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NJ 0108341.001A

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NJ 0141623 NJ 0070246

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NJ 0137847NJ 0136069

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NJ 0050547NJ 0140937

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NJ 0077771


_̂ S ewer Pla nt") NJ PDES Ground W a ter Discha rges#* NJ PDES S urfa ce W a ter Discha rges

Pinela nds M a na gem ent Area Bounda ryCAFR A Bounda ryDesigna ted Center Bounda riesDesigna ted Pinela nds T own/ Villa gePotentia l Environm enta lly S ensitive Area sPreserved Fa rm la nd & Open S pa ce in S ewer S ervice Area (W est Ca pe M a y)

Existing Wastewater Management AreasCa pe M a y R egiona l W T PLower T ownship M UAOcea n City R egiona l W T PS even M ile/M iddle R egiona l W T PW ildwood/Lower R egiona l W T PExisting W a stewa ter Fa cilitiesDischa rge to Groundwa ter Grea ter T ha n 2,000 GPDHolding T a nk

Future Wastewater Management AreasLower T ownship M UAS even M ile/M iddle R egiona l W T PW ildwood/Lower R egiona l W T PPinela nds T own/Villa ge S ewer S ervice AreaPinela nds T own/Villa ge Discha rge to Groundwa ter Grea ter T ha n 2,000 GPDDischa rge to Grounwa ter Grea ter T ha n 2,000 GPDS eptic Area (IS S DS 2,000 gpd or Less)R estricted S eptic Area (Pla nning Flows of 2,000 GPD or Less AND Less T ha n 6 R esidentia l Units

±0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000Feet

Date of Adoption: November 6, 2013


Area wide W a ter Qua lity M a na gem ent Pla n

S ubm itted by the County of Ca pe M a ya s W a stewa ter M a na gem ent Pla nning AgencyCa pe M a y County Pla nning Depa rtm ent4 M oore R oa d - DN 309Ca pe M a y Court House, N.J . 08210T el: (609) 465-6875

Prepa red By: M a ser Consulting, P.A.156 S ta gecoa ch R oa dM a rm ora , NJ 08223T el: (609) 390-1927

