Page 1: Version 1 - Colliding V1.1.pdf · Your Lord must always be present in Months End games as described in each scenario, however your Hero
Page 2: Version 1 - Colliding V1.1.pdf · Your Lord must always be present in Months End games as described in each scenario, however your Hero

Version 1.1

Written by Mark Hampson

Illustrations by Sally Fairclough

& The London Warhammer Gaming Guild

Page 3: Version 1 - Colliding V1.1.pdf · Your Lord must always be present in Months End games as described in each scenario, however your Hero

Mannfred must have finally discovered the truth of Shaar's failings. The vampire had sent a host of winged Vargheists screaming after him in the dead of night in an attempt to bring him before his master to answer for his failures. Thankfully the Vargheists had alerted him to their presence as they had screeched into his dormant ranks of Skeleton warriors that were standing guard outside. Shaar looked out at the slaughter and knew that his time was up if he couldn't get away, he'd have to answer to Mannfred before being made an example of to the other Vampires to show

what happens if you fail the Von Carsteins...

He'd already lost one of the Bryar sisters to Malagor's chaotic impulses and the Orb had become fractured and unassailable due to the Grimloksson Clan's stubbornness to die. Overall his attempt to gather artefacts had been a complete failure, but he wasn't suprised, Mannfred hadn't truly given him the tools to deal with the foes that had beset

him - Shaar thought back and cursed at his struggles.

One of the Vargheists looked up in this moment, with an animated skeleton writhing in its maw, and locked onto to Shaar as he stared out across the battle. It preceded to rampage like a hurricane towards him, its master had been ample in his instruction to ravage the vampire but ensure that it lived long enough to answer to him. The Vargheist crashed home within seconds, smashing Shaar into the floor with a sound of cracking bones and ripping flesh, the bulk of the creature and the tremendous impact had left Shaar flattened and broken. "Curse you beast", Shaar spluttered as his body began to heal from the horrific injuries. The Vargheist roared goadingly as it grasped its jaws around the Vampires leg and threw him out into the fray where the others could encircle him and restrict him from getting away easily. Shaar's guards were being obliterated around him, his Crypt Ghouls had fled upon sight of the winged terrors whilst his skeletal legion had all but been turned to dust - and then the pain began again as razor sharp teeth pierced his undead skin, cutting deep at first and then tearing an arm from his body. Shaar thought it was over then, the Vargheists had lost control in their frenzy and forgotten Mannfred's orders as more of the beasts encircled the stricken Vampire - it went quiet as more teeth grasped his abdomen but Shaar closed his eyes and thought that although one path had closed, another had now



They had come from the woods, a pack of snarling, matted, stench induced Wolves that were hungry for flesh. Bounding down into the open field that separated the forest was a pack of Skin Wolves the likes that had never been seen, it was rare to see three or four of these beasts together but for some dark reason a hundred of the creatures had descended

on the ensuing Carnage.

The Vargheists didn't know what had hit them, in one moment there was a soul throttling howl and the next a sea of claws and fur had began to rip them apart. The Vargheists were bestial creatures but they were very rarely on the receiving end of such mindless savagery. The initial impact shattered the Vargheists core, but the creatures of undeath were not easily broken as they took to the skies and began to dive bomb the main bulk of the Skin Wolves. Certain Skin Wolves would ravage an attacking Vargheist ripping it limb from limb upon impact before eating it's dead heart whilst unlucky Skin Wolves would be grasped with mighty talons and lifted high above the battlefield before being dropped on

their slobbering comrades.

The battle lasted for hours until dawn had begun to break, but eventually the Vargheists that remained took flight and made their way back to Sylvania. The air rung with the howls of the Skin Wolves as they feasted on the dead, but one black haired creature lumbered away from the pack and found Shaar's broken body. The Vampire was at the point of death, but the Skin Wolf did not finish him off, growing urges in his mind had driven his pack here and those same urges drove the beast to let this sion of the unliving live. The gods plans were truly unfathomable but the beast was a slave

to their will and he would deliver what they requested.

