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ANNUAL REPORT: 2015 December 2015

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 3

1. OPERATING CONTEXT ............................................................................................................... 6

1.1. Governance Structure ............................................................................................................ 6

1.2. Physical Location ................................................................................................................... 6

2. RISKS AND MANAGEMENT OF RISKS ....................................................................................... 6

3. STRATEGIC FOCUS .................................................................................................................... 7

3.1. UQP goals for 2015 ............................................................................................................... 7

3.2. UQP strategic plan ................................................................................................................. 9

4. PERFORMANCE .......................................................................................................................... 9

4.1. Programme reviews ............................................................................................................... 9

4.2. Faculty reviews and reviews of service and support divisions/units ...................................... 10

4.3. Supporting and improving the UJ Quality Promotion System: Progress ............................... 11

4.4. Effective functioning of the UQP: Progress .......................................................................... 13

5. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................... 16

5.1. Human Resources ............................................................................................................... 16

5.2. Financial Management ......................................................................................................... 17

6. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT ............................................................................................... 17

6.1. National Involvement ........................................................................................................... 17

6.2. Internal Engagement............................................................................................................ 17

7. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY ........................................................................................ 18

8. LEADERSHIP FOOTPRINT ........................................................................................................ 18

9. CONCLUSION AND THE WAY FORWARD ............................................................................... 18

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The goals of the UQP (aligned with UJ Strategic Objectives 2 and 6) are to:

i) provide leadership and support with the implementation of the UJ Strategic Plan 2025

w.r.t. quality reviews.

ii) sustain, support and improve the UJ Quality Promotion System.

iii) enhance the effective functioning through ethical and good governance of the UQP.

The UQP oversees and facilitates the implementation of different kinds of quality reviews that

range from module and programme reviews to faculty and campus reviews, and also reviews

of service and support divisions.

The following progress (up to the end of December 2015) has been made with reviews in


Table 1: Progress with reference to targets for 2015

Type of review Target




Completed 2011-2015

% Completed 2011-2015



35 17

Qualifications: postgraduate

32 59

Non-subsidised whole


2 1

Faculty reviews 2 2 6 67%

Progress w.r.t quality reviews in the service and support domain is as follows:

Table 2: Progress with reference to targets for 2015

Type of review Target


Completed 2015

Completed 2011-2015

% Completed 2011-2015

Service and Support


4 1

Campus reviews 1 0 0 0

As far as the UJ Quality Promotion System is concerned, the following have been achieved:

a) Programme reviews 2014: A report on the programme reviews conducted in 2014 was

finalised and presented to the STLC. Individual faculty reports as well as an institutional

overview were developed. Key commendations and recommendations w.r.t. programmes

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were reported on. The STLC requested a small task team (headed by Prof R Ryan) to

discuss follow-up actions.

b) Sustained and committed participation in UJ committees and structures, i.e. the STLC,

Faculty Quality Discussion Forum, Division Quality Discussion For UJ Quality

Conferences, PWG, QWG, First Year Seminar Committee and the CE Advisory Board.

UQP staff members are members of all these committees - attend meetings regularly and

provide support as required.

c) A UJ Quality Conference was conducted on 10-12 June 2015. Keynote speakers were

Prof D Grayson (CHE), Prof V Gynnild (Norway), Dr C Selepe (TUT), Dr A van Zyl (UJ)

and Ms B Sattar (DUT). About 60 delegates from various South African public and private

institutions attended. Feedback after the conference was very positive. The possibility of

hosting this type of conference in future will be investigated.

d) Monitor and support the submission of improvement plans and progress reports to the

STLC and other committees (according to the reporting lines): The Quality Working Group

screens improvement plans and progress reports. The QWG reports to faculties/divisions

and joint reports are submitted to both the STLC and MECO i.e. QWG-Faculty reports on

individual plans or reports to the STLC, and joint QWG-Division plans and reports to

MECO. In 2015 the QWG reported on 24 improvement plans and 11 progress reports.

e) Benchmarking UJ Quality system: Contributing to external/national higher education

structures, associations and forums, e.g. HEQC, SAAIR, international conferences,

GARMIN Group, etc. In February 2015, three UQP delegates attended the Garmin Group

– an inter-institutional quality discussion forum. The discussions focused on Quality

Assurance of Short Learning Programmes and on Report Writing and the Impact of

Reports. All attendees participated and shared challenges as well as best practices. UQP

has since discussed Quality Manuals as a possible future tool for quality promotion in

service and support divisions.

f) Hester Geyser attended a CHE workshop in February. Feedback was given on the

national Quality Enhancement Project. She also did a presentation on Faculty Reviews

at a CHE workshop in October 2015.

g) QEP: The UJ QEP Plan was approved in 2013. UJ submitted their report in 2014.

