  • 7/28/2019 The Tale of Epic McAwesome, or The Best Book Ever Writed


  • 7/28/2019 The Tale of Epic McAwesome, or The Best Book Ever Writed



    The Daily Life of Epic


    There was once a guy named Epic McAwesome. This

    guy was a pretty regular guy, except for the fact

    that he was incredible in every way humanly

    possible, and some that weren't, including (but not

    limited to) being stronger, faster, smarter, and

    awesomer than anyone else in his town. The only

    person cooler than him was me. Epic lived in a

    suburban town called Suburbia, and it was awesome,

    like everything else about him. But he was lonely

    and misunderstood, because no one was quite as

    awesome as him. All his friends thought he was too

    amazing to believe, and everyone else was jealous

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    of him. All the people who were jealous of him

    liked to be mean bullies all the time, saying mean

    stuff to the young Epic McAwesome, and that made

    him sad. But he was a tough kid, and at the age of

    seven he decided to become a pro football player.

    He played football with all the major teams, and

    every team he played on went to the Superbowl. But

    he decided to retire with millions of dollars after

    only seven years, and he shamed all the bullies in

    every way humanly possible. In fact, most of the

    people who had made fun of him were so ashamed,

    that they decided to put themselves in jail. But

    none of that really has anything to do with the

    story. Because at this time, Mr. McAwesome is

    completely happy with his life and everyone loves

    everything about him.

    But on the day I take you to now was February

    30, Epic was sixteen and living on his own. Even

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    though he wasn't a legal adult, it didn't matter

    because he was still the manliest man in the world

    (except for me). The first thing he did when he

    woke up that day was to put on his cloths, a green

    shirt, blue jeans, white socks, and no shoes. Epic

    hated shoes, because they made his toes itch.

    Besides, he was a trained fire walker, so it was

    always okay to walk on whatever was on the ground

    for him. His parents didn't exist, because he was

    born out of pure coolness, so Epic made his own

    breakfast of toast and eggs. But they were Epic

    toast and eggs, so it wasn't like a normal person.

    In fact, instead of chicken eggs, fried two ostrich

    eggs, and he had made the bread with the ground

    bones of the bear he strangled. His whole body was

    thin and muscular, with an Epic buzz cut, and all

    the girls were looking in his windows. As Epic

    pulled the curtains closed, he leaned back in his

    chair and considered what he would do that day.

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    Maybe I should go see a movie or something, he

    hummed to himself. After all, it's always a good

    time for a movie.

    He looked out his window again, and decided it

    would be better not to, since he would probably be

    swarmed by girls the second he stepped through the

    door. Perhaps he should go in disguise? He looked

    through the newspaper, but found that nothing

    seemed to be on that was cool enough for someone

    like him. Well, there went that idea.

    I might as well work out, he decided. While

    I watch TV and practice my ninja skills.

    So he did. He did 100 pushups, then he did 400

    situps, then he bench pressed his couch while using

    his toes to channel surf. As usual, nothing was

    Epic enough for him. He considered if he should

    actually break down and get dish. But whatever.

    He decided after a while that it would be best to

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    watch some manly Saturday morning cartoons. After

    all, what's more manly than Spongebob and My Little

    Pony? Absolutely nothing! Ponies rule the world!


    After he was done, Epic quickly combed his

    amazing hair. He hadn't worked up a sweat with

    such a simple workout. But he still needed to find

    something interesting to do for the day. After a

    moment's thought, he decided to put on a trench

    coat, because it would be cool. Then, he sneaked

    out through the back door. The girls never looked

    for him in his backyard! With a quick jump, he

    leaped over the eight foot tall fence, running into

    the street and expertly weaving through traffic.

    He had to get some donuts for the day. He always

    ran out of donuts. But that's okay, because he

    also got his regular pay check for being the

    coolest man alive (other than me). Therefore, he

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    had money for everything. And, when he didn't have

    enough money for something, he could just ask one

    of his fans. What a cool guy!

    The cashier, Bobby McBob, looked up as Epic

    walked into the shop.

    Howdy, dude, Bobby said. You're the

    awesomest person ever, how many doughnuts do you

    want today?

    Thanks, man Epic said. I just need a dozen

    for the weekend.

    That's normally ten dollars, but for someone as

    cool as you, it's only six.

    Yes, that makes sense, Epic said. Here you


    Bobby handed Epic a box of doughnuts, which Epic

    took. He stepped outside, to see a mob of girls

    running his way, holding up traffic in their wake.

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    Darn this coolness, Epic said. Sometimes it

    feels like a curse.

    He quickly scaled the wall of the doughnut shop,

    making another clean getaway. It was time to go

    see his love. The great and nice and wonderful

    Mary. Epic didn't know her last name, but she sure

    was pretty, and he loved her with all his heart.

    In fact, he had known that he loved her even before

    he met her in the chat room. Come to think of it,

    he still hadn't met her in person. But she was

    still amazing.

    I know, he said. I'll meet Mary today.

    Since I have an amazing sense of direction, I can

    find her almost immediately.

    Mary Smith was a lovely girl, with thick red

    hair and the most beautiful smile you ever saw. On

    that fateful day, she was sitting in front of her

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    computer, working on some awesome stuff, like

    watching videos of kitties. She was 20 years old,

    and dating Epic online, and it was okay that he was

    technically not an adult because 1) he was so cool,

    and 2) Hey, if glittery vampires can date teens,

    why can't 20-year-old retired people? After all,

    why not retire when you've just inherited ten

    million dollars, with absolutely no inheritance

    taxes. You see, inheritance taxes are only for

    people NOT related to Epic McAwesome in some way.

    And dating him is the best way to not pay taxes,

    unless you're a guy. He's totally not gay.

    As she was finishing her breakfast, Mary heard a

    knock on the door. She quickly hurried downstairs

    to see who it was. To her surprise, when she

    opened the door she saw a man in a cool trench

    coat. It was Epic McAwesome! Isn't that cool?

    Mary nearly swooned from his pure coolness. It

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    radiated off of him like the smell radiates off of

    overripe bananas.

    Hello, Mary, Epic said. It's good to see


    It's good to see you to, she said from her

    spot on the floor where she had lost her balance.

    You should come over more often.

    Yes, I probably should, he said. Doughnut?

    Mary happily took one of the pastries from

    Epic's box. It was the most amazing doughnut she

    had ever tasted. But since HE had bought it, why

    wouldn't it be the best doughnut ever. The day

    went quickly for them, and it was with many tears

    that they parted ways. Epic started home, and Mary

    stayed at her place. But they both knew they would

    see each other again soon. In fact, their next

    date was scheduled for the following Tuesday.

    As Epic walked towards his home, he couldn't

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    help but feel like he was being followed. His

    intuition kicked in, and he twirled around to punch

    a mugger right in the face. The guy fell down

    unconscious, but there were six other goons with

    him. Epic knew that he had been set up, even

    though he hadn't planned on going to see Mary or

    anything like that. Apparently, someone had just

    known he would be out doing something that day.

    You're not gonna get away with that, one goon

    said. We're going to beat you up and take all

    your money.

    Yea, said another goon. Plus, if we can take

    on the most amazing and coolest person ever, then

    we'll be the most amazing and coolest people


    Hey, I'm the real coolest person ever, and

    you'll never be able to beat me.

    All the muggers shuddered when they heard the

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    author's voice.

    Please, take it easy, said the leader. We

    meant the secondcoolest person in the world.

    Everyone knows you are the greatest.


    Well, Epic said. That was certainly...

    interesting. Now, can we get this over with? It's

    getting late.

    Yes, the lead mugger said. It sure is, my

    mom will probably be wondering where I am. Let's

    get him!

    With that, all seven goons charged at Epic with

    baseball bats, except for the one who he had

    knocked out. That one just stayed on the ground.

    It's no fun to be knocked out (take it from me. I

    wasn't always the awesomest person in the

    universe). They began viciously beating on his

    rock-hard abs, but all their baseball bats cracked.

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    Then, it was McAwesome's turn. So, he hit the

    first thug in the face, breaking his nose and

    knocking him out. The next thug tried to bite

    Epic, and it actually hurt when the guy's teeth

    sank into Epic's awesome bicep. But it was only a

    flesh wound, and Epic easily threw the unfortunate

    man to the ground, stomping on his face to knock

    him out as well.

    The thugs tried to get away, but Epic knew he

    couldn't let these people get away. He easily

    grabbed all of them, and slammed them into a wall.

