Page 1: The · Mark Your Calendar Evening Prayer Meeting Wednesday, May 10th at 7:00 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14th Communion

Mark Your Calendar

Evening Prayer Meeting Wednesday, May 10th at 7:00

Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14th

Communion Sunday, May 21st

Men’s Breakfast Saturdays May 6th, and 20th at 7:30

“But thanks be to God, who…leads us along in Christ’s

triumphal procession … [and] uses us to tell others about

the Lord and to spread the Good News like a sweet


(Corinthians 2:14 NLT)

As a pastor my job usually breaks down into two

categories: 1) comforting the afflicted; and 2) afflicting

the comfortable. Lately at South Point it feels like there

has been a lot of #1but it is important that even in the

challenging parts of life we don’t begin to think that even

God can’t use us right now. The truth is many people in

the Bible struggled, grieved and faced a variety of

challenges but God was and is such a faithful ministry


Don Polston is one of those pastors that writes

with so much positivity that I am sometimes not sure if I

should be inspired to do more or ashamed that I do so

little (and remember I’m an optimist). I don’t know

anything much about this life or ministry but in the past

when I’ve needed a positive kick in the pants (#2) I’ve

South Point

Community Church


Volume II



A Word From Pastor Dave

Continued on page 2…

Page 2: The · Mark Your Calendar Evening Prayer Meeting Wednesday, May 10th at 7:00 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14th Communion

Article Continued . . .

Thinking about my mom…

It’s been a 40 year, wild ride

so far. And for each one of

those years, my mom has stood

beside me. Always a steady and

solid rock to tie myself to, when

the seas get a bit too rough.

Even though she could have

given up on me a long time ago,

she’s still that same safe place.

Not only is she my mom, but

also the mom figure to my

daughter, Neen. Always there

to help and encourage both of


With the most giving heart,

calming spirit and devotion to

God, my mom is a very, very

special woman to me.

I’d also like to add that she

makes the best goulash (hint,

hint LOL)

I love you, Mom

Spencer Murray

Some quotes that

apply to my

mom’s life

~ Trust in the Lord

with all your heart.

~Your faith will

help me, and my

faith will help you.

~ To God be the

glory and give

thanks always

~ God is good all

the time, all the

time God is good

Through it all I

am most grateful

for all her prayers

and her faith in

Jesus Christ her

Lord and Savior. Lois Rivest

My mom was short, with glasses, hard working with

rough hands.

Practical in life, practical in matters relating to raising

children, and practical in her faith. One of the things that

was particularly special about my mother is that, because

the Bible said that we are to love one another, she told us

every day that she loved us and showed us every day in

her actions and in the way she served our family. I

learned through my mother that the Bible is not just a

book to read but it is a book that needed to be lived by.

She never professed to do it all perfectly but she

demonstrated a genuine effort and striving toward a life of

faith that I could admire

Dave Bretzlaff

found it in a little book he wrote years ago

titled, Living Without Losing. So here’s

some tips for keeping going with God:

Beware of judging your future within the

limitations of the present.

Everything can change in one day by

meeting the right person. Pray that you

will be at the right place, at the right time,

to meet the right person, so that together

you may help one another.

…remember to ask [God] for a strong

back and not for lighter burdens. People

who triumph are people who have

developed muscles for added


…Here are 4 tips for triumph: 1) For

greater motivation, plan larger projects in

shorter periods of time. This will put

pressure on you for achievement. Each

time you complete a project in the allotted

time you will be educated for greater

endeavors. 2) Don’t substitute movement

for results. Remember, you are after

achievement! 3) Work, pray, and plan to

win! Once you know His mind, never let

it enter your mind that you can’t win.

Winning is committed to a set of plans. If

they fail, create others that will succeed.

There is no possible way to success

without some opposition, setback or

personal loss, so you must take these and

build on them.

PRAYER: “Heavenly Father, because of

Your love, I come to you. Because of Your

love, I am eager for change in my life.

Thank You for the sense of excitement that

wells up within me as I think on Your Name.

Don’t allow me to be a robot but challenge

me to excellence because of love. In Christ’s

name, Amen”

Page 3: The · Mark Your Calendar Evening Prayer Meeting Wednesday, May 10th at 7:00 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14th Communion

SPCC Family Birthdays

May 11 ~ Len

May 16 ~ Brittany

May 22 ~ Charmaine

May 24 ~ Finn

May 29 ~ Ruby

May 30 ~ Talitha

Up Coming Friday Family Night Events May 5 Mother’s Day Craft May12 No Event May 19 Grandparents Celebration May 26 Easy Cooking June 2 Games

Everyone is welcome, come out and

join in the fun! If you have any questions, contact Joss Johns

This month we would like to

celebrate our Grandparents by inviting

them to join us at SPCC family night, May

19th at 6:30 pm. We will have a special

night to honor them. If you could respond

by letting me know if you are coming I can

better plan the evening.