Shaar had noticed the snarling creatures appear on the horizon but his mind had quickly washed out into unconsciousness, he had no idea that he had been saved by the most unlikely of creatures. His dreams had been wracked with visions, he couldn't determine whether it was Nagash's great teachings or some other dark tongue attempting to acquire his services. But the voice was whsipering, "You've been betrayed dearest Shaar, but I can offer you unlimited

power, and a life of glory - your broken body will become mighty - isn't that what you've always wanted?"

The dreams continued and Shaar had been poised at the crest of a wave, in preparation for it to come crashing down on the world

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SPENDING YOUR GOLDYour armies and its Generals will have been gathering Gold over the last few weeks, and you now have a decision to make... Before all of the Months End battles you will be able to spend you Gold to gain additional benefits in that game, this is due to your Generals success allowing them to purchase trinkets and bolster their force.


Your Generals will be able to spend the Gold that you have gathered from the Gold Digger table (see Pg10) to purchase particular extras for themselves and their force. This is a bit of a risk as the Gold you will have spent is lost, however there are many ways to gain Gold in the Months End scenarios so you’ll have to weigh up that risk... You can use your Gold for Months End scenarios only as your General will only want to fork out for additional resources for the biggest games. You can

not spend Gold on your force for normal campaign games.


Purchases must be announced before the game begins and done in secret. When you have made a purchase ensure that you adjust your Gold quantity accordingly, additionally a purchase will not roll over to the next Months End game and you will have to purchase it again if you would like to make use of it.

Increased Armoury - (1 Gold Required)Your General has decided to purchase an additional item of power to help him in his Months End struggle, this additional item will allow your General to be even more effective in the coming battle.Your General gains an additional +25Pts of magic items to their allotted points limit for free and these additional points do not count towards your overall points limit. Note: This only allows 1 of your Generals to increase their limit, you will have to spend an additional 2 Gold for each General past the first.

Expanded Knowledge - (1 Gold Required)Your Wizard has empowered them self for the coming battle in preparation for the magical warfare that is surely going to wreak havoc across the table.One of your Wizards knows 1 more spell that they are usually allowed and that wizard may re-roll the result of a single miscast during the game. Note: That the second result stands.

Regiment of War - (1 Gold Required)Your General has purchased a magical banner for one your units that has proven itself in the last few battles.Select one of your units that have a Standard Bearer, that unit may select a Magic Banner with a value of upto 50Pts for free. This banner does not count towards the units total points cost, or your selection restrictions, it is free on all accounts.

Spending Spree - (2 Gold Required)Note: May not be selected in conjunction with the Increased Armoury purchase.Your General has decided to purchase a whole trove of magic items in preparation for the battle, making them a force to be reckoned with in the height of war.Your General gains an additional +50Pts of magic items to their allotted points limit for free and these additional points do not count towards your overall points limit. Note: This only allows 1 of your Generals to increase their limit, if you will have to spend an additional 4 Gold for each General past the first.

Swelling Paychest - (2 Gold Required)Your General has purchased a magical banner for one your units that has proven itself in the last few battles.You start the game with 1 Silver coin and 2 Brass coins at the beginning of a game of Triumph & Treachery.

Beckon Forth - (3 Gold Required)Your General has decided to call forth one of his Lieutenants from the fold to help them organise their army in this time of need.Your Lord must always be present in Months End games as described in each scenario, however your Hero Lieutenants do not have to feature. If you purchase this benefit then you may add one of your Lieutenants to your force for free, this means that they do not count towards your selection restrictions, they are free on all accounts.

Reinforcements - (4 Gold Required)Your General has brought more troops to the fray in an attempt to swarm the enemy to grasp victory.You may add an additional +250Pts to your overall Points Limit for the battle, your selection restrictions must be changed to suit the new total value, so your must have 25% Core of the new overall total.





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GEHEIMNISNACHT COLLIDINGShaar has vanished, and Mannfred’s thrall of Vargheists had failed to capture the cursed Vampire... However Shaar had passed into a new state, no longer was he held at bay by the powers of the Undead, instead Chaos had poisoned his mind. His mission was simple, as the moons aligned he would be used as a magical vessel in an attempt to disrupt and potentially stop Nagash from being resurrected and Arkhan, miles away in Sylvania, had no idea of the dark gods plans.

