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The Elephant’s Trumpet The Award-Winning Newsletter of a Diamond Award Club!

A Publication of the West Valley Republican Women Federated Founded in 1952

Affiliated with National Federation of Republican Women, California Federation of Republican Women and CFRW Northern Division



11:30 a.m.


Holder’s Country Inn 998 So. De Anza Blvd.

San Jose, CA 95129


Cost: $28.00 (includes lunch)

All meals are accompanied by a soft beverage; salads include a starter soup; sandwiches & hot meals include a

starter salad. All taxes & gratuities are also included!


Chicken Caesar Salad Chicken breaste over fresh romaine lettuce, with

parmesan cheese & Caesar dressing or

Reuben Sandwich Tender corned beef, sauerkraut, swiss cheese, w/1000-Island

dressing on grilled rye bread or

Chicken Fried Steak Dinner Breaded tenderized beef & country gravy, with mashed potatoes and fresh vegetables

RSVP must be received by April 15th!

Call JoAnn at 408-445-8515

Checks payable to “West Valley RWF” may be mailed to: JoAnn Destro, 1521 San Andreas Ave., San Jose CA 95118

Lunches are pre-ordered; a reservation made is a reservation paid!



President Mayme Abbott 408-241-4513

1st VP/Programs Jeanne LaKamp 650-212-1510

2nd VP/Membership JoAnn Destro 408-605-9608

3rd VP/Ways & Means Lorene Milligan 408-265-3872

Recording Secretary Jan Davis


Treasurer Mary Goodman 408-806-4671

Corresponding Secretary Kris Saba


Director-at-Large Kathie Topham 408-257-6261

Newsletter Editor Bunny Hacker 408-483-2311

Reservations Hostess Grace Russo




Achievement Awards Bunny Hacker

Americanism Betty Faultner

Caring for America

Mary Frazier

County GOP Liaison Kay Young


June Fromm

Historian Christine Austin-


Legislation Sue Moley

Parliamentarian Julie Eckroat &

Sue Moley

Phone Committee Betty Kaye Miller

Social Media/Internet

Bunny Hacker

Voter Registration Shirley Keller


Pacific Justice institute

VOLUME 67, Issue 4 April 2019

This month only

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If it weren't so serious, the sheer number and similarity of Democrat candidates announcing or considering a run for the Democrat Party in 2020 would be hilarious.. They seem to be in a contest to see who can outdo whom with regard to give-a-way programs and far-reaching disastrous changes to our constitution. It is disconcerting how many supposedly intelligent people are supporting these over the top liberal individuals with pie-in-the-sky policy ideas.

I also wonder if they realize how Christian they really are. Climate change will cause the end of the planet (Armageddon), The anti-Christ (Trump) is here. Share all of our wealth and allow anyone into the country and provide them with everything they need for they represent all those yearning to be free (our anointed disciples, Bernie, Elizabeth Warren and AOC etc.) They will then channel the funds to those all-knowing Democrats, the bureaucracies and public service unions (the 12 disciples) that will most fairly distribute the ill-gotten wealth of rich white males like Biden who has since seen the light and who is now dong his mea culpa. He can reach out to all those moderates who believe there might be some realistic path here (St. Paul who saw the light). Then we will have the beatitudes which will be in Heaven on Earth where everyone has a good income, a nice place to live, excellent health care, etc. We can then have population control (Planned Parenthood) due to abortion availability and accelerate the shrinking of the white over-seer class and their power, for they use abortions the most. We will lay down our swords and pick up our plows and have peace on earth (eliminate the defense budget and use it to save the planet). We will also have justice by finally acknowledging that the true culprits in the Israeli-Palestine problem are those Jews (Satan's minions) who have bought members of Congress to vote in support of Israel and are really Islamophobic.

I truly hope I have not offended anyone with my comparisons. Our young people have so little to draw upon except what they have been brain-washed by teachers who themselves have been brain-washed. Too many have been raised with little if any knowledge of what Christianity really is and what it means. Case in point - my Catholic anti-abortion Church promotes Democrat pro-abortion candidates.

And speaking of “Christian”, join us on April 18th to hear how PJI defended the right to exist on campus of a Homestead Highschool “Christian Athletes Club”!

