Page 1: Unit 6 Early Church--Lesson 5 NT6.5 Early Church Meets Trouble · Lesson Goal: From the very beginning the early church leaders faced trouble. Peter and John were persecuted for preaching


NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

Unit 6 Early Church--Lesson 5

NT6.5 Early Church Meets Trouble

Scripture: Acts 4: 1-37; Acts 5: 14-25

Lesson Goal: From the very beginning the early church leaders faced trouble. Peter and John

were persecuted for preaching the good news about Jesus. This lesson is about how we can have the courage to tell others about Jesus even when people may try to stop us. If child has not accepted Christ, that they will trust in Jesus' name for salvation.

Introduction: This is the fifth lesson in Unit 6: The Early Church. This unit covers Acts 1-12 and

tells the story of the apostles spreading the gospel in Jerusalem and Samaria. This lesson is about a time when Peter and John were persecuted for telling others about Jesus. It is described by Luke in the book of Acts. Acts tells about the history of the church. Let's say the first five books of the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts.

Attention Getter: “Persecution” Is there someone who has treated you cruelly because you are a Christian? Has anyone ever been mean to you because of what you believe? Has anyone ever laughed at you because you wanted to do the "right" thing? Has anyone tried to make you feel weird for not wanting to laugh at a dirty joke or join in a mean trick? Do other children make fun of you, laugh at you, call you names, or even hit you when you try to tell them about the Lord Jesus? Have you ever been left out of an activity because you’ve let others know you believe in Jesus? That is called "persecution." To be persecuted means to be treated with meanness or cruelty because of what you believe. The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 3:12, "All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution." This is a promise! You can expect it to happen sometime in your life. Today’s lesson is about a time when Peter and John were persecuted for telling others about Jesus.

Opening Prayer: Let's pray. Father, we pray that nothing will discourage us from telling people about You. Help us to remember that everyone is born a sinner and in need of a Savior. If we don’t tell people about You, they may never hear about Your wonderful plan of Salvation. Fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit like you did Peter and John so that we might have the courage we need to be bold for You. Amen.

Memory Verse: Our verse is Matthew 5:44" But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those

who persecute you,"

Lesson Video:

We’ve been learning about the early Christians. First, we learned how the Holy Spirit came down upon the believers like tongues of fire. Then the disciples began to speak in other languages so that everybody could know about Jesus. Then, we learned about how the Holy Spirit gave Peter and John the power to heal the lame man. Next, we learned that even though the Holy Spirit had come and given the people special powers and gifts, they were not protected from Satan’s temptations. Ananias and Sapphira were tempted by Satan to lie. In this lesson we will learn that just as people hated Jesus and wanted to kill Him when He was here on earth, so people hated the early Christians. Peter and John were threatened when they continued to tell people about Jesus. Peter and John taught that Jesus is the Son of God and many people believed in Jesus. Everyday people were being baptized and added to the church.

Page 2: Unit 6 Early Church--Lesson 5 NT6.5 Early Church Meets Trouble · Lesson Goal: From the very beginning the early church leaders faced trouble. Peter and John were persecuted for preaching


NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

The religious rulers were jealous and tried to stop them. But, the apostles kept preaching and God showed that He approved of their message. Many people were healed. Through God's power Peter and John could make the lame to walk and the blind to see. These miracles were great signs from God. And so more and more people turned to the Lord. One day when Peter and John entered the temple, Peter told a man who was over forty years old and who had been lame since birth, to get up and walk in the name of Jesus! The man entered the temple courtyard leaping an praising God. This caused everyone to be amazed! Crowds gathered and watched as this man jumped and gave thanks to God! Peter told them that this man had been healed in the name of Jesus and reminded them that they had handed Jesus over to be crucified. Then Peter told them that God had raised Jesus from the dead! Peter then urged them to turn back to God and have their sins forgiven. He said "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out! Jesus is the One that was promised to all your forefathers--Moses and Abraham." The religious leaders and rulers were very angry about this. They knew they had killed Jesus but they could see that His power was in Peter and John. More people than ever were following Jesus NOT them! They were very jealous! So the religious leaders decided they needed to stop Peter and John. They seized Peter and John and put them in prison. They had their ankles and wrists changed to the wall. However, so many people were convinced that Jesus had risen from the dead that the number of believers grew to over 5,000. The next morning Peter and John were brought before Annias the High Priest, the elders and teachers of the law. These officials began to question Peter and John. They ask, "By what power or what name do you do this?" They were demanding an answer! Those listening were astonished at the courage of Peter and John. Peter told them that the healing was "By the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead! Salvation is found in no one else. For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved!