Feedback from the CHE was received via the DVC: Academic. The QEP Task Team

(QEPTT) developed a second submission which was submitted in December 2015.

With reference to the effective leadership and management of the Unit to optimise the UQP’s

core functions, the following have been achieved:

a) Staff members have developed individual Job Profiles. Advertisements for the two

vacancies in 2016 were developed and interviews were conducted. One appointment

was made, the other position is still vacant.

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b) Develop a culture of performance by implementing the UJ Performance Management

system in the Unit. Performance contracts were drawn up, signed and submitted at the

end of March. Mid-year progress reports were developed, signed and submitted to HR.

Final progress reports were submitted to HR in November.

c) Wellness and transformation activities have been developed and a combined program

for UQP and DIPEM was developed. UQP staff members participated in the UJ Staff

Day on 29 May.

d) One break-away session was held in February. The UQP reflected on its goals for 2015,

quality review processes and the revision/development of manuals. A planning session

was conducted in December to plan for 2016.

e) Development and regular updating of a tracking system for the UQP was done. One

UQP staff member, D Weistra, is responsible for the regular updating of the UQP

Tracking System.

f) Dragana Weistra and Ina Pretorius attended a SAQA workshop in February. The theme

was Learning Outcomes.

g) A task team was formed to review the RPL Policy after analysing the new national policy

on RPL. Guidelines for UJ staff were approved by Senate in November 2015.

h) The Unit has identified the following two research projects: Student involvement in UJ

quality processes and Feedback from peer review panel members on the UJ quality

processes. The proposal on Student involvement in UJ quality processes was discussed

at the Faculty Quality Discussion Forum and will be piloted in 2016. A paper on Feedback

from peer review panel members on the UJ quality processes was submitted to an

international conference but was not accepted.

i) Rajen Padayachi presented a paper titled Quantitative and Qualitative effects of Quality

Assurance reviews of academic and support units on student pass rates at a South

African Higher Education Institution at the Developing and Implementing Student

Retention and Success Plan for Tertiary Education in Africa Summit in Pretoria in

February. He also presented a paper entitled Closing the Quality Loop at the 3rd

Biennial QA & Accreditation HE Conference on 28 and 29 Sept 2015.

j) H Geyser and I Pretorius were requested to review submitted papers for the SAAIR

Forum in September.

k) Dragana Weistra attended the SAAIR Quality Institute in Cape Town in November. The

themes were On-line programmes and Standards.


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December 2015


1.1. Governance Structure

The Unit for Quality Promotion (UQP) reports to the Registrar. The UQP oversees and facilitates

the implementation of different kinds of quality reviews that range from module and programme

reviews to faculty and campus reviews, and also reviews of service and support divisions. At

institutional level, the UQP supports the UJ Quality Promotion System.

1.2. Physical Location

The UQP offices are situated on the APK campus and staff members travel regularly to other

campuses to conduct workshops, consult with management committees and provide support

to individuals or small groups w.r.t. quality reviews and related matters. Often, UJ staff members

prefer attending meetings in the UQP offices as they are a ‘safe’ environment to discuss

confidential matters.

The UQP shares the bigger office space on A Ring 1 (APK) with the Division for Institutional

Planning, Evaluation and Monitoring (DIPEM). The office space was subdivided into two

sections, one for UQP and one for DIPEM. Facilities such as the kitchen and a lounge area are

shared. The lack of a suitable boardroom to conduct meetings is an ongoing concern.


The UQP regards itself as the custodian of the quality review processes to ensure credible peer

review reports to faculties and divisions. Guarding against practices/approaches that may have

a negative impact on the credibility of the review process and ultimately on the peer review

report is an ongoing responsibility of the UQP. Peer review panel members identified the

following factors as being in need of attention:

Incomplete or inaccurate self-evaluation reports (SERs).

Incomplete or badly organised evidence, making it difficult to triangulate.

UQP identified the following as risks within the quality review processes:

Lack of commitment to the quality review process by academics, often HoDs.

