Page 1: We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church ... · We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church, welcome all to our parish of spirit-filled worship. We celebrate our

Rev. David Klunk

Administrator Rev. Francis Ng Parochial Vicar

Deacon Benjamin Flores

Deacon Mike Shaffer Our Parish Deacons

Rev. Dan Mc Sweeney S.S.C.C

Sunday Ministry

Rev. Bruce Patterson In Residence

Celebration of the Eucharist

Monday-Friday 8:00 am & 6:00 pm

Saturday 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Vigil,

Sunday 7:45 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am

12:45 Spanish, 5:00 pm

Adoration Chapel Monday-Saturday

9:00 am - 12:00 midnight

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm Or by Appointment

Office Hours

We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church, welcome all to our parish of spirit-filled worship. We celebrate our love for Jesus and our diversity through faith formation, evangelization, and service.

Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Monday - Thursday 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday 8:30 am - 12:00 Noon

Page 2: We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church ... · We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church, welcome all to our parish of spirit-filled worship. We celebrate our

Parish Update

Dear friends,

The Church is currently open for Sunday Mass and the Hall for weekday Mass at the usual times. Please remember you are not required to attend Mass; Bishop Vann has granted dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass until further notice. If you choose to attend, our Mass times will be the same as before. Per the Governor there is a limit of 100 people in the Church and 100 in the hall if it is used. Holy Communion will be given in the hand; as the Bishop has strongly discouraged reception of Communion on the tongue to avoid the potential spread of the Covid Virus. Before receiving Communion, please sanitize your hands, then receive the Host in your hand and step six feet aside before lifting your mask to consume the consecrated Host. Holy Communion must be consumed immediately after receiving.

Drive up Communion If you are over the age of 65, or sick, someone in your home is sick, you have a pre-existing health condition, or you're concerned about your health; you're encouraged to view the weekend Mass and then drive to St. Angela's to receive Holy Communion. We will continue to live stream the mass until further notice. The Sunday 7:45am masses will usually be live streamed. Pull into the parking lot entrance closest to the school office off Walnut. An attendant will direct you where to park and when to get out of your vehicle to receive Communion. The Communion station will be in the parking lot lunch table area. Please wear a mask and sanitize your hands before receiving. Holy Communion for drive-ups will be available after each regularly scheduled Sunday Mass has ended from 6-6:15pm Saturday, 8:45-9, 10:30-10:45, 12:15-1pm, 1:45-2pm and 6:00-6:15 Sunday. Please exit the parking lot onto Fir and not Walnut.

Mass in the Church If you choose to attend Mass in the church, we ask you to do the following: 1. Each person entering the Church must have an Attendance Card. These cards will be issued from a table

outside the Church near Walnut 20 minutes prior to the beginning of each Mass. No cards will be issued for future Masses and there can be no saving of Attendance Cards.

2. The Attendance Cards will be issued on a first come, first serve basis. Each person wanting to attend Mass must be in line to receive the card and then hand the card to the usher at the entrance to the Walnut St. side of the church. There will be only one entrance to the church and hall, the main doors in the back of the church near Walnut and the main hall doors off the plaza. Additional entrance and exiting guidance will be provided. No other doors can be used to enter the church or hall.

3. Please follow the direction of the Ushers. Upon entering the church, another Usher will guide you to the appropriate area. The pews to either side of the main aisle will mostly be used for families of 3 or more. The side pews will be mostly used for couples and singles.

4. Ushers will guide you to receive Communion row by row. Please wait for the usher to direct you. Once you have received Holy Communion please return to your pew, keeping 6' safe distancing.

5. If you have any questions, please see a staff member or usher wearing an orange vest and they will gladly assist you. After Mass has concluded, please go directly to your vehicle, social gathering before or after Mass should be avoided. Please remember the importance of safe distancing and wearing your mask at all times. Your hands should be sanitized on the way into Mass and as you leave.

6. Per the recommendation of the Diocese please avoid singing to reduce the potential spread of the corona virus. If you do sing please do so in a soft voice as a precautionary measure.