- Mayme Abbott


Dennis Faigal joined the Pacific Justice Institute in 2018 to take over as head of the San Jose, California office. Faigal graduated from Chicago-Kent College of Law in 2007 and began his career in litigation with Fenwick & West in the Silicon Valley. Thereafter, Faigal gained extensive litigation experience with other large global law firms from a broad array of practice areas and industries; including, intellectual property, products liability, financial services litigation, commercial transactions, and real estate law, among many others. Faigal uses this experience to zealously represent PJI’s clients who face an equally diverse array of challenging legal issues. Dennis was motivated to join PJI after attending a presentation by PJI’s president, Brad Dacus, at Faigal’s parish in San Jose. He was so moved by PJI’s work that he approached Dacus immediately after the presentation to sign up as an affiliate attorney. Then upon learning of the opening at PJI’s San Jose office several months later, he jumped at the chance to join them as a staff attorney. Faigal says, “It was no coincidence that I attended Brad’s presentation at my Church. There is no doubt in my mind that God called me to be there and compelled me to join this wonderful organization. The work I do with PJI representing Churches and families facing religious persecution is easily the most important work I have done in my whole career.” Mr. Faigal will be bringing a young guest to our meeting on April 18th. her name is Jocelyn Lim and she is the subject of one of his cases. You can read a summary of that case in this newsletter on page 3!




“Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.”

~ Thomas Jefferson

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Reversed! Superintendent Allows Christian Club After PJI Steps In

Students at Homestead High School in Cupertino stood up for their rights to have their Christian athletes club on campus, and the school district agreed. Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) advocated for their Christian club to be recognized among the many other student clubs permitted to meet on school property. Jocelyn, a sophomore with a heart to express her faith and positively impact her school, attended a Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) leadership conference last summer and felt compelled to start an FCA club with her classmates. She and four fellow students submitted a video to the Associated Student Body (ASB), introducing their club and why they should be accepted as an official club. Their club’s purpose is to mirror their passion for sports with a passion for Christ. ASB organizes a variety of clubs that cover topics from science to chess, as well as the Muslim Student Association and the Gender-Sexuality Alliance. However, the ASB denied the FCA’s application, providing four reasons: (1) the group overlaps with another Christian club; (2) the video presentation seemingly indicates it is “not open to anyone”; (3) it is “hard to lose the Christian focus”; and (4) the club’s officers do not show any qualifications. In February 2019, PJI’s San Jose attorney, Dennis Faigal, represented the student’s FCA club in his letter to the superintendent of the Fremont Union High School District. Faigal explained that the denial of the club violates federal law and that the ASB’s reasons for denial of the FCA application are invalid. The superintendent responded cooperatively to Faigal’s request for provision of equal access to the FCA. The superintendent apologized that the FCA had endured the disappointment of rejection and ensured that Homestead High School would now accept FCA as an official club. “This case sparked a desire to implement district-wide training to schools on these legal issues,” Faigal commented. “Students and teachers will receive a clearer understanding of what decisions they should make to avoid future problems like this.” Brad Dacus, president of PJI, stated, “We applaud the school district and the high school for their steps to correct the ASB’s denial of this Christian club. And we commend Jocelyn for her courage to stand for her faith and for her conviction to spread the Gospel.” w


• West Valley Republican Women Federated:

• Santa Clara County Republican Party: 408-246-6600 Phone 408-246-1443 Fax

• California Republican Party: 818-841-5210 Phone 818-841-6668 Fax

• California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW): Advocacy Office Phone: 916-442-4084 E-mail: [email protected]

• CFRW Northern Division: (CFRW-ND):

• National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW):

• Republican National Committee: 202-863-8500 310 First Street SE, Washington, DC 20003

Lois Lindseth – April 21

Many of our Members’ birthdays are missing from our records. Please contact us if yours is one of them! Send your birth month & day (not year) to [email protected] or call her at 408-483-2311.


Attention Members, Committee Chairs and Board Members:

Please write or share articles for our newsletter. Information relevant to our membership can include updates on Club or Committee activities, or referrals to articles on CA or National politics. Our newsletter will be much more relevant, informative and interesting with your input! Email your input to Bunny Hacker at [email protected] by the 4th Friday of the month for inclusion in the next month’s issue!

