboard. Our church will provide volunteers

to staff the Cupboard during the last two weeks

in July. At that time, we will distribute the hot

dogs and buns that we have purchased. Please

put your donations in the collection plate and

make a note that the money is for the Christian

Community Cupboard.

We still need volunteers to work at the

Christian Community Cupboard during the last

two weeks in July. The days we will work

include Tuesday July 19, Friday July 22,

Tuesday July 26, and Friday July 29. You

will need to be at the Cupboard from 9:15 am

until about noon. Please let me know when you

would like to work and I will put you on the

schedule. If you have any questions, please

contact either me or Claudia Moody. This is a

wonderful Mission Outreach opportunity for

everyone, including our youth!

Thanks, Barb 304-757-7369 [email protected]

Deep Cleaning!!!

Thank you all for your fantastic support and help cleaning!!! There will not be any Deep Cleaning dates schedule in July or August. Keep your eye out for our dates this fall, returning in September!

The Mission Outreach Ministry Team and many participants from Teays Valley Manor … thoroughly enjoyed the annual June picnic, Saturday, June 11 in the shelter beside the Manor building. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and all the fixings to make those sandwiches, baked beans, pasta and potato salad, chips, watermelon and desserts were enjoyed by all. It is a wonderful time to sit down with our neighbors and have good food and time for fellowship in a beautiful setting.

Fall Festival…The Evangelism Ministry Team is thinking about having a Fall Festival at TVPC and reaching out to the local community, inviting them to join with us for some fun fall activities. The team is considering the possibility of having the event on a Sunday, in October, 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. We would like to have a theme with activities from the past, such as hayrides, relay games, bobbing for apples,

Mission Outreach Updates:


corn hole. We could serve hot dogs and other foods for a light supper and end with a bonfire, maybe smores, and finally a vesper service around the fire. Anyone who would be interested in helping with these plans, and especially with ideas for fun activities from the past, please speak to Bob Hansen or Becky King. The Evangelism Ministry Team is very excited about the newest addition to our information counter. Bruce Davis has developed an IPad program about TVPC and our activities. The screen is on continuously with several screen savers. One touch on the blue arrows, and the home page appears. The viewer may then visit any of several pages with information about our church…who we are and what we are doing.

Bruce Davis has made a beautiful wooden frame to securely hold the IPad. It is a wonderful addition to our information area. We thank Bruce Davis for his many hours of work to provide this Evangelism tool for our Narthex. Below are images of the IPad and frame.

Youth Mission Activity…An outcome from a recent Discipleship Ministry Team (formerly Christian Education) was a plan for an older youth mission activity during Vacation Bible School week. Plans were made for our middle school, high school and any interested college-aged students to plan a lunch, purchase and prepare food for serving lunch to homeless and formerly homeless individuals in Huntington at Vanity Fair, the office site and apartments for the Coalition for the Homeless. This would be a mission financially supported by all the participants in VBS, as they would collect change and cash to pay for the food. A request to Ridge View BBQ in Institute for a “special pricing” for our mission meal food, and we received the awesome news that they would donate barbecue, buns, coleslaw, and baked beans to serve 100 people! The participating youth made or purchased 17 dozen cookies for their dessert. A trip to Sam’s completed the meal with bottled water and the paper products. Money was contributed during the VBS week for this youth mission, plus donations on Sunday morning, after the VBS program during worship, and a grand total of $606.25 was received. A call to the director of the Coalition for the Homeless, and it was determined that a major need for helping the homeless in the area, is tents for shelter. A check in that amount was delivered Monday, June 27 to purchase the needed tents. Twenty-two young people and several VBS leaders and parents traveled to Huntington Wednesday afternoon, June 15 to serve this meal to anyone needing food. It was quite an eye-opening experience for our youth to see so many people, including young children enjoying the meal. Several


of the participants commented about how special it was to see young people giving up their time to serve them lunch. It was noted how nice and friendly the servers were, and how good the food was. Everyone seemed to enjoy this mission experience.


Hannah Circle Hannah Circle will resume meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the parlor. All women are invited to join us for an evening of Bible Study, refreshments

and fellowship.

O.W.L.S. A large group of OWLS traveled to the Glen

Feris Inn on Tuesday , June 21st for lunch and

fellowship. Janet Sims drove the van and

Becky Hayes was her co pilot. Had some

excitement when Gauley Bridge police officers,

Dave and Chief , tried to take Rose Hensley to

the station with them. The Kanawha Falls are

beautiful. Had a rain and hailstorm on the way


All are welcome to attend OWLS functions, you don't have to be retired or old to enjoy the fellowship of Older, Wiser, Livelier, Sexier people

The Lord’s Prayer

Matthew 6:9-13 King James Version (KJV) 9 After this manner therefore pray ye:

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is

in heaven. 11

Give us this day our daily bread. 12


forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13


lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For

thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,

forever. Amen.


