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51obituariesleader = editorialclassified adssupplementsfeatureagony columnsagony auntpamphletleafletbrochureprospectusflyerbookletmanual

52instant messagingchat roomsnewsgroupse-commerceattachmentsbrowsingsurfing the Webgraphic imagesISP (Internet Service Provider)downloadinguploadingspamcookiesoffensive materialbookmarksubscribe toscreen outserverdown = not workinghack intoanti-virus softwarebounce (about e-mail)garbled

53innovativeunsurpassedleave other cars standingput/leave other candidates in the shaderock-bottom pricesprices slashedbargains galorepamper yourself withindulge yourself with

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sumptuous mealopulent surroundingslive in the lap of luxuryscientifically designedprovenstate-of-the-artstand out in the crowdtantalizingly = temptinglyfetching = alluring – privlačanalliteration (repetition of a sound)billboardsflyerstrailers (film advertising)sky-writingsandwich boardsplug (informal) = advertise

54pressure groupsair their viewsseek publicitypress conferencesissue a statement / press releasesound bitesilly seasontapping useful sourcesmonitoringcolumn inchesput their own gloss/spin on a storymuck-rakingrag (informal) = newspapergutter pressglossy = expensive magazinecopydeadlinenewspaper goes to pressstop press columnhot off the pressexclusivescoophit the headlinesstory breaks = becomes public knowledgereceive a lot of coveragelibel = defamation of characterback copiescuttings

55fighting off (a cold)go down with flu = catch a flu*I’ve come down with (only for 1st person singular)

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I got overrecovering from (for serious illnesses)suffers from (for long-term problems)He died of/from..healthcarenational insuranceNational Health ServiceGP (general practitioner) – lekar opšte praksesurgery = small centre with just two or three doctorsclinic = large centre with several doctors and kinds of servicesprescription chargego privatediabetesbronchitisheart diseaseskin cancer / lung cancer / breast cancerTB = tuberculosischolerahepatitistyphoid – tifusna groznicaheart attack/failure – infarkt, srčani udar

56hurt = a pain caused by an injuryache = a pain without an injury as a causeMy arm hurts because I banged it against the door.My wrists ache from too much typing at the computer.“the usual aches and pains” = usual problems“cuts and bruises” = minor injuriesstinging = sudden burning painthrobbing = beating with painstiff neckfeel dizzyfeverishnauseoustremblingbunged up = blockedoff-colour / under the weather / out of sorts = not wellacupuncturechiropracticherbal medicinehomeopathyaromatherapy

57clotting (of blood) = coagulationdehydrationulcerside effectsstool – stolica (medicinski)excrement

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poohsymptomsymptomaticdiagnoseprognosisailing – bolana rash – osipfever – groznica, povišena temperaturafever pitch – vrhunac groznicejaundiced view = unenthusiastic because of bad experiencescarry the scars of / be scarred by = be permanently affected by a bad experience

58cholesterol = fatty substance found in body tissue and blood of all animalsplaque – naslageoffal – iznutriceexcrete – izlučitifibre“buffer” – ublaživačgut – crevocardiovasculardiabetic – dijabetičarglucose – glikozainsulinpound (measure of weight)mood enhancer (serotonin)I scored an own goal – “dao sam autogol”, uradio nešto na sopstvenu štetumove the goalposts = change the ruleslevel playing field = fair situationto be in the running for = to be seriously considered forto be neck and neck = level with each other and equally likely to winskate around = don’t talk directly aboutsail through = pass very easily

59Expression Opposite expressionHeavy industry Light industryManufacturing industry Service industryHigh-technology (high-tech) Low-technology (low-tech)Privatisation Nationalisation / state ownership

public-private partnershipsubsidies – subvencijasweetenersinward investmenton pieceworkchild labourtrade union representationsweatshoplame duck – weak business that loses moneybig multinational

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cost-cutting exerciserelocateswitch productionred taperetraining and reskilling

60digital technologydigitalanaloguesatellite communicationGPSbiotechnologydisease-resistantartificial intelligence (AI)ergonomicsergonomically designedtechiesmart ID cardhands-freedesktoppalmtop / handheldPDApagerlaptop computer / notebook