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Congressional 'AINOs' Abet Open Borders Americans In Name Only — the only way to describe those who obstruct border security.

by Arnold Ahlert - Mar. 28, 2019 –

Crisis: noun —a condition of instability or danger, as in social, economic, political, or international affairs, leading to a decisive change. — Have we reached a crisis with regard to illegal immigration? By every indicator — including the shameless spectacle of Republicans in both chambers of Congress joining Democrats to defeat President Donald Trump’s use of a national emergency declaration to build a wall — our Ruling Class believes the answer is “no.” Why? Because secure borders, the Rule of Law, and an America-first immigration policy do not serve the interests of the globalist elitists in both parties. Elitists who portray themselves as servants of the people, even as they remain more disconnected from whom they ostensibly serve than at any time in recent history — and even as they remain wholly insulated from the policies they inflict on the rest of us. Yet reality on the ground cannot be ignored. Data released by the DHS reveals that a new onslaught of illegals arrested or turned away at the border has reached levels not seen in years. Leon Fresco, an immigration attorney and member of a Homeland Security advisory committee formed by DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, asserts, “At the moment, we have the closest thing to an open border that we’ve had.” Not quite. “In 2000, the number of U.S. Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal immigrants along the southwest border reached an all-time high of 1.6 million. Fast forward 17 years to 2017 and apprehensions plummeted to a record low of 303,000,” writes columnist Sylvia Longmire. “Many border security observers have credited everything from the border fence to improved surveillance technology to changing economic conditions for this drop.” According to a 2017 Homeland Security report, DHS contends that 55% to 85% of immigrants crossing the border illegally were apprehended or interdicted in 2016. If one takes the record low of 303,000 apprehensions in 2017, and the DHS’s most self-serving apprehension rate of 85%, that leaves a record low of 45,450 illegal aliens successfully entering the United States in a single year. Now go the other way. Take 2000’s 1.6 million, and apply the low end apprehension rate of 35% the DHS conceded they were reaching a decade ago. That leaves the possibility that as many a 1,040,000 illegals successfully entered the nation 19 years ago — which was 14 years after the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act granted unconditional amnesty to 2.7 million illegals — in exchange for securing the border and cracking down on businesses that hired illegals. Note that even when “only” 45,450 illegals successfully broke into the country, government officials were speaking in terms of “success” and “credit.” Some perspective? Nineteen Islamists perpetrated the September 11, 2001 atrocities, and three of the jihadis who crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had expired visas, meaning they were here illegally — when they slaughtered 2,996 Americans. Yet how do leftists and their media allies rationalize all criminal activity committed by illegals? We’re told they commit crimes as lesser rates than native born Americans. That this argument is given an iota of credence epitomizes the ideological bankruptcy of those who are never asked an essential question: How many wholly avoidable crimes, in addition to being in America illegally, must Americans tolerate — lest they be deemed xenophobic or bigoted, no less — to accommodate globalist sensibilities? Moreover, what is the hard number of illegals entering the nation Americans must tolerate? Border authorities are predicting that more than one million illegals will be stopped at the southern border this year. More perspective? The are only 10 cities in the entire nation with populations that exceed one million.

Article continues on next page.