Since the healed man was standing right there before them and he was healed, they were at a loss for words! The temple officials could see that God had healed the man! So they ushered Peter and John out while they discussed what to do!` "What can we do?" they asked. "Everyone has seen them perform this miracle so we cannot deny it. We must stop them from speaking about Jesus and doing things in His name. So Peter and John were brought back in. The Jewish leaders commanded Peter and John not to teach in the name of Jesus. But they just replied, "Which is right in God's eyes, to obey you or to obey God? You be the judges! We cannot help but speak about what we have seen and heard." The temple leaders issued more threats. They warned Peter and John that they were not to speak about Jesus again! They could not decided how to punish them. The temple leaders knew could not Peter and John in prison because the people were praising God for what had happened! And the man who had been miraculously healed was over forty years old. So they released Peter and John. Peter and John returned to the believers and reported what the chief priests and elders had told them. When the believers heard this, they all began to pray together. They prayed that Peter and John would be even more bold to continue telling others about Jesus and do miracles in His name. When they finished praying, the building they were in shook! They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking even more bravely about Jesus to everyone!

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NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

The believers were united. None of them viewed their possessions as their own but shared what they had with each other. From time to time those who owned land and houses sold them and gave the money to the disciples to distribute to the poor and needy. One such man was Barnabas, whose name means "son of encouragement." He sold a field he owned to help those in need. He brought the money and put it at the apostles' feet. God's power was seen in many miracles the Apostles did among the people. People brought the sick out into the streets and crowds gathered from all the surrounding towns. All of them were healed. More and more people believed in Jesus. The church was growing daily, Many were being saved. The High Priest and his associates became very jealous of the popularity of the Apostles. So them had them arrested and put in prison again! During the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the prison and let them out! Then the angel instructed Peter and John, "Go into the Temple courts, and tell the people all about this new life!" At day break the apostles obey and started teaching in the Temple courts. When the high priest arrived at the Temple, he called for the whole assembly of religious leaders. But when they went to the jail to get Peter and John the prison was securely locked with the guards outside! But the Apostles were not inside! When the captain of the guard heard this, he was puzzled and wondered how this could happen! Then someone came and said, "Look! The men you put in jail are standing in the temple courts teaching the people." At that, the captain went with his officers and brought the apostles before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. The high priest was very angry. He said, "We gave you strict orders not to teach in the name of Jesus. You have filled the city with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty for the death of Christ. Peter and the other apostles replied, "We must obey God rather than men." Peter then said, "God has raised Jesus from the dead and has exalted Him as Prince and Savior so that he might give us repentance and forgiveness of sins. We are witnesses of these things!" When the Jewish leaders heard this they were so furious they wanted to put the Apostles to death. However a respected Pharisee, named Gamaliel, who was a teacher of the law and was honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and asked that the Apostles be taken outside for a little while. Then he said, "Men of Israel, be careful what you do to these men! Some men in the past have claimed to be the Messiah and have even gathered followers but none of them have succeeded. If these men are using human power, they will fail, but if God is behind them you will not be able to stop them." Gamaliel's speech persuaded the Jewish leaders not to kill the Apostles. Instead the Apostles were brought back in and severely beaten with whips! Then the apostles were ordered once more, "Do not speak in the name of Jesus!"

The Apostles left, not feeling sorry for themselves, but happy they had been worthy to suffer for Jesus. Every day they continued to tell others that Jesus was the Savior, the Messiah. They never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ! God did not keep the apostles from persecution, but He did give them courage as they suffered. God tells us that we, too, may be persecuted if, as Christians, we speak for Him.

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NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

When someone makes fun of you or laughs at you, show love to him instead of acting as he does. If someone says mean things to you or calls you names, then answer him kindly. Then compliment him for something he does well. Let God show His love to them through you, Pray for those who are unkind to you and ask God to give you courage to continue telling them about Jesus. They may begin to listen to what Jesus can do for them and trust Him as their Savior. You may face persecution but don't be discouraged. Remember that God promises that your reward in heaven will be great. Think about the apostles--Peter and John. They were not discouraged even when they were beaten. God gave them courage and joy in their suffering. Remember to be kind to those who mistreat you.

