  • 8/13/2019 UNPFII Report on Climate Change. Final


    United Nations E/C.19/2008/10

    Economic and Social Council Distr.: General19 March 2008

    Original: English

    Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

    Seventh session

    New or!" 21 #$ril %2 Ma& 2008

    'te( ) and * o+ the $ro,isional agenda

    -$ecial .he(e: Cli(ate Change" /io%c0lt0ral di,ersit& and li,elihoods: the stewardshi$ role o+

    indigeno0s $eo$les and new challenges'($le(entation o+ the reco((endations on the si (andated areas o+ the $er(anent or( and on theMillenni( De,elo$(ent Goals




    Su$mitted $% &ictoria Tauli'Cor(u) and A**alu+ L%nge

    #t its -ith -ession" the UN 3er(anent or( on 'ndigneos 'sses 4UN3''5 a$$ointedthe athors as Special Rapporteurs to in,estigate the i($act o+ 6cli(ate change(itigation (easres on indigenos $eo$les7. 'n this $a$er" the athors s((arie thee++ects o+ cli(ate change on indigenos $eo$les" re,iew (itigation and ada$tation(easres" and then anal&e the i($acts o+ these (easres on indigenos $eo$les. his$a$er incldes case stdies o+ (itigation (easres nder the &oto 3rotocol and other,olntar& (easres that are a++ecting indigenos $eo$les ad,ersel&. 't also incldes so(egood $ractice (odels and identi+ies o$$ortnities +or indigenos $eo$les. hereco((endations $ro,ide $ractical ste$s +or the UN3''" as well as $ro$osals +or states"the United Nations ra(ewor! on Cli(ate Change" other United Nations odies"$rogra(s and agencies" and (ltilateral odies on cli(ate change (itigation (atters.


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    3aragra$hs 3age

    '. 'ntrodction 1%) )

    ''. E++ects o+ cli(ate change on indigenos $eo$lesand their lands

    #. Gloal e++ects *% );. E++ects in the #rctic . '($act o+ cli(ate change (itigation (easres on

    indigenos $eo$les and their lands

    #. 'ntrodction *1 1*;. #d,erse e++ects o+ (itigation *2%< 1*C. ;ene+icial e++ects o+ (itigation =%. Conclsions

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    I- Introduction

    1. Cli(ate change is ca$tring the attention o+ the international co((nit& in ann$recedented (anner. #ccording to the latest assess(ent re$ort o+ the United Nations

    'ntergo,ern(ental 3anel on Cli(ate Change 4'3CC5" there is now ne@i,ocal e,idencethat the earthAs cli(ate s&ste( is war(ing"1,er& li!el& de to anthro$ogenic greenhosegas 4GBG5 e(issions.2'n the asence o+ e++ecti,e (itigation strategies" the '3CC $redictsthat the earthAs air te($eratre will increase & 2.0 to *. degrees & the end o+ thecentr&" reslting in a sea le,el rise o+ at least 18 to 8 c(. )3redicted te($eratreincreases in the #rctic are e,en (ore etre(e the& are $roected to rise to = degrees &2099.*

    2. -ince indigenos $eo$les ha,e not een in,ol,ed" in an& signi+icant wa&" in +or(aldiscssions related to the United Nations ra(ewor! Con,ention on Cli(ate Change4UNCCC5" the United Nations 3er(anent or( on 'ndigenos 'sses 4UN3''5" at its

    sith session" ado$ted the s$ecial the(e" 6Cli(ate change" io%cltral di,ersit& andli,elihoods: the stewardshi$ role o+ indigenos $eo$les and new challenges"7 +or itsse,enth session in #$ril 2008. he UN3'' a$$ointed two s$ecial ra$$orters 4UN3''Chair" >ictoria ali%Cor$" and UN3'' >ice%Chair and #rctic regional re$resentati,e"#@@al! &nge5" to $re$are a re$ort entitled" 6he i($act o+ cli(ate change (itigation(easres on indigenos $eo$les and on their territories and lands"7 to e considered atthe se,enth session.

    ). his re$ort $resents: an o,er,iew o+ the e++ects o+ cli(ate change on indigenos$eo$les and their lands a discssion o+ cli(ate change (itigation and ada$tation(easres eing nderta!en at international and national le,els" and the i($act o+ these

    (easres on indigenos $eo$les and their lands ea($les o+ the wa&s in whichindigenos $eo$les are contriting to (itigation e++orts" and reco((endations +oraddressing the $role( o+ cli(ate change in wa&s that ta!e into accont the needs andcontritions o+ indigenos $eo$les.