THE ARMIES Every player is involved in the ‘Geheimnisnacht Colliding’ scenario. The battle takes place at the same time as the ‘Death at the Nine Daemons’ which is described in the End Times Nagash background book, this is where the High Elves are making a last ditch attempt to stop Mannfred and Arkhan from resurrecting the dark lord Nagash. However Shaar has been scorned by Mannfred and has been saved by the Chaos

Gods who are using his undead frame in an attempt to upset the winds of magic and spoil all of Arkhan’s dark plans.

THE BATTLEFIELDS Set up a single table for the ‘Geheimnisnacht Colliding’ scenario as detailed below. Shaar is positioned in the centre of the table, atop the Blustery Pinnacle which is being used as a magical effigy.

ARMIES The players will create teams before the event takes place, these teams must be representative of alignment however. For example a Forces of Order team could include an Empire and High Elf player, whereas a Forces of Destruction team could include a Skaven and Orc player. Neutral armies can be used with any alignment however the Undead Legion and Legion of Chaos are both Forces of Destruction in this regard. A total of 6 teams must be create with each team having an overall total of 3000Pts, this point limit must be divided equally among the players and each player must have at least one of their Campaign Generals present.

DEPLOYMENT Deploy Shaar on top of the Blustery Pinnacle in the centre of the table, this is indicated by the 6” radial bubble on the scenario map. Shaar may move around in this protective bubble but may never leave it throughout the entire game. The players will then deploy in order of Total Gold, to do this add together your overall Gold as a team, the team with the most Gold will be able to choose their deployment zone first with the second highest total Gold choosing second, and so on. Once each team has chosen a Deployment Zone the team who chose first must decide what they wish to deploy and what they wish to keep in reserve. Each team must deploy at least 3 units at the beginning of the game.





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PLAYER NOTE: The players from each team will add their Total Gold together after they’ve calculated their own expenditure. The team with the most Gold overall will be able to choose their deployment zone first, with the second highest amount deploying second and so on.

Shaar is set up atop the Blustery Pinnacle which has a 6” radial bubble showing his own personal deployment zone. Shaar cannot leave this zone but may walk around inside it as he wishes.

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Geheimnisnacht Colliding uses the Trust No One rules as described on Pg16 of the Triumph & Treachery book in regards to turn order. However Shaar will always go first, see the scenario special rules to see how to use him.

TRIUMPH & TREACHERY This game uses all of the rules for a normal game of Triumph & Treachery, however we will not be using the rules for Mercenaries.

GAME LENGTH The game lasts for 4 turns, however at the end of fourth turn roll a dice and add the current turn number. If the result is 10 or more then the game ends, if not then it continues for another turn, this represents Nagash returning to the mortal world and ending Shaar’s struggled.

VICTORY CONDITIONS Use the Victory Tokens as described on Pg18 of the Triumph & Treachery book to determine a winner, additionally anybody who successfully kills Shaar will gain 1 Gold Coin to add to their Paychest.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULESShaar The Betrayer: Shaar has been exiled by Mannfred and is wanted dead, but the Chaos Gods have spared his life and have great plans for this scorned Vampire. At the beginning of each turn, before Turn Cards are drawn, Shaar will always go first. To do this number each team from 1 to 6 and roll a dice,

the teams number which is rolled will control Shaar for this turn. Shaar only has a Movement phase and a Magic phase and must pick an enemy in the Magic Phase, other players do not get to roll for Treachery Cards during Shaar’s turn. Shaar may not leave his 6” radial deployment zone for any reason.

Protection of the Dark Gods: The Chaos Gods have set up a protective magical barrier to encase Shaar and keep him protected from the marauding armies that are attempting to strike him low. Shaar may not be targeted by teams in the Magic or Shooting phase, however he may be charged and attacked in close combat. You may declare an enemy for both of these phases as normal and Shaar counts as the same as that enemy in all regards.

The Moons Align: At the beginning of the third turn the moons finally align and Geheimnisnacht reaches its deafening crescendo! All wizards on the table suddenly feel their knowledge expanded and instantly become Loremasters, however they may not regain spells that they may have lost earlier in the game. Additionally each magic phase is elevated and instead of rolling 2D6 for the Winds of Magic each team must roll 4D6, distribute power and dispel dice as described in the Storm of Magic rulebook. Shaar however continues to use 2D6 to avoid him using overloading a magic phase at the start of the game. Once the moons have aligned, the Chaos Gods can now see Nagash’s return imminently and they are empowering the Blustery Peak with cataclysmic energy. At the start of Shaar’s turn roll on the Geheimnisnacht Colliding table below:

2D6 Geheimnishnach Colliding Table2 Chaotic Loss of Control The Chaos Gods overload the Blustery Peak as they attempt to spoil Arkhans final incantations to ressurect Nagash.