If you have any questions, please see a staff member or usher wearing an orange vest and they will gladly assist you. After Mass has concluded, please wait for an usher to dismiss your row, and then go directly to your vehicle. Social gathering before or after Mass should be avoided. Please remember the importance of safe distancing and wearing your mask at all times. Your hands should be sanitized on the way into Mass and as you leave.

For additional information and to view Sunday Masses and more, please visit us online at: or follow us on Face Book at:

Again, we look forward to sharing in the Eucharist with all of you as soon as possible. In the meantime, please be assured of our love and prayers.

Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Dave, Fr. Francis, Fr Dan, Fr. Bruce, Deacon Ben, and Deacon Mike

Page 3: We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church ... · We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church, welcome all to our parish of spirit-filled worship. We celebrate our

Being meek and humble, is one of the strangest, and more difficult things to practice because in life, we work hard for the things we want and very rarely are things thrown into our lap. It is perfectly reasonable to want to rejoice in all of our

accomplishments and yearn to rejoice with others, for God calls us to rejoice with those who rejoice. But how does Christ exemplify humility for us and how does He help us understand true humility? Jesus teaches us about meekness by living meekness. In the first reading, we hear the prophecy Jesus would ultimately fulfill upon His entrance into Jerusalem, which we celebrate every Palm Sunday. Rather than riding into town on a magnificent stallion to signify the initiation of His greatest achievement of His Passion, Death, and Resurrection, Christ rides in quietly on a simple animal, in peace, so He would proclaim the peace in which He would soon establish. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, rather, it's thinking about yourself less. False humility is intentionally thinking less of yourself and putting yourself down. Don't do this; for Christ came down to Earth, so He could lift us up. Remember, lamps were not made to be hidden. Lamps were made to be set upon the lampstand so others can see the Light. Christ gave us talents, so we could reap more talents. With humility comes peace. It is only when we are humble that we can we be at the fullest service to one another. It is only in this humble service to one another, we find rest in Christ's peace. Blessings, Cole Buson

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Online Marriage

Encounter Experience

Restore, Rekindle, and Renew your Marriage! Please join us Monday, June 29, July 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, and 20 (7 evenings total) starting at 7 PM. See how seven sessions from home can recharge your marriage! Sign-Up Please call or text (714)873-5136 for Information.

Looking for Ushers and

Eucharistic Ministers

Have you thought about how you can help our parish as we start the long process of reopening St. Angela Merici to our community? Although we’re still a way away from reopening, it will take a lot of us at St. Angela’s to do what has to be done. We are in great need of people to serve as Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion as well as men and women serving as Ushers. If you think you’re being called to help us as a Eucharistic Minister at Sunday Mass, please contact Steve Allevato at (714) 746-3677. If you’re being called to become an Usher at Sunday Mass, please contact Tony Samaniego at (562) 706-2586. Many thanks for considering helping our parish community out during this very hard time. Training will be provided in a safe manner. May God bless you.

Online Giving

Online giving is an easy and convenient way to give to St. Angela Merici Community. It is especially important now that we have suspended our weekend services. Just follow these easy steps: Go to our web site at On the directory click on “Donations”, select “Onlinegiving” This will take you to a secure registration site Choose “church fund” Enter your donation amount Select the frequency of your donation and “Continue” Fill out your personal information Enter “Payment Method” Create a “Password” Click “Process” Once you have registered please keep your password for adjusting your donation in the future. We thank you in advance for considering online giving as a way to support St. Angela Merici without interruptions.

Funeral Planning

If you are planning a funeral, we ask that you call our Funeral Coordinator, Denise Bittel at (714) 269-3362, Denise will help you to schedule the service in the Church.

Urgent Need

ACT Office is open providing food assistance to people in need. Families who lost their jobs, and lunches for the homeless. We accept any kind of donations, food donations, gift card donations, produce donations. Please use our A.C.T. office entrance on Fir Street. We are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9am to 12 noon. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Get on the List!

