Page 1: TNC Shikiaki Sme Scene

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Shiki/Aki se scene translation scriptsHere's my take and it is likely full of mistakes, so if you see an error, please let me know :) This is continually being edited so check back here for the latest version of each script.

For game-players: each line is a new click!

(Wank and Shower scene translations ---> )

(If you want to know the order of events in Shiki's route, look here: )

Update 1/13 Akira's post-shower mental breakdown and the bed sex scene are up. I will edit these a lot in the coming days, so check back for the final version.


Still dripping wet, Akira wraps himself in soiled sheets and sinks into the bed. He gaze travels through the cracked window pane.

He is unsure of how much time has passed since coming here.

Dark clouds spread out against the sky, making it difficult to distinguish between day and night.

For some reason he thinks that it is early afternoon.

He is the only one in the room. Shiki is gone.

The door no longer appears to be locked. There are no restraints on his arms and legs.

It might be possible to escape...

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Akira rises up at the thought. His eyes target the door that opens into the building's hallway.

A foot cautiously steps down onto the floor. The coldness of the concrete seeps into his body.

He reaches the door and gingerly turns the knob. It opens quite easily.

It really is possible to escape.

Stunned by the new development, Akira trips over himself as he attempts to run out.

Akira :: surprise ::

His hands catch the door-frame and prevent his fall. His body is moving more stiffly than he expected.

Perhaps if he warms himself a little then his muscles will loosen up. He will leave immediately after that, he tells himself. Turning around, he heads back into the room.

His resolve crumbles with every step.

Ordinarily, he would have busted out a window or even crawled on his hands and knees in order to escape.

But his nerves are completely frayed. He cannot summon the willpower. His body and mind are suffocated in weakness.

And maybe... maybe this is a trap.

Akira sits on the bed with his face in his hands. Both thumbs press into his eyes.

His mind searches for Shiki's motive.

Is it possible that he forgot to lock the door? How could such a methodical person do something so careless?

... Is Akira being tested?

If he runs way, will he be hunted down and killed?

He is certain that man would smile at the thought of doing so.

It does not matter what he chooses. Shiki will revel in either outcome.

Whether Akira runs away, whether he does not...

Though, rather than a trap, perhaps Shiki is playing a game.

The moment he thinks this, he realizes he is afraid of Shiki.

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Afraid of Shiki?

That cannot be so.

A hateful, cruel and arrogant man.

... with red eyes

A mere whisper or a touch from him can dominate Akira's body.

Akira feels a vexing, unknown emotion.

His stubborn pride and foolish courage have been shattered into pieces.

Akira: :: exhausted sigh ::

Exhaling deeply, Akira rolls onto his back.

His heart is worn out. Maybe it is better to abandon himself to this fate than to be cut down by the sword.

To ease a painful life through the release of death. To endure a burdensome life through the fear of death.

Which is easier? Are they both the same in the end?

The difference between living and dying may not be so great after all.

These questions circle his mind many times, and he continually arrives at the same place.

Why is he being kept alive? Why is it even he, Akira, who is here?

Is he simply the plaything of an egotistical man?

Is observing Akira's life and death just another whim to Shiki?

Akira: :: exasperation ::

He glares are the decaying ceiling.

This is no time to stew in anger. Then again, the passage of time is meaningless now.

Akira turns over and notices something strewn across the sheets.

It is a bit of wet cloth dotted with black and brown stains.

He instantly becomes enraged.

Akira: "... God damn it!"

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Burning with resentment, Akira forcefully yanks up the wrinkled sheets to cover the stains.

The evidence of what has happened to his body is all over the bed.

His piercing hurts.

His anger aggravates his pain and his pain aggravates his anger.

The wound in his left palm is blackish red with dried blood. Uncaring, Akira powerfully clenches his fist.

Nightfall darkens the window. Even when dawn's splintery light creeps through, Shiki still has not returned.

One whole day...

The rain will not stop.

Akira lays in an empty room with only his rage to accompany him.

The intense anger is slowly extinguished. His ups and downs do not last for very long.

He tries to imagine what Shiki is thinking, but cannot comprehend it at all.

There has been plenty of time to escape, had Akira not feared being chased and caught.

... Does Shiki truly intend to let him go?

Akira's thoughts twist painfully around this question.

What if Shiki loses interest? Will Akira be discarded? If Shiki turns out to be fickle, isn't that what will end up happening?

If Shiki does not return by sundown, then Akira will definitely leave.

Akira kicks the sheets off the bed and flops down on his back. He stares out the window.

The endless rain has abated into a light shower.

Several slow hours pass by, and then it is night again.

Shiki has not returned...

Akira begins to feel foolish for waiting.

... Why is he waiting?

... Why doesn't Shiki come back?

