Page 1: The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Enterprise Architects May 27 2004 Mike Giovinazzo

The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Enterprise Architects

May 27 2004

Mike Giovinazzo

Page 2: The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Enterprise Architects May 27 2004 Mike Giovinazzo


The 7 Habits . . .

Can express any abstract concept on the back of a napkin Workaholic tendencies

Sleeps 3 hours per night Drink lots of coffee Can ignore family for long periods of time Only networks at frequent pub crawls

Spouts fluff and jargon with religious fervour Suspends reality to explore theoretical ideals Architectural theory overwrites life skills

"Models" imply Zachman not Tyra Banks Sacrificial lamb

Blamed for everything Thick skinned & egotistical

Have a weird sense of humour

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Governments around the world are adopting sophisticated Enterprise Architecture Move them towards a portfolio of cohesive e-services Well aligned and fully interoperable.

Enterprise Architects are being appointed to help meet this need One of the more challenging roles in government today Most people in this role have significant responsibility Do not have authority or control.

Management Better understand how to select these critical champions

Would-be architects the challenges that face them

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What is an Architect

Throughout human history, architects have ranged from learned men revered by royalty, to anonymous craftsmen rising through the ranks of guilds. Both have built castles, cathedrals and chateaux.

Until the last century, there were no schools of architecture, no building codes, etc.

Michelangelo (1475-1564) was an architect Anyone could hang out a shingle as an

architect, and did.

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A Historical ViewCirca 25 BC,

Vitruvius described the role of an architect as:

The ideal architect should be a man of letters, a mathematician, familiar with historical studies, a diligent of philosophy, acquainted with music, not ignorant of medicine, learned in the responses of jurisconsultantis, familiar with astronomy and astronomical calculations.

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio first century B.C. - Roman architect and writer. His De Architectura is the only surviving text on ancient architectural theory.

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Architecture has evolved

By 2007, 15 percent of EA core teams will move out from under the IT organization's management structure, with direct reporting relationships to either corporate strategy or corporate change management functions.

By 2007, 40 percent of enterprise architects will have primary expertise in business strategy or process engineering

By 2006, 20% of Global 2000 organizations will integrate holistic enterprise architecture, enterprise program management, enterprise strategy/planning, and IT portfolio management into a common set of IT management processes

META Group: Meta Trends 2003-2004 & 2004-2005

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Architecture in Government

Things are changing It is no longer enough to simply manage individual

initiatives Zachman once could not get an audience,

now at 72, he is in constant demand USA - FEAF (Federated Enterprise Architecture Framework)

Canadian Federal Government BTEP - Business Transformation Enablement Program Provincial: PSRM – Public Service Reference Model Municipal: MRM – Municipal Reference Model

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Draft Architectural Principles

Tasmanian Government – Australia

1 - Reduce integration complexity2 - Holistic approach3 - Business event-driven systems4 - Defined authoritative sources5 - Security, confidentiality, privacy and protection of information6 - Proven standards and technology7 - Total cost of ownership (TCO)8 - Adopt standard methodologies9 - Extended information and services environment10 - Multiple delivery channels11 - Accessible government12 - Robustness13 - Plan for growth Also see:

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META Group – Architect Skills and Credentials Bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, systems analysis, or a related study, or equivalent experience.

Three to four years of experience in at least two IT disciplines OR three to four years of experience in business analysis or business strategic planning.

Exposure to multiple, diverse technical configurations, technologies, and processing environments.

Excellent analytical and technical skills. Excellent planning and organizational skills. Knowledge of all components of a technical architecture. Knowledge of business re-engineering principles and processes. Strong understanding of network architecture. Strong understanding of client/server and object-oriented analysis and

design. Ability to understand the long-term (“big picture”) and short-term

perspectives Ability to translate business needs into technical architecture requirements. Ability to apply multiple technical solutions to business problems. Ability to quickly comprehend the functions and capabilities of new


META Group: How Many Architects Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb? Jan 2004

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Architect Skills and Credentials continued …

AND … Strong leadership skills. Excellent written and oral communications skills. Basic knowledge of financial models and budgeting. Ability to estimate financial impact of technical architecture

alternatives. Exceptional interpersonal skills, including teamwork,

facilitation, and negotiation. Understanding of the political climate of the enterprise and

how to navigate the politics.