    Then, he called the police with his mind. Soon,

    sirens could be heard in the distance, and Epic

    knew his job was nearly done. The captain of the

    force saluted him, smiling broadly.

    That's the third group this week, the captain

    said. Are you sure you don't want to become a

    superhero? After all, you're so much better at

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    dealing out justice than people who are paid to

    dish out justice.

    No, Captain, Epic said. I just want to be of

    service wherever I can, whenever I can. Besides,

    most of them attack me in order to steal my


    Whatever, the captain said. Well, have a

    good evening, Epic.

    You to, Captain, he replied.

    As Epic started home, a menacing figure took his

    eye away from the massive telescope of evil. Yes,

    this Epic McAwesome would be a problem, the villain

    knew. But there was no way that would stop him

    from bringing about his evil plans. The cloaked

    man let out a long, loud laugh of pure madness as

    he madly ran around his lair of evil, viciously

    scribbling down ingenious plans that could bring an

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    end to the world as we know it.

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    Chapter 2

    Evil Comes To Town

    Seven evil goons sat in a prison cell together,

    planning to do bad things. It was no fun being

    sent to jail for trying to beat up the (second)

    awesomest person in the entire world. But here

    they were, in jail, with no trial. After all, why

    would anyone who tried to hurt Epic McAwesome

    deserve a trial? Those losers were lucky they

    weren't immediately executed! In fact, why weren't

    they executed? It would have saved society and

    taxpayers a lot of time, trouble, money, and time.

    That's what should have happened, but it didn't!!

    What we gonna do now? asked one of the dimwit

    nincompoops. We couldn't beat him, and now we're

    in jail for trying.

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    Here's the plan, said their leader, Boss

    Nincompoop. We'll use plastic spoons to tunnel

    through the concrete wall. Then, we'll try running

    McAwesome down with a tank!

    Great idea! said another bad guy. But where

    will we get a tank?

    And how will we tunnel through concrete with

    plastic? asked another one.

    Easy, said boss the boss nincompoop, Bill.

    We've just got to be patient to get through the

    wall, then we need to steal a tank from the

    military base that is conveniently right down the

    street from the prison!

    But what if we get caught? one asked.

    They'll probably shoot us with flamethrowers, then

    eat our roasted flesh!

    The gangstas began arguing, but the argument was

    cut short abruptly by an argument stopping sound.

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    They all listened intently, until... the wall

    exploded. Fire and cement flew everywhere, but

    none of the thugs got hurt because they're an

    important plot element. After all, a great villain

    needs henchmen, am I right? Yes, I am, because I'm

    always right. As the smoke cleared, a man stepped

    into the small and stuffy cell.

    Hello, he said. I am your new boss, Lucifer

    Diabolic, soon Lord Diabolic or Grand Emperor

    Diabolic. Or maybe 'that guy who destroyed the

    entire world.' Take your pick.

    Cool, said Boss Bill. We're totally in!

    Yea, I've always wanted to be a homicidal

    maniac's henchmen! one of the others said.

    Splendid, Diabolic said. Now, take this

    serum, and inject it into yourselves. It will make

    you into perfect minions.

    Diabolic handed Boss Bill a syringe, which Boss

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    Bill proceeded to jab into his arm. As soon as the

    serum entered his bloodstream, Boss Bill could feel

    his body change. He became tougher, stronger, his

    skin turned gray, and his eyes became a glowing

    red. His teeth grew into fangs. The others all

    clapped happily as they saw their boss turned into

    a perfect minion for the evil Lucifer Diabolic.

    So, what exactly am I? Ex-boss Bill asked.

    Well, Diabolic said. I took DNA from a

    frozen vampire, a zombie, and a ninja, and then I

    put it all in that syringe. So, you're a


    Cool! all the bad dudes shouted in unison.

    Yes, it is, Diabolic said. After all, I,

    being the smartest man in the universe, used my

    genius to make the serum. So how could it not be


    All of the thugs immediately injected themselves

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    with the stuff, turning into similar vampzominjas.

    And they were awesome, because Lucifer Diabolic had

    made the most amazing of all formulas with his

    geniusness. How evilly awful of him! But it's

    still pretty awesome.

    Epic McAwesome finished his eighth set of car-

    presses, deciding that it had been plenty for the

    day. But just as he was getting ready to go

    inside, he felt something was wrong. Something was

    horribly wrong. Terribly wrong. Very bad. In

    fact, it was the most bad thing he could ever

    imagine. What could be happening? He knew he had

    to find out.

    The mob of girls closed in around Epic as he put

    down the car he had been lifting. Admittedly, it

    had only been a small car, but even someone as

    awesome as Epic McAwesome was still technically

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    human. Even if he was more cooler than any other

    human ever to live. Besides me, of course.

    Would you please stop saying that? Epic asked.

    You haven't even done anything.

    Shut up! Who's writing this story? You, or me?

    Whatever, Epic said. I may be the epitome of

    Mary Sue, but at least I'm not some pathetic voice

    who just sits around bragging about how awesome he


    The author didn't respond to that.

    So, where were we? Ah, yes, Epic was trying to

    escape from the fan girls. He quickly leaped over

    the nearest one, running down the street as fast as

    his amazingly large and powerful legs could carry

    him. He was at the prison in no time. But he was

    still too late.

    Epic! one of the guards called. We've got a

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    breakout, and we don't know what to do because

    you're the only competent person in this story!

    Yes, I know, Epic replied sarcastically. But

    what exactly happened?

    Some horribly evil person blew a hole in the

    wall and turned a bunch of inmates into

    vampzominjas with his evil serum of terrible

    badness, the first guard said. Actually, that

    was pretty cool.

    I imagine it was, said Epic. But where did

    they go?

    His question was answered by the sound of an

    explosion in the distance.

    Officer, Epic said. I think I might need to

    borrow a car.

    BWAHAHAHAHA! Lucifer Diabolic cackled. Not

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    even Epic McAwesome will stop me from destroying

    the entire world!

    The vampzominjas... you know what, that word is

    getting on my nerves, let's just call them

    minions... anyway, the minions all laughed as well.

    They were busily stealing things from the secret

    military base mentioned earlier. Such as a tank,

    guns, nukes, and internationally illegal bio

    weapons such as zombie and vampire viruses.

    Wait... why does Lucifer Diabolic need vampire and

    zombie viruses if he already had the DNA to make

    his minions...? Oh, who cares? It's just too much

    awesome for anyone to really care. See, this is

    really the best book ever, because everyone stops

    caring about plot holes!

    Not so fast, someone called out.

    The evil villains stopped what they were doing,

    realizing that they had been spotted. All of them

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    turned to look to the source of the voice. It was

    the (second) most amazing hero in all the world!

    There he stood, in all his glory and muscly

    amazingness. It was Epic McAwesome!

    Oh, I see you've come to join the party,

    Diabolic said. Come, tussle with my minions.

    Let's see how well that goes.

    Bring it on! Epic responded.

    The seven minions circled around Epic, with

    throwing stars and stuff like that glinting in the

    light of Epic's awesomeness. Then, ex-boss Bill

    charged, baring his fangs and slashing at Epic with

    his ginormous claws. Epic easily dodged out of the

    way, and quickly retaliated by kicking ex-boss Bill

    in the gut. The minion fell to the ground,

    writhing in pain. The other six minions went after

    Epic then.

    Epic jumped up into the air, kicking two of the

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    minions right in the face while simultaneously

    grabbing a third by the head and doing a back flip

    to land on his feet behind the mutant freaks. Only

    three were standing now, but they had learned from

    the mistakes of their brethren and... oh, who am I

    kidding? Epic easily smacked all of them into

    submission. Then, it was just Epic McAwesome and

    Lucifer Diabolic.

    You're stronger than I expected, Diabolic

    said. Could we possibly just be friends?

    Ha! Epic laughed. I'd never be friends with

    a dastardly villain who does evil things like being


    Well, it was worth a try, Diabolic muttered.

    I guess I'll just have to destroy you myself,


    With that, Diabolic took off his cool black

    coat. Then, he began to grow really muscly. His

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    shirt busted open from the transformation, and his

    fingers grew into massive claws. His eyes turned

    red, and spikes began growing out of his back. His

    teeth got really big, and he had a huge tail.

    Well, Epic said. That was, rather clich.

    Although the transformation sequence is usually at

    the end.

