Page 1: WE RELEASE THE ROD OF THE… ·  · 2016-08-13We release Apostolic * Prophetic vision and Apostolic Strategy ... as spiritual

Prophetic: In Scripture, to preach; to in-struct in religious doctrines; to interpret or

explain Scripture or religious subjects; to exhort. 1 Cor 13. Ezek 37. PROPHET'ICAL: a. Containing prophecy; foretelling future events; as prophetic writings. 1. Unfolding future events; as prophetic dreams.

Prophesy: To foretell future events; to predict. I hate him, for he doth not prophesy good concerning me, but evil. 1 Ki 22. 1. To foreshow. To utter predictions; to make declaration of events to come. Jer 11. 1.

Prophet: 1. One that foretells future events; a predicter; a foreteller. 2. In Scripture, a person illuminated, inspired or instructed by God to announce future events; as Moses, Elijah, David, Isaiah, &c. 3. An interpreter; one that explains or communicates sentiments. Exo 7. 4. One who pretends to foretell; an imposter; as a false prophet. Acts 13.

5. The prophets, among the Israelites, a school or college in which young men were educated and qualified for public teachers. These students were called sons of the prophets. Apostle: to send away, to sent.

A personal deputed to execute important business; a disciple of Christ commissioned to preach the gospel. Selected by Christ for this purpose; Judas, was replaced by Matthias. Acts 1. The title of apostle is applied to Christ himself, Heb 3. In the ages of the church, other ministers were called apostles, Rom 16; as were persons sent to carry alms from one church to another, Phil 2. This title was also given to persons who first plant-ed the Christian faith. Thus Dionysius of Corinth is called the apostle of France; and the Jesuit Mis-sionaries are called apostles. Among the Jews, the title was given to officers who were sent into distant provinces, as visitors or commissioners, to see the laws observed. Apostolic: 1. Pertaining or relating to the apos-tles, as the apostolic age. 2. According to the doctrines of the apostles; deliv-ered or taught by the apostles; as apostolic faith or practice. Apostolic constitutions, a collection of regulations attributed to the apostles, but generally supposed to be spurious. They appeared in the 4th century; are divided into eight books, and consist of rules and precepts relating to the duties of christians, and particularly, the ceremonies and discipline of the church. Apostolic Fathers, an appellation given to the christian writers of the first century.

INHERTANCE, An estate derived from an ancestor to an heir by succession or in course of law; or an estate which the law casts on a child or other person, as the representative of the deceased ancestor.

1. The reception of an estate by hereditary right, or the descent by which an estate or title is cast on the heir; as, the heir received the estate by inheritance.

2. The estate or possession which may descend to an heir, though it has not descended.

And Rachel and Leah answered and said, is there yet any portion or inher-itance for us in our father's house? Gen 31.

3. An estate given or possessed by donation or divine appropriation. Num 26. 4. That which is possessed or enjoyed. Ask of me, and I will give thee the hea-then for thine inheritance. Psa 2.

