  • 1.Lauren Byrd #MEMmktg 4.15.2014

2. THE RISE OF IMAGE MARKETING Blog posts became Facebook updates and Tumblr posts, which shrunk to tweets, and finally to an image with Instagram or Pinterest. The use of visuals on social media platforms can help you craft a graphic story around your brands key values and offerings. It helps show who you are as a brand and makes consumers want to connect with you. 3. IMAGE MARKETING INFOGRAPHIC Simple thinking, visual story-telling The reason why this type of content works is that its simple thinking. Our brains process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. About 93% of all communication is nonverbal (Walter, 2014). Every year, our attention span becomes shorter. Now its about 3-8 seconds. Therefore you need to grab peoples attention immediately. 4. PINTEREST Top brands that have Pinterest pages average 46 re-pins per pin. This demonstrates the strong brand loyalty and attachment users have with interacting with other users. Pinterest, has become a force on the internet. According to a new study, its now one of the primary ways that people share stuff online. It even tops email (Wohlsen). 5. TARGET PINTEREST CASE 1 6. INSTAGRAM 91% of retail brands have cozied up to the potential buying power of Instagram users Clothing boutiques have taken over Instagram! A boutique with the name of Shop Hopes is using Instagram to sell and promote their clothing with pictures of models in their outfits from head to toe, they sell shoes, purses and jewelry as well. Buyers comment on the post to buy and are sent an email invoice or redirected to the website to purchase directly from there. 7. NIKE INSTAGRAM CASE 2 8. DUNKIN DONUTS INSTAGRAM 9. SHOP HOPES 10. THE FUTURE OF IMAGE MARKETING Megan MacLeod Assistant Director of Marketing and Promotions for the University of Memphis Athletic Department 11. WHAT TO EXPECT More Infographics More Images with Text Popularity of image marketing continue to increase 12. REFERENCES Avant, Robert. "The New Buzz in Social Media: Image Marketing." Alpha Avant. N.p., 21 Jan 2014. Web. 13 Apr 2014. . Bullas, Jeff. "6 Powerful Reasons Why you Should include Images in your Marketing Infographic in-your-marketing-infographic/ Bosco, K. 2014. Interview on Image Marketing. Interviewed by Lauren Byrd [in person] University of Memphis, April 3, 2014. Dishman, Lydia. "Instagram Is Shaping Up To Be The World's Most Powerful Selling Tool." Forbes Magazine. 13 Feb 2014: n. page. Print. . Graham, Jefferson. "Pinterest pins a plan for growth." USA TODAY [San Francisco] 23 August 2013, n. pag. Print. . MacLeod, M. 2014. Interview on Image Marketing. Interviewed by Lauren Byrd [in person] University of Memphis, April 3, 2014. Walter, Ekaterina. The Rise of Visual Social Media. storytelling-with-ekaterina-walter/

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