Page 1: ve. The Discount - · Clinton phoD* 1«*-C. KILLTH. COUCH urn CORKtm LUNGS wi™ Dr. King's

w E 5 p * 5 £ y i

' ***."*+**• v « a , ^ > > . -amm. I i»JiimiWHliMMHWW

^77 |P55?¥!w'fisr^reJP^Pss

** * ' '

Z>a*7y JPress* Classified Wants. HOUSES FOR RENT,

TJO, RBKfT.—Furnished rooms in S.vcentraX location. Inquire at this iffice,*

»'jFGR JaENT—Office at No. 58 Idargaret street, over the store of J. M Taitile. fc Co. Inquire of Dr. A.

. tf St«VJ

- 3 * Seneca!.! V i • . . *

• *

V t

. * ' j


|SE«St /J.


\ * FOltR&NT— Pleasant' furaiBhed «foaiS »t 62 Brinlterhoff St. d3

^'FOJt llENT—The house, >' No. "C T^ITaihs-street, PosieSsioa given A$rir $«*. Apply to Mrs. D. F. pobler 3To„ So Broad $t,' .„ a?

T #„ J?Ofe$AlE


» ^ i


FOR SALE—HOUM and barn on r i w i w a . Great bargain and terms, a* owjter Is ie«^a|r cfty. building lot on ^fcs lde^l&afc

Ifttb/nice trees and new aide-and jsawe* complete. Terms,

town aao* tea ?«tfi to pajr bai* Apply to J . AJ3txrf$on, Platta-

tm SALE—,m$#&g '&&* Q$ [iwrtfc side Efen street tmtween &ar-

'fcjre£«tt& 0*^ strfe$mv.'»foo/lots;«n;-Spaoa javahtfe and "Mct'ii street:-

««£» nuMoer 2 ^ ftfVsldVJtiyer'" tre«fc* Peasesssion. H ^ 'l* ^J&quJra

cd <& Barnard, lawyers.

FOR SAL'S—One Beeson, London, New' star, iB-flat cornel, silver plated, gold bell, with' case. Used a short time only. Enquire Win. Myette, 117 Cornelia St.

FOR SALE—Store No. 8 Bridge Corner River street. Also building tot, at No. 14 Miller street. Enquire if F. McCadden.

and SAI/E-

stst-rooni -Two-story house cottage. Enquire

at 32 Miller Street. w l

A Great Exeunt « 4 » J :

thai Mother to Frank—How is It you're late home'every night?

Frank—Well, po wonder; we've got suclra,big clock in our .school. *

Mother—Why, .what tup the clock to do with it? I-

Frank—'Cause if s so big it takes the hands. au awful long while 'to get round It. little O:IQ I'd quicker

If we bad a clock like papa's get home at great deal

FOR SAL'S—1 24-inch 5-ply 90-ft-rubber belt, which may be divided into two 12-inch belts; price $30, Two black walnut office desks, with drawers - tor ipapers and enclosed places for books. One black walnut standtafe desk. Enquire at Nichols Grocery Co'. E. L. Nichols. w2


WANTP&D—A representative in every place in Clinton County to furnish me with information as to lire- Insurance * Expirations* Liberal compensation paid. - -Sftsed Jaot' in-terfer^ with your regular occupation. Replies considered confidential, and

• $$0edt |mly from /those of good staniingr iu their communities. C. JET.'Oliver, Plattsburgh, tf. Y. - tf

t *


ve. The Discount Pay your Gas and Elec­tric Jj?gb.t bills before the 10th, of the month and save

K *

the Discount. « » * •

l^fit, Heat & Power Co., * * » •

Ho. 28 , Margguret SJt, s^r< ** w *~ w


A visitor to a stately ancestral home wat. being- sbown i*ouud by an old re­tainer. > He paus>ed before a paihtitfg-"Bxquisitel" ho exclaimed rapturou«-ly. "That must be an old. master,",

"No, Air," the guide replied, "'tain't old ma?t4r—it'* old mistls!"—London Scmps.

Notice. - s

On account of illt health I have decided to aell my home bakery for a reasonable sum, It Ja excellently located at the corner of Rrinkerhoff and Oak streets and >:« the only home" bakery *in iown> with a flTSt clasa, trade, being patrWixed by the best people in "town!

MRS. S. V. GAUTHTER. > ,-...r

We Got What H e Needed.

