Page 1: W B . WE BELONG. WEXPERIENCE GOD S 27, 2015 Bulletin.pdfThe Highlands: Fred & Marie Lapple Heather Heights: Carol Duffy. Page

St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY Phone: 585.586.5675 Fax: 585.387.9888



Shout in a cave, a large empty room, one of the deep gorges at Watkins Glen, like the Cathedral, or at any other incredibly beautiful New York State park (we are SO blessed to live here!). The sound will reverberate, bounce back. The effect can be quite dramatic. The sound reinforces itself. There is a new, often awesome depth. Who can resist making some sound, even if just clapping our hands, to experience the echo? Sing loudly in such a space, and the depth and beauty can be breathtaking. No surprise, I’ve done that in caves in Petra, Greek theatres, a hippodrome or two, even the famous outdoor theatre at Ephesus, where a riot broke out against St. Paul.

One reward of using At Home with the Word, another similar resource, regular Bible reading or Bible study: we can better catch the echoes. The first sound of wonder in our readings this weekend comes from the story of Hannah and her son, Samuel: an extraordinary pregnancy and birth, a prophet coming into the world, one who would guide his people. Elements of the story reverberate in the Gospel, with Mary and her son Jesus. Our readings give key elements, to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. A special child is born, then dedicated to the Lord. Our scenes unfold in holy sites, the Temple at Shiloh, the Temple in Jerusalem. Each story figures significantly in the life of a family, but even more, in the wider family, the people of Israel, the people of God.

Read the whole story, and many more echoes resound. Both Hannah and Mary are clearly women of faith, holy women, who play a vital role in God’s plan of salvation. What does that plan look like? Read the Song of Hannah, I Samuel 2:1-10. God cares for the needy, levels the playing field. God feeds, protects, gives life. The humble are raised up, pride is brought low. Hannah’s song is a song of mercy, to be sure.

Next, read Mary’s Magnificat, Luke 1:46-55. The beautiful sounds of salvation, the proclamation of God’s mercy to which Hannah gave voice re-echoes, with greater depth and richness. Luke caught the sounds of God’s mercy in Hannah’s Song. He recognized how it reverberated in Mary’s life, her fiat, all to be revealed through her, and through the son she brought into the world. But it is no small space in which this sound of salvation echoes. It is the whole creation! Luke wanted his readers, and us, to take the next step. How can the song reverberate in our life?

On this Feast of the Holy Family, don’t just take a quick glance at the crèche and move on. Don’t be satisfied to hear about Mary and Joseph bringing Jesus with them to the Temple, and be done. Read and pray the Magnificat, a wonderful Year of Mercy prayer. How can it echo in our community, our family, our life? May God bless you with rich answers! Peace, Fr. Bob

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THIS WEEKEND: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Sunday: Knights of Columbus Holy Family Prayer Service & Rosary Following 5:00 pm Mass. All Are Invited, p. 5

THIS WEEK AT ST. LOUIS (Daily Mass Schedule p.2) MONDAY - DECEMBER 28 6:30 am - Men’s Spirituality Group, Manse TUESDAY - DECEMBER 29 4:30 pm - No Living Faith Classes 7:30 am - Understanding Sunday’s Scriptures, Manse WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 30 7:30 pm - Regional Charismatic Prayer Grp., PMH THURSDAY - DECEMBER 31 Ministry Center Closes at 12:00 Noon No Holy Hour 5:15 pm - Anticipation Mass for Holy Day FRIDAY - JANUARY 1 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Holy Day of Obligation World Day of Peace New Year’s Day Ministry Center Closed No First Friday Exposition 11:00 am - Mass for Holy Day (Only Mass Today) Saturday - JANUARY 2 3:00 pm - Confessions 4:30 pm - Mass (Sign Language Interpreted) SUNDAY - JANUARY 3 The Epiphany of the Lord 7:30 am - Mass 9:00 am - Mass, Seasons of Faith 11:00 am - Mass, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Following Mass Baptismal Preparation Session, Church 5:00 pm - First Sunday Youth Mass 6:15 pm - Middle School & High School Youth

