Page 1: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex

Volume 13 Issue 2 ראש השנה -פרשת נצבים September 28, 2019 ט "תשע כ"ח אלול

"פתש -השנה ראש

6:44 הדלקת נרות

7:02 שקיעה ערב ר"ה

יום א' וב'

9:34 ( א"מג) ש"סוזק

10:10 ( א"גר) ש"סוזק

מעילה י"ב / י"ג דף היומי

Where is there a רמז in the תורה that we don’t blow the שופר

on ראש השנה שחל להיות

?בשבת(Place your answer in the suggestion box opposite the office window and look for the answer in the next Newsletter.)

Rabbi Engel’s Letter.…………...2

Rabbi Gopin’s Letter……….....3

Chinuch Corner…….………….…..4

Mazel Tov……….…..................5


Spotlight on…………………….10

Caught on Camera…....11-12

Davening Contest……………13

14-15.……………...………לוח הכבוד

Answer to last issue’s


(Q: Who was מחויב מיתה because he read a word

incorrectly in this week’s פרשה?)

A: יואב בן צרויה

Page 2: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex

Optimists see opportunities in difficulties, while pessimists see difficulties

in opportunities.


Dear Parents,

The חידושי הרי"ם used to explain the 'גמ that יוסף was freed from prison in מצרים on

:He answered !מאי דהוה הוה,stressing this to us חז"ל He asked for what reason is .ר"ה

even people who are trapped ;יוסף to us that we all have to be like מרמז is being חז"ל

by their תאוות and go after the תאוות of their heart, and the whole year they are “in

prison,”; on ר"ה they are freed. ר"ה falls out on א' תשרי which means you will become

untied- this month the ברכה of מתיר אסורים will really be קוייםמ …………. On the first

day of ר"ה we lain the פרשה of אברהם ושרה finally being granted their son יצחק, and

הגר subsequently banishing אברהם and ישמעאל. One year in Berdichev after laining on

מרוםל lifted his eyes )נועם אלימלך( the Rebbe Reb Elimelech , ר"ה and exclaimed; “ רבון

.תורה from your הגר וישמעאל of פרשה we just concluded the learning of the ,העולמים

:You wrote there ,הקב"ה כי שמע אלוקים אל קול הנער באשר הוא שם learned from חז"ל –

there אין דנים את האדם אלא לפי מעשיו של אותו שעה באשר הוא שם, we can’t look at the

,so we too ,צדיק or afterwards, right now he is a ,מעשה before this ישמעאל of רשעות

.of now מעשים we are only asking you to judge us according to our ,עם סגולה your בנ"י

Look, הקב"ה, we have all gathered in our בתי מדרשים and יותבתי כנס , we have poured

out our hearts in תפילה and various פיוטים to be מעורר דמעות and הרהורי תשובה ; we

are about to blow the שופר. Today we have fulfilled all of your רצונות in every detail.

באשר הוא שם us דן be -אל תזכור לנו עוונות ראשונים , like you judged ישמעאל and you

wrote-וישמע אלוקים את קול הנער- listen to our תפילות and grant us a גוט געבענשטע יאר!

הצלחה רבה וכטו"ס כתיבה וחתימה טובה

א גוטען שבתRabbi Engel

Page 3: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex

Rabbi Avigdor Miller, ל"זצ was once asked how a person should properly prepare for the ימים נוראים. He

replied, “Smile.”

The person thought that due to his advanced age, maybe the Rav didn’t understand and thought that he was

asking how to prepare for פורים! So he asked again, “How should I prepare for the ימים נוראים?”

Rabbi Miller answered, “You think that I didn’t understand your question. But let me answer with a משל:

The President of a large food chain, was taking a year’s end ‘stock’ of all the various stores that he owned.

He wanted to know which stores were thriving, which needed more advertising, which employees should be

kept and which employees he’d have to let go. He then called in all the Managers and would go through the

many details pages of intricate data that would help him tell each Manager what would be happening with

his particular store in the coming year.

As he was going through the employees of a particular store, the Manager said to him, “Listen – I understand

that you’ll have to let some of my employees go or relocate them to another store. But, I ask of you – there’s

one employee who you must let stay! He greets everyone in the store, has such an upbeat personality and

just puts a smile on everyone’s face! He’s one of the most important people I have working for me – he uplifts

everyone who walks into the store!”