Superficial improvement plans and lack of commitment to real improvement.

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These risks are mitigated by means of:

Quality Discussion Forums (for Faculties as well as for Service and Support Divisions),

during which UQP soundboards with faculty quality managers and buy-in is enhanced,

meetings and consultations with faculty quality managers, departments and programme


UQP staff members act as critical readers of the SERs and provide extensive feedback

as needed,

the training of peer review report writers and chairpersons for peer review panels,

reflection and benchmarking with other universities,

the establishment of a Quality Working Group to review improvement plans and progress

reports ,

workshops/discussion sessions on developing improvement plans and progress reports,

questionnaires to determine panel members’ satisfaction with the quality review process


an online survey to determine client satisfaction with UQP services

the development of guidelines outlining UQP support in developing improvement plans

and progress reports in a document entitled Closing the Quality Loop.


3.1. UQP Goals for 2015

The UQP goals for 2015 are aligned with the UJ Strategic Plan 2025 as follows:

Table1: UQP goals

UJ objectives and related

KPAs and KPIs

UQP goals

UQP objectives: 2015

Objective 2: Excellence in teaching and learning Programmes that are regularly quality assured and enhanced

1. Provide leadership and support with the implementation of the UJ Strategic Plan 2025 w.r.t. programme reviews.

1. Facilitate and support the review of:

5 diploma programmes

9 undergraduate degree programmes

8 honours and course work Master’s programmes

50 research-based M and D programmes in 2 faculties

5 non-subsidised whole programmes

15 modules

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UJ objectives and related

KPAs and KPIs

UQP goals

UQP objectives: 2015

Objective 6: Fitness for global excellence and stature Satisfaction with support units Objective 6: Fitness for global excellence and stature Good governance

2. Provide leadership and support with the implementation of the UJ Strategic Plan 2025 w.r.t. faculty reviews and reviews of service and support divisions.

3. Sustain, support and improve

the UJ Quality Promotion System.

2. Facilitate and support the

review of:

2 faculties 1 campus (APB)

4 service and support divisions/units.

3.1 Sustain, support and

improve the UJ quality promotion system w.r.t:

policy reviews.

facilitation of the Quality Working Group to monitor and screen the submission of improvement plans to the STLC.

benchmarking key elements of the UJ quality reviews with SA and overseas universities to improve the UJ system.

sustained and committed participation in UJ committees and structures, i.e. the STLC, UJ Quality Conferences, PWG, WIL Task Team, QEPTT, QWG, FYE committee, Community Engagement Advisory Board.

organise at least two Faculty Quality Discussion Forums to discuss relevant institutional quality matters.

enhance and support scholarship in quality promotion.

3.2 Facilitate and support the UJ Quality Enhancement Project as part of the

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UJ objectives and related

KPAs and KPIs

UQP goals

UQP objectives: 2015

HEQC second cycle of institutional reviews. 3.3 Participate in and

contribute to national and regional discussion forums and conferences.

Objective 6: Fitness for global excellence and stature Financial sustainability Sustainability Ethical compliance and good governance

4. Enhance effective

functioning through ethical and good governance of the UQP.

4. Enhance the effective

functioning through ethical and good governance of the UQP w.r.t:

performance management to achieve pre-determined objectives

management of vacancies

management of temporary appointments within budget

professional and career development of staff capacity

financial management with a budget variance not more than 5%

capital expenditure within budget

infrastructure and facilities.

3.2. UQP Strategic Plan

One of the UQP’s main goals is focused on the implementation of the quality reviews as stated

in the UJ Strategic Plan 2025, with special reference to the targets for 2020. The UQP is

developing its own strategic plan with operational targets for the quality reviews. This is being

done in consultation with the faculties and S&S divisions.


4.1. Programme Reviews

The tables below provide a summary of the progress (as at the end of December 2015) made

with the achievement of the UQP goal on providing leadership and support with the

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implementation of the UJ Strategic Plan 2025, with special reference to programme reviews.

“Reviews” refer to the number of qualifications reviewed.

Programme Reviews: Progress

Table 2: Reviews of qualifications in faculties


Reviews completed up to site visit

3 34 7 8 19 2 3 76

Improvement plans: submitted to QWG

4 2 1 12 1 20

Progress reports: submitted to QWG

1 10 11

4.2. Faculty Reviews and Reviews of Service and Support Divisions/units

(a) Faculty Reviews: Progress

The Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment and the Faculty of Law conducted their

faculty reviews in September 2015.