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Article continued from previous page. And what breaks down? “As you know, every day, thousands of illegal aliens are being released into the United States by your administration,” stated the Texas union of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in a letter to Trump. “‘Catch and Release’ is not just happening — it’s in overdrive.” Overdrive is an understatement. From December 21 to March 20, ICE released approximately 107,000 family members into the nation’s interior, including 1,000 released in a single day in the Rio Grande Valley. On top of that, interior arrests are down 12% because ICE has had to shift resources to the border to deal with the increasing influx, and the immigration courts where illegals are supposed to show up and make their cases for being allowed to remain in America are “irredeemably dysfunctional and on the brink of collapse,” states a 2019 report by the American Bar Association. As a result, approximately 1.1 million illegals from Mexico and Central America remain free in America until their cases are heard. How long will that take? “There were more than 760,000 pending cases at the end of FY 2018 and an additional 330,000 cases that could be returned to active dockets in short order,” the ABA report continued. Moreover, the average case takes 578 days to complete — for those who show up. In 2017, 43% of illegals didn’t appear for scheduled follow-up hearings. Catch and release? Catch no longer has any real meaning, and illegals know it. They are now so well aware of how to game the system, they actively seek out border agents and claim asylum instead of evading arrest. Remember that when you hear the advocates promoting “virtual” or “smart” walls. Again, only the ideologically bankrupt could assert that a physical barrier preventing illegals from crossing the border is inferior to one that merely locates those illegals for catch — and release. Even more bankrupt? “According to the State Department, up to 17,500 — even up to 19,000 — foreign nationals are trafficked into the United States every year,” the Daily Caller reports. “Most of those, an estimated 70 percent, are trafficked from Mexico, and half of those are minors forced into prostitution.” And because Congress fails to act, they abet this human trafficking. Drugs? “Government data for 2018 shows more drugs were seized near open parts of the U.S.-Mexico border than were seized at ports of entry,” the Washington Examiner reports, ruining another leftist anti-wall argument that posited most drugs were coming through ports of entry. Again, what’s the acceptable level of non-port-of-entry drug smuggling “deplorable” Americans must abide? Trump has vetoed the effort to prevent his [entirely legal] emergency declaration, and Congress has failed to override that veto, yet nagging questions remain unanswered. Will Democrats continue to be more concerned about illegal aliens than American citizens? Will the media keep insisting Americans’ desire to preserve national sovereignty is tantamount to white supremacy and/or Nazism? Will Trump himself stop talking the talk and begin walking the walk? (Hint: refurbishing previously existing barriers doesn’t count). If not, and current trends hold, approximately 2,730 illegals will be apprehended and released by the Border Patrol — every day — in FY2019. And every one of those days, Americans will be told there’s no crisis at the border. All because most members of Congress are now “AINOs” — Americans In Name Only.



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Capitol Update

California Federation of Republican Women Nam-Yong Horn, President

Allison Olson, CFRW Advocate

Newsom Kills The Death Penalty Earlier this week, Governor Newsom announced that he was effectively ending the death penalty in California, despite voters clear support of it time and time again, and granting reprieve to more than 700 death row inmates. Whether or not it is even legal for Governor Newsom to override the will of the voters is still unclear, and there are many victims' rights groups and District Attorney's offices around the state working on the question on constitutionality right now. The California electorate has voted to keep the death penalty three different times in recent years, with the latest death penalty measure on the ballot not just supporting it, but effectively speeding up the process to execution. In 2016, Gavin Newsom claimed he would uphold the "will of the voters" after his referendum to repeal the death penalty failed. “I would not get my personal opinions in the way of the public’s right to make a determination of where they want to take us” on the death penalty, he said three years ago. And yet, here we are. What other promise is Governor Newsom willing to go back on? CLICK HERE to sign the petition to STOP Governor Newsom's death penalty moratorium. Rent Control Again In another example of ignoring the will of the voters, California Legislative Democrats are working on passing a rent control bill, despite the electorate's decisive rejection of it last fall. AB 1482 (Chiu, D) comes in a housing bill package that includes a series of legislation that aims to target rent. AB 1482, in particular, would annually cap rent increases. Just 4 months ago, voters blocked the passage of Prop 10, which would have imposed rent control state-wide. So why then, do our Democrat leaders think they know better than California's voters? Simple economics tells us that a rent control does nothing to truly protect renters in this market. Rent control will create shortages when landlords are forced to sell and then where do renters turn? They can't afford to buy a home either. What we need is affordable housing creation, and rolling back burdensome CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) reforms on housing construction is a step in the right direction. Legislative Democrats should listen to Californians and leave Costa-Hawkins alone! More Taxes, Please In another effort to squeeze small businesses until they are dry, the state is trying to collect back taxes from e-commerce retailers that sold their products on Amazon while temporarily housing their merchandise in California. If the company had any sort of physical presence in California since 2012, the state tax collection agency is asking the small business merchants to pay up. But some of these retailers didn't even know they owed the state of California taxes, since they didn't know that their merchandise was ever housed in Amazon's California fulfillment centers. This crack-down of "third-party" sellers on Amazon could leave many of them bankrupt and out of business. They could face a $5,000 fine on top of the back taxes and interest, as well as prison time. California's Tax and Fee Administration said it alerted more than 2,500 online retailers that they may own California back taxes. But these "third-party" sellers claim they have no control over where Amazon sends their merchandise, so Amazon should be on the hook for the alleged back taxes. Either way, the state should figure out how to promote small businesses to flourish in our state by easing the tax burden, but instead they continue to drive business further and further away. NEW CONTACT NUMBER Our Advocate's Office has a new phone number! If you need to get a hold of Allison Olson or have a general inquiry, please make note of our new office number: (925) 285-6514. Our old office number is no longer in service. Thank you. Bills Bills Bills We are now in the thick of committee season. This means bills will really start to take shape, with language and amendments from committees added. There are many bills we are following this legislative session, but this week the Capitol Update we will focus on some of the Assembly bills we are tracking. Please keep in mind that many, many bills slip through the legislature virtually unnoticed by Californians. We need to be educating Californians about what is truly going on under the capitol dome.