N ''Kine years ago* it looked as it my time had come, "says Mr. C. Farlhing, oC -Mill Creek, Ind. Ter. "1 was so jjun down that life hung on a very i slender thread. It wa* then my dreggist recomnvended Electric Bitters! I -bought £ bottle atid I got what I needed—strength. I had one foot in the grave; but JEle trio Bitters put it back on tbs turf again, and l*ve been well ever since" Sol dby O. T. Latkitf and Cady Drug Co., drug stores. 50c» ' '

LaSoaateitfis Family Ovcbsstna* Aay number of piece*; if prepar- iP€1? talked shop.

«d to .furnish music for any oeeag* ion on short aottc*. Spsbial sttaa tioo to oat ot town eagatsnsats. R. R» Piions, ISSV-L. Addrsss Frsd LaBombavd, • Clinton stvsst, Plattsbnrgfe. *- - ?

MONUMENTS. DcaloY in AU kinds ot uonsuBOotal

and ttemttmrf vMk. 3fo niUro«d tmxm hotel bills or Uvetjr team* to pay, tar when yea deal with poople'at hoaie. All work direct fratu the wtam shad*

' J. P. KKLLEV. =7 Broad St. Clinton phoD* 1«*-C.


wi™ Dr. King's New Discovery


prcfcun.d Emotional Sutfn. , 'Hold outypuv hjiijdss to feel :bc lux­

ury -of the- j-umbeamfe. Pr^ss 1 be soft blossoms ugainst your cheek and tihgeT their graces of fortn, their delicate mu­tability of jshaiMv.-lheir pliancy afld. fresluiesh^ Expose^ your face to the aerial floods' tbat *wcep the leaveris! '"inhale reafc drafts of space*," wonder; wonder at^lie wind%s unwearied activ­ity/ Pile Jioteon note,the infixite mu­sic that flows increasingly to your sour from the tactual sronoiities^of a thou­sand., branches and .tumbling waters, HQW can thc| w:orld be/shrlvel« d when this most profound, emotional 'sense, touch, is faithful to its servi« 1 I am sure that if a fairy bade pic choose ^Oetween the sense of sight a»<] that of* touch'! would hot part with tins warm, endearing contact "of hitman tarlds ot the Tvealth df form, ttte ridbi ity and fullness that press into* my palms.— Helen Keller<in Cetttury. < i

' i



The Marts of Mohammrd. In. bygone dayst- there was no more

entlilislastle breeder of horses man the Prophet Mohammed. In the cAurse djt' time he becrtme ihe o^n^f of a. vast numWr of marel, andj'ihe jK)iut was how to arrive at a selection of,lhe very best At last, says Com try Life, he hit upon the following aclieme: Fir three days and nights' -*£he mures were kept without waterr then they went loosed and, as might' havs been exiMietad. tore madly off to their tuual water in rjjlace. Jnst as they were ort^tbe vei-y font of the water th^ trura^etw blew i»e war signal or assembly. Maddened with the thirst, the marcs forgot the r train­ing, all save'five, who, forgetting their own urgent need, galloped tack at once to aeek their masters. These five mare*yere set apart by Mbban'imeil as representing the pick ot his-stod, aid from them, we arc told, descended the best and noblest breed of norsts

* Tha Timid Vion. Arllou tameriOTer his midnikht sup-

"Thi-tlmldi Hon Is ti e only one 1 fear,"'he said. '"The fletcs^pugnacious Jlon in my joy. What a'suovr he ijires the people for their money! Growling hldeodsly, wrinkling his greai face in dreadful snarls, gnashing his tetttn and threatening t&strike me with his paw, he goes through his tricks, and the andlejnt* is held iu a delicious sua* pense, half*hoping, half fearing, that maybe the blif bnite^will che* me up before their eyes.

"tm, tha fierce lion assures a flue, attractive turn. But the timid onsi,

"The Uiuld Hon, just trhett Vou want to giv* your best ahow, will whimper with terror at the crack of :hs whip' and'slink off to the farthest renter of the cage and, turning its hace to yon, lie down and'bury Us fate,in its paws. Gehenna! !

what I've ;*Bur, say, |do you know been known to do? \Fve beejo known to dope up timid lions. Ye*, jsli* Doped them up t»l they were maniac if. That*^ dangerou!5 too. Batty, like tiat, they

?mi*ut i d o - Hor. yo«L»J+3few Orfaana Tlmea-Paufocral.*


. • / * "







-J i

? , rf ^


U I l


Msy rain to-day, may no t ;

but it will rain some day and

then jon'U enjoy fooling the]

rain. Rain foolers $15.00 to

$25.00. Every oae cut with the

verve and swing that the


cutters know so "well how to

get-Wherever yon get your clothes

just come in and sea how you

look dressed in style itself.