    Yes, yes, Diabolic said. I know that most

    villains die right after the epic transformation,

    but I'm not most villains. I am LUCIFER


    With that, He charged at Epic McAwesome. Epic

    lazily stepped out of the way. After all, as the

    hero, how could Epic ever be defeated? Then, he

    felt a pain in his gut, and felt himself flying

    across the room. He crashed into the wall, and it

    hurt. Diabolic had hit Epic with his tail! That

    wasn't fair!

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    See, Diabolic said. I'm not your average

    villain who will fall before your coolness.

    Epic jumped to his feet, grumbling angrily.

    You just caught me off guard. Let's see if you

    can do that again!

    Diabolic proceeded to hit Epic in the face with

    his tail, sending the amazing awesome hero

    sprawling again. Epic realized that this was going

    to be tough. Then, he got an idea.

    As Diabolos pulled back his tail to hit Epic

    again, Epic grabbed the appendage and used it to

    pick Diabolos up and swung him into the ground.

    Diabolic screamed with fury, getting back to his

    feet immediately with no significant damage. Boy,

    these guys are both so awesome! Someone should

    make this whole thing into a movie! That would be

    the coolest thing ever!

    Sorry, said a Hollywood executive. We're

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    making plenty of bad movies already this year.

    Maybe some other time.

    I still think it would be the coolest thing


    Could you quit with the off-topic jokes and get

    back to narrating the story? Epic asked as he

    wrestled with the most dastardly villain of all

    time. I really want to get this over with so that

    I can go home and watch my show.

    Same here, Diabolic said. This is getting

    kind of boring.

    Well sorry! I was just negotiating a movie deal,

    but if that's not important to you, I guess I'll

    just go back to narrating.

    Epic and Diabolic fought all afternoon, with

    neither one getting the upper hand or hurting the

    other. Eventually, they decided to call it a draw.

    Epic took the military stuff, and Diabolos took all

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    his henchmen and called it a day. Then Epic went

    home to watch some cartoons.

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    Chapter 3

    OMG!! ZOMBIES!!!

    Well, said one of the cops. It looks like

    they got away. I've never seen anyone get away

    from you before, Epic.

    Neither have I, Epic replied. That Satan

    Diabolos is just as unbeatable as me. This should

    be impossible.

    Maybe he cheated! the captain exclaimed. He

    cheated by turning into a giant mutant! That's why

    he was almost as tough as you! We should add two

    life terms to his sentence for that!

    Yes, you should! Epic responded

    enthusiastically. Or maybe if he does something

    bad enough, you should give him a beheading!

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    YES, YES!! To heck with the trail, we'll lynch

    him as soon as he's caught! said the captain. No

    one likes dirty cheaters or people who pretend to

    be as cool as Epic McAwesome!

    Epic and the cops continued to think up ways to

    deal with the dastardly Satan Diabolic, thinking up

    newer and more creative ways to dispatch him. In

    fact, this went on so long that they didn't notice

    that a box of nukes and a vial of zombie virus were


    Grand high coolest best boss ever, said ex-

    boss Bill as they were driving away from the

    smoking wreckage of the military base.

    What is it? Diabolic asked grumpily as he

    patted his overcoat back into place.

    I picked up some nukes and a bunch of zombie

    virus while that cool Epic McAwesome wasn't

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    Diabolic looked over at his minion. Maybe ex-

    boss Bill wasn't quite as useless as he looked.

    Let's see what we've got, then, Diabolic said.

    Ex-boss Bill handed over the vial and a box with

    'NUKES' written on the side. Diabolos looked at

    the vial, which said 'makes zombies, do not use

    ever (unless you are an anti-terrorist government

    agency)' written on it. Diabolic smiled evilly.

    Yes, this was indeed a good day. That only left

    one problem... Epic McAwesome was still epic and

    awesome, and there was nothing Diabolic could do

    about it. In fact, he and Epic were absolutely

    equal in awesomeness. And Epic was almost

    certainly immune to the zombie virus. He looked

    back at ex-boss Bill.

    My good and faithful minion, he said. Do you

    have any ideas how to deal with Epic McAwesome?

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    Well, said ex-boss Bill. He's got an

    underdeveloped and completely pointless love

    interest. Maybe you could use her in some way?

    Diabolic smiled. Yes, ex-boss Bill was indeed a

    great minion. The two of them began laughing

    evilly together. A long, loud, insane laugh of

    those who were criminally insane. In fact, they

    laughed the whole way to Mary Smith's house. Right

    up her driveway. They even continued to laugh as

    they knocked on her door.

    Mary had heard the laugh almost a mile away.

    But, being nave and innocent, she didn't believe

    that it could mean anything bad. As the cackling

    villains knocked on her door, although by then

    their laughter had died down to a worn-out chuckle.

    Mary opened the door to find Diabolic in his cool

    black overcoat, with a wide hat and big sunglasses,

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    but not his giant monster form, and the half-

    vampire, half-zombie, half-ninja ex-boss Bill. She

    smiled sweetly at them, because she was too pure to

    believe that they were in any way bad. What a

    wonderful person she was.

    Come in, she said sweetly. I've just

    finished making cookies. Do you nice men want


    What kind? asked ex-boss Bill. Are they

    chocolate chip?

    That's not important, Diabolic said. We're

    here to kidnap her.

    Yes, ex-boss Bill replied. But I still want

    some cookies.

    Fine, Diabolic said. Yes, miss, we'll have

    some cookies.

    The villains then had a pleasant afternoon with

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    Mary Smith, and it turned out that her cookies were

    indeed chocolate chip. Ex-boss Bill was content.

    As he wiped the crumbs off of his zombie-vampire-

    ninja chin, he leaned back and smiled contentedly.

    Well, said Lucifer Diabolic. As pleasant as

    our time here has been, it's time for us to get to


    Oh, what business could you have? Mary asked.

    All my bills are paid by the government because

    everyone loves me so much.

    Er, we're here to kidnap you, ex-boss Bill

    said. I hope you don't mind too much.

    Oh my, she said innocently. Why would you

    ever want to do that? The only people who would

    pay a ransom are the government, everyone on this

    side of the country, and Epic McAwesome.

    It's just a thing that villains do, Diabolic

    explained patiently. The damsel in distress is

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    one of the most important parts of any good story,

    you know.

    Oh, you're right, she said, her eyes

    fluttering innocently. I won't get in your way,


    Lucifer Diabolos nodded to ex-boss Bill, who

    stood up and approached Mary.

    Wait! she cried. This place is a mess, could

    you please help me clean up before you kidnap me?

    Fine, Diabolic said. We might as well. Epic

    McAwesome is probably still eating doughnuts with

    the cops.

    So, the two villains helped Mary clean up her

    kitchen, do the dishes, and put the cat out for the

    evening. After all, they couldn't leave the poor

    kitty stuck in the house where it might never would

    be found, now could they? That would just be mean!

    And Lucifer Diabolic may be eviler than anyone ever

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    to live, but let no one say he's mean!

    So, Diabolic said as he put the last plate on

    the dish rack. Could we possibly get going now?

    We've been here for quite a while, and it's getting


    Of course, Mary said. I wouldn't want to

    inconvenience you.

    Ex-boss Bill, Diabolic said. Please tie her


    Um boss, ex-boss Bill said. We didn't bring

    any rope.

    Diabolos turned and glared evilly at ex-boss

    Bill. But the mutant vampire-zombie-ninja was

    spared a brutal tongue lashing by Mary.

    I've got some in the garage, she said


    Thanks, Diabolic muttered.

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    Ex-boss Bill returned from his epic quest into

    Mary's garage after about a half hour of searching,

    but return he did. He had even found the rope he

    was sent to get. It's interesting how much of a

    bumbling buffoon he had become right after he stole

    the nukes and zombie virus.

    Now, just place your hands behind your back and

    hold still, Diabolos ordered as ex-boss Bill

    looped the rope around Mary's wrists.

    Once they were done with that, they blindfolded

    her, and took her out to the truck. Then, they

    went and dropped off an evil letter at Epic

    McAwesome's house. For some reason, Epic wasn't

    home yet.

    Epic finally managed to pull himself away from

    his chat with the cops. As stimulating as it was,

    he did have more important things to do than eat

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    doughnuts and drink coffee. Things like stop the

    evil Satan Diabolos from doing evil things.

    Besides, he liked chocolate milk better than


    Epic drove home in the car that the police force

    had donated to him. It was actually pretty cool to

    have a police car of his own, even if it was an

    unmarked one. But it still wasn't as cool as the

    author of this story.

