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ALANGWhat is energy?Energy is define as the ability to do work in physicGive 3 primary resources of the energya)solar, geothermal, chemical, tidal, and nuclearGive 3 example of renewable and non renewable energy.Renewable(Biomass,Solar,Geothermal,water,wind)Nonrenewable(nuclear, oil, natural gas,coal)advantage disadvantage solar energyAdvantagePotentially infinite energy supplySingle dwellings can have own electricity supplyDisadvantage Manufacturer and implementation of solar panel can be costlyadvantage disadvantage solar energy nonrenewable energy?AdvantageWidely available and affordableCost effective and much easier to produce and useMarket value where a supplier or manufacturer makes money and pay worker enhancing economicsDisadvantage Can’t be replaced or revitalized Pollution causing damage to our environmentContribute to global warmingFor each energy types, give an example of energy technology-potential energy – energy is stored energy (eg. Water behind a dam or a liter of oil)-kinetic energy – energy is energy in motion (eg. Moving automobile, falling water, light from sun)-chemical energy – batteries -petroleumGive 5 primary sources of energy and their exampleSolar,geothermal,chemical,tidal,nuclearstate 3 advantage of implementing energy efficiency strategy in Malaysia in comparison to renewable energy- Provide energy saving for the lifetime of the technologies there are a long term benefits associated with energy efficiency-reduced overall energy cost- lower bill outweighs the slightly higher rate charge- Monitor the effects of the measures and initiatives towards energy efficiency and carbon reduction

AKWhat is energy and main task of energy?energy is defined as the ability to produce change or do work and that work can be divided into several main tasks we easily recognize.- energy produce light- energy produce heat- energy produce motion- energy produce sound- energy produce growth- energy powers technologywhat are the benefit of better management of energy?-cost saving-better production quality-eliminating wasted energy usage during the production process-less waste product

how is electricity generated?

an electric generator is a device that convert mechanical energy through a turbine. a turbine is a wheel that changes the force of a moving gas or a liquid into energy that can do work. the turbine spins a generator to produce electricity.what is renewable energy?renewable energy is made from resources that can be renewed by mother nature. it is also called clean energy or green power bcoz it doesn’t produce harmful pollution.what is non-renewable energy?energy from fossil fuels ( coal, crude oil, natural gas, uranium ). Fossil fuels are mainly made up of carbon. they were formed from buried remains of plants and animal that lived hundred of million years ago. it is believed that fossil fuel were formed over 300 million years ago, when the earth was a lot different in its landscape. it has swampy, forest and very shallow seas. this time is referred as ‘ carboniferous period’. the burning of fossil fuels produces-sulphur and nitrate in atmosphere-co2-acid rain

ACAD1.Define what is energy and the several main tasks of energyEnergy is defined as the ability to produce change or do workSeveral main tasks we easily recognize:-Energy produces light-Energy produces heat-Energy produces motion-Energy produces sound2.What are the benefits of better management of energy?-Cost saving-Better production quality-Eliminating wasted energy usage during the production process-Less waste product3.what is fossil fuel?-Coal,oil and natural gas are called fossil fuels-They are formed deep under the earth millions of years ago from the decomposition of plant and animal matter- fossil fuel are used to generate electricity4.How the photovoltaic solar energy work?Photovoltaic cells capture solar energy and convert it directly toElectrical current by separating electrons from parent atoms and accelerating them across a one-way electrostatic barrier5.Define the passive solar heat and active solar heat?Passive solar heat- using absorptive structures with no moving partsTo gather and hold themActive Solar Heat-generally pump heat absorbing medium through a collector

rather than passively collecting heat in a stationary object

JAIMExplain briefly at least 4 sources of renewable energyRenewable energy is generally define as energy that come from resources Which are naturally replenished on a human timescale such as sunlight, Wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat4 sources of renewable energy:1. Solar- Energy from wind, water, waves- The force for the motion of wind and waves- Energy from the sun is radiant wave energy- The sun heat evaporates water and the wind carries it. It fall as rain andSnow and replenishes the river and their reservoirs with water which is used to produce hydroelectric power.2. Geothermal- come from within the earth- The heat of geothermal energy can ‘mined’ for use3. Nuclear- From of potential energy stored in the nuclear of an atom- Nuclear reactors are based on the fission reactions- based on the fission reaction, in which 2 lighter nuclear will be combined to form a heavy one, releasing energy in the process4. Fuel Fuel can be in 3 forms- Liquid (petrol, diesel)- Solid (wood)- Gas

ACAD LAGI1.What do you understand about coal? How coal was formed?-Coal made of carbon but also contain sulfur, hydrogen, oxygen & nitrogen -create by the accumulation of plant matter over thousands of years2.Chernobyl is the most worst nuclear disaster in the world.State theImpact of this disaster on health-Thyroid cancer-Luekemia & non thyroid solid cancer-Mortality-Cataract-Cardiovascualr disease-mental health &phychological effect-reproductive & hereditary effect

FAIZ1. The form of energy are wide and can be divide into two categories. Describes the categories and provide 3 example each categories Kinetic energy – define as a energy in motion for example a moving automobile, falling water and light from sun.Energy form of energy categories as kinetic energy: Electrical energy, thermal, motion, sound energy.Potential energy- define as energy is storage energy example water behind the dam or liter of oil.Energy form of energy categories as potential energy: chemical energy, storage mechanical energy, nuclear, gravitational energy.

2. Describe how the thermal power plant work?

- Fuel is fed into a boiler, where it is burned to release thermal energy.- Water is piped into the boiler and heated, turning into a steam- The steam travels at high pressure through a steam line.- The high pressure steam turn the turbine , which rotates a shift- Inside the generator, the shaft turn the coils of the copper wires inside a ring of magnet. This creates an electric field, produces produce electricity.-Electricity is sent to a switchyard, where a transformer increase the voltage, allowing it to travel through the electric grid.

3. List down 5 the main function of energy commission?-Advise minister on all matter concerning energy supply activities.-Implement, enforce and review energy supply laws -Promote efficiency, economy and safety in electricity and piped gas supply industries.-Promote competition and prevent misuse of monopoly power in electricity and piped gas supply industries.-Promote renewable energy and conservation of non-renewable energy.-Promote research energy and development of new technique relating to supply and use of electricity and piped gas.-Promote self-regulation.

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