(b) Reviews in Service and Support Divisions/units: Progress

The following progress has been made up to December 2015:

Table 3: Reviews in divisions


Reviews up to site visits

Improvement plans submitted to QWG

Progress report submitted to QWG

Academic Development and Support


Human Resources

Occupational Safety


Student Affairs




Commercialisation and Technology Transfer


Campus Health Services 1


APB Campus

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Reviews up to site visits

Improvement plans submitted to QWG

Progress report submitted to QWG

Research Office


With reference to the Registrar’s Scorecard, progress can be summarized as follows:

Table 4: Progress with regard to registrar’s Scorecard

Strategic Goal 2: Excellence in Teaching and Learning Target 2015 Actual up to December 2015

Qualifications: under- and postgraduate 56 76

Non-subsidised whole qualifications 5 1

Faculty reviews 2 2

Campus reviews 1 0

Strategic Goal 6: Fitness for Purpose Target 2015 Actual up to December 2015

Service and support divisions/environments 4 1

4.3. Supporting and improving the UJ Quality Promotion System: Progress

The following progress has been made with the achievement of the UQP goal on sustaining,

supporting and improving the UJ Quality Promotion System:

Table 5: Supporting the UJ Quality Promotion System

Performance indicators

Progress towards targets

a) Implementation of the UJ Strategic Plan w.r.t. quality reviews

(i) A report on the programme reviews conducted in 2014 was finalised and presented to the STLC. Individual faculty reports as well as an institutional overview were developed. Key commendations and recommendations w.r.t. programmes were reported on. The STLC requested a small task team (headed by Prof R Ryan) to discuss follow-up actions. The development of a document entitled Closing the Quality Loop is part of this initiative.

The main concerns include teaching and learning, curriculum and programme management. (ii) Ina Pretorius is involved in the steering committee

preparing for the national review of the LLB qualifications.

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Performance indicators

Progress towards targets

b) Sustained and

committed participation

in UJ committees and

structures, i.e. the

STLC, Faculty Quality

Discussion Forum, FYS

Committee, UJ Quality

Conferences, PWG,

QWG and CE Advisory


(i) UQP staff members are members of all these committees - attend meetings regularly and provide support as required.

(ii) A UJ Quality Conference was conducted on 10-12 June. Keynote speakers were Prof D Grayson (CHE), Prof V Gynnild (Norway), Dr C Selepe (TUT), Dr A van Zyl (UJ) and Ms B Sattar (DUT). About 60 delegates from various South African public and private institutions attended. Feedback after the conference was very positive. The possibility of hosting this type of conference in future will be investigated. (See photos below).

(iii) Guidelines for Conference Attendance were developed for the R-Exco.

c) Monitor and support the

submission of

improvement plans and

progress reports to the

STLC and other

committees (according

to the reporting lines).

The Quality Working Group screens improvement plans

and progress reports. During 2015 the QWG reported on

24 improvement plans and 11 progress reports. These

reports go to faculties/divisions and joint reports are

submitted to both the STLC and MECO, i.e:

- QWG-Faculty reports on individual plans or reports to the STLC, and

- joint QWG-Division plans and reports to MECO.

d) Benchmarking UJ

Quality system;

contributing to

external/national higher

education structures,

associations and

forums, e.g. HEQC,

SAAIR, international

conferences, GARMIN

Group, etc.

(i) In February 2015, three UQP delegates attended the Garmin Group – an inter-institutional quality discussion forum. Institutions which attended were NMMU, NWU, TUT, VUT, CUT, UL and UJ. On the first day, the discussions focused on Quality Assurance of Short Learning Programmes and on the second day on Report Writing and the Impact of Reports. All attendees participated and shared challenges as well as best practices. UQP has since discussed Quality Manuals as a possible future tool for quality promotion in service and support divisions.

l) Hester Geyser attended a CHE workshop in February. Feedback was given on the national Quality Enhancement Project. She also did a presentation on Faculty Reviews at a CHE workshop in October 2015.

m) UQP staff members paid visits to TUT and NWU to

discuss common challenges and conduct research.

n) Rajen Padayachi presented a paper titled Quantitative

and Qualitative effects of Quality Assurance reviews

of academic and support units on student pass rates

at a South African Higher Education Institution at the

Developing and Implementing Student Retention and

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Performance indicators

Progress towards targets

Success Plan for Tertiary Education in Africa Summit

in Pretoria in February. He also attended the 3rd

Biennial QA & Accreditation HE Conference on 28 and

29 Sept 2015. He presented a paper entitled Closing

the Quality Loop.

o) Dragana Weistra attended the SAAIR Quality Institute in Cape Town in November. The themes were On-line programmes and Standards.

e) Facilitate and support the UJ Quality Enhancement Project as part of the HEQC second cycle of institutional reviews.