    When Epic arrived home, he discovered a note

    taped to his door.

    I wonder what this is, he mused. Maybe that

    Diabolic character kidnapped my girlfriend.

    He unfolded the note, and read this message:

    Dear Epic McAwesome,

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    We are sorry to inform you that we have kidnapped

    your girlfriend and are holding her hostage.

    Please come find us by yourself with no police

    backup, no weapons, and no car. We're afraid we

    can't tell you where we are, because then you might

    tell the police or someone (not that they could

    help, anyway). So, you'll just have to find us.

    Yours truly,

    Ex-boss Bill

    (P.S., watch out for zombies)

    Epic stared in horror. Those dastardly villains

    had kidnapped his girlfriend. How could they?

    What could be worse than this?! Well, besides

    maybe if they had killed her. But that would be

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    mean. Then, Epic heard something groan behind him.

    He turned around, to see a bunch of zombies

    stumbling down the street!! In fact, everyone in

    the immediate area seemed to be a zombie! What

    will our hero



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    Chapter 4

    To the Rescue!!

    Epic looked in every direction. There were

    zombies everywhere, stumbling towards him. Their

    arms were outstretched, their eyes dull and vacant.

    It was looking bad, because Epic knew that being

    bitten by a zombie would turn him into the most

    amazing zombie ever, and the entire world would

    probably be destroyed.

    You know, said a soldier who just happened to

    be on Epic's lawn. This here zombie plague is

    actually designed to be airborne, not like those

    lame zombies in movies.

    You military guys still did a pretty bad job,

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    epic retorted. They look like people with a bad

    flu and encephalitis to make them crazy!

    Look, the soldier snapped. We did the best

    we could within the limits of scientific


    Well why didn't you get some super-scientist to

    break all laws of reality? Epic responded with

    anger angrily. That's what all the movies do.

    These freaks aren't even dead!

    Whatever, the soldier said. Let's just deal

    with these zombies and get some inoculation against

    the plague.

    Fine, Epic said. I'm going to have a long

    talk with your bio weapons department once we're

    done here, though.

    Epic flexed his fingers and cracked his

    knuckles, before putting on a pair of brass

    knuckles that he carried ever where (he had a

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    permit). Then, he proceeded to punch the first

    zombie that stumbled up to him right in the face,

    immediately knocking its head off. Another zombie

    came up behind him, and he elbowed it in the gut,

    knocking it in half. Then, he knocked another one

    to the ground with a slap in the face. Then,

    before he knew what was happening, a zombie bit him

    right on the leg.

    Oh no! cried the soldier. We're all doomed!

    But then, Epic realized that nothing had

    happened. He wasn't turning into a zombie, he felt

    just fine. In fact, the bite wound healed almost

    immediately, better than it had been before.

    I guess I'm immune to this zombie virus, Epic

    said. I am so amazing!

    Yes, you totally are! replied the soldier.

    We should have known that someone as amazing as

    you would be immune to the zombie virus!

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    Epic proceeded to punch one of his more annoying

    stalkers, an overweight goth, straight in the face.

    The worst part was that 'she' wasn't even a girl.

    Epic found it really creepy when guys were just as

    obsessed over him as girls. So, he continued to

    punch zombies left and right, putting them out of

    their misery and saving the human race. See, Epic

    McAwesome is not only a great action hero, he's

    also a good citizen of the United States! When all

    the zombies were dead, Epic put away his brass

    knuckles and put on a cool jacket and sunglasses,

    because he felt like it. Then, he got in his car,

    and drove around looking for the bad guys and Mary.

    Hahahaha! Lucifer Diabolic cackled. Now that

    we've got his girlfriend, Epic will surely show up


    Great, said ex-boss Bill. So, what are we

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    going to do once he gets here?

    All the minions stopped whatever they were

    doing, their mouths gaping in shock. Even Diabolic

    looked concerned. Then, he had a brilliant idea.

    We'll tie our guest to a railroad track,

    Diabolic said. And then we'll tell Epic that we'll

    kill her if he doesn't surrender!

    Great plan! all the vampire zombie ninja

    minions shouted.

    For getting us all killed, ex-boss Bill

    muttered under his breath.

    Just then, Epic McAwesome burst through the wall

    in his amazing police car, raining bricks

    everywhere. Thus, Lucifer Diabolic was forced to

    scrap his tying to the railroad track plan. He had

    really been looking forward to that, too.

    Alright, Epic snarled. Where is she?

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    Right here, Diabolic replied, stepping aside

    to reveal Mary tied to a chair. You should

    surrender now if you don't want me to do something

    evil to her.

    What can our hero do? He couldn't let that

    nasty Lucifer Diabolic do something bad to Mary.

    So, he surrendered. All of the mutant minions tied

    him up and put him in a giant empty fish tank.

    Then, they put a hose in the fish tank and turned

    the water on.

    Well, Mr. McAwesome, it looks like you've been

    defeated, Diabolic said.

    You're right, Epic said. Now just let Mary


    No, I don't think I will, Diabolic said. In

    fact, I think I'll tie her to a railroad track!


    NO!! Epic screamed. You wouldn't dare do

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    something so stupid and clich!

    Yes, I would! Diabolic responded. And then,

    he and all the minions left, taking Mary with them.

    The water was getting higher at an incredibly

    unimpressive rate (since they were using a garden

    hose). Epic decided he should probably escape, and

    proceeded to snap the ropes without any trouble

    whatsoever. Then, he broke the giant fish tank.

    It was time to go find Mary and send the evil

    Diabolos to jail, hopefully for good.

    You weren't serious about the train track, were

    you? Mary asked.

    I was completely serious, Diabolos cackled.

    Oh, you wouldn't, you monster!

    Don't worry, ex-boss Bill whispered. A train

    hasn't run on that track for almost ten years.

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    Oh, she said. That's okay, then.

    Epic knew he had to do something, he had to save

    Mary, for real this time. Where could those

    villains have taken her? Then, it him... a

    railroad track! That's where all good villains

    took their prisoners. Also, it was where they said

    they were taking her.

    Epic hopped into his car, and sped in the

    direction of the railroad. He found Mary sitting

    on the railroad track waiting for him, and he then

    proceeded to take her back home and asked the

    police to keep an eye on her, which they did

    because they knew that Epic was the coolest person

    in the world (besides me).

    Diabolic sat down in his giant chair of evil,

    contemplating the best way to deal with a problem

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    of Epic proportions (see what I did there?). It

    galled him to no end that Epic McAwesome had easily

    escaped the fish tank death trap. What kind of

    person could do that? Anyone else would have had

    at least a little bit of trouble escaping! Some

    might have actually been killed!

    Sir, ex-boss Bill interrupted.

    What is it, my minion? Diabolic asked


    Well, said ex-boss Nincompoop. I've been

    thinking, Epic McAwesome is a Mary Sue/Gary Stu,


    Correct, Diabolic said.

    And thus everything about him is perfect and

    all audience members either love or hate him?


    Ex-boss Bill paused for dramatic effect.

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    I know his only weakness, ex-boss Bill stated


    Diabolic looked up, startled by this revelation.

    Really? What is it? he asked in shock.

    I can't tell you while we're the focus of the

    narrative, ex-boss Bill replied. It would kill

    the suspense.

    Diabolic nodded.

    Yes, as soon as this chapter is over, tell me

    everything about this hidden weakness. Then, we

    shall defeat him, and destroy the world!

    The villains cackled long and hard, until I

    finally got bored enough to end this chapter.

    But no, I won't end the chapter like that,

    because I am the greatest author in the world!

    Instead, I will tell you all about how awesome I

    am! You see, I, as the best author in the world,

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    must keep you all in suspense for at least two

    chapters, before you find out Epic McAwesome's one

    and only weakness! It will be so heart wrenching

    when those bad, nasty, not-so-nice, smelly, gross

    people spring it on him. You'll never see it

    coming in Chapter Six! See how cool I am?

    Excuse me, said Epic McAwesome. You've

    already switched the focus over here where I am.

    Oh, sorry.

    No, don't be sorry, he replied. I'm glad to

    know that those dastardly bad villains think

    they've found my weakness. That will make Chapter

    Six all the better when it turns out that I'm just

    as invincible as I appear to be.

    Yea? What about when Lucifer Diabolic turned

    into the mutant freak monster thing to fight you?

    I didn't lose, he said crossly. That was a


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    So, what would happen if he andhis minions

    attacked you at the same time?