61smart buildingssmartvirtual realityvirtual universityvirtual supermarketinteractive TVinteractive videointerplanetary travele-commercedoomsday scenariogridlocked – unable to move at allgenetic modificationgenetically modified / GM foodgenetic engineeringgene therapythe human genomedesigner babiescloningnuclear family – father, mother and one or two childrenglobaliseglobal villageextraterrestrial beinggulf – gap

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62extensive traffic-free routes / educational facilitiesspacious garden / cityroomy car / houserambling building / mansionwide open spacescattered – razbacanspread outcramped rooms / apartmentspoky room / flat – skučencongested waterway/streetcompact refrigerator/villahemmed inthere isn’t enough room to swing a catpacked in like sardineslabyrinthclaustrophobiaagoraphobiacrammed into thatsqueeze in betweenincarceratestuff in – natrpati

63once in a blue moonall his born daysin a mo / in a sec / in a tick / in less than no time / in a jiffyfor yonks / for donkey’s years / since the year dot – for a very long timetill the cows come home / till hell freezes over – foreverfor keeps – to keep foreverin the nick of time – only just in timeover the hill / past it – too oldhas-been – person who is no longer famousin a flash / at a rate of knots – very quicklyfleeting glimpse/visit/smile/moment/appearance – brief or quicktransient (formal) effect/population/feeling/pleasure – lasting for a short timepersistent cough/problems/rumour/smell/accusation/critic/offender/failure/gossipinexorable (formal) rise/slide/decline/pressure/advance of time – neumoljivincipient (formal) frustration/rage/illness/rebellion/wrinkles – početnipristine (formal) condition/beach/image – izvorniprotracted (formal) negotiations/discussions/argument – oduženlingering perfume/kiss/smile – trajan

64verb type of movement reason for type of movementlimp uneven one leg hurtshobble awkward shoes too tight, feet hurtstagger unsteady drunk, illstumble nearly falling uneven surfacelurch sudden or irregular drunk, ill, walking on moving shiptiptoe quiet and on toes not to be heard

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amble easy, gentle pleasure or relaxation, no special aimstride long steps purposefulstrut proud, chest held out to look importanttramp firm, heavy steps walking for a long timetrample pressing repeatedly with feet often wishing to destroystamp pushing foot down heavily anger, or just heavy-footedtrudge heavy, slow, with difficulty tiredchase quickly wanting to catch something or someonestaggeringly – amazinglyto take something in your stride – mirno prihvatiti neštoflowspillstreampourtricklemeanderfloodtaking a backward/big/critical/decisive/first/giant/major/significant/unprecedented step

65mind my Ps and Qs – be polite“elders and betters” – people older than youcourtesyprim/starchy/strait-laced/prissy – uštogljenetiquettegentlemanlyladylikesocial graces – polite behaviourthe done thing – socially acceptablenot the done thing – socially unacceptableoiling the wheels of – making easieroffhand – casual, slightly rudestand on ceremony – insist on formal behaviourverb what it indicates commentflutter your eyelashes

flirting used of female behaviour towards a man

raise your or others’ eyebrows

surprise or shock either a person or behaviour can raise eyebrows

twitch – grčiti nervousness repeated small movements with part of the body

flinch – trgnuti pain or fear sudden small movementsquirm – migoljiti embarrassment or nervousness move from side to side on your

chair in an awkward waysmirk – keziti self-satisfaction smile (negative associations)beam – blistati happiness broad smile (positive associations)sniff at something – šmrknuti

disapproval you also sniff when you have a runny nose

snort – frktati disgust or great amusement make an explosive sound by forcing air quickly up or down the nose

titter – naceriti se nervousness or embarrassment small laugh

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66silentsilent films/moviesquietnoiselesssoundlessslam – zalupitisqueak – high, irritating noisepound – dull beating soundcreak – noise of friction of wood or metal – škripatisizzle – sound of frying – cvrčatiring out (of a gunshot) – odzvanjaticrash – loud, heavy noise, typically of waveshoot/toot – sound made by a car horn – trubitiwailing – zavijanje sirenahammer – knock very loudly and repeatedlyeerie silence – sablasna tišinadeafening – zaglušujućigrating (voice) – hrapav, oštar (glas)piercing scream – prodoran vrisakhigh-pitched voice – visok glasyou could have heard a pin dropI can’t hear myself thinkpeace and quietas quiet as a mouse