Update continued on next page.

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Capitol Update – continued from previous page.

AB 18 (Levine, D): Firearm Excise Tax- Assemblyman Levine wants to levy a $25 excise tax on every firearm purchase in our state. Every purchase, every time. Assemblyman Levine thinks that too many guns are bought and sold in California and hopes this high tax will curb the purchasing of firearms. Once again, this bill would do nothing to address gun crimes in our state, but only places an undue burden on those purchasing guns legally. What this would do is encourage criminals to buy guns illegally, or worse, steal them, because of the exorbitant tax. AB 134 (Bloom, D): Drinking Water Tax- This bill really comes from Governor Newsom's budget agenda to tax our drinking water. In the current bill form, there is no real language in the bill yet about it's function, but that didn't stop the Democrats on the Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee to pass the bill and send it to the Assembly Appropriations committee. Hopefully Californians will be able to know how much water they are planning to tax and at what rate before the next committee passes the bill, but don't count on it. Location: Assembly Appropriations Committee Hearing: None Yet AB 138 (Bloom, D): Soda Tax- Assemblyman Bloom would not only like to tax your water, but also your soda. This bill proposes a 2-cent tax per ounce of soda sold. Apparently, the legislature thinks you can't control your own soda consumption, so they'd like to tax you out of drinking it. Location: Assembly Health Committee Hearing: April 9th AB 392 (Weber, D): Use of Force- Assemblywoman Weber is trying again, but this time with more support. AB 329 wants to change one word in the law but would have vast repercussions for our law enforcement officers. Currently, regarding the use of force for police officers, the law states that a reasonable use of force is allowable in the apprehension of a suspect. This bill would change the word "reasonable" to "necessary", making it more difficult for our officers to do their job. This not only would make the officers themselves less safe because they may be second-guessing their decisions, but that, in turn, would make our communities less safe. AB 755 (Holden, D): Tire Change Tax- If you didn't know it already, you are being taxed each time you change your tires, for each tire. Currently that tax is .75 cents per tire. This bill would increase that tax to $3.25 per tire, per tire change. This is a regressive tax, that mostly effects our state's poor and low-income residents. Those who have to drive further to work who change their tires more often. Those who can't afford the expensive, longer lasting tires so they have to change their tires more often. The liberal Democrats claim to champion the poor and low-income workers. But the majority of the new taxes and tax increases coming out of Sacramento are regressive, meaning they disproportionately affect those they claim to fight for. AB 766 (Chui, D): Soda Ban- More nanny state nonsense. AB 766 will ban soda containers that are larger than 16 ounces at restaurants, gas stations, and mini-marts. Assemblyman Chui is calling it an "unsealed beverage container portion cap", but what is to stop someone from buying three 12 oz cans and downing them in a row? The logic behind the bill is flawed and the "government knows better" mentality is dangerous. And finally… With only 19 Republicans in the Assembly, it is difficult to get any good bill passed. But we hope this one has broad support. HR 22 (Gallagher, R): Removal of Professor Clover- Would resolve by the Assembly of the State of California supports free speech and the right of professors and students to express different ideas and engage in constructive dialogue in an environment that is free from violence and intimidation, but violent rhetoric that endangers individuals or a group of people should not be tolerated. The Assembly urges University of California, Davis Chancellor Gary S. May, University of California President Janet Napolitano, and the Regents of the University of California to remove Professor Joshua Clover from the classroom and terminate his employment at the University. Back story: In January of this year, Officer Natalie Corona of Davis Police Department was executed, in cold blood, while performing a routine traffic collision stop. A man walked up to the scene, shot the officer in the back of the head, and then walked away. For the past two years, UC Davis English Professor Joshua Clover has advocated the killing of police officers, even as specifically as "shooting them in the back of the head", on his Twitter account. This was discovered by UC Davis students in the aftermath of Officer Corona's murder. So far, Professor Clover has been put on "administrative leave", has not apologized for his comments, and he is still enjoying a paycheck via the University of California. The UC Regents have been silent on the issue. Professor Clover should be terminated for his comments, and it is abhorrent that this has not occurred yet. If you are an alumni of ANY UC school, if your children or grandchildren are either alumni or currently attending ANY UC school, please contact the UC Regents and let them know they will not be receiving any more funding from you or your family until Joshua Clover is fired! CLICK HERE to contact the UC Regents.

