Page 1: Voice social media seminar Geneva

Voice would like to invite you to join our free seminar on social media in Geneva. Voice is a social media agency helping brands; organizations and individuals understand the real power of social media, use i t effectively with smart resources allocation and embrace the innovation it offers. We have experience with several NGO’s and standards organisations, including the International Electrotechnical Commission and the International Standards Organisation and we are keen to meet NGO’s who would like to discuss social media and its potential uses in their organisations too. We will be meeting in the afternoon of 21st of February to spend 3 hrs discussing following topics: 1.Where are we today with social media for individuals, brands and organisations? 2.Challenges and opportunities of social media adoption for your activities. 3.Social media in practice – case studies. 4.Q&A session: social media tips for your current work. Time: 2-5PM, 21st of February. Venue: to be confirmed. After our seminar we would like to invite you to join us for a drink and a little bit of networking at Voice Tweetup: Bring your own projects, your own insights and your own questions! We will be presenting all major topics, but we hope to open up the discussion to all our attendees as well!

We have limited amount of places so please RSVP asap by email to [email protected]

We hope to see you there! David, Sylwia and Nick from @nfpvoice

For more information about our work go to: or talk to us on Twitter!

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