Page 2: W B . WE BELONG. WEXPERIENCE GOD S 27, 2015 Bulletin.pdfThe Highlands: Fred & Marie Lapple Heather Heights: Carol Duffy. Page

Mass Intentions for This Week


Page Two St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY December 27, 2015

MONDAY - DECEMBER 28 1 Jn 1:5--2:2/Mt 2:13-18 11:00 am Pat O’Connor - Janet & Ed Walsh 5:15 pm Special Intention for Ann Riester - Mike & Carol Duffy

TUESDAY - DECEMBER 29 1 Jn 2:3-11/Lk 2:22-35 6:45 am Roland Schindler - Jeff Mason 11:00 am Don Murphy - Family

WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 30 1 Jn 2:12-17/Lk 2:36-40 11:00 am Pat O’Connor - Carolyn Housel 5:15 pm Tony Foti - Meg Smerbeck


1 Jn 2:18-21/Jn 1:1-18 6:45 am Marion Raaen - Judy Kaltenbach 11:00 am Pat & Nelly O’Connor - Eileen Ramos Anticipation Mass for Holy Day: 5:15 pm Janice Maxwell - Bill & Mary Lou Radford

FIRST FRIDAY - JANUARY 1 Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God Holy Day of Obligation World Day of Peace New Year’s Day Nm 6:22-27/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21 No First Friday Exposition Only Mass Today 11:00 am Ginny Krieg - Kathleen Anderson SATURDAY - JANUARY 2 1 Jn 2:22-28/Jn 1:19-28 9:00 am Pat & Nelly O’Connor - St. Louis Pastoral Care 4:30 pm Barbara Sullivan - Perham Family SUNDAY - JANUARY 3 The Epiphany of the Lord

National Migration Week Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1- 12 7:30 am Jim Newell - Dick & Marcia Hilliard 9:00 am Special Intention for Those Struggling with Addiction & Depression - Parishioner 11:00 am Irene DeSantis - Dorothy Ianacone 5:00 pm Gloria Hetterich - McCann Family


We invite you to have a Sanctuary Lamp lit at the Blessed Sacrament to have your very special intentions remembered for a week. To arrange this, please call or visit the Ministry Center. The Thursday Holy Hour Ministry will offer special prayers for your intention.

One lamp will burn in memory of Maria Hoang Thi Phach

By Ho Dinh Tran and Family.

One lamp will burn in memory of Joseph & Mary Fracassi

by Daughter.

One lamp will burn in memory of Louise Fracassi by Sister.

Requiem Aeternam

All Who Died in 2015

Saturday & Sunday, January 2 and 3




Extraordinary Ministers of

Holy Communion Lector



4:30 pm A. Romeo A. Romeo

C. Herdklotz, D. Huver, M. Conking, M. Diamond, C. McManus, A. Herdklotz, L. Nunn, S. Schrecker

J. Milazzo L. Nunn J. Nunn

7:30 am K. Revekant R. Dewan

J. Farnam, M. Hilliard, M. Brady, G. Shea, M. J. Decker, J. DiPrima, D. Haefner, P. Shea

M. Leonardo H. Messina

L. Newell

9:00 am C. Bergin D. Calcagno

M. Daniele, D. Kendricks, S. Bestram, K. Calcagno, R. Calcagno, A. Daniele, D. Infantino, T. Infantino

R. Gerace B. J. Hoerner

M. O’Neil-Midgley

11:00 am J. Schnell T. Bernacki

L. Iati, A. Roberts, J. Rachfal, M. Cargill, C. Heffernan, K. Kammholz, P. Mersich, D. Schnell, R. Willison, M. Murphy

W. Martin J. Walsh

B. Varrenti D. Varrenti

5:00 pm P. Molinari E. VanDusen

M.E. Holvey, P. Lynge, S. Denzak, A. Holvey, M. Lippa, K. Murphy, L. Sullivan, A. Molinari

H. Wagner J. Doerr

M.T. Friel C. Martin

Sunday Communion Service - January 3

The Highlands: Fred & Marie Lapple Heather Heights: Carol Duffy

Page 3: W B . WE BELONG. WEXPERIENCE GOD S 27, 2015 Bulletin.pdfThe Highlands: Fred & Marie Lapple Heather Heights: Carol Duffy. Page

