Download - Volume and space


Unit 4

1. Name the three dimensions of an object:

1. The three dimensions of an object are: - The vertically, from top to bottom, to compare

height. - The horizontally, from side to side, to compare

width. - The transversally, from front to back, to

compare depth.

2. What is height?

2. The height is the dimension of vertically from top to bottom.

3. Define volume.

3. We can feel the volume of objects when we touch them because all objects have three dimensions. Some objects have space inside and outside, and others are solid.

4. Look at "Horses in a Meadow", by Edgar Degas and explain how the painter creates a sense of depth in this painting.

4. This is the picture “Horses in a Meadow” how painted Edgar Degas. The painter creates the sense of depth. He was experimenting with size, he puts the biggests objects more near and the objects that are smaller more far.

5. What is the technique of "overlapping" and why is it used?

5. The technique of overlapping, consists of one or more objects inside others without completely covering it.We use this create the effect of one object slightly hidden behind another.

6.  Look at "The Magdalen Reading" by Ambrosious Benson and explain the relationships between different planes.

6. The contact with objects: it means they are in the same distance and we can compare their sizes.

And the separation of objects: we separate them the vertically, horizontally or in a straight line.

7. Look at "The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit" by John Singer Sargent. How does the painter create the sense of depth?

He creates the sense of depth because he painted the small objects more far and the objects that are nearer more bigger.

How does the use of colour and perspective affect the way we interpret a visual image? The pictures that have colors lights, are happiness.

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