If you are a parishioner who is not receiving emails, it’s time to Get on the List! You are missing important messages sent from Fr. Dave as well as receiving our weekly bulletin. Take time today to send your email address to [email protected]. Keep up with the latest news!

Page 5: We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church ... · We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church, welcome all to our parish of spirit-filled worship. We celebrate our

Pastoral Services Appeal

Our Pastoral Services Appeal is now underway! Our Diocesan Goal is $104,000. We would like to thank those who have already pledged. We are off to a great start. Please prayerfully consider how you might contribute.

If you would like to be removed from this list or you have any questions or problems please contact:

Sue de Grasse at [email protected].

Mr Raul Acevedo Carmen Alvarez Mr John Andrade Mrs Bridgette Antonelli Ms. Joanne Arns Mr James Aube Mr Philip Baker Ms Carol Berry Mrs Pauline Bitzer Mr Christopher Blake Col. M Blazek Anita Boucher Mr Anthony Brambilla Ms Valerie Bruno Mr Francis Budiyanto Mrs Marilyn Butner Mrs Lenore Carr Mr Jeremy Carrasco Mr Albert Castro Mr Jose Catano Mr Fermin Cervantes Mr Gerald Chase Mr & Mrs Ronald Chiotti Mr Earnest Cody Mr David Cortez Mr & Mrs Dennis Curley Pete & Sue de Grasse Mrs Phyllis Dean Ms. M T Desiderio Mr Michael Deuel Mrs Corazon Diano Mr Harvey Dryden Mr Juan Esqueda Ms Heather Ferber

Mark & Donna Ferraro Mrs Rita Fillingane Mr Jesus Flores Mrs Maria D. Flores Mr Ray Fontanares Mr Joseph Galligan Henry & Denise Garcia Mr Valentin Garcia Mr & Mrs Robert Goossens Mr Jun Granflor Ms Denise Hansen Mrs Cindy Harary Martin & Emily Herrera Mrs Jessie Honore Mr & Mrs Rodger Huber Ms Mary Kampa Mr Philip Kiefer Ms Fadi Khater Mr & Mrs Bernard Kilcoyne Rev David Klunk Ms Nancy Lathrop Mrs Joan Lebsack Mrs Jin Sun Lee Mrs Marie Luce Mrs Carolyn Mabie Mr Cipriano Macedo Mr & Mrs William Mangold Steve & Laurie Martinson Mr & Mrs James McGrade Mr & Mrs Larry Miller Mr & Mrs Richard Mitchell Ms Debora Mogensen Ms Jeanine Morand Ms Rosemarie Murphy

Mr Frank Musumeci Mr Keith Myers Mrs Geraldine O'Donnell Mr Gerard O'Brien Mr Paul O'Brien Ms Jan Omato Ms Rene Ortiz Mr Terrence Painter Mrs Guadalupe Pedrano-Florescio Mr & Mrs James Pena Mrs Cynthia Pohlen Mr & Mrs Tom Prenovost Mr Reynaldo Quiambao Ms Mary Rau Mr Keith Reiter Mr Rene Reyes Mr John Richert Mr Rick Ritter Mr & Mrs Gilbert Rivera Mr Philip Robinson Mr Michael Rogers Mr & Mrs George Rost Ms Julie Rounds Mr James Ruetz Ms Jacqueliine Ryan Mr Dominic Santana Mr Winifred Sargeant Mrs Susan Sargent Mr James Saunders Mr Ray Schumaker Mrs Jose Segura Dcn & Mrs Michael Shaffer Mr Jon Skovseth Mrs Carolyn Small

Ms Gayle Smith Mr Lloyd Smith Mrs Shannon Smith Ms Christine Spittell Ms Martha Strey Mr Kenneth Suierveld Mr Walter Tees Mr Gary Terrazas Mr Arnold Terry Ms Mary Lou Thomas Ms Joanne Thompson Mr & Mrs Chuck Treister Mr & Mrs Alan Tsuyuki Mr & Mrs George Ullrich Mrs Jan Urban Ms Elizabeth Urciuoli Mr Francisco Villanueva Mr Kenny Vinh Mr & Mrs Frank Waclawik Mr Ear Wade Mr Peter Wibawa Ms Jacqueline Williams Mr Dale Worrell Ms Susan Worth Mr Victor Zaldarriaga Ms Mary Zaleski



Are you a Licensed Mental

Health Professional?