Page Three St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY December 27, 2015

A Mother’s Sacrifice Scripture readings and psalms can serve a variety of ways in our spiritual life. We get glimpses into the human heart; sin as well as grace at work. We see how God works through human history. We encounter teaching, inspiration, challenge, poetry for the soul, even humor. The scriptures can also give direction, words for our prayer; when we struggle to find the right words. The Bible can also nudge us about who to include in our prayer. From our first reading, we can pray for those having trouble getting pregnant. We can pray for those who have given sons or daughters to ministry, to the missions, to religious life. We can pray for those whose way of praying has been misunderstood – and that is just a start!

Indwelling Both St. John and St. Paul helped formulate for us a rich understanding of God’s love dwelling within us through the Holy Spirit. Reread today’s second reading, and see if it inspires any prayer to the Holy Spirit? Need help starting? Go to for Catholic Online, and you will find lots of prayers, many to the Holy Spirit. Check it out.

Home Alone In the movie, Kevin is left behind at home when the family packs up for a trip. In our Gospel, the family has made the trip, and is returning home when young Jesus remains behind. But Luke isn’t just sharing a bit of Jesus’ childhood, to add color to his humanity, or seeking to engage parents (and children) in something they can relate to, or even adding a touch of humor early on in his Gospel. Amazing. All of that, letting us know about Jesus’ wisdom, his true home, and also giving the 4th commandment even more significance, as Jesus returns to Jerusalem and is obedient to his parents. Watch this year, and see how Luke is a master writer, packing so much in even short episodes.

Lectors! We are now immersed in Cycle C, filled with all manner of readings, just begging to be brought to life as you


proclaim God’s Word. Don’t go it alone. The authors of the lector workbook can help you! Pick up your copy in the sacristy, from the window sill. It is amazing what a second opinion on how to proclaim a passage can do! Not to mention, the insights offered in the Lector Workbook can bring the Word to life for you, all the better for you then bringing it to life for us!

Local Door of Mercy One door of mercy is always open, whether it is a Jubilee Year or not. It may take a pilgrimage to get there, but it is a pilgrimage well worth taking. The door? The door to the Reconciliation Room, the confessional!

1st Reading: Samuel 1:20-22, 24-28 I prayed for this child

2nd Reading: 1 John 3:1-2, 21-24 We are children of God

Gospel: Luke 2:41-52 Mary kept all these things in her heart

Feast of the Holy Family of

Jesus, Mary and Joseph

The St. Louis Ministry Center will be closed: Thursday, December 31 At 12 Noon Friday, January 1

Looking Ahead:

The Epiphany of the Lord

1st Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 Radiant at what we see!

2nd Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 Grace and stewardship for the benefit of all

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 Royal gifts for the King of kings

Thank you – Gracias! For cards, cookies, various goodies, prayers sent to the Rectory, thank you one and all! And thank you for the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful community! ~ your grateful priests of St. Louis

Page 4: W B . WE BELONG. WEXPERIENCE GOD S 27, 2015 Bulletin.pdfThe Highlands: Fred & Marie Lapple Heather Heights: Carol Duffy. Page


NEXT WEEK’S TITHING WILL SUPPORT NATIVITY PREPARATORY ACADEMY Nativity Preparatory Academy is a Catholic middle school with the mission of providing academically rigorous, non-tuition-based, education to low income students residing in the city of Rochester. Their goal is to have their graduates, most who arrive two or more grade levels behind, leave Nativity well equipped to handle a college preparatory high school curriculum coupled with a strong sense of spirituality, morality and personal responsibility.

Nativity opened in September 2009 and currently serves a diverse group of inner city students in grades 5-8, most who come from families living below the poverty line. An extended school day from 7:30am until 5:45pm, Saturday school and a summer program of up to five weeks provides the time and individual attention needed to accelerate the academic development of these students, and provides enrichment experiences and extracurricular activities that can build the life skills needed for success in high school and beyond. Nativity looks forward to celebrating its fifth graduation next June and anticipates expanding to 75 or 80 students over the next few years. Their graduates have been accepted into one of Rochester’s Catholic high schools demonstrating the success of the Nativity educational model.