Remember that the clothes we

ofler yon has the maker'a name - y •


They cos t n o more t h a n . t h e

nameless sor t .

Copyright 1908 By Hart ScharTner & M a r x

Do They Fit, Ask ThelMan Who Wears Them

J.- mm JLmm


wmit? Askiyour fdoctcr all,aboutAyer's non-aicoholic Sarsabavilla. Then you will

\knoju> tchethet\ y^uwan( it of not.


Vifeilt * nerve topic? WahtVblood purifier? -w£hh a strong alterative? .Want a family medicine i Want it without alcoholi Want Ayer*s Sarsaparilia i


• \



1 - Ask your doctor Ask your,doctor

- Ask your aoctor ' Ask y"our doctor ^ Ask your doctor^



John Haughijan, ,: Jas Cavan»"jKi* ;," Thos. F< (^Ma|b> t L W. C a d & t ^ ; /

Designated United


I>epoaltory of and •tata ot


Presideal Vice-PrtsMeal

. CashiM

30> JB, Barber ^ • ^ I t o f f i t t ,

:*itloi;llahloB TM j tis|o^f;,;

General Baniting^ BuBitteiW.G Bomas-tlt anir'.3|o^iglt JJilllife' '•

Interest paid on special deposit . . • $ ! • • v ^ . - ; ; - ' - ' - ^ ^ % ^

\ ;--fS*.is&-.i.---, <-.--s,i -- . .

J« C. AYER CO., Man ufipcjnrinft' Chcmutt, Lowell, Maw.

First Postal Systtm, The first letter post, in the moder

acceptation of the' word, seems to been established in the Hanse'to^wn In the early part of the thirteenth tury; A line of lettercposts, conne^tin Austria with certain towns In barely, followed in the reign oi the peror ilaximiUan. Tn 1481 when ward j r . was at war, with Scotia ad it system of riflays* of Worses was eitat-uahed tn the norttf in order to pre rid: the king with the latest news.front fbi seat ot war. The first regular, pot t route between England and Scoljlanp was establiahed by Charles I. in m

*'0f course," said the poet's fr|ewU "ha-has his fanttt, but lie's^a. true poet BTo givci his llf e to the se^vlcje Of the muses''-

«¥«*," :put, ha the critic, "bujc he seems to make the mistake of suppos­ing that Bacchus Is one of the muses

-Philadelphia press.

Files are easily and quickly elicit­ed With Dr. Slump's Magic Olntnten To prove it I will mail a small box as * convincing test. Simptf ad dress Br* Shoop, Racine, V?1m. I fy would "ndl seaid it'free unless was certain that Br. Shoop's Magfc Ointment would stand the test, member It is made expressly alone for swollen painful, hletjdUte W Itching piles, either extern*I "or internal. Large jav 50c. Soil ^ y Hitchcock's Pharmacy.'

Mrs. Poplcy—Mr. B'Auber i«marked today' that Our Ceorgie wajs l ikea younV AJK»UO^

Mr. Popley-Oh, thafa* the vay with them there ajribtt*. The/ arp ail the imc trying to make people think well >t those old classical beroei.—Phlla-lelphia Pr«»»«.

- • " • - • 1 1 •


Just as long aa yon have dandruff your head will Ctcb. It's. Jio little microbes tbat are gnawing down in* to the hair froots. It ma;r take a ^ a t ' ^ e ^ o | p ; tft^ri«rs!(iftWil;- !*(}*• •tO'-gel, dd^enj'to-'tho/y^^/parti^httt: wh^n/thoy ?dor they-, wai.V/do Ptroy' the ll |e ^t;tho.:MIr;ln\a;ycsr^;s1bsijrt tjimfts

and becoming gray %hen I heard of your, gacajjtfe. Bjalr Restorer, a,nd4

after using ioao pottle ^ny hair stopped turni;hK5 gray. The fl rat-ap­

plication removed the itching, my hair stopped falling out ami I now have a new growth of hair, and it is soft, glossy and pliabl€.<'Carrio Williams, S534 Cliuton Ave, South Rochester,^. Y.