Uncomfortable thoughts flow unobstructed through Akira's mind.

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On the other hand, why does Shiki even need to come back? In fact it is better if he doesn't.


Akira: "......."

Akira is astounded at himself.

He wants Shiki to come back. No, that cannot be right. All he has to look forward to is another beating if Shiki returns.

Yes, that's it...

Akira is terribly confused.

Why is he even confused about this? Where is Shiki?

He takes a deep, slow breath, closes his eyes, and tries to get a handle on his irritation.

Being shut up in this room has warped his perception of the abuse that he has suffered.

If Shiki does not return then he is free. He should be overjoyed.

Akira affirms that he will leave.

It is the stagnating power of this room that has confused him.

He shakes off the feeling and leaps to his feet. He manages to trip again as he heads for the door.

The door is pushed open, and Akira stares into the damp corridor.

He takes a step forward. He should run. If he stays, his heart will surely be destroyed.

But is that fate so dissimilar to being pursued and murdered?

The wound around his piercing smarts, as if chastising him.

"Proof," Shiki had called it.

... Proof that Shiki owns all of Akira...

Akira: :: anguished ::

His palms sweat profusely. His heart pounds.

Each beat is heavy with the burden of that proof.

His body and his mind have different wills and are at war.

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... He cannot step forward.

:: SFX footsteps ::

As he collapses by the door, he hears the hard clack of footsteps in the distance.

A familiar, distinctive sound...

Has Shiki come back?

The footsteps stop in front of Akira.

Shiki: "It seems as though you still require more discipline."

The voice knowingly scolds Akira, like a foolish child caught trying to run away.

There is a low chuckle. When Akira raises his face, he is struck by red eyes brimming with self-assurance.

Akira's jaw tightens.

Shiki: "Or... perhaps you did this deliberately because you enjoy being punished?"

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Akira: "You're wrong ....!"Shiki: "Tch."

Shiki is dismissive. He grabs Akira's arm.

Akira: "Don't touch me...!"

Akira tries to pull away. His hair is gripped tightly and his face is forced upward.

He is captured by the cruel smile on Shiki's face.

Shiki: "Your body will soon remember who its master is."

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Akira: :: ....! ::

Akira's eyes close instinctively at the whispered voice.

A hand slips behind his ear and glides upward in a smooth caress.

... With just that, Akira becomes hard.

Shiki: "Does your body succumb while your mind still resists? How interesting."

Shiki smiles calmly. Akira thinks that he may even be beautiful.

He understands now...

He cannot resist.


Akira: ."No....!"

His voice echoes into the hallway. Red eyes laugh silently at him.

Bed Sex Scene

Akira: "Stop it...!"

Shiki enters the room and immediately sheds his coat. He shoves Akira onto the bed.

[SFX Shiki hitting Akira]

Akira protectively raises both arms above his head, but they are caught in a vice-like grip. Shiki strikes Akira across the face.

"What is it? Have I left you alone for so long that you became excited again?"

Akira's blood boils. He glares hard at Shiki.

All of a sudden, he feels uneasy.

Cold ridicule usually imbues Shiki's eyes while he watches Akira struggle.

That look is nowhere to be seen. He looks at the boy in calm silence.

Now that Akira thinks of it, hadn't he smelled the faint odor of blood on Shiki when he came into the room?

The scent of blood is not otherwise unusual; Shiki cuts people down as easily as he kicks stones from his path. There is, however, something strangely off this time.

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Akira: :: surprise ::

In an instant, Shiki's hands undress Akira.

Remembering his shame, Akira turns his face away.

He is still unaccustomed to having his body exposed before Shiki's intrusive eyes. He cannot help but feel a virginal shyness once again.

Shiki: "........"

Akira's arms are still held down. Shiki lowers his face to the hollow of Akira's neck and traces a line from the collarbone to the chest with his tongue.

Akira: :: startled pleasure ::

The mere touch causes Akira's body to burst into heat against his will.

He anticipates that he will drown in agony and ecstasy. His skin trembles irresistibly at the thought.

A sense of self-loathing deepens. His heart cries out for him to resist, yet Akira does nothing.

Shiki touches a fingertip to Akira's nipple.

He relentlessly torments it. A curious sensation slowly materializes in Akira's body.

Akira: :: pleasure ::

Akira is betrayed by the involuntary gasp of delight that escapes from his throat. Shiki laughs softly.

Shiki: "You are so reactive. Has your body learned to accept this pleasure?"

As he speaks, Shiki's eyes deeply drink in Akira's naked form.

The gaze quickly becomes expressionless again. He grabs Akira's hard member.

Akira: :: flinches ::

A forceful grip unexpectedly crushes it. Akira grits his teeth against the sharpness.

Despite all this, Shiki's eyes do not seem as cold as usual.