~ Joss

Family Corner Here are the names of our youth in


Victoria Matt

Ashtyn Nathan

Owen Brook

Evan Cyrus

McKenna Chelynne

Dalton Dylan

Zack Neena

Jonathan Samara

Noal Jocelyn

Supawadee Piyawat

Please write their names down somewhere where you can see them, and remember them.

Pray a wall of protection around them as they take more steps out in the world that’s at war specifically against the truth that they are being taught about God.

Pray for their parents, their siblings, their homes, and others who walk along the road with them.

Prayer and Praise

Page 4: The · Mark Your Calendar Evening Prayer Meeting Wednesday, May 10th at 7:00 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14th Communion


“God uses seemingly insignificant people to

accomplish significant things.”

There was a young man from Boston,

named Edward Kimball. Edward taught Sunday

school at this church because he felt called to

invest himself in the lives of young boys and they

lived or worked.

One Sunday a challenging teenager showed

up in his class. The boy was seventeen, a bit

roughhewn, poorly educated, and prone to

outbursts of anger and profanity. Edward thought

about how he might reach this boy and one day

decided to visit him at the shoe store where he

worked for his uncle. Edward passed by the store

once, trying to get up the courage to speak to the

boy. What would he say, he wondered, and how

would he be received?

Finally, he entered and found the boy in the

back, wrapping shoes and putting them on the

shelves. Edward went to him, simply put his hand

on the young man’s shoulder and mumbled some

words about Christ’s love for him. And

apparently, his timing was just right, because right

there in the shoe store, the boy was moved to

commit his life to Christ. His name was Dwight L.

Moody, and he became the most successful

evangelist of the nineteenth century, preaching to

an estimated one hundred million people during his

lifetime and travelling perhaps a million miles –

before the time of radio, television, automobiles,

and air travel.

But the story gets better. Moody himself,

in 1879, was instrumental in the conversion of

another young man, F.B. Meyer, who also grew up

to become a minister. Meyer subsequently

mentored J.W. Chapman and led him to Christ.

Chapman also became a pastor and evangelist and

started an outreach ministry to professional

baseball players. One of the players he met, Billy

Sunday, became Chapman’s assistant and advance

man for many of his evangelistic meetings.

In time, Sunday, having learned the art of

preaching from Chapman, started to hold his own

evangelistic meetings. He went on to become the

greatest evangelist of the first two decades of the

twentieth century in America. One of his revivals,

in Charlotte, North Carolina, in the 1920’s was so

successful that an associate of his named Mordecai

Ham, who years earlier had given his life to Christ

at one of his crusades, was asked to comeback to

Charlotte a few years later to hold a second series

of evangelistic meetings. On one of the final

nights, when Ham was preaching, a gangly

teenager came forward and responded to his call to

“give your life to Christ.” His name was Billy


Do you sometimes feel that you have

nothing worthwhile to offer – that you are a

nobody when it comes to doing great things for

God? I wonder if Edward Kimball felt the same

way. He never did anything spectacular or

particularly newsworthy. He just showed up out of

faithfulness to God, an hour or two each week, to

teach the boys in his class. And yet Edward

Kimball’s dedication to teaching Sunday school

faithfully and caring about those boys changed the


It’s time to commit. What are you going to

do about it? In the end, God works in our world

one person at a time. The hungry are fed, the

thirsty are refreshed, the naked are clothed, the sick

are treated, the illiterate are educated, and the

grieving are comforted, just one person at a time.

You have the opportunity to become that one

person to someone who needs what you have to


Taken from the book: Hole In The Gospel by

Richard Sterns – The CEO of World Vision

Page 5: The · Mark Your Calendar Evening Prayer Meeting Wednesday, May 10th at 7:00 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14th Communion

The Connection

We received a lot of great suggestions for the name of our South Point Community Church newsletter – thank you.

As you can see, we decided on The Connection. Our goal, the entire premise of this newsletter is to create another link, to keep us all connected and aware of what’s going on. Also, to stimulate interconnection, correspondence, associations, and always, closer relationships.

We also hope it will help in connecting new comers and visitors to our family by showing them a little of who we are.

Church truly is all about staying connected so we can thrive. So, despite many other very good ideas, that’s why we chose The Connection!