Are you a Licensed Mental Health Professional? Join the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange Mental Health Referral Network. The Office of Pastoral Care is looking for more local clinicians who would like to support Catholic families and individuals seeking mental health care that aligns with and respects our Catholic beliefs and values. We are especially in need of therapists who can provide services in Spanish or Vietnamese. If you are interested in joining or for more information about this program, please contact Linda Ji, Director of Office of Pastoral Care for Families in All Stages at [email protected] or call (714) 282-4203.

Page 6: We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church ... · We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church, welcome all to our parish of spirit-filled worship. We celebrate our

California Bishops’ Stations of the Cross:

Overcoming Racism

Catholic Bishops from across California, including Most Rev. Kevin Vann, Bishop of Orange, reenacted the Stations of the Cross to draw attention to the sin of racism and ask for God’s help in eliminating it.

Please watch the reenactment at

Page 7: We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church ... · We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church, welcome all to our parish of spirit-filled worship. We celebrate our

Coronavirus: Know How it Spreads

There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Some recent studies have suggested that COVID-19 may be spread by people who are not showing symptoms. Clean your hands often Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. • Avoid close contact • Avoid close contact with people who are sick • Stay home as much as possible • Put distance between yourself and other people. • Remember that some people without symptoms may be able to spread virus. Keeping distance from others is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick. Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face whenever in public • You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick. • Everyone should wear a cloth face cover when they have to go out in public, for example to the

grocery store or to pick up other necessities. • Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance. • The cloth face cover is meant to protect other people in case you are infected. • Do NOT use a facemask meant for a healthcare worker. • Continue to keep about 6 feet between yourself and others. The cloth face cover is not a substitute for

social distancing. Cover coughs and sneezes • If you are in a private setting and do not have on your cloth face covering, remember to always cover

your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. • Throw used tissues in the trash. • Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not

readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Clean and disinfect • Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables,

doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks. • If surfaces are dirty, clean them. Use detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection. Then, use a household disinfectant. Most common disinfectants will work. For additional information go to; ochealthinfo/novelcoronavirus. Referral phone number (800)564-8448. For latest testing program info; OCDE.US/corona virus update.

Page 8: We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church ... · We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church, welcome all to our parish of spirit-filled worship. We celebrate our

Faith Formation

Credible Catholic & Evening Bible Study

Both Credible Catholic and Evening Bible Study have been postponed. We plan to continue both activities once this crisis is over. If you would like to view the slides for Credible Catholic you can go to their website at and click on 7 Essential Modules. Click on the presentation you would like to view and Play Slides (you must have acrobat reader to view). To continue your evening Bible Study you may stream the video presentations through If you send me your email address I can send an “invite” for you to join the study OR you can contact them via phone and they will add you to the list for St. Angela Merici Evening Bible Study. Remember the study is called Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John. Please keep praying for an end to COVID-19 and remember we are stronger with Jesus! God Bless all of you! If you have questions I can still be reached at [email protected] OR (714) 529-1821 ext. 136

Adult Faith Formation

Thursday Youth Nights

Cancelled until further notice.

Ignite 678

Cancelled until further notice. You can watch our live-streamed youth night by following st.angela.youth. For more info, contact [email protected].

RCIT High school students who need Baptism and/or First Communion, call Shannon at (714) 529-1821 x115 for more info.


Young adults interested in receiving your sacrament please stay tuned for our next meeting. Call Shannon at (714) 529-1821x115.

Page 9: We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church ... · We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church, welcome all to our parish of spirit-filled worship. We celebrate our

Liturgy and Worship

Connecting - Welcome! New? Visiting? Interested?

Are you visiting for the first time? Would you like to know more about the wonderful ministries and activities at Saint Angela Merici Parish and School? Please check our Parish and School Website: Register!