    II- E33ects o3 climate change on indigenous (eo(les and their lands

    A. Global effects

    *. he latest re$ort & the '3CC $resents e,idence drawn +ro( all continents that showsincreasing regional cli(ate change.Gloal war(ing is casing changes that will li!el&increase e$onentiall& i+ no signi+icant shi+ts in $olic& ta!e $lace. Caron dioide" the

    1-((ar& +or 3olic&(a!ers o+ the -&nthesis ?e$ort o+ the '3CC orth #ssess(ent ?e$ort" $. 1.2Ibid" $. .)'3CC orth #ssess(ent ?e$ort" 3art 1.*-((ar& +or 3olic&(a!ers o+ the -&nthesis ?e$ort o+ the '3CC orth #ssess(ent ?e$ort" $. 8.'ntergo,ern(ental 3anel on Cli(ate Change"Fourth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2007: Synthesis

    Report Summary for olicyma!ers" 1%2 4200=5.


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    $rinci$al GBG in the at(os$here" has increased & ) $er cent since the indstrialre,oltion. B(an acti,it&" es$eciall& in the rich and indstrialied nations" has not onl&nder(ined the ecological integrit& o+ the earth t has also (ade the at(os$here ad($ing grond o+ GBGs.ictoria ali%Cor$


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    4i5 'ncreasing h(an rights ,iolations" dis$lace(ents and con+licts de toe$ro$riation o+ ancestral lands and +orests +or io+el $lantations 4so&a" sgar%cane"atro$ha" oil%$al(" corn" etc.5 increasing $ests 4e.g. locsts" rats" s$rce eetles" etc.5"which da(age cro$s increasing costs o+ +ood de to co($etition with io+els"eacerating +ood insecrit&.

    45 Massi,e +loods and strong hrricanes and t&$hoons" which destro& +ertile soil"da(age cro$s and case loss o+ +reshwater s$$l&.i5 Etre(e and n$recedented cold s$ells" reslting in health $role(s" sch ash&$other(ia" ronchitis and $ne(onia" es$eciall& a(ong old $eo$le and &ongchildren.4ii5 oss o+ indigenos $eo$les traditional territories de to (itigation (easressch as caron sin!s and renewale energ& $roects 4h&dro$ower da(s" geother(al$lants5" ta!en withot their +ree" $rior and in+or(ed consent.4iii5 Eclsion o+ indigenos $eo$les in the $rocesses and (echanis(s related toredcing e(issions throgh de+orestation and degradation 4?EDD5 and e(issionstrading.

    B. Effects in the Arctic

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    seal and +ish s$ecies" and rising sea le,els with (ore etre(e tidal +lctations.1he&re$ort that s$ecies the& rel& on are disa$$earing and that hnting rotes near shorelinesha,e disa$$eared de to erosion roght on & the thawing o+ $er(a+rost. >illages ha,ee$erienced increased +looding in winter de to lessened or disa$$earing $ac! ice thatnor(all& $rotects shorelines +ro( srging water.

    9. he #rctic Cli(ate '($act #ssess(ent 4#C'#5 warns that 6redctions in sea ice willdrasticall& shrin! (arine haitat +or $olar ears" ice%inhaiting seals and so(e seairds"$shing so(e s$ecies toward etinction.71

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    cli(ate change. Mitigation is the $rocess where& GBG e(issions are redced and thesin!s o+ GBGs are enhanced. #da$tation is the $rocess where& ecological" social orecono(ic s&ste(s adst in res$onse to actal or e$ected cli(atic sti(li and theire++ects or i($acts.719

    1). #nd strategies +or (itigation and ada$tation (st ta!e into accont not onl& theecological di(ensions o+ cli(ate change" t also the di(ensions o+ h(an rights" e@it&and en,iron(ental stice. 'ndigenos $eo$les" who ha,e the s(allest ecological+oot$rints" shold not e as!ed to carr& the hea,ier rden o+ adsting to cli(ate change.Article "#$o+ the UNCCC" ado$ted in ?io in 1992" states:

    6%he arties should protect the climate system for the benefit of present andfuture generations of human!ind on the basis of e&uity and in accordance 'iththeir common but differentiated responsibilities and respecti(e capacities#

    Accordingly, the arties of de(eloped countries should ta!e the lead in combating

    climate change and the ad(erse effects thereof#)

    1*. he 6$ollter $a&s7 $rinci$le is an ea($le o+ di++erentiated res$onsiilit&.'ndstrialied contries" which ha,e contrited arond 80 $ercent o+ GBG e(issionssince the 1800s and contrite 0 $ercent at $resent" shold carr& the hea,ier rden o+(itigation. he& ha,e (ore wealth and etter and (ore etensi,e energ& and econo(icin+rastrctres with which to (eet the costs and challenges o+ large%scale cli(ate change(itigation.