67weighty tome/issuesunwieldy discussions/object– difficult to handlecumbersome weapon/procedure – difficult to handleburdensome duty (usually for abstract things)ponderous voice/thesis – serious with more negative connotationlumbering truck/reptiles – moving heavilyweighed down with problemsweigh up the alternatives – compareweigh out loose goods – izmeriti robu na rinfuzweighing on me – troubling my mindweigh in – prevagnutithicken – zadebljatisift – prosejatilumpy – have solid pieces in itcongeal – zgrušati se (naročito pred smrzavanje)solidifythin – make thinnerdilute it / water it down – razrediti vodomthin out (about traffic) – razreditithin out (someone’s hair)impenetrable – impossible to move throughimpermeable – no liquid or gas can pass throughimpervious – liquid cannot pass through

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68pitch black (about darkness) – katran crnojet black (hair, eyes) – gagat (vrsta poludragog kamena)scarlet – brilliant redcrimson – strong deep redshocking pink – an extremely bright pinkginger (hair, cats) – orangy rednavy (about clothes) – dark blueturquoise (paint, sea, fabrics)beige – a light creamy brownmousy (only for hair) – a light, not very interesting brownchestnut (hair, horses) – deep reddish brownauburn (hair) – red-brown colour – kestenjastaprimary colourspastel coloursmauve /mo:v/ – pale purple – boja slezastrong coloursvivid coloursfluorescent – very bright, seem to glow in the darkelectric blues or greens – bright blues or greenstinge of – primesa neke bojemonochromebluey greenreddish brownfeel blueblue movieblue jokeblue-collar workersto see red – be very angryred alert / red flag – dangerred carpeta red-letter day – važan danred point of view – left-wing political viewto look green – to have nauseaturn/go greento turn green with envygreen tourismthe Green Partya black futureto look as black as thunder – be angryblack marketblack sheepblack mark – loša ocena, minusa grey area – the one lacking claritygrey matter (of brain)grey cells (of brain)white as snow / whiter than white – purewhite as a sheet – being palea white knuckle ride at a theme park – a terrifying ridewhite-collar workers – office workers

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69race, dash, tear // - going somewhere quickly on foot or by a means of transportnip, pop, zip, dart, whizz – fast movement over short distancesbolt – pobeći, šmugnuticareer – nekontrolisano juritiscamper, scurry, scuttle – mileti (sitni, učestali koraci mnoštva malih životinja)speed up (on foot or by a means of transport)accelerate (about transport only)plungle, plummet – obrušiti sesoar, rocket – vinuti seslump, tumble – srozati se (o finansijama)crawl, creep – gmizanje, puženjetotter – teturati sesidle – to walk anxiously and nervouslydawdle – ići sporije nego što je potrebno

70cause (negative connotations)cause sadness/unhappinesscause (a lot of) trouble/problemscause an illnesscause a distraction/an accident

produce (neutral connotations and concrete results)produce a reportproduce statistics/figuresproduce good result/evidence

give (positive and negative situations)give (a lot of) pleasure/happinessgive a reason/motivation for somethinggive (a lot of) troublegive good results

generate (forced actions and computers)generate revenue/income/moneygenerate complaints/extra work/controversygenerate graphics/documentsgenerate interest/enthusiasm/publicity

cause and give are used for actions without human factore.g. The hurricane caused trouble.produce and generate suggest human involvement in an actione.g. His presentation generated interest.

provoke (*provocation)precipitate / spark off – suddenly causebring about – gradually produceresult in – produce


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affinity between/withakin toto use analogydoes not correspond toequate // - izjednačititantamount to (in negative contexts) – jednako lošeinterchangeable – toliko slično sa nečim drugim da se može sa tim zamenitiindistinguishable from – koji se ne može razlikovati oddiversedisparate – različit u odnosu na ostale članove iste grupe, disparatandissimilar (often used with not)distinct – različit (za opisivanje manje uočljivih razlika)discrete – odvojen i različit, zaseban