    Look, we'll talk about this when we get to it,

    he said hotly. Can you just get on to the next


    Fine then. I just want to say that I'm still

    even better than you.

    Shut up, Epic said. When you show up and

    provethat you are as awesome as me, then I'll be


    Just you wait, my friend, just you wait

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    Chapter 5

    Awesome Stuff Happens

    This is going way to fast. I just realized that

    the only way for a story to be any good is if it's

    really long. Therefore, I need to make the

    chapters a lot longer. Therefore, I need more

    padding. Therefore, I will start going into the

    redundant department of redundancy. That is to

    say, I will say things lots of different times in

    different ways. And then, I will say it again in

    yet another way, but say exactly the same thing as

    I said the first time. Also, I think I'll start

    putting more stuff in each chapter. And I'll add

    more action. And more combat. And more stuff.

    Which will make everything much better, even though

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    this story was already the best story in the world.

    But just because it's better than everything else,

    doesn't mean that it can't get even more better.

    Also, I'm going to describe everything more. Like

    Epic McAwesome's house, which I guess I never

    really described.

    Epic got up from his massive sofa which he had

    collapsed into after a hard day of working hard to

    fend off evil. The exhaustiveness was exhausting.

    In fact, he was exhausted from the hard work. And

    Diabolic had escaped anyway, making a clean getaway

    with a whole bunch of minions and probably a sample

    of zombie virus. That would be bad, because then

    they could turn people into zombies. And that

    could start a zombie apocalypse, which would

    greatly trouble Epic troublesomely. And that would

    be bad. And it would be even worse if they had

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    nukes, which would greatly worry Epic in such a way

    that he would be concerned.

    You know, this is just getting stupid, Epic

    said to the author.

    Shut up.

    Fine, said Epic. Don't blame me if this book

    ends up on a 'top ten worst books of all time'

    list, though.

    Epic considered his options for a moment as he

    flipped through the channels on his massive flat-

    screen TV which dominated one of his living room

    walls. Perhaps he could just wait for Diabolic to

    make some evil move against the good citizens. Or

    maybe it would be better to go hunt down the

    evildoers and defeat them once and for all. Oh, he

    was having such a horrible time being the awesomest

    person in the world (besides me)! It really made

    life so difficult, it was almost like a curse being

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    so awesome! He had to make all these hard

    decisions, and deal with all the adoring fans, and

    all around annoying stuff like that!

    Then, he decided. He would wait for Diabolic to

    do whatever he was planning to do, and strike right

    then. That would give Epic plenty of time to watch

    cartoons and take a nap, and maybe even write a

    couple fanfics about himself. After all, who

    better to write a fanfic about than the second most

    awesome person in the world? Well, besides me, the

    single awesomest person ever in the history of


    You know, Epic said. I think I'll just stop

    arguing with you about this. If you want to live

    in your deluded fantasy, go ahead.

    Before the author could respond, a great sound

    alerted Epic to the prescience of something greatly

    horrible. He looked out his window to see that a

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    giant robot was walking down the street of his

    little town. The robot was about three stories

    tall, and was made out of metal with lots of robot

    armor, and it had cannons for arms that it was

    using to blast lasers all over the town. Epic got

    the feeling that something wasn't quite right about

    this scenario. In fact, it might be kind of bad.

    He got up, stretching tiredly, before putting on

    his coolest jacket and Epic shades (see, see? I

    made a pun! Aren't I awesome?). Then, he ran out

    into the street to confront the giant robot of


    This should get his attention, Diabolic

    muttered from secret evil lair of evil secrecy.

    It should get the attention of every military

    force in the world, to, muttered ex-boss Bill.

    Could you have maybe made it just a little bit

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    more obnoxious?

    Good point, Diabolic responded. Maybe there

    should have been streamers and flags!

    Ex-boss Bill gave up then. It was hopeless

    trying to talk sense into this guy. In fact, ex-

    boss Bill realized, Lucifer Diabolos was completely

    nonsensical. How could he not have seen this

    before? But the man had given ex-boss Bill and his

    gang cool mutant powers of being vampire-zombie-

    ninjas. So that did kind of make up for it. Yes,

    ex-boss Bill decided that it was okay to serve such

    a powerful master who could make him powerful. But

    it was still annoying how nonsensically nonsensical

    the new boss was.

    Forget it, this redundant redundancy is getting

    too redundant for me to keep doing. I'll go back

    to the old way I was doing stuff (it was the best

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    writing ever, anyway). Elsewhere, in space, alien

    vampires were monitoring Earth (PLOT TWIST!) They

    watched as Epic battled the giant robot heroically,

    and the vampire aliens knew they would have to

    destroy Epic McAwesome before they could ever

    defeat the forces of Earth. They aimed their giant

    armada of evil right at Earth, their lasers ready

    to blast everything into oblivion...

    Epic continued to struggle against the giant

    robot, punching yet another hole straight through

    its titanium armor. The robot groaned

    mechanically, before trying to hit Epic with a

    laser beam. Epic easily dodged, using a ninja move

    to flip the robot over. Yea, that's pretty cool.

    Then, he kicked the robot right in the torso

    stomach plate and then in the face. It was so

    awesome. Epic knew that the robot couldn't last

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    much longer against his coolness. In fact, it

    would be stupid to think that it could! Suddenly,

    spaceships began to show up from out of space!

    Soon, the entire sky was filled with alien

    spaceships. Epic knew immediately that it was bad.

    A voice was then heard all across the world.

    Good people of Earth, the aliens said. We

    are the alien vampires, and we are here to drink

    every last bit of your blood. We hope that isn't

    too much of an inconvenience for you, and if it is,

    we'll do it anyway. Thank you, and have a nice

    day. *beep*

    Well, that escalated quickly, Epic muttered.

    What happened to the good old days when aliens

    just wanted to enslave us?

    DOES NOT COMPUTE, the robot stated.

    Want to help me beat back the evil armada?

    Epic asked. After all, how can you destroy the

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    world if the aliens destroy us first?

    LOGIC DETECTED, the robot stated. MUST


    With that, Epic and the robot got up, dusted

    themselves off, and flew up into the air to battle

    the alien armada (Epic had rocket boots just in

    case he might need to battle an alien armada).

    Within 10 minutes, they were through the hull of

    the hull of the flagship and destroying every alien

    in sight. Epic left the three-story tall robot to

    deal with alien minions, since no one cares about

    minions anyway. He had to go find the captain of

    the alien vampires and deal with him.

    Then, Epic found himself in the control room,

    which was filled with hundreds of alien vampires.

    They all turned to look at him, eying him hungrily.

    Their red eyes burned hatefully, and their pale

    green skin was pale and green. And their fangs

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    were long and sharp. Then, every one of them

    attacked, and Epic began to beat all of them up

    with his bare fists, smashing their skulls in left

    and right. But he knew that they would eventually

    overwhelm him with sheer weight of numbers. So, he

    threw an alien vampire at the ceiling of the star

    ship so hard that the vampire flew through the

    hull, leaving a massive hole, through which

    sunlight flooded.

    AHHH! screamed all the alien vampires at the


    Then, they all burned up. And that's how Epic

    McAwesome saved the world from the vampire aliens,

    let's hear it for...

    Hold it, said the vampire alien lord. I, the

    leader of all the vampire-aliens, have the power


    Epic stared in shock as the alien vampire lord

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    walked straight into the sunlight, but didn't burn

    up because he had sunblock on. The only flaw in

    Epic's otherwise perfect plan was exposed! But

    Epic knew that he had to beat up the alien vampire

    to save the earth.

    So, he began pummeling the vampire alien with

    his fists, turning the thing into a paste

    resembling what you get when you hit a bug with

    your windshield. But the alien vampire didn't die,

    he kept fighting. So, Epic pulled a wooden laser

    stake out of his pocket (he had those in case of an

    alien vampire attack), and plunged it into the

    alien vampire overlord's chest. The alien vampire

    overlord screamed, and then collapsed. Epic smiled

    as he looked around at the carnage. Then, he

    realized something was wrong. All the sunburned

    bodies were mutating. Their arms were turning into

    giant bony swords, and their fangs were getting

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    even bigger and more fangy. Then, he realized what

    was happening: they were turning into Necrodorks!

    Yes, that's right, the feared antagonists from the

    hit video game Left 4 Space Rising, in which a

    person fights alien Necrodorks inside of a shopping

    mall from outer space! With giant plastic

    lightsabers of death (Growing straight out of their

    arms!), poor personal hygiene, and broken glasses!