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• PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D.C. 20500 202-456-1414

• VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE Old Executive Office Building Washington, D.C. 20501-0001 Email: • SENATE LEADER MITCH McCONNELL

317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-2541 Contact:

• SENATE MINORITY LEADER CHUCK SCHUMER 322 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-6542 Contact:

• HOUSE LEADER NANCY PELOSI U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-224-3121 Contact:

• HOUSE MINORITY LEADER KEVIN McCARTHY H-204, The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-4000 Contact:

• GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: 916-445-2841


• U.S. SENATOR DIANE FEINSTEIN Phone: (415) 393-0707 Fax: (415) 393-0710 Email: [email protected] • U.S. SENATOR KAMALA HARRIS

Phone (213) 894-5000 Fax (202) 224-0454 Email: • CA STATE SENATE SD-10 Bob Wieckowski (D) 510) 794-3900 SD-13 Jerry Hill (D) 650) 212-3313 SD-15 Jim Beall (D) 408-558-1295 • CA CONGRESSIONAL

REPRESENTATIVES CD-17 Ro Khanna (D) 408-436-2720 CD-18 Anna Eshoo (D) 650-323-2984 CD-19 Zoe Lofgren (D) 408-271-8700 • CA ASSEMBLY AD-24 Marc Berman (D) 650-691-2121 AD-25 Kansen Chu (D) 408-262-2501 AD-27 Ash Kalra (D) 408-277-1220 AD-28 Evan Low (D) 408-446-2810 • SANTA CLARA COUNTY SUPERVISORS 70 West Hedding Street, 10th Floor San Jose, CA 95110

District 1 – Mike Wasserman – 408-299-5010 Email: [email protected]

District 2 – Cindy Chavez – 408-299-5020 Email: [email protected]

District 3 – Dave Cortese – 408-299-5030 Email: [email protected]

District 4 – Susan Ellenberg – 408-299-5040 Email: [email protected]

District 5 – Joe Simitian – 408-299-5050 Email: [email protected]


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Paycheck Fairness Act is Not for Women! The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to take up H.R. 7, the so-called "Paycheck Fairness Act" on Wednesday, March 27. Republicans on the House Education and Labor Committee unanimously opposed this measure when it was considered earlier this month. Democrats will try to frame opposition as anti-woman. It is important that you know the facts.

• Equal pay for Equal Work is already the law in America. • This legislation is little more than partisan grand-standing by the Democrats. • H.R. 7 is not for women – it is for trial lawyers looking to score unlimited paydays while dragging

working women through the never-ending legal battles.

TALKING POINTS FOR H.R. 7 (What the Democrats don’t want you to know about the Paycheck Fairness Act!)

Equal pay for equal work, regardless of the sex of the employee, is the law. In 1963, Congress passed the Equal Pay Act (EPA), legislation that made it illegal to pay different wages to women for equal work. The following year, Congress enacted even broader nondiscrimination laws, making it illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, and sex in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. H.R. 7, the Paycheck Fairness Act, is a hyper-partisan Democrat bill that offers no new protections against pay discrimination in the workplace. Instead, it makes it easier for trial lawyers to score unlimited paydays while dragging working women through never-ending legal dramas. H.R. 7 directly benefits trial lawyers at the expense of working women by: • Making it much harder, if not impossible, for job creators to defend against frivolous lawsuits, even when a

difference in pay is the result of legitimate factors other than sex; • Requiring job creators to prove that 100 percent of a pay difference between employees of different sexes is the

result of business necessity – an impossible standard to meet; • Allowing trial lawyers to pursue unlimited compensatory damages, even when the alleged discrimination is entirely

unintentional, in addition to unlimited punitive damages. • Changing EPA class action lawsuits from an opt-in system to a mandatory opt-out system, tying more women up in

long-running employment lawsuits and limiting their legal options, while providing a financial windfall to trial lawyers.