Review Questions/ Game: “Question Matching” Preparation: Write questions and their answers on separate cards. Place the answers around the room. Procedure: Split the class into two teams. Taking turns, pull a question card from a bag. Let the team find the answer. A right answer is worth 500 points. If they can’t find the answer, let the other team try to find it. Team with most points wins.

1. What does it mean to be persecuted? (To be treated with cruelty.) 2. Has anyone ever tried to make you feel weird for being a Christian? 3. Can you be happy when someone makes fun of you for doing good? (God says you can.) 4. Why did the religious rulers persecute Peter and John? (Because they were jealous of their

popularity.) 5. About this time how many people had heard the message of the gospel and had believed? (5,000

people had been added to the church.) 6. When the council asked Peter and John about which power they had that healed the man, what

did they say? (Peter answered that it was by the power of the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.) 7. What did the religious rulers do to Peter and John? (They threw them into prison.) 8. What amazing thing happened to Peter and John when they were in prison? (An angel brought

them out.) 9. What scary thing did the angel tell Peter and John to do? (Go speak about Jesus, the very thing

that got them sent to prison in the first place.) 10. If you had been Peter and John, would you have started preaching to people about Jesus again,

knowing you could be sent back to prison? 11. What did Peter and John do? Did they obey the angel or not? (They went to the temple first thing

in the morning! They were so excited to tell others about Jesus, they didn’t care if they were persecuted.)

12. Why was the council surprised to learn that Peter and John were back in the temple preaching? (The jailer said that the jail was securely locked and the guards were standing at the doors, but no one was inside.)

13. What laws or rules are OK not to obey? (One’s that tells us to disobey God. Then we must obey God and be willing to pay the penalty human rules demand.)

14. What did the religious rulers do when they heard Peter preach? (They were furious and made plans to kill him.)

15. What Pharisee convinced the counsel not to kill Peter and John? What logic did he use? (Gamaliel said that if the healing was of human origin, then their preaching would be in vain and would fail on its own accord.)

16. What warning did the council given to Peter and John? (They warned them not to teach or preach about the gospel of Jesus.)

17. What are you supposed to do if someone makes fun of you or laughs at you? (Show them love instead of acting just like him. Answer him kindly. Let God show His love to them through you. Pray for those who are unkind to you.)

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NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

Bible Memory Verse Activity: “Gossip”

Our verse is Matthew 5:44" But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who

persecute you,"

God can give you courage to tell others about what Jesus did for us on the cross even if you are persecuted. If you know it is the truth, nothing should stop you from telling others. Look up the scripture in the Bible. Have a student read the verse. Repeat the verse together. Review the memory verse until your students are familiar with it and can say it on their own. Then, play “Gossip.” Instruct your students to sit in a circle. Pick a student to begin and encourage the student to think of something "good" that you could do for others. Have them whisper to the second student, who whispers to the third student, and so on. Give each student a chance to share. Alternate idea is to think of some way that God helps us in dealing with persecution. Ex. courage, boldness, patience, kindness, goodness, perseverance, joy, peace, endurance, etc.

Group Learning Activity: “Strengthened by God's Spirit” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need 4-5 craft sticks per child. Procedure: Give each student a craft stick and ask them to break it. Say: “It's OK if you cannot break the craft stick. We are not testing your strength but how strong the stick is.” Now give a second stick to each child in your group. Ask students to place the two craft sticks together and try to break them at the same time. Allow a few seconds for students to try this activity. Now give each student three craft sticks. Place the three sticks together in a stack and try to break all three of the sticks at once. Final test of the craft sticks is to place four of the sticks together and try to break them. Allow students to try to break four sticks at once. Say: "What was more difficult to break: one, two, three or four sticks at a time? The more sticks we add the harder and harder it became to break the stick. The sticks got stronger and stronger when they were together.” Say: “Who is stronger? Is it one person working alone or three or four people working together? Why? The more people work together the stronger they are because they can support and help one another. We could let these craft sticks represent us, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. When we try to do something alone, we are not always strong enough to accomplish the task. When we depend on God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to help us then we are stronger. In this lesson we learned that Peter and John depended on God's Spirit to help them and give them strength. We can depend on God's Spirit to help us too. Say: “God’s Spirit gives us strength to do things we might not be able to do on our own. The Holy Spirit might help us to be kind when we want to be angry. The Holy Spirit might help us to obey when we want to disobey. One of the things God’s Spirit strengthens us to do is tell others about Jesus. The Holy Spirit is a counselor and guide to us. God’s Holy Spirit lives inside us and gives us strength to do good things that please God. Let’s say “thank you” to the Holy Spirit for giving us courage and strength.