    1. 'ndstrialied contries shold also hel$ $oorer contries and $oorer sectors o+societ& to ada$t to cli(ate change and to achie,e sstainale de,elo$(ent. he& ha,e theca$acit& to de,elo$ en,iron(entall& +riendl& technologies that can e trans+erred to thede,elo$ing world. De,elo$ing contries" on the other hand" ha,e neither the resorcesnor the socioecono(ic in+rastrctre in $lace to se (ore e$ensi,e" caron%netralenerg& sorces.


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    1=. 'ndigenos $eo$les contrite signi+icantl& to the redction o+ GBG e(issions. heirsccess+l strggles against de+orestation" against (ineral" oil and gas etraction in theirancestral territories" and against +rther e$ansion o+ (onocro$ $lantations" as well astheir sstainale $rodction and cons($tion s&ste(s and their e++ecti,e stewardshi$o,er the worlds iodi,ersit&" ha,e !e$t signi+icant a(onts o+ caron nder the grond

    and in the trees. here are at least )=0 (illion indigenos $eo$le throghot the world$racticing (ostl& sstainale" caron%netral" or e,en caron%negati,e" li+est&les" whichha,e sstained the( o,er thosands o+ &ears and which (a!e a sstantial contritionto the (itigation o+ cli(ate change. 'n contrast" the United -tates $o$lation o+ )00(illion" thogh (a!ing $ onl& * $ercent o+ the total world $o$lation" acconts +oraot 2 $ercent o+ world GBG e(issions.

    18. #ot * $ercent o+ the earths land (ass is de,oted to agricltre"21and agricltral$ractices accont +or 1). $ercent o+ all greenhose gas e(issions.22 he (aorit& o+these e(issions ste( +ro( $oor agro%siness $ractices in the areas o+ cro$ and graingland (anage(ent. 'ndigenos $ractices" sch as rotational +ar(ing" $astoralis(" hnting

    and gathering" tra$$ing" and the $rodction o+ asic goods and ser,ices" o+ten seen,iron(entall& +riendl&" renewale and/or rec&clale resorces. or ea($le" the 'goroto+ the 3hili$$ines2)" the aren o+ hailand" China and M&an(ar" and the #chi!s o+'ndia2*contine to $ractice traditional" rotational agricltre this $ractice increases theo,erall health o+ +orest and ngle ecos&ste(s" which are critical to the (itigation o+gloal war(ing.2

    19. De+orestation and +orest degradation accont +or a$$roi(atel& 1=.* o+ gloal GBGe(issions and nearl& 28 $ercent o+ gloal CO2 e(issions.2

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    C. The Kyoto Protocol

    20. -ince cli(ate change is a gloal $role(" the negotiation and i($le(entation o+international treaties are critical to (itigating its e++ects. he @estions as!ed &

    indigenos $eo$les are: 6o what etent are the international treaties eingi($le(entedI7 and 6#re these international treaties e++ecti,e or s++icientI7 and 6owhat etent are we in,ited to e !e& $la&ers in the de,elo$(ent o+ these internationaltreatiesI7 Man& indigenos $eo$les 4inclding all o+ the( in the #rctic5 are nited in theo$inion that the rele,ant international treaties are not s++icient and that" with so(eece$tions" the signatories are not adhering to these treaties. Man& indigenos $eo$leslin! the +ailre o+ these (itigation e++orts to the +act that the UN" other internationalodies" and UN (e(er states did not" ntil recentl&" e,en $a& li$ ser,ice to in,ol,ingindigenos $eo$les in $rocesses leading to their international agree(ents.