I can’t believe it is “July” Newsletter

time!!! Hope your 4th

was so fun and

HAPPY… I can’t

imagine the heartaches

of our flooded WV folks

– just pray for their

hearts to be lightened …

only the Lord can give

comfort in times like

this … as Dr. Jerry

Harrah wrote years ago:


Lightening cleaves swarthy skies…

Ear-splitting thunder

peels an ominous warning,

blustery gales whip trees and shrubs…

pelting rain drives all life to shelter,

ice forms in mid-summer heat…

summer storms strike quickly and forcefully fall

from the sky

without warning, they catch us unaware

and ill-prepared…

then – as suddenly and it began…

abruptly – without notice --- it ends,

winds diminish and air becomes still … rain

ceases its insistent pounding,

thunder and lightning become distant echoes …

fading steadily disappear.

Sunbeams streak through remnants of clouds …

Skies turn bright and blue again,

Doors and windows open cautiously …

Life ventures out to inspect creation …

Washed … Blown …

And hung out to dry.


In a daily devotion – it referred to Mathew 6:9:

“Our God knows what we need before we pray

– so we need to remember to include the Lord’s

Prayer in our daily prayers…” If you are like

so many – not sure how or what to pray

sometimes … but do… PRAYER WORKS …

oh my the CM is preaching again…

The OWLS went to Glen Ferris Inn for their

recent meeting, the report… “It’s a beautiful

place, good food, great folks, and they received

a brief history of the Inn.” The only thing that

was not such a plus was the trip home when the

storm came enough (that caused such damage)

and our folks had to pull over for about 5

minutes or so – we were hailed upon but

managed to get home safe and sound… Special

Thanks to Andrea Lupson for composing the

Newsletter, monthly! Let me praise Janet Sims

again, she is an “angel among us” and I need

not say more… so is our Becky Hayes who

went along so Janet had some backup in case

she needed it – We are so blessed with those

youngeons (to me). I better close for now …

Stay safe … Happy 4th

of July!!! Blessings to


Blessings, the CM


Greg White 7/7

Ron Jacobs 7/12

Jennifer Allman 7/14

Ethan Allman 7/17

Amelia Allman 7/20

Ann Miller 7/23

Charlie Rollyson 7/27

Daniel Harrah 7/30


Recent Prayer Requests

TOM ADAMS – Chemo – cousin of Janet Sims BOB ALLEN - treatments JUDY ANDREWS —Christy Walls‘ mother TED BOGGESS - treatments ALICE BROYLES —healing BEN COBB- recovery NANCY GOODMAN – Hospice House of Huntington NANCY HILL – Recovery from 2 surgeries at Cleveland Clinic CATHERINE KING – manor resident – various health problems ROBERT KRASZEWSKI — leukemia (Uncle of Andrea Lupson) LYNN MCLEOD - rehab JULIAN PEMBERTON –recovery KEITH PEMBERTON –recovery VICKI PRIDDY- recovery CHARLIE ROLLYSON - recovery DEBBIE SOWARDS – recovery BARB STRINGER DIANE STRINGER – recovery Pray for our nation and military. Pray for Missionaries and Christian Refugees Pray for WV Flood Victims.

If you have an prayer request and would like our chain of Prayer Warriors to pray for you, please call Pastor Kyle, 540-405-1042, Bill Hensley 304-757-8599, Dianne Harrah, 304-549-0026 and they will notify the prayer chain.

2016 Financial Update:

Budgeted Offerings/ Other

Receipts $200,000

Budgeted Expenses $226,219

YEAR – TO - DATE June 23, 2016

Budgeted Actual


Receipts $96,154 $111,258

Expenses $108,759 $111,125


Point of

View Greetings Dear Friends!

As we approach mid-summer and the

birthday of our nation, I think it is a good

idea to remember the commitment, costs

and sacrifices our Founding Fathers made

to birth this new nation under God. In a time

where there are floods and fires, violence,

political storms and a mentality where we

often ask, “What’s in it for me?”, maybe it is

time again remember that freedom is never

free and integrity, character and great

sacrifices have been made to make this

nation free. Listen to this description below

of the price the signers of the Declaration of

Independence paid to achieve this new

experiment in government. I don’t know who

the author of this article is, but I think it is

worth our time to reflect on our past as we

think about our future.

July 4th History Lesson...

Have you ever wondered what happened to

the 56 men who signed the Declaration of


Five signers were captured by the British as

traitors, and tortured before

they died.

Twelve had their homes ransacked and


Two lost their sons serving in the

Revolutionary Army; another had two sons



Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds

or hardships of the Revolutionary War.

They signed and they pledged their lives,

their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

What kind of men were they?

Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists.

Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers

and large plantation owners; men of means,

well educated, but they signed the

Declaration of Independence knowing full

well that the penalty would be death if they

were captured.

Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter

and trader, saw his ships swept from the

seas by the British Navy. He sold his home

and properties to pay his debts, and died in


Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the

British that he was forced to move his family

almost constantly. He served in the

Congress without pay, and his family was

kept in hiding. His possessions were taken

from him, and poverty was his reward.

Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of

Dillery, Hall, Clymer, Walton, Gwinnett,

Heyward, Rutledge, and Middleton.

At the battle of Yorktown , Thomas Nelson,

Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis

had taken over the Nelson home for his

headquarters. He quietly urged General

George Washington to open fire. The home

was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.

Francis Lewis had his home and properties

destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and

she died within a few months.

John Hart was driven from his wife’s

bedside as she was dying. Their 13

children fled for their lives. His fields and his

gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a

year he lived in forests and caves, returning

home to find his wife dead and his children


So, take a few minutes while enjoying your

4th of July holiday and silently thank God for

these patriots. It’s not much to ask for the

price they paid.

Remember: freedom is never free!

It’s time we get the word out that patriotism

is NOT a sin, and the Fourth of July has

more to it than a day off from work, picnics

and fireworks.

Hope you have a Happy 4 th of July and

remember to pray for our nation!

Your brother in Christ, Kyle

Adult Studies by Nellie Howard, Resource Center Director

It will soon be time to decide what your adult classes will study this fall. There are plenty of choices from the series, Being Reformed: Faith Seeking Understanding. This series recognizes that as Presbyterians we understand that God calls us to explore ways our Christian faith can be more fully known and expressed. These studies us what it means to be Presbyterian Christians in the world today. Let's look at a few selections from the study which are available from your Resource Center. Click here for more...


Mission Co-workers to Speak Mission Dinner: Sunday, 7/31/16 at 6pm at First Presbyterian Church in Fairmont, WV.

Bob and Kristi Rice will speak about their work in the Democratic Republic of Congo where they have been serving there since 2010. They work with the Presbyterian Community of Congo empowering the poor and demonstrating God's love. They work in visioning and implementing new initiatives, in Christian education and evangelism, developing curriculum, equipping leaders, community development and on a microloan project. The Congo has a history of conflict, rebellion and civil wars. The Presbyterian Church has a large presence there and we are excited to hear about what they have to say to us about their ministry. We welcome all to join us. If you would like to join us, please let call or email Fairmont Presbyterian with reservations so they will have enough food for the event.

Preserve and Conserve! Workshops available on Energy Efficiency, Water Resources, And Community Health The Presbytery's Stewardship of Creation Ministry Team (SCMT) is continuing to provide workshops around the Presbytery on the importance to the faith community of preserving and conserving resources, especially water and energy. They are providing these workshops free of charge and will tailor the event to the ages and size of the gathering. For more information and a Flyer click here...

Free Disaster Awareness Workshops July 12th, 2016 at WV State Police Academy Dunbar, WV

Free training opportunity for community leaders, senior service providers and caregivers, health departments, DHHR, county and city government agencies. Click here for Natural Disaster Awareness for Caregivers of Senior Citizens Click here for Natural Disaster Awareness for Community Leaders I'm once again challenging you to respond to me. Feel free to post on our Facebook page, or just send me an email. I challenge you to send me pictures that remind you of God’s love. Also, I would like to do a special edition with before and after shots for all the couples TVPC has seen get married. So please, send me wedding and years later shots of couples who’ve gotten married at TVPC (please have their names and ideally the years they got married too).

Have something you want in the Newsletter? Feel free to email the Newsletter at: [email protected]


How to receive your newsletter in the future:

Contact Sara if you would like to get on the mailing

list for a printed copy, even if you also receive a

digital copy. Currently, the printed newsletter will

be in black and white. The digital copy which will

go out to everyone our email list. It will be as a

Portable Document Format (PDF). We recommend

either Foxit Reader or Adobe Reader to open these

documents. These readers are both available at no

cost. Many people may already have the Adobe

Reader installed.


Our Staff Dr. Kyle W. Key ..................................... Pastor Karren Sparks .................................. Secretary Frances Arthur .................. Organist/Keyboard Laura Boggess................................Lay Pastor Jeff Boggess ……………..Praise Team Leader Susie Konstanty ... …………………CE Director Paul Konstanty………………… .. Youth Leader Kim Lemons……...... Leaps & Bounds Director Tyler Cobb…....………………… Choir Director Andrea Lupson .....................Newsletter Editor

The Valley Viewer is produced by:

Teays Valley Presbyterian Church

5339 Teays Valley Road Scott Depot WV 25560

304 757-6073 – off ice phone

off [email protected]

Remember, every Sunday is Community Sunday.

Bring a friend, bring a family, everyone is welcome at TVPC!


Sunday Funday Sundays 2:00-3:30 pm Cub & Boy Scouts Mondays at 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays at 9:00 am

Chancel Choir Wednesdays at 7:30 pm

Girl Scouts Thursdays at 6:30 pm

Visit us on the Web!

View the calendar online – just click on the link.

Check out our Facebook page!

Teays Valley Presbyterian Church

5339 Teays Valley Road

Scott Depot WV 25560

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