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NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

Group Learning Experience: “Meaning of Names” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need a baby book with meanings of names or have access to the internet where you can look up the meaning of individual names. Procedure: Have students look up the meaning of their name in a Baby Name Book or on line. Make name tags. Have students write their name and under it the meaning of their name. Say: “Names have always been important in the Bible. People in Jesus’ day believed names were powerful and took them very seriously. That’s possibly why the religious leaders asked Peter and John this question in Acts 4:7"By what power or what name did you do this?" Names are important because they represent who you are. A name identifies you. When your name is called you will become attentive. When your name is spoken to others you know your character traits will come to their mind. Say: “In Acts 4:12 Peter said, "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Why is the Name of Jesus so important and why is His Name the only way a person can be saved? (The name of Jesus indicates what power the individual is using to perform the miracle. Jesus is the only One who can give the gift of salvation.) Say: “While my name and your name might only have one meaning, the Name of the LORD is filled with many. Just a few words that represent what the Name of the LORD means are: Holy, Creator, Powerful, Most High, Strong Tower, Eternal, Love, Salvation and Good. When Jesus’ Name is mentioned His many character traits come to mind. When I say the Name “Jesu” to you does liar come to mind? Cheater? Disobedient to authority? None of these character traits are part of who Jesus is. Jesus is God and all the character traits of God are found in Him. Say: “As the Son of God Jesus alone can save a man, woman, boy or girl from sin. There is power in the Name of Jesus. The crippled man was healed by faith in the Name of Jesus. That is One Powerful Name!”

Group Learning Activity: Bible Study: “The Names of Jesus” (Grades 3-5) Purpose: To understand the meaning of the different names of Jesus. Preparation: Students will need Bibles, pens or pencils, and spiritual journal. You will need to print one copy of the chart of Jesus’ names and the coloring sheet of Name of Jesus. Say: “In our lesson the Jewish leaders as Peter and John under what power or name were they using to perform the miracles of healing in the temple. The power of Jesus’ name is proclaimed in the scriptures. Today we are going to look up several verses to discover names for Jesus.” Procedure: Help students locate the following verses of scripture. Read verses aloud. Discuss the names of Jesus and what God says in the Bible. Highlight the Biblical principles being taught.

John 6:35 (Bread of Life) Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” –People eat bread to satisfy their physical life. We can satisfy our spiritual hunger and have spiritual life only by having a relationship with Jesus.

John 4:10 (Living Water) Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” In the Old Testament many verses speak of thirsting after God as one thirsts for water.” God is the fountain of life (Psalm 36:9) and the spring of living water. (Jeremiah 17:13) Jesus was saying that He was the Messiah and the only one who could quench the soul’s thirst for God.

Emily “industrious”

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NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

John 11:25-26 (Resurrection and Life) Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” Jesus had the power over life and death as well as the power to forgive sins. Whoever believes in Jesus has a spiritual life that death cannot conquer or diminish in any way.

John 15:1 (Vine) ““I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.” The grape vine is a prolific plant. A single vine bears may grapes. In the Passover meal the fruit of the vine symbolizes God’s goodness to His people.

Psalm 18:2 (Rock, fortress, shield, horn of salvation, and stronghold) “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” This verse compares God to five military symbols. The rock is immovable and unchangeable. The fortress is a place of safety. A shield is protection from harm. The horn of salvation is might and power. The stronghold is a place of safety high above our enemies.

Isaiah 9:6 (Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Wonderful) “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” In a time of great darkness God had promised to send a light who would shine on everyone living in the shadow of death. This message of hope was fulfilled in the birth of Christ and the establishment of his eternal kingdom. He came to deliver all people from their slavery to sin.

John 1:36 (Lamb of God) “When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy of the coming of the Messiah. Jesus would die on the cross for our sins. He would be the sacrificial Lamb that would take away the sins of the world.

Psalm 46:1 (Refuge and strength) God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. God is our refuge even in the face of total destruction. He not a temporary retreat; he is our eternal refuge and can provide strength in any circumstance.

Psalm 23:1 (Shepherd) “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” The Lord knows our name and has made us uniquely Hi. As a shepherd guides his flock, He guides and protects us. We are complete in Him ad lack nothing.