    21. he +irst international treat& addressing cli(ate change was the 1992 29United Nations

    ra(ewor! Con,ention on Cli(ate Change 4UNCCC5" which" with a 192 $art&(e(ershi$" is nearl& ni,ersal.)0;ased on the UNCCCAs oecti,e to 6stailiegreenhose gas concentrations in the at(os$here at a le,el that will $re,ent dangerosh(an inter+erence with the cli(ate s&ste("7)1the 199= &oto 3rotocol set GBGe(issions targets that eca(e +ll& o$erational in 200.)2

    22. he &oto 3rotocol called +or (andator& targets +or GBGs +ro( #nne 1 contries"ranging +ro( %8 $ercent to L10 $ercent o+ their 1990 e(issions le,els" so as to redceo,erall e(issions & at least $ercent o+ the 1990 le,els dring the co((it(ent $eriodo+ 2008%2012.)) 'n addition" the 3rotocol estalished three (ar!et%ased (echanis(s toachie,e these targets.)*hese (echanis(s are: 6E(issions rading"7 6Hoint'($le(entation"7 and the 6Clean De,elo$(ent Mechanis(.7)

    4i5 Emissions Trading 4ET5

    2). he E(issions rading (echanis( allows de,elo$ed contries to earn and tradee(issions credits throgh $roects i($le(ented in other de,elo$ed contries or inde,elo$ing contries. 't also allows legal entities sch as sinesses and non%go,ern(ental organiations to $artici$ate as e(issions traders nder the res$onsiilit& o+an athoriing contr&. rading can occr at the intra%co($an&" do(estic andinternational le,els.)

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    4ii5 6oint Im(lementation 46I5

    2*. he Hoint '($le(entation (echanis()= allows #nne ' contries to (eet $art o+ theirre@ired cts in e(issions & +nding e(issions%redcing $roects in other #nne '

    contries. he contr& in,esting in the $roect recei,es e(ission credits that (a& ea$$lied toward its own targets.

    4iii5 Clean #evelo(ment Mechanism 4C#M5

    2. he Clean De,elo$(ent Mechanis( wor!s the sa(e wa& as Hoint '($le(entation"t a$$lies to e(issions%redcing $roects in de,elo$ing contries.)8he CDM has twooecti,es: 15 to assist $arties not inclded in #nne 1 to achie,e sstainalede,elo$(ent while contriting to the lti(ate oecti,e o+ the Con,ention and 25 toassist $arties inclded in #nne 1 to co($l& with their @anti+ied e(issions li(itationsand redction co((it(ents.

    D. Eclusion of indigenous peoples


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    ones" +orest" wetland" ri,er and coastal areas. Or dt& as indigenos $eo$les to MotherEarth i($els s to de(and that we e $ro,ided ade@ate o$$ortnit& to $artici$ate +ll&and acti,el& at all le,els o+ local" national" regional and international decision%(a!ing$rocesses and (echanis(s in cli(ate change.7*0

    E. The Arctic countries

    28. #ccording to the Ger(anwatch Cli(ate Change 3er+or(ance 'nde 2008*1" #rcticcontries" where (ore than *0 indigenos $eo$les li,e" are a(ong the est and the worst$er+or(ers on addressing cli(ate change. his inde co(ines data +ro( a contr&Aso,erall CO2 e(issions" its trend o+ $er ca$ita e(issions co($ared to $re,ios &ears" andits national and international cli(ate change $olicies in order to rate the to$ < CO2%e(itting contries o+ the world. Un+ortnatel&" the est $er+or(er" -weden" onl& rates6good7 on the inde" so that e,en i+ the rest o+ the world were to ado$t -wedenAsa$$roach to cli(ate change" the le,el o+ CO2 in the at(os$here wold not e redceds++icientl& to $re,ent catastro$hic cli(ate change.*2Norwa& and Den(ar! recei,e a

    rating o+ 6a,erage"7 inland is said to e 6$oor"7 and ?ssia" Canada and the United-tates are classi+ied as 6,er& $oor.7 3articlarl& distring is the +act that these 6,er&$oor7 $er+or(ers are a(ong the to$ ten CO2%e(itters in the world.

    29. #lthogh no contr& in the world is ta!ing ade@ate action to (itigate cli(atechange" e,er& #rctic contr& is addressing the isse in so(e wa&. Co((on $oliciesinclde ssidies or ta incenti,es to sinesses and indi,idals +or installing wind orsolar energ&" +or switching to energ&%e++icient or alternati,e%energ&%$owered +or(s o+trans$ortation" or +or (a!ing energ&%sa,ing i($ro,e(ents to ho(es and +actories. Mostcontries are also in,esting in international or national research and de,elo$(ent $roectson strategies +or (itigating cli(ate change.