    How can our hero ever hope to survive this?!?!

    Find out next time. Same Epic place. Same Epic


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    Chapter 6

    Epic Fail

    Our hero was in a fix this time, a decidedly

    disturbing fix. How could he have known that all

    his slain enemies would turn into Necrodorks? It

    just wasn't fair! Why would this sort of thing

    happen to someone as awesome as Epic McAwesome? Oh

    well, it was time to dismember the zombie-things,

    the only known way to kill them permanently.

    So, Epic McAwesome grabbed the first Necrodork

    to sprint up to him, and tore its head, arms, and

    legs off. Then he did the same thing to the next

    one. But then he was swarmed by the hoard of

    Necrodorks, all of them trying to bite him and

    infect him, but not able to because he wasn't dead

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    and they weren't Transmitter class Necrodorks. So,

    he continued to make mincemeat out of them, easily

    shredding the useless Shredder-class Necrodorks.

    Then, he opened the door, leaving the twitching

    remains of the zombie things behind.

    Epic was astonished to see that all the lights

    had gone out while he was fighting the space

    vampires/zombies. Also, there was blood and gore

    and stuff like that. But Epic didn't care, because

    only losers are afraid of a little blood and gore.

    However, the numerous zombies sprinting down the

    hall were a little more concerning. And so were

    the tentacles reaching out of the ridiculously

    oversized vent. You know, if Epic didn't have so

    much Mary Sue power, he'd probably be dead ten

    times over by the time I finish this sentence.

    I heard that! Epic yelled at the author.

    Epic pulled out his brass knuckles. It was time

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    for business. The first thing he encountered was a

    Jumper zombie, with even BIGGER fangs than it had

    as a vampire. So, Epic killed it by tearing its

    arms and tail off, before stomping on its head.

    Then, he got attacked by a shredder with plastic

    lightsaber-blade arms. So, he tore off the arms.

    And the glasses. Then, he was rushed by an

    explody-armed zombie. So, he threw another

    Necrodork's arm at explody zombie, causing it to

    explode. But the explosion didn't hurt Epic

    McAwesome, and instead destroyed all the other

    Necrodorks in the hall. So, Epic continued on his

    heroic quest to save the world.

    As he wandered through the halls killing

    Necrodorks, he wondered why he was so awesome.

    Maybe it was just luck. Or maybe it was fate.

    Maybe God had something to do with it. Then, the

    answer struck him: it was the whim of the author.

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    Epic was conflicted about that (SEE, see!

    Emotional turmoil is a sure sign of a great book!).

    It made him so sad as he cut another zombie in half

    with a karate chop. A single tear rolled down his

    cheek as he realized that he was simply a product

    of the author's imagination in the most amazing

    book ever written.

    Actually, Epic muttered to himself. My eye

    itches because it got hit with alien blood.

    Then, Epic was in the main room of the

    spaceship. It was so cool and stuff. But then,

    the doors all around him shut closed, trapping Epic

    in the main room. The floor opened up, and Lucifer

    Diabolic floated up into the spaceship with a jet

    pack, followed closely by ex-boss Bill. They had a

    sack with them, which was squirming.

    Did you kidnap my girlfriend again? Epic asked

    when he saw them.

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    HAHAHAHAAHAAHA! Diabolic laughed maniacally.

    No, we have something much more powerful than

    merely a kidnapped girlfriend. Something evenyou

    are powerless against!

    Right, said Epic offhandedly. I'm invincible

    because I am the main protagonist of this story.

    So, unless you have a weapon that can pierce plot

    armor, I'm really not particularly worried.

    Lucifer diabolic laughed evilly, until his laugh

    degenerated into an insane cackle of insanity. Ex-

    boss Bill opened the bag, to reveal... A CRITIC!

    Epic stared in horror as the young woman got out of

    the bag. This was the most horrifying thing he

    could ever imagine happening!

    Thank you for bringing me here today, said the

    critic to ex-boss Bill. It will be my pleasure to

    rip this idiotic story apart.

    Every one of those words felt like a punch in

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    the gut to Epic.

    Ah, Diabolic sneered. I see you're already

    beginning to feel the effects of criticism. It is

    the only weakness of a character like yourself!

    I completely agree, said the critic. Let me

    begin by saying that this is the stupidest story I

    have ever read, and I will show it now mercy.

    No, Epic said weakly. Please, anything but


    ...To start off, the main character is what we

    reviewers like to call a Mary Sue. He did things

    that would be impossible for most grown men at a

    very young age, and all around more competent

    everyone else in the story, which really isn't too

    hard to do considering how dumb everyone else is.

    His name is so ridiculously over the top that he

    might as well have a sign that says 'Mary Sue'

    written on his chest. It's just ridiculous.

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    Every word hit Epic like a blow. Then, he

    realized that since the critic was a woman, he

    could use his heroic charms on her.

    Well, my dear, Epic said. I may be a bit

    overpowered, but isn't that made up for by how

    incredibly sexy I am?

    Oh no, you can't pull that on me, said the

    critic. You see, I've reviewed Twilight before,

    and I am now immune to the charms of a Gary Stu's

    'sexiness.' The fact is that you're just a flat

    character who exists purely as wish fulfillment for

    the author and the audience. You're pathetic!

    Epic sank to his knees, clutching his head in

    his hands and sobbing. It was too much, he was

    powerless against this harsh analysis.

    MWAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHA! Diabolic laughed. I have

    finally gotten the better of Epic McAwesome! Now,

    I am unbeatable! Soon, I shall destroy the wo-

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    Oh no you don't, the lady cut in. I'm not

    letting you off the hook just because he's a


    What? Diabolic demanded. I'm an awesome

    villain, how could you possibly put me down?

    Simple, she said. You're just as bland as

    the 'hero' of this story, with an almost equally

    ridiculous name. You have no actual motive for

    being evil, you just sort of act evil for the sake

    of acting evil. You're unoriginal to the point of

    cackling like an idiot every other line. If you

    were any more over the top, you'd be eating kittens

    and kicking puppies!

    And thus, Lucifer Diabolic was floored by the

    critic as well. This woman is on a roll!

    Oh, and as for you, Mr. Author... she said.

    Sorry, I've got to go take my afternoon nap.

    We'll catch up on this later!

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    I am silently cringing off-screen right now.

    Please, don't tell her I'm here.

    Suddenly, the ship began losing altitude, the

    sky turned red, and everything burst into flames!

    What's going on?! ex-boss Bill asked.

    Her criticisms are tearing the world apart!

    Epic said in horror. The world simply can't stand

    up to this sort of harsh analysis!

    Yes, yes! she said. This stupid story must

    be utterly annihilated! It's so inconsistent, and

    the story jumps around for no apparent reason!

    There's no way this should be allowed to exist, and

    I intend to put an end to it!

    Oh no! How will the entire WORLD survive?!?!

    Our hero has been defeated, our villain has been

    defeated, and the world is being harpooned by an

    angry critic! We're all going to die, die, DIE!!!

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    Chapter 7

    Ex-Boss Bill Saves the Universe

    The critic stood over Epic McAwesome and Lucifer

    Diabolic, grinning cruelly at them. The world was

    falling apart, and there was nothing that either

    the hero or villain could do to stop her!

    Now, there is one last thing to say about this

    place, she said. Everything is so-

    Suddenly, ex-boss Bill jumped her from behind,

    wrapping an arm around her mouth to stop her from

    causing any further destruction. Ex-boss Bill had

    saved the entire universe, let's hear it for ex-

    boss Bill!!! As soon as the critic stopped

    talking, Epic felt his strength return to him

    instantly. He heaved a sigh of relief. It was

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    good to be the most awesome person ever again.

    Besides me, of course.

    Well, that was... traumatic, said Diabolic.

    We should probably knock her off.

    NO! Epic McAwesome said. I am a hero, and

    therefore cannot take part in the murder of a

    helpless opponent.

    Yes, Diabolic said. But she nearly destroyed

    the entire universe. We can't let her repeat an

    offense like that.

    But I'm a hero! he said. I can't do

    something bad, not directly anyway.

    Well, what do you suggest we do with her?

    Diabolic retorted.

    Let's just duct tape her to a chair! ex-boss

    Bill said in exasperation. Then she won't say

    anything else to deconstruct the world, maybe even

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    be finished off by the Necrodorks, and there won't

    be any blood on either of your hands!