Say: “Many different words are used to describe the power of Jesus’ name. (Show copy of chart of names of Jesus.) Let’s review the names of Jesus that we have read about in scripture. (Point to names on chart.) Conclude activity by distributing the copies of the names of Jesus and allow students to copy. Have students record what they have learned in their spiritual journals.

Group Learning Activity: Guest Missionary Speaker Preparation: Invite someone you know that has witnessed to others in adverse circumstances to come and share their experience with the class. You may know someone who has done short or long term mission work. Procedure: Have the guest speaker share his or her experiences in sharing Jesus with others. Allow the children to ask questions about their experience. Say: “Not everyone we share the gospel with will follow Him. But we are called to be faithful to tell and allow God to complete the work of sharing God's Word with them. The Holy Spirit will give us boldness to share with others.” Follow-up Activity: Ask your guest speaker or other missions’ leaders in your church for ideas of a mission project that your students can do. Share these ideas with the lass and ask students for their ideas as well. Make a list on the whiteboard of all the ideas and help guide the students as they

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NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

select one for them to focus on as a mission project. Start making plans on how you can do this mission task and make notes and assign tasks. Say: “Everyone has an important part in God’s church. We are all commanded to share the gospel with others. As we prepare to do this mission activity, let’s pray that God would lead us and bless our efforts.” Lead in prayer and invite volunteers to pray too.

Group Learning Activity: “Make Gospel Picture Books” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need drawing paper and colored markers. Say: “In this lesson we learned about Peter and John and how they shared the gospel with others. We also learned about the Holy Spirit’s role in empowering us to share the gospel with everyone. Our learning activity today is going to help us understand the gospel better so we can comfortably share it with those we meet and those we already know. Procedure: Give each child a sheet of drawing paper. Have students make a booklet by folding the page in half and then in half again. Write on board or white board the following sentences for students to print on each page. Read each point of the “Gospel”. Give time between each point for kids to finish their drawings.

Front Cover: Jesus can save you from sin. First Page: Admit you have sinned. "All have sinned." (Romans 3:23)

Second Page: Believe Jesus died for your sins. "Christ died for our sins." (I Corinthians 15:3)

Third Page: Call on Jesus to save you (Romans 10:13)

Demonstrate how a tract is to be used to share your faith with someone. Give children an opportunity to practice in class with a partner. Encourage those that have questions about the gospel to talk to you, another teacher, or a parent. Conclude with a prayer that God will use the books to help boys and girls understand and share the good news. Optional: Purchase several copies of a tract on salvation designed for children. Go through the steps of salvation several times with the children. Encourage children to practice sharing their faith. Challenge students to share their faith this coming week.

Group Learning Activity: Skit: “Boldness to Witness” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need salvation tracts designed for children or ones made from the activity above. Procedure: Pose a skit to demonstrate courage in sharing the gospel. In the skit, a student begins to share the gospel with one of his friends but is very shy and fearful. Afraid of what his friend might think the student is unable to finish sharing the truth about Christ. Yet the friend’s salvation is at stake. If he does not hear about Christ he will go to hell. Knowing this, the fearful student stops and prays, asking God for boldness to share the gospel. Once having prayed, the student receives boldness from the Lord and is able to finish sharing Christ with his friend.

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NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

This would be a great opportunity to share the gospel with the student yet again, and to demonstrate similar way believers prayed for boldness in today’s lesson. The tract pictured is available from Student Discipleship Ministries:

Group Learning Activity: “Freeze Tag” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need a large outdoor area free of obstacles. The game is played with 4-10 players. Say: “We are going to play a game that will help us to remember the Bible story of how the council put Peter and John in prison. Only God's messenger angel could set them free from prison!” Procedure: Freeze Tag is a variation on the classic It-Tag Game. The main difference is that when a person is tagged, he or she must be “frozen” (not move) until a teammate tags the person to release them. To play Freeze Tag, begin by choosing a person to be “It.” The person who is “it” is the player who can “freeze” other players. When the game begins, everyone runs away from the person who is “it.” The one who is “it” chases after other players, trying to tag (touch) them. If a person is successfully tagged, he or she must “freeze” in place (stand still and not move). Frozen people cannot move until another player un-freezes them (touches them to return them to normal). The player who is “it” wins by freezing all players. Have children play a game of freeze tag with one child being it and one child being Jesus. After a child is tagged, only "Jesus" can set them free.