    )0. ;ecase the #rctic contries are technologicall& ad,anced and highl& energ&%de$endent" their strategies +or cli(ate change (itigation e($hasie technologicalsoltions that enale the( to contine crrent energ&%cons($tion $atterns. 'ndeed" (ost#rctic econo(ies are hea,il& de$endent on energ&%intensi,e indstries sch as oil andgas" $l$ and $a$er" and (ining. he& are (o,ing in the direction o+ large%scale(easres" sch as caron ca$tre and storage and increased se o+ nclear $ower $lants.inland is rel&ing on allowances +ro( the Ero$ean UnionAs E(issions rading -che(eto (eet its &oto e(issions targets. Den(ar!" inland and Norwa& $lan to s$$le(ente(issions redctions with credits +ro( &otoAs Clean De,elo$(ent Mechanis( in orderto (eet their targets.*) ?ssia has shown little initiati,e in tac!ling cli(ate change" t

    *0'ndigenos 3eo$les -tate(ent Downloaded +ro( htt$://www.!li($eo$les%state(ent%delhi%2002.$d+.*1Ger(anwatch" Cli(ate Change 3er+or(ance 'nde 2008. Dece(er 200=.*2;ased on $re(ise that worldwide CO2 e(issions (st redced & *%

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    +oreign%s$onsored $roects nder &otoAs Hoint 'n,est(ent (echanis( (a& co($ensate+or this to so(e degree.**

    F. From Bali to Copenhagen and beyond! rene"able energy

    )1. Negotiations are now nderwa& +or an international cli(ate change treat& to re$lacethe &oto 3rotocol when its +irst $hase e$ires in 2012. #t the UNCCCAs ;aliCon+erence o+ the 3arties in Dece(er 200=" 18= contries agreed to lanch negotiationsthat will contine throghot this &ear and conclde at a (eeting in Co$enhagen in2009.*'n ;ali" indigenos $eo$les were +or the +irst ti(e inclded in the $rocess" aleit$eri$herall&.

    )2. Des$ite the o,erwhel(ing e,idence that anthro$ogenic cli(ate change is occrringand will ha,e gra,e conse@ences" the road +ro( ;ali to Co$enhagen is littered with$olitical $otholes. One (aor hrdle is the disagree(ent o,er how the ra$idl& de,elo$ingcontries sch as China and 'ndia shold e incor$orated into the net rond o+ e(issions

    targets. 3articlarl& the United -tates" t also Canada and other #nne ' contries" al!at setting di++iclt e(ission redction targets +or the(sel,es while (aintaining &otoAsee($tion +or these high%e(issions de,elo$ing contries. Underl&ing this $osition is thea$$arent +ear that redcing GBG e(issions will ha,e a negati,e e++ect on econo(icgrowth. Meanwhile" the Ero$ean Union has $ositioned itsel+ to ta!e a leadershi$ role &co((itting to a 20 redction in GBG e(issions 4+ro( 1990 le,els5 & 2020 and isrging the rest o+ the world to concretel& ado$t si(ilar targets.*< 'n all o+ this $oliticalwrangling" it is distressing to note that indigenos isses are ,irtall& ne,er (entioned"e,en thogh contries li!e ?ssia" Canada and the United -tates are ho(e to sstantialindigenos $o$lations.

    )). Fhile the $oliticians wor! at their negotiations" scientists are e$eri(enting withn(eros technologies +or (itigating cli(ate change and are ta!ing two (ain a$$roachesto redcing the gloal le,el o+ GBGs in the at(os$here.

    )*. he +irst a$$roach is to redce cons($tion o+ +ossil +els & switching to alternati,e+or(s o+ energ& and i($ro,ing energ& e++icienc&. 't is esti(ated that 2.9 $ercent o+GBG e(issions ste( +ro( energ& $rodction" and crrent e(issions are $redicted toincrease & 0 $ercent & 20)0.*= he '3CC has identi+ied h&dro$ower" solar energ&"wind" geother(al energ&" tides" wa,es and io(ass as renewale energ& sorces.*8E,enad,anced nclear $ower is inclded" t this has een ,igorosl& contested &en,iron(ental gro$s and indigenos $eo$les.

    **lo(egah" ester enn. 6Cli(ate Change: ?ssia ags in Ctting E(issions.7 'nter$ress -er,ice:March 19" 200=.*UNCCC" 6UN ;rea!throgh on cli(ate change reached in ;ali7 3ress ?elease" Dece(er 1" 200=.*ol!er&" Carsten. 6Ero$e a!es the ead in ighting Cli(ate Change.7 -$iegel Online: March 9" 200=.*='3CC" +or!ing roup III Report: *itigation of Climate Change" 2) 4200=5.*8'3CC" Contribution of +or!ing roup III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergo(ernmental

    anel on Climate Change: Summary for olicy *a!ers" 10 4200=5.