META Group: How Many Architects Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb? Jan 2004

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Architect Skills and Credentials continued … Characteristics

Works well with others Is a respected leader Is charismatic Is influential in the organization Is agnostic toward technology vendor and product choices;

more interested in results than in personal choices Is unflappable in the face of opposition to “architectural

ideals” Has a reputation of integrity Drives short-term action consistent with long-term


META Group: How Many Architects Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb? Jan 2004

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Activities to Build an Enterprise ArchitectureProcess Step Technical Activities Business Activities Initiate the effort Develop an architecture

framework Build the architecture team

Create readiness for architecture Overcome resistance to change Identify and influence stakeholders Encourage open participation and involvement Reveal discrepancies between current and desired state

Describe where we are

Characterise the baseline architecture

Make it clear to everyone why change is needed Convey credible expectations Communicate valued outcomes

Identify where we’d like to be

Develop the target architecture

Communicate valued features Energise commitment Create a plan for transition activities

Plan how to get the architecture

Develop the transition plan Execute the target architecture

Communicate the transition plan Establish sound management structure Build support for the architect

Implement the architecture

Maintain/Enhance the target architecture

Develop new competencies and skills Reinforce architecture practices

July 1, August 2000 IEEE IT Pro

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Skills an Architect NeedsProcess Step Technical Activities Skills Initiate the effort

Deep understanding of technology trends

Technical vision Interviewing

Ability to articulate and sell a vision Team building Insightful

Describe where we are

System analysis and synthesis

System modelling

Investigative High tolerance for ambiguity Deep understanding of business strategy Entrepreneurial and creative Ability to moderate and build consensus

Identify where we’d like to be

System conceptualisation System analysis and

modelling Technology selection

Practical and pragmatic Resilient Ability to mentor and coach

Plan how to get the architecture

Trade-off analysis Project/transition planning Technical reviews and


Communicate the transition plan Establish sound management structure Build support for the architect

Implement the architecture

Configuration management Project tracking and


Empathetic and approachable Committed, dedicated, passionate

July 1, August 2000 IEEE IT Pro

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The Architect's Shifting Role

It is shifting … from technical focus … to business from just project based … to corporate role from trouble-shooting … to problem prevention from capable doer … to leader

Extends the “vision” Provides “true north” for the organization

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Recapping Researching: must become adept at understanding issues and

finding answers quickly and creatively. Analysing: must be able to formulate questions used in business

conversations to elicit facts or statements from them, and be willing to listen to what these individuals have to say.

Engineering: must be able to apply principles of logic, science, and mathematics to the understanding of systems and processes so the latter can be improved.

Communicating: must be able to expound on an important subject to inform and instruct an audience, convincing members to take further action. This entails persuading, marketing, and selling.

Arbitrating: must be able to reconcile differences to achieve a common objective and find appropriate solutions.

Teaching & Mentoring: must be able and willing to transfer knowledge to others, if necessary, identifying their weaknesses and helping in their correction.

Organizing: must be able to put things together in an orderly, functioning, structured whole. This entails handling multiple things at the same time effectively.

Adapted from META Group: The Chief Architect: The Transformation Leader Jan 2003

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Sample Linkage to HR Competencies

Technical CompetenciesBusiness CompetenciesBehavioral Competencies Basic


• Leading, Inspiring, building trust• Thinking Strategically• Communications (listening, info gathering)• Building relationships• Influencing & Persuading

• Understand business org. culture• Focus on results• Focus on clients

• Understand existing systems• Understand emerging technologies• Understand Project Management


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Where to Start?

“Big Picture” Thinker













“Results Oriented”




Provides a fresh perspective

Sought after

Conceptual thinker

Connects the dots

Negotiating skills

Political Savvy

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1. Does what must be done Demonstrates Flexibility / Agility

The role of the architect can be nebulous: management advisor, problem solver, trouble-shooter, "shadow" project manager

Transformation Leader Connects the Dots Jack of all trades The "glue" that holds the project together Swiss army knife of consultants

Polymorphic / “chameleon” Fits in / Adapts to the client, not the other way around

Active Champion Reliable - willing to be fired - straight shooter Need Guts to move Forward Does what needs to be done

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2. Provides Thought Leadership Often sought after for opinions and ideas Broad base of experience Can provide fresh perspective and rational approach Aware of a broad range of solutions and understands

the limits of the current "state of the art" Follows current thinking and latest trends yet avoids

fads and "cool" stuff Can spot patterns: flat file / hierarchy / network / relational 4GL/application generators/web site templates/ERP/COTS

Conceptual thinking Analyses - separation of a whole into its constituent parts Synthesizes - To combine so as to form a new, complex product

Multi-dimensional thinker Can see and apply patterns

is familiar with many patterns

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3. Builds Rapport & Trust Can moderate and build consensus Networking / builds on other peoples ideas /

does not reinvent the wheel Negotiating skills

Architecture is not bound by a project Tends to be borderless: Architect deals with many

parties and often needs to agree on perceived scope or boundary issues

Example: working out the details of re-use Influential Seen as a leader Facilitation skills Teacher / mentor

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4. Understands the Business

Business / IT Alignment Business should drive IT.