Shaar takes a Strength 10 hit and may not cast magic this turn, additionally every Wizard on the table must pass an Initiative test or suffer a Strength 6 hit from the Magical backlash.

3-4 Nurgle Smiles Nurgle begins to encroach on Shaar’s mind and offer him promises of pestilent glory, and a seat on the Glottkin’s council.Shaar gains the Regeneration (4+) and Poisoned Attacks special rule and is -1 to hit in close combat until the start of Shaar’s next turn. Additionally Shaar may use any spell from the Lore of Nurgle that he wishes, however he does not remember these spells and any remains in play will be removed if Shaar’s allegiance changes.

5-6 Tzeentch Whispers The lord of change whispers secret promises to Shaar, and hopes his intrinsic plan will coax the Vampire into his services.Shaar gains an additional +1 to his Ward Save and may roll 6 dice when attempting to channel until the start of Shaar’s next turn. Additionally Shaar may use any spell from the Lore of Tzeentch that he wishes, however he does not remember these spells and any remains in play will be removed if Shaar’s allegiance changes.

7 Magical Stalemate The Chaotic energies attempting to destroy Arkhan’s magical protection tussle with one another.Nothing happens this time.

8-9 Slaanesh Embraces Dark pleasures ring through Shaar’s ears as the dark prince offers the Vampire a life of eternal indulgence.Shaar gains the Armour Piercing special rule and may re-roll results of 1 when rolling to wound in close combat until the start of Shaar’s next turn. Additionally Shaar may use any spell from the Lore of Slaanesh that he wishes, however he does not remember these spells and any remains in play will be removed if Shaar’s allegiance changes.

10-11 Khorne Roars Khorne roars defiantly across the battlefield and instils Shaar with an animalistic rage and promises him with glory by Valkia’s side. Shaar gains the Frenzy and Hatred special rule until the start of the Shaar’s next turn. Additionally Shaar’s opponents in combat lose all magical benefits that may have been cast on them and cannot be targeted by any further spells until Shaar’s next turn.

12 Magical Blowout The Chaos Gods attempt one last almighty magical explosion using Shaar’s heightened magical form.The Blustery Peak explodes in a cataclysmic fashion, firstly exploding outwards and then decompressing back into itself. Remove Shaar from the table, nobody knows whether he was obliterated in the blast or sucked into the chaotic otherworld. Roll 2D6”, every unit within this distance suffers 2D6 Strength 6 hits measure from the edge of Shaar’s radial zone, if any character was fighting Shaar in combat at this moment then they are removed from play as a casualty.


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The imminent return of Nagash, and the empowering of Chaos is wreaking havoc with the lands and regions of our heroes and their armies - will they ever be the same again?


Each player will have already chosen 3 regions, and each will now have additional rules to show the power of the encroaching darkness.

To do this consult the table below and add the additional rules to the original region rules that your force has chosen. You’ll notice that as Geheimnisnacht approaches the whole world is falling into the shadows.

Region Region RulesPlains/Fields&Desert

Poisoned Earth The darkness has subsided into the fairest places of the world, destroying crops and drying out the land. Now the plains and deserts of the world have become catalysts for the dead to rise unchecked.If a Forces of Order army are playing in a region with this rule then all units present do not suffer from the effects of Fear and Terror. If any Undead units are playing in a region with this rule then they gain an additional D3 when rolling for regaining miniatures.


Death of the Leaves The coming of Nagash has wreaked havoc with the forests and jungles of the world and the lifeblood that they nurture is failing.Every forest/jungle on the table has begun to die with the sickness of the undead, to represent this roll a D6 at the start of each turn for each forest/jungle on the table. On a roll of a 6 the forest/jungle in question retches in hate at the evil energy inflicting it and causes D6 Strength 3 hits on every unit partially or wholly within the terrain piece. If a unit present within the woods is Undead and a 6 is rolled, roll a further D6 on a 1-3 the trees seek vengeance and inflict 2D6 Strength 3 hits on the unit, on a 4-6 the trees have sired with the dark lord and resurrect D6 wounds to the unit.