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    ). Nclear $ower $oses s$ecial $role(s +or (an& indigenos $eo$les" ecase nclearwaste is o+ten stored in $laces +ar +ro( large ran centers" areas inhaited & indigenos$eo$les. rther(ore" indigenos $eo$les o+ten lac! the $olitical $ower to o$$ose schstorage on their lands.*9?ather than ha,ing to tolerate nathoried intrsions $on theirlands"0 indigenos $eo$les shold ha,e the right to gi,e or withhold $rior and in+or(ed

    consent" and the& shold $ossess a ,eto $ower concerning nclear waste storage $roectson their territories and lands.


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    )9. he second a$$roach to redcing the le,el o+ GBGs in the at(os$here is to atte($t toincrease the earthAs ailit& to asor caron dioide throgh re+orestation or other (oree$eri(ental (ethods sch as caron ca$tre and storage 4CC-5. CC- in,ol,es ca$tringCO2 in the at(os$here and inecting it into geological +or(ations dee$ eneath theearthAs sr+ace where it will re(ain +or hndreds o+ &ears" i+ not $er(anentl&. CC-

    a$$ears to e sa+e +or the en,iron(ent srronding the ca$tre site" t there is so(e ris!o+ lea!age" which cold ha,e a sdden negati,e e++ect on the cli(ate.=CC- a$$ears toe (o,ing $ast the e$eri(ental stage toward i($le(entation.8

    *0. 'n s$ite o+ so(e $ro(ising reslts in the area o+ (itigation research" the gloalco((nit& is not &et doing enogh to (itigate cli(ate change" and the initiati,esnderta!en so +ar ha,e not ade@atel& considered the needs and contritions o+indigenos $eo$les. 'ndigenos $eo$les elie,e that in order +or gloal cli(ate change(itigation e++orts to e sccess+l" the& (st e centrall& in,ol,ed as (eaning+l$artners in these e++orts" whether the& in,ol,e international agree(ents" scienti+icresearch" or technolog& de,elo$(ent. he& also elie,e that gi,en the woe+l

    inade@acies o+ (itigation e++orts to date" ada$tation (easres need increasingconsideration.

    I&- Im(act o3 climate change mitigation measures on indigenous (eo(les

    and their lands

    A. #ntroduction

    *1. he i($le(entation o+ cli(ate change (itigation (easres can ha,e ad,erse as well

    as ene+icial i($acts on indigenos $eo$les. he +ew case stdies cited elow will showoth t&$es o+ i($act.

    B. Ad$erse effects of mitigation

    i-&ulnera$ilities o3 indigenous (eo(les

    *2. 'ndigenos $eo$le share an intricate relationshi$ with their lands" en,iron(ent"territories and resorces. his relationshi$ is the ,er& asis o+ their econo(ic" social andcltral s&ste(s" their ecological !nowledge" and their identities as distinct $eo$les. heirtraditional li,elihoods range +ro( swidden agricltre to hnting and gathering" tra$$ing"

    $astoralis( and +ishing. ;& ,irte o+ these distinct characteristics" cli(ate change a++ectsthe( in a $articlarl& ad,erse (anner.

    *). Fhile (an& stdies ha,e identi+ied h(an ,lnerailities with res$ect to cli(atechange" and (an& ha,e identi+ied the e++ects o+ cli(ate change on the $h&sical

    =C'CE?O. #n 'nternational ?eglator& ra(ewor! +or ?is! Go,ernance o+ Caron Ca$tre and -torage.C'CE?O 3olic& Note 200=:01.8UNCCC" 6UN ;rea!throgh on cli(ate change reached in ;ali7 3ress ?elease" Dece(er 1" 200=.


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    en,iron(ent" there has een little std& o+ the e++ects o+ cli(ate change or cli(ate change(itigation (easres on indigenos $eo$les s$eci+icall&. 'ndigenos $eo$les ha,econtrited the least to GBG e(issions and ha,e the s(allest ecological +oot$rints onthis earth. et the& s++er the worst i($acts o+ cli(ate change and o+ the (itigation(easres eing ta!en. he& ha,e not ene+ited" in an& signi+icant (anner" +ro( cli(ate

    change +nds +or ada$tation and (itigation" or +ro( e(issions trading sche(es. he(itigation (easres +or cli(ate change are ,er& (ch (ar!et%dri,en" and the non%(ar!et(easres ha,e not een gi,en (ch attention. he h(an%rights ased a$$roach tode,elo$(ent and the ecos&ste( a$$roach" which can e se+l gides +or the design andi($le(entation o+ (itigation (easres" are ,irtall& ignored.ii- Indigenous Peo(les o3 the Arctic