H.R. 7 places new and unprecedented restrictions on job creators during the hiring process by prohibiting them from inquiring about the wage history of a prospective employee. A similar provision in a Philadelphia city ordinance was recently found to violate the First Amendment by a federal district court. H.R. 7 also requires employers to submit thousands of new elements of worker pay data to the government, broken down by race, sex, and national origin. The bill also directs the EEOC to collect additional hiring, termination, and promotion data from businesses. These mandates pose a serious threat to workers’ confidentiality and their right to pay data privacy. The NFRW believes equal work deserves equal pay, regardless of the sex of the employee. H.R. 7 offers no new protections for women – it is a boondoggle for lawyers. Working women deserve better than empty partisan promises in pretty pink packages.


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Liberals’ Reaction to Mueller Report Shows They Prioritize Politics Over Truth By Star Parker - March 27, 2019 – The Daily Signal

So now special counsel Robert Mueller has issued his report, and it turns out after two years of investigation, at an estimated cost of $40 million, that “Russiagate” was fake news. Much to the dismay of Democrats, Mueller found no collusion between the Trump presidential campaign and the Russians to influence the 2016 election.

Who are the winners here? The American people—and, of course, President Donald Trump and the Republican Party. And, we might say, also House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

At the age of 79, with 32 years in the House of Representatives, Pelosi has a well-honed nose for sniffing out which political road to take. She told The Washington Post earlier this month: “I’m going to give you some news right now, because I haven’t said this to any press person before. Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”

Either the speaker’s time-tested political sniffer is so fine-tuned that she smelled the fake news driving the Russia conspiracy investigation or she knew that driving the whole thing were dirty tricks that originated in her own party and that Mueller would not and could not cover this up.

This is the big and troubling story left in the wake of the Mueller investigation. How is it that the FBI, and former Director James Comey were scammed by the so-called Steele dossier, which was financed through the back door by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee and created the story of the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians? How could the supposed elite of our intelligence community be so deceived? Or maybe, even more troubling, they weren’t deceived, and were party to the scam. Enough to give any upstanding American goose bumps. But unlike their wise old leader, many Democrats are not giving up.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said weeks ago on ABC’s “This Week” that he didn’t care what the Mueller report would conclude, noting, “It’s very clear that the president obstructed justice.” So why did taxpayers have to shell out tens of millions for this special counsel if Democrats really didn’t care what the investigation would conclude? And how could the president obstruct justice if no crime was committed to begin with? The answer, of course, is that discovering what is true is something that is of zero interest to Democrats. They have only one agenda: damaging this president and making it as difficult as possible for him to advance a conservative program.

So despite the conclusions of the Mueller report, there will be document requests and subpoenas pouring forth from Nadler’s committee under the claim of suspected obstruction of justice from the White House. There are many things Democrats do not do well. But the thing they do least well is lose. For liberals, there is no truth; there is no fair and square. There is only politics.

Hillary Clinton’s latest explanation of her loss in 2016 is voter registration shenanigans in Alabama, Georgia, and Wisconsin. Stacey Abrams still refuses to concede that she was defeated in the gubernatorial race in Georgia, persisting that voter suppression engineered by Republicans caused her loss. We had to suffer recounts in 2018 in Florida in the senatorial and gubernatorial races because losing Democrats refused to concede. This was reminiscent of the “hanging chad’ recount in Florida in the 2000 presidential election, when Al Gore refused to concede.

The idea that Russians somehow manipulated the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, with or without collusion from the Trump campaign, is absurd. The American system works, and we have a president who is fixing this country. These are the truths that Democrats find most difficult to swallow. Copyright 2019 Star Parker

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The Dangerous Reason Democrats Want to Scrap

the Electoral College—and Why They Won’t Succeed by Thomas Del Beccaro

Elizabeth Warren is on the bandwagon. Kamala Harris is, too. Impatient Democratic power brokers are trying to sell Americans on scrapping the Electoral College. While they claim to care about the will of the people, their actual reasons are quite reckless. Fortunately, in this divided era, the brilliance of the founders will thwart them.

