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WaterWork done by:

António ManuelJoão GonçalvesLeandro SerraRodrigo Santos

Agrupamento de escolas José Sanches e São Vicente da Beira

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- Water cycle.- The importance of water.- The water spending.- Water pollution.- Where the water goes?- Distribution in nature. - Human uses In universes


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Water is the only substance which exists in normal circumstances , in all three states of matter ( liquid, solid and gas)

Water cycle

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The importance of waterWater is very important without it there was no earth life.

Water is the main substance of living beings

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The importance of water

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Water spendingWe spent water at home (bathing, cooking…), in industry (paper production, electricity production…), agriculture (irrigation, give drink to animals…).

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Water pollutionThe many sources of pollution such as industries (making things), humans (throw things to the river) and agriculture (livestock).

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Where the water goes ? Before coming to our homes the water, collected in nature, is treated in water treatment plant.

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Where the water goes ? After the wastewater being used are treated , before being thrown into rivers or seas, in wastewater treatment plants.

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Distribution In earthMost of this water is salt in that the oceans amount of driking water is less than 2%

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