    **. he U- decision to increase io+el sage set o++ an econo(ic chain reaction thatthreatens to drasticall& increase the alread& high cost o+ +ood and trans$ortation +el inthe North.9his will not onl& e a $role( +or indigenos $eo$le who increasingl& are

    +orced to $rchase so(e or all o+ their +ood in the 6cash econo(&"7 t also +or thosewho rel& on hnting and gathering techni@es" which toda& inclde the se o+ +el%$owered oats in addition to traditional dog sleds and !a&a!s. rther(ore" since hntingand gathering has een (ade (ore di++iclt & the e++ects o+ cli(ate change on land" seaand ani(als" it is di++iclt to o++set the higher costs o+ +ood & retrning to traditionalhnting and gathering. ood secrit& will eco(e a large $role( +or (an& indigenos$eo$les o+ the #rctic.

    *. #n additional rden has een $laced $on indigenos $eo$les throgh calls &s$ecial interest gro$s +or hnters and gatherers to crtail the har,esting o+ certain +loraand +ana in the na(e o+ ada$ting to the e++ects o+ cli(ate change on these s$ecies. Oneea($le is the $olar ear" which (a& e changing its eha,ior and distrition de to theshrin!ing ice co,er" t +ro( (ost acconts is not in an& danger o+ etinction or e,enthreatened. et" the shrin!ing ice co,er has ser,ed as an ecse +or ani(al rights gro$sand conser,ationists to trn the $olar ear into a (ar!eting icon +or their cases. hesegro$s ha,e called +or the s$ecies to e laelled as 6threatened7 and ha,e $t legal$ressre on the U-# to do so. he $oint here is not whether the& are correct" which &(ost acconts the& are not" t rather that a rden is eing $laced $on indigenos$eo$les o+ the #rctic de to cli(ate change. rther" a 6threatened7 stats will a++ect thes(all sstainale hnt" t will do nothing aot cli(ate change. 'n a U-# -enatehearing on whether or not to list the s$ecies as 6threatened"7 ice e$ert and 'n$ia@?ichard Glenn testi+ied that the increase o+ (arginal ice created & cli(ate change has" in+act" ene+its +or ice seals and $olar ears.

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    +orest areas that were o$en +or har,est" indiscri(inate +ining" and crtail(ent o+csto(ar& land se and tenre $ractices.3Cs5" throgh which go,ern(ent and de,elo$(ent aid +nds are channeled. HM wasdesigned $artl& to ensre that +orest%de$endent $eo$les gain ene+its +ro( $rotecting+orests.

    ). 'n 2001" Co((nit& orests 'nternational 4C'5 carried ot two +easiilit& stdies inMadh&a 3radesh and #ndhra 3radesh to 6ea(ine s&ste(s that cold co($ensateco((nities +or caron se@estration and storage reslting +ro( +orest regeneration7sing the (echanis( o+ HM. C' conclded that the HM $roects had i($ro,ed thestandard o+ li,ing o+ the #di,asi and their relationshi$ with the orest De$art(ent" while

    regenerating +orests.

    *. Bowe,er" sse@ent inter,iews & acti,ists in Madh&a 3radesh +ond that the#di,asi co((nities in the Barda orest Di,ision were not e,en aware o+ the C'+easiilit& $roect" and that the& did not !now o+ the conce$t o+ caron +orestr&. hewealth o+ local and written in+or(ation e$osing the $role(s with HM in Madh&a3radesh was not cited in stdies nderta!en +or the C' +easiilit& $roect. he C'conclsions did not consider the ,iews and $ers$ecti,es o+ the range o+ social gro$s andrights holders who had e$ressed large%scale o$$osition to the eistence o+ >3Cs andreected the( as a asis +or +orestr&%related sche(es in Madh&a 3radesh. #cti,ists and#di,asi leaders in 'ndia +ear that the i($acts o+ i($le(enting caron +orestr& wold $ose

    a great threat to indigenos co((nities.

    v- Oil Palm Plantation E;(ansion in Mala%sia and Indonesia

    . he '3CC has identi+ied the $rodction o+ second generation io+els" to e sed in$lace o+ +ossil +els" as another wa& o+ (itigating cli(ate change. # s$ecial re$ort" whichinclded an anal&sis o+ so(e o+ the $role(s related to the $rodction o+ io+els 4in$articlar" oil $al(5" was $resented at the

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    with ethanol re@ires enogh corn to +eeda $erson +or a &ear.