Group Learning Activity: Basketball Game--BOLDNESS Preparation: You will need a container such as a bucket or trash can and a basketball. Procedure: Set up a small bucket or trash can on one end of your classroom. Have students line up in a line to take turns trying to toss a small rubber ball into the trash can. Play "H-O-R-S-E" the basketball game but instead of "Horse" spell "BOLDNESS" Directions for playing game: You can play with two or more players. Just agree on an order.

Let the first player invent a challenge shot. The first player takes a shot from anywhere on the court — or even outside the bounds! He can add "extra rules" to this shot too, but he has to announce them before shooting. For example, he can say "I'm shooting with my eyes closed" or "I'm shooting behind my back." He gets one try to make the basket.

Give the next player the ball. The second player gets to take the next shot. This part depends on whether the last shot was successful: If the first player made a basket: the second player has to copy whatever the first player did, including where she or he was standing. If the first player missed the basket: the second player can shoot from anywhere, using any rules she or he wants to invent. Keep playing with the same rules.

Whenever it's your turn, if the person before you made a basket, you have to copy them. If the person before you missed, it's your turn to invent a new challenge.

After the last player shoots, it's the first player's turn again. Get a letter when you fail a challenge. If you are trying to copy the person before you and you miss the basket, you get the letter H. Each time you make this mistake, you get a new letter, spelling out H—O—R—S—E or in this case B-O-L-D-N-E-S-S. When you spell out the full "HORSE," OR B-O-L-D-N-E-S-S. you lose the game.

You can't get a letter while you are inventing a challenge. If you miss the basket, play just passes to the next player with no penalty. Invent a new challenge if everyone succeeds. If

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NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

you invent a challenge, and every other player successfully makes the basket, you get to invent a new challenge.

Play until there's one person left. When someone gets a "HORSE," he leaves the game. The other players keep playing, skipping his turn. Keep playing until there's one winner left in the game.

Say: “What does in the word “boldness” mean? In the Bible this word boldness is an attitude of strong confidence in God, such that godly things are said and done openly without fear of the consequences.” Other words that describe being bold are having courage and being confident. It is a willingness to tell others about Christ and the gospel without fear. In this lesson Peter and John were very bold. Despite all the opposition and intimidation they were unwilling to stop obeying God. They knew that with God on their side the final result would be worth any difficulty they might face. We should have that kind of boldness. We can be bold only if we rely on the Holy Spirit as our strength! Pray today that the Holy Spirit would help you be bold!”

Group Learning Activity: “Jail Time” (Grades K-4) Preparation: Use a large appliance box and make a “jail cell”. Cut holes in box to form bars of the cell. Be sure to make the jail cell large enough to contain several children. See picture at right for ideas in how to assemble the cardboard and cut the holes. Procedure: Set up the jail in a corner of the room with a chair and tell the children that it is a jail. Any time someone says one of the teachers’ names, put them in the jail. Do not tell the children this is the reason they are in jail. After several minutes, allow the children to guess why they are in jail. Some children may figure out that all have said a teachers’ name. Finally reveal the reason they have been “arrested.” Say: “You were arrested and put in our jail because you said the name of one of the Sunday School teachers. Do you think that was something you should be arrested for? Why or why not? (Allow students to answer.) In our lesson Peter and John were arrested for saying the name of Jesus! They preached to the people about how Jesus had come from heaven to earth to die on the cross. They told the people that instead of accepting Jesus as the Messiah they had rejected him and crucified him. Peter told the people that they should “Repent and believe in Jesus as the Christ.” We too are to share the gospel with others. Would we be willing to be arrested for sharing our faith with others?”

Craft Learning Activity: “Church Leaders’ Prayer Guide” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need to print copies of pictures of church leaders such as the pastor, worship leaders, children’s ministry leaders, missionaries, deacons, elders, etc. Each child will also need scissors, index cards, glue, pens, hole puncher, loose-leaf binder rings or twine. Procedure: Have students cut out the pictures of your local church leaders and glue them on each index card. Then as a group write the names of each leader on the correct card and describe what that person does in the church. If possible ask each leader for a way that the students can pray for them. Lead children to write these prayer requests on their cards. Punch holes in the top left corner of each card and attach with a loose leaf binder ring or twine. Encourage students to use these cards as prayer guides during the week to help them remember to pray for their church leaders.