The UJ QEP Plan was approved in 2013. UJ submitted

their report in 2014. Feedback from the CHE was received

via the DVC: Academic. The QEP Task Team (QEPTT)

has developed a second submission which was submitted

in December 2015.

4.4. Effective functioning of the UQP: Progress

The following progress has been made with the achievement of the UQP goal on the

enhancement and contribution to the effective functioning of the Unit for Quality Promotion:

Table 6: Effective functioning of the UQP

Performance indicators

Progress towards targets

a) Provide effective

leadership and

management of the

human resources of the

Unit to optimise the

Unit’s core functions.

(i) Monthly staff meetings are held with a formal agenda

and minutes (decision register) of the previous meeting.

(ii) Monthly updating of the UQP Tracking System (by all

staff members, but managed by Dragana Weistra) is

undertaken. This is an important tool in HR

management in the UQP.

(iii) Ina Pretorius is responsible for the management of peer

review report writers.

(iv) Dragana Weistra is responsible for overseeing the

student assistant.

(v) Staff members have developed individual Job Profiles.

(vi) Advertisements for the two vacancies in 2016 were

developed and interviews were conducted. One

appointment was made, the other position is still


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b) Provide effective

leadership and

management of financial

resources of the Unit to

optimise the Unit’s core

functions by limiting

budget variance

expenditure to not more

than 5%; c) Keeping capital

expenditure within

budget, and by

complying with the

institutional indicator on


transferred to next year.

Monthly staff meetings are held with a formal agenda and

minutes (decision register) of the previous meeting. A

standing item on the agendas of these meetings is the

financial record of the Unit’s expenses, management of

financial resources, etc. Violet Pienaar was responsible for

financial administration in the Unit.

In 2015, 98% of the allocated budget was spent.

d) Provide effective

leadership and

management of

infrastructural resources

of the Unit to optimise

the Unit’s core functions.

On-going. This is also a standing item on the UQP agendas

for the monthly meetings.

e) Develop a culture of

performance by

implementing the UJ

Performance Contract

system in the Unit.

Performance contracts were drawn up, signed and

submitted at the end of March.

Mid-year progress reports were developed, signed and

submitted to HR.

Final progress reports for 2015 were discussed with

individual staff members and submitted to HR in November.

f) Oversee and contribute

to activities that address

the professional

development, wellness

and overall resilience of

the UQP staff.

g) Increase participation in

cultural integration

activities to at least two

(institutional/ UQP)


Wellness and transformation activities have been combined

and a combined program for UQP and DIPEM was

developed. Up to the end of December this included:

(i) A Valentine’s celebration (ii) A Post-Paddy’s celebration (iii) Birthday celebrations (iv) A baby shower (v) A welcome lunch for new staff members in DIPEM (vi) A visit to Ennerdale in June to hand out contributions

of warm clothing and toiletries. (See photos below) (vii) A visit to Ennerdale in November to distribute gifts. UQP staff members participated in the UJ Staff Day on 29 May.

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h) Establish an open and

conducive climate, e.g.

via periodic

brainstorming and self-

reflection sessions.

One break-away session was held in February. The UQP reflected on its goals for 2015, quality review processes and the revision/development of manuals. A planning session was conducted in December to plan for 2016.

i) Liaise with partners in

the support sector of the

University and external

role players.

Dragana Weistra and Ina Pretorius attended a SAQA workshop in February. The theme was Learning Outcomes.

j) Oversee and guide the

development and

regular updating of a

website for the UQP.

Dragana Weistra has updated and revised the UQP


k) Policy review A task team was formed to review the RPL Policy after analysing the new national policy on RPL. Guidelines for UJ staff were approved by Senate in November 2015.

l) Scholarship The Unit has identified the following two research projects: (i) Student involvement in UJ quality processes. The

proposal was discussed at the Faculty Quality Discussion Forum and will be piloted in 2016.