1/4 inch drill vs 1/4 inch hole Business Architecture vs Technical Architecture Applies rigour and methods without the

participants feeling they had it "done to them“ Technology Independent

Politically Savvy

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Discovery of the heaviest element yet known to science, tentatively named “Administratium”

Administratium has one neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons and 111 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.

These 312 particles are held together by a force created by surrounding them with vast quantities of peons.

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4. Business Understanding - continued Identify key stakeholder and influencers Motivational factors

Can demonstrate the value of architecture Technically superior is not always preferred solution

Sensitive to the issues Topical issues: "hot potatoes" of the day, procurement,

privacy, ... How will you pay for the solution; delivery it; sell it

Government is different Procurement process insights Funding strategies Justification & approval cycles “The levers of Government”

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5. Demonstrates Technical Prowess Abreast & up-to-date on a wide variety of techniques

& tools Often perceived as a technical heavyweight

Invests time to learn / experiment Often have home LANS Install and run a wide variety of software Personally experiment with different software Lots of reading / Conferences / Seminars / Web-Zines / On-

line seminars Not the smartest person in the room

E.g. Recommend Biometrics; have the expert there Agnostic re technology Unbiased re outcome

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6. Persuades & Communicates Effectively No matter how brilliant your design ideas,

they are of little use unless they can be properly communicated

In the final analysis, it helps to remember that architects are not the ultimate decision-makers.

The ability to articulate your ideas in a way that they can be put to use by others is an absolute prerequisite for success.

The only real power the architect has is the power of persuasion.

Decision-making influencer Constraints: budget, skill/capabilities, cultural fit, ...

Inform: so management makes a sound decision Do not push your own agenda / avoid a biased position

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Communicates Effectively (cont’d) Effective communications is critical to being able to

bridge the gap between the language of business and the jargon of technology. Every industry has it's jargon. Your client should not need to

learn or understand your technical jargon. Formal / consistent

Program, Service, Process, … Listening skills

Understand the problem(s) Separate problems from symptoms Clarify Need Define goal / desired outcomes

Examples and analogies can be very effective Facilitate communications among different parties

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7. Delivers Practical Results

Architecture is not done for the sake of architecture, the client has clear goals and a purpose

Client looks to the architect for what is viable, feasible Balance short term & long term

Architecture often sets target Landscape plan looks quite different then the initial planting

Never Perfect Knows when enough is enough Time box - 80/20

Entrepreneurial - make it happen, can overcome obstacles Can relate the technology to the true business needs

Should we be scanning all this paper? What can be left manual? Do we really need PKI?

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The 7 Habits

1. Does what must be done 2. Provides Thought Leadership 3. Builds Rapport & Trust 4. Understands the Business 5. Demonstrates Technical Prowess 6. Persuades & Communicates

Effectively 7. Delivers Practical Results

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META Group – Bottom Line

The strategic quality and content of an enterprise architecture hinges on having the right profiled (competent) person for the job of the chief architect.

This will enable tighter business/IT alignment, better-quality decisions, and the successful implementation of an enterprise architecture.

Business ImpactThe enterprise architects (stewards of this process) that will step up to the plate will demonstrate a consistent set of competencies and use them to foster a richer and more creative working relationship with their business

and IT counterparts, providing a holistic view of the business and associated infrastructure.

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Management- Making architecture successful Selecting the right champion Providing backing and support

Define the drivers of success Coach the architects regarding issues, culture …

Supporting processes & governance Effectively placed in the organization

Tied to the scope

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Enhancing your skills



FEAF Institute

Institute for Enterprise Architecture Developments

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Copyright – World Wide Institute of Software Architects

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Risks & Rewards

Risks Responsibility without corresponding control A lot of resistance and disappointments along the way Often encounter others that believe they have a better idea

or solution Rewards

Focus on interesting and complex issues Opportunity to advance to a very high levels in the

organization with business & technical focus (rather than personnel and fiscal)

Opportunity to make an enormous difference to the company and clients

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Andrew Bystrzycki Susan Beausoleil Gail Eagen Fram Engineer Neil Levette Linda Savard Greg Sherman Selma Tennenhouse

Henry Baragar John Bruder Jean Cheng Gord Colquhoun Armand Guillemette Oliver Javampour Neil Kemp J. P. Lortie Skip Lumley Ana Pedrosa Ed Shallow

Only with the support of many friends and colleagues was this presentation such a pleasure to create and deliver. My thanks to these individuals and their originations.

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