Words that are typically whispered to incite Akira during acts like these remain unspoken now.

Akira is too distracted by the pain to dwell on this thought. There is a faint chill in the room.

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He does not know what to think.

A hand plays with Akira's piercing, while a tongue rolls over his erect nipple.

Akira: :: pleasure ::

Heat and arousal emanate from Akira's body. He is breathless. He shuts his eyes at the ticklish sensation.

Even the rough handling of Akira's member causes it to ache with pleasure that his mind does not wish to permit.

... He cannot help noticing the difference in Shiki's energy.

Akira's thighs are pulled apart. Shiki's finger trails down from Akira's cock and brushes across the narrow opening underneath.

Without a moment's hesitation, a stiff finger sinks inside.

Akira: :: surprise ::

Akira's breath catches at the feeling of the foreign object. His hardness twitches.

He wants to push it out, but inadvertently tightens around it.

Shiki: "You are writhing so much. Do you want it in your mouth that badly?"

Akira: "That's not it....!"

Akira's voice is overcome by labored breathing rising from the chaos in his body.

He struggles to free his arms, but Shiki's tight grip will not loosen.

Akira: :: soft noise ::

The finger scratching around inside of him is pulled out, but it affords no peace of mind.

He hears the quiet rustling of cloth and feels a hand on his inner thigh.

Akira's knees are pulled back and bent towards his chest. The pose is instantly humiliating.

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Akira: "......!"

A mass of heat forces through the narrow opening.

Akira's chest heaves. He buries his face in the bedsheet as the alien substance pushes up inside of him.

Akira :: agony ::

He jerks his hips away from the pain, but they are drawn back and held firmly in place. His insides burn with Shiki's heat from front to back.

Before Akira can even catch his breath, Shiki begins to move.

The constant pain transforms into an intermittent one. It subsides as Shiki withdraws and renews with each hard thrust. Akira's back trembles.

Akira: :: pained (sexily) ::

Akira exhales sobs of miserable shame. Each time his waist is rocked, the emotion seems to disappear a little.

Is Shiki looking down on him in cruel amusement?

The thought springs up in a corner of Akira's mind that now strains to endure the pain. As it occurs, he opens his eyes a little.

Akira: ".... !?"

Shiki suddenly holds Akira's body tightly. He buries his face in the arch of the boy's shoulder.

Akira does not understand the reason and feels flustered.

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It's as he suspected; Shiki truly is strange today.

Akira's arms are released, but the desire to fight back has been forgotten.

The smell of Shiki's jet black hair is under Akira's nose. With it comes the scent of blood.

Akira cannot imagine how it happened, but the way Shiki is grinding his hips into him is starting to feel amazing. Pain and pleasure come in measured intervals.

Akira: :: desire ::

Shiki adjusts the angle of his thrusts. When he hits a particular spot, a wave of ecstasy overtakes Akira's heart. Pleasure unintentionally spills into Akira's voice.

His arms wander as if lost until they finally cling to Shiki's back.

The change in Akira's reaction is not lost on Shiki. He relentlessly dives into the same spot over and over.

Akira: :: desire ::

Akira's throbbing member rubs between their bodies.

A mysterious feeling surpasses the pain and lifts him to a great height.

Shiki: :: desire/exertion ::

Soft breath spills from Shiki's lips as he continues his luscious onslaught.

Arousal pulses in every beat of Akira's heart. As the feeling deepens, he tightens around Shiki.

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The speed of the thrusts increases. They both sense that the other is nearing their limit.

Akira: :: close to climax ::

The urge to collapse into sweet nothingness courses through Akira's body, searching for release.

Strong, penetrating thrusts drive him to the brink several times.

Akira: :: climaxing ::

He shivers and everything goes blank. A cloudy whiteness explodes from the tip of his member.

Shiki's body stiffens at the same time. His arms still powerfully embrace Akira.

Akira feels warmth pouring deep inside of him.

Light-headed, his mind and body float in a rapturous haze.

Shiki raises himself and brushes aside a lock of hair pasted to Akira's sweaty forehead. Akira's vision is filled by warm, moist, red eyes.

... Shiki is different than usual.

Akira has never seen these eyes before.

Nor has he felt such a gesture...

As he mulls around in these thoughts, he suddenly feels Shiki's lips overlapping his own.

Akira: :: surprise ::

This time his eyes open widely.

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But Shiki stands up immediately. Turning his back to Akira, he walks to the window.

Akira's eyes quickly dart after him, though they discern nothing from Shiki's impassive back.

He wonders if he dreamed of that stolen kiss.

His first impulse is that he felt it. Then he dismisses it as silly sentimentality.

In any case, Shiki is very odd today.

Akira is seized by mysterious emotions. He surrenders to exhaustion and stares up at the cracks in the ceiling.

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