(ii) Feedback from peer review panel members on the UJ quality processes. A paper on this topic was submitted to an international conference but was not accepted.

Rajen Padayachi presented a paper titled Quantitative and Qualitative effects of Quality Assurance reviews of academic and support units on student pass rates at a South African Higher Education Institution at the Developing and Implementing Student Retention and Success Plan for Tertiary Education in Africa Summit in Pretoria in February. Hester Geyser and Ina Pretorius were requested to review submitted papers for the SAAIR Forum in September. R Padayachi attended the 3rd Biennial QA & Accreditation HE Conference on 28 and 29 Sept 2015. He presented a paper entitled Closing the Quality Loop.

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5.1. Human Resources

The UQP consists of five staff members and one student assistant. All five staff members have

permanent appointments.

Figure 1: UQP organogram




Prof Hester Geyser


Ms Violet Pienaar


Mr Rajen Padayachi


Ms Ina Pretorius


Ms Dragana Weistra


Ms Unothando Ngindana

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As far as gender is concerned, the UQP staff component (including student-assistants) consists


Males: 1 (16.6 %)

Females: 5 (83.3%).

In terms of race, the staff component consists of:

African: 1 (16.6%)

Indian: 1(16.6%)

White: 4 (66.7%).

Both Violet Pienaar and Hester Geyser retired at the end of 2015. Refiloe Kose was appointed

as Administrative assistant and the vacancy for Head: Unit for Quality Promotion will be

advertised again.

5.2. Financial Management

In UQP, the secretary, Violet Pienaar, provided support w.r.t. procurement, payments, and

related financial transactions. All purchases are discussed in the Unit. The financial statements

are included in all the agendas for staff meetings.


6.1. National Involvement

National engagement includes attendance of/visits to:

(i) A small inter-institutional quality discussion forum (the Garmin Group). See 4.3(d).

(ii) A SAQA workshop was attended in February (see 4.3 (d)).

(iii) CHE workshops were attended in February and October (see 4.3(d)).

(iv) SAAIR Forum was attended in September (see 4.3(d)).

UQP hosted the UJ Quality Conference in June (see 4.3 (bii)).

6.2. Internal Engagement

Within UJ, staff members of UQP were involved in the following engagement activities:

(i) UQP members serve on a number of UJ committees, task teams and working groups

such as the STLC, the PWG, First Year Seminar Committee, CEAB, the Quality Working

Group, the Faculty Review Management Committee and the QEPTT.

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(ii) A meeting with peer review report writers was held in January. The reporting process

and suggestions for improvement were discussed.

(iii) A training session for chairpersons of peer review panels was conducted in February.

The training was facilitated by Dr J Jacobsz of NWU and 10 academics were trained as


(iv) A training session for scribes and UQP staff members were conducted in July to enhance

Microsoft word processing skills. The training was facilitated by D Weistra and attended

by 2 scribes, 2 staff members of DIPEM and 3 staff members of UQP.


The use of paperless meetings has been cascaded down within the institution and UQP staff

members are being encouraged to implement paperless meetings.

Environmental sustainability efforts include full support of UJ’s waste management and

recycling initiatives by recycling paper, limiting printing to both sides and switching off lights at



Internally, the UQP provided leadership/expertise in a number of areas, such as:

(i) The faculty reviews conducted in 2015, especially with the site visits, SER development,


(ii) Support for the QEPTT for the UJ submission to the CHE.


The flexibility of the UJ Strategic Plan 2025, combined with the decision to review all

programmes by 2025, poses an on-going challenge to the UQP: customising support for the

different kinds of reviews (e.g. module reviews, combined programme and departmental

reviews, non-subsidised programmes, etc.) and keeping track of the progress in faculties and

in the service and support units are on-going challenges. The UQP remains responsible for the

custodianship of the quality review processes.

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The photo (above) shows M Vongo (Transformation Office) and I Pretorius (UQP) with Sister

Margaret at the Ennerdale Primary School in June. Below: D Weistra and I Pretorius

“attending” a cooking class at Ennerdale.

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Delegates enjoying the cocktail function during the UJ Quality Conference.

Proff V Gynnild and D Grayson at the UJ Quality Conference.

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UQP staff members attended the Registrar’s Year End function in November.


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