72a snag / a hitch / a setback / a glitch – small difficultiesstumbling block (for failed action) – kamen spoticanjapitfall (unexpected)obstacleimpediment (a thing that prevents action)dilemmaordeal – teško iskušenjeadversity, hardship, affliction, tribulation // - formalne reči za teškoćuabstruse – nerazumljivarduous – iscrpljivcomplexconvoluted //– suviše složengruelling – pretežak (naporan i zahtevan)insufferable – nepodnošljivstiff – nesavladivtoughtraumaticwayward – ćudljiv i sebičanWhat a pain! / What a drag! = What a nuisance!What’s eating him? / What’s got into him? / What’s bugging him? / What’s (up) with him?hassle (inf.) – a troubling situationto slog (your guts out) / to grind / to graft / to flog yourself to death – to work hardin a fix / in a spot / in a hole / up against it / up to one’s neck – in a difficult situationsticky/tricky – difficultoff the hook / in the clear / out of the wood(s) – freed from a difficult situation

73you must admit/confess/sayYou must be joking!must be frightened/worried/nervous/happyit may/might (well) never happenWhat, may/might I ask, was the point of that?I was out and who should I see but the boss.A: You still might get the job. B: I should be so lucky! – That is not likely!Accidents will happen! – they are inevitableThe car won’t start.

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That’ll be John.the odds are – it is likelythe odds are against – it is unlikelyThey are bound to get married. – almost certain tolikely toprobable/likely/certain/inevitableIn all probability we’ll get the job.the chances are small...there’s likelihood that...if I were in your shoes / in the same boatlet me give you a tip/hint/suggestion/some pointersI hope you’ll take this in the spirit in which it is intendedit would be advisable/expedient celishodno/ sensible to…it would be advantageous - korisno/prudent - smotreno/wise to...It is essential that..obligatorywe had no option but...compulsorywe have an obligation to...optionalI am determined/anxious/eager/resolved to...He wishes/desires/yearns/longs have ambitions/aspirations to..

74recorded sightings – službeno zabeleženo opažanjasustain – održavati u životu ili podržavati, skrbitirodentexpenditure – potrošnjafactor – činilacquadruple – učetvorostručitiIQ – intelligence quotientperaggregate (n.) – ukupan iznosaggregate (v.) – sabrati sve vrednostiblip – privremena promenacontinuum – a thing that changes gradually, without distinct divisionscorrelation betweendeviate – odstupiti od uobičajenog obrascadiscrepancy between – neslaganjeerratic – nepravilanflawed – netačanfluctuate – kolebati sefive-fold – petostrukois in reverse proportion to – obrnuto proporcionalaninconsistent with – nedosledan u odnosu naseesaw (v.) – kolebati seballpark figure – približna vrednost (ballpark – bejzbolski stadion)tot everything up (inf.) – sve sabratirun into six figures – get figures over 100,000variable – promenljiva, varijabla

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projected figures – planirane vrednostierr on the side of caution - namerno uračunati lošije vrednosti radi predostrožnostiround things down – zaokružiti na niže vrednosticonservative estimate – oprezna procena

Odavde za drugi kolokvijum

75accedeacquiesceassentauthorisecondonecountenanceendorseto give carte blanchecome up with a solutionto give the go-aheadto give the green lightto barto clamp downto outlawto veto

76Informal complaints:

- Look here! I’ve just about had enough of...- Honestly! You can’t possibly do that!- For goodness sake! I’m fed up with...- You’ve got to do something about...

Neutral complaints:- It just won’t do!- I wish you would(n’t)...- Something will have to be done about...- I’m not at all satisfied about...

Formal complaints:- I wish to complain in the strongest terms about...- I take great exception to ...- I really must object to...- This is most unsatisfactory.

complain aboutprotest aboutobject toremonstrate againstfind fault withgrumble aboutgripe aboutgrouse aboutwhinge aboutIt’s a bit chilly in here.

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Your son would be well advised to work a bit harder.Your work would benefit from some proofreading.Her appearance is not her highest priority.The children tend to be a bit noisy.

77sincere/heartfelt apologygood/perfect/lame/flimsy/weak excusecast-iron/convincing/perfect/phoney alibiflimsy/false pretextremorseacquitrepentreprieveposthumous pardonexonerateddeclare/sign an armisticetrucesign a peace accordpeace treaty

78to pay a complimentfishing for complimentstake it as a complimentback-handed complimentdouble-edged complimentgive praise topraiseworthypraised forwidely/highly praisedpraised to the skiesto sing someone’s/something’s praisesto shower/heap praise on someone/somethingto damn someone with faint praisepay tribute togive someone a standing ovationextol the virtues/benefits ofbe the toast ofpat someone on the back / give someone a pat on the backearn/win plauditslaudlaudable behaviourlaudatory comments/remarksto flatter, to make up to, to crawl, to suck up to, to lick someone’s bootssmarmy, slimy, a crawler, servile, obsequiousFlattery will get you nowhere!