Notes:1. T his m a p is for dem onstra tion purposes only a nd wa s not developed ina ccorda nce with Na tiona l M a p Accura cy S ta nda rds. Any use of this product withrespect to a ccura cy a nd precision sha ll be the sole responsibility of the user. T hem a p wa s developed, in pa rt, using New J ersey Depa rtm ent of Environm enta lProtection Geogra phic Inform a tion S ystem (GIS ) digita l da ta , in conjunction with theCa pe M a y County Office of Geogra phic Inform a tion S ystem s, but this seconda ryproduct ha s not been verified by NJ DEP a nd is not sta te a uthorized. T he geodetica ccura cy a nd precision of the GIS da ta conta ined in this m a p ha s not beendeveloped nor verified by a professiona l licensed la nd surveyor a nd sha ll not be noris intended to be used in m a tters requiring delinea tion a nd loca tion of true groundhorizonta l a nd/or vertica l controls. T he existing sewer service a rea s were developedby Ca pe M a y County, the Ca pe M a y County Pla nning Depa rtm ent, Ca pe M a yCounty M unicipa l Utilities Authority, Lower T ownship M unicipa l Utilities Authority, a ndthe individua l M unicipa lities tha t ha ve sewer service a rea s within their bounda ries.2. T his m a p reflects the best a va ila ble da ta but the a ccura cy of such da ta is notgua ra nteed. Potentia lly environm enta lly sensitive a rea s a re identified on thesem a ps for inform a tiona l purposes only a nd a re subject to site specific investiga tion todeterm ine sewera bility.3. T he requirem ents of a ll regula tory a gencies with jurisdiction, including but notlim ited to the New J ersey Depa rtm ent of Environm enta l Protection (NJ DEP), theUnited S ta tes Environm enta l Protection Agency (US EPA), a nd the New J erseyPinela nds Com m ission, m ust be m et prior to connecting a ny pa rcel to sewer service.T he following S ta te a nd Federa l rules were considered in the prepa ra tion of thesewer service a rea m a ps.4. Pre-existing gra nt conditions a nd requirem ents (from Federa l a nd S ta te gra nts orloa ns for sewera ge fa cilities) which provide for restriction of sewer service toenvironm enta lly sensitive a rea s, a re una ffected by a doption of this W M P a ndcom plia nce is required. Plea se see m unicipa l W M P Cha pters for the existence ofa ny a pplica ble environm enta lly sensitive a rea s in which Federa l 201 gra nt lim ita tionsprohibit the extension of sewer service.5. T he Ca pe M a y County M unicipa l Utilities Authority (CM CM UA) W a stewa terT rea tm ent Fa cility is subject to US EPA 201 Gra nt R estrictions which prohibit theconnection of sewer to pa rcels of la nd within environm enta lly sensitive a rea s. S uchenvironm enta lly sensitive a rea s include tida l a nd freshwa ter wetla nds, interm ittentstrea m corridors, critica l upla nds a nd wildlife ha bita t, bea ch a nd dune a rea s, a ndflood-prone a rea s. Environm enta lly sensitive a rea s ca nnot be sewered unless am a pping revision or wa iver is received from the US EPA prior to sewer connection ofsuch pa rcels.6. Loca tions of future pum p sta tions, m a jor interceptors, a nd trunk sewers a re beingprovided for genera l inform a tion only a nd will not serve a s the ba sis for a ny futureconsistency determ ina tions or perm it reviews unless the pum p sta tion, m a jorinterceptor or trunk sewer is pa rt of a S ta te or federa lly funded project.7. Pursua nt to the NJ DEP W a ter Qua lity M a na gem ent Pla nning R ules (N.J .A.C.7:15-5.24), sewer service m a y be provided to a rea s tha t a re not identified a senvironm enta lly sensitive (including Enda ngered or T hrea tened W ildlife S peciesHa bita t, Na tura l Herita ge Priority S ites, Ca tegory One wa ters a nd T ributa ries, a ndW etla nds) a nd to those a rea s identified a s environm enta lly sensitive when suchenvironm enta lly sensitive a rea s com pose a contiguous a rea of less tha n 25 a cres.8. T he NJ DEP W QM P R ules (N.J .A.C. 7:15-5.24(h)), provide tha t sewer servicea rea s m a y include the environm enta lly sensitive a rea s listed a bove, when inclusionis designed to a ccom m oda te center ba sed developm ent pursua nt to a n endorsedpla n a pproved by the S ta te Pla nning Com m ission. In order to be included in asewer service a rea , the NJ DEP m ust a lso determ ine tha t the environm enta llysensitive a rea (s) is not critica l to a popula tion of threa tened or enda ngered species.S ewer service connections within these a rea s a re subject to NJ DEP a pprova l.9. Pursua nt to N.J .A.C. 7:15, R ipa ria n zones a re: 300 feet from top of ba nk (orcenterline of a first order strea m where no ba nk is a ppa rent) for wa ters designa teda s Ca tegory One a nd a ll upstrea m tributa ries within the sa m e HUC 14; 150 feet forwa ters designa ted T rout Production a nd a ll upstrea m wa ters; 150 feet for wa terdesigna ted T rout M a intena nce a nd a ll upstrea m wa ters within one linea r m ile a sm ea sured a long the length of the regula ted wa ter; 150 feet for a ny segm ents ofwa ter flowing through a n a rea tha t conta ins docum ented ha bita t for a threa tened orenda ngered species of pla nt or a nim a l, which is critica lly dependent on the surfa cewa ter body for surviva l, a nd a ll upstrea m wa ters (including tributa ries) within onelinea r m ile a s m ea sured a long the length of the surfa ce wa ter body; 150 feet forwa ters tha t run through a cid-producing soils, a nd; 50 feet for a ll wa ters notdesigna ted a s C1, trout wa ters, critica lly wa ter dependent T hrea tened a nd/orEnda ngered S pecies Ha bita t, or a ssocia ted with a cid soils.

