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Unity in Diversity

Scrum Coach/Scrum master in the IT

Services Industry

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Who am I ?

M.Maris Prabhakaran



� Email :- [email protected]

� Website :-


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I will be making some generalizing statements about

people and cultures. This information is created with my

own personal observations and findings and may not be

accurate and no offence is meant.

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• India is a pluralistic, multilingual, and multi-ethnic society

• Indian Economy is one of the fastest growing in the world

• Outsourcing and Indian companies venturing overseas.

• key cultural challenges that can create misunderstanding and conflict – Increase indirect cost

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Challenges for SCRUM MASTER /COACH in


Attitudes towards Authority

Importance on authority and status

• Communication between levels is relatively closed

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Challenges for SCRUM MASTER /COACH in


Concepts of Time

India is a polychromic culture, in other words,

people tend to change priorities depending on

their importance and attitudes towards

punctuality are relaxed.

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Challenges for SCRUM MASTER /COACH in


Adherence to Rules

• It generally accepts social etiquette and norms

instead of rules and regulations

• High tolerance to uncertainty and has created a

society which runs on the basis of a set of


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Challenges for SCRUM MASTER /COACH in


Building Relationships

• The Indian business culture focuses a lot on

relationship and trust building rather than working

hard and quick towards specific business objectives

• Preferences for relationships and tasks and


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Challenges for SC/SM in INDIA

Levels of English

• Different vocabulary and expressions as well as heavy


• Most university graduates and Indians residing in major

urban centers have a very high level of English

What’s up

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Challenges for SCRUM MASTER /COACH in


Communication Style

• Indians have a preference for indirect,

• High context communication.

• Place a high importance on the impact relationships

• Will often avoid saying ‘no’

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BANGALORE - Garden City of India

• IT companies in Bangalore employ over 35% of India‘

• Silicon Valley and multi cultural spirits pool of 1 million IT


• Attitudes towards Authority - Medium

• Concepts of Time - Low

• Adherence to Rules - High

• Building Relationships - Medium

• Levels of English - High

• Communication Style - Medium

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BANGALORE – Silicon Valley of India

My Experience in Bangalore As Agile Coach

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CHENNAI (Gateway to the South)

• Cosmopolitan city, the culture of the city reflects its diverse population

• Fourth largest city in India

• Attitudes towards Authority - High

• Concepts of Time - Low

• Adherence to Rules - Medium

• Building Relationships - High

• Levels of English - Medium

• Communication Style - Medium

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CHENNAI (Gateway to the South)

My Experience in CHENNAI As Agile Coach

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HYDERABAD(City of pearls)

• 5th Largest City in India

• one of hub of information technology. blend of the old and the new, having an inherent style.

• Attitudes towards Authority - High

• Concepts of Time - Medium

• Adherence to Rules - Low

• Building Relationships - Medium

• Levels of English - Medium

• Communication Style - Medium

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HYDERABAD(City of pearls)

My Experience in HYDERABAD

As Agile Coach

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KOCHI,KERALA (Queen of Arabian sea)

• Kochi has a diverse, multicultural, and secular community

• Major port city on the west coast of India.

• Attitudes towards Authority - Medium

• Concepts of Time - Medium

• Adherence to Rules - Medium

• Building Relationships - High

• Levels of English - Medium

• Communication Style - Low

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KOCHI,KERALA (Queen of Arabian sea)

My Experience in KOCHI As Agile Coach/SCRUMAMSTER

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DELHI(National Capital Territory of India)

• Second most populous city

• National Capital Region (NCR) includes the neighboring cities of Gurgaon, Greater Noida which is an IT HUB

• Attitudes towards Authority - Medium

• Concepts of Time - High

• Adherence to Rules - Medium

• Building Relationships - Medium

• Levels of English - Medium

• Communication Style - Medium

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DELHI(National Capital Territory of India)

My Experience in DELHIAs Agile Coach/SCRUMAMSTER

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[email protected]

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