“So, too," continued Rabbi Miller, “when ראש השנה comes, ה"הקב will be taking inventory of the entire

Universe! There will be some people who will be זוכה to a wonderful year of חיים טובים, and some people

who will be “relocated”. But there are certain people who need to be here for another year – because they

always uplift other people and make sure that they are happy! Therefore, I am telling you that if you want to

prepare for the ימים נוראים – smile!”

We can never underestimate the power of a smile and what it can do for someone else. You can completely

change someone else’s attitude, by smiling.

This is especially true when it comes to our children; one of the most powerful ‘tools’ we have is to give them

a warm smile.

On ראש השנה, especially, we should keep this in mind. Yes, they may drip the honey all over the beautifully

set table, and maybe even stain themselves with a pomegranate – but instead of reacting how we feel inside,

we should just smile at our child to let them know – it’s okay, I love you even if you make a mistake. Not only

will you strengthen your connection with your child – but you’ll also uplift yourself by overcoming the natural

tendency to want to tell them what they did wrong.

In this ה"הקב ,זכות should look at us – His children – and also smile at us and say, “Yes, you may have done

something wrong, but you’re My child and I love you even if you make a mistake.”

I would like to take this opportunity to wish our רביים, Teachers and each and every one of our תלמידים and

their wonderful משפחות a כתיבה וחתימה טובה, a year that will ה"אי be filled with רפואות ,פרנסה ,הצלחה ,ברכה,

ברוחניות' עלי ,gezunt ,ישועות and may ה"הקב answer all the תפילות of כלל ישראל and show us His ultimate smile

with the א"בב – בנין בית שלישי וביאת המשיח . אשר דוב גפן

Optimists see opportunities in difficulties, while pessimists see difficulties

in opportunities.


Page 4: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex

Q I am a second grade rebbi in a small, out-of-town community. Over summer vacation,

our yeshiva gives out school-wide kriyah homework with very clear instructions. Boys who

complete the homework receive a prize. The guidelines were that the boys need to read with

an adult and that they can only read 1 page per day. I read and explained the guidelines

to my talmidim and they clearly understood that in order to receive a prize they need to

follow the rules. After vacation, a boy handed in his homework, signed by his parents,

stating that he had completed his work according to school guidelines. I gave the boy his

prize but he took it hesitantly, saying that he really read a few sections a day- his parent

just wanted him to get the prize because they felt bad that they were too busy to complete

the homework properly. The purpose of giving homework over such a busy time is not to

stress out the parents and cause them to feel guilty. The purpose of kriyah homework is so

that boys should not regress in their kriyah, a most vital skill. How should I handle such

situations? I didn’t feel comfortable calling the parents and questioning their chinuch.

A First of all, you should write the parents a note attached to the homework and explain the purpose

behind giving the homework, as you explained above. Let’s be dan them likaf zechus that maybe they thought

that the kria just had to get done; they didn’t realize that it should have been done daily. Then I would inform

them of the suggestion that you will be making to their son, as will be explained below.

You should call the boy over and give him tremendous credit for being truthful. As Rav Yechiel

Yaakovson explains in his classic book Al Techtu Bayeled, the correct time to tell the child about the beauty of

doing the right thing, (in this particular instance in telling the emes) isn’t when he lies; it’s when he’s misgaber

on himself and tells the truth. I don’t know how many boys his age would own up like that. I would ask the

boy to keep the prize in your drawer temporarily for safekeeping. Over Sukkos you will assign to him some

more kriah or chumash homework and ask him to do it day by day. You won’t require his parents’ signature,

since he’s so honest you know that you can trust him; all you will require is for him to tell his parents of your

arrangement with him. After Sukkos, he will truly earn his prize, but more importantly, he’ll feel like a million

dollars that he’s an ish emes in his rebbe’s eyes.

Optimists see opportunities in difficulties, while pessimists see

difficulties in opportunities. 4 AFFORDABANDZ

10% off your next

Page 5: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex

Optimists see opportunities in difficulties, while pessimists see difficulties

in opportunities.



Rabbi and Mrs. Engel on the birth of a grandson!

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gray on the birth of a granddaughter; Beri (ז) and Gavriel (ד) on

the birth of your niece, Hadassa!

Mr. and Mrs. Danny Bitton on the birth of a granddaughter; Avrami (ג) on the birth of

your niece!

Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Zolty on the birth of a son; Reuven (ח) and Meyer (Pre-1a) on

the birth of your brother!