Are you a Catholic or non-Catholic attending Eucharist at Saint Angela Merici, but have not registered? Join us! Why Register?

Saint Angela Merici is a vibrant parish, offering many avenues for ministry. Connecting with other parishioners for personal as well as community spiritual growth opportunities. We would love to get to know you and talk about our various activities, groups, and events at our parish and school. Please pick up a Registration Form by the Baptismal Font or go online to register at We look forward to connecting with you!

St. Angela Merici Community extends its prayers

and care for the following intentions:

The Sick, Homebound, and those in Skilled Nursing Facilities:

Robert Mendeza, Loraine Zavala, Solomon Duran, Mike McHenry, Gerald Chase, Jeanette Risden, Maria Morena, and Luis Covarrubias

The Deceased of our Community:

Miguel Valdivia, Carlos Folorio, Pauline Kinsley, Betty Jewelinski, Marie Weiglin, Theresa Winters, Regina Marcos, Marciano Meda, and Marilyn Powell

Monday 07/06 8:00 AM Betty Jewelinski † 6:00 PM Bart & Raquel Santiago (50th anniversary) Tuesday 07/07 8:00 AM Betty Jewelinski † 6:00 PM The Community of St. Angela Wednesday 07/08 8:00 AM The Community of St. Angela 6:00 PM Kathleen Erceg † Thursday 07/09 8:00 AM The Community of St. Angela 6:00 PM The Community of St. Angela

Friday 07/10 8:00 AM The Community of St. Angela 6:00 PM The Community of St. Angela Saturday 07/11 8:00 AM The Community of St. Angela 5:00 PM Theresa Winters † Sunday 07/12 7:45 AM Betty Jewelinski † 9:30 AM The Community of St. Angela 11:15 AM Janelle Carrasco 12:45 PM Lorena Nunez David Nunez †

Our Community Eucharist Intentions for the Week

Rosary & Chaplet of Divine Mercy

We look forward to seeing you in the future. Continue daily prayers. Try to find a quiet and calm place and offer thanks and praise to Our Lord.

Page 10: We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church ... · We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church, welcome all to our parish of spirit-filled worship. We celebrate our

29th Evening Adoration: Spanish Ministries (714)529-1821 x 134 Active Christians Today (A.C.T.): Maria Fulton, Coordinator (714)529-6776 x 142 Yarmniz Garcia (714)529-6776 x 144 Adoration Ministry: Bob Goosens (562)712-5355 Adult Faith Formation & RCIA Andrea Draper (714)529-1821 x 136 Altar Server Ministry: Amy Hinz (562)253-8901 Altar Society Carolyn Lamka (714)441-1278 Gloria Pena (714)879-0639 Audio / Visual Ministry: Ron Sled (714)803-1224 Baptism Preparation: Andrea Draper - English (714)529-1821 x 136 Jose Lopez - Spanish (562)640-7194 Susie Beas (714)356-5004 Bereavement Support Group: Deacon Mike & Rachel Shaffer (714)309-2933 Bible Study: Andrea Draper (714)529-1821 x 136 Bodas Comunitarias: Deacon Benjamin Flores (714)240-1289 Boy Scouts : Greg Marick (714)317-6060 Bread of Angels Ministry (Saturday Hospitality): Bob Duffy (714)871-0218 Centering Prayer Terry Saenz (657)278-3823 Children’s Faith Formation: Leticia Garcia (714)529-1821 x134 Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Nita Causey (714)321-2925 Debbie Kistler (714)743-2978 Church Sacristan Ministry: Rebeca Rodriguez (714)256-0638 Carolyn Lamka (714)441-1278 Gloria Pena (714)879-0639 Chrissy Spittell (714)529-8893 Confirmation Faith Formation: Mike McHenry (714)529-1821 x 117 Ministerio Hispano - (Spanish Worship) : Leticia Garcia (714)529-1821 x 134 Coros Unidos: Rafael Bucio (714)529-1821 Cub Scouts: Greg Marick (714)317-6060 CFC Family Ministry John Siazon (714)397-2275 Felicia Siazon (714)858-6277 Cursillo: Dave Engels (714)992-1306 Ejercito Azul (Spanish Rosary): Lola Flores (562)694-5878 Emergency Resource Response Ministry: George Ullrich (714)267-6132 Empezar de Nuevo Carmela Gutierrez (714)770-7770 Encuentro Matrimonial: Juan Carlos & Margarita Hernandez (714)519-1084 Environment: Irma Gonzalez (714)612-2853 Dinora Cardenas (562)500-7000 Corina Pineda (562)972-2165 Evangelization / Apologetics Steve Allevato (714)746-3677 Facilities - Master Calendar: Ana Rodriguez (714)529-1821 x. 113 Finance: Luz Mendez (714)529-1821 x. 111 Formación de Fe para Niños: Leticia Garcia (714)529-1821 x 134 Funeral Coordinator Denise Bittel (714)269-3362 Girl Scouts: Emma Valadez (714)920-2982