The Democrats have won four of the last five popular votes in presidential elections. But they didn’t win the presidency two of those times. That bothers them immensely, and that isn’t all that bothers them. They think they can cement a ruling Democrat majority of voters in the near future—if only they had the presidency. The Democrats believe that if enough Americans are dependent on government, they will be bound to vote Democrat each election. Barack Obama said as much before he was president. Ad

Given that our state, local, and federal governments will spend and hand out nearly $7.5 trillion in 2019, they certainly can make a case for creating dependency. After all, nearly cradle-to-grave spending on education, health care, and retirement does impact voting preferences—not to mention transportation funding and other programs.

Democrats’ criticism of the Electoral College is that the system is old and thwarts the popular will—a will they want to exploit. Their attacks on the system are on the rise because they want to remove the Electoral College road block to unchecked populism and big spending programs like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. More than 200 years later, however, the founders are smiling. Their genius, embodied in the Constitution, specifically sought to thwart such mass appeals to major changes in our Republic.

Indeed, the system of a people’s House and a more deliberate Senate was designed to slow the legislative process. A president with veto power was part of the same grand plan. Overall, the possibility of divided government was in their slow-down plan as well. They wanted all that because they saw the efficiency of an all-powerful king of England with a power-hungry agenda. They wanted to slow growth in government because they studied and understood how runaway populism played major roles, amidst deadly violence and socialist policies, in the downfall of Rome and ancient Greece. They flat out didn’t want that for the United States. As John Adams recognized: “Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” Ad

To avoid that, our founders built in safeguards overall and especially with division in mind. Returning to the Electoral College, everyone by now should know that it was part of a grand compromise to get small states like Delaware to join a united set of states under the Constitution. The smaller states, with good reason, assumed the larger states like Virginia that dwarfed Delaware in size and population would rule over them. The Electoral College was meant to give smaller states a voice into the future—and so it does today.

Yet a simple truth remains. Alexander Hamilton worried that the colonies under the Articles of Confederation were at risk for civil war, and George Washington wrote that it was either this Constitution or “the next one would be drawn in blood.” Because of their forethought, we have a union today and small states have a stabilizing voice.

But there is one more gem to consider. Changing the Constitution was made immune to unchecked populism as well. Because it takes a vote of three-quarters of the states to amend the Constitution, no Constitutional amendment to discard the Electoral College is likely for decades—if at all.

In this divided era, nearly 30 states are red or lean red. Fewer than 20 are blue. They are the big states to be sure—California, New York, Illinois, and others—but they are not enough to bulldoze the Constitution. It’s true that some of those blue states are pushing legislation to have their electoral votes go to the popular vote winner. Those states vote blue already, however, so that likely won’t change much and can be undone.

In the meantime, once again, our founders have proven far smarter than the politicians of today who want to make the United States socialist or risk policies that would place us on socialism’s doorstep—or even worse, as John Adams warned.

Thomas Del Beccaro is founder of, author of “The Divided Era” and a former chairman of the CA GOP.

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WEST VALLEY RWF c/o Bunny Hacker 55 Church St., #1301 Los Gatos, CA 95030-6922


MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Don’t sit on the sidelines…get involved!

April 9 Board Meeting 10:00am at home of President Mayme Abbott

April 18 West Valley RWF lunch meeting featuring Guest Speaker, Dennis Faigal, Staff Attorney with Pacific Justice Institute

April 19-27 PASSOVER

April 21 EASTER

May 14 Board Meeting 10:00am at home of President Mayme Abbott

May 16 West Valley RWF lunch meeting featuring Guest Speaker, Lawrence McQuillan, Senior Fellow & Director of the Center on Entrepreneurial Innovation at the Independent Institute

June 11 Board Meeting 10:00am at home of President Mayme Abbott

June 20 West Valley RWF lunch meeting

July-August Summer Recess - We resume with our September 19th meeting!

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The West Valley Republican Women Federated is an affiliated with the CA Federation of Republican Women and is governed in compliance with the bylaws of the State and National Federations of Republican Women.

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