Mr. and Mrs. Mendy Weinstock on the birth of a son; Zevi (Pre 1a) on the birth of your

new brother!



To sponsor a day at The Cheder call

416-636-2987 Ext. 227

Page 6: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex

Optimists see opportunities in difficulties, while pessimists see difficulties

in opportunities.


Check out

Wonderwords for the

surprise storyteller for

Elul…Rabbi Kleiner

from “Stories with


7183056960 ex 5

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תשרי‘ ז

October 6

Each Sukkah must be labeled with a Name and Grade

Prizes will be awarded to the top 5 winners of each division!

Page 8: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex

We are pleased to invite the entire

elementary school with their fathers to a .שמחת בית השואבה

Where? At the חדר

When? Wednesday evening,

ז תשרי“י חול המועד סוכות

Time? 8:00– 9:00

Rain or Shine

We are looking forward to sharing in ט“שמחת יו together with all our Talmidim and Alumnae.

Live Music!

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Page 10: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex

Optimists see opportunities in difficulties, while pessimists see

difficulties in opportunities.


This year our Rebbi has special

programs. One of them is called

“Masmid Minutes.” Whenever someone

has free time in class he learns. Everyone

counts how many minutes he learned

and when we get to one thousand

minutes we will make a סיום. Our Rebbi

has another program called אמ"ש.

Whenever someone has the place if my

Rebbi says אמ"ש or he calls on someone

then you get a check on your card. If you

finish your card, then you get a sheet of

raffle tickets. Learning in Rabbi גר"ח

Ostroff’s class is fun!

Written by: Binyamin Rothenstein &

Mordy Morgan

' כתה ג קאף ר'

א' כתהרוזנבלוםר'

'וכתה אוסטרוף ר'

It’s so Geshmak learning with Rabbi Koff. We

finished the first משנה. It was so Geshmak. We

almost finished the first פרקin פרשת מקץ. It is so

geshmak. We also did a lot of רש"י’s with Geshmak

We finished the אלול booklet and we are in middle

of the השנה ראש booklet.

Written by: Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz

& Ari Westreich

We are enjoying 'כתה א because we like davening

with nice songs and we like learning חומש. We

enjoy listening to stories from the רבי while we


The raffles our רבי makes on ערב שבת קדש are

really good. We also really like to have chavrusos

with our “big brothers” in 'כתה ח. The מסיבה on

.כתה א' is really exciting! It is fun to be in עש"ק

Written by: Chananya Gestetner & Elchonon Stern

Page 11: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex

Optimists see opportunities in difficulties, while pessimists see

difficulties in opportunities.


התחלת גמרא סעודה' כתה ה

Page 12: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex

Optimists see opportunities in difficulties, while pessimists see difficulties in



Page 13: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex

בס"ד חדר טארטנטא



עד קריאת התורהעד סוף קדושה

של תפילת מוסף

מתחילה ועד סוף

מכינה לכתה א'







(The shaded areas represent the תלמיד’s recommended participation in Davening)

Dear Parents עמו"ש,

In order to encourage the תלמידים to daven and behave properly in shul this ראש

.we have set down some guidelines of what to expect your child to participate in ,השנה

If this sheet is brought back signed after ראש השנה, he will be eligible to participate in

a raffle to win a set of deluxe מחזורים.

We would like to wish you a כתיבה וחתימה טובה!

Rabbi Engel and Rabbi Gopin

My son has davened and behaved well this ראש השנה. Please include him in this year’s raffle.

Name of תלמיד ________________________________

Page 14: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex

בלקמן אברהם

מנשהיחזקאל רוזנברגנתן זלאטניקיעקב

אריה גפן

צבי שטיין

מאיר שמחה ריידל

וואסליעקב הופשטטרישראל

14 Optimists see opportunities in difficulties, while pessimists see difficulties

in opportunities.

יוסף כהנונו

מאיר ישראל שטרן יהודה גל

Page 15: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex




זעליג אשר זוקער משה שטיינמעטץ מנחם הופשטטר

קארפונקעל עזרא

רוזמיכאל לויאברהם

יהודה אמת


15 Optimists see opportunities in difficulties, while pessimists see difficulties

in opportunities.

מנחם ווייץ

Page 16: Volume 3 Issue 2 הנשה שאר-םיבצנ תשרפ September · Wonderwords for the surprise storyteller for Elul…Rabbi Kleiner from “Stories with Geshmak!” 7183056960 ex


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