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  • Superman has been missing for five years, since traveling to the location where astronomers believed they had discovered the remains of Krypton.

    During his absence, Superman's nemesis, mad scientist Lex Luthor , was released from prison (due to Superman's failure to appear at Lex's trial) and married an old rich widow to obtain her fortune upon her death.

    Having failed in his quest to find surviving Kryptonians, Superman returns to Earth and, as Clark Kent, resumes his job at the Daily Planet in Metropolis.

    He subsequently learns that Lois Lane has won a Pulitzer Prize for her article "Why the World Doesn't Need Superman".

    Meanwhile, Lex travels to the Fortress of Solitude and steals Kryptonian crystals to use for an experiment that causes a mass power outage on the East Coast.

  • He is the main character of the movie, its most prominent powers are fly, and X -ray vision , speed, super strength and others. Save the world from evil

    Physical Appearance: hair short black , muscular and uses white hair red cape and blue suit set

    Qualities: He is a very optimis, he always want to save the world.

    OPINION: I like this character, he can do everything.

  • Lois Lane: She is the daughter of General Sam Lane , sister of Lucy Lane 's love interest and an adult Clark Kent. He is also a reporter for the newspaper Daily Planet of Metropolis

    Physical Appearance:tall, skinny and long hair

    Qualities: She is very romantic.

    OPINION: She is beatifull and I like this person.

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