Page 11: Unit 6 Early Church--Lesson 5 NT6.5 Early Church Meets Trouble · Lesson Goal: From the very beginning the early church leaders faced trouble. Peter and John were persecuted for preaching


NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

Say: “In this lesson we learned that the early church members prayed daily for Peter and John. They prayed for their safety as well as their boldness in sharing the gospel with others. We too are commanded to pray for our church leaders. This is a great way to support our church. Remember we are to pray for everyone in our church family. Everyone has an important part in God’s church.”

Craft Learning Activity: Sack Puppets of Peter and John Purpose: Students will make Peter and John puppets to remind them that these disciples continued to preach the good news of Christ even though the ruler, elders, and teachers of the law wanted them to stop. Preparation: Make copies of the Peter and John Puppet patters on cardstock for each child. Each child will need two lunch size paper bags onto which they will mount their puppet heads. Procedure: Have students color the heads of Peter and John. Have students cut out the heads on solid black lines. Students should cut across the head of the puppet on the solid line through the mouth. Glue the heads to the bottoms of paper lunch sacks. The top part of the puppet goes on the bottom of the sack with the mouth along the folded bottom edge. The lower chin area is goes on the body of the paper sack so the mouth can open and close and the puppet “talks.” Say: “Peter and John were great examples of speaking the truth about Jesus. They did not let the warning of the Jewish leaders keep them from obey God. They were faithful to allow the Holy Spirit to give them courage to share their faith with those around them. We too should be willing to tell others about Jesus.” After making the puppets, have the students use their puppets to practice sharing about Jesus.

Craft Learning Activity: “Jesus' Name Bookmark” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need poster board, stickers, colored markers, hole puncher, yarn or ribbon for children to make their bookmark. You can cut the poster board into strips approximately 3” X 12” long before class. Procedure: Distribute the materials and the poster board strips. Have each child make one bookmark using a variety of materials. On one side have the children write the name JESUS. On the other side have them write the Bible verse Acts 4:12. "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. Decorate with stickers, colored markers, etc. Punch hole in end and tie with yarn or ribbon for string. Encourage students to give their bookmark to a friend as a way of sharing Jesus with them.

Life Application Challenge: Discussion Questions Ask these questions to help kids apply the lesson to their lives:

1. Was there ever a time when you had to decide between obeying God and obeying someone else?

2. When is a time you were tempted to disobey in order to fit in? 3. How can we gain strength to obey? How can we help each other?

4. Have you ever told a lie just to stay out of trouble? 5. Have you shared the gospel with someone else? Pray that God will help you to obey Him in

this way.

J e s u s

Page 12: Unit 6 Early Church--Lesson 5 NT6.5 Early Church Meets Trouble · Lesson Goal: From the very beginning the early church leaders faced trouble. Peter and John were persecuted for preaching


NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

Page 13: Unit 6 Early Church--Lesson 5 NT6.5 Early Church Meets Trouble · Lesson Goal: From the very beginning the early church leaders faced trouble. Peter and John were persecuted for preaching


NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

Page 14: Unit 6 Early Church--Lesson 5 NT6.5 Early Church Meets Trouble · Lesson Goal: From the very beginning the early church leaders faced trouble. Peter and John were persecuted for preaching


NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

Page 15: Unit 6 Early Church--Lesson 5 NT6.5 Early Church Meets Trouble · Lesson Goal: From the very beginning the early church leaders faced trouble. Peter and John were persecuted for preaching


NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

Page 16: Unit 6 Early Church--Lesson 5 NT6.5 Early Church Meets Trouble · Lesson Goal: From the very beginning the early church leaders faced trouble. Peter and John were persecuted for preaching


NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

Page 17: Unit 6 Early Church--Lesson 5 NT6.5 Early Church Meets Trouble · Lesson Goal: From the very beginning the early church leaders faced trouble. Peter and John were persecuted for preaching


NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

Page 18: Unit 6 Early Church--Lesson 5 NT6.5 Early Church Meets Trouble · Lesson Goal: From the very beginning the early church leaders faced trouble. Peter and John were persecuted for preaching


NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

Page 19: Unit 6 Early Church--Lesson 5 NT6.5 Early Church Meets Trouble · Lesson Goal: From the very beginning the early church leaders faced trouble. Peter and John were persecuted for preaching


NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

Page 20: Unit 6 Early Church--Lesson 5 NT6.5 Early Church Meets Trouble · Lesson Goal: From the very beginning the early church leaders faced trouble. Peter and John were persecuted for preaching


NT6.5 The Church Meets Trouble © Beverly Wilson 2018

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