We hope you enjoy it, and participate by taking opportunities to contribute.

Cherry Cheese Cake

Crust: 2 cups graham wafer crumbs 2 tbsp brown sugar ¼ cup melted butter (margarine)

Blend together, then pack into bottom of 9x13 pan.

8 oz cream cheese (softened) 1 pkg dream whip 1 cup icing sugar 1 can Cherry Pie Filling

Beat dream whip (pkg requires adding 1/2 cup milk and ½ tsp vanilla to make 2 cups whipped desert topping ~ can be substituted with other whipped dessert toppings) till set. Add in cream cheese and icing sugar. Blend thoroughly and place over crumbs. Cover with pie filling. Put in fridge 24 hours before serving.

Ruby’s Recipes

Page 6: The · Mark Your Calendar Evening Prayer Meeting Wednesday, May 10th at 7:00 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14th Communion

“She cooks good food!” Ezra

“She loves me. She cares for me. She protects me. She helps me when I’m sick.” Emry

“She makes great food!” Talitha

“She’s always with me when I’m sad” Charis

“She cleans my clothes” Kennedy

“My mom brought me into this world. My Grandma got me into the Bible” Gage

“She homeschools me” Chris

“She is very hilarious and loving” Autumn

“She is always positive. She looks on the bright side of things” Dilaeny

“She cuddles with me.” Ben

“She gave birth to me” Emma

“She made us” Zelia

(Happy sounds) Shea

“She colours with me.” Abby “She buys me stuff” Austin

She poured all her

love in everything

she did for her


Steve Dunn

She was my best friend Marilyn Roach

Grandma Joyce was more of a mom to me…she was unconditional love to me, she made me feel important and loved!! Jenn Chamberlain

My mom is a pillar of

strength and important

prayer warrior in our

family. Moral support and

cheer leader that will guide

when asked.

Al Gagne

She always made and makes me feel like she truly likes me, not only as a daughter but as a person too. She encourages me, and accepts me, and my family just as we are. Jessica Renaud

…all her prayers…

And at every turn in

my life, she has

always supported and

encouraged me in

every decision

Paul Greer

My Grandma was the most beautiful woman I have ever met. Her home was my home every time I walked through the door. She lived to care for others and I always knew I was loved and cared for when I was with her. She was the epitome of the word “Mother”. She gave me a great example to strive to be like. She reflected Christ more than anyone I’ve known. Joss Johns

My mom came out of

war torn Europe in 1948

with her mom and two

sisters. Her father and

brothers were sent to

prisoner camps and

subsequently died or

were forced to remain

behind in Russia. Mom

and her sisters worked,

married, raised families

and built lives in

Canada. She never

shared the bad times or

complained. She always

stressed the importance

of family, forgiving and

never carrying grudges.

She also passed on a

love for flowers, baking

and cooking.

Doris Shuglo


special about

my mom…

Page 7: The · Mark Your Calendar Evening Prayer Meeting Wednesday, May 10th at 7:00 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14th Communion

Worship Ministry

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” Psalm 150:6

Psalm 150 instructs us that we should praise God in His sanctuary with singing, instruments and dancing for His acts of power and greatness. This is one reason why the worship ministry is an important part of South Point Community Church. When members of the worship ministry were asked “What does being part of the worship ministry mean to you?” Here is what they had to say:

J’Aime: “It’s the freedom to praise God with the gifts that He has given us, and the chance to lead others to His love.”

Ronnie: “It’s a connection with the church and God, and time to worship Him. It also keeps me connected to Him.”

Jenna: “It’s an outlet, and release from a busy schedule. It’s a quiet time to connect with God. During the service, it’s a chance to draw people into worship with God”

Carl: “Being involved in worship causes me to spend time alone first worshiping God and then reflecting on what’s happening around us and trying to connect that when we worship together. Plus, I really like music and feel this is a gift I can contribute. I hope and trust that our musical gifts make a difference in the lives of the people they touch”

Tom: “Being part of a worship team allows me to use a gift or talent that God has given me to serve Him.”

Have you ever considered being part of the worship ministry? Perhaps you have a gift that you are feeling called by God to use. Maybe you have ideas that you would like to share. Could you share with us some words of encouragement or tell us how the worship ministry has affected you? Please contact the Worship Ministry leader: Laura Gagne at 519-791-8769 or email [email protected].

Ministry Highlights

Volunteers needed! We need some willing volunteers who could commit to one Sunday a month in one or more of the following areas: Ushering, Media desk, Greeting, and Nursery. If you would like more information about any of these areas of service or would like to volunteer, please contact Tracy Lepp.

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