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    &- Conclusions

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    >.- The $usiness communit% and its regulators should incor(orate our rights as

    indigenous (eo(les into their (lans 3or economic develo(ment in our territories- Let

    us remind governments and $usinesses (re(aring 3or ne= ventures to consider our

    sta+eholder rights8 as =ell as our land claims rights and our $roader human rights-

    >0- Indigenous (eo(les must stand together to (reserve our rights to maintain ourtraditional use o3 (lants and animals 3or hunting and gathering- 2- The (er(etuation o3 highl% centrali)ed8 3ossil'3uel'$ased energ% su((lies should

    $e challenged- Old centrali)ed electricit% grids8 =hich are not suita$le 3or the

    challenges o3 diverse and decentrali)ed rene=a$le energ% sources8 and =hich are the

    $asis o3 the dominance o3 large energ% com(anies8 need to $e challenged-


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    >/- The (rinci(les o3 common $ut di33erentiated res(onsi$ilities8 e*uit%8 social

    :ustice and sustaina$le develo(ment should remain as the +e% (rinci(les

    under(inning the negotiations8 (olicies8 and (rograms on climate change- The

    human'rights $ased a((roach to develo(ment and the ecos%stem a((roach should

    guide the design and im(lementation o3 national8 regional and glo$al climate

    (olicies and (ro:ects- The crucial role o3 indigenous =omen and indigenous %outh indevelo(ing mitigation and ada(tation measures should also $e ensured-

    21- The su((ort o3 the

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    $odies li+e the EC8 should $e im(lemented in all climate change'related (ro:ects

    and (rograms-

    29- Indigenous (eo(les should $e given su$stantial su((ort to nurture and develo(

    their traditional +no=ledge8 their environment'3riendl% technologies8 their cultural

    diversit% and the $iodiversit% in their territories- Their sustaina$le8 traditionallivelihoods should $e recogni)ed and rein3orced instead o3 $eing denigrated and

    destro%ed- There is a need to re3orm e;isting la=s =hich discriminate against

    indigenous land tenure s%stems and livelihoods- The discussions and negotiations on

    strengthening the lin+s $et=een climate change8 $iodiversit% and cultural diversit%

    should ensure indigenous (eo(lesD (artici(ation-

    2>- Polic% su((ort8 technical assistance and 3unds should $e given to indigenous

    (eo(les =ho are underta+ing their o=n mitigation measures in the areas o3 $uilding

    small'scale energ% s%stems8 $iodiversit% conservation8 engagement =ith emissions

    trading8 +ee(ing the oil8 coal and gas in the ground and trees in the 3orests8 etc- The%

    should $e e*ui((ed =ith the +no=ledge and tools on ho= to engage and $ene3it 3romthe car$on mar+et 4i3 the% choose this as an o(tion5- The% should gain $ene3its 3rom

    the environmental services derived 3rom their territories and resources- Processes

    and mechanisms 3or the valuation o3 these environmental services8 and methods that

    allo= them to get ade*uate $ene3its8 should $e develo(ed :ointl% =ith them-

    22- Training =or+sho(s and other ca(acit%'$uilding activities underta+en $%

    indigenous (eo(les to dee(en their +no=ledge on climate change and design and to

    allo= them to im(lement more e33ective and a((ro(riate mitigation and ada(tation

    measures should $e su((orted- E33orts to create $etter documentation o3 good

    (ractices in mitigation and ada(tation and to re(licate and u(scale these (ractices

    should li+e=ise $e su((orted-

    2/- The recommendations and (ro(osals that emerged 3rom the consultations o3

    indigenous (eo(les and the

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    Issues8 should colla$orate =ith States and indigenous (eo(les to e33ectivel% ensure

    that the im(lementation o3 the #eclaration is central to the design and

    im(lementation o3 climate change (olicies and (rogrammes-

    /.- Indigenous (eo(lesD organi)ations and the mem$ers and secretariat o3 the

    !nited Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and mem$ers o3 the IASshould :ointl% develo( a roadma( to=ards the 011/ COP in Co(enhagen using the

    recommendations (resented in this (a(er- The Forum =elcomes the o33er o3 the

    reenland Home "ule overnment to ensure indigenous (eo(lesD (artici(ation in

    Co(enhagen- The Forum su((orts the 3orthcoming lo$al Summit on Indigenous

    Peo(les and Climate Change =hich is $eing organi)ed $% the Inuit Circum(olar

    Council =ith the assistance o3 other indigenous (eo(lesD organi)ations-

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