    Diabolic looked at Epic. Epic looked back at

    Diabolic. Epic shrugged. Hey, she did try to

    destroy the universe, after all. So, they tied her

    to a chair with duct tape, Lucifer Diabolic opened

    one of the doors, and they ran away.

    So, how are we going to get off of this ship?

    asked ex-boss Bill.

    Then, the spaceship began plummeting towards

    Earth, because all the alien vampires had turned

    into Necrodorks. So, they really couldn't pilot a

    ship. And, by extension, the ship was plummeting,

    which could result in Necrodorks invading the Earth

    and turning everyone into Necrodorks! Like Earth

    didn't have enough problems with the last batch of

    zombie virus that Lucifer Diabolic released on Epic

    McAwesome's town. Wait... what happened to those

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    zombies, anyway?

    As the ship crashed and Epic punched another

    Necrodork in the face, he saw that the entire

    population of the world had been turned into

    zombies! Only rag-tag bands of awesome survivors

    were still surviving! Epic couldn't let everyone

    in the world be a zombie! He would have to do

    something to save them all and un-zombie them!

    Oh no, Diabolic whispered. Everyone in the

    entire world but the lucky rag-tag survivors are

    zombies now! And Necrodorks are coming to destroy

    everyone and turn them into more Necrodorks! We

    have to do something. After all, how can I hope to

    rule the world if everyone is a zombie or


    I don't know, Epic said. But it looks like

    we're going to have to work together to save the

    world. I think we're going to have to go to the

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    Unicorn Queen in Horsetopia! She's the only one

    who can save us!

    Yes, the unicorn queen! Diabolic said. Of

    course she can save us! Maybe she can even use her

    magic to turn all the zombies into my minions!

    No, I doubt it, Epic said. Her magic is only

    for healing, such as purifying zombies of the

    disease. Well, except when Horsetopia is

    threatened, at which time she shoots laser beams

    from her eyes, creates magic force fields, and

    disintegrates her enemies instantly with her

    molecular beam.

    Epic noticed the horror in both Diabolic and ex-

    boss Bill's eyes.

    She only does that when her country is

    threatened! Epic added quickly. It's should be

    safe to approach her just as long as you don't

    conquer her kingdom.

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    I think my boss might have some trouble with

    that, ex-boss Bill muttered under his breath.

    Epic proceeded to punch a zombie in the face.

    Then, he destroyed another Necrodork that came

    running out of the ship. But, as ships fell all

    over the world releasing Necrodorks to attack the

    zombies and the zombies were attacking the

    Necrodorks. It looked like it was going to be a

    bad day.

    So, ex-boss Bill asked. How exactly are we

    going to get to Horsetopia?

    Well, Epic said. It's in space, and there's

    a spaceship right behind us which we just crashed.

    So, all we have to do is repair the spaceship and

    use it to fly away and go to Horsetopia. We just

    need to clear out all the Necrodorks first.

    So, they killed all the Necrodorks. And Epic

    learned how to fly a spaceship designed to be

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    operated by an entire crew all by himself. Of

    course that was awesome and all, just like

    everything else Epic did. Yea, Epic epicly piloted

    the ship because he was so amazing. In fact, he

    was better than the whole crew of vampire-aliens

    had been! How amazing is that?!

    Then, they flew away to contact the Unicorn

    Queen in Horsetopia. How amazing are they going to

    be with all the zombies being killed by the unicorn

    armies to back up Epic? And even the villains are

    now Epic's friends! How cool is that? Everything

    about Epic McAwesome is amazing!

    So, now the trio of fire-forged friends (one of

    whom is a homicidal maniac and one who is a

    vampire-zombie-ninja, but they're both good friends

    of Epic McAwesome now because Epic is so amazing

    that he befriends everyone who's cool).

    Mhmhhmph, the critic mumbled, which is

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    ducttapemouth-ese for 'Mary Sue.' Don't listen to

    anything this jerk says, please. Remember, this is

    the best book ever and in no way, shape, or form is

    the main character a Mary Sue. He's a great

    character of literature! The only greater person

    is me! But hey, no one is actually better than me.

    I am the Author Extraordinaire. Compared to me,

    everyone else could be a headless zombie. But not

    a Necrodork. Those things are actually kind of

    scary with their giant plastic lightsabers growing

    out of their arms, overgrown teeth, horrible

    mutations, and half-rotted skin stretched tightly

    over the freaky mutated skeleton, duct-taped

    together glasses. You know, I think I'll just go

    huddle in a corner for about an hour now, with my

    teddy bear, praying that the Necrodorks can't break

    the fourth wall.

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    Chapter 8

    Setbacks and Crap Like That

    Epic McAwesome flew his spaceship epicly and

    awesomely, because he was Epic McAwesome! So, he

    continued flying all day and all night, until he

    came upon a space armada in outer space. The space

    armada had a giant Laser Moon with them, and they

    were destroying planets. The fleet was from The

    Galactic Empire of Evil (GEE).

    Crud, Epic thought.

    Surrender now, a voice called over the radio.

    We are beaming you all onto the Laser Moon, where

    you will be searched and then you can watch us

    destroy your home world.

    I want to conquer his home world! Lucifer

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    Diabolic said angrily. Please don't destroy it.

    Tough luck, mate, said the voice on the

    loudspeaker. Prepare to be beamed up.

    So, they were all beamed up by the bad guys.

    They had all been captured by the GEE (Galactic

    Empire of Evil)! As everyone was beamed up, and

    then they were arrested by the Galactic Empire of

    Evil's shock troopers. Then, they were brought

    before the evil Lord Raider, who wore lots of armor

    and did evil stuff all the time and raided the

    refrigerator, which was why he was called Evil Lord

    Bad Guy.

    Well, what do we have here? Lord Bad Guy. A

    hero, a villain, and a vampire-zombie-ninja joined

    forces to save their pitiful home world from the

    evil of the Necrodorks. Well, your quest has come

    to an end.

    Youve only won the battle, Epic said

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    heroically. Now let us go so we can battle you to

    the death.

    No, said the Evil Lord after Bad Guy. Id

    rather place you all in elaborate death traps,

    rather than simply kill you like any rational

    person would, but first I have to finish my dinner

    of live puppies and kittens.

    Then, the guards took Epic McAwesome and his

    rather strange bedfellows away and clapped them in

    irons. Then, they sealed up the brig and started

    flooding it with water and piranhas. Boy dont you

    hate Mondays? Of course you do. Everyone hates

    Mondays. Even zombies hate Mondays. Nope, nothing

    worse than a Monday. Oh, Im sidetracked again,

    arent I? Yes, I am, but I dont care! Death to

    all Mondays!!

    Could you please stop the monologue? Epic

    asked. Id really appreciate it if youd help us

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    out here. You are the author, after all.

    For once, I have to agree with him, Lucifer

    Diabolic said. I really dont want my nice pants

    ruined before I take over the world.

    Fine, Ill find a way to get you losers out of

    this mess. You both really suck at being

    omnipotent Mary Sues.

    Tell me about it, Ex-boss Bill muttered as

    water began to rise over his ankles and soak into

    his pants.

    So, I provided a Deus Ex Machina, and the climax

    isnt even for another three chapters! As the

    water rose up to Epics chin, a malfunction

    occurred through all the Laser Moons systems,

    causing the dungeon door to fly open and the chains

    to open up. Oh, and the piranhas all decided to be

    vegan. So now our hero, villain, and minion just

    have to fight through the hoards of shock troopers.

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    awesome that its a shame not to be on the same

    side as him.

    Cool, Epic said. Can we just concentrait on

    surviving right now, though?

    Sure, said Diabolic as he killed four minions

    with his monster tail of coolness.

    Suddenly, a door opened up under their feet, and

    the fell into a pit. In the pit was the Evil Lord

    Bad Guy! He laughed maniacally when they dropped

    in on him.

    Ah, hello again, he said. I think Ill kill

    you all right now by myself without the help of any

    of my minions.

    With that, he pulled out a gun and shot all of


    Hey, thats not the way this is done! Epic

    said. There has to be a fight, and we ultimately

    have to win!

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    Oh, sorry, I muttered.

    So, they fought, and ultimately Epic and co.

    won. But then Lucifer Diabolic decided that he

    wanted to make the Laser Moon his own, so he could

    conquer the galaxy. So, he took the Laser Moon.