At every morning assembly, Nativity students recite by memory the school pledge to abide by the school values of respect, responsibil-ity, gratitude, spirituality and scholarship. This pledge is not mere words, but rather a way of life that, if practiced, will allow each of them to become the person that God created them to be. And in doing so, will help achieve Nativity’s goal to “break the cycle of poverty through education, one student at a time”.


Page Four St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY December 27, 2015


Ending the Year Well We are deeply thankful for every contribu-tion to St. Louis of Pittsford, no matter how large or small; we deeply appreciate your generosity and faith filled commitment to our ministries! Many people choose to make year-end donations. If you do, in addition to a contribution to the parish, please seriously consider a generous contribution to our Catholic Ministry Appeal (CMA) if you have not yet made a pledge. We really would love to reach our goal before Epiphany - it would be an Epiphany! Here are two important things to keep in mind: If your intention is to make a stock

donation, please contact Birdie Proctor at the Ministry Center, 586-5675, for further details.

Per IRS regulations, any contributions for 2015 will need to be received by December 31, 2015.

to all who have already made a generous

pledge to the Catholic Ministries Appeal!

December Collection Attendance

6 $19,443.50 1,579

13 $25,164.00 1,618

20 Unavailable at press time


On-line Collection



“I Was Hungry And You Gave Me Food” Many thanks to all who brought in food last weekend, to help keep

the St. Andrew’s Food Cupboard stocked. If you miss the third

weekend collection, food may be left anytime for the Pittsford Food

Cupboard. There is a drop off drawer in the entry way near the grand

piano at the front of church. There is also a bin in the Narthex near

the handicap door. Contributions of non-perishable food can always

be donated.

Let's Do This Together Many thanks to the parish families at Thomas More/Our Lady Queen of Peace. Two hundred pairs of new gloves and socks will keep lots of refugee families served by Saint’s Place warm this winter! A huge thank you as well to all who responded to the Patron Saint campaign. We are well over the $18,000 goal for that Fall fundraising effort. On behalf of current and future refugees: Muchas Gracias! Muy Amable!; Amesege'nallo'; Kyay zu tin ba deh; Merci Beaucoup; Dakoyu; Mahadsanid!

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Page Five St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY December 27, 2015


ST. LOUIS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION – Q&A Q. “How is the Adoration at St. John’s going?” “Are many people from St. Louis signing up?” A. These have been some of the most frequently asked questions to date. If just a few people signed up and participated in adoration and were able to enjoy the spiritual benefits of spending time in the presence of Our Lord, then the program might be considered successful, in a particular way. But Eucharistic Adoration has become widely accepted, both in our diocese and many other locations throughout the nation, and has fulfilled a need for many, many St. Louis parishioners, some who have signed up for an hour, others who have volunteered their names as substitute adorers, and still others who take advantage of its availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (except during Mass times and raging blizzards) to just stop in for a few minutes and quietly spend time with Our Lord. For Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration to successfully operate, enough people need to commit to an hour each

week, so that every hour will have someone present praying - every hour. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration at St. John of Rochester was started just over 25 years ago, and one of the advantages of St. Louis partnering with them in this and using their Adoration chapel together with them is that the St. Louis adoration can begin with a modest group of adorers and gradually grow. This is happening now, just a month into the process. As more parishioners become aware of the opportunity, participate in it, and spread the word about it, the program will certainly grow. If you have a general question about Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, would like to participate, or would like to know more about St. Louis Eucharistic Adoration, please see Deacon Dave or Barb Snyder, or contact them at [email protected] (note the new contact information for adoration at St. John’s). You may also fill out one of the yellow sign-up cards located in the church pews and leave it with an usher or at the parish office, or drop it in a Eucharistic Adoration box located at the church entrances.