We intercede and release new government, new order, prophetic release and new wine for prophetic wealth, gold, silver and money to come and be released. We intercede for prophecy which means, speaking forth the mind and counsel of God; declaring that which cannot be known by natural means; foretelling the Will of God with reference to the past, the present or the future; releasing the gift of prophecy and speaking by divine utterance. We intercede for prophetic and apostolic presby-tery which means ministering a prophetic rhema word; imparting, bringing revelation, clarifying and confirming in Jesus’ Name. Heb 2:12, Rev. 19:10, 1 Cor. 12:10, Rom. 12:6, 1 Cor. 14:29, and 2 Tim. 3:16, 17. We intercede for Harvest Intl Women of Character Dawn of a New Day School of the Prophets Ministries,) and each per-son to enter prophetic and apostolic Praise and Worship which is where God’s voice is heard and His presence is felt as Christ begins singing and expressing praise to the Father through His people – worshipping in obedience to a prompting of God that brings forth a prophetic word, mantle or anointing that results in the manifestation of God’s power. We intercede for an Ap-ostolic/Prophetic flowing Church, which is a local church forming prophetic presbytery having prophetic teams for healing, prophetic counseling, prophesying and ministering God’s grace and deliverance by the gift of the Holy Spirit. We intercede each member to live an Apostolic-Prophetic Lifestyle, which is a lifestyle according to the logos, the written word and the rhema, the prophetic word of God. The logos, being the general standard for living and the rhema is giving di-rection in specific areas of ones life. A lifestyle where the fruit of the Holy Spirit is the characteristic motivation and the gifts of the Spirit manifest to meet the needs of mankind. Pray in the spirit We release Apostolic * Prophetic vision and Apostolic Strategy – in Jesus’ Name. In Harvest Intl Ministries,) becomes a key example of Apostolic * Prophetic teams and ministries with prayer and apostolic boldness being released at each service. Father thank you for Apostolic Order: And keeping Harvest Intl Ministries,) on the cutting edge, thrusting us into the future, meeting the challenges of a changing world. We are advancing and improving, we penetrate every region and territory with-in with a pioneering spirit and ability, with great grace on us each day. Father God, thank you for Restoration of Apostolic in Harvest Intl Women of Character Dawn of a New Day School of the Prophets Ministries,) is being released in this city: we loose prophetic doctrine loosing apostolic revelation, apostolic govern-ment and apostolic boldness, and for restoration of the ministry of the apostle to the body of Christ reinstating the gifts and office of the apostle to new levels of prayer and specifically intercession. II Kings 6:3-7 – This Restoration of headship the apostle takes his rightful place in the church as a delegate; an ambassador, an official, a commissioner of Christ, with the re-lease of miraculous power, as a sent one, establishing the kingdom in the hearts of people, he is an Apostle, a sent one. We release the Apostolic spirit in this city Apostle walks in a greater measure of the apostolic dimension upon his life. Apostle imparts and stirs up this apostolic anointing in the saints, taking limits off the church we loose the apostolic spirit of awareness, purpose and destiny, and we see the apostolic dimension clearly, and we flow and operate in the apostolic di-mension. The Apostle walks in a international anointing to accomplish the end-time commission. Prayer in the Spirit We release the End-Time order in in this city You are raising up Apostle & Prophetess Brown and Harvest Intl Women of Character Dawn of a New Day School of the Prophets Ministries,) as spiritual diplomats, to execute an end-time foreign policy and divine strategies. He is an ambassador, a diplomatic official of the highest rank. He is sent by a sovereign God and Fa-ther. Operating at a rank that is high enough to speak on behalf of heaven. This is an international center that births and releases ministries into the earth. 1 Cor. 12:28. Apostles are first in time, place, order and importance. We Prayer for Apostles - Prophetess boldness and prophetic utterance is given to then to open their mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel. Father we thank You that according to Your word in Ephesians 6:18-20, we praying always with supplication in the Spirit; watching with perseverance and supplication. We intercede for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in Apostle and Prophetess preach and teaching with a prophetic flow. We see the Spirit of deliverance, healing, miracles, signs and wonders, along with edification, exhortation and comfort in Harvest Intl Women of Character School of the Prophets Ministries,) doing each service. Prayer in the Spirit We release apostolic prayer revival and apostolic time. Each morning Harvest Intl Ministries,) people come from miles around to get into prayer to affect this city state region, nation and the global market. We release the the spirit of evange-lism and breakthrough anointing in Jesus’ Name. Our prayers release apostolic time, apostolic people, laborers to bring in the harvest of souls. The Holy Spirit is not bound; He is drawing people to the ministry in Jesus’ Name. This is the times, sea-sons, of fresh fire is releasing . Pray in the spirit

Page 2: WE RELEASE THE ROD OF THE… ·  · 2016-08-13We release Apostolic * Prophetic vision and Apostolic Strategy ... as spiritual

Open with this DECREE ALSO Praise and worship

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his court with praise: be thankful unto him and bless his name. Psalm 100:4

Father, we thank you for Jesus and his shed blood, and we thank you that Jesus is our high Priest forever and he lives to make

intercession for us continually. Father we thank you that you have given us the ministering spirits to do service for us because

we are heirs of salvation.