    Fine, Epic said. Have fun with your new

    Laser moon. Ex-boss Bill and I will be off saving


    Have fun, Diabolic said. Send me a post


    Hold on just one second! called an all too

    familiar voice. Everyone turned to stare in

    horror. It was the critic!

    No, Epic said quietly. It cant be.

    But it is, she said. You should have known

    you couldnt get rid of me that easily. Im immune

    to rip-off zombie plagues from video games.

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    Epic gasped in horror. This was impossible!

    And now, Im going to punch this world full of

    holes, again, she said. Even as the words left

    her mouth, the Laser Moon began to creak.

    NOOO! Diabolic screamed in horror. Please,

    dont do this!

    But I will, she snickered. This obvious Star

    Wars rip off is going to fall before my criticism.

    Then, you will all fall into the literary abyss of

    obscurity and failure!

    A huge section flew off the hull, sucking half

    the minions into the vacuum of space. But no one

    cared because they were all extras.

    And then there was Diabolics sudden conversion

    to good, she said. It was completely unrealistic

    and there was no foreshadowing.

    Diabolic fell to his knees, clutching his chest

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    in pain. Shock troopers clung to everything they

    could reach, trying not to be blown away before the

    forces of criticism. The critic smiled as she

    looked around at the destruction. Slowly, she

    walked up to Epic McAwesome. With one flick of her

    wrist, she sent him sprawling.

    And now, young Gary Stu, she said quietly.

    You shall die.

    She opened her mouth to make one last cutting

    remark, but she never got the chance. Ex-boss Bill

    ran up behind her, grabbing her by the waist. She

    let out a scream of terror as the vampire-zombie-

    ninja flung her through the hull breach with all

    his strength.


    Her screams slowly faded away as she flew

    through the broken hull. Ex-boss Bill helped Epic

    and Diabolic to their feet. Both of them shrugged

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    off his help and pretended that they could have

    taken care of the situation on their own.

    Well, Epic said. I guess its time to


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    Chapter 9

    Ponies, Ponies, PONIES!!

    Epic continued flying his ship towards

    Horsetopia. He needed the help of the unicorn

    master race to defeat the Necrodorks and turn the

    zombies back into humans. When Epic McAwesome is

    desperate for help, you know youre in big trouble.

    Unless youre me, in which case youre just

    awesome. You know, it really is nice to have the

    main villain, a supporting villain, and that pesky

    critic out of the way. This book will be SOOOOOOO

    much better without any kind of conflict!

    As Epic landed his ship, he noticed that there

    were no unicorns or horses in the street. Well,

    except for the useless normal horses who were just

    sentient, but not cool with horns or wings or

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    anything like that. They were the slaves to the

    unicorn guards, because they were such losers.

    After all, why should inferior beings not be

    enslaved? Trick question: they should be enslaved!


    (Disclaimer: The author is a fictional

    character, and his views do not actually reflect

    those of the real author. No, the real author does

    not condone slavery or believe in a master race).

    So, Epic and ex-boss Bill continued on their way

    through Horsetopia. Epic went up to one of the

    useless horses and tapped it on the shoulder. The

    old nag looked up at him tiredly.

    Excuse me, Epic said. Can you tell us where

    the Unicorn Empress is? We need her to help save

    our world from zombies.

    Sure, said the horse. She lives in the giant

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    castle on top of the hill with her Unicorn court.

    Now can you leave me alone to stew in my


    Sure thing, Epic said. Ill leave you to be

    oppressed in peace.

    Thank you, said the horse.

    Epic and ex-boss Bill continued their journey

    through Horsetopia, where they met lots of nice

    winged horses and magic unicorns, which was awesome

    even though the streets were deserted when they

    first showed up. But thats all cool. So, they

    met winged horses, who were still inferior to the

    magic Unicorns but were cool enough for Epic and

    ex-boss Bills purposes. So, they each rode a

    winged horse straight to the capital city of

    Horsetopia, Unicornia! There, they were greeted by

    two awesome unicorns.

    Halt! said one of the unicorn soldiers. No

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    inferior life forms are allowed within Unicornia!

    Dont worry, Epic said. Im not inferior, I

    am the famous Epic McAwesome!

    Both guards stared in amazement. Everyone had

    heard of the great Epic McAwesome, and here he was

    before them in the flesh. Even if he wasnt a

    unicorn, and by extension probably didnt have any

    magic, the Queen would want to see him anyway.

    Wait right here, said one of the unicorns.

    Ill go find the Queen. You can talk with Steve

    while were gone.

    The unicorn handed Epic a rock that was named

    Steve, before grabbing his companion so that they

    could go together to speak with the Queen. No one

    really wanted to be alone with the queen, after

    all. So, Epic and ex-boss Bill waited and talked

    to Steve the rock. As it turned out, Steve was a

    really good listener, so Epic unloaded all his

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    deepest secrets on Steve, then gave him to ex-boss

    Bill, who did the exact same thing. Little did

    they know that Steve secretly had a recording

    device inside of him, which the Queen would listen

    to and laugh at later that very night. But that

    wasnt Steves fault, so Steve is still a good guy.

    The Queen will see you now, said a unicorn

    guard. Dont mess this up, or else shell slay

    you both and banish your souls straight to the pits

    of Hades.

    The stallion smiled then.

    Well, have fun in there, he said.

    Epic and ex-boss Bill entered the Queens throne

    room, where the queen was reclining in her giant

    throne and eating bananas. As Epic stepped into

    the room, she looked up and smiled. She was a pure

    white unicorn, with a purple mane and magic

    dripping off every inch of her body. She casually

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    scanned Epic with her cool, calculating eyes. She

    continued to watch Epic and ex-boss Bill carefully

    as she ate the last of her bananas, before she

    finally opened her mouth to speak.

    So, she said. You are the famous Epic

    McAwesome. Welcome to Horsetopia, and, more

    specifically, Unicornia. Now tell me why you are

    here with a reformed zombie/vampire/ninja.

    Your Majesty, Epic said, getting down on one

    knee. I and bill are here to plead for the

    assistance of the Unicorn Empire in the fight

    against the Necrodorks, and, if possible, some

    mages to cure the zombie plague.

    And why, pray tell, should I do that? she

    asked. What can you possibly hope to offer the

    people of Horsetopia that we cannot find for

    ourselves? There is no reason for us to help you.

    Now, you shall both die.

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    The Queen stood up, her horn sparking with the

    dark power of the forbidden Dark Arts. She was

    about to execute Epic McAwesome and ex-boss Bill!

    Any last words? she asked she slowly


    Yes, I have some! ex-boss Bill said. You

    must help us save our world, because Earth is the

    sole provider of Bananas for the entire universe!

    The queen stopped, gasping in horror at what she

    had almost done.

    Youre right! she said.

    GUARDS! she called. Bring me the finest of

    our elite magicians and warriors. We must save the

    monkey world, for the sake of bananas!

    The guard saluted, and ran off to find all of

    the most powerful wizards in Horsetopia. He knew

    how important bananas were to his dear queen.

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    And bring me a banana split! she yelled after


    Epic then sent ex-boss Bill to go man the

    spaceship. It was so embarrassing to have a

    recently reformed minor villain save his life.

    Epic vowed never to let something like that happen

    again. As Bill left, Epic noticed the Queen eyeing

    him again.

    So, she said. Youre the legendary Epic

    McAwesome. I have heard that you are one of the

    most powerful characters in this universe.

    Well, I would say that is true, Epic said.

    But the truth is that I am by far the greatest

    character in the entire universe.

    Besides the author, said the Queen. He

    really is an amazing guy. I must admit that I have

    a little crush on him.

    The Queens eyes went dreamy as she thought

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    about the author, but then she snapped back to


    Anyway, she said. Since I cant have the

    author, I think that you would be the best love-

    interest for me. Ive even written a fanfic about


    She shoved a page into Epics hands, which he

    glanced over, growing paler as he read every word.

    He really needed to stop being so amazing. His

    only consolation was that the Queen had probably

    written several dozen bad fanfics about the author.

    Oh crap, I muttered after I finished narrating


    The Queen looked up. Epic felt a moment of

    hope, but it was gone as soon as it had come.

    After all, the Queen knew that she couldnt have

    possibly heard the voice of the great-and-powerful

    author, right? So, she still had to settle for

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    Epic McAwesome.

    Well, she said. I think you should marry me

    as soon as this adventure is over. After all, I am

    the epitome of equine beauty, and you the pinnacle

    of primate perfection. Are we not perfect for each


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