Page 1: TERRORISM - Lockton · Spring 2013 TERRORISM WAR & The Lockton War & Terrorism division offers dedicated and specialist services encompassing all aspects of War, Terrorism and Political

Spring 2013


Page 2: TERRORISM - Lockton · Spring 2013 TERRORISM WAR & The Lockton War & Terrorism division offers dedicated and specialist services encompassing all aspects of War, Terrorism and Political

The Lockton War & Terrorism division offers dedicated and specialist services encompassing

all aspects of War, Terrorism and Political Violence in the London and Worldwide marketplace.

Coverage is available for Multi-National Programmes, Single Territory Placements and Single

Location Placements as follows:

• Sabotage and Terrorism

• Riots, Strikes, Civil Commotion and Malicious Damage

• Political Violence including Coup D’Etat, Rebellion, War and Civil War

• Terrorism Construction (up to 48 months) including Delay in Start Up

• Third Party Liability and Employee Liability

• Loss of Attraction and Event Cancellation

The major news for the Terror / Political Violence market for the Spring edition of the Lockton Newsletter / Flyer is the re emergence of underwriters Stephen Ashwell at XL and David James at ANV. These 2 protagonists of the original stand alone terrorism market in 2001 will have reportedly $100m and $50m of capacity respectively. With Chris Kirby also starting at IGI we have 3 new markets for terrorism and political violence risks which will keep market stability, and lead to further competition for business.

The situation in Syria may still be intensifying, without dominating news, but it is the West’s shift in response to the conflict, which appears to be increasingly more reported in the press.

The Syrian opposition has become increasingly aggravated with the support, or what it deemed to be the lack of support, that it was getting. This however, appears to have altered with The US secretary of state indicating that Congress would be asked for $60m (£40m) of additional aid for the opposition fighters battling the Syrian government, and it will more than double aid to the civilian opposition. Washington has also been prepared to supply non-lethal aid rations and medical equipment directly to the military opposition to the Assad regime.

Other countries also appear to be altering their previously dispassionate stances. “Britain’s policy couldn’t remain static in the face of an ever-deteriorating situation,” said the UK Foreign Secretary. He said that the UK would be

using any changes in the EU arms embargo on Syria to the full. “We will send equipment that we haven’t sent before,” William Hague asserted, but for now this will still not include weaponry, although he would not rule out the future supply of arms if the situation continued to deteriorate.

A final statement after a meeting of the Friends of Syria group in Rome recently added that the regime must immediately stop the indiscriminate bombardment against populated areas which it said were “crimes against humanity and cannot remain unpunished.” As regards the humanitarian crisis a senior UN official stated that the total number of Syrian refugees is expected to pass more than one million shortly.

There have also been clashes near the Syria-Israel frontier adding to concerns as Syrian regime forces routed rebels fighting on the edge of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights last week, leaving at least 35 dead, as the country’s civil war reached the doorstep of the strategic plateau.

In other parts of the world, in Iraq there were scenes of destruction in Baghdad following a series of co-ordinated car

Page 3: TERRORISM - Lockton · Spring 2013 TERRORISM WAR & The Lockton War & Terrorism division offers dedicated and specialist services encompassing all aspects of War, Terrorism and Political

David ChealesHead of War & TerrorismT: 020 7933 2291E: [email protected]

Brendan ScofieldPartnerT: 020 7933 2292E: [email protected]

Enhancements AvailableUSD 50m Hiscox syndicate line slip facilityDeletion of the Incorrect Declaration PenaltyDebris Removal and Professional Fees (without sublimit) “Per Occurrence” Limits or Multiple Reinstatements.Contingent Business Interruption: Ingress/Egress; Failure of Public Utilities; Interdependency Coverage; Customers and Suppliers; Civil /Military AuthorityIncreased Cost of Working Sub-limitsBy-law extension improved to cover cost of site clearance.

The MarketWe have access to in excess of $2.45billion of coverage for any single risk, with little geographical exclusion. Capacity is sought from Lloyd’s syndicates and company markets based in London, USA, Bermuda, Europe, Scandinavia and the Middle East.

Key Company Markets• AXIS• Lancashire• Chartis• Montpelier re• QBE• Inter Hannover• Torus• ACE.

Key Lloyd’s Markets• Hiscox• Catlin• Hardy• Amlin• Talbot• Liberty• Beazley• Chaucer• Pembroke• Brit• Atrium• Ascot.

bombs and roadside blasts, 10 years to the day since the US led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. Reports stated that more than 30 people were killed and 80 wounded as small restaurants, bus stops and groups of labourers were targeted. Al-qaeda took responsibility for the attack that occurred 19th March. The global militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden is regaining strength and has carried out dozens of high profile attacks since the beginning of the year.

In Timbuktu a suicide car bomber has killed a Malian soldier and wounded six others at the airport in the northern town, a spokesman for Mali’s army said on 21st March. It was the first suicide attack in Timbuktu since French and Malian forces chased al-qaida-linked Islamist militants from the ancient trading town nearly two months ago.

On 18th March in Mogadishu, the Somali capital, a suicide car bomber killed at least 10 people near the presidential palace in an explosion that police said was aimed at a senior security official. The attacker blew up his car while driving along a boulevard that runs between the palace and the national theatre. Tea rooms lining the route were engulfed in fire and a public minibus passing by burst into flames. The majority of the people who died were civilians on board the minibus.

In Lebanon Najib Mikati, has taken the country by surprise announcing his resignation, and calling for the formation of a national unity government. Mikati stepped down blaming government infighting during a time of rising sectarian tensions. Lebanon is currently buckling under the pressure of the conflict engulfing neighbouring Syria. Unease in the country has been heightened as the violence from across the border spills into Lebanon.

The Prime Minister’s unexpected resignation throws the country into uncertainty at a crucial time, and threatens to leave a void in the state’s highest ranks amid sporadic violence inflamed by the civil war in Syria. According to reports, however, it is rumoured that this may be an attempt to boost his credentials among his fellow Sunnis ahead of elections.

Page 4: TERRORISM - Lockton · Spring 2013 TERRORISM WAR & The Lockton War & Terrorism division offers dedicated and specialist services encompassing all aspects of War, Terrorism and Political

A division of Lockton Companies LLPAuthorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. A Lloyd’s brokerRegistered in England & Wales at The St Botolph Building, 138 Houndsditch,

London, EC3A 7AG, Company No. OC353198. LLP 557G.


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To provide the most uncommon results and service in a most common business

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