This Sunday December 27, we will celebrate the Feast of the Holy

Family after the 5:00 PM Mass with a Prayer Service to Honor the

Holy Family. We will have the Holy Family Icon (a copy of the

etching by Giovanni Balestra) on display during all the Masses.

Please plan on coming to the 5:00 pm Mass and staying for the prayer

service. We will say the rosary and have prayer booklets to use. This is a wonderful

way to Honor the Holy Family and start the New Year in the grace of the Holy

Family! This is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus from all over the World

and our St Louis Council.

The Knights of Columbus have sponsored Prayer Programs since 1979 when Mary

was honored under her title, Our Lady of Guadalupe. Images of the Divine Mercy

have also been honored. Mary has been honored under various titles including Our

Lady of Perpetual Help, Our Lady of Pochaiv, Our Lady of Czestochowa, and

Our Lady of the Rosary. The Holy Family, the 17th in the prayer program series,

was dedicated with the intention of strengthening Catholic families and their prayer

lives. The framed images are on pilgrimage from council to council. Etching by Giovanni Balestra


Moms & Dads ... Share Your Thoughts! The Diocese of Rochester Department of Catholic Schools is seeking 10-16 parents/guardians of school-aged children that have not attended Catholic schools to participate in one of two focus groups to discuss how different alternatives may positively impact the future enrollment of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Rochester. Focus group participants will be asked about 5 different alternatives to potentially help increase enrollment. It is estimated that each focus group will last 45 minutes. We will hold the focus groups at Siena Catholic Academy in Brighton on January 6, 2016 at 6:30 PM and at St. Mary’s in Canandaigua on January 7, 2016 at 6:30 PM. While there is no financial benefit provided to participants, light refreshments will be provided. Your input and time would be greatly appreciated. If you are interested, please contact the Department of Catholic Schools at (585) 328-3228, Ext. 1294 or by email to [email protected]. Thank you!

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Page Six St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY December 27, 2015

St. Louis School • 11 Rand Place, Pittsford, NY 14534 • 585.586.5200 •



Parents, grandparents, alumni, friends and supporters of the St. Louis School family can now be a permanent part of St. Louis School. If you have a current student in the school, a family member that you would like to remember, are interested in honoring a teacher, past alum or just want to leave a footprint on SLS, consider ordering a commemorative brick.

With a brick in the SLS Legacy Walkway, your personal inscription will live forever at the school that shapes the lives of thousands of children. For additional information, please contact Dawn Schnell at [email protected].

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Page Seven St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY December 27, 2015


Saint’s Place, 46 S. Main St., Pittsford, NY 14534. Isabel Miller Executive Director. Saint’s Place Ministry Hours: 46 S. Main St.: Mon. through Thurs.: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Closed Fridays.

St. John of Rochester: Mon., Tues., Thurs.: 9:15 am until 12 noon; Wed.: 9:15 am to 2:30 pm.; Closed Fridays. Phone: 585-385-6860 or [email protected], or

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the home, only Papa was stirring and all alone. No stockings were hung by the chimney this year, Papa was waiting for his family to appear. Back in the North, Santa was doing his best, helping Mama and children flee a land of unrest. They nestled together and looked out in fright, Said goodbye to their home on this cold winter’s night. Santa was heard shouting out to his elves Now Mary, Now Sheila, Now Jean and Jeanette! On Dot, On Sandy, On Mickey and Sue! Move along team, there's a lot we must do! To the top of the porch at 46 South Main, A family needs help, no time to explain! Mary Ann gets the linens, and Bertie is shouting "let’s help this family, there's no time for pouting!" Now Isabel and Michele knew right from the start all that was needed to get a head start. “On to St. John's!” Santa did declare. We have bins of socks and new underwear! At St. John's, "Oh those good hearted elves!" They were sorting and piling the clothes on the shelves. Not enough smalls and too many talls, We don't have any men's boots at all!

Saint’s Place will be closed: Wednesday, December 30, Thursday, December 31, and New Year’s Day, January 1. We will reopen on Monday, January 4 at 8:30AM.