Parisian . Sage, the delightful French Hair Restorer is guaranteed! by John E. Hitchcock to stop falling hair to cure dand^ff and all di­seases of the scalp or montsy back. It is the most refreshtcg hair dressing in the world. La-lies use it extensively because it mskes the hair beautiful, soft and luxuriant— 50 cents a bottle at J>hn E. Hitchcock's pharmacy Plattsburgh, N. Y., or by mall from Gircjux Mfg. Co,. Buffalo, N-. Y.

Weak women got prompt dud las ing help by using Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. These soothing, healing, an­tiseptic suppositories, with full in­formation how to proceed a re iuter-Ojatlnlfly tpljd of in my book "No. 4 Por VSJomek'" The book and strict­ly cpnfidenpial medical advise is en­tirely free.' fchnpiy write Dr. Shoop;

.^i» <•}««







For Cnrbtng and Asphalt Block Pavement.

Sealed proposals will he redriv^d until April 17th, 1908. at sev«ji ni , hy ^ie Board ot Public W o r ^ of the City of Plattsburgh, N for furnishing all material labor required for the construbth|>n of between 3.S60 and 4,000 square yards of asphalt block pavement upon Margaret street, from ^resejit fakement soutlierlv Division valley and northerly Cornelia street or oeyond said poixkts | f so directed; and for the^cQhqtrtic-tion betweela 1,190 .and lineal feet~of concrete curb pavod portions of streets. Said to Jbe conpleted on or before i$, 1908.

l&ch bid must contain the name of every person or con party interested In the same, and hi ap-companied by a certified check ten per cent, of of the bid, as a


to to

:L#10 along WO'k June


1 if

the total amount

trial r«vl-sure

1 <


guarantee ttat the bid is ajccept«d a contract

if will

be entered* upon and? its perform­ance properly secured.

Should there be rejection Check will be forthwith returnjad the bidder, and should any bd accepted such check still be. return­ed unon the proper execution securing of the contract

Proposals must he sealed marked "Proposals for Pavinj: Curbing."

The Board' reserves the ri^ reject any and all bids. -

Plans, and specifications a*e fije in th£ office of the Board Public Works, and copies can had on application. j


Commissioners of Public "VVorkjs Plattsburgh, N. Y. tl

tike .0



at d &l :1

ht io

qn Of

f ^Sister E^cnrsloa to Xcw York. Greatly 'redueed fares via Th3

Central .Vermont Railway, April 17, 190S.* Your choice ofMwo routes. AH raif'Viab Springfield, or via New Xondott and steamer. Tickets good to return from .New York up to^and, including April 27th,. This is ther m0st favorable time to visit New York. See hand hills for particulars.

AprlJ 4,11,1^,15, 16.

For Sale. , I have for sale stx or eigjtt milch

cows and' ten or1 twelve yearling heifers. These heifers were sired by our stock hull,' Massey Marigold's Son, A. J. -d. Cs, e40t$1, being double grandson to atokoPogis of Prospect, hacked by Sweet's B i s Four, who took sweep stake prize at Pan-American,

-1 . - * BET*H GORDON. Chaay, U. Y.. April 4, 130$.

Mrs. Edward Place, 90£ Margaret street, Dressmaking or Plain Sew­ing. All work turned, out quickly, and accurately. Satisfaction assur­ed,^ Clinton Phone, 214-i*. 5 w l

For Sale. The residence, barn and lot on

Rugar, street, * Plattsburgh, ft Y. just opposite the new City Hospital. Captain McJJall offers this property for sale. It is new and, modern. An Ideal city Jhouse." Plenty of land on which to,build other .residences if desired. For terms apply to Capt. Mckall, Rouses Point, N". Y., or jto H, A. Thomas & Co., Plattsburgh, M. Y. tf

- For Sale. One ladies' driving horse, 12

years old; 4 good cows, 1 IT. S. cream separator, one 40-gal. milk can, 1 horse rake, new; 1 Cambridge plow,~l spring-tooth harrow, 1 hand straw cutters 1 huclqboard wagon, 1 single harness and some other small tools belonging to' the late George Adcook.

Apply to W. V. Hammpnd, or on the place. Must be sold at once. Mason St., Idorrisonville, N.Y. d6

have open# a MiUiaery Sto*e in MAIN ^T^K&OSES Fomr.