79to promise someone the earth/moonThe afternoon promises to be interesting!

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He shows a great promise as a violinist.She’s a promising artist.oathput on/under oathswear words = bad languageswearI could have sworn.I couldn’t swear to it.My mother swears by these vitamin pledge = to promiseto vow = to make a determined decisionThe couple exchanged vows.New Year’s resolutionsto turn over a new leaf(make, keep, break) a (resolution, vow, promise, pledge)to betstake (informal) – ulog u klađenjuwager (formal) – ulog u klađenjuyour best betDon’t bet on it!to have a flutter – to have a small betI’d put money / my life on Jack getting the job.


In the good old days...Schooldays are the best/happiest days of your life.We used to have to make our own entertainment in those days.Life wasn’t as easy then.We didn’t have it as easy as young people today do.Things aren’t what they used to be.They don’t make bikes/songs/trains, etc., like they used to.

keep in touch withwhatsisname – osoba čijeg imena ne možemo da se setimoDo you ever hear anything of him?Whatever became of him?I often wonderended uphave good timesdo you remember howI’ll never forget howwhat stands out in my mindI look backrose-tinted spectaclesRegrets (neutral):

I wish I’d known you were arriving todayI wish I hadn’t given up learning the piano.It’s disappointing that the exam results are so poor this year.I’m disappointed in you.I regret not spending more time with my aunt when she was ill.He showed no sign of remorse for what he had done.

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Regrets (informal):If only I hadn’t spoken to her like that!If I’d only known then what I know now.If only we could have our time all over again!It’s a pity/shame we can’t stay longer.I’m sorry I forgot your birthday.The team’s behaviours was a disgrace.He should never have done that / it’s a scandal!

Regrets (formal):I rue the day we ever met. (regret very much)I lament the passing of time.I mourn my lost opportunities.

81tally withconcur withbe/find yourself in accord withcoincide withconform toapprove ofto agree to differdissentdiscordriftsplitdivisionreach a compromiseto compromise onmake concessions toreach a settlementexercise discretion

82to advocatededuceinferto complementoverlapempiricalambiguouscoherentcomprehensiveauthoritativearbitrarydeviatedistortincidencepredominantin sequencewidespread outbreaks of illnesswidespread alarm

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append = addconceive = think upcontradict = go againstconvene = meetdemonstrate = showdenote = be a sign of, stand fornegate = make useless, wipe outperceive = seereside = lie, livetrigger = causeutilise = usethe converse = the oppositecrucial = very importantlikewise = similarlynotwithstanding = despite thissomewhat = ratherthereby = in this waywhereby = by which (method)

83reiterate = restateepitomise = are perfect example ofexpound – izložiti (ideju)underscore = emphasiseposited = suggested as a basic factaccount for = explaincomprise = make upcomprised ofsubsume = bring together, uniteembracecategoriseI should like to preface my argument with a true story.I shall return to this point later in my essay.This brings me/us to my next area of discussion, which is finance.I should now like to address the question of the arms race.The arguments are presented in ascending/descending order of importance.The ideas of several writers will be cited in support of the argument.The text alludes to several themes that need closer examination.Discussion of the roots of the problem is beyond the scope of this essay.It is impossible to deal with all the issues in this short essay.There will only be space to touch upon the big question of political responsibility.We are forced to conclude that unemployment will always be with us.

84scribblejot down = make a note ofcopy outwrite downwriting upfirst draftmanuscript

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doodlingtypescriptmanuscriptto formatcut and pastecopy and pasteshaded boxitalicised words or words in italicsdifferent font sizedifferent typeface

bullet** two asterisks

indented text“double inverted commas / quotation marks”‘single quotation marks / quotes’() round brackets<> diamond/angle brackets[] square brackets{} chain/curly bracketsCAPITALS or UPPER CASE (more technical)small letters / lower caseblock capitals: MONICA FLATLEYtitlesubtitlechapter headingsub-heading (within a chapter)

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