Page 1: Transformation of the West

Transformation of the West


Do now: What does trade look like in Unit 4? (1450-1750)

Page 2: Transformation of the West

Culture and Commerce

The Italian Renaissance: Begins 14th, 15th centuries in northern Italy

Italy becomes:• Urbanized• Merchant class• Political rivalry

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Culture and Commerce

•Petrarch, Boccaccio• Uses Italian language (vernacular-the common language) • Secular (non-religious) topics

•Painting upgrade:• Use of perspective• Shadow, distance• Focus on humans, not gods or religious figures

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Page 5: Transformation of the West

Culture and Commerce

• The Italian Renaissance•Michelangelo – Sistine Chapel, Statue of David• Leonardo da Vinci – Mona Lisa• Niccolo Machiavelli – “The Prince” *it is better to be feared

than loved

•Humanism• Looking back to classical past• Study of texts, especially ancient Greek and Roman

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Medieval Art

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Renaissance Art

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Culture and changes

•The Renaissance Moves Northward

• Northern Renaissance• France, Low Countries,

England, Germany•Then to eastern Europe•More concerned with

religious matters

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Culture and Changes

•Changes in Technology and Family

•Technology•Printing Press!

• Family• later marriage age common•nuclear family common

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Page 11: Transformation of the West

Changes and Commerce• The Protestant and Catholic

Reformations• 1517, Martin Luther's challenge• Attacks church institutions• Bible the only authority• Vernacular translations

• Protestant protest used for political gain• German opposition to the papacy• Rulers seize church lands

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Culture and Commerce• Henry VIII• Establishes Anglican church

• Jean Calvin• Calvinism• Predestination

• Catholic Reformation• Renewal• Jesuits• Missionaries and education

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Culture and Commerce

• The End of Christian Unity in the West•Religious Wars• France• Calvinists v. Catholics• 1598, Edict of Nantes• Promises Protestants’ toleration

•30 Years War (1618-1648)• Devastating to Germany• Netherlands independent

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Page 15: Transformation of the West

Culture and Commerce

• The Commercial Revolution• Inflation, 16th century• Gold, silver from New World• Demand outstrips supply

• Social Protest•Witchcraft hysteria

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Science and Politics

•Copernicus• Polish monk• Used knowledge of earlier Arab scientists like al-Urdi and

al-Tusi•New instruments add to data collection•Galileo Galilei• Uses Copernicus' work

•Kepler’s observations confirm earlier work

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Science and Politics

•Methods• Francis Bacon• Empirical research

• René Descartes• Skepticism

• Isaac Newton• System of natural laws

• Deism• God does not intervene with nature

• John Locke• Use of reason

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Science and Politics

• Absolute and Parliamentary Monarchies• 17th century, medieval balance disrupted

• France dominates• Centralized monarchy• Bureaucracy• “Absolute monarchy"• Louis XIV the best example• Nobles kept at court

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Science and Politics

•Other absolute monarchs• Spain, Prussia, Austria-Hungary• Territorial expansion

•England•Difference•Civil War• Parliament triumphant

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Page 21: Transformation of the West

Science and Politics

•The Nation-StateDefinition•Common language, culture• National literature, songs, foods

• Territorial aspect•Common allegiance

Will lead to nationalism, which causes imperialism, global conflicts…

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The West by 1750

•Political Patterns• Great change in central Europe

(break up of feudal HRE)

• Frederick the Great of Prussia• Religious freedom• State regulates economy• Overseas commercial networks

Prussia was a German kingdom that became a nation state (absolutist as well) and was dissolved in 1932. Poland and the Soviet Union absorbed the territory

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The West by 1750

•Continual warfare• France v. Britain• Rivalry over overseas

territory (Remember the French and Indian War?)

•Prussia v. Austria• Territorial conflicts

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Page 25: Transformation of the West

The West by 1750

•Scientific Revolution leads to Enlightenment• Scientific methods applied to other fields

•General principles•People are good•Reason the answer•Belief in progress

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The West by 1750

•Political science• Adam Smith• Laissez-faire

•Criminology• Society•Women's rights• Protection of children• Attack inequities

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The West by 1750•Mass consumerism – ongoing change in commerce and


• Agriculture• Advancements in tech – swamp drainage, breeding• Potatoes, etc. introduced

• Domestic system• Households produce finished goods

• Change becomes the norm

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