We release the Apostle to walk and minister in the highest rank. Spirits and angels recognize this rank. The Apostle is the spiritual commander of Harvest Intl Women of Character Dawn of a New Day School of the Prophets Ministries,), a sent mes-senger of the Lord Jesus Christ to put or set in order to organize and mobilize the believers into an army. The Apostle set stand-ards so the people will walk and lift the standard of Christ and rally the army of God, our Father. Ministering spirits, in the name of Jesus, we loose you to go and bring forth into this physical realm all of the things that we

are praying and interceding for. In the name of Jesus, Satan, we bind you and your demons from interfering with anything that

we are praying for In Jesus Name. Father we thank you that we are properly attired in the whole armor of God according to

your word in Ephesians 6:13-18 now we are properly attired and our hearts are prepared to pray your perfect will.

INTERCEDE AGAINST THE FORCES OF DARKNESS: Father Ephesians 6:12 tells us we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but

against principalities, powers, and the rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places, Father we inter-

cede against the forces of darkness that would try to come against the plan that you have for Dawn of A New Day In Jesus

Name. Father we thank you that all of the evil schemes that Satan and his demons have against anyone in this ministry have

come to naught and we reign victorious in Jesus Name. Praying In The Spirit In Jesus


1. We bind the spirit of Nero anti-christ in its nature and operation in this the apostles and apostolic companies we repre-sent. We Bind damage to anything apostolic from this anti-christ spirit from it attacks in viewpoint and perspective of the apostolic in Jesus Name .

2. We bind Nero the spirit of murder malicious, methodical and manipulative in its operation. Seeks to murder our repu-tations, we guard and protect the Apostle & Prophets from the literal murder of this spirit. We actively apply the blood to Apostle & Prophets Life and our Life and ever door is nail shut and close in Jesus Name.

3. We bind the Nero spirit of slander we cancel all neutralize the effects working to rob the apostles and that which is apostolic by destroying reputation. We bind ever Nero aggressive propagate sent to lies in untruths that bring into question the integrity, motive and agenda of true apostolic people in Jesus Name .

4. We Bind Nero Betrayal from operation in this ministry It will not take the hearts of long time associates That causes partners to set aside years of relationships for personal promotion and gain We will not come into agree-ment with it in Jesus Name .

5. We Bind Nero the expression of the spirit Nero given over to sexual perversions We bind Nero from acttacking the Apostle and any men in this ministry driven by unrestrained and sexual appetite. That come to try and bring down the MEN the Apostle & Prophets the apostolic and its influence in the world and society through tempting the man of GOD with compromise of the standard of holiness in JESUS NAME.

6. We Bind the spirit of Nero that go after our ministry finances home finances the apostolic and prophetic finances seeking to hamstring, discourage and hinder our apostolic purpose in the earth. The apostolic is not hinder in Jesus name we are free from even destroyer that come to steal our property and personal finances

And try to stop our efforts we reverse every diabolical experience in JESUS NAME. Pray in the spirit

We release and break mindsets in the people in the city state region. The apostolic and prophetic breakthrough is hear work in Harvest Intl Women of Character Dawn of a New Day School of the Prophets Ministries,) We are in the region and we we affect it. We bind these spirits of the Devil in Jesus’ Name from operating during the service. Stubborn mindsets, argumenta-tive mindsets, rationale mindsets, opinionated mindsets, ideas and philosophies that are formed and resistant to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Our Apostolic people and this prphetic church is growing by leaps and bounds with a powerful im-pact on people. People will be coming in form within 30-minutes because of the glory of God in this ministry. Thank you Father, the Apostle is a pathfinder, discovering ways to breakthrough in this regions. This DFW region is open to us; THE DFW geographical area is open to us, thank you for the spiritual legacy in Harvest Intl Women of Character Dawn of a New Day School of the Prophets Ministries,) Lord God, according to Your word, if we have forsaken houses, brethren, sister, father, mother and a land for Your Name’s sake, then we shall receive a 100 fold in this day and inherit everlasting life. And it has come to pass in this day. Pray in the spirit

APOSTOLIC MINISTRY - MONDAY WE RELEASE THE ROD OF THE APOSTLE - in Jesus’ name in Harvest Intl Women of Character Dawn of a New Day School of

the Prophets Ministries,) that brings a certain correction, righteousness and royal rule in a city. Father, in the Name of Je-sus, we pray for the Apostle and Prophetess to speak boldly that according to Your Word in Ephesians 1:15-23, the spirit of wisdom and revelation, and the knowledge of Jesus Christ is released from their mind by the power of the Holy Ghost. Apostle’s eyes of understanding are enlightened and they know what is the hope of their calling and what the riches of the glory of their inheritance in Christ Jesus is. We pray for Apostle Brown and Prophetess Brown to hear the angel of prosperi-ty and peace as they awake in the morning.

