Page 1: The branding of channel 4

The Branding of The Branding of Channel 4Channel 4

Have we made links with this Have we made links with this brand?brand?

Page 2: The branding of channel 4

Does our documentary link Does our documentary link with Channel 4?with Channel 4?

““The visual identity is the outward expression for Channel 4. It The visual identity is the outward expression for Channel 4. It uniquely and distinctively sets it apart from other channels.”uniquely and distinctively sets it apart from other channels.”

Channel 4 documentaries usually tend to deal with hard-hitting, Channel 4 documentaries usually tend to deal with hard-hitting, intense themes and important discussions. The increasing awareness of intense themes and important discussions. The increasing awareness of cyber-bullying is loitering our society, therefore Channel 4 seemed to cyber-bullying is loitering our society, therefore Channel 4 seemed to be the best distributor for our short the best distributor for our short film.

The logo is the primary element of Channel 4. However, other The logo is the primary element of Channel 4. However, other component parts play n important role in establishing the Channel 4 component parts play n important role in establishing the Channel 4 visual style.visual style.

These elements are:These elements are: 1. Colour1. Colour 2. Typography2. Typography 3. Imagery3. Imagery 4. Tone of Voice4. Tone of Voice

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Use of InterviewsUse of Interviews 1. Channel 4 documentary interviews look at peoples memories, they 1. Channel 4 documentary interviews look at peoples memories, they

also offer a personal thought throughout.also offer a personal thought throughout. 2. Interviews change locations throughout the documentary. The 2. Interviews change locations throughout the documentary. The

audience effect on this is that the interviews portray their feelings audience effect on this is that the interviews portray their feelings which can emotionally attach an audience member to the person or which can emotionally attach an audience member to the person or event.event.

1. Our documentary contains personal interviews involving 1. Our documentary contains personal interviews involving challenging and important subjects. Using Dave Smith as a subject challenging and important subjects. Using Dave Smith as a subject was linking with Channel 4 branding, due to Dave discussing about was linking with Channel 4 branding, due to Dave discussing about Hannah he opened up about his memories which then leads the Hannah he opened up about his memories which then leads the audience to personal thought.audience to personal thought.

2. We use different locations for the different effect we want on the 2. We use different locations for the different effect we want on the audience. For our ‘subject X’, the use of background was to ensure audience. For our ‘subject X’, the use of background was to ensure she remained anonymous, but also adding a sense of mystery for the she remained anonymous, but also adding a sense of mystery for the audience. Dave Smith’s interview is in his home, this is emotional for audience. Dave Smith’s interview is in his home, this is emotional for the audience as it brings about the reality of this case introducing the the audience as it brings about the reality of this case introducing the devastation. devastation.

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DialogueDialogue Dialogue within a Channel 4 documentary Dialogue within a Channel 4 documentary

tends to be informal, making it tends to be informal, making it ‘easier to ‘easier to watch’.watch’.

In our documentary we use a voice over, In our documentary we use a voice over, who discusses various facts about cyber-who discusses various facts about cyber-bullying.bullying.

Also, our voice over gives a short Also, our voice over gives a short narrative before introducing our Hannah narrative before introducing our Hannah Smith subject story, voiced by her father Smith subject story, voiced by her father Dave Smith.Dave Smith.

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AudienceAudience The audience aimed at by Channel 4 is usually middle class The audience aimed at by Channel 4 is usually middle class

demonstrated by the class of participators in the audience and demonstrated by the class of participators in the audience and realism of the everyday life shown by them. realism of the everyday life shown by them.

We target We target Channel 4’s middle class audienceChannel 4’s middle class audience through our through our secondary audience secondary audience of opinion leaders,of opinion leaders, however it is expected to reach them through our review. however it is expected to reach them through our review. We should have thought more over the scheduling of our production, if we We should have thought more over the scheduling of our production, if we were to show it at 8pm on Channel 4 rather than 7pm, it is more likely parents were to show it at 8pm on Channel 4 rather than 7pm, it is more likely parents have control over the TV, have control over the TV, impacting the audience as our secondary audience of impacting the audience as our secondary audience of opinion leaders become our primary audience. opinion leaders become our primary audience.

Our primary audience, teenagersOur primary audience, teenagers, are more likely to access the documentary , are more likely to access the documentary through different lines of distribution. Such as PSHCE lessons educated at through different lines of distribution. Such as PSHCE lessons educated at school, or YouTube. However, the latter does reflect the shift from scheduled school, or YouTube. However, the latter does reflect the shift from scheduled TV viewing to on demand viewing, which is much more likely in the younger TV viewing to on demand viewing, which is much more likely in the younger generation, so the generation, so the primary audience are likely to interact with it in this wayprimary audience are likely to interact with it in this way. . 

Channel 4 documentaries tend to target both genders, to widen the audience, just Channel 4 documentaries tend to target both genders, to widen the audience, just as we have. We can spread are message further, and raise awareness by doing as we have. We can spread are message further, and raise awareness by doing this. this.

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We feel our documentary brand links We feel our documentary brand links with a Channel 4 documentary brand with a Channel 4 documentary brand through our hard-hitting important through our hard-hitting important topic and techniques and choices in topic and techniques and choices in

our video. our video.

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