Ladies of iSpases Point atid # cinity are inylteji to call aiid s e

ottr stock. ^


MISS Shampooing, Facia1 Massage

Appointiritints for any hour 3 ^

H. U. PhonB;l6A^ ilnton Phone I54.L.

IM ISflj &&

A P B U U D R t . Mother says "they can't say anything ftw

good about <3©ia Medal Ipldur." C to j tm.

70-72 State St., Albany, N, T. Deposits a n d Sttrplns Neaxiv

S12.0O0.0p6.00. "A TAX RXEMPT I^fVI»TI^DiSI,."

i • I 1 -

LEZOTO Stone Merchant,

" BAILEY AVENTJ£. AH kinds of Stone. Also crushed

Stone. CHnton Phone 472—Arcade.

Hotel F o r Sale.

large, well equipped and modern hotel, 22 sleeping rooms, large ofr fice, hot and cold water, electric liglitinf, large and select bar trade. Centrally located one; hundred fe^t from postoffice and theatre. Stable room,for 20 horses. Barn and wagon shed nearly hew. For further parti-culasrs address W. A, MeKenzie, Au sable Forks, N. Y.

Cause of "Rain* In Moving Pictures Moving picture filhiS^are practical y

spoiled long before their life of osef (31-ness should end because of the "raiii" which blots, out the clearness. This injury comes from the conlinuous winding and rewinding of tlte filpi through the machine at the rate of foot a second, forming static eiecttlti-ty. The electricity attracts all the pj.% tides of dost and dirt ftoatind in t j l atmosphere to the'films, and in pullt

Racine" WW l for rav book No 4 " :** % fi,m °P *IS** t n e S i e £a r t i c 1 ^ ? ^ ? i a f S u S f - ' S T - 8 « a t c \ he^ce the «rain."->opuJar Sold fty Hift4fhcocl5! Pharmacy, . . * • • • r *—i Mechanics.

*4*E***»» »*»?**t^-*(«-*-,y^

Pain, anywhere, - can be quickly stopped by one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Pain always means congestion, unnatural blood pres­sure. Dr.. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets simply coax congested blood away from pain centers. These Tablets— known by druggists as Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets— simply equalize the blood circulation and then paiu always departs in 20 minutes. 20 Tablets 25 cents. Write Dr. Shooy Racine, Wis., for free package. Sold by Hitchcock's Pharmacy.


. Gold Medal Flour makes perfect bread. ROWE.VA.

Fancy Eggs for Family Use. Quality of eggs, like butter, is

largely governed by the feed used to produce them. Hence the great dif­ference in value of eggs or same freshness. It is the same with all kinds <k meats. Experience in

feeding and sanitary surroundings work wonders. We hope to supply eggs weekly of the highest standard in quality. Dunn, Farm. Chazy, N.Y. t4-p-oaw SETH GORDON & SOM.

It Pays to Appear Well

A Good Leather Ba<; ,' Or 'uit Case Goes a long w a y t o w a r d s

MAKING YOCiM WELL We have a splendid line oi th>'

la tes t th ings in

Leather, Hand Bags and Suit Cases.



]. f. tkSrqor ? (o, 3 BRIDGE STREET.

* *

^ 1


t \ s t 1


I «

a. f •

, !

m l



"Iflt'siri I


ft. c

This it son for and Va We rec

in all oc Wl


„ ;p6e"

lifiEb!b'Srjati(lv 14 m

% coii


, Fire. 14f*^N»! lnsurjancjRj^irt eign aadWmes geated. Ageu Travelers. . igzm

"oyers* Liablltt _ »r 19* """'" of all kinds WE Maryland Fidelii

to a>n,pc est rates.: Cal ls gels.. A^o--f«gn pSfJtomanidg^ land noits. Sea sold: money Jo iseeuntlea- JBLJ 'sold. OrderiPoS tolestraoh nrom

Still contintte! Granite Busi contemplate work will fi vantage t o t variety of des of material, ' portant t o t l Brinkerhoff 5 P o s t a l Card 1 you.

FAN Ointm

Plattsbmrgb A valuable

Nothing can t for PILES aD mentioned on

Inquire for glflta-



New ' G y v.. ^

NO: 44 i

,T;.c y-

y.ti, i*.'"1

Top Related