We release the Mantle of the Apostle - in Jesus Name in Dawn of a New day an order anointing that is released as an um-brella over the church, city, and where other churches big or small benefit from the thrust of this order anointing. Because a spiritual wave hits our city revelation is released as a result of order, other ministries benefits as a result of our order.

We pray for healing in the body of Christ in Life, Emotions, Thinking and Financial Matters in Jesus, we come into agree-ment that the spirit of raising the dead will flow throughout the Apostle and Prophetess. The Holy Spirit flow through their hands through all nerve junctions and that any pain or sickness in the Body of Christ is healed. Miraculous power to operate flow in Apostle & Prophetess hands as they lay hands on the sick the entire body line up with the Lords will for creation and the universe, in the name of Jesus. We release the Voice of the Apostle – in Jesus name in DOAND where the Apostle will preach a certain word and it will be like a trumpet in the heavenlies. In the city it will be like a trumpet to the ears of hearers. Our Trumpet will mobilize forces because of the force of the voice in DOAND. Pray in the Spirit We release the Sword of the Apostle - Our church will rise up like the sword of Gideon, like the sword of Joshua,

or like the sword of David in our church, city and region. Entire churches mobilize along side our sword or behind

our sword. Many may not understand the fullness of our sword but they’ll stand in power of our apostolic center.

We release the Apostolic Council – We have a vote in the heavenlies, through intercessory prayer, we actually

have a seat in the heavenlies, we actually have power and dominion through the force of the heavenlies.

We release theApostolic Scepter – our scepter is an administration of kingdom rule where whatever we approve

will be approved in the heavenlies; whatever we loose will be approved in the heavenlies. Matthew 16:18-19, 18:19-20.

We release our apostolic center – order, anointing in Harvest Intl & DOAND are covered in specific garments, a

shroud covers this ministry in the supernatural our specific fragrances coming forth. Every individual that walks in

will walk into the blessing. Curses are broken, all sorts of barriers are broken healings take place, there are magni-tudes of prosperity, immeasurable in this church with power, joy and pease. Pray in the Spirit

We declare and decree, tha each ministry is established, steadfast, firm, permanent in the kingdom of God in Harvest Intl Women of

Character Dawn of a New Day School of the Prophets Ministries, We are consumed by Divine Order, a regular disposition, methodical ar-

rangement, established succession, a proper state or condition determined by the will of God to become a structure, a building of magnificence,

an arrangement of parts in a whole, built by the hand of God to come to perfection, completion, supreme degree of moral and other excellen-

cies, quality of the highest worth, in the name of Jesus.

We thank You Father, that we know how to pray apostolic strategic prayers, governmental praying, with a global perspective with wis-

dom to fulfill God’s end-time purpose. The prophets and apostles bring revelation to the church, insight into the eternal purpose of God. Peo-

ple that come in contact with Apostle Calvin Brown gain a better understanding of God’s purposes as revealed for Gods will for this region.

We release the Apostle; He is like a hawk according to Isaiah 46: 10-11, executing the purposes of the Lord with wisdom. He and his prophet

swooping down as a symbol of was representing the Apostle’s mantle commissioned to release foreign policy with an aggressive, attitude. We

and the Apostle are sharp, keen in vision and quickness. The Apostle knows the plans and purposes of God. He executes power, authority and

wisdom to put into effect, carryout, perform, fulfill, and finish the work of the Father in Jesus’ Name by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We release this Apostolic church to be quick to execute the plans of the Lord, gaining momentum each day, experiencing rapid movement,

achieving tremendous breakthroughs. In short periods of time, large numbers or believers will be added to Harvest Intl Women of Charac-ter Dawn of a New Day School of the Prophets Ministries,) Church quickly. We have released the spirit of great grace to fulfill the great commission. The Lord desired to do a quick work in us, through us and for us in Jesus’ Name.

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