Guerreros de Yahve: Eloy Cabrera (562)340-3599 Grupo de Oración: John Garcia (714)529-1592 Healing Eucharist / Charismatic Prayer Group: Jude Catania (714)525-8539 Ignite Advisor: Kelly Spies (714)529-1821x169 Liturgua para Jóvenes Ingrid Vasquez (714)737-1470 Knights of Columbus: Chuck Miller (714)529-1483 Las Posadas: Gloria Wade (714)529-5513 Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers: Steve Allevato (714)746-3677 Lectores: Francisco &Teresa Ruiz (714)785-1949 Liturgy Planning: Deacon Mike Shaffer (714)309-2933 Marian Rosary / Sacred Heart Hour : Joan Hosek (714)983-7560 Marriage Encounter: John & Maggie Lee (714)873-5136 Men’s Group: John Cushing - Fellowship (714)213-1953 Ministerio de Hospitalidad: Tano Gonzales (714)737-5653 Ministeros de Eucaristia: Maria Figueroa (714)255-8365 Monaguillos / Grupo Mikael: Jose & Teresa Macias (714)255-0928 Music Ministry: (714)529-1821 Parish Life: Sue de Grasse (714)529-1821 x 126 Parish Bulletin: [email protected] Parish Website & Parish Apps: [email protected] Pastoral Council: Nick Pulone (714)674-0650 Quinceañeras: Ana Rodriguez (714)529-1821x110 Restorative Justice (Detention Ministries): Jan Urban (714)423-5802 Sagrada Familia: Jesus Flores (562)753-4659 Safety & Security Ministry Rodger Huber (714)335-5539 Parish School (Principal): Julianna Tapia (714)529-6372 SAMs Coffee Bar: Ray Schumaker (714)264-2021 Sick, Elderly, & Homebound: Frank Waclawik (714)815-0656 Social Justice: Dena Lordi [email protected] Spanish-Weddings Ana Rodriguez (714)529-1821 x110 Ushers: Tony Samaniego (562)706-2586 Virgen Peregrina: Rebeca Rodriguez (714)256-0638 Weddings: Gloria Knapp (714)990-2483 Yolanda Orozco (323)350-4310 Welcome, Fellowship & Hospitality: Parish Center Office (714)529-1821 Women’s Group P.A.L.S.: Darlene Chavira - AM (714)928-0421 Donna Shaffer - PM (714)990-8414 Young Adults RCIA - Spanish: (714)529-1829 x134 Youth, Young Adult: Natalie Espada (714)366-3534 Youth High School RCIA– English: Shannon Trott (714) 526-1821 x 115

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LASER-COM COVER SHEET We would like to request half of our regular weekly bulletin amounts for the time being. Thank you! CHURCH: ST. ANGELA MERICI PARISH BULLETIN #: 513914 PHONE #: (949)922-6450 MODEM #: (714) 529-0569 REQUESTS & COMMENTS: ATTENTION: For any concerned issue please call Noel Ross at 949-922-6450 or email: [email protected]. Thank you.

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