During this time you can leave unwrapped Angel Tree gifts in the church. All other donations should be held until after the holidays. Angel Tree gifts can also be brought to Saint’s Place after January 4. There is NO time limit on Angel Tree gifts. Saint’s Place shares the spirit of Christmas 352 days a year

And then, in a twinkling, they heard on the roof, the prancing and pawing of each tiny hoof. The volunteers ran to see what was the matter, When in came the family, their clothes all in tatters. Santa handed his list to Carol and said "These children need coats, and hats for their heads"! Geri stopped doing laundry, and Ginny her displays To help the refugees out of Santa's sleigh. The men went with Barb, the women with Cheri, and to top it off, the babies with Terry! Here comes Michele with toys for the tots, Followed by Joan saying “don't forget the pots!” The bags were all filled and they shouted with glee! "Thank you" said Santa “for helping refugees.” Santa sprang to his sleigh, to Michael and his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew To "Lake Avenue." Walking into their house, with smiles on each face, Now they are home, because of Saint’s Place.

May the spirit of Christmas you so generously share with the refugees bring you and your family joy and many blessings throughout 2016!

from the staff and volunteers at Saint’s Place!

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Page Eight St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY December 27, 2015

March for Life in DC Friday, January 22, 2016

Join pilgrims from around the Diocese at the annual March for Life in DC. Gather for a Diocese of Rochester March for Life photo on the steps of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, then join Bishop Matano for Mass at the Basilica and march with him and others from the Diocese. Buses are leaving from around the Diocese Thursday night, January 21 and returning Friday night, January 22. They are filling up fast – reserve your seat now!

Holy Spirit, Webster [email protected] • 585-503-3256 Seat Cost: $40 • Departure 10:00 PM

St. John of Rochester, Fairport

[email protected] • 585-329-1974 Seat Cost: $60 Adult, $30 Student Departure 10:00 PM St. Pius X, Chili [email protected] • 585-305-2058 Seat Cost: $65 Adult, $45 Student Departure:10:00 PM

Contact: Suzanne Stack, Diocesan Life Issues Coordinator • For Questions: 585-328-3210, ext. 1304 or [email protected]


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Page Nine St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY December 27, 2015


St. Louis Church Goal $234,000.00

Total Pledged $184,977.00

79 %

Envelopes available at our church entrances

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Page Ten St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY December 27, 2015

PARISH OFFICES - Ministry Center 64 S. Main Street, 14534

(585) 586-5675; Fax 387-9888


Rev. Robert Ring, Pastor, ext. 225, [email protected]

Deacon David Snyder, [email protected] 586-5675

Stephanie Honz, Pastoral Associate for Liturgy and Liturgical Music,

ext. 251, [email protected]

Christine Wensel, Pastoral Associate, ext. 224, [email protected]

Bea Hack, Liturgy Coordinator, ext. 231, [email protected]

Pat Spinelli, Parish Visitor, ext. 232, [email protected]

Michelle Andrews-Smith Director of Faith Formation, ext. 233, [email protected]

Peggy Lynge, Faith Formation Coordinator, ext. 230, [email protected]

Michele Andrews-Smith, Youth Ministry, ext. 233, [email protected]

Laurie Martin, Finance Director, ext. 222, [email protected]

Sally Schrecker, Operations Manager, ext. 235, [email protected]

Birdie Proctor, Secretary/Bookkeeper, ext. 227, [email protected]

Shannon Toot, Administration Support, Faith Formation Support, ext. 223, [email protected]

Barbara Thomas, Bulletin Editor, ext. 236, [email protected]

Suzy Ward, Chair, Parish Council, 746-5676

James Schnell, Chair, Finance Council, 267-7295

Debbie Hoeft, Chair Stewardship Council, 734-9705 [email protected]

Elizabeth Ministry, 586-5675, ext. 345

Isabel Miller, Executive Director, Saint’s Place , 46 S. Main St. Phone: 385-6860 [email protected]

In Residence at the Rectory: Fr. Ray Booth Msgr. Gerard Krieg

Fran Barr, Principal, St. Louis School, 11 Rand Place Phone: 586-5200 [email protected]

Richard Whelehan, Grand Knight Knights of Columbus Phone: 585-797-4638 [email protected]

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