Earthquake The highest and lowest regions of the Warhammer world have been wracked by eruptions and earthquakes ever since the path to Nagash’s resurrection began.Roll a D6 at the start of every turn on a 6 the table is wracked by a bone shattering Earthquake. All units must be scattered randomly D3” and must maintain the same facing. If a Hit! is rolled then the unit does not move, however if an arrow is shown move the unit the distance shown on the D3. Units moved in this way count as being disrupted. Additionally units with the Fly or Hover special rule are unaffected by this Region Rule.

Badlands/Wastelands&Dark Lands

Consumed By Shadow The dark places of the world have become hives for those following Nagash to fester. Most of the life in these areas has been expunged and only the most hardy cling to its existence.All Undead units fighting in this region gain an additional D3 to all resurrection rolls, whilst all wizards from a Forces of Destruction army know 1 more spell than they are usually allowed. Forces of Order players fighting in this region however have their General’s Inspiring Presence special rule increased by 6”.

Marshes Dead Walkers The moist ground of the worlds Marshes have kept many dead warriors under the water over the years, and the return of Nagash is stirring them back into unlife.At the beginning of the game before both armies are deployed, each player may place 3 raise markers in their table half. They must be at least 12” from one another, use a penny or suitable marker to do this. At the beginning of each turn roll a D6, on a roll of 6 both players may choose a counter to raise 2D6 Zombie models. These models form a unit and can be deployed in any orientation as long as one model is touching the counter.After the Zombies have climbed from their watery graves it is effectively their go. Each Zombie unit must attempt to charge the closest unit regardless of which side it is on, if a charge is not possible then they simply shuffle towards the nearest enemy unit that is within their forward arc. If a unit of Zombies does not have any units in it’s forward arc then it makes a free reform, facing towards the closest unit and moves accordingly. If any Zombie units are in combat then head straight to the combat phase, once this is complete the game turn continues as normal.


To tinker with the future is to destroy the past, and to destroy the past is to forget who you are and what you where.

Can someone truly change forever, can habits and inflictions be forgotten?

Do they ever truly change entirely, and what will they become?

Never before has one of you changed for us, and you are our most curious subject - can you do something for us? Something important, something daring, but something wonderful


We will reward you, in a way only the true gods can - submit to us and destroy the one...

"I submit...

And I will..."

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'Months End' Gold Digger TableResult Gold ObtainedTake part in the Geheimnisnacht Colliding game regardless of result. 2Win the Geheimnisnacht Colliding Scenario 10 per PlayerCome 2nd in the Geheimnisnacht Colliding Scenario 6 per PlayerCome 3rd in the Geheimnisnacht Colliding Scenario 4 per PlayerCome 4th in the Geheimnisnacht Colliding Scenario 2 per PlayerKilling Shaar 2Killing an opponents Campaign General 1 per General

GOLD DIGGERAFTERMATH Use the Triumph & Treachery tokens to determine the winner of the game and consult the table below to see who gets how much Gold. Teams do not split the Gold between them, they all get the same amount each. Additionally the team that won the game will have to share the following items out amongst themselves:

SCROLL OF DEATH 25 pointsA powerful scroll that screams deathly curses when read aloud, all those living are afflicted by its presence.Bound spell (power level 5). The Scroll of Death contains the Caress of Laniph spell from the Lore of Death.

MORRSLIEB CHUNK 30 pointsA small meteor from the moon Morrslieb fell from above and crashed onto the battlefield shortly after the Chaos Gods overloaded the Blustery Peak.One use only. Your wizard drains the Warpstone of its essence and may roll 6 channelling dice instead of rolling just one.

DAGGER OF SLAANESH 15 pointsThe only remains that could be found of Shaar was a beautifully crafted dagger bearing the dark princes logo on the hilt.Armour Piercing. The bearer of the Dagger of Slaanesh may re-roll to wound rolls of 1.

Enchanted Item

Arcane Item

Magic Weapon

The Dark Elves of the 'Blades of the Elder Darkness' prepare for conflict during the Tainted Blood of the Innocent campaign game.


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