10. S urfa ce wa ters tha t a re designa ted Ca tegory One a re listed in the S urfa ceW a ter Qua lity S ta nda rds a t N.J .A.C. 7:9B. T he NJ DEP's "S urfa ce W a ter Qua lityS ta nda rds" GIS da ta la yer wa s utilized to determ ine these wa ters. T he a pplica ble300 foot buffer ha s been a pplied to these wa terwa ys a nd rem oved from theproposed sewer service a rea s on the m a pping. Lesser width buffers ha ve not beengra phica lly rem oved from the sewer service a rea but a re not proposed for sewerservice. J urisdictiona l determ ina tions by the NJ DEP will be utilized to determ ine theextent of the sewer service a rea on individua l lots.11. Com plia nce with the ripa ria n zone sta nda rd ha s been dem onstra ted by thea doption of m unicipa l R ipa ria n Corridor Ordina nces, which ha ve been upda ted to bein com plia nce with the Flood Ha za rd Control Act R ules (N.J .A.C. 7:13) a nd W a terQua lity M a na gem ent R ules (N.J .A.C. 7:15). S ee m unicipa l cha pters for a dditiona linform a tion.12. Area s loca ted within the wa tershed of a Freshwa ter One (FW 1) strea m , a scla ssified in the S urfa ce W a ter Qua lity S ta nda rds, a nd/or tha t ha ve Cla ss 1-A groundwa ter (Ground W a ter of S pecia l Ecologica l S ignifica nce), a s cla ssified in the GroundW a ter Qua lity S ta nda rds, a re identified a s "Non-degra da tion wa ter a rea ” ba sed onthe S urfa ce W a ter Qua lity S ta nda rds a t N.J .A.C. 7:9B, a nd/or the Ground W a terQua lity S ta nda rds a t N.J .A.C. 7:9-6. Non-degra da tion wa ter a rea s sha ll bem a inta ined in their na tura l sta te (set a side for posterity) a nd a re subject torestrictions including, but not lim ited to, the following: 1) DEP will not a pprove a nypolluta nt discha rge to ground wa ter nor a pprove a ny hum a n a ctivity which results ina degra da tion of na tura l qua lity except for the upgra de or continued opera tion ofexisting fa cilities serving existing developm ent. For a dditiona l inform a tion plea sesee the S urfa ce W a ter Qua lity S ta nda rds a t N.J .A.C. 7:9B, a nd/or the Ground W a terQua lity S ta nda rds a t N.J .A.C. 7:9-6.13. All existing, new, or expa nded industria l pretrea tm ent fa cilities requiringS ignifica nt Indirect User (S UI) perm its a nd/or T rea tm ent W orks Approva ls, a ndwhich a re loca ted within the specified sewer service a rea , a re deem ed to beconsistent.14. Developm ent in a rea s m a pped a s wetla nds, flood prone a rea s, suita ble ha bita tfor enda ngered a nd threa tened species a s identified on the NJ DEP’s La ndsca peM a ps of Ha bita t for Enda ngered, T hrea tened a nd Other Priority W ildlife a s R a nk 3,4. a nd 5, Na tura l Herita ge Priority S ites, ripa ria n zones, steep slopes, or designa tedriver a rea s m a y be subject to specia l regula tion under Federa l or S ta te sta tutes orrules, a nd interested persons should check with the NJ DEP for the la testinform a tion. Any depiction of environm enta l fea tures sha ll be for genera l inform a tionpurposes only, a nd sha ll not be construed to define the lega l geogra phic jurisdictionof such sta tutes or rules.15. Individua l subsurfa ce sewa ge disposa l system s (IS S DS ) for individua lresidences ca n only be constructed in depicted sewer service a rea s if lega llyenforcea ble gua ra ntees a re provided, before such construction, tha t use of suchsystem s will be discontinued when the depicted sewer service becom es a va ila ble.T his a pplies to IS S DS tha t require certifica tion from the Depa rtm ent under the R ea ltyIm provem ent S ewera ge a nd Fa cilities Act (N.J .S .A. 58:11-23) or individua lT rea tm ent W orks Approva l or New J ersey Polluta nt Discha rge Elim ina tion S ystemPerm its (under N.J .A.C. 7:14A). It a lso a pplies to IS S DS which require only loca la pprova ls. Com plia nce with the connection requirem ent ha s been dem onstra tedthrough a doption of m unicipa l a nd/or sewera ge a uthority ordina nces. S ee m unicipa lcha pters for a dditiona l inform a tion.16. Proposed developm ents tying into existing a nd proposed sewer service a rea swhich require coa sta l perm its m ust dem onstra te com plia nce with a ll a pplica blesections of the Coa sta l Z one M a na gem ent rules including, but not lim ited to,W etla nds (N.J .A.C. 7:7E-3.27), W etla nds Buffers (N.J .A.C. 7:7E-3.28), Enda ngeredor T hrea tened W ildlife or Vegeta tion S pecies Ha bita t (N.J .A.C. 7:7E-3.38),S econda ry Im pa cts (N.J .A.C. 7:7E-6.3), Public Fa cility Use Policies (N.J .A.C. 7:7E-7.6), W a ter Qua lity (N.J .A.C. 7:7E-8.4), Ground W a ter Use (N.J .A.C. 7:7E-8.6) a ndthe policies under Genera l La nd Area s rules, S ubcha pters 5, 5A, a nd 5B.17. For fa cilities (including but not lim ited to sewer connections, sewer extensionsa nd on-site trea tm ent pla nts) which a re loca ted in the Pinela nds Area , a s defined a tN.J .S .A. 13:18A-11, the a pprova l of the Pinela nds Com m ission pursua nt to therequirem ents of the Pinela nds Com prehensive M a na gem ent Pla n (CM P) is requiredprior to construction. All fa cilities a nd a ctivities included within this W M P should beconsistent with the requirem ents of the CM P.18. In a ccorda nce with the M em ora ndum of Understa nding (M OU) between theNew J ersey Pinela nds Com m ission a nd New J ersey Depa rtm ent of Environm enta lProtection (NJ DEP), da ted April 9, 2012, a ll la nds loca ted within a R egiona l GrowthArea , Pinela nds Villa ge or Pinela nds T own sha ll be deem ed to be within a sewerservice a rea . Additiona lly, the NJ DEP will not require tha t environm enta lly sensitivea rea s, a s defined a bove, be rem oved from such sewer service a rea s.

\\HQFAS 1\S urvey\GIS \GIS PR OJ ECT S \Priva te\2011\11000608G\M a ps\S ewerS erviceArea s\Ca pe M a y County Adopted S S A 11-06-2013.m xd

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